
98 l Operation Archon

“Everyone present?” Minfillia looked out to the large gathering of Scions and adventurers alike. “Excellent. Alphinaud if you please.” 

The young Sharlayan approached the table for everyone to see—they had a place at the encampment outside of Vesper Bay, the front that protected the town against the nearby Castrum outpost on the cliff. 

“Here is the details of the impending operation.” He started, laying out the parchment with ease. “In what promises to be the largest single counteroffensive in the realm’s troubled history, the Alliance will strike at every imperial stronghold standing upon Eorzean soil.” 

Kida whistled. 

“As might be expected, the operation will be complex, but you need not commit its intricacies to memory. It is enough that each man understands his part and plays it to the best of his ability.”

Minfillia smiled, staring down at the map. “The finer instructions, will be received at each of the staging points.” 

Alphinaud nodded. “To begin, let us review the distribution of our forces.” He pointed to Vylbrand, directing them to the western coasts of the continent. From west to east—the Maelstrom of Limsa Lominsa, the Immortal Flames of Ul’dah, and the Order of the Twin Adder of Gridania.” He pointed to each countries prominent allied companies. “Next, let us examine the locations of the imperial strongholds.” 

Y’shtola pointed to the outposts in Vylbrand. “Near Limsa Lominsa, we have Castrum Occidens, situated in eastern Vylbrand. Then Castrum Marinum, which lies to the south and east, in the midst of the Rhotano Sea.”

Minfillia then pointed to the outposts in Ul’dah. “Near Ul’dah, we have Castrum Meridianum to the north, and the coastal outpost at Cape Westwind which connects Castrum Marinum to the Mainland by means of a magitek transporter.” 

Papalymo perked up next. “And near Gridania, we have Castrum Oriens, which lies upon the eastern edge of the Twelveswood.”

Yda snapped her fingers, “And let’s not forget about Castrum Centri in Mor Dhona!” 

“A thorn in the heart of Eorzea.” Alphinaud commented, as he nodded. “The forthcoming operation will see Allied forces assault each of the aforementioned locations, with the ultimate objective of destroying the Empire’s new weapon, housed within Castrum Meridianum.”

Cid added after he silently had observed their discussion. “As one might expect of the Gaius’s seat of power, Castrum Meridianum boasts all but impenetrable defenses. If we are to breach it, we must isolate it from its sister strongholds.” 

Y’shtola crossed her arms over her chest. “To do otherwise would be to risk being caught ‘twixt hammer and anvil.”

Alphinaud spoke calmly to gather them back. “The operation will compromise four distinct phases, all told. The first shall see us eliminate one of the Black Wolf’s most trusted lieutenants—Rhitahtyn sas Arvina. According to our intelligence, the praefectus is due to visit the imperial outpost at Cape Westwind for an inspection.” The boy plucked out a purple marker, projecting the lieutenant’s proposed travel to Cape Westwind from Castrum Occidens. “When he arrives this morning, we shall dispatch an elite adventurer unit to eliminate him. Azlyn, we would like you to lead this assault.”

The Au Ra with white hair swallowed the lump in her throat. “Understood.” 

Kida clapped her hands while the others understood that they were to be apart of this operation with her. 

Papalymo looked up to Azlyn, speaking calmly. “Rhitahtyn is a peerless field tactician. Shorn of his leadership, the garrison at Castrum Occidens will be as a snake without it’s head.” 

Alphinaud pulled a red marker, signifying that Cape Westwind would be ineffective after the defeat of the lieutenant. Then placed a number 1 by it. “Phase two will see us sever Castrum Meridianum’s primary lines of supply. As soon as Rhitahtyn’s presence is confirmed at the coastal outpost, the Maelstrom will lay siege to Castrum Occidens.” He circled Occidens with his purple marker, and wrote Maelstrom with a 2 over the stronghold. He then circled Castrum Marinum with the blue marker with another 2 placed by the sea stronghold. “At that very hour, the Lominsan Armada, helmed by the Admiral herself, shall move to blockade Castrum Marinum.”

Minfillia smiled, watching Alphinaud draw with his blue marker to mark the outpost in the Twelveswood. He wrote 2 over it as Minfillia explained in his place. “Meanwhile, in the Twelveswood, the Order of the Twin Adder will surround Castrum Oriens.”

