Traversed 99 Worlds at the Same Time

Chapter 791: Just leave it to Xiaolan

The red wasteland is desolate and empty, as if it is a battlefield that has experienced tragic fighting, and the red that cannot be washed away is dried blood, and the weapons dotted with stars make this land feel sad. .

Looking around, Shiro Weimiya was depressed, Saber was also infected by this sadness, and Rin Tosaka looked at Red A with great pain. The sporadic memory fragments flashed past her mind. They were the memories of Red A, but the pictures were not very friendly. All kinds of tragedies, emptiness, and regrets were all alone from beginning to end.

"Archer, what is your inherent barrier ability? We are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. If we don't make a careful plan, it will be difficult for us to win." During the battle, Saber was very trustworthy, and quickly stepped out of grief and entered into combat.

"As a heroic spirit, I don't have a treasure, only this'infinite sword system'. The inherent barrier has the elements that form all sword making, so as long as you have seen the prototype of the treasure, you can easily copy it." Red A said. He beckoned to take out a black longbow, and the long sword he picked up casually formed a bright red bow and arrow.

Akbara Hound!

The name of the treasured sword is a sword that is circulated in the heroic epic. The damage of the sword is not suitable for combat, but its characteristics are extremely suitable for transformation into an arrow.

As long as the archer survives, even if he is shot down, the arrows will keep attacking the target!


The howling arrows screamed rapidly, drawing a red line of blood in the air. The target of the red A was Duke. As long as he was killed, the remaining followers on the opposite side would be defeated without a fight.

After shooting the arrow, Red A stared at the direction where the arrow disappeared, and at the same time answered Saber's question: "The plan is simple, you protect Rin and the rookie, and leave the rest to me."

Saber was immediately irritated when he heard that, not that he was underestimated, but that Red A's plan was too trivial, and it was a joke about other people's lives.

Red A's face remained unchanged and continued: "Saber, I will try to kill the magician named Duke. If you succeed, you will join the battle. If you fail..."

If he fails, Red A doesn't say much. He fights with the determination to die. Failure means that he is dead. What happens afterwards does not need him to worry about.

On the other side, Lancelot was struggling to swing his sword to stop the scarlet arrow made by the Akahara Hound. His A+-level inherent skill ‘infinite martial arts’ is an unparalleled martial arts training that scorns the power of his contemporaries. The complete unity of mind, skill and body allows him to exert the strongest combat effectiveness in any situation. Therefore, although the red arrow reached a superb speed and an unpredictable angle, it still failed to break through his block.

The characteristic of the arrow is that it never stops, being shot down by Lancelot repeatedly and still reluctant to let go, the two are caught in an endless loop.

Duke didn't care. His response to weapons with special abilities was simple and rude. Since he couldn't stop if he didn't hit it, let it hit... Anyway, he couldn't die.

It's like a treasure such as the'backlight sword' and the'piercing death spear.' .

Lancelot certainly knew that his master possessed the special physique of an'immortal body', but he was a knight. Even if Duke would not be killed by an arrow, he would not allow an arrow to land on his monarch.

It's like the Dumbled Hair of the year, possessing the strongest defensive treasure ‘Avalon’. He is a knight king that no one can hurt, but he is still firmly guarded by the Knights of the Round Table whenever he fights. This is not a question of useful and useless work, but a kind of persistence. The majesty of the monarch cannot be desecrated.

Finally, in the process of picking up the flying arrow again, Lancelot quickly grasped the bounced arrow in his hand, and the NTR hand activated it, turning it into his own treasure. Correspondingly, the indestructible lake light was taken back by him and no longer used.

The Akahara Hound, an A-level anti-human treasure, can use the magic sword that can apply the most correct slashing method to the enemy as long as it is swung. Combined with the strength of the Berserker rank, it can forcefully determine the outcome of the battle.

There is no need to think about holding this sword, the attack trajectory will be corrected automatically, in short, it is right to cut it down. If there is any shortcoming, it is probably that most of the sword body is melted, which makes people worry about whether it will break due to fierce fighting.

