Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 710

 Chapter 971

    “Everyone is a prisoner in this prison, and all of them have been sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve on death row!”

    A voice sounded in the sky, but no one could be seen.

    “Only by participating in the reincarnation mission can your crime be mitigated!

    “Successfully completing three reincarnation missions can reduce your sentence to 20 years in prison.

    “Every time you complete a reincarnation mission in the future, you will get a reduced sentence.

    “The reincarnation mission is mandatory. After it is released, the number of the participating personnel and the task number will be announced.

    “If you disobey the instruction and do not do the task, you will be sentenced to death. Execution.

    “When you set off a mission, a smart watch will be given to you. All missions will have a deadline. After the deadline, there will be a reminder on your watch to return to the point.

    “When you arrive at the return point before the designated time point, a helicopter will take you back to the prison.

    “Don’t try to escape during the mission. The prison will catch you back no matter you are at the end of the world!” If caught back, the death sentence will be pronounced immediately and executed immediately! “


    That voice announced the prison rules. It was

    almost the main task of the plot.

    Some prisoners started yelling, claiming that they had not violated the law, so why were they caught here and locked up?

    Prison . Something that looked like a laser weapon appeared above and shot out a series of electric arcs.

    Those who were yelling were accurately hit by the electric arc and fell to the ground screaming.

    “Since I caught you here, There must be a reason to arrest you, and you will be severely punished if you make a big noise! Even killed directly! “

    The voice from above sounded harshly.

    Seeing those who were hit by the arc fell to the ground in pain, the others didn’t dare to shout anymore.

    “Now is your time for free communication. The task may be released at any time. Please pay attention to your watch.

    “In addition, it is strictly forbidden to attack other inmates in the prison, otherwise you will be severely punished! “

    The voice above announced some more rules.


    “Brother, what’s your name?” “The

    man who came out of cell 14 next to him was a middle-aged man. He took the initiative to say hello to Li Teng.

    “Li Teng, Mu Zi Li, take off. “The name is just a code name. It doesn’t make much sense to conceal the name from these NPCs.

    “Hello, Brother Li Teng, my name is Fang Jianguo. “The middle-aged man

    Fang Jianguo stretched out his hand to Li Teng. “Hello, Brother Fang. “Li Teng stretched out his hand and shook his hand.

    While Fang Jianguo and Li Teng shook hands with each other, some of the prisoners were doing the same thing as them, knowing their companions in

    the cell next to them. This prison does not distinguish between genders. There are not only male prisoners, but also female prisoners. Each one has a cell.

    Therefore, there are also some masters who pick up girls to take the initiative to tease the girls in the cell next to them.

    “How did you get here?” What were you doing before you suddenly appeared in the cell? Fang Jianguo asked Li Teng a question.

    “How about you?” “Li Teng can’t always say that he is an actor, he was sent from the teleportation cabin, right? First listen to what these NPCs have to say before compiling, and having a chat with the NPCs will help him understand the background of the script world.

    “I.” I’m a businessman. Before I came here, I was drinking with my business partners. After a big deal was concluded, I was very happy. I drank about a catty and a half of a white bar in total? After waking up, he was locked up in this cell. “Fang Jianguo was also honest, and told Li Teng about his experience first. It

    looks like the operation method of the film and television city is similar, and it may be that the person was arrested after he died of drunkenness.

    Of course, there may be other reasons, anyway, the studio does not need to explain the reasons to anyone.

    This script obviously refers to the setting of the studio.

    “It’s a coincidence. I also drank with my friends. My friends got married. I drank two catties of white wine and appeared here after I woke up.” After listening to the NPC, Li Teng casually made up a similar reason.

    “Your friend gets married, why do you drink so much wine? Do you use wine to pour your sorrow?” Fang Jianguo was careful, but Li Teng made up casually, and he found the loophole in it.

    “Haha.” Li Teng also felt that he was not clever enough to make up this lie. Instead of covering up with more lies, he should not say anything.

    Fang Jianguo didn’t ask any more, he pretended that Li Teng must have been hurt emotionally.

    The two were chatting, but the wristwatches on their wrists rang at the same time.

