
86 l Reunited

Azlyn stifled a yawn as they cleared out from the room within the infirmary. When the chirugeons said that was their only night to stay with them, they meant it—forcefully waking them up to rush them out.

Alphinaud had been the first one ready as the chirugeon Cenota crossed her arms at them. “I’ll be heading down first. I’ll meet you three outside.” Since he was in possession of the bloody encyclical that Azlyn found the previous night, they determined that he would be the one to speak with the injured knight. Of course, with the hospitality of the chirugeons after the inquisitor’s words—the three of them had to distract them away from Alphinaud.

Which had been an easy thing to do given that Cid pointed to the bulky alembic on the desk. Cenota glared at the device. “You are positive you do not want this?”

The woman bit her lip. “We will not be tempted.”

Cid sighed, “It’s way to clunky for me to take it. I could just leave it for you to trash yourselves. It’s up to you.”

The woman went to argue with him that he couldn’t possibly leave such a terrible thing there.

Azlyn stretched in front of Mjnt who took her time, getting the last set of her armor pieces back on. All they were doing was buying time for Alphinaud. Which after five minutes of dawdling, the chirugeons finally had enough of the trio’s slow exit and shooed them out for good.

With the doors slamming shut behind them, all that welcomed them now was the cold brisk snow and the vibrant red hues of the sun in the distant horizon. Alphinaud waved to them from the center of town, his nose tinted red from standing in the cold.

They regrouped as he explained what the injured knight said.

“Ser Prunilla was on the same shift as him—while our injured knight has sworn up and down that the inquisitor is a good man, let’s see what this other knight has to say.” Alphinaud smiled, before pointing over to the campfire cooking an ishgardian breakfast. Some of the knights were gathered there chatting amongst themselves. “Let’s ask them if they know Ser Prunilla—they may be able to direct us to them.”

The group walked over, preparing for an instant rejection as some of the knights glared down to them. Some were the knights that had some steak from before, who weren’t as cruel to glare. They kept their peace while others didn’t.

“What’s a bunch of nonbelievers want with us?” One of the disgruntled knights called to Azlyn, pointing at her horns and scales. “Best be quick before we decide to chop off your tail and scales as a warning to others!”

A few knights turned to this one, and a few started to argue. “Shut up Fredrich—there’s no need to be an ass this goddamned early in the morning.”

“What’d you just say—”

“You heard me!”

They watched as some of the knights turned to themselves, their hostility was quick to grow. Alphinaud waved his hands to help calm the situation. “Gentlemen, we won’t take much of your time. We just need a few words with Ser Prunilla. After that, we’ll be happy to go about our business and not disrupt your meal.”

Some men distastefully spat, some others looked away. One of the guards in the group stepped forward, a thin female with chainmail all over. He looked down to Alphinaud with a curious eye. “I am Ser Prunilla. What is it that you require?”

“It is nice to make your acquaintance.” Alphinaud smiled. “Can we move to a quieter place, so we don’t upset the local knights?”

Ser Prunilla sighed, looking at her comrades in arms. “I’m afraid I don’t know who you are. It would be best if you took your business elsewhere.”

Azlyn crossed her arms, staring at the woman. “You may not know us, but I believe it would be in your interest to speak with us about the night you helped the inquisitor save that injured knight.” The Au Ra saw the woman’s face pale at the mentioning of the incident, before she looked nervously back to the men. 

“Follow me please.”

The group did as she bade, walking away from the campfire and out of earshot. They didn’t stop until they were beyond the east gate where she took them away from the guards. When it was clear that no one was listening, she finally shook her head.

Alphinaud pulled out the bloody encyclical and pushed it to the woman. She shook at the sight of it. “Are you in the habit of handing bloody documents to strangers? Why would you show me such a dreadful thing? I know naught of it, naught at all!”

Mjnt caught the lie in her voice, even from her mannerisms everyone could see that she was lying. “Stop lying Ser Prunilla. We know happened—now the question is do you or do you not want to come forth with the truth?”

