Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 769

 Chapter 1088

    Under the leadership of Zeka, everyone walked toward the dock holding umbrellas.

    The rain suddenly became heavy.

    Then the thunder became very dense.

    Walking in a rainy field with dense thunder is always intimidating.

    Especially when there was a blast of thunder, it felt as if it smashed into the grass nearby. When the thunder was heard, everyone turned pale.

    Li Teng doesn’t matter.

    When he was on the stone pillar, Ray, who was thicker and fiercer than this, and closer to him, had seen it.

    Moreover, the high lightning effect of the stone pillar did not kill him. It seems that whether he will be struck by lightning in the film and television city depends on the director’s arrangement, so there is no need to worry at all.

    The only thing Li Teng needs to watch out for now is the ghost identified in the mission.

    Ghost among tourists.

    Ji Ma has been abandoned, it is unlikely that it is a ghost, otherwise I will not let Ella take the salt to retaliate against her.

    Of course, it is not ruled out to pretend.



    A typical scumbag design is extremely unlikely to be a ghost.

    Zeka and the female staff member have the greatest suspicion.

    Because Li Teng is not familiar with them.

    People who are unfamiliar can’t judge whether their behavior is in line with their personality.

    Anyway, it’s hard to say who is the ghost now.

    Keep watching.

    The tour guide died, but that doesn’t mean anything.

    Because the mission says that every day a tourist will be killed by a ghost.

    Tour guides are not in the category of tourists.


    After about twenty minutes, everyone walked along the stone road among the weeds and finally came to the pier.

    A terrible scene happened.

    The yacht is no longer on the dock.

    Li Teng was not surprised at all about this.

    Horror movies are basically this kind of routine.

    Knowing that a certain place is dangerous, you may die if you continue to stay, but you just can’t leave.

    “Zeka! What about yachts? What about yachts? How do you do things? Do you know how to do things? Hurry up and call the yacht over! Otherwise, you won’t have to go back to the company again!”

    Richard was very angry.

    He wounded Gema and abandoned it on this island.

    Judging from the weather, the next few days are not suitable for going out to sea. It is entirely possible for Ji Ma to live on the island. After she dies, he pretends to come to the rescue and pull the body back.

    But now, the yacht is gone!

    Everyone will have to stay on the island.

    And if you stay on the island for a while, the chance of Ji Ma being discovered by others will increase by one point.

    Once she is discovered, he will be very troublesome.

    That’s why Richard was so frustrated at this time.

    Zeka took out his cell phone and dialed the driver’s number.

    “The number you dialed is not in the service area…”

    “Not in the service area? What the hell is it? Where did the driver go?” Zeka cursed.

    As a last resort, Zeka tried to dial the numbers of other people in the yacht company.

    The result is either shut down or not in the service area!

    “It’s a hell!” Seeing that Zeka couldn’t contact the yacht company, he decided to call the police for help.

    However, his mobile phone suddenly broke with a black screen.

    No way to light up.

    Obviously, after he was exposed to the rain, the phone got water, and the circuit board was burned out during use, which caused damage to the phone.

    “Mr. Lin, my phone is broken and I can’t contact the outside world. Would you like to call the police for help?” Zeka had no choice but to come over to Richard.

    “Isn’t it a waste of public resources to find the police to rescue this kind of thing? How does this make others think of me?” Richard immediately rejected Zeka’s proposal.

    The police went to the island. If someone mentioned his wife Jima, the police would search the island again, and he would be in serious trouble.

    Therefore, what happened today must not alarm the police.

    After hesitating for a while, Richard decided to call his trusted relative and ask that relative to find a way to arrange a ship to pick them up.

    After dialing the number…

    “The number you dialed is not in the service area…”

    Richard frowned.

    This person has no plans to travel these days! Why is it not in the service area?

    Richard tried to dial a few more numbers.

    The result is either turned off or not in the service area, anyway, none of them can be connected normally!

    At this time, the female staff lent the mobile phone to Zeka and helped him hold the umbrella so that Zeka can continue to communicate with the outside world.

    Zeka dialed some more numbers, and the results were the same as before, either shut down or not in the service area.

    Zeka even called the police secretly, trying to see what the result would be.

    It’s not in the service area!

