Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 645

 The head of the Chapter 844

    studio welcomed the eight newcomers.

    After passing the interview and entering the studio, the first item is a physical examination.

    Entering an upright machine in the shape of a metal cabinet filled with various instruments and equipment, fine facial photographs, full-body scans, and some unknown inspections were performed.

    After completing the physical examination, the head of the studio arranged work for the new employee.

    Everyone entered the workshop, which looked like a game hall.

    There is one game cabin per person, and each game cabin is placed with a multifunctional seat, a host and a large screen.

    The eight game cabins are distributed in an octahedron. After entering, the door of the game cabin will automatically close to form a small confined space.

    Under the guidance of the person in charge, each of the eight people chose a game cabin and walked in and sat in very comfortable seats.

    “Through the previous interview, you should have guessed it a long time ago? We are a game studio.

    “So, your job is…

    “Playing games.

    “Open the console in front of you and you will automatically enter the game interface.

    “You can use the gamepad to manipulate the characters in the game.

    “If the character you manipulate dies…

    “Sorry, this game does not have a resurrection system. You will permanently lose your character and then be fired by the studio.

    ” , Now you can start to build your role. “

    The voice of the person in charge of the studio was introduced into the game cabin, introducing the work that the eight people are about to do.

    After the voice of the person in charge fell, everyone in the game cabin reached out and opened the button of the host in front of them.

    The big screen in the game cabin lights up, there is no boot screen, no boot menu, and it takes one second to enter the game login interface.

    The scanning device in the game cabin automatically scanned the eight people in the seat. The previous physical examination has also entered the information of the eight people into the system, so the game also automatically recognized the identities of the eight people and placed their avatars on them. On the login button, after pressing the handle button, you enter the game interface.

    Next is a tutorial for beginners.

    Mainly introduces the functions of various buttons.

    For game veterans, this kind of tutorial is actually a lot more.

    Li Teng skipped most of it, but focused on his own property panel.

    Basic attributes: Strength: 15; Agility: 15; Wisdom: 15; Skill: 15; Endurance: 15; Charisma: 15;

    Hidden attributes: Courage: 100; Lucky: 100; Potential: 100; Spirit: 100;

    Note: ordinary people The average value of the basic attributes is 10, and the upper limit is 15; the

    higher the hidden attribute value, the better; the basic attributes can be increased with the character’s various training and actual combat; the hidden attributes will only increase in special circumstances.

    “Does it all seem to be the upper limit? Other people don’t know how?”

    Staying in the airtight game cabin, and unable to see the attribute panels of other actors, Li Teng could only guess wildly.

    Judging from the previous interview experience, the studio seems to be digging holes for these actors. If you blindly believe in everything you see, you may fall into the pit they dug.

    Therefore, the value of this attribute panel can only be used as a rough reference, not fully believed.

    The plot did not announce the next task, but Li Teng can almost guess it.

    Once dismissed by the studio, it means the failure of the plot mission.

    The title of this film is “Death Studio”.

    And it’s a horror film.

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    Based on his own experience of watching the Internet , Li Teng feels that this film will not be as simple as the studio’s director said. After the death of the character, he will only be Dismissal of the studio or something.

    His guess… Once the characters in the game die, it is very likely that their “players” will die!

    In this type of film, the actor’s death resulted in a penalty of 1,000 points.

    For Li Teng now, 1,000 points may not be a big deal, but for the other seven newcomers, deducting 1,000 points, they will almost certainly become wax figures.

    Although 1,000 points are nothing to him, Li Teng does not want to fail in the plot mission.

    Therefore, he will work hard to ensure that his game character will not die.

    After the novice tutorial, Li Teng’s character appeared on a piece of grass.

    The roles of the other seven also appeared on the grass.

    With their names on top of the characters’ heads, they are not afraid of confessing the wrong person.

    There are some puppets, weapon racks, archery targets and so on. It looks like it should be a training ground.

    All of them wore simple cloths, holding a worn-out iron sword and a wooden shield.