The woman dropped the bloody encyclical at the mention of them knowing. She shook her head, fear etched on her face. “Fury take me, I prayed this day would never come… but here it has. When Ser Joellaut gave chase, I followed close behind. He didn’t fall—one of those Dravanian abominations lashed out at him, nearly killed him right then and there. I drew my sword and rushed to his side, straining to see the enemy. But what came from the dark was not a beast, but a voice.” She shivered at the memory. “He…he knew things about me—about my family. Secrets I had never told another. He said that if I kept his confidence, Ser Joellaut and I would be spared. But, if I defied him—everyone I loved would suffer unimaginable horrors before they died.”

Everyone could see where this was going. They didn’t interrupt as she continued her tale.

“When at last I agreed to his terms, the man came forward. His robes marked him as an inquisitor, but I knew him to be false. Together, we carried Ser Joellaut to the infirmary, and on his first night in Whitebrim Front “Inquisitor Guillaime” was heralded as a hero. Soon after came the accusations—countless men and women of good moral standing, seized whilst in possession of draconian rosaries. As I feared, he was condemning the innocent to death. I wanted to confess to Lord Drillemont, wanted to put an end to the madness—but then I would remember the Inquisitor’s threats. And so I did nothing—until Lord Francel was accused.”  

Mjnt and Azlyn pieced together at that moment that this woman was the one who did the preliminary inventory checks on the deliveries.

Mjnt affirmed the woman’s role in planting the rosaries. “You planted the rosaries in House Hallienarte’s shipments. You made it known that the accusation would turn into a conspiracy when it was discovered.”

“And by doing this it would exonerate Lord Francel and cast doubt on the other recent trials.” Azlyn concluded with confidence.

The woman nodded. “I had an idea where he hid these draconian rosaries, so I went out to grab a couple and hoped someone would catch on. If we are to put this to a close, you all must find the chest and bring them to Lord Drillemont. I will testify to him after that. Halone forgive me for not acting sooner.”

Azlyn agreed. “Where is the draconian rosaries?”

“They can be found in a chest hidden southeast of Whitebrim Front.” Then she pointed to the small path that led southeast of them. “It might be buried under fresh snow—please put an end to this once and for all.” The woman knight closed her eyes in silent prayer, and then walked back to Whitebrim Front. She greeted the guards there were a curt nod but said nothing further to them.

“Let’s hope that he didn’t move it.” Cid spoke when she was out of sight.

Alphinaud nodded. “Come on.”

Together the four of them walked down the narrow path, squeezing around the fort’s outer perimeter and started to dig around the southeast area. It took less than five minutes before Mjnt happened to kick something sturdy with her boot.

“I think I found it.” She called them over. Mjnt knelt, brushing the snow and ice off to reveal a chest. The inside contents were soon to be revealed as draconian rosaries. “And we have our winner.”

Alphinaud snapped his fingers at the solid proof in their hands now. “Excellent! We should make haste to Lord Drillemont before something happens to our key witnesses!”

Mjnt grabbed ahold of the chest, keeping it placed under her arm before running back to Whitebrim Front’s east gate. Together they moved to the knight’s tower and ran the two flights of spiraling stairs to where Lord Drillemont had been last seen. They found him amid preparation. He had been looking over old maps of the Stone Vigil before turning a cold glare to them thinking that they had come to discuss with him about Stone Vigil.

“Why do you persist in this folly? I will not grant you four access to the Stone Vigil. Do not make me repeat myself.”

Azlyn shook her head, “I understand you’re busy. But we have important evidence that proves the Inquisitor is not who he seems to be.”

Lord Drillemont looked ready to lash out at her, however Alphinaud and Mjnt were well ahead of him. Alphinaud presented the bloody encyclical she’d found last night in the chasm, and Mjnt dumped all of the rosaries from the chest over the Lord’s feet.

The knights attending his meeting gasped at the sight, while the Lord recoiled his feet back from the cursed objects. “There had better be a very good explanation for why you were carrying these rosaries! And where did you find this paper encyclical?”

