
127 l Sapsa Spawning Grounds

“I’ve been expecting you Scions of the Seventh Dawn. On behalf of the men and women here, I thank you for your cooperation.” The Storm Commander of Camp Skull Valley welcomed them at the gates of her garrison, the setting had been at the edge of Skull Valley, where towering walls blocked the other side of the valley from view. 

Azlyn stepped forward, speaking for the group. “It is our honor to be here. What can we do to help Commander Falkbryda?” 

She nodded, the feather atop her hat bounced as she brought her head back up. “The safety of our citizens is paramount. And with your aid, we will prevent Leviathan’s return.” Falkbryda worriedly looked to the north, before a sigh left her lips. “Our scouts are long overdue. I fear that ill may have befallen them. For better or for worse, we must ascertain their fate. If it is not too much to ask, I would have you aid us in the search.” 

Kida jumped up in excitement behind the ground. “It sounds like we need to go investigate!”

“As long as it isn’t another fetch quest.” Roll muttered. 

“Where were they last reported Commander?” Ozwin asked, ignoring the two beside him. 

“Five scouts ventured into Sapsa all told. Here, take this flask of restorative to tend to those who may have been wounded.” She waved another officer from the tents over, he brought over a small bag filled with organized and labeled vials with red liquid inside. 

N’thuzu Tia flexed his muscles, as he looked to the north following the commander’s sight. “And if they’re dead?”

“Though it pains me to even consider the notion, if they have perished, circumstances permitting, I ask that you recover their bodies. By no means venture too deep into enemy territory—we can ill afford to lose the Warriors of Light at this juncture.” 

Koroko Koko hummed to herself, bringing her staff to her side. “Shall we get going? Lives are at stack, are they not?” 

Mjnt and Ozwin walked away with their new objective in mind. With the lives of the scouts hanging in the balance, they couldn’t stay still twiddling their thumbs. 

The Commander thanked them just before they were out of earshot, and together the eight of them travelled northward on the South Tide Gates that would lead into the spawning grounds for the Sahagin. 

The grounds themselves were grand—large coral structures that glowed a crimson red took over the greater expanse of the environment. Azlyn’s eyes widened as she took in the sights, seeing the paths split and divide into caverns in the far distance. 

“Welcome to the Sapsa Breeding Grounds.” Ozwin commented, gesturing with his hand out to the area. “Halfstone has commonly been bombarded by the rising tide of the ocean—and plenty of monsters and elemental water sprites reside here.” 

Kida whistled, looking down to the map of where the scouts should have been. “Well, according to the map—we should be reaching the first rendezvous spot of the first of the scouts.” 

As large as their group was, any chance of stealth would be out of the question. And it became quickly evident when several Sahagin charged to them, hissing in their native tongues.

They dispatched the hostiles as quickly as they could, deciding they would need to be faster than silent in their search. After a few bouts and checking behind walls of rising corals, Mjnt’s ears twitched as she pointed to a far off coral. 

“I do believe I hear someone breathing behind that coral structure.” 

N’thuzu Tia and Ozwin ran over first, in case it happened to be another ambush set up to attack them. It was within that small space where a cowering storm private curled himself into a ball. He clutched his knees to his chest as he pushed himself into the shadow of the reef. His attempt at hiding was abysmal at best. 

Azlyn ran over with the vials that the Commander gave them. “It’s okay now. We won’t hurt you.” 

Her voice seemed to snap him out of his scared trance, as he looked at the eight of them peering into his tiny den. “I—forgot the restorative... ugh... please help....” 

She knelt before him, uncorking the stop on the glass and helped him drink the potion. The drink took a few moments to settle before making an impact to his health. Upon closer inspection, he had bad wounds—wounds from jagged sword slashes and piercing jabs into his abdomen. The blood that tarnished his uniform made it more crimson that the maroon they typically wore. 

The private gave a meek smile, nodding his appreciation. “Thank you all—I owe you all my life.” 

Koroko Koko smiled underneath her black cloaked hat. “Nonsense. We’re glad you are safe. Pray, where are your other members?” 

“We were ambushed by the Serpent Reavers. Lightly armored as we are, we didn’t stand a chance.” The Storm private pointed northward where the path snaked closer to the Sahagin mother grounds. “I was able to flee this far, but the others were captured. They were taken to the Serpent’s Tongue, I’m certain of it.” 

