Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 801

  ”No way, he went on a business trip with his colleague. The colleague drank too much. He asked the front desk to open the colleague’s room card. After he came back, they made a lot of noise in the company… This kind of man is boring to drag it on.” He shook his head with a look of helplessness.

      ”That’s it, sigh… It doesn’t matter if this kind of scumbag leaves, anyway, you still have to find a way to not let the children stay at home alone.” Faced with this situation, Li Teng didn’t know what to persuade. .

      ”Well, it’s a big deal. I’ll take a few days off, and I will go to work after I find someone to take her. If she is gone, what’s the point of my being alive…” the hostess said, wiping her tears.

      ”Yes, the child is the most important thing. You can put the rest away.” The

      two chatted, and the hostess carefully helped Li Teng deal with the wound and put a bandage on the wound.

      ”I think the blood has stopped temporarily. You can go to the hospital and register for a doctor to help you deal with it, and see if you need another shot of tetanus. The cost is all mine.” The hostess said to Li Teng again. A few sentences.

      ”It just scratched the skin, and it was scratched by plastic. It’s not a big deal.” Li Teng shook his head.

      ”Don’t be careless, in case there is a problem, you will be in trouble.” The hostess was still very worried.

      ”If there is any adverse reaction, I will go to the hospital in time.” Li Teng nodded and stood up very hard.

      ”Hmm, don’t be careless! Thank you so much for today’s affairs! By the way, what is the name of the benefactor? How do you call it?” The hostess also stood up.

      ”My surname is Li. Just call me Xiao Li.”

      ”Add a WeChat. If you go to the hospital, please feel free to contact me if you have any circumstances. I will definitely pay for the expenses.” The hostess stood up.

      Li Teng and the hostess added WeChat to each other, and the hostess’s WeChat name is her name.

      His name is Chen Lei.

      Li Teng is familiar with this name.

      After thinking about it, I remembered.

      This morning, he was using Bluetooth to send photos. Someone knocked on his door. It was a woman who said he was looking for Chen Lei.

      But in a trance, he felt that it was more than that.

      This name seems to have appeared with the Bo Wen and Mint sisters in the restaurant?

      It’s so strange.

      Maybe it’s just some kind of legendary sense of sight.

      ”Well, Chen Sister, then I will go back. I’ll be downstairs, upstairs and downstairs. It’s okay to help. Don’t take it too seriously.” Li Teng and Chen Lei were polite again. After that, he limped down the stairs and returned to his rented house.

      Save one’s life and win the seventh-level Buddha statue.

      Although he was injured, Li Teng was very happy to save his life.

      Back to the workbench, after thinking about it, he also drew the scene that happened just now into the comics.

      Then, in some details…such as the details of dressing the wound, some adaptations that otaku love to see were made.

      The inspiration is so rich these days! You can’t use it up.

      Paint and paint, unknowingly it’s dinner time.

      Eat late at noon, not very hungry, so eat later at night.

      At this moment, the rental house knocked on the door.

      After opening the door, Chen Lei was standing upstairs with her daughter.

      She also holds two lunch boxes in her hands.

      ”You are injured and it is not convenient to go to eat. I made one for you. The craftsmanship is not good. You will just eat.” Chen Lei could not help but walked in and opened the lunch box and placed it in Li Teng. On the table.

      ”Ah, Sister Chen, you are too polite.” Li Teng was a little embarrassed.

      ”Isn’t it all supposed to be? Just a meal, how can it be compared with a life? You eat, and I will come down to collect the lunch box at night.” Chen Lei said and took her daughter out of the room, and helped Li Teng close it. Door.

      The food Chen Lei made for Li Teng was very attentive at first glance, with two meats and two vegetarians, and the craftsmanship was very good, and the taste was very good. Li Teng soon ate out the two lunch boxes.

      After washing the lunch box, I originally wanted to send it up, but after thinking about it, I’ll forget it.

      Orphans and widows, it’s not good to go to other people’s homes at night.

      After eating, Li Teng continued to create.

      Today there are a lot of materials, the inspiration broke out, and I didn’t know it until late at night.

      Anna still doesn’t come back, it seems that she is having a great time in the laboratory, and she is already reluctant to think about it.

      Mother Li actually called.

      ”You haven’t slept yet? Are you still playing games? No one cares about you, don’t you sleep every day?” As soon as the call was connected, Li’s mother said a big deal.

      ”I’m working!” Li Teng explained.

      ”Isn’t your job just playing games?” Mother Li sarcastically.

      It’s not surprising that Li Teng used to make game videos, in the eyes of Li’s mother, he was playing games.

      ”No, now I am looking for a new job.” Li Teng defended.