    This is weird!

    The police call is not in the service area?

    They are all landlines, how could they not be in the service area?

    “Mr. Lin, things are not right. The numbers I dialed are all turned off or not in the service area.” Zeka said to Richard.

    Richard had a sullen face.

    He already knew the result.

    However, there is no way to explain it!

    How could everyone shut down at the same time or not in the service area?

    For this situation, Li Teng and the other four are not at all surprised.

    It seems that the plot mission has entered the next stage.

    From entering a deserted island to a trapped deserted island.

    Then it was the turn of the ghost show to kill all the tourists one by one.

    “It looks like we are going to be trapped here.” Ella came under Li Teng’s umbrella at this time and whispered to Li Teng.

    “Not surprising.” Li Teng said calmly.

    “I know, I mean… we will be more troublesome later. We need to know that there is a ghost among these tourists. We are trapped. That ghost must start to kill people. One day a day. If we can’t find that ghost as soon as possible, take it. By the pass, we will all die here.” Ella said in a worried tone.

    “Who do you think is a ghost?” Li Teng asked Ella in a low voice.

    “I think Zeka and the female assistant are more suspicious. The female assistant hardly speaks and has no sense of existence. The high probability is that we want us to ignore her, but the more this role is, the more dangerous it is.” Ella replied Li Teng.

    “Well, it’s possible.” Li Teng heard Ella say this, but felt that the female assistant could be eliminated with a high probability.

    Since even Ella suspected her, there was a high possibility that others suspected her.

    That means it is almost impossible to be her.

    I don’t know how the director and screenwriter want to arrange the plot this time. Anyway, it is difficult to tell who is a ghost or a man by visual observation.

    Chapter 1089

    Without a yacht, it is impossible to leave the deserted island.

    And unable to get in touch with the outside world.

    After standing there with a sullen face and sulking for a while, Richard made a decision.

    All returned to the previous yard.

    The yard can be sheltered from rain, and there is a kitchen stove where you can light a fire and boil water for cooking.

    And it’s meaningless to stand in the pier and continue to rain.

    Richard didn’t intend to discuss with everyone. He could see that he was a very assertive and domineering person. He didn’t even have the opinion to rescue the Song brothers and sisters, so he told everyone to return to the yard.

    Of course, no one else has a better choice.

    In this way, Zeka led the way in the rain, and everyone walked along the stone road in the weeds, stepping on the points in it, and walking towards the yard with one foot and one shallow foot.

    Richard actually didn’t want to go back to the yard again.

    Although the place where Gema was trapped was a little far away from the yard, Richard was still worried that Gema’s screams would reach the yard and attract the attention of others.

    But now there is no other way. He can’t let everyone continue to stay on the dock to get in the rain, right?

    In this way, after nearly half an hour, everyone walked back to the yard together.

    The rain is getting bigger and bigger. Although there are umbrellas, almost everyone is still drenched.

    Zeka was wet from head to toe. Although the temperature is not too low, it still made him feel a little cold because of the wind, and his face was a little pale.

    “We… have to start a fire and dry the clothes.” Zeka said with trembling teeth.

    He feels cold now not only because his clothes are wet, but also because he feels like he has a fever.

    Many people who don’t have a fever have a misunderstanding that people feel hot when they have a fever. In fact, when people have a fever, they don’t feel hot, but cold.

    The higher the fever, the colder you will feel.

    This is because when a person’s body temperature rises, the temperature difference between the ambient temperature and the body temperature will increase. When the outside temperature is higher than the human temperature, people will feel the heat. When the outside temperature is lower than the human temperature, People will feel cold.

    Even in the 37-degree heat season, if a person’s body temperature has a fever above 40 degrees, then the person will feel cold, not hot.

    The current Zeka is based on this principle, feeling particularly cold, and wanting to make a fire to warm himself.

    To make a fire, you must first have firewood.

    There is no firewood in the stone house where everyone is now. The firewood is all piled beside the kitchen stove.

    There was a large bundle of dried weeds and a bundle of chopped firewood.

    There are even some briquettes.

    So Zeka ran to the kitchen, and after a while, lit a pile of weeds, used the fire of the weeds to ignite a few sticks of wood, and then put some briquettes on the wood.

