Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 694

 Chapter 939

    Johnson was originally going to be one enemy and two, and at the same time deal with Loved who is provoking trouble and Bob who seems to have betrayed him.

    Li Teng suddenly rushed out and stood by his side, and the situation on the court suddenly reversed.

    Although most people are not very familiar with Li Teng, the cafeteria had beaten four before, and Loved was killed instantly. Everyone knew that this orientalist was really good in fighting, and his shot was deadly. hurt.

    Johnson was surrounded by strong assistance to Li Teng, and Bob, who had just wavered and even tried to betray, returned again.

    The dozen or so black and white burly men next to Johnson also found their own position at the moment Bob spoke, and gathered next to Johnson, shouting at the mob in front of him.

    These dozens of blacks and whites are the strongest group of prisoners, and they are basically gathered under Johnson’s command. Although they are also a group of mobs, they are still much stronger than other mobs.

    Those who have been in the crowd and have been bewitching everyone, Loved’s black companion found that something was wrong, and quickly slid away into the distance. No one wanted to be in the forefront, and the clamoring crowd gradually calmed down.

    When the situation subsided, Johnson turned around and gave Li Teng a big hug.

    Then he turned around and gave Bob a courteous hug.


    next day, a transport ship came to the island against the wind and waves, and delivered grain and fresh ingredients to the island.

    At least enough for all the prisoners in the prison for half a month.

    With food and full stomachs, the prisoners stopped making trouble.

    The price of the trouble was six more corpses in the prison.

    If Johnson hadn’t stopped them in time, there would be more dead bodies.

    The six bodies were also handed over to the labor team for burial.

    Johnson called Li Teng, took the other six people, formed an eight-person labor group, and pushed the body out of the prison with a cart.

    Although the storm outside the prison stopped, the wind was still relatively strong, and there was still a drizzle of rain that kept flying.

    The place where the body was buried was not near the outer wall of the prison, but to the woods behind.

    There is no need to enter the woods, it is outside the woods.

    After arriving at the edge of the woods, Li Teng discovered that there was a ring of high barbed wire on the periphery of the woods, separating the prison from the woods.

    “Don’t get too close to the barbed wire fence. It has high voltage.” Johnson found Li Teng looking at the barbed wire fence, so he walked over and said something to him.

    “Where does that road lead?” Li Teng pointed to the concrete road in the woods. At the intersection, there was an iron gate connecting the wire grids on both sides.

    “It’s not clear, but according to legend, the end of the road is the end of the island. At the end of the island is a women’s prison. From the guards to the prisoners are women. Very cool.” Johnson said with a smile.

    “Even if you are a cow, you will be exhausted.” Li Teng shook his head.

    “Haha, what you said makes sense.” Johnson patted Li Teng on the shoulder, then walked over and began to arrange the digging and burying of the corpse.

    It has been raining for a long time, the ground is relatively soft, and it is easier to dig the pit. Johnson deliberately lowered his voice and confessed to Li Teng, telling him not to dig too fast, or they will have to go back after digging. Go to prison.

    Li Teng knew it well, and deliberately slowed down. When a prison guard patrols here, he digs hard for a while. After the prison guard leaves, he fills a part of the pit he just dug.

    Although they have to work when they come out, it is indeed a welfare for these prisoners.

    If possible, no one wants to stay in that smelly cell.

    As a man, you can smell the stench of men everywhere, and it’s easy to get crazy after a long time.


    storm gradually stopped, and only sporadic light rain remained, but the sporadic light rain remained unbroken.

    The storm caused a lot of damage on the island.

    Part of the road built before the storm was washed away.

    In addition, several slab houses outside the prison wall that provided rest for the guards in the outposts were also destroyed.

    All these restoration work fell on the labor team.

    “I have something to tell you.” When

    going to the work place, Johnson deliberately walked with Li Teng, who was pushing the trolley.


    Li Teng felt that what Johnson said this time might be more important.

    “I was sentenced to fifty years in prison for robbing a cash transport truck and killing a escort. I cannot commute my sentence or be released on bail. At my current age, I will not live beyond fifty years.” Johnson side Talking while walking.


