Tree of Aeons (an Isekai Story)

285. Interludes – Greenfield Expansion II

  1. Peripheral Landas 3


Edna and team arrived at the next location on the map, only to find it was already an open air cemetery. The bodies of elves torn by the flying demons were everywhere. Blood and the smell of rotting bodies filled the air. The elves probably died no more than a few days ago, because the bodies were only beginning to rot.

“We’re too late.” Edna said. 

Ezar’s shock was brief, because he quickly steeled himself, and nodded. There were things that needed to be done. “Let’s keep going. We don’t want to be late for the next one.”

Edna looked at the two rangers and druids. “Wait. Too late to save the cities, but there may still be survivors. Let’s search underneath all of this. We should help them before we leave. Just in case anyone’s left.” 

The knight’s words made the Valthorn druid regain his composure, and spread out his senses. The ranger used a kind of calming ability on himself, and searched. 

Ezar looked at Stella. “Lady Stella, send me over to the other locations first. If there are demons, I want to be there.”

Stella nodded, and the portal whirled open. As expected, there were demons. Ezar nodded, and he stepped to the other side.

About that time, the druid shouted. “There’s a small group of them hidden underneath this rubble. They’re very weak!” 

After stating that, roots and vines immediately emerged from the druid and pierced into the rubble, and began to lift the collapsed structure. A set of roots reached for the semi-unconscious elves hidden underneath. They were injured, hungry, and almost dying. Only three. But three was better than none.

Edna got to them, and immediately used a set of potions on them. Their wounds healed, and soon their eyes opened to the sight of Edna’s glimmering form. 

“Are we dead?” They asked. 

“No.” Edna said gently. “You’re not.”

The ranger then shouted. “There’s another few hidden here. They’re in bad shape too.”

The druid and the mage immediately went over, while Stella checked on the first group. From his pocket space, they took out more potions. They continued to search and soon found, in total, twenty survivors. Mostly children and their mothers, hidden underneath the rubble. 

Many were delirious, but the potions helped with the physical wounds and the shot of food helped with their hunger. 

Stella immediately opened a portal, and sent them back to the Fortress of Roskor.

Novorosk was there when the portal opened before his eyes. 

“Warleader Novorosk. These are the survivors from the nearby city. Take care of them.” The ranger guided the survivors through the portal. 

Novorosk stared. “-what-”

“Just take care of them. Feed them and house them somewhere. We will come back and check.”

Novorosk panicked, but nodded. Once all of them were over, the portal closed.

At that point, Edna then looked back at Stella. “Ezar’s right. If there are other cities, we should go and get to them quickly. The more survivors we can save, the faster we can get this world back on it’s feet. Aeon needs to send more people over, and to all of the fifteen worlds.” 

“We can’t scout that many worlds at the same time.” Stella countered. The domain holders must be first to go. The druid’s roots immediately rescued another few more elves hidden under the buried rubble. 

The demons killed indiscriminately. To the demons, the mortals were just obstructions. What the demons wanted was the planet’s core. Everything else was unnecessary.

Edna looked around. “I think we can leave this world to the rest of the Valthorns. Leave Ezar here just in case. We must start moving. We don’t know what condition we’ll find in the other fourteen worlds. Each day we waste, is another day for the demons to slaughter more of these folks. Many of them do not have our advantages. We need full mobilization now.”


“Us domainholders will need to start hopping. Let’s deploy the [node] here, and we’ll use this place as our launchpad.” Edna said. “We need all the domainholders, in all the peripheral worlds.” 

Stella pointed to the immediate problem. “There’s not enough of us to cover all the worlds.” 

There were eight domain holders, excluding Aeon, and there were fifteen worlds. There were only four heroes. 

“We’ll have to leave node trees there, and use that to support those worlds where we can’t. The [heroes] will have to step in. We will need to hop extensively.”

Stella nodded. That wasn’t ideal, but it was the best plan they could do with their current resources. Fifteen worlds also meant some worlds wouldn’t have a [node] tree. Aeon only had nine node tree slots left, after the first one was used on Delvegard. 

“Kafa will have to leave Delvegard.”

“Delvegard’s priority should be lower.” Edna countered. “Lives are at stake. Let’s make haste. We can afford to patch it up as we go.”

