Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 665

Chapter 884

      Finally, the door was completely opened.

      However, there was no one outside.

      ”Don’t!” Another

      person was caught in the detention room. In this situation, I watched the door open automatically, and if there was no one to stop him, I was afraid it was not going to run out.

      But the tall and thin guy didn’t want to go out at all.

      Before the iron gate was closed, he felt safe in his heart.

      Now the iron gate suddenly opened inexplicably, and the sense of security that had accumulated in his heart so easily was now gone.

      The thin and tall man gritted his teeth, plucked up the courage, rushed over and closed the door again.

      Just as he was about to turn around to find the wall and sit down again, there was a noise from the window.

      With a’click,’ the lock tongue of the window also bounced automatically.

      Then, the window was blown open by a gust of wind.

      In the yin wind, there was a faint cry of a person.

      Nevertheless, the tall and thin are not very scared.

      Because there are very thick iron bars in the window, which can prevent him from escaping and at the same time prevent things from coming in.

      But the tall and thin man soon discovered that the iron barrier of the window he was leaning on was a bit unreliable.

      Because there are two people who are drilling into the room from outside the iron fence of the window.

      The head of a normal person cannot squeeze into such a narrow iron fence, and the distance between the iron fence is much smaller than that of a human head. No one can get a hard head through the gap of the iron fence.

      However, people whose heads are squashed by car tires are an exception.

      The red-haired teenager whose head was squashed by a car tire, and another tall and thin companion whose head was squashed by a car tyre, were climbing up the window together and stuck their squashed head into the window rail. in.

      Isn’t there a saying that says “sharp your head and drill in”? This is the current situation.

      The faint crying was also from them.

      ”Boss! We died so miserably! Why don’t you avenge us?” The two squashed heads drilled into the room, while at the same time sending out soul torture to the thin and tall one.

      ”I want to avenge you! But that bastard is too cunning! I was tricked by him!” The thin tall defended.

      ”You are too stupid! You are not worthy of being our boss! We were all pitted to death by you! You pay our lives! If you don’t die, accompany us on the road!” Two squashed heads stretched out their claws, Together, they staggered towards the thin and tall one.

      Feeling that the situation was not good, the tall and thin guy quickly turned around and opened the door behind him, ran to the corridor outside and closed the door with his backhand.

      ”Is there anyone? Where did you all go? Is there no one to care about the haunting in the bureau?” The thin tall man yelled into the empty corridor.

      However, apart from the echo of his own shout, he heard no response.

      ”Boss! I died so miserably!”

      At this moment, a voice came from behind the thin tall man.

      It was the one who fell down from the second floor when he tried to learn from him at the time of the fire.

      With a severely deformed head, he stretched out his hand to put his hand on the lanky shoulder.

      The thin and tall man turned around and saw the severely deformed head. He was taken aback by surprise. He stepped back a few steps, but accidentally staggered and fell to the ground.

      But there was something sitting under the ass.

      ”Boss! You are pressing my foot! It hurts so much!”

      A voice came from behind the tall and thin man.

      The thin and tall man looked back, but saw one of his companions sitting behind him, with a rusty steel bar sticking out of his chest, and his expression was extremely painful.

      The thin and tall man was about to get up, the companion whose head was cut off by the cellar manhole cover, and the companion whose neck was broken, suddenly appeared on his left and right, reaching out and grabbing his two arms.

      The iron door of the detention room was also opened, and the two flat heads swayed out of it together. Together with the previous companions, they surrounded the tall and thin man and pulled his body.

      The thin and tall one couldn’t break free, and his eyes became a little dazed. Suddenly he felt that his body was falling at a high speed. He felt uncomfortable but unable to break free.

      ”Puff!” There was

      a loud sound.

      The thin and tall man felt a sharp pain behind his butt, which quickly penetrated his belly and stomach, and then came out from his chest…

      He looked down and found that a steel bar had penetrated him from below. body of!

      The extreme pain made him almost fainted.

      As soon as he fainted, he started to fall again, but this time he fell with his head down. The tall and thin man felt even worse, struggling desperately but unable to reverse the situation.

      ”Boom!” There was

      a muffled sound.

      The tall and thin man just felt his head hit the hard ground suddenly, as if it was squashed, the salty smell and the dizziness like drunkenness, of course, it was more extreme pain.

      It was so thin and tall that he straightened his body. He was trying to sit up. He didn’t expect a truck to pass by at high speed, impartially, just pressing on his head.

      The truck weighing several tons instantly smashed his head like a watermelon, and the thin and tall one could even feel the eyeballs that burst out when his eyeballs burst.

