Tribe of All Nations (Tribulation of Myriad Clans)

Chapter 14 - action

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That night, Su Yu spent the night in Liu Wenyan’s teacher’s dormitory.

This is also the first time Su Yu has spent the night at Liu Wenyan’s house. Everything else is good, that is, the old man gets up more in the middle of the night, and Su Yu wakes up several times.

Sure enough, years are not forgiving.

Liu Wenyan, who has no real will, is now just an ordinary old man even in a thousand years.

Because he had practiced once with Na Yuan Jue and absorbed the vitality, Su Yu felt that he had practiced quite fast in the past two days.

It should be that the yen gas is refined, and the nine tips have been opened briefly.

After the opening of the left ear orifice, Su Yu felt that the right ear orifice was opening soon.

“Find a time to show that my Kaiyuan quadruple is over. Anyway, I have been in Kaiyuan triple for half a year. It is not surprising that the luck is good.”

As for cultivating talents, what is wrong?

In the past, he mainly studied Wanzu, could it not be done without hard work?

Now I’m working hard, quickly open four yuan, even five yuan, isn’t it strange?

Su Yu thought to himself, and went to the school with Liu Wenyan the next day.

Because following Liu Wenyan, Su Yu knew a lot more.

In the office.

The governor came again, and he was not surprised to see that Su Yu was there. He knew it yesterday.

“The nearby Tianshui City was attacked in the past two days, and the city guards were killed and injured a lot.”

“Nanyuan, last night …” The governor paused and said: “A small village near the mountain was attacked, and many people died, and a few children hid in the cellar to escape the disaster. With his hand, the city guards have already chased. “

Liu Wenyan sneered, “These beasts!”

Soon, Liu Wenyan depressed his anger and said, “Sure enough, he came to Nanyuan! It’s still the same old thing, creating chaos and dispersing our power. It seems that the picture is not small!”

After all, Liu Wenyan said: “Don’t Wu Wuwei still find their main force?”

“Not found.”

The governor was also very helpless, “their lurking deep, the South Yuan has not enough manpower, nor can it be found on the wide network, otherwise it will be troublesome to break down one by one.”

“What do you say over there?”

Liu Wenyan was a little eager, the people of all ethnic groups really came.

Nanyuan is only a small city, and its defensive strength is too weak. Da Xiafu is much more elite. With a little support, the Wanzus dare not be arrogant.

“The city lord has already issued a request for help, but other cities are asking for help, and the Xia Mansion must also hold on to the city, in order to prevent chaos caused by all religions, so …”

“No reinforcements?” Liu Wenyan said angrily: “Then ask for help from several universities!”

The governor said a little helplessly: “Say, but recently the front line recruited, many teachers and students from several universities have gone to the front line, and they have not returned yet. The school also needs to be guarded, which is more important than Nanyuan, so …”

“Don’t you even get a few vacated?”

Liu Wenyan became more and more annoyed, “They are not lacking in the vacancy, come a few vacancies, the power of the Wanzu religion in Nanyuan will not be too strong!”

The governor said depressed: “Don’t get angry with me, it’s useless. It is said that all cities are asking for help. Nanyuan is not critical in 28 cities. Some cities are more important. Of course, Daxia House should give priority to supporting them.”

Liu Wenyan was also helpless when she heard the words, “The big Da Xia Mansion was actually tossed around by the Ten Thousand Religious Church for help, and Long Wuwei … is really wasteful!”


The governor coughed a little, and outside the door, vocals came in. “Liu coached, the Wanzu religion just found the right time. Ten thousand days ago, the three thousand dragon guards rushed to the battlefields of the heavens, so … there are indeed not enough staff.”

“That’s why your Dragon Wuwei’s internal confidentiality is not enough. I don’t know if the three thousand Dragon Wuwei left. The Wanzu religion knows it. It’s not your own fault!”

Liu Wenyan is not afraid of Longwuwei, and bluntly said: “Even if Longwuwei is okay, there is also a problem there in Daxia Mansion. There must be eyes and ears of the Wanzu religion, otherwise how will the Wanzu religion know that your main force has left, Now come to Daxia House to make trouble! “

It was also true that the people of Long Wuwei did not say anything.

Soon after the main force of Long Wuwei left, the people of all ethnic groups came. Obviously, the news was leaked.

Otherwise, Long Wuwei sits in Daxia Mansion, and the other party does not dare to come here.

“Now is not the time to quarrel!”

The governor interrupted their words and said, “Lao Liu, how many of you would you like to borrow from Daxia Civilization Institute?”

“I still use you to say, I asked in the morning, but even if it came, it would take at least one day.”

“They promised to come?”

“I promised, but …” Liu Wenyan said helplessly: “They will not stay too long, saying that if they pick up these students, they will leave together and will not help us defend.”

“That will do!”

The man grew up happy and overjoyed.

