
70 l Gathering Ingredients

The tasks given by the former Company of Heroes were laudable at best. Their first destination had been in Camp Tranquil, where the previous hero Landenel enjoyed his new life as a Gridanian. He informed them of the first ingredient they needed to grab, an adamantoise egg from an over protective mother. 

“...And you’re going to help us, right?” Kida pointed to him. She now had a change of wardrobe. SImilar Azlyn’s set, she dressed in the beautifully wrapped Thavnarian’s long dress. 

Only for Landenel to tell them off, with only the information the find the egg. He also told them that if they so much as uttered his past to the people in Camp Tranquil, he’d fashion a noose with their entrails and hang all three of them up from the nearest heavenspillar. 

Roll, dressed in her own version of the Thavnarian’s set, led their group through the marsh area. Navigating them through the monsters and buzzing gnats. They found the nest Landenel talked about, and stared at the incredibly enlarged egg sitting in the nest. The mother wasn’t in sight, but the size of the egg posed a bit of a problem. 

“Is that it even possible for one person to lift that egg by themselves?” Kida tapped her chin in thought. “That might be a two person job.” 

Azlyn pointed to Roll and her. “You two carry the egg out together—if the mother appears, I’ll draw it away.” 

Roll frowned. “Are you sure you can take the mother of by yourself?” 

The Au Ra summoned forth her axe, and placed the soul gem she received earlier that day in the weapon. She grinned. “It’ll give us an idea whether or not I can keep my mind intact while I fight.” 

Kida chuckled, “Or you’ll wind up killing everything in sight—but don’t worry, we’ll make sure it doesn’t get to that point!” She winked to her friend, giving a bit of encouragement to her. Azlyn however wasn’t too sure to count that as it or not though. 

“...let’s get going.” She moved toward the nest, walking around the large area hoping the mother would appear. Roll and Kida snooped into the nest as she walked the perimeter, and together they hefted the large object between the two of them. 

“Oh boy.” 

“That’s a biggie.” Kida heaved. 

Azlyn could see the pair slowly walking out from the nest. It was after they were several feet from the nest when a roar pierced their ears. A large—no, it was enormous, Adamantoise Turtle started its charge to the duo carrying the egg, and Azlyn sprinted to catch it before she could reach her friends. 

She drew her axe, hefting the weapon over her head and carving the blade into the beast. The roars of pain followed, and the mother set her eyes upon her. Azlyn kept her attention, hacking and slashing upon her exposed reptilian stout legs, and snapping jaws. Azlyn ducked into the tree line, trying to get some distance. She waited for a good opportunity, seeing the mother clap its maw sharply into the tree before she ran out and cleaved and hacked into the fleshy neck of the turtle. 

The mother roared in anguish, until finally the axe’s final thud into its gaping wounds ceased its actions. It collapsed, splashing murky water all over. Azlyn sighed in relief, and then bowed her head to the creature. She understood why it was attacking them—after all they were stealing her egg. For a feast no less. But it was the way of the land; survival of the fittest. With their first task completed, She returned to Camp Tranquil where she found Roll and Kida in discussions with Landenel—where he applauded their strength. He asked them to leave the egg with him, and told them their next destination would be the Forgotten Springs in southern Thanalan. They were to look for a Miqo’te Clan leader by the name of U’odh Nunh. 

This trip had been a bit tricky, as Azlyn had never gone to Forgotten Springs. The three unwound their map, to look to the nearest settlement. “Little Ala Mhigo is the closest settlement.” Roll pointed out, tapping the map. “We should head there.” 

And so the three teleported over to Little Ala Mhigo. What should have been a quick in and out encounter turned into a thirty minute lesson as a couple of the teens from Little Ala Mhigo spied Azlyn walking away. They flagged her down, pleading her to give a lesson to them on defensive fighting. Apparently Wilred had told them about her ability to use the others strength against the opponent. 

Azlyn did the best she could, giving them quick pointers on how to position themselves and exercises they could do to strengthen their core and hips. By the time the Au Ra had been done, her two party members were finishing the last bit of their lunch. 


Azlyn nodded. “Sorry, the teenagers here are eager to learn everything they can.” 

