Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 19: Full control of abilities

   Going home and entering the door, Ye Tian immediately began to prepare for the ability experiment.

   There is nothing more important than this, he didn't even bother to explore the hidden secrets of "Manhattan Sun" for the time being.

   The doors and windows are locked, the curtains are drawn, and the alarm is set one hour later!

   In order to prevent sudden fainting and accidents, Ye Tian specially put the test field on the bed.

   And the halo antiques that are ready to be used for experimentation are already lined up on the bedside table, waiting to be dedicated one by one!

   Everything is ready, you can start!

   From now on, I will completely control the abilities. From then on, he will do whatever he wants and be at ease! It's still the same as these two days, cautiously and withdrawn! Just look at this one.

   At this time, Ye Tian is both nervous and excited, his eyes are shining straight, and his hands are a little trembling, like an early patient of Parkinson's!


   took a breath and suppressed the excitement.


   After chanting a little, Ye Tian looked at an antique jewelry box on the table.

   This is a jewellery box from the 1950s. It is slightly damaged and emits white light with a shallow halo. It is the lowest value of these antiques. Even if it is destroyed, it does not feel distressed.

   With concentration, the perspective ability appears!

   looked directly through the jewelry box and saw the empty inside.

   Immediately afterwards, a refreshing and refreshing sensation came from his eyes again, and the hint of joy appeared at the same time.

   Sure enough, the previously absorbed aura has been exhausted, and it can be absorbed again.

   But Ye Tian hasn't gotten out of the surprise yet, he tries to control the power, the absorption is over!

   In his eyes, the halo on the jewelry box disappeared instantly, flying into his eyes like a mist.

   Then, there were a few crisp noises in my ears.

   "Flap! Pop!..."

   This is the sound of wood cracking, one after another.

   Looking at the jewelry box again, the whole body is full of cracks, it seems that it may fall apart at any time, and the little brilliance it just had, this will have completely disappeared, and it will become bleak.

   The wood exposed under the cracked patent leather can smell a kind of decay!

   20 dollars flew!

   Ye Tian is a little dumbfounded, the speed is too fast!

   But this is also normal. After all, this jewelry box is not worth much, and there is too little aura to absorb.

   It’s okay, there are seven or eight antiques, especially the last thinker, who has more aura, and I must be able to support myself in completing the experiment.

carry on!

   After sorting out his emotions a little bit, Ye Tian turned his attention to the second antique on the table.

   This is an Easter egg, of course it is not a Russian Faberge egg, but from Hollywood, it should be a movie prop.

   was produced around 1935. It has a certain artistic value, with two layers of halo on it.

   Attentive, perspective begins again!

   After the absorption process of the jewelry box, Ye Tian was already prepared this time.

   The moment when the halo of the egg began to dissipate, he began to read some words in his mind silently according to some pre-conceived words, trying to control the process of aura absorption.


   useless! The absorption continues.

   Seeing that this word was useless, Ye Tian immediately prepared to pronounce the next word.

   But it's a pity, the ability is absorbed too quickly! Too little aura of easter eggs! Before the sound rang in my mind, the absorption was over.

   The beautiful Easter eggs are also gone!

   Ye Tian reached out and took the pen and paper on the bedside table and crossed out the English ‘STOP’ directly.

   Continue next.

   The experiment started again, seeing through, absorbing, and trying to control in English, but the result was still a failure, and another antique was scrapped!

   Fourth, the same result!

   The fifth piece, the antique is also scrapped, the process of absorbing the aura by the supernatural power, there is no sign that it can be controlled.

   Could the experiment result only be a failure? The process of absorbing aura can't be controlled at all?

   Ye Tian looked at the three intact antiques left on the table, lost in thought, and the experiment was interrupted.

   Two minutes passed, Ye Tian cleared up and was ready to continue.

   "It seems English is not good, try Chinese control password"

   Then he turned his attention to the sixth antique, a European-style vase from the 1920s.

   There were two punches on the mouth of the vase and bumps on the bottom foot. This caused few people to pay attention to it in the market, and it was collected by Ye Tian at a low price of $25 for experimental consumption.

   What he fancyed was the nearly three layers of rich aura on the outside of the vase, which should now contribute.

   see-through, the absorption of spiritual energy expands at the same time, the halo of the vase begins to dissipate.