    Li Teng raised his wrist and looked at it. It showed that he had accepted a new task.

    The task number is 19464, and the task performers: No. 13, No. 14, No. 15, and No. 16.

    That is Li Teng, Fang Jianguo, and Fang Jianguo’s 15th and 16th.

    It seems that the task is a group of four. The first 12 people are exactly three groups. They are the fourth group.

    “Great, let’s perform the task together.” Fang Jianguo said to Li Teng after looking at his watch.

    Li Teng did not speak, but continued to look at the task details in the watch.

    The name of the task is “Investigation of Missing Mental Hospital.”

    It probably means that there is a mental hospital whose patients always disappear inexplicably.

    Under the arrangement of the prison, the four personnel on duty will temporarily have the identity of investigators and enter the mental hospital for three days of investigation.

    The requirements of the task did not make it clear that they must come up with the results of the investigation. They were only allowed to stay in the mental hospital for the past three days and were not allowed to leave for a moment.

    Once you leave, you will be counted as a failed mission, and you will be deemed to have tried to escape and will be arrested by the prison. Once arrested and returned, the death penalty will be executed immediately.

    Only when the three days are over, their watch receives the evacuation instructions, and they can go to the evacuation point according to the directions indicated by the watch, and take the helicopter that came to pick them up and leave.

    The difficulty of the task: one star. (The more the number of stars, the harder it is)

    Type of task: supernatural. (The representative will have ghosts, evil spirits, etc.)

    Since it is a task for four people, of course, we have to exchange knowledge with the other two prisoners No. 15 and No. 16 to facilitate the task.

    Before Li Teng and two of them came to look for them, the 15th and 16th came over first.

    After a conversation, Li Teng and the two learned that No. 15 and No. 16 are actually a couple!

    A young couple, a young couple who just got married.

    After their family leave ended, they drove from their hometown to the working city at high speed. They were overtaking all the way because they were in a hurry. When they forcibly passed a large truck, they suddenly felt a violent crash behind the car.

    Their car lost control and was pushed by a large truck behind to a large cargo in front of them at high speed.

    After a violent impact, they didn’t know anything.

    When he woke up again, he was already locked up in this prison.

    Chapter 972

    “Aren’t we dead?” The man named Mei Qiugui among the young couple guessed.

    “Don’t crow’s mouth!” Mei Qiugui’s wife, He Siying, obviously didn’t want to accept this view.

    “He really doesn’t have a crow’s mouth. I also think we may have died accidentally before we appeared here.” Fang Jianguo and Li Teng talked, he and Li Teng both drank too much, and then appeared here.

    Most likely to be drunk to death.

    This couple, listen to their description, they were overtaking on the highway and were dumped by two large trucks. Even if they were not dead, they should have been seriously injured. Seeing that they were not injured at all, there was only one reason… …

    That is they are dead, and here is the world after death.

    “Perhaps this is an opportunity. We should have died, but Hell did not want to accept us and did not directly send us to hell, so he was sentenced to a suspended death sentence. As long as we can complete those tasks and clear the sentence, we will have a chance. Return to the sun.” Mei Qiugui, the young couple, has a good mentality, and has accepted this cruel fact.

    After listening to their description, Li Teng felt that the facts and their guesses should not be much different.

    Maybe this is the background setting of this plot mission, right?

    In this script world, after the death of these NPCs, there will be a chance to enter the’prison’ and be sentenced to reprieve.

    If you are smart enough and lucky enough, you can complete the task, clear the sentence and return to the world.

    Switch to Li Teng, that is, you can successfully complete the plot mission and return to the film and television city.

    Soon after everyone talked and got to know each other, the watch signaled that the mission was about to begin.

    A route is given in the watch. Follow that route and you will enter a corridor.

    At the end of the corridor, there was an iron door, which was usually locked, but now it was opened.

    The corridors are full of walking prisoners, and like Li Teng and others, they have to go out to perform various tasks.

    Because of the assignment of tasks, a group of four naturally formed.

    Some are the same as Li Teng, three men and one woman, some two men and two women, and three women and one boy, or all men and all women.

    The group of people walking next to each other, listening to their call to each other, it seems that the four people belong to the same family, namely parents and children.

