Tremble! White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 87

Chapter 86: The Feudal Wife Of The Progressive Youth 9

Infiltrated into the heavily guarded Sijing Hotel, and in the focus of everyone’s attention, Zhuang Yuanhua, who is the groom, ordered medicine that he would not take for life. This is what Ying Lan gave him. The first test of a subordinate who studied in the courtyard for two months.

The result is very gratifying. Fifty-three people participated in it, and everyone worked together. Responsible for rescue in the event of an unexpected situation, it is clearly arranged from beginning to end.

Ying Lan reviewed their plan and found that, let alone taking this kind of medicine that had no reaction at the time, even if people were poisoned to death on the spot, these people would have a high probability of retreating completely. It’s good to do this without her help.

After the completion of the incident, Ying Lan was ready to plan the next step. First, she spent a lot of money to find a way to buy a batch of guns and bows.

Even so, almost half of the cash left by my father was used. Today’s production in this land is far behind that of Western countries. Things like Wuqi basically need to be purchased from abroad. Imports, so the price has remained high, and often bought inferior products that others have eliminated.

The quality of the guns that Ying Lan bought with all her hard work was not very good, so she bought some raw materials and asked everyone to follow her to learn and improve them on their own.

Of course, before that, she hinted to everyone, including Amin, to ensure that they were absolutely loyal to her, not that they didn’t trust them, but that they didn’t dare to trust them completely.

In this troubled world, once she is betrayed, she may lose her life. She doesn’t want to capsize in the gutter.

Get ready, Ying Lan left behind two people to protect her younger brother Chu Wenbo, and left Yuncheng with a group of people, saying that she was going on a trip.

Uncle Nian and others thought she was upset by Zhuang Yuanhua’s remarriage, and they all supported her to go out to relax.

Although Chu Wenbo is young, he sees it clearly. My sister doesn’t take that man seriously at all. Most of the time he leaves this time to do something big, don’t ask him how he knows Yes, asking is feeling.

In recent years, the authorities and governments have existed in name only. Warlords in various places are divided into violent levies and scuffles. There are also invasions by powerful enemies and oppression by foreign powers, which has led to the people’s hardship and hardship. Many people are forced to take risks in order to survive. , so more and more bandits, bandits more and more serious.

Yuncheng is located in a plain, but the province where it is located is surrounded by mountains on all sides. It is one of the provinces with the most serious bandits in this land.

There was a gang of bandits on Fengshi Mountain outside Dongxian County. At first, there were only fifty or sixty, but in the past few years, people came to hang bandits every year, but every year Neither succeeded.

Firstly, because Fengshi Mountain has a complex terrain, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and secondly, because most of the bandits on the mountain are people from surrounding villages. Someone tipped them off.

Able to spend money to buy peace, the rich adhere to the principle that more is worse than less. After being robbed, they are reluctant to report to officials. Now it has grown to about two hundred.

It was here that Chu Jingsheng was hit in the chest, and he barely managed to get home, but in the end he died and lost his life.

It’s not that he doesn’t understand the rules and he is strong, because he has a business in Dongxian, and he passes through here two or three times a year, and every time he spends money to buy peace.

Ying Lan lurked nearby for a month with her hands, and even went in to investigate twice, posing as a food delivery person, and got a thorough understanding of the bandit den, which was only one night.

Most of the more than 200 bandits ate food mixed with medicine and were thrown down with medicine, and a few who did not eat for various reasons were caught without any resistance, and then everyone was **** and dragged by five flowers to the gate of the cottage.

One of the sober people was one of the three chiefs of the cottage. He saw that all the people in the village fell into the hands of this group of people. Said: “Who are you? I don’t know where our brothers have offended you? Even if we die, let us be wise ghosts.”

Ying Lan ignored him and ordered coldly: “Wake up all.”

The subordinates lit a few charcoal-like things after listening, and walked around the unconscious bandit with tongs. The indescribable disgusting smell woke everyone up.

The few people who were fortunate enough not to be dazed were choked with tears and snot, and then they realized why the enemy’s people were wearing masks to cover their mouths and noses. I thought they were afraid of being recognized. Face, in fact, people are to deodorize!

Put one on for them too! Even if they don’t give it, it’s fine to remind them to hold their breath! Are bandits not human?

