Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 787

    Chapter 1124 

  When you enter the elevator, there are only two buttons on it, one is the floor where Li Teng is currently located, the negative one, and the other is the first floor, which is the ground floor.

    It seems that the laboratory where Li Teng is located has a total of only two floors, one on the ground and one underground. His birthplace in the plot of this mission is on the negative 1 floor of the laboratory.

    Pressing the button on the first floor, the elevator made a creaking sound, followed by a metal rubbing sound.

    It seems that it will break down at any time.

    But after all, he came to the first floor without any risk.

    The elevator door opened and Li Teng walked out.

    After coming out, I looked around.

    Although it says there is only one layer above, this layer is too high, right?

    At least a dozen meters.

    There are huge instruments and equipment everywhere, and there are various metal pipes, huge cables and so on in the air.

    Then there are various iron ladders, which can lead to the middle or upper part of some instruments and equipment, which are obviously used by the staff when they climb up to repair them.

    On the first floor, I didn’t encounter those robots or half-human, half-machine monsters.

    “Dad! Daddy!”

    Anna’s voice appeared not far away.

    After searching, Li Teng found the source of the sound, a terminal device that was powered on.

    The picture of this terminal device is very clear, you can see Anna’s head, but the picture is intermittent like a slideshow.

    “Anna, what’s going on here? Where are you?” Li Teng quickly asked Anna.

    “I’m at the launch base, Dad, can you come over?” Anna answered Li Teng.

    “How do I get there?” Li Teng continued to ask.

    “You need to take the subway to come from your side. You can find a nearby map. It should be…” When

    Anna said here, the entire laboratory suddenly shook violently. With this shaking, the terminal became unresponsive. Steady, made a squeaking electric current, and then suddenly went out.

    The shaking of the laboratory became more violent, and Li Teng couldn’t even stand firm.

    A huge device next to the terminal couldn’t stand the shaking and collapsed.

    Li Teng found that the situation was not right, and hurriedly ran to the side, but because of the heavy protective clothing, he could not run fast.

    The roof of the laboratory was also collapsed, and a large number of cement blocks fell from above.

    Li Teng’s legs were trapped and he couldn’t dodge at all. He could only watch the cement blocks hit his body, burying him completely in the rubble.

    Unable to escape, Li Teng, who thought he was dead, unexpectedly discovered that he was still alive after everything around him calmed down.

    The ruins that were smashed just formed a triangle on his body, so that his upper body was not directly hit by the cement block.

    Except for the legs being compressed, other parts of the body do not seem to be injured, and they can still move.

    Moreover, after a large number of cement blocks fell on the collapsed roof, they landed on the other end of the huge instrument and equipment, lifting the end that pressed Li Teng’s legs just a little bit.

    Li Teng pressed his hands together and kicked his legs fiercely. After a few minutes, he pulled his legs out from under the huge equipment.

    There was no injury!

    Li Teng couldn’t help being thankful. Although the metal shell of the protective suit on his body was heavy and heavy, it was very strong. Although it was squashed a little, it did not affect his legs and feet. In the previous scene, although he was crushed under the ruins, he Because of this protective clothing, he was protected from injury.

    If there is an injury, he should be able to feel pain or numbness in his limbs.

    Obviously, he did not have such symptoms.

    Li Teng carefully moved the ruins around him bit by bit. After a few hours, he finally successfully dug a passage in the ruins and crawled out of the ruins.

    Standing on top of the ruins, Li Teng did not escape the surprise of his birth.

    It is not sunny outside, nor is there any green mountains and green waters.

    The sky was gray-red, the ground was gray everywhere, and there were snowflakes falling in the sky… When I received it, it was not a snowflake, but something similar to volcanic ash.

    Lightning appears in the gray-red clouds from time to time, and the climate is obviously very harsh.

    Li Teng even began to wonder if this is the earth.

    These gray-red clouds are also very abnormal. With the volcanic ash in the air, Li Teng estimated that the air is very poisonous. If there is no protective clothing, a few breaths may be fatal!