    Before they entered the prison, they might have encountered a massacre.

    Of course, it is also possible that, like Mei Qiugui and his wife, they had a car accident on the highway and their family died.

    The prisoners walked through the long corridor, winding around, under the instructions of the watch, and finally came to a huge airport.


    Dozens of helicopters are parked on various tarmacs, ready to fly.

    Li Teng couldn’t help but sneered. The director and screenwriter of this play really saved the trouble and directly copied the airport in the film and television city.

    There was nothing to say, the four of them followed the instructions of the watch, arrived at the helicopter they needed to take, and climbed in one by one.

    The situation inside the helicopter is different from the helicopter that picks up the actors in the movie studio.

    Although it is also isolated from the cockpit, after the cabin door is closed, the cabin is not completely dark, and the outside scenery can still be seen clearly.

    After all four of them boarded the helicopter, the helicopter left the ground and rose to high altitude.

    “I’m afraid.” Mei Qiugui’s wife, He Siying, was very pale. She had never taken a helicopter before.

    “Don’t be afraid, I am here!” Mei Qiugui comforted his wife He Siying.

    “You are there for you! You are more timid than me!” He Siying snorted.

    “Don’t talk nonsense! How can I be timid than you?” Mei Qiugui couldn’t help but retorted her.

    “Last night, a bug appeared on the ground. You turned around and ran away. I trampled it to death.” He Siying had sufficient arguments.

    “I feel sick, not afraid. I’m naturally sick of those bugs!” Mei Qiugui continued to retort.

    The couple quarreled and quarreled, but they forgot what they were afraid of flying in a helicopter.


    Half an hour later, the helicopter landed on a flat ground in the mountains.

    After the four people got off the helicopter, the helicopter rose into the sky and flew away.

    “Where is this place? Let’s call the police and say we were kidnapped, or go home directly?” He Siying mentioned it to her husband Mei Qiugui.

    “I advise you not to try. That prison should be a supernatural existence. Our every move is under its real-time monitoring. If we dare to disobey instructions, we will most likely be caught and shot directly.” Fang Jianguo Hearing what He Siying said, reminded them a few words.

    Mei Qiugui didn’t say a word, but just looked around.

    “There is a route reminder in the watch. Let’s go to the mental hospital.” After Li Teng said, he raised his leg and walked in a certain direction.

    The other three quickly followed.

    In this wilderness, let alone whether they will be captured by the prison and shot to death, if they encounter bad guys, or encounter leopards that escaped from the zoo, their lives will be in danger!

    Here is a field of mountains.

    The location of the mental hospital indicated on the watch is among the mountains in front.

    The mountain road in the past was very long, and there was no one on the road.

    The weather is also gloomy, and it feels like it will rain at any time, but there is no rain.

    The crowd walked for more than two hours before reaching the foot of the mountain.

    He Siying didn’t want to leave anymore, and kept complaining to her husband, saying that he wanted to go home and so on.

    “I can’t help you if you can’t walk. We don’t have a mobile phone to call people to pick us up. If you really don’t want to go, stay here alone. After I find someone, I will come to rescue you. “After Mei Qiugui was irritated by He Siying’s complaint, she also let out cruel words.

    “No wonder people say that the husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and the catastrophe is about to fly separately. Humph, if something happens, you can see your nature! You wanted to leave me a long time ago, right?” He Siying became even more angry.

    “Whatever you think, I really want to complete the task and take you home with you, but you always complain like that, and I can’t help it.” Mei Qiugui said helplessly.

    At this moment, a house suddenly appeared on the side of the road.

    A simple wooden house.

    Then, another mother-in-law walked out of the wooden house.

    This was the first living person encountered after four people got off the helicopter!

    He Siying ran over quickly, trying to ask her mother-in-law something, but after seeing her mother-in-law up close, He Siying screamed loudly and ran back.

    “What’s the matter?” The three men who had originally wanted to go with him also stopped.

    “She… she… is she human?” He Siying’s trembling voice.

    “Why am I not a human?” The mother-in-law who walked out of the wooden house obviously heard what He Siying said and looked very angry.

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