Stella nodded. “Very well. Let me do so.”



The portal led to a horde of demons attacking what was probably a city. It was one, once. There was already crazy fighting when he arrived, the demons have stained the lands with blood and corpses. Flying demons loomed, as arrows zoomed. 

The defenders were fighting with their lives on the line. Everyone was fighting. There were children, old elves, all doing their best with sticks and whatever weapons they had. 

He looked around, and immediately spotted the demon champion in charge. It was one of those axe champions. A large bulky demon with four giant wings, two large clawed legs, and two arms, each with a large burning battleax. 

He fought demons across the worlds, many times and always found them to be emotionless creatures. If anything, he always thought the demons looked afraid. But it was ridiculous. The demons didn’t feel fear. So, he didn’t believe it either when he thought the demon champion looked smug. 

Demons had no feelings. Ezar’s enchanted gauntlets glowed, as he channeled his domain ability. In an instant, the burst of energy from his fist smashed into the champion, and it splattered to death, unaware what hit him. 

The death of the demon champion sent the demon army into a wild frenzy, but that was intentional. 

Ezar activated the rings on his fingers, and released it’s stored ability. They summoned five gigantic beasts. Two lions, and three gray wolves, each about level 80 in power. “Go and slay the demons.”

The presence of the five giant animals instantly drew the attention of the demons. Without the demon champion, the rest of the flying demons were torn apart by the five powerful magical beasts. 

Ezar hopped, and in a single leap he landed right next to the breaking lines. He spoke, his voice carried by the weight of his [domain]. 

“Stand back.”

To the defenders fighting for their lives, they did. 

Ezar’s gauntlet glowed, and he punched with such weight that all the demons in front of him were crushed in a single energy punch. 

There was no need to use his domain ability here. He watched as his five summoned beasts tore through the demons, and the flying demons fled. Any demon that got close was crushed. 

“-mommy, are we saved?” There was an elven boy, who looked absolutely in awe. He was dirty, covered in blood, but her mother was injured. Her mother, an elf, held a sharp, pointy wooden stick as a weapon. 

Her mother looked around. Everyone did. There was a feeling amongst all of the elves. 




Ezar turned. “Is this it? Any more demons?” 

The elves didn’t know what to answer. So no one answered. Ezar realized they probably wasn’t in any condition to know. 

The place was probably a fortification of some kind, but the walls were already destroyed. The elves were fighting their last stand within the city itself, because they couldn’t outrun the flying demons. Not that there was anywhere else to go, anyway. 

The elves looked amongst themselves. There were no leaders left, all that was supposed to lead them died during the battle. The five beasts walked closer to Ezar, now that their target have been destroyed, and the elves stared in fear. 

Ezar looked back at them. They were creatures tagged to his enchanted summoning ring. One of his many equipments. There was no need to speak the command, high-tier summons are mentally linked to their masters, but Ezar said it to assure the elves. “Patrol the perimeter. Roar if there are any demons.”

The lions and wolves roared in acknowledgement, and they ran to secure the perimeter. The elves were relieved to see the creatures move. 

“Bring all the wounded here. I’ll help them where I can. Those that can’t move call me.” Ezar said, as the rest of the elves scrambled to sort everything out. But at that point, they obeyed. 

Ezar looked around, and frowned. This wasn’t the only world.

“Ezar to Stella, Ezar to Stella. This location is safe, but we need to keep moving and hit the rest of the cities. Can you open a portal?”

“Portal incoming. We plan to deploy a node soon to bring more forces over. Domain holders will need to visit all the peripheral worlds as soon as possible to deploy nodes.”

Ezar smiled. It was nice having teammates that he could count on. “Acknowledged. Let me know.”


Ezar turned back to face the elves, as Ezar checked his inventory. At that point, the portal swirled open, and both Stella and the druid stepped out. “Ezar, you’re needed elsewhere. Falin will handle the healing and fixing the security.” 

Falin, the level 130 Valthorn druid, got to work.

“There are other locations with demons.” Stella said, as she prepared to open a portal again. 

Ezar nodded, as Falin looked at the location. The druid’s arms glowed briefly, as roots shot out of his arms. At that moment, a wall of bramble emerged around what’s left of the elven encampment. “This should protect the location for now.”