    The character’s face, body, height, weight, etc. are all modeled after scanning the manipulator, so they look exactly the same as the actor himself. You can recognize which actor is when you see the character.

    In front of the eight characters, there was a man standing with the words’instructor’ written on his head. He was obviously an NPC.

    “Well, today’s training is over.

    “Next, I will announce four rules, you have to listen carefully.

    “First, it is not allowed to attack the townspeople in the small town;

    “Second, it is not allowed to enter the forbidden areas of the town;

    “Third, you cannot leave the town after dark;

    “Fourth, even if you leave the town during the day, At least two people must also travel together;

    “Well, you can move around freely now.” The instructor announced a few words, then turned and walked away.

    “Wait for the instructor!” Zeng Wenyu’s voice rang.

    “What’s the matter with you?” The instructor stopped.

    “Haha, I just want to try the voice system of this game, and the intelligence of the NPC, it looks pretty good.” Zeng Wenyu laughed.

    “Don’t treat this as a game, or you will regret it.” The instructor warned Zeng Wenyu, then turned and walked away.

    “This NPC is really interesting.” Zeng Wenyu smiled again.

    “Hey! Hey! Hey! Can you hear me?” Female player Zhou Miaomiao’s voice.

    “I can hear.” Zeng Wenyu replied Zhou Miaomiao.

    “What are we going to do next?” the female player Zhang Jiayu’s voice.

    “Playing games, what do you want to do? Take the task!” Zheng Jiu opened his mouth, and then saw his character leave the training ground and walked towards the town.

    The others also manipulated their characters to leave the training ground and walked to the small town ahead.

    Zheng Jiu just walked the corner ahead, suddenly a zombie roared and rushed over, grabbing his character with both hands, and biting his character with his mouth open.

    Fortunately, Zheng Jiu reacted quickly, manipulating the gamepad back and forth again and again, avoiding the attack of the zombies.

    No one thought that there would be zombies in the Novice Village where these game novices are located!

    So Zheng Jiucai was caught off guard.

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    After avoiding the zombie’s pounce, Zheng Jiu immediately manipulated the joystick and buttons of the gamepad, preparing to swing the iron sword in his hand and hack the zombie to save face for himself.

    But what he didn’t expect was that after his character retreated, he automatically screamed for help in fear, and then sat down on the ground!

    If you look closely, you will find that his character’s pants are wet.

    “I didn’t make these screams and calls for help!” Zheng Jiu felt very shameless. He shook the joystick of the game controller frantically and pressed the button to make the character stand up, but the character seemed to lose control completely. I didn’t respond to any manipulation.

    Seeing that the zombies were about to fall on Zheng Jiu, other players also tried to manipulate their characters, brandishing their iron swords and wanting to go to rescue. They never thought that their characters would either stand in place and could not manipulate them at all, or Turned around on his own and retreated to the distance.

    At the moment of the moment, Li Teng manipulated his character to rush over, cut off the zombie’s neck with a sword, and saved Zheng Jiu’s character.

    “What kind of shit game? The character was out of control at the critical moment just now!” Zheng Jiu scolded.

    “Yeah! I just wanted to save you, but my role is also out of control.” Li Fucai said.

    “There is no way to manipulate the character at critical moments, how do you play this?” Other players also complained.

    “There is no way to manipulate your character because your hidden attribute value is too low. The meaning of courage includes courage, but it refers to the courage of wisdom. Your courage is small, which causes your character to face danger. At that time, I want to escape instinctively, which is reflected in the operation of the game, that is, the command is out of control.” The voice of the head of the studio rang in the game cabin of each player.

    Li Teng understood it when he heard it.

    His hidden attribute courage reached 100, so his character did not panic when facing zombies and could perform his operations perfectly.

    It seems that the initial attributes of the game players are not the same, but reflect the real situation of each person.

    “My hidden attribute courage is only 33 points, and according to the introduction, this attribute cannot be improved, so how can I play?” Zheng Jiu asked the person in charge.

