
63 l Terror at Fallgourd

Fallgourd Float was a small residential community in the high hills of the North Shroud. Its Rosewood buildings stood on tall, wooden piers and hexagonal pavilions that were positioned over the crystalline lake that flowed further south toward the Central Shroud. If one looked north, there they could see the ever-expanding waterfall that poured endlessly—and if one looked further west they would see Hopeseed Pond where all the Marlboro’s nested with the Lightning Sprites. A strange, but quaint place that resided in the Twelveswood.

Azlyn would not have found time to visit this settlement had Minfillia and Noraxia not informed her that an Ascian had been sighted near these parts. And so, with little time to prepare she flew over to Gridania via the airship and travelled until she reached her destination. It was at this destination she had completed many of tasks and requests for the people who lived in Fallgourd Float—and now felt in the thick of things. Especially given the strange occurrences of quoted paranormal activity within the nearby vicinity. While she wanted to chock it up to Lahabrea’s influence, she couldn’t just deny the possibility that it might be something voidsent or demonic in nature.

Which led her down a completely different investigation compared to her search for the Ascian. Whether he had ties in these strange happenings or not, Azlyn found herself battling Ziz’s to following clues on a winged one-eyed monstrosity.

After one avenue of investigation fell through, she had decided to call it a day in her search. The lightning-aspected sprites happened to be the main cause of the purple shimmering and shining creatures that spooked some residents and went back to report her findings. Her new friends Ivaurault, a tall Male Elezen with dark brown hair, Aideen, a female Elezen with brown hair, and Aethelmaer, a Midlander Hyur were just as stumped as she was. They weren’t quite sure what to make of all the dead ends, so they were unanimously back to square one.

Halfway through her week with no luck in the search she had decided to call Roll to let her cousin know of her whereabouts. Apparently, Kida had been called by the Order of Twin Adder to do some investigative work with one of their other officers a few days prior. No word from her since her departure. And Roll was excused from her duties so she could work on the house they acquired two weeks back.

Her and Ozwin had been diligent in their time, setting the new furniture and furnishings inside and outside the house. Although Roll was under the assumption that Ozwin just wanted to finish their tasks, so they could go fishing once more. She didn’t seem to mind as she enjoyed fishing quite a bit.

Koroko Koko popped in from time to time, adding to the newly placed bookshelves tomes that might interest them. She also delivered potions for aether replication for her when she required one. Overall their home was turning into a lovely abode. Their small company grew slowly, and steadily.

Apparently, she had also been told that she received a package from the Students of Baldesion—a strange thing given they’d only written letters to her up to that moment.

After her investigation, she would have to pop in and see what it was.

With no luck in her search for the Ascian, Azlyn decided to run around the North Shroud. She wanted to keep busy until something else came up. And then it happened. One week had gone by while she was in town when a ravaged body had been brought back by two officers from the Order of the Twin Adder.

One she recognized right away, with her pink irises that popped in contrast to her dark blue and wispy white ended curls. Her archer uniform, a simple dress that allowed her greater mobility and comfort for travel. Her brown boots, well worn and styled to match her attire. Kida had been the one to carry in the wrapped carcass of a young girl.

Her companion, a plainsfolk Lalafellin with a black and tan conjurer’s robe, the hood up over part of his head. His blonde hair poked out from the sides and cropped the left side of his face well. Bright amber eyes that shone with a greater sense of intelligence and understanding as he explained to the Wailers their find.

“Officer Kida Vescura and myself, Officer Richiro Wichiro were doing a preliminary investigation for the Order of the Twin Adder when we found this poor soul. Upon examination of the grounds and the body, we have determined that the struggle did not happen at the scene where the body had been found. Ultimately the only clue we have is this button here.” He was well spoken, as he produced a button with a white lily motif on the top.

Aethelmaer examined the button closely before returning it to the officer. “This is the very same object that was found on another victim. A family sigil, or that of an organization, perhaps?”

The conjurer nodded. “I see. With the poor girl’s face all marred—it will be hard to inform next of kin. We’ve seen countless other murders similar to this one in the Central Shroud.”

