
96 l The Black Wolf’s Ultimatum

The moment they arrived in Ul’dah, Minfillia and Alphinaud were pushing their way to Husting’s Strip that led into the Royal Promenade to speak with the Eorzean Alliance. Minfillia wanted to plead their case, that they had hope in this situation despite all the odds. 

Azlyn would have liked to stay out of the political fight, however the entire company voluntold her to join the Antecedent, Cid, and the young Sharlayan scholar. They remained by the airship, bidding them good luck. 

Minfillia spoke over her shoulder to Azlyn as they quickly walked through the halls. “Beleaguered as they are, I fear that they may elect to lay down their arms in the belief that surrender will spare their people untold suffering. Yet nothing could be further from the truth.” 

Azlyn thought to Doma. To Othard. To Ala Mhigo. To Bozja. To Dalmasca. To all the countries that had been sequestered by the Empire. It would all lead to ruin and despair for many. Surrender wasn’t an option. 

“It will doom Eorzea, not deliver it, and the leaders must be aware of this. We must needs hurry to them and ensure that they do not act in ignorance of the consequences.” 

Alphinaud nodded, keeping apace with Minfillia’s long strides. Cid clapped Azlyn upon her shoulder, helping her keep the rear. He offered her a silent gaze before they all moved together.

They arrived in front of the black and gold ornate rug that led all the way to the massive doors further in. There happened to be some people curiously peering around, gossiping. Azlyn noted the Gridanian wood hearers, the Marauders from Limsa Lominsa, she also noted Bartholomew standing guard at the door. He started to remind the growing crowds that they should back away from the doors when someone got too close. 

Minfillia, Alphinaud, Cid, and Azlyn pushed through the crowd, straight to the man guarding the door. 

“The council of the Alliance leaders are presently in progress. I must ask that you step away—Lady Minfillia and Master Alphinaud! IS THAT MASTER GARLOND!?” He bowed his head to them, and noticed the white haired Au Ra in between them. “And the Bloody Princess! Of course you may enter! This way.” 

The guard didn’t need to be told twice as he reached for the doorknob to allow them access. Azlyn let Minfillia and Alphinaud step forth, and followed shortly after. She could still remember the buzz of the people lingering after they left, how people started to urgently spread the gossip that they returned. 

They had a short hallway to go through, as another set of doors laid fifty feet ahead of them. Minfillia took the lead, before she pressed both of her palms upon the doors. She paused before she looked to Alphinaud, Cid, and Azlyn next to her. “This is where we change our fate. Eorzea shall not lose their hope this day.” 

Alphinaud nodded, and Azlyn clenched her fist. Cid closed his eyes, his thoughts quiet. The pounding pain in her palm echoed as her nails scratched upon the gouges she made earlier in the night. 

Minfillia pushed the doors open, as they caught the last spoken words of the Admiral at the large table. “The Scions of the Seventh Dawn and the Bloody Princess—Alas, they are gone, and the Black Wolf is at our door.” 

Alphinaud stepped forward, speaking loudly to interrupt their train of thought. “Admiral, I fear you are mistaken!” 

They all turned, looking to see the four of them confidently walking in. Alphinaud and Minfillia stepped forward—their heads held high. Cid stepped to the side, crossing his arms over his chest. Azlyn stepped in between them, her gaze resolutely to the center. 

“Forgive our interruption.” Azlyn bowed her head. “It took sometime to gather our forces once again.” 

The Elder Seedseer smiled warmly to her, her green eyes crinkled at the corners as she nodded. “The elementals spoke true. Welcome back.” 

The Admiral from Limsa Lominsa’s white eyes widened at the sight of them, so did Raubahn’s and Nanamo’s of Ul’dah Royal Family. Collectively they all hitched their breath wondering if what they saw standing at their table was real or fiction. 

“Alphinaud!?” Her eyes bounced between each of them. “Minfillia!? Azlyn!?” Then her eyes went as wide as they possibly could at the sight of Cid. “Seven Hells!! MASTER GARLOND!?”

Cid nodded to them. 

Raubahn stood up tall, looking to each of them—his expression bemoaned a man who looked like he saw ghosts. “By Rhalgr—You’re alive—You’re all alive!”

Alphinaud leaned his arms forward on the desk, placing them on the table. “As we approached, I would swear I heard talk of surrender, but I know that cannot be! It is not the Eorzean way!”