Yda popped in this time, with a nod. “And they’ll have the sylphs to help them! Frixio’s been waiting for a chance to avenge these ones!”

Alphinaud leaned back to look at the remaining two outposts in the center of Eorzea. “Phase three shall see us neutralize Castrum Meridianum’s defenses. Forming our main thrust, the Immortal Flames will march against the stronghold with all their strength. While the enemy’s eyes are thus drawn outwards, we will have Azlyn’s group infiltrate the castrum.”

He circled the outpost with his green marker, with a 3. 

“The mission,” Minfillia said, “is to disable the magitek field generator which protects the Praetorium, a fortress within a fortress wherein the Ultima Weapon is believed to be housed.”

“Meanwhile, the Order of the Twin Adder will blockade the railway which connects Centri and Meridianum, preventing the timely arrival of reinforcements from Mor Dhona.” 

Papalymo nodded, as they watched the young Sharlayan cross out Centri with the green marker. He wrote a 3 over this outpost too. “A wise precaution. The monstrous locomotive which runs back and forth between the two castra is capacious enough to transport a small army, by all accounts.” 

Y’shtola scoffed. “It is well the Garleans did not think to give it wings.” 

“Once Meridianum’s defenses have been compromised, the operation will enter its fourth and final phase.” Minfillia started. “This will see the Immortal Flames enter the stronghold and suppress the remnants of the enemy garrison. This in turn will allow Azlyn’s unit to pass unoccupied into the Praetorium, where they will locate and destroy the Ultima Weapon.”

Alphinaud crossed off the outpost with a black marker, labeling it with a 4. “By this feat shall the operation be deemed a success.” Alphinaud then dropped the marker and crossed his arms. “In addition to the Grand Companies, we can count upon the support of a variety of other parties, from the Pirates of Limsa Lominsa to the Monetarists of Ul’dah. In all, the operation will involve no fewer than twelve major factions. Legend holds that the Archons were twelve in one, and one in twelve—it is for this reason that our grand endeavor has been dubbed “Operation Archon”.

“Countless free companies have also pledged their swords, and more join us this morning. At long last, all of Eorzea is rising as one.” Minfillia smiled, gesturing with both of her arms.

“Aye. As before, we Scions shall work in concert with the Grand Companies. Yda, Papalymo, Y’shtola—pray accompany your respective organizations on their missions.” 

The three in question nodded. Yda gave the boy a thumbs up and smirk. 

Minfillia looked to Urianger. “Urianger, I would have you represent us in Ul’dah. Reassure the financiers that they have made a sound investment. When that is done, pray return here and air in the coordination of our forces.” 

He bowed his head to her. 

“Tataru, please assist Urianger in any way you are able, and ensure that everyone is kept abreast of the latest developments.”

The Lalafellin bookkeeper in pink bobbed her head, smiling to the Antecedent. 

Alphinaud nodded. “Minfillia, Cid, and I shall accompany the main host in an advisory capacity. It will be our task to analyze as it comes into our possession, and make the necessary recommendations to command.”

Roll nodded her head, looking between their group of eight. “It seems we made a good decision last night to prepare when we did. This is like to be a dangerous situation.” 

Kida smirked, rubbing her nose. “Good thing we like to be placed in those types of things.” 

Ozwin crossed his arms. He was troubled about the “might” of the Ultima Weapon in Castrum Meridianum. “Better pray that Ultima Weapon is there. This will all be for nothing if the weapon isn’t even there.” 

Alphinaud nodded. “I trust in our reports.”

“And Gaius is not one to run from a fight. He is the type to go against it, head to head. You can bet he will be there—with the Ultima Weapon at his side.” Cid added, his eyes darkening as he spoke. 

The young Sharlayan clapped his hands together. He gave Azlyn a smirk. 

She took a long, deep breath—clearing her mind before she smacked her hands together. “The battle for the future of the realm is about to begin. Together, let us show the Black Wolf the power of a united Eorzea!”

They all cheered at her words, before splitting off into their designated groups. Cid, Minfillia, and Alphinaud reminded while the others teleported or walked away from the outdoor encampment.

Minfillia smiled to their group. “The lieutenant is currently en route to Cape Westwind as we speak. Pray, go speak with the soldier at the post over yonder, and he will brief you on your first mission.”

