Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2085: The Parthenon in the sun

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According to the pre-made plan, everyone only stayed in Athens for two days, and the time was limited, so they had to speed up the tour, which seemed to be a little bit like walking around.

But for Ye Tian, ​​that's not the case.

A few years ago, he had traveled to Athens, visited most of the historical relics and tourist attractions in this ancient city, and took a closer look.

These naturally include the Acropolis Museum and the Parthenon on the top of the Acropolis Hill.

More importantly, at this moment, he has a perspective ability, seeming to be watching flowers, but he has a panoramic view of the plants, trees, bricks and tiles here, without leaving any corners or places. detail.

Even the secrets hidden deep underground, the unknown secrets, and the many antique works of art that radiated bright light did not escape his eyes and he saw them clearly.

It can be said that after this visit, no one can compare his understanding of the Acropolis Museum, including his old friend Pandemaris.

After visiting the ground floor of the Acropolis Museum, the group followed a glass passage to the middle-level exhibition hall.

The exhibition halls on the middle level are all double-height, supported by many towering reinforced concrete columns, and look very spectacular.

The antique artworks displayed in these exhibition halls basically come from ancient Greece and the Hellenistic period, and most of them are excavated around the Acropolis, and some come from Athens and other parts of Greece.

There are ancient Greek medical sculptures, restored models of the Bacchus Theater, statues of the Kritos boy, the maiden colonnade from the Temple of Erechtheion, and the contemplative Athena.

Every exhibit, every sculpture, and every remaining building component displayed here is of extraordinary value, telling people the glorious history and civilization of ancient Greece.

Walking in this exhibition hall is like walking into the long river of history and walking into a treasure house of ancient Greek civilization. Everything that appears in front of you is full of imagination.

After visiting the middle-level exhibition hall, Pandemaris led Ye Tian and his group to the upper-level exhibition hall and introduced them to the upper-level exhibition hall.

"The upper exhibition hall of the Acropolis Museum is a square Parthenon exhibition hall with a courtyard. Its internal structure is exactly the same as the Parthenon temple on the top of the Acropolis.

The shell of this exhibition hall is fully transparent tempered glass, which provides ideal light for the exhibits displayed inside. Standing in the exhibition hall, you can look up and see the Parthenon on the top of the Acropolis.

And vice versa, standing in the Parthenon, you can also see the situation in the exhibition hall, echoing each other, standing in the Parthenon exhibition hall, you can also see the panoramic view of the Acropolis, with a great view!

Most of the antique relics displayed in this gallery are from the Parthenon on the top of the Acropolis, which was once part of the temple, and some are from the remains of the Acropolis."

While talking, everyone has come to the entrance of the Parthenon exhibition hall.

On the east and west sides of the entrance of this exhibition hall, there are many simple stone sculptures on display. Some stone sculptures seem to be very broken and full of cracks, but they have a breath of history.

Pandemaris turned around and pointed to these stone sculptures and said:

"The triangular friezes in front of everyone are from the Parthenon and other historical sites in the Acropolis. They depict the birth of the goddess of wisdom, Athena, and the scene where Athena and Poseidon compete for the patron saint of Athens.

In ancient Greek mythology, when Athens was first built by a Phoenician, the sea **** Poseidon and the goddess of wisdom Athena both wanted to be the patron saint of this great city, and thus started a battle.

The main **** Zeus ruled that whoever can give the Athenians something useful, whoever owns the city will become the patron saint of Athens. Poseidon hit the ground with a trident and turned into a war horse.

And Athena hit the rock with her spear, and an olive tree grew on the rock, which was a symbol of peace and prosperity. The Athenians chose Athena, and the city has been named Athens since then.

The Parthenon, built from 447 BC to 432 BC, was built to celebrate the victory of Athens over the Persian invaders. The statue of Athena is enshrined in this temple."

As soon as his words fell, a female employee standing next to Ye Tian's left hand immediately said:

"Mr. Curator, it is said that the carvings of the Parthenon were made by Phidias, the first of the three ancient Greek sculptors and the **** of classical carvings. Are these exquisite stone carvings in front of him all his works?"

Pandemaris looked at the female employee, then smiled and shook her head and said:

"The carving and decoration of the Parthenon are indeed in charge of Phidias, the **** of classical carving, but this is a large-scale systematic project. Even Phidias cannot complete these tasks independently.

After countless historians and artists, it is basically certain that the statue of Athena once enshrined in the Parthenon is indeed the work of Phidias, but that statue no longer exists.