    The thick smoke formed by the burning of weeds and wood choked Zika coughing constantly, almost unable to open his eyes.

    However, the heat of the fire made him feel a lot more comfortable at this time.

    Others watched the smoke in the kitchen slowly disperse a little before they came to the kitchen with their umbrellas.

    “Zeka, the guests are all hungry, go and kill some chickens and ducks for the guests to eat!” Richard himself was hungry and ordered Zeka in the name of the guest.

    “I’m sick, have a fever, and feel weak, and I will die if I keep on raining…” Zeka answered Richard while coughing.

    “It is your responsibility to put me and the guest in the current situation! But I don’t want to hold you accountable now! If you still want to work in the company, then do as I say! Make up for it! Don’t do it! All kinds of reasons!” Richard was unhappy.

    “I’m really sick… well, I’ll go.” Zeka forced his body into the rain again.

    Richard’s female assistant didn’t seem to want to help. Although they were all staff members brought by Richard, the treatment of the two in Richard’s place seemed very different.

    Li Teng deeply suspects that Richard, a scumbag, and a female assistant also have a leg, so the female assistant can enjoy Zeka’s service with peace of mind.

    Zeka should also understand this, so when doing things he doesn’t bother with female assistants.

    Ten minutes later, Zeka caught three chickens and four ducks from the chicken coop and duck cage, tied them and took them back to the kitchen, and then sat at the kitchen door to pick up their fur.

    Li Teng knew at a glance that this person shouldn’t do these things very often, so he didn’t know what to do at all.

    “Why did you get three chickens and four ducks back?” Richard asked Zeka.

    “We have three ladies and four gentlemen here. My idea is one for each.” Zeka answered Richard truthfully.

    “Are you sarcastic that our females are chickens and our males are ducks?” Richard couldn’t help being furious when he heard Zeka’s answer.

    “Mr. Lin, you’re so worried! I definitely didn’t mean it!” Zeka was aggrieved.

    “Mr. Lin, don’t force him anymore.” Yang Shunli couldn’t stand it anymore, and he persuaded Richard a few words.

    Now there are seven people here, and there is only such a “subordinate”, which really annoys this “subordinate”, and they quit. Wouldn’t they have to do it themselves to avoid being hungry?

    “Mr Song has spoken, I must save face.” Richard Pi returned to Yang Shunli with a smile without a smile.

    Zeka, who was picking his hair at the door, suddenly fell to the ground.

    Yang Shunli and the female assistant hurriedly walked over to help Zeka.

    It turned out that he was pale, his eyes closed, and he seemed to be in a coma.

    “Huh! He’s okay! Pretending to be sick, just don’t want to work, this guy is always very slippery.” Richard said something disdainfully.

    Zeka was indeed not so serious, he was really angry, and deliberately pretended to pass out. After hearing what Richard said, he almost wanted to say something.

    Suddenly remembering that I was in a coma, I had to hold back.

    “Let me come, you can help me.”

    Li Teng was also hungry. It seemed impossible to count on others , so let’s do it yourself.

    Li Teng, who has extensive experience in survival in the wild, is very quick to pick up these chickens and ducks.

    In a short time, the skins of these chickens and ducks were stripped off, and the inedible internal organs were also hollowed out. After washing them with rainwater, Li Teng divided the meat into pieces and put them in a large pot, lighted it up. The stove started to stir fry.

    There are only basic seasonings such as oil and salt in the kitchen, but for the hungry people, these chicken nuggets and duck nuggets do not need too much seasoning. After Li Teng stirs it up, the fragrance suddenly makes everyone’s stomachs gurgling. Cried.

    “Work harder, get more money, I will serve a bowl first, and you will share the rest.” Li Teng said to everyone after he was done cooking.

    Richard was a little unconvinced and wanted to say something, but considering that Li Teng was Song Qing’s bodyguard, he held back.

    Li Tengsheng had a bowl of chicken legs and duck wings, but instead of eating it by himself, he handed it to Ella. Then he filled a bowl of chicken breasts and duck breasts and ate it by himself.

    Ella glanced at Li Teng slightly moved…This man is much more reliable than Richard! Very good at taking care of others, his wife must be very happy.

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