Azlyn nodded. 

“I cannot stress this enough, but please be careful. May you all walk in the light of the Crystal.” 

It was this time they all acknowledged Minfillia, giving firm affirmations to her. The three Scions left them then, as they started their own preparations. 

“I guess it’s time.” Koroko Koko smiled, walking over to the Allied Communications Officer Minfillia pointed to. “Let us give the Empire a piece of our minds.” 

Mjnt chuckled. “The Lord will be interested to hear all about this when I return.”

N’thuzu Tia stretched his arms up and down, closing his dark brown eyes to concentrate on the moment of relaxing. Then punched both of his fists together. “This is more than just us. This is the realm we’re talking about.” 

Richiro Wichiro rubbed his nose. “I’ll do my best to support you all.” 

Ozwin crossed his arms. “I’ll help with any close combat—and stealth.” 

Azlyn nodded once more. She was proud to have her friends with her by her side. “Roll, Kida—you two have anything you’d like to say?” 

“Let’s kick the Empire’s ass!”

Roll smirked. “All for one—one for all.” 

“Let Operation Archon commence!” 

Koroko greeted the communications officer with a slight hand wave. “We’re here to commence the first mission sir.” 

The officer scanned the eight of them, as his eyes stopped upon Azlyn. He smiled to them. “You all are welcome to—By the Twelve—the Bloody Princess in the flesh!?” He gave her an approving nod, and then confidently continued. “As the communications officer, it falls to me to issue you your orders, and provide guidance on forthcoming missions. Your mission is to infiltrate the imperial outpost at Cape Westwind and eliminate Praefectus Rhitahtyn sas Arvina. Please report to Lieutenant Adalbert at the staging point. From there, your group shall begin the first mission. Though I have all confidence you all will succeed.” 

The group followed the path, traveling through the cavern as directed and pushed through the murky grounds of the Footfalls. They began to climb the path to the west, where they came across the Lieutenant that the communications officer stated they were to find. 

“So you’re Azlyn—the Bloody Princess—a fearless adventurer who’s to lead the assault.” He looked to all of them. “We’ve been expecting you all.” A messenger came running over with a report. The lieutenant took a moment to read over the small piece of paper before nodding. He waved a few people to go ahead before turning back to their group. “Our Maelstrom friends report that Rhitahtyn sas Arvina departed Castrum Occidens a bell ago.” 

Kida smacked her hands together. “Good, let’s kick his ass!”

He nodded, looking up the cliffside. “Wait for the good part,” he smirked. “Just now, a convoy of imperial airships landed here.” He lifted the report. “The likelihood is high that our target was abroad one of the vessels. I’ve dispatched scouts to verify his presence before we strike.” 

They stood by, a wait no longer than five minutes, as the messenger got a call from his linkpearl. He answered. “Antlion IV has target sighted.”

Lieutenant Adalbert reached up to his linkpearl, calling out to all his units. “Attention, all units. This is Lieutenant Adalbert. The first step of Operation Archon begins with us. Should we falter here, all hope of victory will be lost. ‘Tis no small burden, but know that I believe in you all. So believe in yourselves, and together we will blaze a path for our brothers and sisters in the Alliance to follow.” 

The Lieutenant gave an Immortal Flames salute to their group. “We will create multiple diversions and disperse the energy garrison. That should give your people a chance to breach their defenses.” He bowed his head then. “Go bring us Rhitahtyn’s head. May Rhalgr grant you strength!” 

Azlyn nodded, and the others prepared their weapons. The girl thought of her grimoire, summoning Titan-Egi to her side. 

The lieutenant started the attack, and the party of eight jumped into actions. They rushed up the cliff at the sign to go—and rushed through the fighting and ambushes by the alliances. The soldiers were overtaken, surprised by the presence of enemy forces approaching. 

They pushed onward, up the paths of Cape Westwind where they came across the last gates leading into the stronghold. Ozwin and N’thuzu had been good at keeping the stray soldiers away—killing them swiftly as they rushed through. 

Beyond the last gate, Azlyn could see the small platoon of soldiers and the bulky armored individual being protected. It could only be Rhitahtyn sas Arvina. 


The seven nodded, before Azlyn commanded her Titan Egi to rip the ground asunder by the gates. The foundation cracked, just enough of the hinges to be broken. N’thuzu ran up then, using a swift, strong kick to knock the metal gate inward with a mighty crash. 

