Tremble! White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 108

Chapter 107: Sister Is Love Brain 11

However, although the mysterious person in charge of this mission is careful enough, the prefect who also knows the inside story is not so vigilant. Ying Lan quickly found a lot of things from him, plus With the news from Shangguanze and others, the general context of the matter was quickly figured out.

, and even audacious assassination of court officials.

In office, the emperor has always had the idea of incorporating martial arts, but most of the martial arts people who have taken refuge in the imperial court, most of the martial arts are at the second and third-rate level, and they have failed to set up strategies against the rivers and lakes several times. can do.

Now this emperor has even greater ambitions. Taking advantage of the comeback of Qingfeng Sect, he wants to take advantage of the fisherman, and intends to take the opportunity to wipe out all the people in the rivers and lakes.

There is nothing wrong with the emperor having such an idea. The existence of Jianghu people has already affected the imperial power. If Ying Lan is in his position, he will definitely make the same decision. Unfortunately, they are now in opposition. Position, she certainly cannot be slaughtered.

When she was investigating the affairs of the court, Fengming on Nancang Mountain was a little anxious. The trap had been set for a long time, but there was no news that Shangguanze and others came to rescue.

The spy placed in Yulong Villa kept replying that everything was normal there, as if they had given up on the people he caught, but it seemed extremely abnormal, and he faintly smelled the conspiracy. smell.

The righteous people talk about benevolence, righteousness and morality all day long, but they won’t do things like giving up their companions, and the woman she is most afraid of, Shangguan Yinglan.

The brief contact made him understand that he was a very proud person, who broke the Yulong Villa and abolished her and her parents’ dantian. She would never let go of such deep hatred and shame.

Besides, her martial arts are now above her own, and she will not be afraid of him at all, so what is it that trips her footsteps?

Feng Ming did not suspect that the Yulong Villa was setting off smoke bombs. In fact, their people had already been lurking here, but he repeatedly increased the guarding force in the sect, but still The other party didn’t touch a single hair, and he couldn’t help but feel lost.

They all dragged people to the predetermined ambush location and made all preparations, but the people who were waiting for it were delayed.

Finally, the mysterious man couldn’t sit still, and sent a secret letter to invite spies to come out for a gathering, but they didn’t know that Ying Lan was waiting for this opportunity.

The meeting place was in a wood at the foot of Nancang Mountain. The two just met, and before they had time to communicate, Ying Lan, who had been following the mysterious man for a long time, flashed out, and one person and one move pointed them at the acupuncture point. .

The spy froze in place with a look of horror, thinking that his true identity was discovered, thinking of the methods of Qingfeng Sect to punish traitors, he immediately wanted to bite the poison hidden in his mouth just for speed die.

Unexpectedly, the person who responded quickly clamped his jaw. He was desperate, thinking that he could not escape the pain and torture before he died, but then his eyes widened, because what caught his eye Someone he hadn’t thought of at all.

Ying Lan removed the poison in his mouth and threw it on the ground, then turned around and looked at the other person with a smile.

The mysterious man was much calmer than the spy, at least he couldn’t tell from his face, he was also stunned and unable to move, the sword around his waist only had time to draw half of the sheath.

“Shangguan Yinglan?” Although he was a question, his tone was very determined.

“Exactly.” Ying Lan said indifferently, “Brother Zhu is indeed the number one master of Zhenlingwei, with first-class eyesight.”

As soon as these words came out, Zhu Yuhua’s pupils shrank suddenly, and there was a momentary blank in his mind. If he was able to calm down when the acupoint was suddenly tapped, now his heart is full of horrified.

Zhenlingwei is not a secret matter in the imperial court, and even many people in the rivers and lakes know that it was founded by the previous emperor and directly under the jurisdiction of the emperor alone. Everyone in Weizhong has martial arts. There are martial arts people who have come to join the arena, and there are also people who have been cultivated since childhood.

Zhu Yuhua belongs to the latter group. His parents died when he was seven years old. Because of his talent, he was accepted as an apprentice by the leader at the time. After nearly 20 years of hard training, he finally defeated everyone in Weizhong. He became the No. 1 master. After Master passed away last year, he was appreciated by the emperor and took over the entire town of Lingwei.

Only those who do things know, but this woman has revealed his identity in one word.

Could it be that there was a traitor in their town Lingwei?

