Traversed 99 Worlds at the Same Time

Chapter 817: Foodie Datang

? After a fight, Guanyin has used all the methods available, and I have to admit that it is Duke who is stronger now. Although she emphasized that she was just an incarnation, she knew very well in her heart that the jade bottle in her hand was genuine, which was equivalent to her deity.

"Since the Bodhisattva is not the deity, I will not entangle you anymore. If the Bodhisattva feels that he loses his skin, he can go to Qijue City to find me in the future. I will definitely treat him with hospitality."

Duke put away his spear, arched his hands and turned away.

Avalokitesvara gives hands and presents together: "Don't be slow!"

"Does the Bodhisattva have any advice? Is it possible to come back if you can't afford to lose?"

Avalokitesvara bowed his hand: "The donor's mana is strong, and the poor monk is ashamed, but I don't know where the donor is inherited, where is the famous mountain?"

"Hahaha, I'm just a little demon in Qijue Mountain, where is the teacher's inheritance, if the Bodhisattva doesn't believe it, he will know it by himself!" Duke said, driving the demon wind and disappearing into the sky.

Guanyin looked at the disappearing black spot, whispered the Buddha's name, and heard the sound of worshipping Buddha chanting on the shore from a distance. Looking through the sky, he found that it was Chenjiazhuang villagers who were begging on the shore, hoping that the gods would accept the evil river god.

When Guan Yin thought about it, she knew that it must be the villagers on the shore that the sky was seen by the villagers when she was displaying the golden body, and it attracted them to kneel and worship. Guanyin felt ashamed in his heart, did not step forward to show his holy, sighed silently, and raised a pointer to the Tongtian River.

But seeing the river tumbling to both sides, numerous fish and shrimp shells emerged, and there was a huge golden koi, splashing back and forth above the water.

Guanyin pulled out the willow branches and sprinkled three drops of nectar on it, the white clothes faded, and disappeared above the river.

The Yujing bottle can contain water from all over the world, and there is a world in the bottle. These three drops of nectar are precious and contain huge spiritual energy. Melting into the golden koi, the koi jumped more happily, and soon a tall, blue-faced and fangs fish demon successfully transformed and stood on the water.

Fish demon... with a dumb face!

who am I? where am I? What am i doing?

The fish monster was forced to turn on his mind, scratching his head, a little at a loss. The mentally retarded monster had less troubles, and the melancholy came and went quickly. With both fists, he felt that although there were many heroes in the world, few people were his opponents.

Laozi is so hungry, he must be the king and hegemony!

Although the fish monster's brain is nothing left after removing the skull, but there is still life instinct, he decided to grab a place first. It happened that there was a Dragon Palace in the Tongtian River, and he swam over without saying a word. There was a voice telling him that his Yusheng would usher in glory today.

On the way to the Dragon Palace, the fish monster picked up a pair of Wuzhu Divine Soldiers (bronze hammers); Wushuang blocked his shrimp soldiers and crabs in the Dragon Palace and grabbed a 2,000-square-meter hardcover cave. After gathering a bunch of clumsy little brothers, Several flowery forts were found in the backyard.

Fish Monster: My destiny is mine, so I should take it!

The fish monster took over the inheritance of his predecessor in compliance with the fate, and lived a life of three times a day and seven days in seven days. He feels that he is super dangling. As a majestic king, he must eat a few people. I heard that the meat of children is relatively tender...

"Come here, go to Chenjiazhuang and get some virgins. The king wants to fight his teeth."

At this time, Tang Seng was on his way to riding a horse!


On the other side, Duke drove the demon wind all the way through the market, and finally met a great supernatural power, but only appeared as a clone, which was really disgusting.

He was too arrogant because of Guanyin. He wanted to attract people who were righteous and brave to fight for three to five hundred rounds. However, he did not. He flew all the way to the Great Tang of the East and did not meet the righteous man who cast down demons and exterminated demons.

On the road, I saw Tang Seng and his group. They glanced at them and didn't provoke them. They flew over them.

In the city of Chang'an, Duke transformed into a handsome young man in brocade and walked on the road swaggeringly. He had been to Chang'an City several times, but it was the Chang'an City in other worlds in his memory. It was the first time I saw Li Tang Chang'an in the Journey to the West.

There is still some time before the banquet of the Flood Demon King. Duke decided to spend this time in Chang'an City. First, he set his sights on the cuisine of this era.

To be precise, it is a snack. He is the Demon King in Qijue Mountain. He has long been tired of the delicacies of the mountains and the sea and the exotic animals. Only the distinctive local characteristics can attract him.