The Midlander Hyur furrowed his brow. “One moment, I shall call over a good friend of mine who has been investigating with us in the North Shroud. Let’s compare notes. Azlyn!” He spotted her out in the crowd. “Come over and inform them of your own investigation with this masked villain.”

The Wailers whom Azlyn had been well acquainted with finally called her over from the crowd. Kida had been preoccupied with the dead girl before she recognized her arrival. “Huh, color me surprised.” She looked up to her friend with a sad tilt of her head. “If you’re here, it must mean the Twelveswood is in for more trouble.”

Azlyn grimaced. “I wish that weren’t the case, but it very well could be. Where did you find the body?”

Kida pointed over to the rocky cliffside to the west. “Over yonder, we were passing through when we came upon this horrible stench. Following it, we discovered her.”

The Au Ra looked over to the cliff with some worry. She had gone to check over that vicinity just four days ago when Ivaurault mentioned his sighting of his winged one-eyed monstrosity. She turned to look at him. “Ivaurault, didn’t you say you spotted a winged monster in that vicinity early this week?”

The Wailer who had been speaking with the one who introduced himself as Richiro Wichiro stopped to look at her. “Yes, but when you were over there you said a few shimmering orbs were present.”

Azlyn nodded. “Indeed. Which means this happened recently. Well within three—maybe even two days.”

“Sightings of the winged eyeball are common enough nowadays. The creature appears to be moving the bodies, but to what end, none can say.” Richiro Wichiro finally conceded.

The whole group now hardened their gaze.

“Someone’s being awfully brazen.” Aethelmaer finally spoke, his eyes hooded by his long bangs. “I’ll ask around the area to see if a girl her age was reported missing. In the meantime, I might suggest you take that button over to Gridania. Maybe Miounne can identify the sigil.”

Azlyn turned to Kida and Richiro Wichiro. “Do you two mind an additional person to your team? I have a bit of background to this investigation.”

The conjurer regarded her closely, and finally gave her a curt nod. “Who am I to deny the slayer of Ifrit? Let’s be on our way, shall we ladies?” He began to walk out from the village.

Kida walked beside her with a sad smile. “If I knew you were investigating the same thing, I could have asked the commander to add you to the roster. I just assumed you were busy doing Scion stuff.”

“Technically I think this is still Scion stuff. Our mutual friend with the black hood was recently spotted here; and wherever he’s been appearing he has been causing tragedy after tragedy.” Azlyn explained to Kida of the events that happened in Little Ala Mhigo. She knew Richiro Wichiro could also hear her, but since he was involved felt it was best he had some knowledge. “—We were able to prevent the youths of Ala Mhigo from summoning Rhalgyr, but it came at a heavy cost. Many of the kids died while running out from Zanr’ak. Only a few made it.”

Kida clicked her tongue in disgust. “Fucking Dirtbag.”

Richiro Wichiro replied to her calmly. “Kida calm yourself.”

“I’d like to rip off his head and feed it to the maw of a Ziz.” She remedied but this only caused the Lalafellin conjurer to sigh loudly. It seemed he was very much used to Kida’s responses.

“Azlyn, was it?” Richiro Wichiro looked over his shoulder to her. “You mentioned that you’ve been following this black hooded figure for some time. Do you think he might be behind these grisly murders?”

That was the question, now wasn’t it. Azlyn pondered it briefly before a sigh escaped her lips. “To be honest, I’m not a hundred percent sure. This feels more—I don’t know—demonic in nature. But I don’t want to write him off completely from the investigation.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Do you think anyone in Gridania may know that sigil?”

Richiro Wichiro pulled the button out that they had found on the girl’s person. He gave it a look over before he spoke. “Miounne may be a good start. If she doesn’t know, her vast network of contacts may be able to shed some light upon the origin of this sigil. Given that the sigil looks like an originating house crest, we could ask a few of the wardens in town.”

“Yay Mama Miounne!” Kida sounded excited at the thought of seeing the matron of Carline Canopy once more. “But if we have to talk with some stuffy, old traditionalist I may up and vomit.” 

“Kida.” Richiro Wichiro reproached her once more. “As an officer of the Twin Adder you should be mindful of your conduct and how you speak of your fellow Gridanians. There comes a time where you must adhere to the rules and regulations and respect your elders.” When she looked down to him, she merely stuck her tongue out.