“Serpent’s Tongue?” Kida quirked her head, letting her curly hair bob to the side. 

“That’s not good.” Richiro Wichiro paled, asking for the map. “If you’d give me the map...” Kida handed it over before watching as Richiro laid it down on the ground for all of them to see. “Serpent’s Tongue is here.” He pointed, circling the area with a finger. “If they were brought there—well we should hurry. This is in the heart of enemy territory. How long ago had they been captured, soldier?” Richiro’s serious tone caught everyone off as he was usually the jovial and lighthearted of the group. 

“The time... slips my mind. It must have been less than an hour. The sun has hardly shifted to the west since I curled up in pain here.” The soldier explained, shaking his head. “Look, I can make my own way back to camp, but I fear for my comrades. Please save them, I beg you!” 

N’thuzu Tia gave him a curt nod, lifting up his axe. The metal glistened in the fluorescent glow of the corals. “We’ll do what we can.” 

“Yeah.” Ozwin looked northward to the Serpent’s Tongue. “But we’ll need to go now if we’re to help any of them.” 

The private saluted, before sprinting with renowned vigor back the path to the camp. Azlyn worriedly peered ahead. “Let’s keep going.” 

Richiro rolled up the map, pale from thinking of all the bad things that could be happening to the men—while the others pushed onward. They continued through the tunnel by the hidden den, following the cavernous path until they came across a wooden door. Ozwin tested the latch, noting that the hinges had been broken into by an axe. He easily pulled the door aside, and they were welcomed by the sight of a sandy beach and a small white fort in the distance. 

“Serpent Reavers.” Azlyn pointed out a few of the men taken over by Leviathan’s tempering—as they patrolled the fort beyond. 

“This is Serpent’s Tongue.” Ozwin pointed to a large pyre where two bodies were strung up. From this vantage point, all the eight of them could see was the lifeless bodies tied tightly to the wood. Plenty of Serpent Reavers were admiring their handy work, their weapons bloodied from previous usage. 

Koroko Koko brought out her staff, preparing for a large scale spell. “We have our work cut out for us.” 

Roll and Richiro brought out their own respective weapons, hanging in the back of the group while their melee fighters sprinted out from the cavern. 

“BOMBS AWAY BITCHES!” Kida lifted up one of her specialty arrows, a tiny spark on an arrow signified that a lit dynamite was on it’s way to blow up a good chunk of their enemies. The slight whistle of the dynamite was the first and last sound the scouts of the reavers heard, as they were blown outward by the blast. 

The sand imploded with the dynamite, as the view became obstructed. The grainy residue rained down as more of the Reavers started to pour out from the fort. N’thuzu Tia, Ozwin, and Mjnt took advantage of the chaos. 

The ones who hung back by the sidewalls were the casters, spreading out and attacking any of the enemies that started to charge toward them from the manifested sandstorm. 

As the sand settled, there were over fifteen to twenty dead carcasses of the reavers surrounding an untouched pyre. They were conscientious of not attacking the pyre, in case the two tied up were still alive and just unconscious. 

A large, muscular man arrived—his axe large compared to the other weapons the others had. He kicked through the sands, as he growled to their group. He had an entourage of five scrappy men behind him. “Looks ‘ere, lads! Fresh meat fer the larder!” 

They cheered at the Ravager’s cry—only to watch as a giant block of ice came plummeting upon them. After the ice continually slammed into the tempered men Koroko Koko then commanded for a large ball of fire to emerge at the tip of her staff—and let it implode upon their attackers. 

Soon there was nothing more than a smoldering pile of black smoke. 

Roll whistled. 

When no other combatants came to challenge them, Azlyn took this opportunity to run to the pyre, checking the two bodies strewn up. And frowned. 

“They’re... dead.” 

RIchiro ran over to her, his fairy Eos flew over the pair of Maelstrom soldiers and sadly shook her head. There was nothing she could do, neither could Richiro or Roll. 

N’thuzu Tia walked over, alongside Ozwin and Mjnt. One by one they cut the pair down—and decided to go back to camp. The way back had been quiet—as Ozwin and Thuzu carried the corpses of the remaining two scouts. Mjnt took point, as did Azlyn who brought forth her axe. 

She was brimming with anger—but she knew not to let that anger get the best of her. She didn’t want to lose control like Curious Gorge and Broken Mountain had when they succumbed to the inner beast. 