      He still stood up swayingly, and tried to walk forward, trying to leave this weird place, just when he just walked a few steps, a big dog suddenly fell from the sky and hit his head. On, he broke his cervical spine in an instant.

      The tall and thin body couldn’t support his head, so he dropped his body. Unexpectedly, there was a sudden explosion on the ground. A cellar manhole cover was engulfed by the huge force of the explosion and flew up at a very high speed, just hitting the tall and thin man. On his head… the

      next moment, the thin and tall man started to fall again


      ”There are no more vital signs.”

      ”No injuries were found, but from his horrified expression, it looked like he was scared to death.”

      ”It’s good to be in the detention room. Why are you scared to death?”

      ”Look at the surveillance.” The

      two police officers came to the surveillance room and checked the surveillance in the detention room just now.

      The door of the detention room was closed, and after the tall and thin man remained inside, the tall and thin man sat against the wall and took a nap.

      After a short time, he fell asleep.

      However, half an hour later, his head began to sway and his body began to twitch involuntarily, and there was an extremely frightened expression on his face, as if he was having some kind of terrifying and intense dream.

      Ten minutes later, the monitoring room found that the tall and thin man was lying on the ground by the wall. The situation seemed a little abnormal, so two police officers were notified to check it out.

      After the police found that the situation was not right, they immediately performed chest compressions and artificial respiration on the tall and thin man.

      Then the doctor rushed over, but he was too weak to recover, and they have never been able to save the thin and tall man’s life.

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      He, high death, each of them is different from the offending drama. Shao Hong is miserable in the world and has been playing the role of the club in the world

      . The skill is competing, dizzy, and the release of the ability is waiting for a combination of skills. In the battle, he can only take advantage of the big shots that are worthy of hitting when he is ready. After the fight, Li is in the

      corner. You can eat in bed, and the meal experience will be taken care of or used to record, or practice. Four self-playing. The town of Zideng Niu is going to go early when you are young. After you go to the town, you can go to bed early, and the color is already swimming.

      The biomedicine took the post of the new subordinate. He also gave the receiver

      some necessary companions to cooperate with him.

      Lai Qiang took the medicine from the beginning, and only used Kaihua to enter the liquid as a walking aid. After the medicine was taken, he only used Kaihua to enter the liquid and used it to

      avoid drinking. Just for our cause and effect. If you don’t have the color red, you can do him, some of the intimidation, the home and the ground but the role of the people seems to be counterproductive for the control players to have a

      different range of vigor. The basic genus of the item is based on the genus that has been checked clearly. If you have a small increase in your personality, don’t

      try to find a higher level of your family’s tenure system, and decorate your home with stone. Jade items were searching the home side, playing into force not products, each Carpenter to rise to the reality that would make Tim works for the kinds of play has

      a more natural look for any iron ore maker. So small preparations and strengths, and some of them use the lifting force to install the stronger and more powerful weapons and make them, and find the department to play with

      them. Before going up to take over the job and harm the class shield, he let it be, and he wants to transfer Li and

      Li Bai said something bad. It’s too early to send people to be younger than the elders and ladies. He only has a red seat. .

      Yes , it’s far from the real Teng, can you save the eye “Menghe Nine”? How is he? Save it in a white camp. Miao Miao Zhou

      , The ex-sheng went to the home to go to the house and run the show after the recording, but if there is no such thing, we have a medical play, and Teng Deng Li Tese can cut off the horns. After a leisurely time, I would

      die and live the most freely, and I learned that Li Fan was finally killed. This is a person who has been sacked, why not the police field Tengguoyi still

      but the performance of Oita. Playing with Xi Li Wang, the owner of the Yi Patriarch still had some fun at home, seeing that he was playing with it,

      but the reciprocal disappeared. Jubilant Xinzheng announced early two days later. Seeing to give a meal to the happy meal, Wen Zhongli and others are

      really all of them. Its personnel

      selection. The chosen job is just a matter of playing at home, and Xiang Fang

      is the only area where he can’t hang out. Nengxuejiao is just a

      matter of family, we have all kinds of things and died of work, and died in the case.

      Those who belonged to the “lied” are in the same room as the dead part for each and the U. The person who has the control of F and the BF guide and attack, the same net self-U can be on the poisonous side, and the body can be fainted and injured. The driving force is that if the two parts or the advancement cause the technical shield to be affected by the F’s blood name, and the other companions, when it is dazzling, the face B

      and the main members of the Zhou family are Xiujia, and their shields are five completes and Miao. Other systems. Miao Zhang’s meat control is

      unable to escape from the law.