    “Who said that this attribute can’t be improved? The courage is very small, you can practice courage! Watching horror movies at night, playing horror-type games, or wandering around the graveyard alone in the middle of the night can all increase courage! Courage! Improved, and in conjunction with the improvement of the basic attribute wisdom, the courage will naturally rise.” The voice of the person in charge rang again.

    “What I’m asking is how to play games to enhance the guts of the game characters?” Zheng Jiu felt that the person in charge was just talking nonsense.

    “Your own courage has increased, and your character’s courage in the game will naturally increase. Of course, your character in the game will experience more battles and some horror events, and the courage will also be improved.” Answered Zheng Jiu.

    “It can still be like this… well…” Zheng Jiu didn’t ask any more questions.

    Although they are newcomers, they have acted in a few scenes and have some knowledge of the studio.

    And here is the script world. What the head of the studio said should be the setting of the script world. Since it is the setting of the script world, they don’t need to question anything.

    “Senior Li, what is your courage?” Female player Roland asked Li Teng a question.

    When they all lost control of their handles just now, only Li Teng did not lose control and rushed forward to rescue Zheng Jiu.

    “His courage is 100, full value, so when he manipulates the character, there will be no loss of control.” Seeing that Li Teng did not speak, he answered Roland for Li Teng.

    “Damn! So high? It’s four times more than mine!”

    “By the way, before the show, who said that high-level actors have no advantage?”

    “Haha, face-slapped, the attribute value is one higher than ours? Big cut!”

    “Senior is senior.”

    “…” The

    seven actors exclaimed in various ways.

    “100 is the full value? So speaking of it, all of my hidden attributes have reached the upper limit of ordinary people?” Li Teng heard the person in charge and quickly thought.

    But it’s not surprising.

    What hasn’t he experienced in the past few hundred years? So these experiences are a kind of training, which has raised all his attribute values ​​to the limit that ordinary people can reach.

    This is the advantage of old actors in front of new actors.


    After the zombie incident, everyone became cautious after entering the town, worried about where a zombie would rush over again and hit them by surprise.

    The attributes of courage are too low, which makes them feel insecure when manipulating characters.

    In the past, when playing games, the character would do what the controller asked the character to do. The current situation is that there is no problem with walking, and when entering the battle scene, the controller will actually fail! How to play this?

    Everyone’s cautiousness seemed a little superfluous.

    The zombies outside the training ground seemed to be just an independent incident.

    After entering the town, there are all kinds of townspeople NPCs in the town, and they encounter any aggressive monsters.

    “Don’t leave the town today. Go around in the town, pick up some NPC tasks, increase your intimacy with NPCs, get familiar with the situation in the town, and then team up to go to the wild tomorrow.” Voice of the person in charge The sound went up.

    Now that the person in charge said so, of course the eight players also acted according to what he said.

    Players quickly got acquainted with the situation in the town, including weapons stores, pharmacies, shops, residential buildings, taverns, hotels, barracks and other functional buildings. Some players also found a small amount of gold coins in vacant houses in the town.

    Gold coins can be used to buy weapons and equipment and various medicines.

    However, the prices of weapons, equipment, medicines, etc. are very high, and a small amount of gold coins is simply not enough for them to change into better weapons and equipment.

    Want to get more gold coins, of course, do NPC missions, or sell monsters in the wild to sell all kinds of loot.

    Several hours passed, and the sky in the game slowly darkened.

    Under the instructions of the person in charge, the players came to the hotel in the town and used the gold coins they earned during the day to pay for the room, allowing the character to settle in the hotel room.

    Then each of the eight players walked out of the game cabin.

    “This is your salary today. After get off work, you can move freely.” The person in charge gave everyone a mobile phone, and the salary was directly paid to the mobile phone.

    “By the way, you don’t know where your dormitory is? I’ll take you there.” The person in charge saw the players’ faces embarrassed, and suddenly remembered something.

    So everyone followed the person in charge out of the studio, went to the outside corridor, entered the elevator, got off the elevator and went to the lobby on the first floor, walked out of the lobby on the first floor, and looked back at an office building.

    People coming and going, cars coming and going, are no different from the real world.

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