      ”What’s your new job? Are you drawing those comics that scam children again? Don’t do that again! You will be arrested one day sooner or later!” Mother Li was very worried.

      ”What are you talking about? I don’t draw cartoons anymore. Even if I do, the cartoons I draw are for adults.” Li Tengzheng said.

      ”I don’t want to talk nonsense with you. Don’t draw anymore. Did Yinyin contact you? Girls have thin skins. Girls like Yinyin have thinner skins. Maybe she didn’t receive the message you sent to her last time, or I was embarrassed to reply to you at the time, and I was waiting for you to send her another message! You should send her another message and ask.”

      Li’s mother finally turned to the topic, and this is the reason for her call.

      ”Good night, good night, mom, and ask my dad good night too…” Li Teng was about to hang up.

      ”We are not old yet.”

      ”Mom, you will always be young…”

      ”That’s fine! Remember to send WeChat to Yinyin!”


      ”You swear, you will send WeChat to Yinyin after you hang up the phone!” “Li’s mother was not very satisfied with Li Teng’s perfunctory attitude.

      ”I swear that if I don’t send a WeChat message to Yinyin after hanging up, let me eat instant noodles without seasoning packages.” Li Teng can only swear.

      ”No, you have to swear by your mother. If you hang up the phone and don’t send WeChat to Yinyin, your mother will be ten years old!” Li’s mother felt that Li Teng’s oath was not binding, because she had seen Li Teng not Nibbled dried instant noodles with seasoning.

      ”Mom, you are too much… I will definitely send Yinyin a WeChat?” Li Teng sighed.

      ”Well, let me believe you for the first time.”

      Just after hanging up the phone of Li’s mother, there was a knock on the door outside.

      Li Teng checked the time. It was already ten thirty in the evening.

      ”Who came to me in the middle of the night?”

      Li Teng went out and opened the door to see Chen Lei standing outside.

      ”Ha, lunch box…” Li Teng limped back to the table and put his washed and dried lunch box into a clean plastic bag.

      Chen Lei followed in with a medicine box in her hand.

      ”I’ll take the lunch box when I leave later. If you didn’t go to the hospital, you will have to change the medicine now, otherwise it will get inflammation. I happen to see how your wound is healed.” Chen Lei pointed out to Li Teng.

      ”Where is your daughter? Is it home alone? Does it matter?” Li Teng was a little worried.

      ”I went to bed at ten o’clock, don’t I bring my cell phone? I can watch the surveillance at any time. I happen to have a relative who sells this. He asked him to come and install it for me in the afternoon. I can use the surveillance to watch her at any time in the future. Now.” Chen Lei put the phone on the coffee table.

      On the screen is the bedroom of Chen Lei’s house, and it can be clearly seen that her daughter Xiaoxiao is sleeping soundly.

      ”Well, that’s relieved.” Li Teng nodded.

      ”Let me take a look at your wound, and change some medicine for you.” Chen Lei mentioned to Li Teng.

      ”Okay.” Li Teng had to sit down.

      Seeing Li Teng’s clumsy hands, Chen Lei simply got on himself, unwrapped the bandage, and then looked at Li Teng’s wound.

      ”The light in the living room is too dim.” Chen Lei took the phone and turned on the phone flashlight, shining it at Li Teng’s wound, checking it over and over again.

      ”Recovered quite well, it seems that the problem shouldn’t be big…”

      ”The problem is obviously big.” Li Teng complained in his heart.

      After five minutes, Chen Lei turned off the torch of the mobile phone, and then carefully helped Li Teng re-apply the medicine.

      The second time I took the medicine, it didn’t hurt as much as the first time.

      After applying the medicine, Chen Lei picked up the mobile phone and checked the wound again. After confirming that it was all right, he put a bandage on Li Teng again.

      ”It’s hard to say now, wait for tomorrow. I will help you see the wound tomorrow. You have to change the medicine for at least three days for your wound. By the way, you’d better not let the wound get water.” Chen Lei told Li Teng explained the matters needing attention.

      ”Ah? You can’t do it without washing.” Li Teng was a little embarrassed.

      ”Indeed, it won’t work without washing.” Chen Lei frowned.

      ”Let’s do this, I will use some gauze dampened with some water to help you clean the vicinity of the wound, and then add some alcohol, you don’t have to wash it yourself, you must not be able to master it.” Chen Lei decided to be responsible for Li Teng to the end.

      ”Ah, I’m so sorry, I’m so troublesome for you.”

      ”What do you say? You have a life-saving grace for Xiao Xiao, it is a great kindness, how can you return it is not too much.” Chen Lei shook her head, she He took out the gauze and cotton swabs and began to help Li Teng clean the area around the wound.

