Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 80

Chapter 80 Promotion performance

After the yellow news, it was Li Teng’s turn to ask Anna a question.

“Why do some men like to be little white faces? Especially when they are little white faces for old women, don’t they feel ashamed? Do you normal women find this kind of man disgusting?” Li Teng asked his question.

“They are already shameless, how can they feel ashamed? This kind of man is really disgusting. For normal women, we should avoid it.” Anna knows why Li Teng asks such questions, and of course she will cooperate with him .

Everyone looked at Du Qing, the little white face.

“I protest! This question is obviously a deliberate curse!” Du Qing protested to the director.

“Did he say your name? Why did you check in? Could it be that you were a little white face for the old woman? And you still don’t think you are embarrassing? It’s disgusting?” Gao Fei rushed to answer Du Qing.

“The protest is valid. This question has nothing to do with Studio City. Please ask other questions.” The director opened his mouth and asked Li Teng to choose the question again.

“The protest is effective. Does he have no punishment for cursing?” Du Qing expressed dissatisfaction.

“Did he scold you? Did he mention your name?” Gao Fei retorted Du Qing.

“Quiet!” The director stopped the quarrel between the two and motioned Li Teng to continue.

“Let me ask another question, what is the complete process of actor upgrading?” Li Teng has no other questions to ask, so just ask this question in advance, anyway, I can use it in the future.

“I’ve only been upgraded once for the time being, so let’s describe the process of this upgrade.”

“First of all, the balance in the account must exceed 100 points. It can only be the salary balance for normal performances. For example, the credits credited when the newcomer first entered the studio can only be consumed in the studio, and cannot be used to reduce the height of the stone pillar or upgrade. When in the account After your true balance exceeds 100 points, there will be an option of whether to participate in the group performance to the small special group performance and advance to the performance.”

“After confirming, there will be three scripts for promotion for you to choose from.”

“Generally speaking, the scripts are arranged within two days, and the time interval between the two performances of the original crew is at least three days, so it will not affect the performance plan of the original crew.”

“The difference between the promotion performance and the ordinary performance is not very big, it may be various types of themes. The biggest difference is that no one among the eight actors will receive a box lunch, but after paying 100 points to participate in the promotion performance, only seven An actor can get a chance to be promoted. For an actor who cannot be promoted, 100 points will not be refunded, which is equivalent to paying the promotion fee in vain.”

“The promotion from the group performance to the small special group performance is to pay 100 points for eight to seven. The small special contract to the follow group needs to pay 200 points. It seems to be eight to six. The follow group to the special appointment needs to pay 400 points. Eight enters five, and the last actor is eight enters one. Anyway, the more you go up, the harder it is, the greater the chance of losing your money.”

“The script of the promotion show I participated in may seem strange to you.”

“It’s a racing scene. You have to run 20 laps in a certain venue. Eight actors draw lots to choose their own cars, and then race on the track. The top seven advance, and the last one cannot advance, and the promotion fee is in vain.”

“I have practiced racing cars before and have been leading for the first nineteen laps. I didn’t expect that during the last lap, the car suddenly broke down and couldn’t start!”

“No way, I can only get out of the car and push the car forward.”

“I dropped from first to sixth. Fortunately, I was not far from the finish line. The last two had a car accident before, and they ended up relatively far, so I passed the promotion performance in a thrilling manner.” Anna recalled After the thrilling scene when he was promoted, his face was still a little pale.

“What kind of performance is this? This is purely racing car technology! How do we amateurs who have never driven a car play?” Aisha couldn’t help but protest when she said that.

“It’s not all like this. I used to mix in the crew. I heard that some people were promoted to participate in singing, dancing, and even drama, cross talk, and sketch competitions. They were ready within half an hour, and then they performed on stage and the audience lights up. Score, the lowest score is eliminated.” Anna added a few more words.

“I hope it won’t be too difficult for me to advance to the stage. I can barely make do with singing and dancing. If you are racing, it will be over!” Aisha muttered a few words.

Li Teng’s question ended, and this question also helped Anna earn 3 points.

“Sister Anna, what are the consequences of the actor jumping off the stone pillar?” The girl Daisy asked Anna a question.

“If you jump down, you will definitely fall to death, and then the body will be brought back, resurrected, and wax sealed.” Anna answered Daisy.

“I protest! It’s my turn to answer the question.” Du Qing asked the director.

“The protest is valid, and points cannot be earned for the question just now.” The director supported Du Qing’s protest according to the rules.

Daisy can only ask little Bailian Du Qing questions now.

“I have nothing to ask.” Daisy shook her head.

“No? Little sister, you can just ask anything!” Du Qing mentioned it to Daisy unwillingly. One point is also a point. You can buy three steamed buns. No matter how small the mosquito is, it is meat!

“No more.” Daisy shook her head again.

This is what the rules allow. Newcomers can ask questions or choose not to ask questions.

The question session is over.

No newcomers join the crew, so there is no newcomer lucky draw.

Therefore, it directly enters the additional transaction processing link.

“Tell everyone a good news.” The director announced to everyone.

“Haha, have you been selected for the poster again?” Anna looked very happy. The good news announced by the director at this time was basically the matter of being selected for the poster.

“Yes, the revolutionary struggle scene we filmed yesterday, because it was very exciting, was selected for the poster of this issue of Studio City, and everyone will receive an extra 5 points.” The director nodded.

“Awesome!” Everyone was very happy.

“There is one last news to be announced!” The director said again.

“Face on the poster?” Anna guessed again, looking forward to the scene of her twisting and killing Feng Dahai on the poster.

“In this filming, the performers of the two roles of Anna and Donner performed very well. They were given the opportunity to show their faces on the poster, and they each received an extra 5 bonus points.” The director continued to announce.

“Congratulations!” Gao Fei congratulated both Li Teng.

“This is what you deserve.” Aisha has no psychological imbalance either.

“You did a very good performance! I really envy you.” The girl Daisy also opened her mouth.

Li Teng is not happy to receive extra rewards.

An additional 10 points were awarded, but half of them were given to Doctor Blackheart.

He only got 5 points, and now the balance in his account barely reaches 50.

It was 50 points short of getting drinking water on the stone pillar or participating in the promotion performance… Actually, it was 100 points short, because he had to divide half of it to Doctor Blackheart.

This way, it’s too difficult!

“My performance is actually very good. It is said that the most exciting performance in this show is me, why not give me a chance to show my face?” Huang Xun expressed dissatisfaction. Speaking of this performance, if it is edited into the main drama, he will definitely have the most shots, because he is helping Feng Dahai analyze the scene.

Although Feng Dahai died in the final analysis, it was not his fault!

“I also think you acted the best.” Du Qing praised Huang Xun very contrary to his will.

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