    I don’t know how to take off the protective suit on his body, nor how much oxygen there is, but now Li Teng is obviously afraid to try to take off the protective suit.

    Oxygen is not shown, but certainly not too much.

    His time is running out and he has to go to the launch base to find Anna. Only when he finds her can he understand what is happening here and what the main line of the plot mission is this time.

    Is she alone? Is Zhang Mengdi still or not? Is she scared alone?

    Li Teng speculated based on Anna’s age that he should be in middle age now.

    She said that you have to take the subway to get to the launch base. Where is the subway station? Is the subway still running now?

    Find it quickly.

    Standing on the ruins of the laboratory, at a glance, the surroundings are gray and can’t see anything.

    Li Teng had to climb down from the ruins of the laboratory, barely able to recognize a road in front of the laboratory.

    The road is covered with thick volcanic ash, and it feels a little soft when walking on it.

    Anna seems to have said that there is a map, through which you can find the subway station.

    But where to find a map now?

    The laboratory has become a pile of ruins, and it must be impossible to go back and find a map.

    Then walk along the road in front of the laboratory and see if you can find the sign of the subway station.

    The road in front of the laboratory is one-way, leading directly to the door of the laboratory, so there is no need to consider which way to go, just go directly along this road.

    There is a mountain on one side of the road, and a wilderness on the other.

    After walking about two hundred meters, a road pole appeared in front of him. After approaching, Li Teng saw a yellow sign above the road pole, with the word M on it, and an arrow.

    Li Teng let out a long sigh. It seemed that he was lucky and came directly to the subway station.

    After walking in the direction of the arrow for a while, an artificial cave appeared in the mountain.

    There is also a subway station sign next to the cave. After entering the cave, there is an escalator that goes down, but it has been stopped.

    Li Teng walked on by himself.

    After passing through the long corridor, Li Teng finally entered the subway station.

    A subway train stopped in the platform, the train doors were all open, but there was no one inside.

    Chapter 1125

    Li Teng tried a way to enter the front of the train, but could not start the train.


    A burst of electronic sounds appeared on the platform.

    Li Teng looked through the opened train door and found that a dilapidated robot appeared on the platform.

    This robot is actually magnetically levitation, with only a round head floating in the air at a height of half a meter.

    It continued to find squeaking electronic sounds, as if it wanted to talk to Li Teng.

    Li Teng walked out very vigilantly, guarding against possible robot attacks at any time.

    But this robot obviously didn’t mean to attack Li Teng. After squeaking for a while, it turned and flew to the distance. After flying a few meters, it looked back at Li Teng, as if waiting for him. Same.

    Li Teng followed.

    The robot stopped and went and brought Li Teng to a room door.

    The metal door of the room was locked, but after the robot shot a light containing information, the metal door was quickly unlocked and then opened.

    Entering the room, Li Teng saw a map on the wall of the room.

    The map marked all subway stations, laboratories, and launch bases on it.

    The map could not be taken away. After Li Teng took the map down firmly, he followed the robot to another device.

    Listening to the robot squeaking, Li Teng studied carefully for a while, and finally figured out that this device can remotely control the subway operation.

    After setting the subway route on the device and setting the subway departure time to three minutes, Li Teng left the room and quickly walked back to the train.

    After entering the carriage, he looked back at the robot.

    The robot didn’t mean to enter the carriage.

    “Thank you, little guy.” Li Teng came all the way. In most cases, he felt the maliciousness of the robot. This was the first time he felt the goodwill of the robot.

    “Squeaking…” The robot still only made an electronic sound that Li Teng couldn’t understand.

    After the set departure time was up, the subway rose quickly and left the platform, and the circular robot disappeared from the window of the carriage.

    Li Teng sat down on the bench and sighed for a long time. Then he thought about the current situation and analyzed the possible situation in the next step.

    From the map, the launch base is quite far away from the laboratory.

    It takes half an hour for the subway to travel.

