Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 806

 “It seems that the cancer is in the late stage? It has spread and metastasized. Which hospital is it… This… I’m sorry, I didn’t pay attention to it…” The staff member recalled carefully and didn’t think about it.

    “She came over that time, what’s the specific date?” Li Teng asked another question.

    “It’s been more than ten days? It should be half a month ago. I can’t remember the exact number…” The staff thought for a while and answered Li Teng.

    “Do you remember what else she said? Did she mention anything else?” Li Teng finally asked a question.

    “I don’t remember, I really don’t remember, I told you what I remember.” The staff shook his head apologetically.

    “Thank you.” Li Teng said goodbye to the staff and walked out of the children’s orphanage holding Yingying.

    After coming out, Yingying finally relaxed a little, and no longer hugged Li Teng’s neck tightly.

    “Have you found your mother?” Yingying asked Li Teng.

    “Mom is sick. In the hospital, we go to the hospital to find my mother.” Li Teng replied Yingying.

    “If you are sick, drink plenty of water and porridge, so that the illness will heal quickly.” Yingying nodded vigorously, obviously Liu Yin taught her.

    “Well, we hurried to the hospital, found our mother, and told her to drink more water and porridge…” Li Teng comforted Yingying.

    As long as she is still alive, even if the cancer is terminal, he can save her back.

    I’m just afraid…

    can’t delay any longer, he must hurry up to find her.

    “Yingying, did you find your mother after you escaped from the orphanage more than ten days ago?” Although Li Teng had checked in his dream, he still said to Yingying.

    “No.” Yingying shook her head.

    “Then… how did you get back to Dad?” Li Teng asked again.

    “I walked, walked for one or two days…” Yingying counted her fingers.

    “Three days, four days, five days… Then I walked home. No, I met an aunt riding an electric bike and took me back.” Yingying replied to Li Teng after thinking for a while.

    Li Teng was silent.

    The orphanage is a dozen stops away from the shed.

    The four-and-a-half-year-old girl, who didn’t even know the road, relied on her feet to find her mother while begging. She wandered for four or five days before returning to the shed with the help of a kind aunt.

    I can imagine how scared and helpless she was in those days…

    “I thought my mother would be at home, and I want to tell my mother that I will never make my mother angry anymore and ask her not to leave Yingying. But, There is only father at home, no mother…” Yingying remembered what she had, and started crying again.

    “Yingying, don’t cry, dad will definitely find mom.”

    There are dozens of hospitals in He City, and it is definitely impossible to find them one by one.

    The time she left for him is running out.

    Li Teng decided to go to the Public Security Bureau to report the missing persons to the police to help find them.


    “How long has it been missing?”

    “Half a month ago.”

    “Why are you reporting the crime now?” The female police officer who took the case looked at Li Teng warily.

    Nowadays, in such cases of missing wives, the most likely cause is that the husband kills and hides the body.

    “Because I…before I was a vegetable. I slept for five years after the car accident and only woke up yesterday…” Li Teng can only tell the truth.

    “What?” The female police officer looked surprised.

    The vegetative who has slept for five years woke up yesterday, and ran around alive today?

    “My dad has been sleeping for a long, long time. Why did my mother tell him that he would not wake up. My dad only woke up from sleep yesterday.” Yingying added a few words in Li Teng’s arms.

    “Her name?”

    “Liu Yin.”

    “ID number?”

    “Don’t remember…”

    “Do you remember your wife’s ID number?”


    “I slept for five years, don’t blame you . You should always know her date of birth, right?”

    ” Yes .” Li Teng hurriedly reported to the female police officer.

    “Her birthplace, or her registered permanent residence…”

    “Probably…” The

    female police officer searched the system based on some data provided by Li Teng.

    “Is that her?” The female police officer pushed the computer screen over and showed Li Teng.

    “Yes! Yes! It’s her! You are amazing!” Li Teng praised the female police officer.

    “Then you leave a contact information, we will notify you when we have news.” The female police officer said to Li Teng.

    “Could you please deal with it urgently? She is in the late stage of cancer and went to the operation alone. She didn’t know that the operation was unsuccessful. I am afraid that time is running out.” Li Teng pointed out to the female police officer.

    “It will go according to the normal procedure.” The female police officer replied Li Teng blankly.

    “Okay, thank you, my contact information… When I look back, I will buy a mobile phone and apply for a card and come here again…” Li Teng hugged Yingying and prepared to leave.

    “Mom! Mom! I want my mother!” Yingying struggled free from Li Teng’s embrace, and she reached out to the picture of Liu Yin on the computer screen, tears streaming down her eyes.