“Bah, why are you so stuffy Richi—I’ll be respectful when they show the same curtesy.”

“They are showing you curtesy, you just don’t see it from their perspective.”

“Oh, so now you’re insulting my height. I’m not tall enough for them to see eye to eye?” Kida argued back to him, her hands on her hips.

He gave a long sigh. “I feel insulted by having you of all people talk about heights.” Richiro was barely at her hip, height wise. “You can’t assume all the traditional, rich, old Gridanians have it out for you.” He shook his head, before speaking resolutely.

“Some sure love to act like they have a cacti stuck up their butt.”

Azlyn silently watched the exchange and felt oddly reminded of the traveling Scion pair Yda and Papalymo. She stifled her chuckle, before she interrupted their banter between one another. “Sorry, don’t mean to interrupt you two, however we’re near the Yellow Serpent Gate.”

Richiro Wichiro coughed into his hand. “Indeed it is. Pray, let us make our way to the Carline Canopy and ask about this White Lily motif. It shouldn’t bee too hard to come across someone with the knowledge.”

Kida hopped around Azlyn with a wink. “Maybe Mama Miounne has some biscuits premade.”

Azlyn didn’t know whether she’d have the stomach to eat after seeing a mutilated body a bit ago. The stench was still lingering in her nostrils. The three entered Old Gridania, traveling down the southern part into New Gridania. They past Adder’s Nest, and the central Plaza where the large Aetheryte crystal rotated in slow circular motions. The path had been filled with people, adventurers getting things or preparing to meet up with friends.

All the major City-States had larger populations within it, and always had someone running around. Today was no exception.

By the time they arrived at the Carline Canopy, Kida had burst into a jog straight to Mother Miounne’s counter. Azlyn and Richiro Wichiro followed briskly.

“Good Afternoon everyone. By your grim expressions, I suspect you aren’t here for scones and herb tea.” The Elezen woman with short black hair tapped her chin worrying.

“Herb tea sounds wonderful, however there’s something we’d like you to look at.” Kida allowed Richiro Wichiro to bring out the button. He placed it on her counter and then stepped back. His expression was hopeful that she might be able to lead them in a better direction.

“Well, isn’t this a lovely little button. The engraving is quite exquisite—artisan-level quality, I’d say. Where did you find this?”

Richiro Wichiro didn’t miss a beat. “On a young lady’s dead corpse.”

Perturbed, Mother Miounne placed the button back down on her counter, and lightly pushed it back to him. He took the button back without question. She then wiped her on her apron. “Lovely.” She stared at them all and sighed. “Anyway, I’m afraid I do not recognize the lily sigil. You will have to find the answer the old-fashioned way—by asking around. You could do worse than beginning with Bernadette, over by the aetheryte plaza. She has a sharp pair of eyes, that one.”

The three of them thanked her, Azlyn offered her an apologetic expression before they were whisked back outside to Gridania’s thoroughfare. The way of finding Bernadette however was an easy one, as the young lass was sitting upon the rail reading a book. Her glasses sat upon her nose with impeccable balance.

“Bernadette, do you have a moment to spare?” Kida bounced right into the flow of conversation, probably because she was acquainted with quite a few individuals in Gridania. She had lived there for several years after all.

The young lass smiled to the blue haired Au Ra and noticed Richiro Wichiro and Azlyn next to her. “It’s good to see you Richiro Wichiro. You’ve been busy with your conjuration exam, have you not?”

The Lalafellin nodded to her. “Aye—and after some time I have succeeded in my endeavors. Thank you for your consideration.” To which he bowed to her.

The young girl chuckled. “Nonsense. I’m glad to hear things are going well. And you must be—Azlyn? I’ve heard about you from Kida. You’re quite the sensation around Eorzea right now. The Twelveswood is happy to have you on their side.”

Azlyn waved both of her hands in front of her, she was surprised by the sudden admiration. “Oh—no—it’s nothing really.”