Another ten minutes of walking had found them back in the safety of Skull Valley, at the entrance to the camp outpost. Commander Falkbryda waited patiently for them to return, already seeing the two corpses on their backs. 

“You’ve returned, thank the Navigator. When I heard you all went to the Serpent’s Tongue by yourselves, I feared you would meet an untimely demise.” She paused when both their fighters laid out their two scouts—the wounds were grievous. It even made the Storm Commander grimace as she shook her head. “Dear Gods... These wounds were not intended to kill, but to torture and maim—Does their savagery know no bounds? Enemies or no, they go too far!” 

Koroko Koko nodded in agreement. “We have avenged them Commander, all that is left is to lay these souls to Rest In Peace.” 

The Storm Commander looked away, staring upward to the sky where the clouds started to gather. The darkened gray soon would turn to black as rain threatened to fall. The sound of thunder roared in the far distance. “I dread to think what may have become of the two who remain unaccounted for. I pray that they haven’t suffered the same evil fate.” She sighed, crossing her arms over her uniformed chest. “At the very least, one of my men came back alive, and for that I owe you my thanks. The price we paid was dear, but we have the intelligence we need.” 

“When will the Admiral arrive with the other Scions?” Mjnt asked, thinking back on their mission to scout ahead of them. “Are they on their way?” 

“Even as we speak, the Admiral finalizes the details of the operation. The war horns will sound any moment now. Look there...” Storm Commander Falkbryda pointed to the path way where a large brigade of Maelstorm officers were walking toward the fort. At the center of their formation happened to be the Admiral herself with the all too familiar Minfillia at her side. Next to her stood in a traditional Doman ninja outfit happened to be Yugiri, who gazed up to the fort. Their eyes met for but a moment before she turned to speak with the Scion Thancred. 

She could hear Kida speaking to the commander behind her, the anger had been evident in Falkbryda’s tone as she hissed to the Au Ra musician. “Those thrice-damned fishback bastards. I’ll kill them slowly and then chase their rotten souls through all seven hells!” 

Kida nodded enthusiastically. “They deserve it and more Commander!” 

“Kida, try not to fan the flames.” Mjnt advised, trying to cool both of them down before the main force arrived. “It is unfortunate that these soldiers have passed in such undeserving ways—but violence is not always the viable solution.” 

N’thuzu Tia crossed his arms over his chest. “What would you recommend Mjnt?” 

The ruby haired Viera thought quietly, before nodding once. “I would break their spirit. And it seems the major thing pushing the Sahagin and these tempered fellows is Leviathan.” 

“Gut the source, and you get some quiet.” Koroko Koko spoke resolutely. 

“There will be no peace unless we gut all of those wretched things.” Falkbryda growled, and Azlyn waved her hands to help Mjnt in calming them. 

“It would be unwise to start a war against the beastmen. That isn’t what the Scions want for the future of Eorzea.” The girl persuaded. 

“But more innocents are getting killed!” Richiro fumed. “Are we just going to just sit back and react only? We should be more proactive!” 

“We can’t just charge into their grounds with thoughts of vengeance—that’s just asking for war.” Mjnt sighed, shaking her head. “That will lead to more deaths.” 

Roll cleared her throat, loudly interrupting their internal argument. “Guys, Admiral is here.” She pointed with her thumb over her shoulder, as both Minfillia and the Admiral walked over. Their walking brigade from earlier dispersed, and Azlyn could see both Yugiri and Thancred were gone. 

 Falkbryda and her second went straight into a salute, while the others quieted down. Minfillia gave a knowing look over to Azlyn, a small smile gracing her lips. 

It appeared they were a bit louder than they should have been. 

“Peace everyone. We are here for a purpose.” Admiral Merlwyb spoke resolutely. “And vengeance is not it. I want your minds on the task at hand, savvy?”

This caused all of them to stiffen, even the ones who were arguing against that aforementioned tactic. “Yes Ma’am.” 

The commander profusely apologized. “Admiral, you may count on me to keep a clear head.” 

Ozwin then leaned over to Roll’s side, before utterly quietly to her. “Nice. Saves her own skin while we take the fall.” 


Azlyn sighed as well, but just shook her head slightly. They were at fault for arguing like that. 

“Good.” Merlwyb nodded, before she raised her hand to her chin to think. “According to our sole surviving scout, the Sahagin and their thrills have already begun to amass at the aetheryte in the depths of Sapsa. If we are to act, it must be now.” 

