
67 l Wrath of Titan

This caused the whole table to rally in a variety of ways. Some like Richiro and Koroko were alarmed, Roll and Kida dropped what they were eating, Azlyn narrowed her eyes at the mention of the summoned primal. 

Thancred didn’t miss a beat. “Minfillia, dear, I do believe we have non-Scions in our presence.” He noted Koroko, Richiro, and Ozwin in his gesture. “Is it wise to speak of these things in front of them?” 

She gave a smile to the three in question. “Rumors have already begun to spread in Limsa Lominsa. It’ll only take a few more days before the rumors become well known. I’m not too concerned.” The Antecedent tapped her chin in thought. “However, I would like you three to keep it under wraps that the Scions were here.” She winked over to Richiro, feeling he was the one with loose lips between the three. He nodded fervently to her. 

“Then—I suppose all that’s left to do is to handle Titan.” The Hyur male sighed. 

“Yes, our task will be to slay the primal. The Maelstrom have sworn support for the endeavor. After all, they are no strangers to the havoc kobolds can wreak.” 

Y’shtola let her fingers drum against the table. “Years before the Grand Company’s reformation, two primals, Leviathan and Titan, chanced to converge upon the sea wall, wreaking untold devastation. There, by the grace of the Navigator, were the mercenaries Merlwyb hired able to fend them off.” The Miqo’te paused in her story telling, and looked to Azlyn. “Yet it did not take long for the beast tribes to regroup, and they summoned their primals once more.” 

Ozwin settled in his seat. “However their second coming was short lived.” He stated it matter of factly. “They were dealt with fairly quickly.” 

Minfillia smiled to him. “Indeed. You speak as if you’ve seen it?” 

He shrugged. “No, I know a couple of buddies who got swept up in the chaos a few years back. It seems no matter what some do, primals will always be a problem.” 

“So long as tormented souls will them to exist, the realm will never be rid of them.” Minfillia agreed, turning to Azlyn. 

Y’shtola gathered everyone’s attention when she waved her hand in front of herself. “The Maelstrom has kept a watchful eye upon the beast tribes—and the kobolds in particular—ever since. Which brings us to the matter at hand.” She turned to Minfillia who looked squarely to Azlyn still. 

The Au Ra had a feeling she’d be meeting the Primal Titan, up close and personal. 

“Unlike Ifrit, we know scarcely anything of Titan. Unfortunately, the only force know to have bested him—the modestly named “Company of Heroes”—disbanded five years since, and mercenaries are not in the habit of keeping chronicles.” 

Richiro perked, pointing to Ozwin and remembered he was the one with a connection to Nin-Nin. “Perhaps you know of them sir! You introduced us to a veteran mercenary!” 

Ozwin gave a forced smile to the Lalafell, and then looked to Azlyn. “I have the sneaking suspicion that the kid doesn’t keep things to himself—eh?” His question was directed to their company, not the Scions. 

Thancred pointed to him. “I dare say I feel like we’ve met somewhere before. You oddly remind me—of someone.” He stopped in his reminiscence, as if troubled by the memory. “It can’t be though.” 

The Hyur gave a dark chuckle, “It’s true I have some contacts from the Company of Heroes you speak of.” Then sighed heavily, “No rest for the wicked.” Then he got up from the table and left their discussion without another word. Azlyn watched him stalk up the stairs and disappear. 

“Do you know him Thancred?” Azlyn asked, she tilted her head in confusion. 

At last the man shook his head. “No. I don’t know him. Strangest feeling though.” He directed his attention back to Y’shtola. “While our good friend Ozwin is checking in with his contacts, is there something our newest Scion should concern herself with?” 

“Expect the worst.” Y’shtola spoke calmly. “The Maelstrom’s help is of course appreciated, but even if we had their whole armada at our disposal, we could still find ourselves overmatched.” 

Yda started to twirl her spoon in her bowl. “A pity the kobold’s aren’t like the sylphs.” 

“A peaceful resolution would be more than welcome, aye.” The Miqo’te granted, and then sighed. “The Echo will not avail you this time, I fear. If you are to survive, your steel must needs speak for you.” 

Richiro Wichiro turned to Kida. “Is this Echo the same thing as that Blessed thing you said I possessed?” 

Kida laughed at last. She could see the entire table turn to him. “Richi, man, we have got to work on your timing with dropping bombs. Oh, yeah by the way, everyone here is blessed by the Echo.” She nonchalantly waved to everyone. 

Minfillia smiled over to Koroko and then back to Richiro. “I see. Well, this is a welcome surprise. Is Ozwin as well?” 