      Li Teng felt that the situation was very wrong.

      More and more wrong.

      In order to avoid abnormal situations, he had to look at the sky with both eyes, and silently recite the three-character sutra.

      ”In the beginning, the last name… Last name… What did the last name come from?”


      ”Sorry, ha, I didn’t mean it.” Chen Lei went to the bathroom and washed her face. After returning, she apologized to Li Teng in embarrassment. Guilty.

      ”I…I…” Li Teng felt that Chen Lei had snatched his lines, making him suddenly wonder what to say.

      That being the case, don’t say anything, because the more you say it, the more embarrassing it becomes.

      ”Well, you can rest early, I will come back tomorrow to check the wound healing.”

      ”Well, ah, okay.” Li Teng could only agree.


      Someone knocked on the door early the next morning.

      Li Teng thought it was Chen Lei, opened the door and found out that it was the landlady Aisha.

      ”Squad leader so early?” Li Teng was a little surprised what Aisha came to do with him at this time.

      ”Come and visit you, the hero!” After Aisha entered the door, she put a bag of breakfast and a big bag of fruit on the coffee table.

      ”Ah? Did you hear about what happened yesterday?”

      ”Well, Chen Lei is the head nurse of our hospital. She told about your heroic deeds in our hospital group. Everyone praised you as a great hero. Listen to me. You rented in my house, and they specially entrusted me to come and visit you.” Aisha explained her intentions and looked at Li Teng subconsciously.

      ”Squad leader, don’t get me wrong… I’m injured, there are bandages inside.” Li Teng noticed Aisha’s gaze and quickly explained to her.

      ”I’m not mistaken.” Aisha smiled.

      The two were talking, and there was another knock on the door.

      The door was not closed tightly, Aisha walked over and opened the door. This time it was Chen Lei who came over. She carried the breakfast she bought for Li Teng in one hand and the medicine box in the other.

      ”Director Ai, are you here too?” Chen Lei greeted Aisha.

      ”Doesn’t the hospital group let me come to condolences the hero?” Aisha pointed to the fruit on the coffee table.

      ”Ah, I was just talking in the group, and I also alerted Director Ai to come over in person, so sorry.” The two talked and walked over and sat on the sofa together.

      ”Lee Teng This guy is really good Ha, risking their lives to save people, almost fell down himself, and now a good man like him less and less.”

      ”Yes ah, alas, he also harm children by this thing By the way, Director Ai, you happen to be here. You can help to see how his wound is healed. I’m afraid I can’t handle it well, so he refuses to go to the hospital.” Chen Lei mentioned to Aisha.

      ”Yeah, it’s okay. The location of his wound is quite special. If there is any problem, it will be very troublesome.” Aisha nodded.

      No way, Li Teng had to lean on the sofa and let them examine the wound.

      The two unwrapped the bandages and checked the wound together. The room was light in the morning, so they had to turn on the mobile phone to see clearly.

      The two of them were examining the wound while discussing the condition of the wound. After more than ten minutes of repeated inspections, they agreed that the wound should not be too serious, and that the wound should be healed after a few more changes.

      But Li Teng felt that his problem was a bit big.

      Especially after they checked for so long, his problem got bigger and bigger.

      And there is no way to solve this problem for the time being.

      Then it’s time to change the dressing again.

      ”Xiao Xiao is home alone? You’d better go back and watch Xiao Xiao, I’ll change the dressing for him.” Aisha brought it out to Chen Lei, and reached out and grabbed Li Teng.

      ”Little Xiao is still sleeping! I was frightened yesterday. I want her to sleep a little longer today. I might wake her up when I go back. It’s better for me to change the dressing. You can guide her by the side.” Chen Lei shook her head. Reached out and grabbed Li Teng back.

      ”You are the head nurse, you know how to change the dressing, how can I guide you? Or you can guide me to change it.” Aisha raised it again, and reached out to grab it. .

      ”Director Ai’s words are wrong. You often change the patient’s dressing. Colleagues say that you are the best at changing the dressing. You should guide me and I will do it.” Chen Lei felt that she should do this kind of thing better. After all, she owed Li Teng’s favor, and then reached out and grabbed it back.

      ”I often change dressings for female patients. I have experience and experience with female patients. I haven’t changed drugs for male patients. How can I talk about any experience? Or you have rich experience. You can guide me to change the dressing.” Aisha reached out and grabbed it again.

      ”You guide me…”

      ”No, you guide me…”

      Li Teng’s question finally broke out.

      As long as I am not embarrassed, it is you who are embarrassed.

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