Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 35

Chapter 35 Various flamboyant performances

“You will draw lots to choose your role in this scene.”

“After the show starts, the eight of you will go to the platform on the street to wait for the bus.”

“The last train tonight.”

“You will get on that bus together.”

“After the bus picks you up, there are four stops ahead.”

“Eight people in pairs, get off at these four stops.”

“The four men draw lots to decide which stop they will get off at, and only they know the result of the draw. Of course, they can announce it without fear of death.”

“Then the four women chose which station they got off the train in order of their qualifications.”

“Remember, one of the eight of you is a ghost.”

“A ghost cannot be killed.”

“And ghost killing is easy.”

“The ghost was sealed on the bus with the ability to kill.”

“The seal will be released when you get off the car.”

“If a person is killed by a ghost, the ghost scene will pass.”

“If the ghost does not kill a single person within an hour, and this ghost scene also passes, the ghost will be deducted 1,000 points!”

“What we want to shoot is a horror scene of walking with ghosts. Use this clip to warn people that taking the last train is a terrible thing, so you should go home as early as possible after get off work at night.”


Then the female director repeated the basic rules of the set, those rules that everyone knew, and then entered the lottery ceremony to determine the role of each actor in this scene.

The tough old woman who came this time is a group-level actor, two levels higher than Li Teng and other group actors. She has three chances to draw lots to decide what role to play. If she is not satisfied with the role she won in the first draw, she can draw a second time.

If you are not satisfied the second time, you can still draw a third time.

The little white face and the girl with dark glasses who came with the sturdy old woman are all small special grades, one level higher than Li Teng and other group actors, and they have two chances to decide their roles by drawing lots.

Li Teng and other group performers have only one chance to draw lots to determine the role they will play.

The tough old woman has the highest rank, and of course the first draw.

According to the director’s description, in this scene, an actor will hang up and become a wax figure when encountering a ghost.

It means that the difficulty is equivalent to that of the first drag racing scene, one in eight chances of becoming waxy.

The director also said that one of the eight people is a ghost, and ghosts cannot be killed.

Therefore, there is no doubt that it is the safest to draw a ghost.

If you draw a ghost, you can kill and turn other people into wax figures, but you will not be killed.

It can almost be said to be absolutely safe.

Ghosts get out of the car with people. Ghosts also possess superpowers that humans cannot possess. If they can’t kill a person within an hour, it can only be said that the actor who draws the ghost is too stupid. There can be no other reason.

The sturdy old lady has priority in drawing roles, and there are three chances to draw lots. The chance of stealing the role of ghost is very high.

The staff moved a table and placed it by the door of the cafe, on which there was an antique lamp.

There are eight bamboo sticks inserted inside, and the role that each person will play is written on the sticks.

The sturdy old woman was the first to be called, and the staff picked up the pick tube and shook it for a while, and asked the sturdy old woman to draw one out.

When the sturdy old woman was drawing lots, other people couldn’t pass by the coffee table here, so they couldn’t sneak a glimpse of what role she had won.

The sturdy old woman took out a bamboo stick, and there was a layer of stick sleeve outside the stick. She slowly opened the stick sleeve with her hand. Seeing the words on the stick, she couldn’t help but frowned.

“Do you want to smoke again?” The staff asked the tough old woman.

“Yes.” The sturdy old woman put the bamboo stick she pulled out just now back into the scoop.

After the staff picked up the tub and shook it again, it passed it to the tough old woman.

The sturdy old woman drew out another bamboo stick. She stroked the sleeve and frowned again when she saw the words exposed on it.

She also put the bamboo stick back into the draw hole again, and then conducted the third draw.

The sturdy old woman drew out the third bamboo stick and also opened the sleeve with her hand. This time she saw the words exposed on it, and a smile suddenly appeared on her face.

“She must have caught a ghost with her expression?” The female white-collar worker guessed.