Kida chuckled to her. “You looked happy teaching, ever consider becoming a teacher or an archon?” 

The girl’s face wilted, the thought seemed like a far away dream than something she’d be able to do. “...Nah. I don’t think that’s something I can see myself doing.” 

Roll crossed her arms. “Who knows what the future has in store. Well, if we’re all ready let’s get going. It’s a bit of travel going south from here.” 

Some of the teenagers caught them before they left—apparently they overheard they were going south into the Sagioli Desert and started to give them provisions. Ala Mhigan supplies and snacks for safe traveling. They were very appreciative of the gesture, thanking them for their thoughtfulness. The look of happiness that spread over those kids faces made the small detour worth it. 

They travelled further south, the harsh desert terrain felt hotter than usual as they trekked on. Azlyn was pretty thankful for their change of outfits, as it was less layering allowed for a bit of sun to tan their pale skin. However it didn’t change the fact that they probably should have covered up more given the suns temperament. 

Azlyn had gone through half of her canteen of water before they arrived in Forgotten Springs. The afternoon sun broiling the sands from up above them. Kida was the only one sweating profusely—as she’d work mostly within the bounds of the Twelveswood. The town lived up to it’s name, an oasis surrounded by a small community of Miqo’te hunters and huntresses—and of course there were some Immortal Flame guards stationed there, as well as some merchants from Ul’dah. 

They walked over to the center of town, where the large Aetheryte crystal floated and twirled in rotation. Azlyn reached out her hand, attuning to the blue crystal. Kida had reached out, doing the same thing as Azlyn. Apparently this was her first time in the Forgotten Springs. 

When they were done, Roll motioned for them to follow her into one of the largest buildings. The structure of the building had been adobe, with beaded strings that acted as doors. The ceilings were arched, slanted down to prevent water from pooling on top. Even in a desert, rainstorms were still a thing. 

Inside there were several things that Azlyn noted, a Miqo’te man surrounded by other women, a lavish set up for drinking and eating, and a bar where several Lalafellin and Miqo’te ran the establishment. This happened to be where they would meet their second contact from the Company of Heroes. With his dialect, he rolled his r’s long as he spoke—and at first pretended not to know what they had been sent there to do. 

It took a bit of cajoling, but he gave them all a look up and down. “Many years ago, I joined the Company of Heroes to hone my skills, instead of challenging my predecessor who believed strength was all that was needed to be a Nunh. Even when I was young, I understood that victorrrry goes to the patient, the cunning, the prrrragmatic.”

U’odh Nunh then went on to say that the Children of the Sand do not help strangers, for it was a sign of weakness. Then told them they needed to prove themselves worry huntresses.  And there task?

Azlyn strode off into the desert ahead of the two, they were walking straight into the heart of Zanr’ak. She brought out her axe, hoping the soul gem embedded in the weapon would keep her from losing her sense. 

“That damned Miqo’te might as well be signing our death warrants!” Kida roared in the empty expanse of the desert. She kicked the sand dunes with her foot. “Kill the leader of the Amalj’aa encampment...take his necklace...We should just find our own way into O’Ghomoro at this rate!” 

Roll trudged through the sand. “No use complaining about it—we’re in this for the long haul.” She held the worn out spear given to them by the Nunh from the children of the sand. “This is our test given to us—it’s not always going to be straightforward as getting an adamanatoise egg.” 

Kida growled. “...I’m just irritated. It’s too hot out here.” 

“I don’t mind the heat that much.” Azlyn said, as she’d pull her hair up into a ponytail to relieve the heat off her neck. “I’m not good with cold weather though.” She stopped to wave a hand in front of her face. With the small break, her eyes caught sight of a small encampment that U’odh Nunh spoke of. “There.” She pointed it out with her finger. 

“Coerthas may not be for you then.” Roll looked to Azlyn who was still wielding her axe by her side. “Are you going to wreak havoc and spill blood all over your new outfit?” 

This caused the girl to frown. She sighed heavily, bringing out her arcanima book instead. “...Only because I don’t want to bloody these nice clothes.” She flipped open her book staring at some of the mathematical formulaes for attack positioning. “However when I fought against the Adamantoise Turtle I had full function of my facilities.” 

