Traversed 99 Worlds at the Same Time

Chapter 808: Pitfalls and wizards

?Unknown space!

Tonight, Duke, the **** of light in the birdman world, and Duke, the devil in the contract world, are responsible for the night shift. They put an angel and a devil together on duty, and they don’t know what other Duke's mentality is.

But the problem is not serious. Duke the Devil is not a good person, and Duke the God of Light is not a good bird. The two are half-hearted, and they have a common topic together. After all, the nature of their work is the same-fooling people!

The two of you talked to me, exchanging the experience of scams and abductions. They all met each other late. The reason why they didn't worship on the spot was because everyone was themselves.

"Give people hope in a desperate situation. You don't need to say a word, and the target will take the initiative to sacrifice your soul." The devil Duke said for example: "I once met a guy who was extremely satisfied with his current situation, wives and concubines in groups, high-ranking authority. He refused to make a deal with me and was very decisive at the time. Three months later, he changed his dynasty and went to jail. His wives and concubines were in disaster and flew separately. He didn’t want to lose the rights he had once, so he offered his soul to me and became the harshest Deal. To be honest, that can no longer be called a fair deal. Even if I am the devil, I have to admit that it was a robbery that took advantage of the fire."

Duke, the **** of light, said solemnly: "No, it's not called taking advantage of the fire, it should be just sending charcoal in the snow."

"Yes, giving charcoal in the snow! The icing on the cake will never compare to the charcoal in the snow!"


Two unscrupulous guys laughed together, and the **** of light Duke suddenly asked, "Speaking of which, why did the dynasty change suddenly after three months?"

The devil Duke shrugged: "The medical level of the empire is too poor, and the emperor died of a cold disease."

"Tsk tusk, you devil!"

"Don't get me wrong, in fact, the reason why the emperor is the emperor is because he had dealt with me when he was still a prince. I just acted according to the contract and never went beyond one step."

Duke, the **** of light, despised: "Don't explain, you devil!"

"You god!"

Duke the Devil also despises. Although the devil’s contract has various traps, the devil never breaks the contract. Gods are different. They accept the faith of mortals and ignore their suffering.

If the believer complains, it is said that it is a test before happiness comes. Persevering in the past is the merit of God, and failing to persist in the past means that the believer is not firm. What's more, the responsibility is directly transferred to the devil. It is the believer who is tempted by the devil and will be abandoned by the gods if they are willing to fall.

In short, gods and demons are all the same, you can't believe them in anything!

Just when the two are losing each other, the three newcomers enter the unknown space one after another, not entering together, but one after a while.

The first is the first newcomer, a battle robe and armor, dressed as an ancient general, who is about thirty years old, and his short beard makes his face look like a tiger. With thick eyebrows and big eyes, and the righteousness between the eyebrows, he looks like a peerless general who is loyal and patriotic.

But this was all an illusion. Duke the Devil and Duke the God of Light quickly saw through his disguise, and they confirmed this after exchanging memories.

After the rookie Duke was hit by the Star Destroyer, he traveled directly to the Warring States Period in ancient China, which is the Eastern Zhou Dynasty in the history books!

Duke didn't know much about the history of this period, but he knew one thing very well, that is, Qin destroyed the six kingdoms and ruled the world. In this age of war, Xianyang, the capital of Qin State, was the safest place, but before Duke arrived at his destination, he died of illness on the way.

This Nima was very embarrassed, the dignified traveler, even Gou did not succeed. However, the matter was not over yet. Death was just a night's sleep for Duke. After opening his eyes, he changed his body and came back to life.

He was originally a military commander of Qi State. It was too bad, he was farther away from Qin State, and he was a dead end when he went to Xianyang. Finally, Qin's general, Wang Ben, broke through, and Duke naturally died on the battlefield.

After being resurrected again, Duke began to face himself, he was an immortal, the kind whose soul was immortal. After each death, he would change his body to live again. As for the identity of the new body, it was randomly out of his control.

During the time that the queen continued, he died and lived, lived and died, and he couldn't count how many identities he changed. The emperor, the doorman, the general, the merchant, the scholar, the minister, the commoner... Because of these experiences, he has become a little bit familiar with everything, that is, a little.

The concept of death couldn't be fixed on him, and people gradually became waves. Anyway, after death, they would change their bodies and continue, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

He began to challenge the inertia of history, to see how big storms his ability could turn out. I have to say that the wisdom of the ancients cannot be underestimated. Duke has succeeded, but failed more.