Azlyn explained fluidly. “Last night I was concerned about the testimony from one of your knights. They mentioned that they were saved by the inquisitor by the eastern gate, but there were certain parts of his story that didn’t add up.”

“Who is this knight?”

“Ser Joellaut.” Azlyn spoke swiftly. “He and Ser Prunilla were on guard duty that night. While he may attest that the inquisitor saved him—Ser Prunilla can prove that the inquisitor is an imposter. After the man murdered the real inquisitor in the chasm beyond the east gate, he stepped into the façade of Inquisitor Guillaime and began terrorizing the good people of Ishgard.”

Lord Drillemont’s eyes flared, and he yelled to one of his commanding officers. “Get me Ser Prunilla. Now!”

The knight snapped his hand up in a salute, before he ran down the steps three at a time. As Lord Drillemont waited, he scanned over the encyclical before shaking his head.

Ser Prunilla arrived succinctly with the knight shortly after, and explained in vivid detail the same thing she had told me fifteen minutes prior. At the admission from his knight, Lord Drillemont staggered into the edge of the desk, eyes wide in disbelief.

“Fury take me. The Inquisitor is a heretic!? Never before have I heard such an unbelievable tale—but this evidence and Ser Prunilla’s testimony could have no other explanation.” The man gauged all of them, before taking a deep breath. After several moments of silence, the Lord turned to Azlyn and bowed deeply. “I have misjudged you and your friends. For that I deeply apologize. I will permit you to enter the outpost—but first, I must needs beg your assistance. Please help me and my knights bring this infernal imposter to justice!”

Alphinaud smacked a fist into his palm. Mjnt crossed her arms over her chest with a knowing smirk. Cid sighed in relief at the change in demeanor the Lord gave.

Azlyn smiled sadly to him, agreeing to his plea. “Please raise your head. The most important thing we should focus on is getting justice for those innocents who perished under his rulings.”

Lord Drillemont straightened. He stared to the short Au Ra with purple eyes with an understanding gaze. There was a moment of silent understanding. One that didn’t need words to convey that she had the right of it. However, it didn’t assuage his anger due to this new development.

“That thrice-damned heretic has murdered countless innocents and made a mockery of our laws! Hells take him and his Dravanian allies!” The Lord turned to one of his stationed knights. “Early this morning you said the Inquisitor left Whitebrim Front. Where did he go?”

The knight affirmed his question with a salute. “Sir! He reported that he was passing judgment on a group of nonbelievers in Snowcloak.”

Lord Drillemont’s expression hardened. “Intending to pass judgment upon yet another poor soul whom he has branded a heretic. If we hurry, there may still be time to prevent further tragedy.”

The entire group agreed and watched as the knights jumped to action. Lord Drillemont summoned them in file and ordered them to head out to Snowcloak immediately. He readied his sword and shield and turned to them. “Lend me your strength. Together, let us put an end to this imposter’s heresy once and for all.”

Azlyn nodded, thinking of her summoner’s grimoire. “The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can go into Stone Vigil.”

Mjnt followed the Au Ra’s lead, chuckling as she drew her spear. “My Lord would have me put an end to this farce as well.”

Alphinaud exhaled deeply, he looked relieved now that everything had been situated. “Excellent. Then you two shall follow the knights. Cid and I will remain here and see what we can prepare for our future venture into Stone Vigil. Do be careful Azlyn and Mjnt.”

The Viera grinned at the first sight of Alphinaud’s worry. “We shall take care of everything.”

The pair chased after the marching knights, down the spiral staircase and back into the cold morning air. The snow crunched under their boots as Lord Drillemont summoned several more knights into his ranks. “Today we set right the errors of our past and rid ourselves of a heretic blending in our ranks. For our honor, and the honored who have fallen that rest in Halone’s hall… We march to snowcloak!”

The rally was enough to energize the knights, as they jogged together in a knit formation. Lord Drillemont ran with them, keeping pace. Azlyn and Mjnt stared near the back of the group, letting the knights take them beyond the western paths and into an ice cloaked canyon. The light bounced off in beautiful prismatic arrays—dancing as they moved further inward.