Roll shrugged. “He’s a fishing buddy. He hasn’t said he was blessed or not.” 

Azlyn smiled to the Scions, more out of apology than anything else. “So where do I start?” 

Minfillia smiled to her, “So you will accept?”

The girl nodded. “I feel bad now that Ozwin’s looking for a contact for us.” 

“Thank you.” 

Thancred crossed his arms. “We can’t very well send her to Limsa Lominsa without Y’shtola, can we, Minfillia?” 

The Antecedent glanced over to Y’shtola, a smile on her face. “May I ask that of you, Y’shtola?”

The Miqo’te grinned, “I never thought it in question. Of course those who wish to join are welcome to as well.” She smiled to Koroko and Richiro. 

“Ever reliable!” Minfillia smiled brightly, “Very well, we will spare no effort to win victory. You may count on the full support of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. And all not afield will aid the fight from afar.” Dinner had been long forgotten as the Antecedent issued her orders out to the rest of the Scions. “Thancred, Yda, go to the Grand Companies. Tell them of our plight and solicit their support.” 

Thancred nodded, standing up—and Yda gave a thumbs up. 

“Urianger, send word to the Students of Baldesion—and Alphianud, if you would. Papalymo, compile all the information we have on Titan, little though it may be.” 

Urianger gave a curt nod, being the first of the group to stand up. He had been incredibly quiet during the meal, and given a chance to leave, he did so. He bowed in the direction of Roll and Azlyn, and swiftly left. 

Minfillia gathered their attention when Urianger disappeared up the stairs. “You’ll be apprised of the tactical situation when you reach the Sailors Ward. Provision yourself for the journey.” She signaled an end to their impromptu celebration. 

Papalymo stood up from his seat, before Richiro hopped down beside him. Nervously he asked, “C-could I help out? I don’t know much—but I’m fairly good with literature and reading.” The Scion directed his attention to Minfillia who smiled in appreciation.

“I daresay the more help we get, the better it’d be for everyone involved. I see no harm in that. Do be careful on the way back to Vesper Bay.” She waved, and the Lalafellin Scion nodded.

“Alright, if you’d follow me we can get our research started right away.” The Scion smiled. “It’d be good to have company going back.”

Koroko Koko also stood up, walking over to her Lalafellin companions. “I’d like to offer my services in your research of Titan, Master Papalymo. As Master Minfillia has stated the more hands available, the better likelihood of finding something that could aid our leader in her endeavors.” The thaumaturge smiled, despite three-quarters of her face being covered by her large pointed black hat, and wrapped face. “Hmm hmm hm? Master Richiro you’re red in the face, are you quite alright?”

The young lad who had been caught staring at her coming to them flushed a deeper red. He hadn’t expected her to approach them as she had. “Y-Y-Yes! Quite. Papalymo, if you’d be so kind as to show the way?”

“This way.”

Azlyn watched as all the Lalafellins left the room. Thancred and Yda shortly left afterward, which left only Minfillia, Y’shtola, Roll, Kida, and Azlyn. Diligently, Ayakana and Tataru were cleaning around the space. Ayakana smiled to everyone. “If you prefer to chat up in the lounge, I’ll remain down here to clean up.”

Roll nodded. “Thank you Ayakana. You can head home after you’re finished here.”

The human nodded happily. “I shall. Thank you.”

Tataru gave Minfillia and Y’shtola a thumbs up. “And I’ll help clean up as well. Give me a holler when you’re ready!”

Given the cue to head up, the five of them went into Roll’s workshop. The space had been organized well since the last time Azlyn had been inside. All the shelves had an assortment of tools and knickknacks for her crafting. Kida sat upon one of the back rails, while Roll and Azlyn brought forth the furniture from the side of the shop. There was a rustic couch and a few comfortable chairs to relax in.

“Apologies for Richiro Wichiro, he’s a bit of a blabbermouth.” Kida called out to the Scions. “Don’t suppose that’s why you’re keeping tabs on him in Vesper Bay now, right?”

Minfillia chuckled, studying the side wall where many of the mining picks and tools were hung up. The corkboard had other things on them, like maps detailing where to find good ore deposits and minerals. “Papalymo will be able to keep an eye upon him—it’s not everyday those blessed with the Echo come forth.”

Roll chuckled once. “Richiro doesn’t even know what he’s signed up for. Heh.”

Azlyn leaned back against the back of the couch, Y’shtola looked to her with a curious expression.

“What seems to be the matter? Are you feeling unwell?”