“They men are ready. We but await your orders, Admiral. As predicted, the Sahagin have tightened security in and around the spawning grounds. A frontal assault is like to be met with fierce resistance.” The Commander replied coolly to the woman. 

Admiral Merlwyb lowered her hand, as a serious expression grew upon her face. Her eyes, a bright golden yellow hue, sharpened like a lion’s gaze upon her prey. “Ah, but we are not so artless as that, Commander. We shall divide our forces and strike them hard and fast at key locations. Remember, our ultimate objective is to take the Sapsa aetheryte and eliminate the Sahagin priest presiding over the summoning—we are not here to kill them all.” 

Ozwin gave her a curt nod. “Yes Ma’am.” 

In the few short moments of their acknowledgment, Thancred, Y’shtola, and Lady Yugiri joined them. Thancred waved to Kida who smiled brightly over to him, and Y’shtola took her place right beside Azlyn. She gave the girl a knowing smile, the soft curl of her lips went upward as they started their strategy planning. 

Lady Yugiri hung close to Roll’s side, next to Thancred. She was dressed in a rich purple ninjutsu uniform. Azlyn felt like she’d seen something similar beforehand, and remembered Ozwin previous appearance as Nin-Nin. 

She wondered how he learned ninjutsu. 

Next to a table stood the Admiral, Commander Falkbryda, and Minfillia as they spoke loudly for them all to hear. They had a map from the scout’s at their disposal, looking over all the points where they would hold fast. 

Admiral Merlwyb spoke eloquently to her commanding officer without missing a beat. “The Maelstrom shall engage and distract the Sahagin’s legion of drowned pirates at the Serpent’s Tongue. Commander, you have charge over this effort.” She pointed to the area in question.

Falkbryda nodded once as her eyes trained on the map the admiral had been addressing their strategy toward. 

“Be mindful that the lay of the land there is devilish for attacking forces. Let the Foreign Levy  spearhead the assault, and have subsequent units fan out to cover their flanks. At the selfsame moment, a diversionary squadron formed of galleons from the Crimson Fleet shall harry the enemy from offshore.” Admiral Merlwyb waited for her Commander’s nod of acknowledgment. 

Minfillia, meanwhile, turned back to their group—the rowdy adventurers whom the realm called their warriors of light and her Scions. “In like wise, we Scions shall form smaller units in hopes of confusing the Sahagin defensive efforts.” 

Kida jumped up and down excitedly. “Ooooo!! I want Roll on my team!” 


Ozwin looked over to Richiro Wichiro and Mjnt. “We can form a team together as well.” 

N’thuzu Tia punched his tanned fist into his open palm. “Then that leaves Koroko, Azlyn, and I to handle the re—” 

Minfillia shook her head to their last group’s suggestion. “I would like Azlyn and Y’shtola to make their way to the site of the summoning ritual. N’thuzu Tia and Koroko Koko can head over to this location as means of diverting their squadrons.” 

Y’shtola smirked.

“I don’t mind being part of the diversion teams Minfillia.” Azlyn offered, but she was rejected with a soft shake of her head. 

“If the four of you went together, I fear you would gather unwanted attention—with just two people you’ll be able to sneak by without much difficulty. The Admiral’s diversions should serve to thin the enemy’s defenses, rendering the path less perilous.” 

“Understood.” Azlyn nodded at last, before she was nudged slightly by the Miqo’te Scion. 

“It’ll be like when we worked together in the Sea Song Grotto.” 

Azlyn chuckled. “That’s true.” 

Minfillia turned her attention to Thancred and Lady Yugiri. She gave out their orders as well. “Thancred and Yugiri, your mission is to lure as many Sahagin as possible out of the spawning grounds. I leave the warrior of lights’ groups in your capable hands to help in this operation.” 

“It appears we have our work cut out for us.” Thancred gave his atypical smirk. 

“Having done so, take to your heels and circle ‘round to join the infiltration unit of Y’shtola and Azlyn.” Minfillia resolved, before looking to the remaining members of the group. “When we’re done here, please speak with Thancred about positioning and regrouping.” 

Everyone agreed, readying themselves for a grand scale operation. It wasn’t like taking down the Castrums like in Operation Archon, but it had the same type of energy. Many of the Maelstrom officers all around the camp were also alight in activity. 