This sword can’t fit with Lancelot, because his treasure, "Undestructive Lakelight", is absolutely indestructible, so Lancelot feels very uncomfortable just holding this sword. Afraid of breaking it accidentally.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh————

The dotted lights in the sky lit up, whizzing down with the long tail wings, which were treasures with shining light. Red A has already begun to make moves. In the infinite sword system, his efficiency in summoning treasures is very high, because these treasures already exist, all he has to do is to project them.

A treasure of the weapon level of a magic weapon suddenly roared down, shocking number and exaggerated coverage, and the density of projected treasures was even exaggerated than the hero king. Although Red A uses the treasure as a projectile, it is not as powerful as the original owner when it is used, but it is more powerful than it is, highlighting a multi-character.

The vast sword rain is like the big move of a certain residual blood erhu. Just looking at it from a distance gives people an extremely shocking feeling, let alone being immersed in the scene, as a target of attack.

Lancelot didn't even think about it, and immediately blocked Duke with a sword, and the other three servants also started to act. Berserker and Lancelot had the same choice, with a tall body blocking the front.

On the contrary, it was Medea, hiding behind Duke secretly. Der Medusa gave her a scornful look, and was about to step away from the place, but was pulled by Duke and held her shoulders.

"You don't need to dodge. An attack of this level can't break through the defenses of Xiaolan and Hercules." Duke is full of confidence. Both Berserkers have the most powerful martial arts. It can be said that protecting him, the master, is easy.

Medea echoed: "Yes, the force of the two cannon fodder is trustworthy."

Duke didn't give her an angry look: "You actually let the lord block the sword for you, you are really a witch!"

Being said to be a witch, Medea should have been very angry, but she felt very helpful when she said it from Duke: "I don't want to be like this, but who makes my Master a devil! But, Master, Now is not the time to talk about this, Archer's inherent barriers are powerful, what should we do?"

Duke said casually: "Just leave it to Xiaolan!"

boom! boom! boom----

The shining treasures, dragging lights and shadows like meteors, made the sound of wind tearing the air. Lancelot and Berserker waved their weapons and shot them down precisely one by one. The treasures swept aside bombarded the ground. The scene looked like a position attacked by artillery.

Fierce explosions and raging fires flooded the scene, Red A quickly wandered to a position suitable for long-range combat. On the opposite side, except for Medea and Rider, he has no advantage in close combat. He draws a bow and arrows at the center of the artillery, like an archer. The same is fighting.

"Please, kill at least one follower, otherwise I can't afford the courage to continue fighting!" Red A ridiculed himself, and steadily maintained the bow movement. He must first confirm that there are still several people alive and several people on the opposite side.

But soon, his self-deprecating smile grew stronger. After the explosion dust dispersed, Duke was exposed, and Medea and Rider beside him were unscathed.

Lancelot held a long sword with a treasure in each hand, the red magic pattern eroded the sword, and the shot down treasure was inserted diagonally at his feet. The Berserker next to him was not as comfortable as his. The huge body meant more attacks. Four or five long swords pierced his torso and limbs and took his life.

Red A's eyesight is extremely strong, and he can naturally see the strangeness of the long sword in Lancelot's hand. The shining treasure is full of blood vessels with bright red stripes, like a curse.

"No one is in charge, these two guys foul one by one!" Red A vomited, his sharp eagle eyes aimed at Duke, and his bow fingers suddenly loosened.

Peerless sword-Durandall!

The treasure used by the red A as an arrow this time is the famous angel sword, and also the holy sword known as the indestructible extremely holy and indestructible blade. Its owner, Roland, is the first hero in the epic to be called a Paladin. This sword symbolizes sacredness and justice. You can find the shadow of this sword in all literature related to the knight.

The swift arrow appeared in front of Duke in the blink of an eye. If it was just an ordinary shooting treasure, Red A would not deliberately make such a long time bedding. This is his strongest attack skill besides the infinite sword system.

Fantasy collapse! !

(End of this chapter)

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