“Isn’t she the best?” Kida jumped right into it, pulling Azlyn into her side. She then gestured to Richiro Wichiro to show Bernadette the button. “Bernadette, you think you could help us out. We’re looking into this button’s origin and an owner. Mama Miounne said you might be a good start. Here, Richi show her the button.”

The male sighed at her nickname but didn’t bother to correct her. He produced the button with care. “If you have anything that might shed some light on this, we’d be most appreciative.”

“That’s certainly not a request I receive on a regular basis.” Bernadette examined the button, looking to the sigil up close. A frown played upon her lips after a few scarce moments. “Hmm—Seems to be some manner of decorative button, reminiscent of those worn by the families of old, though I cannot claim to know its sigil.”

Kida groaned while Richiro Wichiro glared to the Au Ra in question. Her apparent abjuration of the old families in Gridania was quite apparent.

The young lass examining the button returned it to the Lalafell’s hand. “I can say with certainty that the white lily is a recurring theme in Gridanian culture. Alas, I do not know who would make a personal sigil of it. If there is a soul in Gridania who does, it would be Ceinguled over at the Lancer’s Guild. The woman makes a point of knowing all the citizens on a forename basis.”

Richiro Wichiro nodded, placing the button back into his safekeeping. Azlyn and Kida looked north to the path that would lead north to the lancer’s guild. “Guess we better make like a tree and leaf.” Kida waved goodbye to Bernadette who chuckled at her pun. She gestured her goodbye and returned to her book.

“I think we’re getting closer to finding out who possessed this sigil as a family crest. It’s something I feel.” The Lalafell commented to the two as they walked into the threshold of Old Gridania. They agreed with him.

“I wonder if the owners know that someone is using their sigil like a calling card. It’s almost as if they want us to find out who they are.” Kida shook her head, thinking aloud. “If I were them, I wouldn’t leave incriminating evidence like that.”

Azlyn frowned at this. It could very well be a trap. “I hate to think like this, however it could also be him trying to lure us in. Everything about this just feels—wrong.” She couldn’t shake the feeling.

Richiro Wichiro stopped in their walk, looking up to her with concern. “I’d feel more comfortable with a party of four than a party of three.”

Kida snapped her fingers. “Oh! Let’s call Roll!” She tapped her linkpearl to call her cousin. “Roll, Roll, Roll, Roll, Roll—”

Azlyn opened her linkpearl communicator to the same frequency that Kida opened.

“What.” Roll’s voice popped in abruptly.

“Hi.” Kida replied calmly.

Azlyn sighed. “Hey Roll, I’m also on the line. Do you think you can spare a bit of your time? We might have a bit of a problem.”

There was a brief pause over the line before Roll chimed back in. “Look, I know you wouldn’t call me out of the blue if you didn’t need something—however I’m now dealing with a broken water line that is completely flooding the lower rooms.”

This caused both the Auri to widen their eyes in horror.

“What the hell happened?” Kida asked, her voice on the verge of horrified.

“I was installing an outdoor sauna and when I turned on the water to the house, part of the plumbing burst. Whether it’s due to the colder weather or if I turned it on too quick—it’s now making quite the pool below. Koroko Koko and I are cleaning it up as best we can.” Roll explained succinctly. “Hold a moment while I get Ozwin.”

Azlyn wondered if maybe they should drop in to check on them, but Ozwin’s voice hopped into the channel. “Why, hello ladies. Roll said you needed something.”

“Ozwin, my man of the hour.” Kida rolled with it. “Hey, we might need some help dealing with a murderous dirtbag out to kill Azlyn and I. Want in?”

Azlyn and Richiro Wichiro looked at her like she was insane for saying it like that. Even Roll on the line seemed perturbed.

“I think the waterlines in the house can wait.” Roll replied with a bit of concern.

Ozwin perked up, his voice however seemed to be airing on the side of caution. “That sounds like something a Master Fisher shouldn’t get involved in… however I think I know someone who fits the bill.”

Azlyn spoke calmly. “This is all assumptions of course. We’re not sure if it’s dealing with our mutual friend in Toto-Rak.”

Kida pointed out bluntly. “Not to put a damper on that Oz, but would it be wise for us to get a stranger involved? He could—you know—die?”