The Admiral approached Minfillia’s side. She spoke calmly. “When all has been set in motion, I myself shall cut a path to the aetheryte, accompanied by Lady Minfillia, as was agreed.” 

They almost expected more from the Admiral, but when a subtle dull quiet overcame the conversation, they looked amongst one another. It was in that moment that the Admiral raised up her hand and pointed to them. 

“Well, don’t let me keep you friends! TO BATTLE!” 

Azlyn jumped at the proclamation, as they yelled back their affirmation to get ready. Thancred and Lady Yugiri moved back to the table where the map laid and Azlyn waved goodbye to her friends for the time being. 

Roll handed her a few potions and reminded her of one simple thing. “Don’t overexert yourself.” 

“You guys be safe too. I’ll see you shortly!” Azlyn smiled, as they separated. 

Y’shtola gestured for Azlyn to follow her from the camp. “It’s been a while since last we fought together—too long ago, I warrant. Come, let us away.” 

“Which way shall we head? The North Tide Gates or the South Tide Gates?” The Au Ra with ombré white and black tendrils started, keeping apace with the Sharlayan conjurer. 

“We’ll go through the South Tide Gates, and travel through Halfstone until we reach the caverns that leads northward. We’ll cut through and travel while the others have distracted the Sahagin forces.” They moved with purpose—and paused when Roll, Kida, Ozwin, Mjnt, and Richiro Wichiro ran by them. 

“Smell ya laterz!” Kida yelled as they ran past the walking pair. They were out of sight by the time the gate had fully opened. 

“Kida is as energetic as usual.” The conjurer replied, chuckling to herself. “How have things been for you Azlyn—we haven’t had a chance to chat recently.” 

“I’ve been alright—have a bit of a fever, but that’s normal.” Azlyn thought back the last few weeks, wondering about how busy they actually were. “It has been pretty busy of late. We had tons of requests when we came back from our vacation—and we’ve been running around since. I think we’re all caught up on those things now.” 

Y’shtola nodded, her curious gaze catching hers for a moment. “Have you been talking with our Student of Baldesion members of late? How are they faring?” The question seemed more succinct compared to her typical question. It was as if she were looking for an answer. 

“Uh... actually, I haven’t heard from them in a while either. After the Ultima Weapon we all have been too busy I think. I sent a letter a week ago to Raha’s letter from two weeks ago. But other than that I haven’t heard anything else.” Azlyn paused, before she gauged the Miqo’te. “Is something the matter?” 

“No.” She answered immediately with a small smile. “Just curious, you said you have a small fever?” She reached up to brush against her forehead briefly. Her hand felt cool against her scales. “Have you taken your tonic of late?” 

Azlyn nodded. “I have. I took one when we were on our way to the Rising Stones.” 

“And I also heard you’d been changed to a cat?” 

The Au Ra groaned, shaking her head. “Last time I take an unknown potion from Kida.” 

Y’shtola chuckled. “It’s unfortunate we couldn’t see you transformed.” 

“I don’t foresee myself turning back into a white furred cat, so I can’t fulfill your request.” Azlyn stoically replied, hoping that it would not spread out further. “The last thing I need is for that series of unfortunate events to wind up in that series.” 

“It would be entertaining for the realm of Eorzea.” Y’shtola smirked, as her teasing began. “Bloody Princess of the Sea gains transformative powers—into a cat.” 

“Gods above—please no.”  

They walked into Halfstone, the large coral structures grew from the grounds that glowed a pretty illuminated color of greens, oranges, and blues. They could see maelstrom officers dividing their forces, drawing attention and combating back against the Sahagin forces. 

They opted for quieter conversation, only speaking when required as they stealthily moved through the corals and pathways. It was there when they came across an open cavern on the northward side of Halfstone. There were no Sahagin forces guarding this gate as the battles had been drawn out to Halfstone’s central zones. 

Sneaking through, the pair of them continued their pursuit of the beast tribe’s crystal—it wasn’t until they were well within the territory after the third gate that they found their quandary. However there were also guards posted that were not drawn away. Perhaps it was due to the fact that they were further in their breeding grounds that they were not as fooled as the other Sahagin forces. 

Azlyn brought out her greaves, for want of speed and agility to knock them out. Y’shtola followed her lead, and together they worked on incapacitating the guards. After three minutes of fighting, the pair pushed on ahead—while leaving the guards tied up to a large piece of coral. It would take them a while to alert anyone given their tied up dilemma. 