For example, he deliberately helped Xiang Yu fight for hegemony, but the King of Chu still died of arrogance; he helped Liu Xiu fight against Wang Mang, uh, this was done, but it had little to do with him; he suppressed the uprising Yellow Turban army, but he could not change the Han The decline of North Korea.

Duke, who does not believe in evil, continued to wave. He was convinced that he could change history, so he chose a simpler one. Some time ago, Cao believed that he was over-drinking and his stomach was drooping. He was well appreciated because he knew a little about everything, he became a new planner, and started to make suggestions for Cao.

In three years, hehe...Cao's Xuchang is gone, and the Emperor of Han is gone too!

Cao: "..."

Uh, what... From a certain point of view, Duke successfully changed history, at least the Three Kingdoms ended early, and there will be no more chaos in the future.

Great achievement, gratifying!

As for the appearance of the general in armor now, it was because Duke was transferred to the account of Uncle Liu after he was killed by someone Cao. Uncle Liu Huang has been a good thief in this life because of the butterfly wings of a certain dishonest. Duke is confident that he will dominate the world, and it is him who can change history.

Uncle Liu Huang: "..."

After reading the memories of the newcomers, both the God of Brightness and the Devil Duke were sweating for Uncle Liu Huang. This time, the old Sun family of the Three Kingdoms should be stable.

Regarding the newcomer who could not die, the two did not know what to say, but fortunately, the arrival of the second newcomer eased the embarrassment of both parties.

The second newcomer comes from a chaotic magical world, with magic, witchcraft, vampires, werewolves, and even clues to the existence of gods.

After rebirth, Duke was an apprentice in a magic school, the famous Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He thought it was a plot of a boy with glasses, but he wore it early. There was no such person in the school. On the contrary, there is a classmate named Tom, who is handsome, good-looking, humble and polite, and aspires to become the greatest wizard in the world.

One day, classmate Tom claimed that he had founded a great club and invited Duke to join the group. Duke immediately refused, causing Tom to lose face and hate him, and later conspired to frame him, causing him to be expelled from Hogwarts.

Leaving school was just what Duke wanted. He didn't want to participate in the Wizarding War. He came to London to open a detective agency and took all cases. The main business is to help aristocratic women find evidence of their husbands' cheating, and to appease their irritable minds and bodies by the way. This work has a lot of freedom, and it can also be a lot of high-class ladies. There is no shortage of money and women, and there is a lot of time to study magic, which was once very chic.

The good days did not last long. The mustache on the German side began a plan for unification, the Maginot line turned into a joke, the Gallic chicken surrendered, and the British air war broke out. Helpless, Duke took two orders and ran to the countryside to avoid the war.

The first order was to investigate a headless homicide in a remote town. The town is called Sleepy Valley, also known as the Valley of the Headless, and the legend of the headless horseman is circulating.

This list may be absurd to others, but it is a professional counterpart to Duke. The murderer is a wizard like him. Through the unique traces of induction and operation among the wizards, he quickly locked the murderer and sent him to **** with a bullet.

It is difficult for Duke to understand the stubbornness of wizards because of the relationship between the rebirths. What age is this, and he uses a rod to solve problems. Do you know what E=MC2 is?

The other list is rather weird. There will be children missing every night in small towns on the outskirts of the city. It is said that there are demons traveling at night, and the children are his prey.

After Duke took over, he began investigating, looking for clues and identifying the devil's lair, but in the black forest outside the town, he accidentally met a little girl who was lost.

A very ordinary human girl, Duke confirmed that she was not a demon, but... lost in the depths of the inaccessible forest, this reason is really unconvincing.

Under Duke’s intimidation and language guidance the little girl told the truth she knew.

In the depths of the Black Forest, there is an underground labyrinth, and the guardian of the half-man and half-goat is guarding the gate of the labyrinth. The guardian told the little girl that she was actually a princess living in the underground kingdom. To return to the kingdom, she had to undergo three tests. One of the monsters faced by the test was an eyeless monster who hunted children...

Duke vaguely remembers this story. The eyeless monster in the girl's mouth was originally a big beauty, the concubine of the heavenly father Zeus, because of the jealousy of the queen Hera, she was cursed to become an ugly monster that eats children.

The problem is a bit serious. A case of missing persons actually involves two giants in Greek mythology...

Thanks to the book friends: elegant Chinese cabbage, beautiful girls from 16 to 25 years old, "", Longxing Cangtian, book friends 181214081030430, rumor from the other side, sergyd, a drop of Cain's blood, ④eyes sick cat, book friends 20171229203542134, Bookmates 20181202003719385, 87395765, 08a, smiling Moriarty, hesitation, slashing marks, unsealable, cola and milk rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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