“This guy I know deals with murderous dirtbags all the time. It shouldn’t be too bad, as long as the pay is good.” Ozwin continued without missing a beat. “I’ll get ahold of him. Where are you guys located, he’ll find you within the day.”

Kida looked to Richiro Wichiro with a wicked smile. “Then it sounds like he’s the right kind of guy. Thanks Master Baiter.”

“Fisher. Fisher.” Ozwin interjected over the line, while Roll laughed once.

“We’re in Gridania, but when we know more we’ll give you a call.” Azlyn shook her head at their group antics. “Does this guy have a name?”

Roll replied suddenly. “It seems like you two are taken care of. Who’s your healer?”

Kida happily exclaimed. “Your favorite buddy Richi!”

“Oh?” Roll replied back, “Tell him hi. Hope his conjuration exam went well.”

“We will.” Azlyn chuckled.

Ozwin interjected between the three. “The guy’s name is Nin-Nin. And another thing you guys should be aware of is that he’s a mute. Poor bastard had his trachea ripped out by a monster some years back. I can vouch for his ability though, the way he uses his daggers are on point.”

Kida’s look upon her face made it evident that she was very intrigued about this guy but didn’t want to bombard the chat with her questions. Azlyn looked to Richiro Wichiro who had crossed his arms. He was patiently waiting for them to complete their call.

“Nin-Nin. Okay.” Azlyn nodded. “Don’t suppose he knows sign language?”

Ozwin sounded surprised. “You know sign language Azlyn?”

Roll sighed in the chat. “Didn’t I say her only validation in this company is her absurd amount of knowledge with languages?”

“I resent that.” Azlyn replied into the line.

“Damn. Well he will probably enjoy that quite a bit. It’s not often there’s someone who knows sign language.” Ozwin replied back.

Kida chuckled. “Alright since Ozwin is finding our fourth member, we’ll continue our investigation and give you a call when we know more. Sound fair?”

Roll responded. “Please. If something happens, do give me a call. I’ll drop what I’m doing and head over right away.”

“You’re busy fixing the house, we have this handled.” Azlyn smiled, “Let us know if there’s anything we can do for you guys. It sounds like you’re dealing with quite a dilemma yourselves.”

“It’s fine…” Ozwin cooed into the line. “Just wet.”

“Alright, bye you guys.” Azlyn shook her head, and Kida tapped her link pearl one last time.

“Wait, did you say you installed an outdoor sauna?!”

Roll disconnected the line, as did Ozwin.

Kida looked over to Azlyn with excitement in her pink eyes. “Dude—we have a fuckin’ sauna!”

Azlyn shook her head, moving her hand off her linkpearl. “The plumbing in the house broke and flooded out the bottom floor, and all you took from that was ‘we have a sauna’.”

Richiro Wichiro approached them with a raised eyebrow. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop on your conversation, but I happened to overhear Roll’s name. What is your relationship with her?”

Kida pointed to Azlyn with a knowing smirk. “Azlyn’s her cousin.”

The Lalafell looked astonished by that. “But you don’t have the same horns—or eye color!”

Azlyn sheepishly rubbed the side of her cheeks. “She takes after my mother’s side of the family. I picked up my dad’s side.”

“You know, she’s been like a mentor to me during my studies. She also took under her wing a young Hyur girl whose mother died from using her own life force to conjure.” Richiro Wichiro sighed woefully into his hand. Both Azlyn and Kida gave him a wide-eyed look of horror.

“Died… from using her own life force.” Kida muttered, slowly turning to look at Azlyn.

“It makes sense now why Roll was adamant about my predicament.” She recalled her cousin had said something similar to her as she was carried over to the Thaumaturge’s guild. “Kida, I’m fine.” She waved off her friends concern and pointed back to the trail. “We lingered here for longer than we needed. Let’s find this Ceinguled person to narrow down our search for the owner. Alright?” She smiled to them, and skipped ahead.

Kida faltered her step, as Azlyn walked by without batting an eyelash in her direction. Richiro Wichiro commented on it. “You look concerned Kida—a rare thing if anything.”