“Where’s Edna?”

“There’s another location. A proper city. It may be under siege.”

“Is it our timing? Why are cities under siege at this time?” Ezar found it terribly unusual. It is common knowledge that most reinforcements arrive either too early or too late, though in some ways, they are too late. Somehow, so many cities are under siege.

Stella smiled. “We’ll deal with that later. Portal open. Go go go. I’ll deploy the node once Aeon acknowledges our request.”


Ezar didn’t know where and how far he was from Stella, but it didn’t matter. He trusted she’ll come back for him once it was over. The portal opened and he arrived to immediately see three demon champions in the air.

Three! How cute.

The demons actually saw him this time, and they roared at him. 

He punched through them. Two died instantly, and then he dashed towards the third with such speed that the third demon champion briefly looked horrified. He was fairly sure it wasn’t horror. Perhaps it was just a survival reaction. 

It died. 

The elven city of this location was protected by a magical shield that felt like [star mana]. A quick glance suggested that this was a fairly prosperous city at one point in it’s life. But it had a breach. 

There were two more demon champions there, battling the defenders. The defenders here was actually fairly competent. There were two level 80 plus elven warriors battling against the demon champions, and they looked like they had special equipment from a much earlier time. 

“Stella, I don’t think this location needs help. They have [hero items].”

“Really?” Stella responded through the [message]. “Uh, give me a couple of minutes, I’ll send you elsewhere.”

“Got it. I’ll make myself useful for a bit.”

He looked around, and decided to just help their odds for a bit. His domain spread out. Everyone saw Ezar glowing midair like a god of war, his fists shimmered with power like the fists of furious heavens. Lightning, fire and the elements each in a single punch. 

The demons charged at him. Mindlessly. 

The two demon champions trying to break the gates turned to face him, as they soon decided he was the larger threat.

They all were nothing before a [domain holder]. His domain was oppressive to these lesser demons. 

They died in a splatter of magic.

The elven defenders stared at Ezar in horror. Ezar merely smiled, and decided it was worth it to pitch his presence. He scrambled to recall the name in the map. “Greetings, Elves of Shorodosk. I come in the name of Aeon. You will hear from us soon.”

The elves looked like they had more questions, but Stella’s portal opened.

“Deal with the remnants.” Ezar commanded. “Stay safe. We will contact you.”

And he stepped through the portal, and left the elven defenders wondering what happened.



This was supposed to be the biggest city known to Roskor Elves, at least, for a few centuries ago. This place was supposed to be the old capital of the White Elves, Nunarnusk. When Edna arrived, what she found was a fortified city that was battered in many, many places. 

It reminded her of Mountainworld. The same scrappiness in the eyes of the people. The same ruthless desire to protect themselves. Everyone here fought wars. Generations lived to fight, and so their people turned hardy.


They made do with what they have. Because they had no choice. 

They deserved better, of course. This kind of society destroyed those who didn’t adapt to this kind of life. Who couldn’t adapt, because they were talented in a field that this world didn’t need. 

A sad thing, but societies like this have to make do. 

The city of Nunarnusk was protected, just like the other city. There was a magical shield that stopped attacks and blocked demons. But they were also selective, and allowed for the elves to move in and out freely. So, the shields that protected the city didn’t work on Edna. 

She felt it’s energy wobble. It was weak. It weakened a lot over the years, but the fact that it still held for so long was testament to the incredible power of [star mana]. 

Immediately within Nunarnusk’s shield bubble was a layer of battered walls made of stone, wood, and whatever rubble they got their hands on. There were guards on all the towers, and everyone looked tense. 

There were demons, but the demons were not attacking. Instead, Nunarnusk was under siege. There were five to six demon champions, all seemingly waiting. Edna thought of helping, but realized it was better to figure out what was happening. 

Edna cloaked her presence even before she went through the portal and so as she walked through the tired crowds, it was clear everyone was preparing for the next fight. 

It’ll be hard for anyone to see her here. 

“Have we patched the left walls?” Edna eventually found someone that looked like a leader, and he was barking orders to the worker men. The elf had armor, and exuded power equal to someone at the very limit of their strength. Most likely level 85. 

Some of the workers were injured. A lost limb, a limp. They did the repairs, because in a fight, they’d be useless. 