Guessing in her heart, Zhu Yuhua tried her best to remain calm, and smiled bitterly: “Why should you make fun of Miss Shangguan, when you approached you, you didn’t notice it, and the sword was attacked by you before it was sheathed. One move to control, in front of you, what is my so-called No. 1 expert in Weizhong?”

This is his sincere words, although Shangguan Yinglan succeeded in a sudden sneak attack, but she appeared from a hundred meters away, so his sword was too late to unsheath, one can imagine Know how fast she is.

Even if he faced her face to face with vigilance, I am afraid that she would still be unable to make a hundred moves under her hands, so terrifying, defeat, defeat.

It’s no wonder that this woman was able to frighten Feng Ming to abandon nearly a hundred of his subordinates with her own strength. I am afraid that he also saw that he was not an opponent, so he hurriedly retreated with a small number of people.

“It’s good to have self-knowledge,” Ying Lan said bluntly, “After today, take your gang back with you.”

“Zhenlingwei’s calculations must have been seen by the girl long ago,” Zhu Yuhua said very sincerely, “Being reluctantly is just hitting a stone with an egg, and Li will naturally not do such an unwise thing, but since the emperor has If he intends to rectify the rivers and lakes, he will inevitably send Zhen Lingwei to take action in the future, but this is beyond Li’s control.”

“You—” Ben Yuhua’s face changed, but he quickly calmed down, “Shangguan girl means to fight against the entire court by herself? I’m not afraid that the army will be crushed and destroyed. Your Jade Dragon Villa?”

“You don’t have to worry about it, the acupuncture point will be unlocked after four hours, and those people in the mountains will wake up tomorrow morning.” Ying Lan said that she did not dare to say a word from the beginning to the end. The spy, turned smartly and flew away.

A moment later, a voice came again from a few miles away: “Miss I borrowed someone from you to use it, and I will return it to you after you are done, you-you-”

A handsome face.

Arrogant, so arrogant!

Not to mention his mood, Li Yuhua’s current state is his true portrayal.

In terms of body, the scout dared to say that before today, he had never imagined such a fast speed in this world, the oncoming wind made him unable to open his eyes, and the flesh on his face He pulled it out, his hair was more like being grabbed and pulled back, the pain was so painful that his tears came down, but it was quickly blown dry.

Fortunately, this kind of torture didn’t last too long, and he was put on the ground in less than a quarter of an hour. Only then could he take a good rest, and his grinning activities were almost blown away. facial features.

I opened my eyes and found that they had come to the middle of the mountain, the devil – this is the new name he gave to Ying Lan’an in his heart, he walked behind him, and for a while, he was in the middle of him. When she guessed what she was going to do to him, the acupuncture points on her body were suddenly untied.

Only then did Ying Lan notice his tragic state, and she felt a little embarrassed. She didn’t mean to torture this person, mainly because she forgot that he had been acupuncture and could not exercise to protect his body.

“Cough—” She coughed lightly and asked in a friendly manner, “I don’t know what you call it?”

“Little Ding Yongfeng, just call the girl Xiao Ding.” The spy replied flattered.

Ying Lan looked at his nearly forty-year-old face, and really called out the word “Xiao Ding”: “I’m talking about your title in Qingfeng Sect.”

Ding Yongfeng took a look at the clothes on her body, and instantly understood: “The youngest is the deputy head of the Qingfeng Jiao Xingwu Hall, and is usually called the head of the Ding hall, the girl can pretend to be a small one. My confidant, Yu Sien, sent her out to run errands last month, and she should be back in a few days, so it won’t be suspicious at all.”

“Then I’ll trouble you.” Ying Lan was very satisfied when he saw that he was so eloquent. He deserves to be a spy.

“No trouble, no trouble.” Ding Yongfeng said doggedly.

He can’t wait to be able to do things for this female devil, after all, this little life will be stable, and she is going to fight with the Qingfeng Cult, even if the boss knows about it, he will not punish he.

“I’m going to wrong the girl,” Ding Yongfeng carefully peeped at her expression and said, “When you arrive at the Qingfeng Sect, remember to call the young master Ding, and the young ones will also call you a small kindness. .”

“These are trivial things, you don’t have to.” Ying Lan looked at him with red eyes, wet tears, messy hair, and an insulted look, she couldn’t help but look away. , “Tang Master Ding, let’s tidy up your appearance first!”

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