“Heh.” Roll grinned. “Maybe you just needed a soul gem after all.” 

Kida cracked her knuckles. “Let’s get this show on the road. We just need to leader, right?” 

Azlyn nodded. “Yeah. Roll, can you give me that worn spear?” 

Roll handed it over to her cousin with ease. The Au Ra balanced the spear in her one hand. She smiled brightly. “I have this crazy idea, but it might actually work.” 

The two looked to her with a curious glance. “We’ll need to use a bit of strategic maneuvering, are you with me?”

Kida gave a thumbs up, and Roll gave her cousin a curt nod. “What do you have in mind?” 

“Alright, we need some sort of diversion.” She explained to them her outline of a plan. The only thing that she left out was what the diversion would entail. Her plan was a simple one, they would create a diversion at each of the entrances to the encampment—drawing away the scouts and warriors from within. As the Amalj’aa are split into smaller groups, they’ll sneak into the camp and take out the small group around the leader. 

Roll thought of that—pointing to some of the sand worms. “Why don’t we get a rampaging train of Sandworms? The Amalj’aa will think it commonplace since those worms are all over.” 

Kida waved her hand excitedly in the air. “Me! Me! I want to wrangle them!”

Azlyn chuckled. “All yours Kida, Roll will be at the north entrance. I’ll be at the east entrance.  When you run them around we’ll take the tail ends off and force them into the encampment for the Amalj’aa to deal with.” 

Roll nodded. “Then we’ll sneak in through the chaos.” 

The Au Ra with white hair and purple eyes nodded. “And we’ll meet in the middle, and find the leader.” 

Kida smirked. “Or he’ll die in the battle of the attacking sandworms.” 

“Win-win in either event.” Her cousin coyly remarked.

And that was what they did. Kida ran out into the Sagioli Desert, using her arrows to bring in their quandary. She brought the sand worms already primed for stampeding and rushed them toward the encampment. Roll positioned herself near the north entrance. Azlyn was at the east entrance, her carbuncle ready for when Kida came running around the entire encampment with the surprisingly large group of worms causing a sandstorm behind her. The massive kick back of dust, sand, and whirlwinds was enough to create a full blown haboob. 

Azlyn gave a chuckle. “That might be... a bit too many...but it’ll have to do.” 

Roll sent several bursts of energy at the tail end of the group that passed her, preventing some from moving with the rest of the stampede. The group now had started to push into the encampment as that was one of the only areas to go. Roll smirked, running into the encampment following the chaos.

Kida ran her group past Azlyn, and she had her carbuncle herd a portion of the worms straight into the encampment—it was now quite the party as the Amalj’aa started to join the fray. They were yelling in their native tongue, shouting for assistance and trying to stop the worms. 

Azlyn ran straight into the chaos, as the plan involved them entering solo and meeting in the center amidst the battle. Kida would shortly join her, after leading the remaining worms tailing her into the last of the entrances. Roll should be joining them shortly, as the battles broke out into tiny skirmishes all throughout the encampment. 

She prepared the worn spear, letting the dust from the sands rise high in the sky. The perfect cover and the perfect scheme for an assassination of their leader. Azlyn felt Kida join her side, and they found a spot to lie in wait until Roll joined them. It was all going well, even the chaos was going as planned. The Amalj’aa were divided, shouts of losing fights and bleeding sand worms littered the encampment. 

“Ready...?” Roll popped up beside them. 

“Let’s go.” Azlyn replied, and led their group to where she spied the leader of the encampment. His necklace had been easy to spot in all this mess, the bright red jewels were dulled by the dust in the air, but it was unmistakeable. 

Azlyn readied the worn spear, and threw it with all her strength she could muster. Kida readied several arrows, notching them in quick succession and firing with ease. Roll also started casting her spells, slinging them with ease. The roar of the Amalj’aa’s screams were covered over the battles ensuing around them. Azlyn rushed in then, she thought of her axe as she charged into combat—and found herself staring up to the reptilian beastmen with an impaled spear deep within the left side of his exposed chest. He was breathing heavily as she raised her axe. 

“This spear...”