It was very rare to see amputees and folks with lost limbs in the Valthorns and Valtrian Order. Ever since Aeon healed Jura’s limbs many, many decades ago, Aeon made it a point to restore everyone’s limbs. Aeon even extended the treatment to the general populace, though there was a lottery that was always oversubscribed. 

The leader turned to face another set of workers. “All the folks that can fight are waiting for you, Commander Argo.”

The man known as Commander Argo nodded. Edna quietly followed. Argo glanced briefly in her direction, but he was unable to pierce her illusion items. 

There were about a thousand fighters there, all armed with weapons and armor. Edna’s quick glance told her all she needed to know. Half of them were injured in some way, and only about three hundred were in full fighting form. 

Commander Argo soon elaborated on what seemed to be common knowledge to those present. The demons have been waiting outside for the last one week after their earlier failed assault. There were more demons coming, and the demons had the city of Nunarnusk surrounded. Commander Argo opted for a defensive strategy. Stay put and keep waiting. 

Edna listened, and surveyed those present. There were about seven or so that had a power aura similar to Commander Argo. Level 80 to 85 meant they could take on the demon champions and win. 

They’d survive this battle. There were enough strong warriors here to survive the siege.

Then, as the group was dismissed, Commander Argo was surrounded by that same group of strong warriors. And internal divisions emerged. There were whispers of going against the Commander’s plan, and the high powered folks were split in half. Together, they’d survive. 

Three of them had enough. “We’re tired of waiting. We charge out there and break this siege. We need the resources outside our walls, Commander. We cannot hold up like this forever.”

Argo countered. “We don’t even know if those resources are still there. The demons could have destroyed it.”

“Then what? We keep waiting and let them destroy those resources? We need the iron quarries and the white-iron stones. Our weapons need repairs. Our healers need the white-iron stones to make some of our healing tools. We’re dying if we keep holding here.” 

Edna thought the conversation was slightly pointless. If she acted, they wouldn’t have this issue.  But she listened. It was good to know what was going on. 

Argo frowned. “There are five ax champions out there. The four of you rushing out there is a death sentence. The demons will get us separately.”

The equipment used by the four elves were in pretty bad shape. They were battled and scarred, and some of its old magic lost. “Then come with us.”

“The city is defenseless! We cannot leave the city defenseless!” Argo countered. 

“The shield will hold.”

“The shield will not.” Argo said, frustrated. “It’s energies are weak, and won’t last if the demons attack. It’ll need time to recharge.”

“Then why are we waiting? We must charge out there and defeat them before they overwhelm us. You’re being too careful, Argo. It’s time to go out there and defeat them.”

Argo paused. “Can you give me half a day to think about this?” 

The other elves looked at each other, they shrugged. “Fine. Commander Argo, we’ll charge out there, whether you are coming or not.”

Argo frowned. “Please- don’t do anything stupid.” 


Edna trailed Commander Argo to his own office. There was a small office filled with resources scattered everywhere, and he sat on the only chair in the cramped room. 

He was talking to himself then. “It’s always like this-”

Edna then appeared at the door, as she disabled her cloak. “Commander Argo.”

Argo turned, and his weapon of choice, a kind of dagger, was immediately pointed at Edna. “Who are you?”

Edna smiled. “An ally. Well, a potential ally.”

“An ally?” Argo looked around. “Are you alone?”

“Sort of, yes. But I’d like to talk. About your city, and everything.” 

“And what makes you think I’ll talk to a stranger. How did you even get here?” Argo said, totally unused to the fact that there was a stranger. 

“Because, Commander Argo, I can help.”

“You can? You, alone?”

“Of course not. I am here on behalf of Aeon and the Valtrian Order, and we are here to destroy the demons.”

“I’ve never heard of you.”

“You’ve never heard of anyone outside your city.” Edna corrected. Most communication between cities collapsed due to the constant demonic attacks, as cities turned insular. 

“That’s not true. There was a period of peace after the hero Junmark defeated the demon king 59 years ago-”

“Is it? But how many demon kings since then?” Edna asked. “Every hero that came after is weaker, and fighting against tougher odds as the demons established stronger footholds. Every hero weakened, since they couldn’t level quickly with the loss of the low level habitats commonly used for farming.” 