After ten meetings of jogging, they arrived at a small campsite. Some researchers were slowly cooking a meal when Lord Drillemont approached them. “Did you see an Inquisitor come past this morning?”

The researchers scratched their heads curiously. The look of worry evident on their faces. “Yes. He took the group of adventurers that were resting with us the previous night. They were told that someone would be meeting them this morning, so we let them stay with us.”

The Lord shook his head. “How long ago was this?”

One researcher, a woman frowned. “About fifteen minutes ago. They went further into the canyon.”

They pushed on ahead, running past the soldiers who waited on Lord Drillemont’s command. Azlyn didn’t want to sit around and wait; and neither did Mjnt. The pair ran further and further into the snow cloaked ridges and noticed that the ground had frozen into thick ice underneath.

“I hear fighting up ahead!” Mjnt’s ears perked up. “People shouting. I don’t know the voices—but I hear the Inquisitor.”

Azlyn drew her book. “We don’t have a moment to lose! Come on Mjnt!” She started to sprint, and Mjnt picked up her pace to keep up with her. Together they rushed past the ridge where they could see several knights blown back.

Standing before the inquisitor and the few remaining men at his side were circled around a group of six people. Azlyn recognized all of them right away—the two Au Ra standing at the sides—one with her astrologian globe and the other holding her bow with several arrows notched. She saw a warrior Miqo’te with his axe standing front and center of their group—knocking back any of the knights that tried to approach. The two Lalafellins, both holding their staves, were positioned in the back along with the Midlander Hyur fisher who flared in anger. 

“Where is our friend?” The blue-haired Au Ra glared to the man.

“You said you would bring her here.” The white-haired Au Ra spoke in low tones.

“Calm yourselves.” The Inquisitor gave them a dark laugh. “You needn’t tremble so—I have come to offer you a chance for salvation.”

“No thanks.” The Midlander Hyur interrupted him. He swung his spear expertly, knocking back a few of the men in the Inquisitor’s party away from them. “We’re not interested in your petty squabbles. We have other things that are more concerning.”

“It pains me to inform you that she’s soon to be disposed of. She interfered with an official interrogation, which led to some obvious consequences. Being branded as a heretic in these lands means certain death.” The Inquisitor laughed once more. “She should have minded her own business!”

Mjnt and Azlyn skidded to a halt—still out of sight from the group and the Inquisitor. Silently, Mjnt pointed over to one of the cliffs that led upward. The pair ran off to the side, climbing as fast as they could while the exchanges were being made.

The chaotic blur of conversation echoed upward as they continued to climb. It wasn’t until the pair reached a good height when the others joined. Lord Drillemont and his men arrived, calling out to the Inquisitor. 

“Inquisitor! Release that group and come with us!”

Azlyn watched the exchange from above.

Inquisitor Guillaime turned to bow to him. He seemed surprised by his sudden appearance. “My Lord Drillemont—what is the meaning of this interruption? You are aware that I am at present conducting an interrogation, are you not?”

Lord Drillemont pointed to Inquisitor Guillaime, his face darkened as he shouted back. “If anyone is to be a heretic Inquisitor, it is you. I name thee heretic, murderer of the real Inquisitor Guillaime and countless innocents!”

The pair looked to the party as they turned their attention to the named heretic by the House Lord. Even from up on the side, Azlyn could tell Kida was raring to go.

“Interrogation?! That’s it, let’s kick his ass!” The girl’s voice bellowed from below.

“Do you know them?” Mjnt whispered to Azlyn.

Azlyn sadly smiled. “Remember those friends I have? Well—there they are. By the Twelve, they may not need me down there. In fact, they’ll probably try to kill me after the imposter.” The Au Ra reached for her hood and pulled it up over her head. “But I owe that imposter a good punch for what he tried to do to Lord Francel and Lord Haurchefant.”

Mjnt adjusted her weapon to her side. “I am sure it will be fine.”

“Thanks Mjnt.”

Below them chaos broke out once again as Lord Drillemont angrily shouted. “You are a traitor to Ishgard, to your own kith and kin! Your sins are beyond measure—beyond redemption!”