Azlyn swung the blade of her axe down, carving right into his shoulder blade. The Amalj’aa roared in pain, and Azlyn yanked her weapon back. The wound spurted crimson liquid, flooding out and over her body. Then an arrow zipped through the air, piercing the center of his forehead. 

The warrior faltered, and dropped to the ground. Azlyn couldn’t see much in the area, only the large sandstorm that consumed the area. She knelt down, grabbing the necklace from his fresh corpse. Their plan succeeded. Now they just needed to sneak out. 

“This way!” Kida yelled to her, her voice leading her from the newly developed storm that whipped around them viciously. Azlyn shielded her eyes, her hands clenching onto the beaded necklace as she made contact with her two members.

“We need to get out of this storm!” Roll leaned close to her head to tell her.

Kida pulled them to the safety outside of a hut, they were huddled by several handwoven containers when the ground started to violently shake. The three of them grabbed onto each other, steadying themselves.

“An earthquake?!” Kida looked to the ground. The dirt cracked, rupturing into shards of broken fissures as an incredibly large sand worm emerged from below. It roared in anguish at the scent of blood in the air. The other worms that had been slaughtered by the Amalj’aa sent it into a seething rage, thrashing its body into any obstacle in its path. This caused the girls to slowly back away.

“Uhhhh Kida, you didn’t mention bringing him in.”

The pink eyed girl stared up in shock. “I mean—it could just be that its big.” To which they watched as the monster worm slammed its tail into the hut they were sheltering beside. There was a loud boom, as if a bomb had gone off. 

Azlyn went to cover her horns that started to ring. “We should go.”

“Don’t have to tell me twice.” Roll already started to sprint out from the encampment, not bothering to stealth. Kida followed suit, while Azlyn gaped at the monstrosity that emerged. Many of the remaining Amalj’aa warriors started to approach, running at the worm with their spears, javelins, arrows, and spells. She only watched the brief encounter, watching as the giant worm swung its once more. This time it took out an entire battle platoon of Amalj’aa sending them deep into the chasm it came out of. Splintered wood, cracked clay, the screams and terror from the Amalj’aa rose in the sandstorm.

Azlyn sprinted from the scene. In fact, she didn’t stop running even after catching up with Roll and Kida—beelining it straight to the Forgotten Springs. They didn’t stop until their aching feet soaked in the cool waters of the community. A huntress whistled, pointing to the sandstorm.

“Would’ja look at that! Haven’t seen a vicious one like that in a while!”

“You should… see the cause…” Kida gasped for breath, as Roll passed her canteen over to the exhausted archer. As she gulped down what remained of the water, they all turned their attention over to the huge dust storm that circled in a vicious vortex. Azlyn leaned back against the bridge, her feet soaking in the oasis.

“Don’t suppose the worms will attack here—do you?” She posed her question to Roll. Her cousin didn’t seem to have an answer.

“Not sure. Hope not.”

Someone whistled behind them, as the Nunh of the children of the sand walked over to them. The huntress Miqo’te sitting on the rail of the bridge listened intently. “Is that sandstorm yourrrrr doing?”

Roll nodded. “We used the sandworms as a diversion to bleed out the Amalj’aa from the camp.”

Azlyn flexed her feet in the water. “And in the chaos, we found the leader and I made sure to show him the spear.”

Kida chuckled. “By showing, do you mean impaling it into his exposed chest?”

Azlyn shrugged. “We could have drawn him out using the spear, since that was your only clue to us…however we didn’t like the way we’ve been yanked around recently.” She sighed. “So we strategized using the elements, sandworms, and diversion tactics.”

U’odh Nunh tapped his chin in thought before Azlyn presented him with the bead necklace of his old foe. His eyes widened in delight. “Heh heh heh! I’m sorry you thought so, in any event I cannot judge you. When I was young, I had my fairrrr sharrre of rash dealings. Captain could have thrrrrown me away, but he is a patient man. Either way, you imprrress me! I shall tell you of the ingredient you seek!”

The second ingredient turned out to the meat from the wellwick worm, a rare breed of sandworm that only comes out when its specific prey is used. An angler carcass, fresh. Given the parameters, it was an easy set up. Kida shot an angler just outside the community, and Roll prepared the trap. Azlyn held her axe, a feeling over relief went through her as she hadn’t lost herself mid combat against the Amalj’aa warrior.