   When the first layer of halo turned into mist and flew towards his eyes, Ye Tian quickly muttered in his mind:


   The next moment, a strange scene suddenly appeared in Ye Tian's eyes.

   Reiki stops absorbing! The aura mist filaments flying in the air also stopped, staying in the air, motionless, just like a movie screen with the pause button pressed, time completely frozen!

at the same time.

   Ye Tian took control of the initiative in the process of aura absorption for the first time, and his eyes moved! It is no longer out of control until the end of absorption!

  Chinese control commands work!

   "Yeah! Great!"

   Ye Tian jumped up from the bed and started a crazy celebration.

Awesome! As long as you can stop absorbing the aura at any time, then this ability can already control 90% of it.

   No more trembling, I dare not see through in many places! It can be used as much as you want, no matter what the occasion!

   And the advancement of the eyes ability will become unimpeded in the future!

  As long as the museum is still open, no one can stop the growth of their own eyes ability, their own strength!

   You don’t need to breathe too much for each cultural relic, only a tiny bit, one twentieth, or even one fortieth of the aura is enough! When these auras gather together, it is the vast ocean, and you will let yourself roam in it.

   And this slight loss of spiritual energy will not attract anyone's attention at all, nor will it cause any substantial damage to the cultural relics.

   The celebration lasted for two or three minutes before it ended. After a little calm, Ye Tian immediately sat on the bed again and continued his power experiment.

   There are still many control words to experiment, try to fully understand the characteristics of the eyes ability today, and fully control it!

After    sat down, he immediately looked at the vase again intently.

   The perspective began again, and the spiritual mist filaments that had stopped in the air instantly moved and flew directly to my eyes, and the cool and refreshing feeling appeared again.


   The aura flying in his eyes suddenly paused, and time freezes.


   No response, weed out the word.


   The picture moved again, and the aura continued to fly.

   The engine key is found, and it can be started anytime in the future!


   In the trial after trial, except for the Thinker, the rest of the antiques were consumed, and Ye Tian's control of the abilities was also very handy!

   He even discovered that with the advancement of abilities, it is possible for him to control the absorbed aura and make them an extended hand.

   This discovery made him ecstatic. If so, what will happen to the ability to advance to the advanced stage? It's fun to think about it!

   It's the thinker, and he hesitated a little bit at this time.

   Do you want to continue? This is a sculpture by a famous artist anyway, so it's a pity to destroy it in your own hands! Although I don't know whose work it is!

   This hesitation lasted only two or three seconds, and was immediately forgotten!


   I don’t know whose work it is anyway, it can’t be turned into a dollar at all, and it’s superfluous to keep it!

   And I don’t have the conditions for collecting at the moment. In that case, I might as well use it to increase my strength!

   Perspective begins! Aura is surging again!

   Happy! It feels much cooler than those fragmentary antiques with only one or two layers of halo!

   For ten minutes, UU Reading is constantly interrupting, thinking, and restarting. The halo of the thinker has dissipated, and it has all turned into spiritual mist and flew into the eyes.

   And this sculpture has become turbulent, losing all its luster and value, it seems to be taken away from the soul, and even stone powder has begun to fall, completely turned into rubbish!

   The moment when the absorption of spiritual energy ended, there was a burst of joy in his eyes, and the irritating Ye Tian could not help but shout:


   The sound fell, and Ye Tian immediately turned his head and looked at the wall behind him, ready to test the extent of his power advancement.

   The perspective starts, the eye is still khaki, still unable to see through the entire wall.

   But the perspective distance has increased, and I can see a bit farther than last time. Although it is not obvious, I can feel it completely.

   Obviously, the ability has increased again, and the day to see through this wall is not far away!

   Withdrawing his sight, Ye Tian began to experiment in the house again.

   Soon he discovered that the distance to see the antique light had increased a little, and it was almost seven meters.

  The ability experiment is over, and the results are extremely exciting and satisfying.


   After a short break, Ye Tian began to clean up the discarded antique garbage.

   In order to eliminate the traces, he also worked hard.

   Except for the marble sculpture, everything else was completely crushed and put in a garbage bag.

  After processing these, another half an hour passed and it was time for dinner.

   But at this time he is not interested in going out to eat, there is one important thing that he has not dealt with.

   After calling and ordering pizza, Ye Tian sat down at the table.

   It’s time to reveal the hidden secrets of "Manhattan Sun"!

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