However, through the Roman period and some later reproductions, we can still feel the greatness of Phidias, the **** of classical carving, and his unparalleled and superb carving skills.

The other sculptures inside and outside the Parthenon, including the stone sculptures in front of them, were completed by other sculptors and craftsmen of the same time under the guidance of Phidias. The shadow of Phidias can be vaguely seen.

Although these stone sculptures are not the work of Phidias, they are also very exquisite and significant. Every stone sculpture here is a rare antique artwork with extraordinary artistic value."

Hearing this, everyone at the scene nodded gently.

Next, everyone approached these ancient, faded and dilapidated marble sculptures, listening to the introduction of Pandemaris, and admiring them with intoxication.

On these stone carvings, everyone saw the birth of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, the war between Athena and Poseidon, and the past and present of the historic city of Athens.

Strolling forward, on a faded stone tablet, it records the government's first public financial disclosure in human history. On the other damaged stone carvings, the rhythm of ancient Greek characters is clearly visible.

The myths and legends of ancient Greece, city-state residents, war and peace, and long history and culture are all here, in the form of carvings, whispering to today, thousands of years later, to people today.

Before I knew it, more than an hour passed.

Ye Tian and the others have visited the Acropolis Museum and left there. They are walking along the central passage of the Acropolis Gate to the Acropolis Square on the top of the hill.

When they stepped onto the last step and entered the Acropolis Square, the tall, majestic, yet quaint and desolate Parthenon suddenly broke into everyone's field of vision.

Although you have seen the ruins of this famous temple from different angles, many people including Ye Tian have also been to Athens and have seen the Parthenon up close.

However, when everyone saw this world-famous ancient Greek temple building again, they still felt very shocked and couldn't help but stop and enjoy it quietly.

Several of them who came to Athens for the first time and saw the real objects of the Parthenon for the first time were particularly excited, like coming here for a pilgrimage.

It’s not difficult to understand. The Parthenon and the neighboring Erikthion Temple are recognized symbols of Western culture. These excited guys are all Westerners, and the nature of their work is special. This kind of performance is normal. But nothing!

Of course, Ye Tian is not included here.

He looked at the Parthenon, but he had a different feeling, more like a bystander from another equally brilliant civilization, marveling at it and admiring it, but he didn't have the slightest pilgrimage mentality.

After enjoying it for a while, everyone woke up, and then stepped out to the Parthenon, which stands on the right side of the Acropolis Square.

At this time, it was already around 12:30 noon, the sun was shining, the sky was blue, and there was a breeze on the top of the mountain.

The noon sun pours down from the sky and casts on the tall and magnificent Parthenon, as if putting a sacred halo on this ancient and dilapidated temple.

Especially against the blue sky, this world-famous temple is even more magnificent and dignified.

Its dilapidated body, scattered architectural components, especially the carvings and decorations throughout the building, are extremely delicate and charming, and it is dazzling to look at.

Because the Parthenon is surrounded by a colonnade, the whole building is integrated inside and outside. The sunlight projected on this temple will naturally give people a warm and intimate feeling.

Looking at the Parthenon in front of you, everyone even felt that the spirit of freedom and civil cooking in ancient Greece seemed to have been expressed vividly here.

When walking to the Parthenon, Ye Tian had replaced Pandemaris, and walked forward while introducing the temple to his security staff and company employees.

"The Parthenon is the main building of the Acropolis. It was built between 447 and 432 BC. It was built to celebrate the victory of Athens over the Persian invaders. It was designed by Iktyno and Calicritus.

Phidias, the head of the three ancient Greek sculptors, was responsible for the carving and decoration of this temple. The 12-meter-high statue of Athena was once enshrined in the inner temple of the temple. It came from Phidias.

This is a rectangular classical building with a circumference of nearly 200 meters. The temple has a front hall, a main hall and an apse. The temple base covers an area of ​​2,300 square feet and is half the size of a football field.

Supporting the building of this temple are forty-six marble columns up to 34 feet high, which are magnificent. Its design and construction represent the highest level of ancient Greek architectural art..."

While talking, everyone has come to the front of the Parthenon Temple, all of them raised their heads slightly and stopped to admire.

Ye Tian also stopped talking and admired this world-famous classical building. His eyes hidden behind the sunglasses would sweep to the ground from time to time.

At this time, if someone can see his eyes through sunglasses, he will definitely find a surprise, even greed, and deep regret.

While Ye Tian and the others admired the Parthenon, other tourists who were also on the Acropolis square watched them. Everyone was full of curiosity and fear in their eyes.

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