When they set the bait, the three sat upon the tall crest of a sand dune watching the distant storm grow in intensity. The last hour or so it continued to grow, consuming a good chunk of Zanr’ak. It now was on the cusp of the little community a few miles away from where the Forgotten Springs community resided.

Azlyn rubbed her hands, feeling the afternoon heat finally dying down a smidge. The sun had started its slow descent toward the west. “How long do you think this wellwick worm will be?”

Roll placed her hand on the ground. “Soon. Do you feel the ground rumbling?”

Kida stood up, a sense of déjà vu as the ground below the angler erupted. A dark-scaled worm appeared, going into a frenzy due to the smell of fresh blood.

It didn’t take long to subdue and slay the creature, and slowly they pulled slabs of the leftover meat off its corpse to present to U’odh Nunh. The Miqo’te pleased with their progress, took the meat from them and handed them a bottle of wine to give to Wheiskaet. His parting words being, “I regret to say that I know naught it’s location. For the nonce, you should return to Costa Del Sol and seek Wheiskaet’s counsel.”

With the bottle in hand, the three decided it best to immediately head to Costa Del Sol to see where this strange third ingredient would be. Eggs, meat… what would be next?

They found themselves back at Wheiskaet’s doorstep, so to speak, with the brandewine ready to deliver. The Roegabyn captain accepted the bottle, a coy smile on his lips. “Well met! Landenel and U’odh Nunh both spoke highly of you.” He regarded the bottle, reading the label. “Onyx Brandewine. It’s a personal favorite of mine. I shall have to thank the nunh personally.”

Kida bounced on the balls of her feet. “Sooooo about that third ingredient.”

Wheiskaet handed the bottle of wine off to one of the workers before crossing his arms. “Truth be told, I never intended you to collect this last ingredient. Brayflox, my old quartermaster, wished to bring it to Costa Del Sol herself. However, not long ago, she sent word that there’s been some trouble at the Longstop, and that the delivery would be delayed indefinitely. She told me nothing of the incident itself, but I fear the situation may be dire.”

Roll picked up on the word ‘last’ in his statements, so she perked herself up for one last trip.

Azlyn quirked her head wondering what could indefinitely end a delivery. “Is she alright? Can we help in anyway?”

He sighed, nodding at last. “Though I would like nothing more than to aid her myself, I have no choice but to turn to you and your allies. Make haste to the Hidden Falls docks and speak with Ozun Nazun. He will direct you to Raincatcher Gully, where Brayflox and her people have made their home.” Wheiskaet directed their attention further north, past the mountains and where she could briefly see a waterfall.

Azlyn also recalled that’s where Curious Gorge and N’thuzu Tia trained. Given the rest of the day, they could finish up over in Raincatcher Gully before the night was over. They weren’t sure what exactly had happened, but in all, it shouldn’t be as bad as the last two ingredients gathered. 

“Is it alright if I make a pitstop before the ferry?” She asked her cousin and Kida as they walked the sandy beach. They were almost to Hidden Falls.

“Is it about those two warriors you saw?” Roll asked, but Kida had no recollection of this seeing as she wasn’t present when they first spoke of it.

“Warriors? Where? Who? When?”

Azlyn chuckled, she started to explain what she was doing prior to meeting back up with them in Costa Del Sol, and the new soul gem she retrieved. When she mentioned the soul gem, Kida exclaimed excitedly.

“Dudes! Check out mine I got from a bard off the outskirts in Quarrymill!” She presented to them her bow, pointing to the gem embedded in the wood. “I’m training with him to become a bard! He said that I’ll be able to empower my friends by the gift of songs and ranged skills!”

Roll smiled, thinking back to Koroko’s assessment of their future masteries. “Huh. Now that wasn’t something I expected.”

Azlyn scrunched her face, questioning her cousin’s remark. “…You weren’t expecting Kida to be training?”

“How rude!” Kida scoffed. “I train every day!”

Roll shook her head, “No, I was thinking of Koroko Koko’s future analysis. She said that you would be a master of the arts. If you’re singing songs, that might be considered part of the craft.”