The inquisitor laughed manically. A strange purple aura started to rise around him, his aether shifting and changing as his voice echoed in the canyon. “How can I betray that which I owe no allegiance? No, Lord Drillemont—my conscience is quite clear. Can you say the same? You whose hands are black with the blood of those whose only sin was to question your nation’s crazed crusade?” He gestured his arms wide. “You speak of ishgardian innocents, yet all are complicit in these crimes. For all who live their lives by the archbishop’s lies. But I know you will not hear me, deafened by dogma as you are. If you desire retribution Lord Drillemont, then come—let us see how Ishgardian steel fares against Dravanian fang and claw!”

Azlyn watched the battle ensue. The inquisitor turned to the group behind him and summoned a large fireball to drop from above. They all scattered as the flames exploded into a hissing haze of fog and mist. From above she could see what he was doing—he was attempting mask his presence—but even with the mist enveloping the area the shouts from within helped pinpoint locations.

“You ready to join them?”

“Yup.” The Au Ra stood up, summoning Ifrit-Egi to her side. “He’s hiding something. Be alert.”

They were about to jump down when the fog instantaneously. Koroko Koko used her control over the ice elementals to freeze the molecules into powdered snow. When the snow dropped, they all could see the large draconian monstrosity that bellowed at them.

“Is that what I think it is.” Mjnt’s eyes widened at the sight.

Azlyn couldn’t see Inquisitor Guillaime anywhere in the vicinity—the only thing that was left was the draconian beast which roared at all of them. “The aura…his aether is present. That draconian beast is the Inquisitor. How is this possible?”

The knights charged forward, their swords, lances, arrows, and magic spells hit the hard-scaly hide of the large monster. With one fell swoop, the draconian beast knocked back an entire battalion with just its claw. Lord Drillemont rallied the remainder of his forces. “Charge!”

“I…am…reborn!” The Dragon roared, beating the wings furiously.

The knights weren’t the only ones fighting, as her friends were also attacking the monster from all around. She was surprised to see Ozwin, the Midlander charge with a spear at the dragon—but after ten seconds of intense combat did the monster stretch his long wings once more and let a loud screech release. Azlyn and Mjnt grabbed ahold of the sides of their heads, as the noise jostled their nerves. Everyone did as they dropped to their knees.

“He transformed— No that’s not it.” Azlyn winced, her body aching from the residual stun.

“I will jump onto his back and do as much damage as I can.” Mjnt shook her head, and slowly stood up. “For Lord Haurchefant and House Fortemps.”

The Viera charged over to the edge of the ridge, using her calves to jump up high into the air. Her spear eloquently spiraled with her in a tightened rotation before she yelled her battle cry. “GAHHHHH!”

The impact of her colliding her sharpened edge into the inquisitor’s back caused it to buckle on its knees. The wings stopped flapping as Mjnt continued to hack, slash, and stab repeatedly before backflipping off. She landed with ease, in between the adventurer party and the hurt knights.

“Come now—tis only a dragon Lord Drillemont.” Mjnt flexed her ears as she jovially winked to the Lord.

He recovered, wiping the sweat from his brow. “I wondered where you wandered off to. Where’s the other girl?”

Her ears were burning, yet Azlyn couldn’t stop her leg from bouncing nervously. The height had been playing with her as she tried to calculate how high it was. She shook the anxiety away, and then started her mad sprint to the edge. She commanded her Ifrit-Egi to go first, to latch onto the dragon below and blaze it with it’s raging claws. She would soon join her familiar as she propelled off the edge and soared above the whole scene.

She quickcast a Ruin spell and released it downward to the crouching draconian beast.

Mjnt smiled. “There she is, My lord. Excuse me while I catch her.” And rushed in to help.

Azlyn felt herself flipping and let herself do so. As she came closer to the dragon reacting painfully to the attacks from her Ifrit-Egi. Flapping its wings, it turned its gaze to her and started to produce another fireball.