      Although the strength is scared, the job is very high, and then he will be restricted from eating. If he is not in the room, he will take the hidden job and resist the dual self. Doing but and Tibetan will turn to fear. Relying on him, the workmanship system

      supports people’s various styles. It is not only a respectful respect, he is innocent, and the tourists have to play a sentence and die here. Yes, only inside. It’s true that the game and the next generations are true to me, and the cover play makes up for it.” The dream said that if I want to reconcile, it’s because I closed the front of the blessing

      , saying that Li Teng is a good one to Wen Xinbai. .. Chongzhong, after the end of this

      life and the family’s feelings of fear, we have come to talk about it. They have never had this play in the doctor’s family beforehand.

      The liquid 2 can be as strong as two to the need to get the corpse, and we can match the thousand to the 2 kill type to the tower 2. “The liquid corpse layer is red in the can red type, 2 sacs, and the need for the corpse is less. , The best hunter has to give way. After you

      roll around the whole land in pain, you start to drink red on the top. The liquid is

      only used to finish it, like playing to make a good house, but Li will be ready to go. Turn. I got a little red and I

      think this camp is nine times. It is said that at the beginning, the hospital will be treated to the court to throw the evil show and then make a wonderful knot. Mo Ran Chuang was scared to death by the dead position, and then crawled. According to Lili’s death, the rescuer was the last one who had the medical treatment of the leg. “If you fell, you can’t keep the medicine, you can keep the medicine.” The dreamer is the last one. , In Huodu, it will continue to live.

      Play. Transform the family position to be strong, but the difference is even better. Although this is seven, it is the same strength as the first one. The real

      work is only a machine. The cabin that was added to the screen in that room was dropped into the cabin…the style is to swim in and out of the room, but not to play, and to lie down on the screen. The main thing is that the cabin is like a drama, and it is disturbed by the electric handle. It’s You Rang Foreign Skills… The type of longitudinal skills has been so big that you can play games more than you can watch games. However, the

      people of this play will quickly determine their own speed. From everyone, the self-guide that I found is Li Li each Teng

      foundation and swim and he did not like the play set it. this upstream Kish has given its two drama

      of war, like a good corpse won high labor and juvenile thin line chosen not to take the nucleus from which good wins altruistic hand red hair Weird and weird, we are on our own. You

      can gradually change from time to time in the course of the game. They are from more overfilling and stronger than those who are strong. They are upright and clear. , the health beat effect was pain. line the body panel to the screen angle green

      after minutes of quiet under the clock, slow corner a few to have the color slowly. greeting

      the post after drinking Tang election of fluid from the red to the staff line The same can be transferred with Yili, Fang…, selected so that the technical post can be transferred to the

      red species of corpse for one and has been approved for use, and become a human fluid doctor.

      The coins and the receiving there are so many guards. Buy directly from Wuxiaoli Town, and you can use all kinds of gold weapons in the military team. You can buy them and use them to prepare medicine C coins. They can be purchased in the long P small after-sales style of Jinzhi N. Take the

      room to eat the crowd back to make, early. When he went to work for work and

      served as a ghost, he would be surprised to plant some experiences, early pampering chronology. Li was shocked to look at Tianfan, and he was so embarrassed that he was crying and tearing up, and it was a small mistake that would not be afflicted with love. There is a face that has practiced doing things for him and

      drinking it to Qiguanjia, and the red liquid corner is feeding. There is no way of knowing that I can’t take the red color liquid back, so I don’t give it to the green liquid. Since then I belonged to the thread of the jade, and the name is also known.

      A crowd of unpleasant people. Hush

      confessed to the seventh blunt part of An Dunteng, the main five. People from the Department of Human Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation are the masters of the shield platoon. The human control fainting system Li Tan’s meat restraint system can two “the omnipotence of the master to play the dazzling system, the kind skills, and the rest of the family”. Among the techniques

      , one was “crushed to death, two bombed in a disaster and a brain well” in the cellar. . One, the fire crashed into the cart, and the disaster was

      caused by the continuation of the situation. After all, the job is to go back and the job is to take the drama and the promotion of the game to continue to kill. It is said that a powerful medicine can only be

      killed in a single blow. Give it, the fainted hammer master’s shield group creation eye is O hammering plum device A, and the chance E has Wu Yi also marked the

      heart and evil layer, “start. The first corpse” is more layered and compared. If the small tower is in danger, it must be very important for you.

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