They both seemed to realize what she meant by her previous statement. “Ah.”

She shrugged before pointing to the ferry docks. “There’s our ride—but you want to take a slight detour, right Azlyn?”

Kida pumped both of her hands together. “It’s supposed to be the last ingredient, so this should be finished before the day ends!”

Azlyn nodded. “I think so too, alright then… maybe closer to the hut then?” The three walked further north and down the path. The waterfall gushed thousands and thousands of gallons of water in a matter of seconds, the river flowing out into the ocean beyond. It was underneath the waterfall itself that Azlyn spotted two warriors training. 

She recognized Curious Gorge with his strange bull helmet, and then N’thuzu Tia, drenched from the water, and swinging his axe underneath the surging water. He was holding his form against the water, the pressure from it alone must have been a lot.

Curious Gorge spotted her approaching, and he called out to N’thuzu Tia. “Thuzu! We have company.”

The Miqo’te flexed his cat-like ears to his calling, and slowly emerged from the waterfall. He was soaked from head to toe, his black hair, ears, and tail dripped with water as the pair walked up to Azlyn’s group.

“Evening!” She greeted, a slight hand wave. “Kida, Roll—this is Curious Gorge and N’thuzu Tia. They’re the two Warriors who helped me.” She introduced her companions to them.

Curious Gorge crossed his arms to her and looked to the pair of Auri behind her. “Are you three off to finish Titan?”

Roll shrugged. “If we could, we would be there now. However…”

Azlyn sighed. “Ah, yes—well we have to pass Wheiskaet’s tests first to prove to him we’re strong enough.”

Kida perked up. “But we only have one more ingredient to gather! He should tell us the entrance to O’Ghomoro after this surely!”

Curious Gorge recognized the name of Wheiskaet right away. “Ahh—yes the Company of Heroes. I worked with them sparingly beforehand. Good people. Although it is strange they do not wish to take care of Titan quickly. The history they have with the primal is infinite as the stars above.”

Roll smiled sadly. “That seems to be evident, since he doesn’t want to throw us into the ringer with the primal.”

N’thuzu Tia relaxed his stance, placing the head of his axe’s blade upon the ground. He looked down to Azlyn. “If this is a test you need accomplished, you should hurry to complete it. You didn’t need to come all the way out here for no reason.”

Kida smirked, elbowing her friend. “That’s a good point, why did we come out here? Unless…” She gasped in mock horror. “Are you cheating on your boyfriend!”

Azlyn sputtered in horror. “What! No! Wait, I’m not even dating anyone!” She yelled, before she sighed heavily. “Ughh. No, the reason why I wanted to come out here was to thank you two.” She bowed to them courteously. When she finished her bow, she rose to meet their gazes. “The soul gem you gave me helped control the inner beast. I could remember my fight with the Amalj’aa warrior, and I didn’t black out. It was most helpful, so I wanted to say thank you face to face.”

Curious Gorge scratched behind the back of his neck. “Ahhh, shucks. No need. I wish there were more I could teach you from our ancient rites and tomes. Unfortunately I don’t know the language of my people well enough—there is one other who could discern it, but he is not here.”

N’thuzu Tia cleared his throat, he was caught off guard by Kida’s remark and then Azlyn’s grateful disposition. “We will find him soon. Last I heard he was spotted near Raincatcher’s Gully up the valley. Some residents in Wineport reported it.”

Kida smiled to him. “We’re actually on our way to Raincatcher Gully.”

This caught Curious Gorge’s attention. “Azlyn…are you going on the other side of the valley?”

She nodded. “Yes, we heard a goblin by the name of Brayflox is having difficulty, and she has the last ingredient that we need so….”

Curious Gorge turned his attention to N’thuzu Tia. “Go with them and help with whatever they need to retrieve. And if you spot him you must find out what he’s doing.”

The Miqo’te male nodded, his brown eyes hardened. “I will.” Then paused before looking to the three of the Auri gals. “…if that’s alright with you three.”

Roll shrugged. “I don’t mind.”

Azlyn breathed a sigh of relief. “If there’s anything we can do to help, feel free to let us know!”

