Tree of the Magic World

Chapter 92 - crystal Light

The wizard exchange meeting begins.

The meeting place is inside the wizard tower.

The entire wizard tower has nine floors, more than 100 meters high.

The bottom floor is Thomas’s lecture place, and the second floor is the location of this wizard exchange meeting.

This kind of wizard exchange meeting can only be attended by the owner of the wizard mirror, or wizards of level 6 or higher in the wizard alliance.

This time there were 36 wizards in the hall.

These people live in a hall with an area of ​​seven or eight hundred square meters, strewn with some stone tables and chairs, and they don’t seem crowded.

Some waiters composed of handsome men, beautiful wizards and apprentices shuttled through various food and wine.

If it were all the wizards who participated in the exchange meeting, Ryan even thought it was a reception on earth.

Of course, after everyone was seated, this exchange meeting showed some differences.

Ren and Renner sat in the corner, watching the wizards write on the table in front of them.

Every wizard has a gorgeous crystal lamp in front of him, and that crystal lamp is a special kind of magic weapon.

Every sorcerer can write his own question, other sorcerers can see through the crystal lamp.

These questions are all-encompassing, there are doubts about witchcraft, and there are some secret messages.

When other wizards see it, if there is an answer, they can contact the wizard who asked the question through the crystal lamp.

Both parties can exchange information and information, and can answer each other’s witchcraft doubts.

Ryan did not raise any questions. He came here for the Devil Fruit.

He looked sideways and saw Lenner write on the table: “Which witch is the most beautiful, Lilith or Ji Ya? Welcome to discuss.”

Those words he wrote on the table were ingested by the crystal lamp, and then the light flashed, and calmness was restored.

Ryan’s mouth twitched.

He input his mental power into the crystal lamp, and he saw the thirty-six regiment lights. Under that light, there were dozens of unfolded books with various writings written in it.

He glanced around and saw the lights and scrolls representing Renner.

With a smirk on his lips, Ren connected the mental power to the scroll, and quickly wrote on the table: “Jiya’s chest is too flat, bad review!”

Lenner apparently did not find him

Soon, Renn noticed that Renner’s eyes light up.

His thief’s gaze glanced at Ji Ya in the distance and nodded again and again.

“Xiongtai’s surname is his name, and his eyes are really hot!”

Ryan suddenly felt the crystal lamp and sent a response, which was written by another wizard.

Lenner also started to write and draw pictures on the table, and soon his response came out: “Sure enough, Ji Ya’s breast is not as big as the old man, which is really regrettable.”

Ren covered his mouth and coughed.

A new wizard joined him and replied: “The beauty of poor **** is that they have poor breasts. Several of them need to find out, haha.”

Not long after, there were more than ten different people replying, but most of them were discussions about Ji Ya’s chest.

There are even people who do not have good intentions: “If Miss Ji Ya sees it, you may wish to contact me. I have a special breast enhancement method.”

Ryan looked at it with Yu Guang, and when she saw that Ji Ya was still faintly smiling, she had become blue, and she looked around like a starving tiger!

She was clearly on the verge of surging.

Ryan couldn’t help but want to laugh.

Lenner grabbed his arm and excitedly said: “Ryan, don’t you go to see the crystal lamp, everyone is discussing Ji Ya’s chest, you will soon express your opinion.”

Ryan looked at him contemptuously: “I am serious.”

“Boring.” Renner pouted, and then threw his consciousness into the crystal lamp.

For nearly two hours, everyone was discussing the matter of Ji Ya with great interest, and from time to time someone looked at her inexplicably.

This made Ji Ya’s teeth bite tightly, hoping to tear those people apart.

However, she also knows that most people are involved in this matter, so she just remembered a few of them with the most laughs.

Trivial guy, thinking that he must find a chance to give them a good look.

In this atmosphere that made Ji Ya restless, time passed by.

Two hours passed.

Thomas looked at Ji Ya strangely, and glanced across her chest indiscriminately, coughing a little: “Okay, everyone has almost exchanged their questions about each other, and those who are not interested can go private. Talk again. “

He continued: “Now we enter the second step and enter the physical exchange link. For the same reason, you can describe what you want to put into the crystal lamp. Interested parties can put forward what you want to exchange and reach agreement with each other. The words will be exchanged on the spot, and I will act as a witness. “

Said so much in one breath, it seemed to make Thomas a little thirsty, he took the fruit wine from the students and took a sip.

“Since this is the case, let’s start.” He said.

Everyone converged to play with their thoughts, all looking at the crystal lamp in front of them.

One of the main purposes of the wizard exchange meeting is physical exchange.

Renn put his mental power into the crystal lamp, and suddenly saw different things in front of the bright lights, with uniquely shaped witchcraft, and some demonized plants that he could not call the name, and even high Order Warcraft’s crystal nucleus and so on.

Every time he glanced over those things, he would automatically show an introduction about them.

“The crystal nucleus of the eighth-order Warcraft Red Flame Lizard!”

“I can recognize the Lord through the blood, and the strongest demonized vine with the sixth-level wizard power!”

“The cub of the sixth order Warcraft Sky Lei Ying!”

“Six-level witch weapon capable of releasing sonic attacks!”

Ryan felt dazzled ~ ~ and each of these things made him very interested.

Even if he ca n’t use it, it ’s good to give it to his people.

Checked for a long time, Ren finally found what he wanted.

Magic Fruit!

It was obviously Thomas who released the magic fruit.

And the introduction of the magic fruit is only its name.

Ryan’s breathing was slightly disturbed.

He withdrew from consciousness, took a deep breath, waited for himself to calm down, and then input his mental power into the crystal lamp.

A phantom of a magic fruit was suspended in front of a light, and a phantom appeared from time to time, but soon the phantom disappeared.

Ryan understood that this was someone who had released what he wanted to exchange, but Thomas was not satisfied and refused to make the phantom disappear.

He even vaguely saw a seventh-level witchcraft, and a cub of seventh-order Warcraft!

And Thomas refused all of them.

This made Ren a little thankful and a little bit timid.

The other party is not satisfied with such a precious thing, so can the cup of display developed by him satisfy him?

Just when Ren wanted to report what he wanted to take out, his shoulder was suddenly photographed, and suddenly his consciousness returned to the body.

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