Heroes could spar to gain levels, but given their situation, he wondered whether the kingdoms would just immediately force the heroes out to the battlefield. 

Argo looked at Edna like she was an alien. “So, what do you want?” 

“Tell me the history of Nunarnusk in an hour, and tell me everything. I assure you, I will deal with your demon siege once this is over. You can even watch.”

Argo had never seen a stranger, but Edna’s presence overwhelmed him. His eyes looked at the knight, and thought she was mad. Confident, but mad. “-very well.”


The demons came in huge waves every ten years. The past few decades, the hero was able to defeat the demon king, but they did so at great cost. The last attack left the previous hero without one of his arms, and cursed by a dark magic that no one in the entire world could break.

Thanks to the curse, the hero couldn’t go on and destroy the remaining demons. Instead, he was like a weakened, semi-dying man wishing he could die, but the [hero] class was too strong. 

Even severely weakened, no one could kill him. His soul and blessings were still too strong. So, the hero rested in a city of the Night Elves called Chursky. That was the last communication Nunarnusk received from Chursky about six years ago. 

For Nunarnusk, the demons never really stopped. The great deserts, of which there were seven great deserts, each turned into demonlands and continued to spit out demons by the hundreds and thousands, and so travel between cities became a matter of great risk. 

Only cities that were really close together could still communicate regularly. 

There were no gigantic oceans in Landas. Instead, there were six great lakes, and at the center of those great lakes were the few bastions of the old elven empires. Nunarnusk lost touch with those old bastions a few years ago.


Edna listened, and laughed. “Very well, call your men. Call them all to the walls. I, on behalf of Aeon, would like to demonstrate our intentions.”

Commander Argo thought it was rather embarrassing, but when he left his office, the six other level 80s were waiting for him. He looked back at Edna, and then towards the walls. “To the walls.” 

The four that supported the push outwards looked surprised. “Let’s go.” 

The seven gathered up on the walls, and Edna followed quietly behind. The rest of them didn’t notice her, they were busy preparing for the charge out. The four immediately called their own supporters to prepare for the charge.

Once they were at the walls, Argo looked at Edna. “So, what is it that you want to demonstrate?”

It was at this moment that everyone noticed Edna’s presence. Edna nodded, her cloak vanished to reveal her in shining armor. Two anti-demon swords appeared magically, and there and then, her domain flooded the city. 

Everyone felt it, Argo as well. 

“[Regenerating Guardians].”

Five glowing magical knights appeared, and they flew. They were ephemeral objects, and they shared Edna’s toughness. They zoomed across the skies, creatures of magic. 

Creatures made from Edna’s [Domain]. 

Edna looked around. “There are demons on the other side, as well?”

Argo nodded, his white hair seemed whiter, his fair face a slightly greenish pale. 

Edna’s energies wobbled outwards, as more magical knights appeared. Edna’s lesser magical summons swarmed outwards, a hundred magical knights now took the field.

It was a short battle, because none of the demons could even harm Edna’s guardians. 

The seven leading defenders of Nunarnusk looked at Edna, with both a mix of awe and fear. “Well, Commander Argo of Nunarnusk, I am Edna of the Valtrian Order, and we are here to recruit allies. If you agree to join us, you will have our protection, but in turn, we will require you to support our war against the demons.”

Argo nodded. There was no other word to say. 


“Okay. Nunarnusk is secure, we’ve added it to the fold. Has Aeon approved the node tree’s placement?” Edna said as the elves of Nunarnusk breathed a rare moment of relief. 

Stella responded. “Yes. Node deployment approved. But we need to decide on a location.”

Ezar, also on the same discussion, added. “Just pick a location and start sending Valthorns over. Is there a hero in this world?”

“Yes. Want to arrange a visit?” Edna countered. 

Ezar laughed. “Let’s bet. A hundred gold that it’s under siege.”

Edna chuckled. “That’s a stupid bet. The hero is there, the demons must be drawn to him like moths to a flame. Also, the hero seems to be cursed.”

Stella frowned. “If that’s the case, the decision’s made for us. Let’s place the node tree where the hero is. Send the hero back to Treehome, let Aeon work on him, and send him back here to fight.”

Edna had a feeling what happened on Landas would be a tale similar across all the worlds. 


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