    “How about you?” Johnson looked at Li Teng.

    “Coincidentally, it was also a murder, and it was sentenced to fifty years without commutation or bail.” Li Teng replied to Johnson. According to the plot, Li Teng learned from the prison guard what crime he had committed after he entered the prison.

    “You are in your twenties this year? Fifty years later, in your seventies, it is basically impossible to live to that age with prison conditions.” Johnson sighed.

    Li Teng said nothing.

    “We have an escape team. I recommended you to others. Would you like to be one of us?” Johnson asked Li Teng.

    According to Johnson’s previous tone, Li Teng almost judged that he wanted to escape from prison, but he didn’t expect Johnson to mention it so directly.

    “If you are worried and don’t want to join, I won’t force it, but I welcome you to join at any time.” Johnson put his arm around Li Teng’s shoulder.

    “You don’t worry about telling me this kind of thing, shall I warn the prison secretly?” Li Teng snorted.

    “I think people are very accurate. You are not that kind of person. I don’t even need to confess. I know that you won’t mention it to anyone.” Johnson laughed.

    “Okay, I’ll join.” Li Teng also noticed that Johnson is not testing, but really wants to escape from prison.

    “You are welcome to join. When we work later, I will discuss our plan with you while we work.” Johnson seemed very happy to Li Teng’s joining.

    After arriving at the work site, the labor team first set up a tent to store various tools and materials. Some materials could not be used after being drenched in the rain, so the tent must be used to keep out the rain.


    All the members of the labor team arranged by Johnson this time are all members of the prison escape team.

    Each member has passed his multiple assessments. Although these members have their own minds, there is no need to worry about them turning back on the escape.

    Bob is also one of them. Bob is a veteran. After returning home from the army, he found that his wife Rose and the old Jack next door were getting better. In anger, he punched the old Jack to death and was locked in.

    Chapter 940

    Although Bob had swayed in the last canteen riot, his overall interests are still very consistent with Johnson. Even if Johnson and him have a grudge, the two of them still behave on the surface. Same as brothers.

    Johnson pulled Li Teng into the escape group, of course, it also meant to restrict Bob.

    After arriving at the work place, Johnson, while working, told Li Teng next to him about their prison escape plan.

    The canteen has a storage room dedicated to storing food.

    Johnson’s labor team often had to carry food into the storage room. After a long time, they looked for an opportunity to copy the key to the storage room.

    When they were out to work, they used the opportunity of setting up tents to dig holes under the ground and dug underground caves on the island, and then used these underground caves to form a passage leading to the underground of the storage room.

    As long as there is a suitable opportunity, such as another riot in the prison, they can break the floor of the storage room at any time and enter the underground passage.

    The other end of this passage, after subsequent excavation, leads directly into the woods.

    The prison guards knew that they had escaped from prison, and they would definitely take police dogs to hunt them in the woods.

    However, after entering the woods, the snipers in the sentry post would not be able to see them, so there was no need to worry about threats from the sky.

    What they have to do now is to use the opportunity of labor to arrange for people to continue exploring and digging underground caves.

    Judging from previous experience, the guards on patrol and the guards in the guard posts did not realize that they had some people exploring and digging caves underground, so they all arranged for people to enter underground to dig caves in turn.

    Li Teng’s stamina and strength are sufficient, and he is very agile, suitable for their prison escape team.

    If Li Teng is willing, he can find the opportunity to enter the underground cave for exploration and excavation today.

    When they came over, the places they chose to set up the tents were all just above the entrance of the underground cave, and the compacted soil on the top was pulled away. There would be a stone slab below, and you could enter the underground cave by opening the stone slab.

    The tent blocked the sight of the snipers in the sentry post, and the guards on patrol had a certain time interval each time they walked over, enough to arrange for a person to enter the underground cave.

    “Since you go down to dig a hole, you can run away directly after you dig into the woods. Why should you leave a passage under the storage room and wait for the opportunity of riots to escape?” Li Teng asked Johnson.

    “If you just run away, only a few people can run away. If the number of people staying here is too small, the prison guards will definitely be able to see if they come on patrol. Once they see someone has escaped from the prison, they will immediately arrange for a large number of prison guards to enter the woods with police dogs. Conduct a search.