The girl shook her head. “No—well, I’m always feeling warm—I can’t help but think back to Lahabrea.” She started to drum her fingers on her knee as she thought back. “Given all of those possessed of the Echo, why is he targeting me? What did I do to incur his line of sight?” She stopped her drumming, and then pointed to Roll and Kida. “I mean, this could have happened to anyone, right? Like Roll, or Kida…I guess I’m wondering why me.”

Minfillia hummed to herself, looking up to the ceiling. “As Hydaelyn’s champion you have much to live up to—maybe it was something you did—for instance, triumphantly slaying Ifrit? Or how you’ve earned yourself a title in Limsa Lominsa?”

Y’shtola smiled. “You do have quite a bit of aether—given your strange ability to shift and change weapons with just a thought.”

Kida leaned back and forth upon her perch of the rail. “I’m hedging my bet on the fact she slew Ifrit—by herself. This time she ain’t taking the glory of killing a primal on her own.”

Roll also agreed with their Au Ra companion. “Agreed, and the house can wait on some upgrades. Primal business does take precedence after all.” She smoothed out her long black skirt of some wrinkles. “It shouldn’t be anything like Garuda, at any rate.”

The Miqo’te looked between the three of them, she continued to smile. “I’m happy to know you three are willing to take on this request. Titan is quite formidable—but together we’ll prevail.”

“Innnnn the meantime,” Kida sang out to them. “why don’t we head over to the Maelstrom and get some first-hand information?”

Minfillia clapped her hands at the notion. “Wonderful, I know if it is you all, you shall do the realm justice. I pray that the Crystal lights your way as you further your investigation!”

Azlyn nodded, “Ozwin will probably buzz us later, so if the Maelstrom is a dead end he should have another lead for us to follow.”

Roll stretched her arms, the ache in her muscles finally catching up to her after their long day fixing up the house. “I’ll go change. You three can head over first, and I’ll meet you over there in ten minutes.”

With their impromptu after dinner meeting concluded, they all exited the workshop to allow Roll some privacy. When they were within the living room, Minfillia waved goodbye and called for Tataru from up the stairs. The pink haired Lalafellin lass came running up, her wide grin as welcoming as usual. “Ready Minfillia?”

The Antecedent nodded, “Yes, let’s head home and see how our two new members are doing.” Tataru bowed to their group, and the duo teleported away from the residence.

Y’shtola tapped her chin in thought as she watched Azlyn examining her own palm. “Troubles?”

Azlyn wriggled her fingers, a sigh escaping her lips. “My hand’s been feeling funny since Haukke Manor.” Kida poked the hand she moved around.

“What does it feel like?”

“Tingly.” Azlyn replied bluntly, to which both chuckled.

“Why is tingly your go-to descriptive word for everything?” Kida sighed, shaking her head. “Give me some more adjectives: pulsing, agitated, ruptured, irritated—literally anything else besides ‘TINGLY’. Geez, you studied multiple languages too.” She had counted off her fingers when she started to name off some other descriptive words.

Y’shtola continued her chuckling but turned on her aether goggles to examine her hand. “Ah. I see the problem.” She reached up to her palm and flipped it over. “You’re losing more aether than before—what happened at Haukke Manor to cause such a disruption to the cracks?”

This caught Azlyn by surprise. “I reached out to open the manor door, and I think my aether backfired. The door had an arcane lock on it—so I guess it may have damaged me more than I thought when it opened forcefully.” She waited for Y’shtola to finish her inspection before she cracked her knuckles. “I guess that’s why I feel the way I do. It’s as if water was being poured out from a vase.” It was the only metaphor she could elaborate on, given that it was one she’d heard before.

“Did it feel different than that before?” Kida asked, staring at her.

She nodded. “It just felt grainy—as if sand were slipping slowly through an hourglass. It’s not like that anymore.”

Y’shtola frowned. “Yet you’re not on the verge of collapse. It must be because you aren’t exerting yourself using aether. Let’s put a pin in this topic, and we’ll address it come Titan’s fall.”

Azlyn smiled, thanking her. “I feel pretty good, but I’ll let you all know if that changes. Well, let’s head over to Limsa Lominsa. The Maelstrom correct?”

Kida gave a thumbs up, winking to her friend. “Aye, Aye Captain!”

The workshop door openly, revealing Roll to them. She was dressed in her usual white outfit wither astronometer at her side. She gave the trio a peculiar look. “Why aren’t you three over there yet? It’s been like ten minutes.”

Almost immediately the Au ra with blue hair pointed at Azlyn. “She did it!” Then she activated her teleport. “Last one there’s a rotten egg!”

Roll activated her teleport, followed by Y’shtola. Azlyn barely had time to refute before she had to activate her own return spell. “Wait for me!”