As the dust settled from the broken metal gate N’thuzu Tia kicked in, the eight of the walked up the path where Rhitahtyn sas Arvina and his officers watched them arrive. His custom armor, with guns that looked like cannons on both arms glistened in the early morning sun.

“It would appear we have unexpected guests.” His voice reverberated from within his helmet, the long-curved horns that reminded Azlyn of a bull. It appeared that he was staring intently to her before he exasperated a sign of recollection. “Where have I seen you before—But of course—the Au Ra who felled the mighty Titan.”

The centurion by his side took a step back, shocked by the revelation. “This is the eikon-slayer?!”

“And friends, no less.” Rhitahtyn spoke, now turning his attention to the whole party. “I see. This commotion without is naught but a diversion. Allow me to hazard a guess: by eliminating me, you hope to undermine the garrison at Occidens.” He chuckled, which caused the rest of the group, and herself to narrow their eyes. “A bold strategy, to be sure, but have you the strength to see it to fruition?”

Kida raised her bow, an arrow notched. “You bet your metal tits we will. Come on guys—it’s his little entourage and ours. Let’s do this!”

N’thuzu Tia swung his axe, readying it—as Mjnt and Ozwin stepped out with their favored weapons. Azlyn called Titan-Egi back to her and called forth her Ifrit-Egi. Roll, Richiro, and Koroko stayed to the back, preparing for the long-range assault and support for their magicks.

Rhitahtyn looked to his men. “Leave us. None of you are a match for them. Send word to Castrum Occidens. Tell them the Lominsans are coming.”

“At once, my lord!” The two called out.

They ran past their group, as Mjnt and Ozwin were about to strike them—Azlyn shook her head. “Don’t. They’re non-combatants.”

Ozwin clicked his tongue, but didn’t move to chase. Mjnt also settled, straightening herself. They all turned their attention to Imperial Praefectus as he took a step forward. He seemed to be judging them by their actions.

“Fifteen years have come and gone since Lord van Baelsar first set foot in Eorzea. Yet his ambition for the realm burns as strong as ever it did. Know you what fuels it? The desire to deliver the people from their suffering.” He paused seeing most of them tense up. “The lands he has conquered were all beset with problems—poverty, starvation, lawlessness, and strife. My homeland was no exception. Had my lord not reached out and claimed it for the Empire, it would eventually have destroyed itself. But under his sage leadership, my people enjoyed such peace and stability as we had never known. And he only desires the selfsame for the people of this realm. Under his rule, Eorzea would be free from the shackles which bind it—the shackles of false faith.”

Azlyn couldn’t stand in silence anymore. “Saved it? Those same lands you speak of—of Doma, of Bozja, of Ala Mhigo, and countless other countries still suffer to this day! Many people were displaced and without a means to survive. Many of which died when the Empire forcefully interceded. You speak of the Empire saving them from suffering? In all my time traveling, the only stories that have come from the words of those saved people were of devastation and despair! Don’t you dare throw your rhetoric about these lands needing to be saved. If anything, it needs to be saved from the Empire. Under the rule of any Imperial, Eorzea would find itself in greater peril—as the Empire would do everything in its power to eliminate anything that didn’t fit the perfect image you had in mind for this perfect utopia.” She retorted. She snapped her book open, as her eyes flared.

“What these lands need is a strong hand—not the feeble leaders that misguide the masses. There would be no eikons to bleed the lands dry if Lord van Baelsar succeeds. True peace would reign, and the people would be free to live their lives without fear of persecution or oppression.” He responded back, engaging her conversation. “Those lands—Let us speak of Doma—it is close to home for you, is it not Au Ra? The fields still grow green, the people live in peace, even Lord van Baelsar has seen to it to bring in orphans to save them for starving to death. Those people you speak of—the people you’ve only spoken to in your travels in Eorzea—are but one side of the coin. There are many individuals in Werlyt who were displaced from Doma and Othard who would attest that the livelihood has been flipped since the Empire has helped rid them of the pre-existing problems.”

Azlyn bit her cheek.