    “The one who escaped can’t escape too far, and the final result will definitely be captured.

    “In addition, our ultimate goal is to escape from this island. If we can’t escape from this island, it’s meaningless.

    “People who meet us outside will only sail and approach a specific area at a specific time, as long as they take a boat. To leave this damn place.

    “If you have successfully explored the underground cave and dug the passage into the woods on the other side of the barbed wire, you can try to explore the woods for a while, but don’t try to leave alone. Without the boat outside, you will not be able to escape this place alone. Island.” After

    Johnson finished explaining, he deliberately reminded Li Teng a few more words.

    “I’m not that stupid.” Li Teng shook his head.

    “By the way, after a storm, there may be a lot of water in the underground caves, and even some places are completely flooded. After you go down, be careful not to drown. I will tell you the map of the underground caves and draw them on the ground. A rough schematic diagram, you have to keep it in your mind, don’t get lost after going down.” Johnson confessed a few more words.


    “When you dig below, we hear the sound, and we will make a noise on it to cover you.”


    Under Johnson’s arrangement, others took cover and counted the guards patrolling. When they left, Johnson and Li Teng who entered the tent quickly dug up the compacted soil on the ground and opened the stone slab below.

    The bottom is indeed an underground passage, connecting the underground cave.

    The place where the prison is located is much higher than the beach side, and at least a dozen meters higher than the sea level, so although the storm has been raging for many days, the water in these underground caves is actually not much, and eventually all flowed to the sea. in.

    After descending into the underground cave, according to Johnson’s explanation, Li Teng found the flashlight they had placed here on the nearby cave wall.

    It’s still a hand-pinch LED flashlight. Don’t worry about running out of battery, as long as you pinch it a few times, the light will turn on.

    There is also a timer on it, so you can know how long you have been in the cave.

    I don’t know where they got this thing, but this is not Li Teng’s concern.

    With the flashlight, Li Teng quickly found the digging tools Johnson and the others had placed here according to the map. Then, with the digging tools, following the map’s instructions, Li Teng slowly crawled towards the woods.

    In the end, Li Teng came to his place of work.

    The underground cave here is more than ten meters ahead, you can bypass the power grid above and enter the area where the woods are.

    Those people before Li Teng had dug a few meters deep there.

    It is mainly a mixture of soil and stones. There are more stones, which makes it difficult to excavate.

    It requires a lot of strength, and at the same time it consumes a lot of physical strength.

    Fortunately, this place is still relatively deep, and the sound of digging is not easy to pass up.

    As long as Johnson and the others cooperate well, even if there is any sound, it will be mixed in the echo of the valley.

    Li Teng began to dig, mainly by digging the soil around the stones, and then slowly digging the stones out of the soil and putting them aside, slowly advancing.

    Two hours later, Li Teng pushed the cave two meters forward, and then returned as agreed.

    About five or six minutes after the regular percussion from the bottom, Johnson on the top opened the slate and pulled Li Teng up.

    “Dig about two meters.” Li Teng told Johnson about his work.

    “Yes, progress is very fast. Under normal circumstances, we can only dig about one meter at this time.” Johnson raised his thumb to Li Teng.

    He knew that Li Teng was not lazy, and if he could dig two meters, he would only dig one meter.

    Just as Johnson and Li Teng compacted and smoothed the soil above the cavern, the prison guard patrol came over.

    One of the prison guards went straight to the tent, looking for Johnson to speak, just in time to see Johnson and Li Teng coming out of the tent.

    “Who is this yellow guy? When I inspected here just now, there were only whites and blacks. I haven’t seen him. Where did he come from?” The prison guard frowned after seeing Li Teng.

    Johnson did not give a reasonable explanation for a while.

    This made the prison guards more suspicious.

    The faces of the prisoners were a little pale. Johnson obviously ignored Li Teng’s identity as a yellow race. It was still very conspicuous among whites and blacks. The prison guards might not deliberately pay attention to how many people were here when they passed by, but among the blacks and whites. Whether there is a yellow race, you can remember it subconsciously after seeing it.

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