I found that my whole body was so weak and weak that it was difficult to move.

When everyone was awake, Yinglan looked down at a group of people and asked: “More than four months ago, Chu Jingsheng, the big boss of Yuncheng Chuji, passed by Fengshi Mountain. The rules gave money to buy the road, but you guys shot me in the chest, I want to know, who did it and who gave the order?”

At this time, the smell dissipated, and they all took off their masks. When the bandits saw that the leader who brought them down was a young and beautiful woman, they dared not despise them. .

“Is there any misunderstanding, girl?” Shi Yongnan, the leader of the cottage, was not brave at all at this time, and said weakly, “Everyone around here knows that our people in Fengshi Mountain do things. It has always been a rule to only make money and not kill people. If we really do such a thing, who would dare to believe us? We would never do such a thing that would cut off our own money.”

“Since I came to the door, of course I found it out.” Ying Lan looked down from a height and looked at everyone’s faces, “I’m here for revenge, not for revenge, if it is related to this matter People say it themselves, and I can guarantee that the other people in the stockade will not be moved.”

About two minutes passed, no one admitted out loud, Ying Lan was not surprised, she just raised her eyebrows and said, “It seems that the so-called brotherly loyalty is really just empty words, it’s still everyone to die. Die together, you have made a choice.”

She was about to give an order with a wave of her right hand, but was interrupted by someone.

“Wait!” The three leaders who were not dazed, but were captured alive because of diarrhea, shouted loudly to stop her movement, “I did this thing, I also ask the girl to keep her promise and release the brothers in my village.”

“Zhou Anyi!” Shi Yongnan looked at him in disbelief, “Why did you do this?”

Zhou Anyi turned his head away from his sight, and whispered, “I’m sorry, Brother Yong.”

“You—” Shi Yong said in a masculine tone, “Are you persecuted? Didn’t you give the big guy this idea of making money and not killing people? It’s you too. Said that it is absolutely not possible to ruin a long-term financial path for a temporary benefit.”

“You asked the big guy to do these things. How could you break the rules first? Someone must have seized your weakness and forced you to do it, right?”

“No one is forcing me,” Zhou Anyi said indifferently, “I just want to grab more money, quit the cottage and go home to marry a wife so that I can live a good life, I’m tired of it, and I don’t want to lick blood like this again. life.”

“Do you want to leave?” Shi Yongnan was startled at first, then angrily said, “Tell me if you want to leave! I’ll just give you my share of the money, enough for you to marry ten Eight daughters-in-law.”

Zhou Anyi trembled, then gritted her teeth and said, “I’m afraid you won’t let me go, don’t forget that you guys tied me up the mountain back then.”

Shi Yongnan was struck by lightning for a while, and he couldn’t say anything.

“Since you have admitted it yourself,” Ying Lan told Amin next to him after watching this fraternal drama, “Go and catch me.”

Amin responded, strode towards Zhou Anyi, and in Shi Yongnan’s flustered eyes, he brought Zhou Anyi… a roe-headed man in front of him to Ying Lan, and threw it to the ground.

“Do you take me for a fool?” Ying Lan sneered, glanced at Zhou Anyi, and said, “If you want to help others, you have to ask me if I will answer.”

“No, it’s not me, it has nothing to do with me!” The man who was caught hurriedly explained, desperately trying to move back, but unfortunately the power of the medicine hadn’t dissipated, and he couldn’t move at all.

No matter how stupid the bandits are, they know who the person who really did this thing is, and they accuse them in disbelief—

“You did it, Wang Si, you made us suffer!”

“Dare to do it, dare not do it, and want to drag everyone to die with you, shameless!”

“It’s too much, everyone is a brother, you can bear it.”

In the accusation, Wang Si was still trying his best to explain that he did not do it by himself, but unfortunately no one believed it at this time. The noises were intertwined and noisy, comparable to the market on weekdays.

Ying Lan was noncommittal and quietly watched them perform until the bandits gradually lost their voices.

At this time, Zhou Anyi prayed aloud: “Since you have found the culprit, girl, then the other brothers in the village, please keep your promise, raise your hand, and let them live.”

“What if I don’t let go?” Ying Lan raised her eyebrows and said, “How could one person rob the entire convoy? I think you are all accomplices.”

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