The change of scenery from the warm little house had turned into the active City-State of Limsa Lominsa. Azlyn had already reached out to the crystal in the plaza and thought of the Aftcastle before being whisked away in the aether to the upper landing. There she found her party waiting for her; Y’shtola smirking at her running down the drawbridge while Kida chuckled loudly.

“Hey there Azlyn! What kept you?”

Azlyn shook her head, laughing with them. “Alright—alright, let’s get serious now.”

Roll pointed over to the Maelstrom command, and then over to the high commander by the door. “That should be the high commander, you can tell by the insignias they carry.”

Y’shtola nodded. “Good eye Roll. Now follow along. I’ll introduce you to her.” She gestured for them to follow her within the building and approached a female Miqo’te dressed in a pristinely pressed Maelstrom uniform. Just by approaching her, they could tell she made great attention to detail. “R’ashant Rhiki, it’s good to see you this evening.” Y’shtola motioned to the three Auri behind her. “We’ve come to apprise you of recent events regarding the kobolds?”

The High Commander had a look of confusion upon her face, before realization dawned. “Hail adventurers! You must be the guest—or rather guests—we were told to expect. Forgive me.” The Miqo’te with dark brown hair bowed to them, her eyes stopped to hover over Azlyn. “Pray forgive me for asking, but are you Azlyn—the Bloody Princess of the Sea?”

Azlyn had to resist the urge to cringe. “Yeah…that’s me…” She uttered, and her cousin laughed at her reluctance.

This seemed to make R’ashant Rhiki happier, as her smile brightened up. “We’re in good hands if you’re on the case Miss Azlyn! Now, let me tell you what we know.” She crossed her arms over her chest, recalling the previous reports. “A little over a moon ago, we began to observe the beastmen moving south in increasing numbers from O’Ghomoro.”

“Oh. The mines in Outer La Noscea?” Kida recalled with pinpoint accuracy. “I’ve always wanted to mine over there; however, I understand it’s part of the kobold’s territory. I’ve avoided it to help keep the peace treaty.” She explained to Roll and Azlyn precisely.

The High Commander of the Maelstrom nodded to them. “You are correct. Our scouts subsequently confirmed the object of their aggression to b—!!?” She stopped her explanation immediately before going into a salute. In fact, all the Maelstrom officers dropped what they were doing as an individual of repute stepped within the halls of the Maelstrom office.

Admiral Merlwyb stopped a hair shy short of their group, she continued with the tale R’ashant Rhiki had started. “Crystals. Fodder for their fell primal.” She noticed everyone in the office stood at attention, and she waved them all to relax. “At ease officers and thank you High Commander. You may leave the rest to me.”

R’ashant Rhiki’s black furry ears perked at the sudden praise.

The Admiral then turned her gaze to the four of them, her eyes lingering on each soul and finally stopped at Azlyn. She smiled, “Word has spread of your accomplishments, Azlyn. On behalf of Limsa Lominsa, I thank you for heeding our call.” She craned her neck down, a small bow to her.

Azlyn shook off the sudden praise with nervous hand waving. “Nonsense, I’m just glad that I can help. Anything for the people who helped me when I first arrived a few months back.” She smiled, thinking of her first days in Vylbrand. It seemed like a long time ago when she thought about all the things she’d done between then and presently.

Y’shtola smiled. “Good evening Admiral. Pray pardon our sudden visitation this evening. We figured the sooner we addressed this, the quicker the conflict would be resolved.”

The Admiral spoke resolutely. “We are no strangers to conflict. Long have the Sahagin and the kobolds plagued our people—nor is this the first time we have had to address a primal threat.” Merlwyb recalled their previous exploits when dealing with their primal problem. She seemed to be truthful in her remarks as she explained. “In the past, when Titan rose to threaten the peace, it was the Company of Heroes we turned. But they are long disbanded, and we must look to other brave souls blessed with the strength to face this foe. So it is that we turn now to the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, confident in the belief that you are Limsa’s best hope.”

Y’shtola placed her hands on her hips, a bit curious as to how it wound up becoming this despot. “I hope you are right. Yet the situation is far from simple. The kobolds are not prone to unprovoked aggression. Did not the thalassocracy make a pact with the beastmen that each would keep to their own lands, and that no blood would be shed?” The silence in their group seemed louder than someone breaking a bottle of wine on the counter. The Scion took the silence as an answer in and of itself. She sighed. “…And was it not the Lominsans who violated this agreement, dissatisfied with their lot? Shall we then condemn the beastmen for defending their homes?”

Roll crossed her arms, watching as Y’shtola icily talked to the Admiral. Azlyn darted her eyes between the two, hoping that nothing bad would happen from these talks. She would have tried to appease the two parties, but Kida read her and tapped on the back of her elbow, shaking her head no. This was not something she should get involved in.