All that was left had been to break through the first checkpoint and move further into the breeding grounds. 

They were once again accosted by guards, but this one had been a surprise as the three Sahagin’s emerged from the murky waters off the shore. They came charging at them, with Y’shtola receiving a blow from one. The others had come upon Azlyn who backflipped and changed her gear set using her lance. She knocked back their weapons, before piercing two of them into their sides. They wheezed, retreating while the one dealing with Y’shtola had been blasted back by magic. 

Azlyn ran over, changing her weapons once more to bring out her Nymian grimoire. She summoned Eos and had her fairy begin the healing process. 

“Pray do not concern yourself—‘twas but a glancing blow.” Y’shtola breathed a sigh of relief when Eos finished her first aid. “Come, the aetheryte is close at hand—let us press on.” 

The Au Ra frowned, but nodded all the same. They were this far in the enemy territory—they couldn’t easily turn back now. “If you’re sure.”

They ran out from the hidden alcove, into the larger spawning grounds where they could see a giant aetheryte in the distance. There had been a group of Sahagin worshippers in front of it, praying. Another Sahagin, dressed in ornate ritualistic cloth for their tribe, lifted his staff high in the air. 

Y’shtola looked to Azlyn, giving her a stern nod. 

“Let’s go.” 

They ran alongside the coast’s edge, until they came across the wooden pier platform where  stairs led up. However in their approach, a large group of tempered forces appeared. Azlyn stepped forward, bringing out her axe as she and Y’shtola edged to the coast. 

“Damn them. They have made thralls of soldiers and civilians both.” Y’shtola gritted her teeth, bringing out her conjurer’s leafy staff. 

A splashing noise alerted them, as another Sahagin jumped out from the ocean. His trident poised and ready to strike. Azlyn didn’t have time to react, as she spotted the few thralls in front of her starting their mad sprint to attack them. 

Only the Sahagin’s attack could not complete it’s execution as a dagger sung past them. Looking to the source of the dagger, they found Thancred alone. He pulled out his arsenal of knives as Azlyn knocked back the three thralls upon her. She swung her axe in a wide angle, and watched as they collapsed to the ground. 

“Did I miss much?” Thancred asked curiously, casually walking over to the thralls. 

“Not at all. We had to save you some Thancred.” Azlyn replied coyly, while Y’shtola scoffed to his timely appearance. “I still owe you for Ifrit.” 

In a series of quick movements, Azlyn noticed a peculiar color of purple streak past the man—already attacking the thralls too preoccupied with them. It took Azlyn a moment to realize that Lady Yugiri had been the purple streak that cut down half the thralls in half a moment. 

Azlyn and Y’shtola remained still, watching both Thancred and Lady Yugiri fight. The far eastern Au Ra had taken down four thralls with a unique ninjutsu move—something she’d never seen before. 

Thancred moved at lightning speed, also taking down the thralls as quickly as Lady Yugiri. He noticed her fighting style, thoroughly impressed. He sung aloud to her, complimenting her style. “So that is how you fight in the Far East? Mental note: pick no quarrel with Domans.” 

Y’shtola rolled her eyes, stowing her weapon to watch the scene unfold. 

Azlyn sighed, letting her own axe disappear into her aetherial pocket. “I’m Doman. What the hell man.” 

The man with short white hair chuckled, returning to the fight before him. Given that they were the bigger threat, Thancred and Yugiri were given the highest priority to be taken down first. “But seriously, if I am to keep up, I must needs forsake elegance for efficiency.” 

There was a discarded dagger from an earlier thrall on the ground—to which he kicked it up with precise movement. He waited for the kicked up knife to land eloquently in his palm before he sprinted forward. In lightning fast attacks, he slashed and hacked through the remaining thralls—one, two, three; bodies started to drop as he straightened up. It was in that moment when a tempered civilian swung a heavy axe horizontally, only for Thancred to flip himself over the arcing swing. 

Azlyn whistled, seeing Thancred soar in the air, before landing back down and stabbing the tempered Roegabyn. They dropped to the ground, leaving only a few of their aggressors standing. 

“Well don’t stand there gawping.” Thancred yelled over to Azlyn and Y’shtola. “To the aetheryte!” 

“I wasn’t gawping.” Azlyn retorted, shaking her head. 

“We shall leave the rest to you two.” Y’shtola replied, and together she and Azlyn started to run. 

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