Minfillia nodded to Alphinaud’s statement. “Hear me, my friends! Accepting the Garleans’ offer to vanquish the primals would be folly.” She began to postulate to them and expressed her opinions openly. “Folly, I say! For might is not the answer to the primal threat. Indeed, the more the Empire exerts its strength, the worse matters will become. Primals enter this world when mortals call upon them, and mortals are wont to appeal to a higher power when they are desperate. Nothing is more certain to breed desperation in the beast tribes than the Garleans’ proposed solution.”

“The true answer lies in a lasting peace, but the Garleans only know war and conquest. Should Eorzea fall into their hands, there will be such suffering as none can imagine.” The scholar from Sharlayan tacked on.

Azlyn watched them argue their case, as the Alliance leaders listened with open expressions.

“We are not blind to the many challenges that each of your nations face. Yet you must not give in.” Minfillia urged, looking to each leader with a respectful gaze.

“Remember five years ago, when you wagered all for the sake of the realm! Remember what you fought for, what you were willing to die for!” Alphinaud said.

Azlyn thought back to her parents, back at the docks when they boarded. How determined they were to see peace be made. In lands even she had yet to cross—it was their wish to have her see the world for what it was. To carve a place in it’s long and thorny paths. She closed her eyes, flashes of the dead Scions as well as the tempered soldiers from Ul’dah came to her mind’s eye.

It’s your fault

She gritted her teeth.

“Let the memory rekindle the fire in your heart, for Eorzea has need of it again!”

Azlyn stepped up, slowly behind Cid who cautiously approached the two at the end of the table.

“Come what may,” Minfillia concluded, raising a hand over her heart. “we Scions will never give up the fight. And so I bid you stand with us, and together we shall safeguard the future of the realm!”

The Elder Seedseer of Gridania looked straight to Azlyn—her green eyes watched her curiously. “And what would you do, friend?”

All eyes turned to her, as she braced for the inevitable. There was no time to feel sorry for herself. This was not the time to wallow in self-piteous doubts.

It’s your fault

“I—I am not from these lands—you all know of this simple fact.” Azlyn started off with a bit of a stammer, clearing her throat. She hoped she wouldn’t ramble as she explained her stance. “I am but a simple person—a traveler—whom you all have welcomed with open arms. While I am far away from my home, in a way, you all have granted me a place to call home here. I think to the people that live here in Eorzea, the many people I met, the faces I see when I close my eyes—I see both the good, and the bad. Yet even through it all, I don’t wish to see them suffer. Nor do any of you. Yet it is because of these people that I will put myself through thick and thin—to ensure they have an opportunity to welcome a new day—to help in some small measure that I can. I want to—no, I will do my part—and I promise to do what I can as one who fights for peace in a realm. Call me what you will; whether I am your Bloody Princess or if I am your Warrior of Light—all I want to do is protect the hopes and dreams of the Eorzean people—of your people; and I hope that you will stand with us as well.” She bowed to them. “I am inexperienced in many ways—but I hope to help bring a solution that will be to the benefit of all.”

Cid stepped forth then, smiling to the group. “A great man once said that a shrewd merchant grasps not for the quick profit, but invests in the future. Wise words—eh, Raubahn?”

Azlyn peered up to Cid, who gave her a thumbs up. She realized that he said that in a means to help her. Smiling, she gratefully accepted.

“I—” Raubahn stammered, looking between the Chief Engineer and Azlyn.

Kan-E-Senna smiled to Azlyn. “Your words stir—and shame me in equal measure. How could I contemplate surrender? I know full well that all we have, we owe to the sacrifices of those who went before us. Yet the seeming hopelessness of our plight robbed me of my insight.” The white robed blonde stood up from her seat, grabbing her long staff that had been propped beside her. She looked to the council with determination burning in her eyes. “We Gridanians have no love for war—Yet we have still less for those who would threaten our homeland. Ever have we fought to protect those things we hold dear, and this shall never change.” She turned to Azlyn, with a small smile of gratitude. “Thank you.” She then raised up her staff, turning her gaze to the ceiling. “Gridania will go to war. We will fight the Empire, for the sake of the realm and all who abide here!”

Nanamo Ul Namo began to chuckle, her face changed from utter shock to joy in a matter of seconds. “Hear, Hear! At long last, I hear words worthy of a founder of the Alliance!” She then turned her resolute gaze to the Scions and smiled warmly to them. “All your words rally even the mightiest of flames to battle. To have our dear friends, one of whom has time and time again fought for the peace of a country she travelled to, rekindle the hope of the people—I think it’s time we met their expectations with matching convictions.”