The Admiral didn’t say a word, merely staring down at Y’shtola with her stoic expression. This seemed to inflame the Scion as she coldly replied up to her. “Even a pirate must one day reap what she has sown.”

The High Commander stepped forward, her face contorted in anger. “I would advise you to choose your words with greater care, Lady Y’shtola.” Only for Merlwyb to flag her down.

“Stand down, High Commander. She has the right of it. And the wrong is mine. Freely do I claim it. Yet it makes little difference. Remorse will not shield us from Titan’s wrath—Or would you have us fall upon our swords?” She posed her question to the Scion with a cold tone, like that of Y’shtola’s.

The Auri watched with bated breath as the Scion bowed to the Admiral. “My apologies, Admiral. The safety and security of Limsa Lominsa’s citizenry are, of course, of paramount concern.”

Azlyn let the breath escape her lips slowly, as the temperature seemed to rise once more—or rather her fever. The Admiral turned to them with a frown still upon her visage. “Already we have observed disruptions in the flow of aether further inland. The effects will be felt here in the city ere long.” She paused before posing her request. “I ask much of you, I know, but the need is great. Can I count on your help Azlyn?”

The girl nodded, and then she felt Kida looped her own arm into hers. Roll reached over and clasped her other shoulder. Both were smiling. “It won’t be just Azlyn dealing with Titan, but all of us. We’re the Twelve’s Terrorizing, Trepid, Treble Triplets!”

This caused the cousins to look over to their eccentric blue-haired friend. “Twelve preserve, please don’t use that gawd awful nickname. It’s bad enough I already have two.” Azlyn whined.

Roll shook her head. “Can’t we be known as The Terror Squad, or Triple Threat—or something like that?” It wasn’t the nickname she opposed, rather the elongated naming scheme that bothered her.

The Admiral gathered the attention by clearing her throat. “You have my thanks, along with the full support of the Maelstrom. I await good tidings.” She nodded to all and left without another word. The High Commander of the Maelstrom held her salute to the Admiral all the way until Merlwyb was out of sight.

Y’shtola turned back to the three Auri with a smile. “That the kobolds should summon Titan demonstrates they are no longer amenable to negotiation. This being the case, we must needs prepare for conflict. Before we meet Titan in the field, however, it would be wise to learn all we can of our foe. And I can think of no better source of information than the mercenaries who defeated him once before.”

Kida tapped her chin in thought. “Should we wait for Ozwin?”

“The Company of Heroes may be no more, but several of its former members still live.” The High Commander crossed her arms, nodding. “Actually, it’s said that one of them is employed at the Grey Fleet mills in Lower La Noscea.”

Y’shtola gave a skeptical glance. “Quite why a mercenary should choose to become a miller, I do not know.” She shrugged, looking to the three. “When you find him, mayhap you could ask him for me. I, meanwhile, shall start preparing for our future conflict with the Primal itself. Go get ‘em Triple Threat.”

Azlyn gave the Miqo’te a horrified look. “No—Y’shtola, don’t you dare!”

The Miqo’te merely laughed at her horror, activating her teleport spell to attend to her other matters.

Kida smirked deviously, while Roll chuckled. “Triple Threat, I like it.”

“I approve.”

Azlyn frowned. “Well I hate it.”

Giving their regards to the Maelstrom officer, the three left the office and walked over to the Aftcastle’s aetheryte. Stopping shy of the crystal, Kida tapped Azlyn. “Do you have a map?”

She nodded, drawing out her map of Vylbrand, and directed their attention to Lower La Noscea. “According to the High Commander, the previous Company Hero is employed…here.” She pointed to the small hamlet located north of Red Rooster Stead. She’d been there several times before doing favors and the occasional requests for people. “It’s not too bad of a walk from Tempest Gate—if we leave take this path through the Eyes, and up through Cedarwood, we’ll get there by the time the moon cresting the mountains.”

Roll crossed her arms, “You think anyone is going to be up this late?”

The girl didn’t know. “Did you want to do this tomorrow? I just figured we could get a head start—you know—maybe he might be running around this late.”

Kida chuckled. “If he’s a previous company hero he may be bored out of his rocker in the middle of nowhere. I’m on board with going now—we may relieve some of his boredom.”

Azlyn spoke calmly, “And I know the inn keeper over there. They’ll have some beds available if we need to spend the night.” Roll couldn’t argue with their points and reached out to the aetheryte. “Tempest Gate.” She disappeared in the teleport, and the remaining two followed her lead.

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