“I guess so.” She shook her head, “Oh, Roll said good job on passing your conjuration exam! We should celebrate together once we’re all done!” The Au Ra perked back up by pumping her arm in the air. “You should totally come over to the house and we can have a barbecue!”

Richiro Wichiro gave her a bewildered expression, “You want to barbecue—at the beginning of winter?”

“Why not! We can eat our steak while relaxing in a hot sauna!” She raced to catch up with Azlyn. “We can soak our toes while looking up at the starry night sky!”

Azlyn nodded. “Yeah, that sounds great.”

“You two are so strange.” The Lalafell sighed losing to their common sense.

The two of them grinned ear to ear, and together all three of them made their way over to the Lancer’s Guild. It didn’t take long for them to be directed to the person they needed to find, a lone Elezen woman practiced with her lance up against a training dummy. They waited for her to finish her training regime before she finally turned her attention to them.

“Such odd customs to watch me practice. What is it?”

Richiro Wichiro brought up the point of conversation. “Bernadette referred us to you on your wealth of knowledge of the old Gridanian households. She said you would be our best bet in figuring out the owner to this button.” And he brought forth the button that they’d shown to quite a few people that day.

“Bernadette believes that I can help you? Well, that is a rather bold assumption to make. I will try to assist, never you fear, but whether aught comes of it is another matter.” The woman stepped over to them, reaching down to grasp the button. “Fascinating. Work of this quality is rarely seen in the hands of ordinary Gridanians. The owner of this button is most certainly well-to-do. You may wish to take your search to the Gentry’s Ward, northwest of here.”

Kida dramatically leaned on the railing they perched themselves on. “Ughhhh. Do we have toooooo.” She drawled out.

Ceinguled gave her a raised eyebrow in response. Only to have a curious thought cross her expression. She then lifted the button to examine it more closely. “Wait. A memory comes to me. Of late, there has been a man who is perpetually seated at the bench by the ward’s entrance. His name is Ursandel, and I distinctly recall seeing a markedly similar button upon the breast of his jacket.” This brought their group’s attention up to her with a gallant reaction. She handed the button to Richiro Wichiro nodding. “I daresay he can tell you a thing or two about it.”

“Thank you for sparing us that trip to the Gentry’s Ward!” Kida thanked her most profusely out of the three of them. Richiro Wichiro shook his head in anguish and Azlyn gave a shrug of her shoulders. Kida just didn’t like dealing with those folks. She didn’t blame her for it, it was just how Kida was.

They let Ceinguled go back to her training, and they made their way up northwest on the path toward the Gentry’s Ward. Just as the woman stated, there was an elderly man sitting on a bench. His greying white hair, a despot look of grief upon his face, a butler’s suit—and a peculiar looking button that oddly matched the same white lily sigil they were looking into.

“Excuse me, sir.” Azlyn approached him with a cautious tone. She didn’t know if he was the one behind the murders, so she tried to play nonchalant.

He looked up to her, and the two beside her with a hardened glance. Turning away, he faced his stare to the ground. “I do not believe we are acquainted. Pray leave me to my thoughts.” He gave a heavy sigh, as if something weighed upon him.

Richiro stepped up, even when the elderly man looked away to the ground Richiro could still be in his line of sight. He produced the button to show him. “I’m afraid we can’t—you seem to have a connection with this button’s sigil, and we require answers.”

The elderly man blinked rapidly, as his body reacted at the sight of the item. He gasped. “The sigil of the Dartancours family! How—how is it that you came to be in possession of this button?”

Kida crossed her arms, looking to him now that he was giving them his undivided attention. “We found it on the body of a dead woman.”

His horrified expression blossomed at the mention of it being found on a dead woman. “H-her face—was it marred in any way?”

This caught their attention since no one mentioned anything about the body being marred. Azlyn narrowed her purple eyes.  “And how would you know that her face was marred? We gave no indication to reveal that it was. What do you know sir.” Her emphasis on the last word made the old man look away. He had a great deal of guilt written on his face.

“I had feared as much.” He finally sighed, shaking his head. “I can no longer feign innocence. I shall reveal to you the truth of the deaths, but on one condition.”

Kida gave him an unscrupulous look. “Do you really have any say in this? You should be lucky as Officers of the Twin Adder we don’t arrest you here and now.”