Kida clapped. “Yay! More people! Let’s go talk with Ozun Nazun so we can catch the next ferry over!”

Curious Gorge lifted his own axe, turning back to the waterfall. “Then I shall remain here to train. Use this opportunity Thuzu to work upon your new techniques.”

The copper skinned Miqo’te nodded. “Then for now I shall take my leave.”

Azlyn tapped her chest, smiling. “We’ll bring him back in one piece. I promise.”

N’thuzu Tia’s ears went alert, and his tail rigid as he shook his head. “…I’m not a child being taken out for school.”

Kida laughed, pulling out a small harpsichord from her bag. “Welcome abroad the Choo-Choo-Slay the Primal Course. Our next stop? Brayflox’s Longstop!”  She grinned, strumming her fingers along the strands of strings.

“Is she always this hyper?” N’thuzu Tia looked to Roll and Azlyn.

Roll nodded. “Yes.”

“Does she stop?” He asked.

“No.” Roll immediately answered and followed their running bard. “Let’s go before she leaves us on this side of the valley.”

Azlyn quirked her head to N’thuzu Tia. He was still sopping wet from his training in the water. “Don’t you want to change clothes first?” The Miqo’te looked down upon himself before he shrugged.

“These are all the clothes I own.”

Roll reached into her sack where she had been handed all of the extra pieces of Thavnarian fabric from Costa Del Sol. “Congratulations. You’re one of us.” She passed him the bag.

Azlyn chuckled when he stared at the garments within.

“Wouldn’t…that mean…we’d be matching?” He said, confused.

Roll looked over her shoulder to him. “…and?”

“It can be until your clothes dry off! I’m still waiting for my clothes from earlier to dry.” Azlyn beamed up to him.

He slowly nodded. “Ah.” Then rummaged through the sack for something that would fit him. “Then if you give me a moment. I’ll go change behind the hut.”

Kida was yelling at them from the pier by this point. “Hurry it up slowpokes!”

Azlyn shouted back. “One second! N’thuzu Tia is changing!”

Roll and Azlyn ran over to the pier, and Kida bounced in excitement. She was reminded of the time when they coordinated outfits for Deepcroft and Copperbell Mines. “One of us! One of us!” The Au Ra with dark blue hair chanted.

“What the blazes…why are you shouting!” A Lalafell from the pier approached them, he huffed at their boisterous group. “I’m trying to run a business here!”

Azlyn apologized, bowing her head to him. “Sorry sir. We’re looking for an Ozun Nazun. We’ll be out of your way afterward.”

The Lalafellin blinked before pointing to himself. “What business do you have with me?”

The three were surprised at the coincidence.

“Wheiskaet said you could get us over to Brayflox’s area in Raincatcher’s Gully. I guess she’s having some trouble with the longstop?” Kida explained to him with a bright smile.

“Somethin’ happen over at the gobbie settlement?” The Lalafellin spoke curiously, only to shake his head. “Dunno why yer so eager to help a bunch o’ beastmen but go an’ talk to the skipper over yonder. She’ll ferry ye to Raincatcher Gully.”

With his permission, all they needed to do was wait for N’thuzu Tia to rejoin them. They were setting their belongings in the ferry boat when he arrived, he tossed the bag of clothes to Roll who gestured for him to do it. Then stepped into the ferry. He sat, placing his arms over his red open chest piece and silk wraps. The red harem pants also accentuated the black fur of his ears, tail and brown eyes.

He cleared his throat when he noticed Kida staring at him.

“He’s one of us! One of us!”

Azlyn shook her head. “Kida are you going to be flinging invitations around like last time?”

The girl gasped. “Flinging? Never… however if N’thuzu Tia wants an invitation to join us for future events, I’m sure Roll won’t mind!” She winked to the white-haired Au Ra who led their free company.

Roll shrugged. “I don’t care one way or another.”

N’thuzu Tia wasn’t following their conversation very well and spoke to Azlyn with a bit of concern. “Am I going to regret coming with you?”

Roll chuckled. “Heh.” Her cousin then looked up. “Depends on what we run into at Raincatcher Gully.”

“Nice.” He sat straight, looking up to the sky.

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