Admiral Merlwyb and Raubhan started to laugh in their places at the table.

“Raubahn, are we to be outdone!?” Nanamo gazed to her Commander of the Immortal Flames. The man laughed once more.

“I lost one homeland. The thought of losing another had blunted my resolve.” His grizzly voice echoed in the hall. “But no man knows better than I that if you want aught, you’d best be ready to die for it.” He pumped his chest twice with his fist. “With great danger comes the chance for great glory, and great profit—we Ul’dahns, who have turned sand into gold, know this well.” He gave a nod to the Scions, adding on. “How many times have we fallen into the pit of despair, only to have you pluck us out? I’ve fair lost count.”

Admiral Merlwyb crossed her arms over her chest. She had a mirthful tone in her voice as she called out. “Reckless. The lot of you—I expect such from our Bloody Princess and my pirates! Well, I won’t waste my breath trying to talk you ‘round—on account of being a pirate myself. And the pirate who shrinks from a challenge is no pirate at all!” She stood up, throwing an arm to the side. She declared to the group. “Those who would pick a quarrel with us must choose: back down, or go down with all hands! Let the Garleans come. The united strength of Limsa Lominsa will be waiting for them!” Merlwyb raised a clenched fist up into the air, and smirked.

Her majesty Nanamo nodded enthusiastically to her council. “If our realm is to be free of this pall of darkness, let it be by our own hands!”

They all called out at once, “For Eorzea!” The Scions all watched as Kan-E-Senna burned the proposal from the Black Wolf on a silver platter. Both the Admiral and Raubahn dropped the same wrapped documents upon the fires before walking toward the Ul’dah Royal. The Lalafellin ruler had ruled out a map of Eorzea for them to begin their preparations of war.

Azlyn heaved a sigh of relief, as Alphinaud smiled to her. “You did well my friend.”

“It was your words, and Minfillia’s that brought their attention to the truth.” She watched from afar as the Alliance Leaders continued.

Nanamo approached the four of them, greeting them with a curtesy wave. “Be at ease, my friends. You have banished our doubts.” She nodded. “Pray leave the military matters to us, and retire to the Waking Sands. We will send word anon.”

Minfillia nodded, and like that, the four of them left the hall back to the bustling halls of the Husting Strip. Cid punched his hand into his open palm, while Azlyn contemplated how they would retaliate against the Garleans.

They returned to the airship, where the rest of their group eagerly awaited them. After a short lapse to explain, everyone learned of what needed to be done.

Cid turned to the adventurers and Azlyn. “I will take the Scions back to the Waking Sands. If there are things you need to prepare before this war starts, it’d be best to do it now.”

Roll nodded. “Understood.”

Kida winked to them all. “What time shall we reconvene?”

Minfillia smiled to them, “Tomorrow morning. Take the remainder of the evening to rest. Everything will come to a head tomorrow, that I have no doubt.”

Azlyn looked to the Antecedent, her jitters from before started to ebb away. “It’s a relief we were able to stop them when we did.”

“I cannot well express my relief as well.” The blonde replied to her. “To think that the Alliance came so close to surrender!”

Richiro clapped both of his hands to his cheeks in shock.

“But the fires in their hearts has been rekindled, and they will fight to the last.” Cid replied.

Alphinaud closed his eyes, clutching the front lapel of his blue and white robes. “This warmth inside—did you feel it too, Grandfather?” He stopped his moment of self-reflection before turning to Minfillia and Azlyn. He called out to them. “I would know something—was that your power at work earlier?” 

Minfillia blinked in confusion, before she chuckled. “Nothing of the sort. The leaders of Eorzea had lost their way—we merely helped them to find it again. Isn’t that right, Azlyn?”

She wondered if that truly the case. “I’m not omnipotent. I’m just a normal, everyday living being.”

Minfillia jumped when her linkpearl activated. While she spoke into the device, Azlyn turned to Alphinaud. “Alphinaud, why are you following in your grandfather’s footsteps?”

The boy smiled up to her. “I could very well say the same to you Azlyn. Why do you follow in the footsteps of your parents?”

“I see.” She reached up to press upon her chest, to feel the beating of her own heart flutter. Before she could respond however, the young Sharlayan turned to the Scions on the airship. “We must needs plan our next move. Pray continue liaising with your respective nations. Cid, would you be our man in Ul’dah?”

Cid nodded. “I’ll be whatever and wherever you need me to be!”

