Tremble! White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 97

Chapter 96: Feudal Wife Of Progressive Youth 19

After waiting for about half an hour, Ying Lan arrived with a group of soldiers, and the square was suddenly silent.

The mother and son looked at each other and felt that the opportunity had come. They were about to shout when they suddenly heard the woman on the stage say coldly, “Come up!”

Zhuang Yuanhua swallowed what Zhuang Yuanhua wanted to shout, and he almost lost his breath. After he coughed a few times to calm his breath, he looked up and saw a dozen The important officials of the officialdom and shopping malls with whom he had had a romantic relationship were **** by Wu Hua Da, and all of them were disgraced.

Yes! He cursed fiercely in his heart.

These people call him brothers and sisters when he is in charge of the banker. When he loses power, let alone pull him, one by one, like a jackal, they eat the rest of the banker. , with no regard for the past.

But what did this woman, Chu Yinglan, bring them up at this time? Zhuang Yuanhua was muttering in his heart when he saw that the woman in the white military uniform on the stage suddenly drew a gun from her waist, and with a single shot, the former mayor smashed into the head.

“The collaborators should be killed!”

Ying Lan said coldly, the gun was aimed at the next person mercilessly, and another shot was fired under his terrified eyes.

“Rebel, kill!”

“Abandoned people, kill them!”

As she finished each sentence “Damn”, someone fell to the ground, and hot blood flowed out, dyeing the square red.

What she said after that, Zhuang Yuanhua did not hear at all, he stared at the dead bodies lying on the ground, as if he saw himself.

At this time, he suddenly remembered what his younger brother said last night: “Do you think my former sister-in-law is still the Chu Yinglan who let you round and flatten? Master Chu!”

Ying Lan on the stage suddenly glanced in his direction, Zhuang Yuanhua shuddered suddenly, and crouched down in a conditioned reflex, for fear that she would see him here and shoot him At this time, he finally remembered what she said. If he appeared in front of her again, he would be shot once.

He thought it was angry before, but now he doesn’t think so, this woman really dares to kill!

Meng Yasu was also frightened by her ex-daughter-in-law’s ruthless means at this pledge meeting. The mother and son went back in despair and never mentioned the matter of looking for her again.

Yinglan didn’t know what happened to the Zhuang family at the oath meeting. The glance that scared Zhuang Yuanhua at that time was just that she looked in that direction unintentionally.

The three warlords have given up their old grievances and united at this time, vowing to give her a little color to this ignorant woman.

Ying Lan used reality to slap all those who were not optimistic about her and slapped her in the face. The National Protector Army won the first battle against the three major warlords, and after that it was even more overwhelming completely destroyed the coalition.

Ying Lan showed her fangs to the world, advanced weapons, rolling attacks, and a tender policy towards the people, and recovered the entire mountains and rivers in just two years.

Those foreign forces who manipulated the warlords to gain territory were all forced out of this land, and after seeing the strength of the National Protector Army, they did not dare to reach out for a short time.

During this period, several western powers were afraid of the rise of this land and tried to unite to eliminate it in the bud, but Yinglan dropped a stone on a country next door that had the intention of invading After the devastating weapon destroyed a prosperous city in an instant, these countries suddenly died.

This year, this land ushered in another reunification, and Yinglan deservedly became the first president of Huaguo.

All the land that had been “leased” to other countries by the previous government was recovered. No one dared to protest “the lease period has not yet come”. .

on the land!

Under the leadership of the powerful president, the flower country after that has been opened, and the level of technology is far ahead of the world level.

When every household in Huaguo used color TVs, those originally powerful countries were still struggling to squeeze a black and white TV; when everyone in Huaguo had a smartphone, they took it The first wireless phone is a treasure…

As for the Zhuang family, that day, the mother and son Zhuang Yuanhua and Meng Yasu were frightened by Yinglan’s ruthlessness. utter despair.

At this time, they finally wanted to understand that the past scenery could not be reappeared, and the only thing that awaited them was a poor and down-to-earth life.

When looking for someone in the casino, he was nowhere to be found.

No one knows where he went, and some people even speculate that he may have died from smoking a big cigarette, or was beaten to death by stealing and robbing.

Meng Yasu fell ill after a series of blows, but their family couldn’t even get the money for food, let alone a doctor. She went away after a few days.

Zhuang Yuanhua dug a pit on the mass grave outside the city and buried his mother at will, not even willing to wrap her in a broken mat.

He couldn’t even find a decent job, so he had to pack up all his belongings and secretly left the place where he grew up at night.

Zhuang Yuanhua traveled to many places after that, but she didn’t stay long at first, because Chu Yinglan was a legendary president, her deeds were published in various books and newspapers, and As her scumbag ex-husband, his photo will also appear on it and be condemned.

It wasn’t until he got older and no one could recognize him by his looks that he was able to settle down in a small place and do the hardest work to support himself.

After many years, someone inadvertently saw a photo of his younger brother when he was young, and told them that when he was in the army, he once had a comrade-in-arms who looked like the boy in the photo, But his name is Da Zhuang, and he has already died in battle.

There is no way to prove whether that Da Zhuang is Zhuang Yuanbai, and Zhuang Yuanhua has no intention to prove that he lives alone, without relatives, children, and intimate friends. Thirty years had passed before he swallowed his last breath with his eyes wide open.

At this time, in a place he didn’t know, there was also an old and haggard woman who died on the same day.

Wei Yingying did not get good results after she defrauded his family property. She is a daughter of gold and the biggest suffering in her life was being locked in the house of the Zhuang family, beaten and forced by her husband. With Wo in.

After she left Yuncheng, she wanted to go back to her hometown to find her father, but she fell asleep on the train and was stripped of all the money, waiting for her to be penniless and suffering untold hardships After returning home, they found that the family had moved abroad to avoid the war.

In order to make a living, Wei Yingying had to put down her body and go out to find a job, but it was not easy for a man to find a job at that time, not to mention that she was locked up for several years and almost forgot everything she had learned. The lovely lady?

In the end, she couldn’t starve, so she had to sell her body, but because she was old, she often gave up her dignity and was tossed for a long time, but she could only exchange a little food.

It was only after the new president unified the country that she had a better life, but she worked hard every day but could barely make ends meet. Compared with the feudal women she once looked down on, she felt extremely unbalanced.

The work is careless and has a great temper. Wei Yingying can’t do every job for long. Later, she found an old man to be a housewife at home, and her life was a little easier.

But maybe it’s because she hurt her body in the years she worked as a wild warbler, and she has never been able to give birth to children. .

As the lives of the people around her are getting better and better, Wei Yingying’s life has never improved. Occasionally she lies in bed and looks back on her life, and sometimes she wonders if she is dreaming—

She really used to be the eldest daughter who was held in the palm of her hand? Did she really rob the husband of the world’s first female president? These questions haunted her until her death.

Ying Lan did not know that two people who were deeply entangled in her fate passed away on the same day. Announcing her retirement, the new president will be replaced by Chu Mingzhi, who has been with her the longest and understands her philosophy of governing the country best.

Chu Wenbo had no interest in politics, and was keen on invention and creation all his life. After learning a lot of theoretical knowledge from his sister, he started to make a lot of things by himself, which was hailed as a great invention by later generations Family.

When he grew up, he noticed a lot of unreasonable things about his sister, but he never asked. In his heart, this is his family.

In the following decades, Ying Lan has been in love with mountains and rivers, writing poems and paintings in her spare time. During this period, she has left many handed down works. The great poet and great painter whose presidency has been delayed.

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