Before the fireball could hit the mark, Azlyn felt a pair of strong arms pull her out of harms way and back to the ground. Shakily, she looked up to the tall Viera who helped her.

“Thanks Mjnt.”

“You’re welcome. Now come.” She entered a fighting stance in front of the dragon. “Lord Haurchefant will want a detailed report of this when I return.”

Azlyn snapped her book open and started to yell commands to her Ifrit-Egi to continue. “Keep attacking with Fiery Claw! Attack the eyes!”

She could feel eyes on her, but she focused on the enemy. She noticed N’thuzu Tia jumping back into combat, hacking and slashing at the left wing with several knights by his side. Ozwin pierced and stabbed with the lance, expertly moving between the legs and tail. Roll and Richiro Wichiro were mass healing, spreading healing weaves of magical aether out to mend their wounds. Koroko Koko and Kida were farther back, lobbying their ranged attacks to the major joints of the beast.

Azlyn noticed the breaking of the casted glamour—the beast they were attacking—was nothing more than a façade. With one good attack, they could get rid of the monster in their path. “Mjnt!”

The Viera looked over to the summoner.

“I need you to fracture that shimmering spot! The area over the shoulder blade and the right wing, can you do that!” She shouted over the battle.

Mjnt didn’t need anything else, as she charged forward and jumped high into the sky. She let some of her aether pour into the tip of her spear before she rocketed into the dragon. A loud shattering noise echoed in the valley, as the aether dispelled the creature from view. The inquisitor fell to his knees, gasping for breath as he was soon converged upon by all the knights and the people he tried to swindle.

Azlyn called off her familiar with the wave of her hand, and slowly approached the groups. She was steadying her breath, as Mjnt landed gently from above. For the amount of force she dropped into the monster, she still remained graceful—like a fluttering petal.

“My glamours—dispelled.” The man croaked in pain.

Lord Drillemont raised his sword, placing the tip at the start of his neck. He glared to him. “Your plans lie in ruin, heretic. Choose your words wisely, for they will be your last.”

Everyone watched quietly, the subtle gasps of everyone trying to catch their breath. The cold air was harsh on their lungs.

The fake inquisitor hacked, a mix between a cough and a dark laugh. “You may not recall the many Ishgardians I have sentenced, but the families of the dead will never forget. Blood has been repaid with blood, and for that I am content.”

Azlyn narrowed her eyes, biting her tongue.

The man then looked up, eyes wandering from person to person before landing on her. “My—my only regret is that you yet live.” He chuckled darkly, “But your end is nigh, foreigner. The dragons within the Stone Vigil will rend you asunder. And when you are dead, Whitebrim Front shall fall.”

Lord Drillemont stepped between the sight of him and Azlyn. He raised his blade up high before swinging it down. The Inquisitor had been slashed through with Lord Drillemont’s blade, as the blood seeped into the icy floor beneath.

“Defiant to the last.” Lord Drillemont swung his blade, letting the blood swish off the metal to the ground. “Leave the body for the crows—his ilk deserves naught better.” The Lord turned to the adventurers, before narrowing his eyes to them. “How are you associated with this heretic?”

Roll stepped up, staring straight to the Lord. “We have no relation to him.”

Kids nodded before her. “That’s right! He said that he would bring us to Azlyn; and then his cronies attacked us!”

Mint looked down to the girl standing silently beside her. It didn’t take much persuasion for the Au Ra to step forward and address Lord Drillemont. “Lord Drillemont, these people speak the truth. I am the Azlyn they seek. If you require further clarification, I will provide you with all that I know.”

The Lord silently regarded her declaration, and swiftly turned on his heel. But not before addressing them one last time. “I apologize for getting you involved in these sordid events. You never should have been asked to intervene in Ishgardian affairs of the state.” He paused, thinking back to something. “Rest assured, I have not forgotten the matter which first brought you into our midst. It is past time that you were reunited with your airship.”

This word perked Kida up. “Airship!”

Lord Drillemont let the interruption slide as he commanded his knights to head back. “But this is not the place to discuss such manners. Pray visit me at Whitebrim Front—and bring your associates.”