Minfillia chuckled, ending her call. She returned to their group with bit of worry etched on her face. “It does pain me to think of Thancred’s fate—I cannot bear to think of him in thrall of an Ascian.” She sighed, tapping her chin. “Mayhap you know this already, but the Ascians are immortal beings without physical form. Since time immemorial, they have fanned the flames of chaos from the shadows.”

Mjnt crossed her arms over her chest. “The black cloaked men. I believe I have seen them before in my travels. Tragedy seems to follow them wherever they appear.”

N’thuzu Tia quirked his head to the side, his ears twitched in question. “Is there a way to battle against something immortal? How does one kill it?”

Koroko Koko laughed in her hand. “We can surely experiment!”

Everyone nervously looked to their black mage caster.

“There must be a way to reverse the possession.” Roll suggested, cupping her chin in her hand.

“They work unseen, so the Ascians will entrap and possess mortal men by means of malign artifacts known as Crystals of Darkness. One such crystal may yet be the key to saving Thancred.” Minfillia turned to Cid. “We have guests waiting for us in the Waking Sands. They have brought us a sample of such a crystal.”

Alphinaud widened his eyes. “A Crystal of Darkness?”

Y’shtola pondered aloud. “Probably no more than a replica—created using data obtained from anomalous crystals found across Eorzea.”

Minfillia nodded to the Miqo’te. “Indeed. Our allies, the Students of Baldesion, have come to deliver it to us.”

Azlyn widened her eyes. That must have been the guests she spoke of that were waiting for them.

“Even for an Archon, Thancred’s talents are exceptional. We all had complete confidence in him.” Minfillia concluded, sighing to herself. “It was for this reason that none among us foresaw the danger in sending him to investigate the Ascians alone.”

Papalymo gestured to them all. “Thancred had been striving to fill the void left by Louisoix. Yet it was plain that he was overtaxing himself.”

Azlyn thought back to the moment where he was sitting alone on the bench. He looked haggard, tired, and lost in thought when she had approached. She could tell he had a lot on his mind—yet he was the one who cheered her up when she kept running into roadblocks during her own investigation against the Ascians. “He’s as bad as I am.”

Roll chuckled. “You two do share that trait, taking on way too much.”

“Yeah, he would volunteer for everything and work till he was dizzy.” Yda pointed out further.

Kida went to tap her fingers in an aggressive beat upon her arms. “Definitely sounds like someone we all know.”

Azlyn scratched behind her neck nervously. “And the toll taken by his exertions made him vulnerable to Ascian influence.” She got the point as clear as day.

“This Crystal of Darkness—it should be on his person to maintain the possession.” Alphinaud concluded. “If we could but destroy it, his Ascian possessor would be compelled to relinquish control over him.”

Minfillia nodded. “I can see no others fit for the task than Azlyn and her friends. You are our stoutest of allies, standing with us through thick and thin. The most perilous struggles are still to come. For the sake of this realm—and Thancred—I ask that you all please lend us your strength once more.”

Azlyn gave her a small smile, nodding.

The others behind her gave their own versions of acknowledgment, even Nin-Nin, as silent as he was.

“Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.” The Antecedent bowed to them. “Your words in the hall sparked within me a memory—the realm was once saved from certain doom five years ago by heroes known as the Warriors of Light.” She gazed to each of them, giving them warm regards. “I can only think of them when I look upon you all. And I am certain through the many deeds you have all done in the service of the Scions may have prompted folks to make certain comparisons.”

Kida rubbed her nose. “Warriors of Light? Nah, we’re just mundane folk helpin’ out is all!”

Y’shtola chuckled. “As I recall, some Warriors of Light were modest, but that doesn’t change the fact that people have viewed them as their champions.”

Minfillia was quick to bring them back to being humble with her next words. “Yet remember this: however glorious the past, it is the hero’s lot to be judged on the deeds of the present. A new darkness threatens the realm, and the people cry out for a savior.”

Azlyn’s mind flashed to Ozwin in this moment, back in Gridania as he spoke a bit of his past—his own connection to being a Warrior of Light—and how everyone forgotten.

“I believe you all are Warriors of Light, here in the present, guided by the Crystal’s will.” The Antecedent nodded to them, before rallying the Scions and them together. “Come, my friends! Let us fight to safeguard the future of our beloved Eorzea!”

She was the first to board the ship, followed by the others. The people from the Fated Free Company, along with Mjnt and Nin-Nin, watched as the Scions were flown up and away to go back to their headquarters. When they were out of sight did the party look to Azlyn squarely.