    “Ah, at home… not even a picture of her is left, the child misses her mother very much…” Li Teng explained to the female police officer with some embarrassment.

    The female police officer was silent.

    “Yingying is obedient, don’t make trouble, auntie still has to work! Dad will definitely find her mother.” Li Teng persuaded Yingying.

    “I want my mother!” Yingying looked at Liu Yin’s photo and cried out of breath.

    Li Teng could only force her away.

    “Wait a minute.” The female police officer yelled.

    Li Teng stopped.

    “I’ll check the phone number under her ID card to see if she can be reached.” The female police officer glanced at the picture of her and her daughter on the table, her eyes a little red.

    “Okay, thank you.” Li Teng hugged Yingying and sat back.

    The female police officer tapped on the computer from time to time, and occasionally made a few more phone calls out. Ten minutes later, she obtained a mobile phone number and the recent call records of this mobile phone number.

    “She only has this mobile phone number, but I’m sorry, her mobile phone has been shut down since half a month ago in arrears.” The female police officer gave Li Teng a message.

    “Then, can you help me pay for her to get in?” Li Teng handed over two hundred yuan.

    He used to know Liu Yin’s mobile phone number, but he couldn’t remember the specific number anymore. And in five years, her situation has changed drastically, and she doesn’t know if her mobile phone number has been changed.

    “I charged it just now, and I tried it. It was turned off.” The female police officer replied Li Teng and refused the money in his hands.

    “Can you give me the number and recent call records?” Li Teng pointed out to the female police officer.

    “No, this is against the regulations.” The female police officer shook her head.

    “Well, thank you.” Li Teng turned and prepared to walk away.

    “Wait a minute, this is my mobile phone number. After you apply for your mobile phone and calling card, just call me and tell me the contact information. You don’t need to come here by yourself.” The female police officer just printed out a piece of paper. He wrote a number on the back and handed it to Li Teng.

    “Okay, thank you.”

    Li Teng took the printing paper and walked out of the Public Security Bureau holding Yingying.

    After walking outside, he turned over the printing paper.

    What is printed on it is Liu Yin’s mobile phone number and several call records before her disappearance.

    Li Teng took Yingying to lunch.

    There happened to be a small park nearby. There was a slide in the park. After lunch, Li Teng took Yingying to the slide.

    There are already a few children playing on the slide. Yingying wanted to go, but she looked at the children timidly, but didn’t dare to go up.

    With Li Teng’s encouragement and protection, she finally climbed onto the slide. After a while, she happily played with the children.

    Li Teng took advantage of this opportunity to condense his soul power, making a hundred yuan bill in the palm of his hand.

    Two hours later, Yingying was tired of playing, and Li Teng also produced eight hundred yuan bills.

    So Li Teng hugged Yingying to a nearby mobile phone shop, bought a smartphone with the lowest price for 700 yuan, and used his ID card to apply for a calling card.

    After applying for the phone card, Li Teng followed the phone number written on the printed paper and talked to the female police officer about his contact information.

    “I have checked several major hospitals for you. I haven’t found her medical records for the time being. There are still some hospitals, and I’m still checking them.” The female police officer told Li Teng about the current situation.

    “Thank you.”

    “It’s okay. Take care of your daughter.”

    “How do you call you?”

    “My last name is Liu.”

    “Okay, Officer Liu.”

    “I also found some information…”

    “Yeah, you Say…”

    “Liu Yin, is the daughter of Liu Gan, the former richest man in He City?”

    “Well, yes.”

    “It’s okay, I just asked.”

    “What did you say about’once’?” Li Teng heard some overtones.

    “I have been in a coma for five years, and I don’t know many things. I haven’t found someone to inquire.” Li Teng quickly added a few more words.

    “Well… you can check it yourself.” Officer Liu hesitated to say something.

    … After

    hanging up the phone with Officer Liu, Li Teng thought about it and decided to visit Liu’s house.

    Liu Yin is at a terminal stage of cancer and desperately desperate. Will she turn to her parents for help?

    Maybe her parents will know where she is now?

    If so, it is the best result.

    However, recalling that her only mobile phone number had been shut down in arrears half a month ago, Li Teng had a very bad premonition.

    In any case, he must search for it.

    “Yingying, do you want to see grandpa and grandma?” Li Teng asked Yingying.

    “No! No!” Yingying reacted violently, her body trembling violently, and she shook her head vigorously.

    It seems that she has a very bad memory of her grandparents.

    “You don’t want to find your mother anymore? Mother is probably at grandpa and grandma’s house.” Li Teng tried to comfort Yingying.