Rhitahtyn tapped his chest, gesturing to himself, as he continued. “Should you doubt the truth of my words, I bid you look upon me, I am no son of Garlemald, yet Lord van Baelsar saw fit to raise me to a station of great honor. Would an Empire bent upon the destruction of the races outside of Garlemald permit such a person as I to this point of power?” It must have been a rhetorical question, as he spoke up once more. “He measures a man not by his birth, but by his worth. Such is his sense of justice. By the grace of His Excellency, I am where I was born to be—upon the field of battle. He has given me a noble cause to fight for, and worthy adversaries to smite.”

Azlyn watched as he slammed his right foot forward, as he lifted both of his arms up to aim. He called out to them. “I am not wont to bare my steel needlessly. But if you are deaf to reason, I, Rhitahtyn sas Arvina, in the name of Lord van Baelsar, do swear to strike you down!”

He started to fire upon them, forcing their large clump to scatter down the middle. Azlyn moved to the left with Kida and Richiro, while Koroko and Roll went to the right side. Mjnt jumped upward, swinging her spear to attempt to impale the Praefectus. Ozwin and N’thuzu Tia charged, sprinting in a zig-zag pattern to avoid getting shot at.

Azlyn commanded her summoned familiar to help their offensive line, while she casted spells that would sicken him.

Kida fired several arrows, and each one had been knocked out of the way by his armored gun. N’thuzu Tia and Ozwin were working in tandem together, attacking any open spots that they could find, however the man was quick on their attacks, dodging and parrying their blows with his own. Mjnt’s attacks also seemed ineffective, as he noticed her coming ahead and stepped backward.

“I will suffer none to oppose Lord van Baelsar!” Rhitahtyn sas Arvina shouted, firing in rapid succession to his left side. Azlyn’s side had to run to avoid the shots, until one of their melee fighters took his attention away from them.

With a great clash of metal, N’thuzu Tia’s Axe smashed into the gun of the man’s right arm—preventing it from firing. He smirked, only to see the left arm raise to his face. Ozwin had enough time to tuck under the side, grab the Miqo’te by the scruff and yank him back as the fires went off.

It was in that moment when the two men back off that Mjnt jabbed and thrusted her spear, attempting to keep the man on his toes. For a giant like him in clunky armor, he moved effortlessly. “My shields are impregnable! Join the countless challengers who have dashed themselves against them!”

Azlyn ordered her summon to attack his flank, as the claws ripped up at the man’s shoulder straps. The slashing motion gave Mjnt enough time to stab into his lower abdomen, cracking the side with ease. She pulled away, just as he started to fire off the gun to her direction—as Kida fired several more arrows laced with corrosive poison.

“Let’s see you eat acid, punk ass!”

While her arrows still didn’t land a blow, Koroko Koko’s massive aether she held released down from the skies upon him. The fiery embers of her fire erupted over him and his armor.

He ignored the flames surrounding him as he yelled out: “Your defeat will bring Lord van Baelsar’s noble conquest one step closer to fruition!”

N’thuzu Tia jumped back to attack once more, as Roll released a massive healing energy to surround them. Ozwin ran over to Azlyn, grabbing her by the arm. “Get out your sword and shield.”

“Why?” She asked.

“I’m borrowing it.”

She called off her familiar, letting the grimoire disappear as she thought of her sword and shield she received that morning from his shed. He took the items from her, before he handed over his pair of karambits.

“When Thuzu, Mjnt and I crack through his chest armor—you will plunge those daggers into his chest.”

She widened her eyes, “Why me, and not you?”

He turned as he flexed his sword arm. “You will bear the weight of the words you spoke earlier. His convictions are resolute—but so should yours.” And he was gone, jumping right back into the swing of melee. N’thuzu and Mjnt had been able to hold him enough on their own, but when Ozwin joined—they started to wear him down.

With the constant healing and support spells from Roll and Richiro, they were bound to succeed as it was only one man. She jumped in too, getting a feel for the daggers in both hands. She fumbled a few times with the combinations, and Ozwin had to yank her out of the way more times than she could count.

Another two minutes—even someone of his caliber started to struggle—He coughed loudly as blood pooled at his feet. “Though it cost me my life—I will strike you down!” Rhitahtyn swung his fist hard and caught Mjnt mid-dash to the side. She wasn’t expecting the power punch, as she was sent flying back ten yards into the cliff wall.

Roll ran out to her, as Kida provided cover for her.