Azlyn nodded, only to feel the entire group behind her staring straight into her back. She nervously laughed. “They are welcome to join us Lord Drillemont?”

Lord Drillemont nodded. “I am extending to you a chance of good faith. Do not make me regret my decision.” He paused. Thinking about something to himself. “I shall go on ahead.” The Elezen Lord excused himself, leaving their party that resides in Snowcloak. There was an eerie silence that enveloped the party, save for Mjnt who nonchalantly shuffled her metal armor.

As if the silence wasn’t stifling, Azlyn could sense the groups’ palpable tension grow.

“I don’t know who you all are, but my name is Mjnt.” The Viera broke the silence after two long minutes of hard stares and Azlyn nervously staring at the ground. “I am a dragoon under the banner of House Fortemps.”

Roll broke her gaze to her cloaked cousin, and nodded to the tall woman with crimson hair. “I’m Roll.”

“Kida.” Kida spoke painfully succinct. She never broke eye contact on the Au Ra standing by the Viera’s side.

“I am Koroko Koko.” The black mage caster replied calmly, smiling warmly to her. “It’s good to meet you at last.”

Before anyone could interpret with Koroko Koko meant, the other Lalafellin jumped into speech. He seemed less angry—or mad—or upset than the rest of them. Or he was just being easy going. “Greetings! I am Richiro Wichiro, and we’re from Thanalan—or rather our group is from Thanalan. I’m from Limsa Lominsa—”

Ozwin cut through his speech directly. “She didn’t ask for your life story Richi.”


“The name is Ozwin.” The Midlander Hyur pointed to himself, and then crossed his arms over his chest. He didn’t break contact with the hooded person who looked ready to dig herself into the ground.

“I am N’thuzu Tia.” The Miqo’te Warrior introduced himself. “Thank you for watching out for our friend.”

Mjnt chuckled to them. “Shall I give you a few moments to catch up?”

Kida smiled widely. “If you could?”

Azlyn snapped her attention to Mjnt, her purple eyes wide with horror.

“Explain it properly little one. I will be with the others.” Mjnt winked, and slowly sauntered out from the valley.

Azlyn nervously clenched her hands on the front of her robes and turned her attention to the ground again.

Again, the silence remained. Azlyn could feel the pressure rising between them—a suffocating one. The weight on her shoulders intensified as she tried to think of something, or anything to say. Her mind went into overdrive—should she apologize? Should she grovel to them? Should she just jump right into the explanation? Her mind went at a faster rate than she could process it, and finally she felt a gentle hand drop upon the top of her head.

“You were scared.” Ozwin reached out to her, rubbing the cloth over her head. “We all were scared.”

She bit her lip. “I’m sor—” She wasn’t anticipating the overwhelming wash of emotion that coursed through her. She choked on the word as Ozwin continued to pat her head. She thought she was past the tears and anguish, but there it was.

Kida ran over to her, grabbing her hand and shaking it up and down furiously. “We were soooooo worried about you. What happened to your linkpearl! Why didn’t you leave us a note! Something, anything! Do you see my eyes! The tears may have permanently stained my eyes red!”

Everyone surrounded her, patting her on the back, her shoulder, telling her how they found her.

“It took a bit to catch the trail. If it wasn’t for that moogle in Gridania we probably wouldn’t have been able to track you!” Richiro Wichiro explained. “Kutka Putya and the sylphs in Little Solace told us that you went back to the Church of Saint Adama Landama near Camp Drybone, so we went there and learned that you left already.”

Ozwin stopped patting her head and let the others get a good look at her. “They say Cid is with you?”

Azlyn nodded. “I was... surprised too.” She hiccuped. 

Roll spoke resolutely. “We heard about what happened at the Waking Sands. We were worried you might have been captured or killed. If we knew that was going to happen—we would have gone with you. When you didn’t join us in Gridania that night, we knew something happened.”

Koroko Koko smiled to her. “The link pearl wasn’t connected, so we were out all night investigating. We searched Vesper Bay—finding the bodies of the scions and the mess. You also dropped those cakes.”