    “I want my mother… I miss my mother so much…” Yingying’s tears flowed out.

    “With Dad here, no one can hurt Yingying. Dad will hold tight and will never leave Yingying behind. When I was in the orphanage just now, Dad held tight and didn’t let go, right?” Li Teng continued to calm down. Yingying.

    “Yeah!” Yingying nodded vigorously.

    “Then let’s go to grandpa and grandma’s house to find mother, okay?”



    Li Teng has been here before.

    Came here with Liu Yin.

    That was also the last time he was with Liu Yin in his memory.

    The two are full of hope, hoping that her family can bless their love.

    But the ending is as bloody as in the novel and movie.

    He was despised and expelled.

    On the way back, the bus he was riding

    had an accident… It was a villa in the outskirts of the city.

    But now it has become a construction site.

    The villas, landscapes, and pavilions have long since disappeared, leaving only a piece of construction site that has not started.

    After searching for a long time, Li Teng finally found a living person.

    An old man guarding the construction site.

    However, when asked about the Liu family, he asked three questions.


    Back in the city, Li Teng turned on his mobile phone to log on to the Internet and searched.

    What surprised him was that he searched for keywords such as Liu Gan, Liu Hui, Liu Yin, Yinhe Technology, and the results obtained had nothing to do with Liu’s family and Liu’s company.

    It was as if the Liu family had disappeared directly from the Internet!

    Or, the related information has been erased.

    What happened to Blue Star in the past five years?

    After thinking for a while, Li Teng decided to go home to see how his parents and Anna are now.

    As a result… the

    entire community where the parents were located was demolished.

    The former home no longer exists.

    Now there is only a construction site left, a construction site where only the foundation was dug and then stopped.

    Li Teng tried hard to recall the phone numbers of his parents and Anna, but he couldn’t recall it.

    It seems that these phone numbers can only be found by using spirit power in the dream and digging out the memory left over before.

    But if his brain and memory-related tissues in Blue Star’s body are damaged, they may not be able to find their numbers. You have to turn to Officer Liu for help.


    After dinner, Li Teng called Officer Liu’s phone.

    “I checked another seven or eight hospitals, and there was no news about her.” After the call was connected, Officer Liu took the initiative to say something to Li Teng.

    “Officer Liu, can you check for me recently…Is there any unclaimed corpse?” Li Teng began to plan for the worst.

    “I checked, but not yet, at least not in the city… and no information about her flight or train trip this month… Don’t give up hope…” Officer Liu comforted Li Teng.

    “Thank you, there is one more thing I want to get your help. My family’s community, Qingtan community, has been demolished. Do you know where they went? Or can you find their contact information.” Li Tengxiang Officer Liu mentioned it.

    “This… I think of a way. You can also try to post help-seeking posts on the Internet. Maybe the Internet can help you find your wife and former relatives?” Officer Liu gave Li Teng a suggestion.

    “Yeah, I will.”

    … The

    sky slowly darkened.


    A cold night.

    Under the street lamp, two tired figures, one large and one small, were walking on the side of the street, the shadows being stretched very long.

    Li Teng did not bring Yingying back to the shed, but stopped in front of a hotel.

    Opened a room at the front desk of the hotel and moved in with Yingying.

    This is a room for more than 200 nights after a discount, and the condition is much better than that of a small hotel.

    There is a refrigerator, TV, and snacks in the refrigerator.

    Yingying was very excited, jumping around on the bed and on the carpet, running wildly.

    Li Teng found the cartoon, and Yingying watched it attentively.

    She hasn’t watched a cartoon for a long time.

    After eleven o’clock at night, Yingying still did not want to turn off the TV.

    Li Teng had no choice but to forcibly turn off the TV, turn off the lights, and let her sleep.

    “Dad, we should go home.” Yingying mentioned to Li Teng.

    “Sleep here today.” Li Teng explained to Yingying.

    The conditions in the shed were so bad that he could no longer let Yingying sleep in the shed.

    “We don’t want to sleep here, we want to go home, if we don’t go back, mother will not find us.” Yingying was not happy.

    “Yingying is obedient, and my father will continue to take you to mother tomorrow.” Li Teng persuaded Yingying.

    “I want my mother now! I want my mother now!” Yingying cried.

    “Yingying, don’t cry, Dad is here with you! Dad will take you to find mom tomorrow.” Li Teng had to continue to persuade Yingying, and tried to hug Yingying and comfort her.

    “No! I want my mother now! I want my mother! Mom will come back soon… I want my mother…” Yingying pushed Li Teng away, crying with her back to Li Teng.

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