N’thuzu and Ozwin charged the Praefectus now—hacking and slashing—Ozwin parried the blows with the buckling shield he had. The blood on his arm and hand attested to the attacks he also withstood. The Miqo’te Warrior fared similarly, cuts and bruises, a bit of blood he coughed from being punched hard in the solar plexus.

It was in this moment that the Praefectus pulled something from his back pocket, yanking the pin back with his hand before chucking it into the middle of the battle grounds—right at Azlyn and Richiro’s feet. N’thuzu and Ozwin both pushed Rhitahtyn back, and finally cracked the chest piece with two good solid whacks of their axe and sword.

“Azlyn, NOW!”

She grabbed the Lalafellin by the scruff of his neck, tossing him out of range. Before she could get out herself, she felt the thing go off. She sprinted, feeling the heat of the explosion on her back as she used it to propel her forward. With the two daggers in hand, she screamed, and jammed both metal knives into the open cavity of the man’s chest plate.

She flipped back, heavily breathing and feeling the cool surge of energy course around her. Roll and Richiro started mending their wounds with magic.

Rhitahtyn looked down to his chest, the blood slowly pouring out from the two knives in his chest. Panting in pain, he reached into his side pocket—and produced a remote control. The device behind him started to crackle and seize when he pressed a combination of buttons.

“What now!?” Kida yelled, looking to the large contraption behind him reacting violently.

“Shit. He activated a transporter!” Roll called.

“We need to turn it off.”

Azlyn felt someone pulling her, as she heard the last words from the Praefectus. “Forgive me—I have failed you—Lord van Baelsar—” He dropped to the ground, as the machine started to glow. The energy released up into the sky, as dark red and purple energy speared through the early morning clouds.

Ozwin ran over to the fallen man, retrieving both the knives in the chest and the remote. He tossed the gadget to Roll to allow her time to shut it off.

They supported one another as they fumbled through the turn off process.

As her cousin was dealing with the transport, Azlyn heard her Linkpearl buzz. “Azlyn, are you there? What news of Rhitahtyn?”

She recognized Alphinaud’s voice right away. Tapping the device, she hurriedly spoke. “Fallen.” She hoped that he couldn’t tell she was out of breath from fighting.

“With this deed, you all have sown the seeds of our ultimate victory.” It appeared that he was ignoring it or didn’t know.

In that moment Roll was able to stop the beam from releasing into the sky, signaling an end to the magitek transporter. “Heh.”

As the eight of them took the moment to catch their breaths, and to ensure that the Praefectus was truly dead, Azlyn’s linkpearl buzzed once more.

This time it was Cid who called. “’Tis I! It seems you’ve done it again!”

She shook her head, she could still feel her hands shaking from the adrenaline.

“I’d raise a tankard to you all, but I’m afraid we’ve no time to savor the victory. There’s till the small matter of infiltrating Castrum Meridianum and destroying the Ultima Weapon!” Cid paused, and she could imagine him shaking his head. “I know, I know—no rest for the preternaturally gifted. Now stop feeling sorry for yourself, and make your way back to the Immortal Flames’ encampment. The communications officer will issue you your orders. I’ll be waiting for you with the main host.” Cid ended the call, and Azlyn sighed.

“Even Cid is telling me to suck it up. Come on, let’s retreat back to the encampment for our next orders.” She relayed, and the rest of their party nodded.

Together they made their way through the murky paths, and through the Footfalls, but not before being congratulated by the officers and diversion teams that came back shortly before them. Each of them were clapped on the back, their shoulders, given thumbs up—as they made their way back to camp. If that fight was the indication of how this day would go—then Azlyn felt it would turn into a good day.

“Your deeds this day are an inspiration to us all!” The communications officer commended them the moment he caught eye of them returning. “With the death of the Praefectus, Operation Archon has entered its second phase. Even as we speak, the Maelstrom moves to blockade Castrum Occidens and Castrum Marinum. And far to the east, in the Black Shroud, the Order of the Twin Adder advances upon Castrum Oriens. We have prepared a quick meal for you to recuperate your strength—and then we shall move into the particulars of your next mission.”

Azlyn looked to her friends—they all looked tired but determined at the same time. With this short respite, they would do all that they could to make sure the next phases went successfully.

“Understood.” She responded, and her friends bobbed their heads in agreement.

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