“You have been lost in your thoughts since Thancred revealed himself as Lahabrea. Are you alright?” Roll asked.

“Yeah. I’m fine.” Azlyn answered quick.

Mjnt crossed her arms, narrowing her ruby eyes. “Lie.”

“Wha—it’s not a lie?!” She retorted.


N’thuzu walked over to her, reaching down to her bloodied hands. He cupped them in his own, and Richiro summoned Eos from his Grimoire. The fairy landed gently upon her open palms as she healed the gouges from her nails.

“A lot has happened—you don’t need to pretend to be okay.” He spoke calmly to her.

Kida hummed. “You’re allowed to feel, my dudette—you’re not a robot! It’d be odd if you didn’t feel anything.”

“We talked about this in Coerthas, didn’t we? You can depend on us—let us help you.” Her cousin spoke softly.

Azlyn looked between her friends, seeing the concern on each of their faces. Nin-Nin’s was harder to discern, given his entire face was wrapped in black fabric, but his eyes did give him away. 

She sighed. “I should have done more.” She admitted, thinking back to that night in the alley. If she had noticed him acting weirdly then, she should have told them—should have informed the Scions. “And now I live with those consequences.”

“You’re doing enough.” Koroko Koko smiled. “Out of us all, you’re the brightest. You are, after all, the beacon that will light the realm.”

Roll looked to the caster. “You have the weirdest ways of speaking. You know that, right?”

“Hmm Hm Hmm.” She responded right back, a knowing smile on her lips. “We all have our quirks Master Roll.”

Mjnt directed her gaze to their mute ninja in their company. “That I don’t deny.”

Nin-Nin narrowed his eyes to the Viera, before curtly turning on his heel. Azlyn called out to him. “Where are you going?”

He stopped, before giving her a simple response. « Home. To sleep. »

“Oh… okay.” She waved goodbye, as the others contemplated their next actions.

“I suppose we should do as Cid suggested, get out things in order. Kida, do you want to come with me to the markets?” Roll asked.

“You betcha!” The Au Ra with blue hair replied. She looped an arm with Mjnt at that moment. “Come on Mjnt, we’ll show you Ul’dah since we’re here!”

She chuckled. “I look forward to the tour.”

Azlyn pondered why Mjnt stayed with them even though she wasn’t obligated to. She didn’t have any ties to their free company, nor to Eorzea. In fact, she thought the Viera would go back to Coerthas. “Do you not want to go home?” She asked at last.

The Viera chuckled, looking upon the white-haired Au Ra with her ruby eyes. Her long ears twitched as she smiled. “I wish to see this tale to its end. My Lord will be fine without my presence for a few more days.”

“Who’s your Lord, Mjnt?” Richiro Wichiro asked.

“Lord Haurchefant from the House of Fortemps. He is a gallant knight, titled appropriately as the Silver Fuller.”

“He was very kind and sweet!” Kida remembered him from the time the three of them went to rescue Biggs and Wedge. “He was tall and had the purest of blue eyes! He’s definitely easy on the eyes!”

N’thuzu Tia chuckled. “Well now we know Kida’s crush.”

“Oh sweetie, I’m positively smitten!” She unabashedly admitted.

They all laughed; the sound seemed oddly strange given that they were probably going to war the next morning.

“Azlyn—” Koroko brought everyone’s attention to her once more. “I think it’d be in your best interest to go to Gridania. There’s someone who wishes to see you.”

Roll snapped her fingers. “Right! Y’mhitra came by the house before we left for Coerthas. She was worried about you after the disappearance.”

Azlyn winced, thinking back to the dark days of her disappearance. “Then before I turn in for the night, I’ll meet with her. Thank you for relaying the message.”

Koroko nodded. “I shall return to the Free Company house. I think it’d be wise for us to be together one last night.”

“Ominous much?” Kida prompted.

N’thuzu Tia shook his head. “I’m sure Ozwin is sleeping on the couch like usual. We’ll wake him and tell him all that happened.”

“I will go with them as well. I want to practice on the training dummy in the front. Who knew summoning familiars and fairies would be a different feel from healing with nature?”

Roll nodded, “I felt the same when I started Astrology. Each skill has their own derivative of means and aether to spend. It is something we should take into consideration when we prepare for tomorrow.”

With everyone’s plans made, they each went their ways. Three of them walked to the residential section where the Free Company House was located, while the other three went to the markets. Azlyn closed her eyes, thinking of the green forest in Gridania, the calmness of the trees, the trickle of the waterfalls—and then teleported to the City-State.

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