The first is ‘Bi Luo’, a pasta rich in the characteristics of the Tang Dynasty, like a long cake with fillings on fire. Bi Luo's fillings can be sweet or salty. Shops and carts can be found everywhere in Chang'an City, and their tastes are different.

There is no distinction between ages and geographies of food. The ancients are no worse than modern people in eating. There are countless tricks in this Bi Luo alone.

Regardless of the most common meat stuffing, Duke actually found a company that sells cherry stuffing, which is exactly cherries. The cherry-filled bi Luo is sweet and delicious, and the taste is sweet but not greasy. After several roasts, the cherries can keep their original color. After one bite, they are full of sweet and bright red flesh, which is unique in Chang'an.

The most famous of Chang'an City is Crab Biluo, which is extremely loved by the nobles and dignitaries who travel to and from Chang'an. The method of production is to fill the crab shell with crab paste and lard, which is as white and smooth as lard, pour the five-flavored sauce, and bake it with flour.

The crispy crab shell and the tender meat filling are in the mouth at the same time, the juice is full of taste buds, it is truly delicious!

After finishing talking, Luo will talk about steamed cakes. All the steamed cakes are called steamed cakes. The survivor Pan Jinlian's husband runs this business. But it was the Song Dynasty, and most of the steamed cakes in the Tang Dynasty had fillings. Duke ate the steamed cakes filled with bear meat and venison, which was very touching.

In Chang'an City, or Datang, the most popular is sashimi, which is carefully cut sashimi, usually crucian carp and sea bass. Originally there were carp, but since the old Li family took control of Jiangshan, the carp has been taken off the shelf.

Old Li’s family is poisonous. Duke brought a carp. He found a cook who looked to Qian and tasted the carp meat. The taste was not as good as that of sea bass.

Later generations were often criticized by the litchi concubine, for the sake of appetite, how many horses died of exhaustion. In fact, this is not right, because even if the emperor does not make this fat beauty happy, there will be a **** exhausted horse. The perch transported from Wu County will take two steps less than the lychee in Lingnan. .

In the season when the perch is plump, a courier service is opened between Chang'an City and Wu County. To ensure freshness, the perch is shipped with ice every day. Fresh and transparent thin sliced ​​fish fillets are dried on a cloth and mixed with green onions, ginger, garlic and other food. The thinner the slices, the better, the more delicious the taste. Duke has eaten in an old restaurant, and his slices are thin and light. Must be able to be blown up by the wind.

There are also fine strands of golden orange shreds mixed with fish slices, which are delicious and pleasing to the eye. It's a pity that it's slightly sweet, Duke's salty party, and I have no love after eating.

After sweeping for seven days, Duke was content to shift his attention to other places. Chang'an City is a gathering place for high-ranking officials and nobles, and the most important thing is the rich. As there are more wealthy people, there will naturally be more entertainment venues for consumption. This is probably the case for eating, drinking and playing.

Brothel Concert Hall! The courtesan oiran!

This thing is one of the most profitable industries no matter what era it is in. Duke has chosen the best brothel to observe and observe in the spirit of learning from ancient ways.

The rich is the uncle here, Duke has been smashing large sums of money, and he is surrounded by Yingying Yanyan with the fragrance of powder. Duke felt that he was so popular, certainly not because he was rich, but because he was handsome, as the old bustard said.

The charming old bustard drove away the ladies and sisters who were surrounding Duke, and took Duke to the private room on the third floor. When he went up the stairs, Duke watched the millstone in front of him swaying from side to side, and reached out to touch it. It caused the old bust to laugh again and again.

Tianzi No. 2 room!

When Duke is wearing clothes, Qi is still Qiyuxuanang when he takes off his clothes. With his youth and gold, he is very popular with young ladies. However, he soon discovered that something was wrong. He picked the best brothel in Chang'an, but the quality of the young lady was a little lower. It was not good enough, but I was sorry for the word ‘best’.

Facing Duke’s doubts, the old bustard had to tell the truth. An uncle who had more money than Duke came to the store, and the top ladies went to serve that person. Because they were old customers, the old bustard was not good to offend him. .

Duke was depressed, but he came first. Others came earlier than him, and his shots were generous. He didn't have much to say. The old bustard repeatedly apologized for fear of annoying Duke, the gold master, claiming that if Duke was not satisfied, she would go into battle herself.

Duke rolled his eyes and left a few rewards to go out. By coincidence, he heard the unscrupulous laughter coming from Tianzi No.1 room.

The slutty Xingmu's voice is full of anger, Duke only feels very familiar with it!

"This voice... won't it!?"

(End of this chapter)

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