Kida sniffled, rubbing her eyes with her hands. “We didn’t mean to send you there alone... but no one saw you afterwards and we assumed the worst. Rumors started to spread that you were there and captured by the Empire. I felt so much guilt sending you there.”

Roll nodded. “But you weren’t captured. Let’s be thankful for that. Now we have something we can tell your scholar friends back home.”

Richiro Wichiro pointed up to her. “A guy keeps calling Kida, asking for updates.”

The Au Ra with blue hair sniffled. “Your boyfriend says he’s going to kill you for worrying everyone.” She reached Azlyn’s hand, shaking it up and down.

“—Not my boyfriend.” Azlyn choked out, her words broken by her throat constricting.

N’thuzu Tia walked behind Azlyn and gestured to the hood. “Have you been hiding all this time? Did you worry that you’d bring trouble to us if you were seen?”

Azlyn nodded once, as her vision clouded with tears. Ozwin pulled the hood off her head, easily lifting her face for everyone to see.

“Hey would you look at that, not a scratch on that face.”

Roll chuckled. “Heh.”

“Don’t cry Azlyn—you’ll get puffy like Kida.” Koroko Koko pointed out with a smile. “Welcome home.”

The girl sniffled, “I’m sorry.” She croaked. “I didn’t know—I didn’t want to—they were looking—I mean—the imperials killed—so many—the blood, the amount of dead—I just—” Her thoughts still weren’t concrete as she spoke the first things that came to mind. The whole group gave her puzzled expressions as they tried to piece together what she was trying to express.

Roll reached into Azlyn’s satchel, perusing the pockets before finding what she wanted. It was the linkpearl that she stowed away for safekeeping. The Au Ra then clipped the linkpearl back on her cousin’s horn before pinching her cheek. She started to then pull it back as Azlyn winced in pain.


Roll frowned. “We can fend for ourselves. Whatever trouble comes, we will take care of it together. No more running away. We need to be united now more than ever.”

Kida grasped her hand tightly in her own. “Yes! Together! No more being an emotional wreck by yourself! Depend on us more stupid!”

N’thuzu Tia affirmed from behind them. “You can rely on us to support. We all have some stake in this now.” 

Koroko Koko smiled. “I knew you would be fine—they wanted to make sure of it though.” She was the only one who was relaxed in the group. 

“You’re plenty strong Azlyn, but I still worried for you. Have you been eating alright? You look as if you haven’t eaten.” Richiro Wichiro started to dig into his own pouch to bring out some dried jerky. 

Azlyn looked between each of the members, and noticed their expressions all ranged from serious to determined. The Au Ra sniffled, lifting a hand to rub her nose. “I’m sorry. I was worried—I was worried that the imperials—the imperials would attack the house. I knew I would worry—would be making trouble for you all.”

Ozwin gave her a look, placing both his hands on his hips. He shook his head. “The only trouble you gave us was the heart attacks from not answering the linkpearl. Or showing up. Or telling us a clue to where you were. You may have been by yourself before, but there are people here now that want to help you. Don’t take advantage of us like that again. You hear me?”

She nodded her head. “I won’t.” 

Roll went to pinch her ear now. “If you remove this linkpearl from your ear again, I will find a way to permanently attach it. Are we clear?” 

“Crystal clear.” Azlyn quickly bobbed her head. 

“Excellent. Now what’s this about an Airship?” Kida refused to let go of her, attaching herself. “Should you be galavanting here in the snow when we should be preparing for the fight against Garuda?” 

Azlyn sighed, “So you all know that she’s been summoned back.” She looked to Roll, seeing the dark circles under her cousin’s eyes. “Alphinaud wants to find Cid’s Airship to combat against Garuda’s defenses. That’s why we’re here...” She stopped in her explanation, sighing. “Let’s head back to Whitebrim Front. He can explain it all to you. That way we don’t have to repeat ourselves later.” 

The party agreed, finally making their way back to Whitebrim Front. Kida clung onto Azlyn’s side, catching her up on all the things she may have missed while she was in hiding. 

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