    Li Teng was very worried that the subway would be crashed or stopped in the middle of the road, such as obstacles.

    I was also worried that the subway would run out of electricity and stopped halfway.

    Fortunately, the things I was worried about here did not happen.

    In the end, the subway arrived safely at the station where the launch base was written.

    The subway stopped and the doors opened automatically.

    Li Teng walked out of the car door to the platform outside.

    The platform here is also empty.

    The whole world is silent.

    There is still some way to go from the subway station to the launch base.

    From the map, this section of the road is about 500 meters long.

    In the middle, there is a bridge of more than 100 meters long.

    Walking out of the subway station, the sky outside was still grayish red, and the ground was still gray.

    I don’t know if there was a nuclear war or an asteroid hit the earth, which created such a situation.

    But these are not things Li Teng has to consider.

    What he worries about most now is Anna who is staying in the launch base.

    In a short time, Li Teng came to the bridge.


    more than 20 meters in the middle of the bridge broke open.

    Below is the extremely turbulent river.

    Of course, it can no longer be called a river.

    It is more accurate to say that it is mud.

    Seeing the mud flow below, Li Teng couldn’t help frowning.

    If he did not wear this protective suit, Li Teng might choose to venture across this distance.

    But now wearing such a heavy metal protective suit, if he jumped into this mud stream, Li Teng felt that there was only one result.

    That is sinking inside and can’t get up again.

    If you can’t cross this river, you can’t get to the launch center.

    How can this be good?

    Li Teng walked up and down along the shore, observing whether there is any other place to pass.

    Very disappointed.


    There is a long river with no heads on either side.

    And the shore is covered with gray volcanic ash.

    As a last resort, Li Teng finally decided to venture down to the river to test the situation.

    The water in the middle section of the river is about ten meters wide and very turbulent. Near the shore on both sides, the river is not very turbulent.

    Li Teng poked one foot in carefully.

    It turned out that the muddy water on the shore was very shallow and there was a hard ground underneath.

    So he fumbled and walked slowly towards the middle of the river.

    The foot that had to be pushed out stepped on the ground and confirmed that it would not fall before moving the other foot.

    In this way, Li Teng cautiously came to the middle of the river, the most turbulent section.

    After arriving here, the depth of the muddy water has reached his waist.

    The heavy metal protective clothing made him unable to swim, but it also had the advantage of allowing him to stand firm in the swift muddy water.

    Of course, you must carefully adjust your direction of travel.

    If you are a little careless, once it is washed down by muddy water, it will be very difficult to get up again.

    Li Teng continued to walk to the deepest part of the river, and the muddy water gradually flooded his chest.

    A strong thrust wants to push him down at any time, even if it is a heavy metal protective suit, it looks weak in front of this thrust.

    Li Teng could only change direction, facing the direction of the muddy water flow, leaning his body, and then walking sideways to the opposite bank.

    The muddy water gradually flooded Li Teng’s neck, and the feeling under his feet was a little soft. I don’t know if there will be a deep pit trap below.

    Finally, Li Teng crossed the river water line, and the muddy water began to gradually become shallow again, falling from his neck to his chest.

    Li Teng let out a long sigh, and then moved horizontally again…

    This time, it was empty! There is a sinkhole below!

    Li Teng’s body suddenly lost its balance, and then was pushed downstream by the turbulent muddy water.

    He tried to stabilize his body and stand up again, but it was impossible. The heavy body was up and down in the muddy water, and he could only be at the mercy of the muddy water.

    After floating and sinking for a while, Li Teng felt his feet start to become shallow, and he worked hard again and finally stood up.

    Luckily, he was washed into the shallow water on the opposite bank by the rushing river.

    With a long breath, Li Teng stepped forward, slowly but firmly walking towards the other side step by step.

    Finally came to the other side.

    Across the gray volcanic ash in the sky, the fuzzy outline of a huge building in the distance can already be seen.

    That is the launch base.

    Where Anna is.

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