“Although there are eight bamboo sticks in the drawbar, there are actually only two kinds of draws, one is a ghost draw, and only one. The other is a lottery made by ordinary people, and there are seven. Those of us are absolutely safe only if we draw a ghost draw. , She laughed, it was mostly a ghost sign.” The man in glasses analyzed.

“No, you are not right. If she gets a ghost, the three of us will be safe. Only you four men are not safe.” The sunglasses girl opened her mouth.

“Yeah! Why didn’t I think of this layer? Well, it would be better for her to get a ghost.” The female white-collar’s expression suddenly realized.

“High! Really high!” The man in glasses raised his thumb to the woman in sunglasses.

“Why did she get a ghost, and we women are safe?” The girl was still a little confused.

“Think about it…we got off the bus with their male partner…” The female white-collar worker reminded the girl.

“Oh, yes, I’m so stupid!” The girl smiled awkwardly.

“Don’t think she really got a ghost, she’s all with the old drama of the class level, it is easy to play a specific expression to fool us.” The sunglasses girl said a few more words.

“It makes sense.” The white-collar worker nodded.

“Old opera bones… We have a group performer here, and the acting skills are better than the old opera bones!” The man in glasses suddenly thought of something and stared at Li Teng angrily.

Li Teng was drinking coffee and did not seem to hear what the man in glasses said.

The sturdy old woman returned to the coffee table with a set of bamboo sticks with a smug look on her face.

Xiao Bai Lian eagerly picked up the coffee on the table and handed it to her.

Next, it was the turn of the sunglasses girl. Although she was at the same level as Xiao Bai Lian, she had more points in the account than Xiao Bai Lian, so the priority of drawing lots was higher than Xiao Bai Lian’s.

The girl in sunglasses has two chances to draw lots.

After the first time she changed a lottery.

After seeing the content of the second sign, the girl in sunglasses waved her fist excitedly, ‘yeah! With a cry, the bamboo sticks were set and returned to the coffee table.

“This performance is too exaggerated! It doesn’t match the human setting, it must be fake.” Gao Fei whispered.

“What did you get? So happy?” The man in glasses asked the woman in sunglasses after coming back.

“Of course it was a ghost. You guys had better pray now and don’t get out of the car with me later.” The sunglasses girl replied to the glasses man.

The sturdy old woman snorted after hearing the words of the woman in sunglasses, with a disdainful expression on her face.

After the girl in sunglasses, it was Xiao Bai’s turn to smoke.

He didn’t ask for the first lottery either, and after drawing the second lottery, he jumped a few times with joy.

“Wow! Signed! I got a ghost! It’s safe now!” Xiao Bailian happily walked back to the table holding the bamboo stick.

“I believe you are seeing a ghost!” The sturdy old woman poked Xiaobai’s forehead with her finger.

Xiaobai smiled awkwardly.

“There is only one ghost, and all of them are drawn. One can play better than the other!” The man in glasses exclaimed.

The remaining five group performers are all of the same level. The Goofy account has the most points balance, the male and female white-collar workers and girls in glasses have the same points, and Li Teng has the least points.

Therefore, the order of the lottery is Goofy, then the men with glasses, the white-collar women and the girls are tied together, and finally Li Teng.

After Goofy drew the lottery, he laughed exaggeratedly and walked back to the table.

After the glasses man, the white-collar woman and the girl gave in, the female white took the lead, then the girl, and finally the glasses man.

After seeing their own lottery, the three people were ‘excited’ for a while, performing various exaggerated performances before they returned to the table with the bamboo sticks.

In the end, there was a lottery left, no draw, it was Li Teng’s.

Li Teng hurriedly looked at his signature and walked back to the coffee table with a very ugly expression.

The first round of the draw is over.

Except for Li Teng among the eight people, they all showed the joy of drawing a ghost lottery.

Who really got the ghost lottery will be declared safe. Only the ghost knows.

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