The man gave them a horrified shake of his head. “No—please listen. You must promise to put an end to my lady’s madness. Free her from her torment and these murders will cease. I beg of you.” He bowed his bowed to them, as old as he was but continued in his position.

Azlyn knelt. “Please explain what happened, and we’ll see what we can do. I promise to do what I can to help.”

Richiro Wichiro gave Azlyn a surprised glance. “W-we will?”

Kida shook her head. “You’re too nice Azlyn.”

Ursandel, the man looked up to her with wide eyes. Surprise marred his complexion. “Thank you.” He then began to explain. “I was once a manservant in the employ of one of the older and proudest families in Gridania—the Dartancours. During that time, I had the honor of waiting upon Lady Amandine, mistress of the household. Fair as summer was she, and possessed of a heart befitting her radiance. Alas, the Calamity wrought a great change in her. Though my lady escaped with her life, death may well have been a kinder fate. Never will I forget the day her bandages were removed, and she beheld her disfigured face for the first time. At that moment, the kindly woman I knew ceased to be.”

All three of them weren’t expecting to hear such a thorough explanation.

Kida crossed her arms, “When the Calamity struck she got injured—and decided five years later to start killing young ladies? Is she being envious now?”

Richiro Wichiro interjected. “Kida, let the man tell the whole story.”


The butler looked to Azlyn. “Unable to bear the thought of being seen, my lady sequestered herself within her chambers and refused all company. This continued for many uneasy moons, until one day, without warning, she began receiving queer guests. None among us knew whence they came, these masked men, but my lady believed that they would help her to regain that which she had lost. So began the ‘Rites of rejuvenation’.”

Azlyn narrowed her eyes at the mention of the masked man, however she bit her lip to prevent another interruption. She was having a bad feeling the Ascians had been involved with this woman—and giving a poor, hurt woman some sense of false hope. She gritted her teeth.

“What were these rituals?” Richiro asked calmly, wondering what type of rituals were commenced. From the tone of the Lalafellin’s voice, it didn’t seem like he liked where this was going one bit either.

“These rituals seemed innocent enough in the beginning, but grew ever more grotesque as time went by. Eventually, there came a day when my lady bound one of her handmaidens to her bed and—” He wallowed at the memory. “And proceeded to mutilate the poor girl’s face.”

The trio winced but the man continued in his story.

“Suffice it to say, she did not survive the ordeal. It fell to me to dispose of her body.” He shook his head with guilt. “I performed the dreadful task as bade, obedient servant that I was, but when the time came to return to the house, my legs refused to move. I knew than that I could not go back to that place, not after the nightmare I had witnessed. So it was then I left Haukke Mannor, my home for nigh on half a century.” Ursandel reached over to Azlyn’s forearms to grab hold of them. His eyes wavered as he spoke. “Long did I weep for the girl who was slain, and longer still for the woman that Lady Amandine had been. Yet one cannot weep forever, and I endeavored to put the matter behind me.”

Azlyn grimaced. “Why are you only speaking of this now? This could have been prevented if you had just come forth about your lady to the Gridanian Grand Company…we…we could have prevented many of those ladies a horrible death.” She looked to his shaking hands and found the answer before he could speak it. He was loyal to his lady, even when he decided to run away. To keep the dignity of his home that he served for so long—he decided to keep it to himself.

“Indeed—you are right. I bear the weight of all those who died after I left—and I wear that guilt with much burden to my heart. I had resolved myself to never speak of my experience—until you appeared before me. You three… I will entrust my Lady’s fate to you. Her madness must be ended. Lest more innocent lives be lost. Lay her tormented soul to rest, as you swore to me you would.” The firm grip on her forearms tightened at the end, as if imploring her to fulfill her promise. “She awaits you in Haukke Manor, on the western edge of the Central Shroud. Go now. Go and do what must be done.”

He released the Au Ra from his grasp and leaned back on the bench. He seemed more troubled than when they first approached, and with good reason. Kida and Richiro pulled Azlyn away from the elder, and they proceeded over to Akpallu Falls to quietly discuss this new, worrying lead.

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