Liu Wenyan was not so excited, and was still dissatisfied: “Even if Long Wuwei left, Da Xia Mansion was tossed and messed up, which is also shameful! I don’t know if Da Xia Mansion has been too comfortable in these years, and his armament has been relaxed ! “

This is how Liu Wenyan said that the governor did not answer the question.

The outside Longwuwei did not answer, because it was really shameful, and Daxiafu claimed to be countless powerful soldiers, and the result was that the tens of thousands of people taught by the tribes did not meet the strength of Daxiafu.

Su Yu acted as a bystander throughout, listening in silence and not interfering.

These things are the affairs of the senior members of Nanyuan City, and he has not yet qualified to participate.

As for Liu Wenyan’s side, Su Yu is also a bit strange. Although this person’s status is not low, but the force is low, these things are not very useful to discuss with Liu Wenyan.

As if seeing Su Yu’s thoughts, Liu Wenyan paid some attention to him, and when he saw him peeking at himself, he could not help but laugh lightly: “What’s wrong, look down on the teacher?”



“Really not!”

“I see it!”

At this time, Liu Wenyan was like a child, and he had to fight for a win or a win. He said with a smile: “Wait, you will know why your teacher and I can participate!”

Su Yu didn’t quite understand what he meant, and Liu Wenyan didn’t explain it.

The governor wanted to say a few words, then shut up after thinking.

I hope there is no such opportunity for Liu Wenyan to prove himself, which is a pity.

The tall building opposite the school.

The middle-aged man’s lips twitched slightly, “The city guards are out of the city, except for some guarding the city gates and the city’s main palace, the others have gone out and strangled the guys of blood fire.

“Long Wuwei?”

The woman asked, the middle-aged man shook his head, “No trace of Long Wuwei was found.”

“Long Wuwei is still in the city. In addition … Nanyuan will transfer those geniuses to Daxia Mansion, and will leave the day after tomorrow.”

The man reported, and the woman frowned slightly, “bait?”


The man also had some doubts, “The evacuation is good, and the order was issued yesterday, probably to lure us to appear, what do you say?”

“Have there been any strong men who secretly entered Nanyuan City recently?”

“should not……”


“There is no way to be sure, we can’t do all-day monitoring, but there is no news from the ear line, there is no city main government, and there is no Nanyuan secondary school.”

The woman was lost in thought and thought for a while: “You can’t let them go, go. Although the massacre of Nanyuan Middle School still has merit, but the credit will be less than half. This year’s pre-exam students have left. . “

“I know.” The man hesitated a little: “But … the people of Long Wuwei have not been mobilized now. They are probably in the academy. They hurriedly shot. We failed and we were in trouble.”

As he was talking, the communicator next to the man rang, and the man picked it up and looked at it, a communication message, as if it were an advertisement.

However, the man’s face changed slightly, and he quickly said: “Either cancel the action, or … it will be soon! News from Daxia Mansion, Liu Wenyan and Daxia Civilization Institute asked for help today. People came to pick these geniuses and leave Nanyuan City. “


The woman scolded, “Liu Wenyan, this old thing again! This old thing is only one step away from the realization of the will, but there is not much hope for crossing the past, and the School of Civilization will actually promise him to come to help … but it is more than I thought. Have a face.”

The man said nothing, and waited for the woman to catch fire, and continued: “What should I do now? The city owner Wu Wenhai and Long Wuwei Xia Bing are all vacant, and if the Civilization Academy comes again, then we can only give up …”

With that said, the man was hesitant, but still said: “Da Xiafu is powerful, this time the main force of Long Wuwei left, we can create chaos, once the main force returns … we have to evacuate, before the above Xia Xiafu Here is a wait-and-see gesture, how come this time … “

For this action, the above even spared some exposed pieces for a long time.

Even if the plan is successful, the loss will be great.

Men don’t understand it, even if some geniuses are killed, it is difficult to make up for such losses.

You know, some people have spent many years in order to lurch.

The woman has a higher position in the church and knows more than him. He is only responsible for contacting the parties.

“Don’t ask, don’t ask!”

The woman replied in a cold voice, thinking for a while, and then said: “In fact, it doesn’t matter. What is needed is the chaos of the Da Xia Mansion. “

As soon as the words came out, the man’s complexion changed.

Tianyi Protoss, which is also the Protoss they turned to, could it be said …

“Protoss … afraid of Dragon Wuwei?”

The man did n’t dare to think about it, but the woman knew what he was thinking, and sneered: “Despite the strong Wulong Guardian, the Protoss will not be afraid of them! But recently the Protoss is attacking the Tianyan Clan, and Longwuwei blends in and will destroy plan.”

“Tianyan Clan!” The man hurriedly said: “The Protoss is going to wage war?”

“No, it is to return the Tianyan tribe to order!”

The woman said one thing, and stopped talking about it, turning back to the topic: “You, me, and another host who is vacant in the fourfold will arrive tonight! He dealt with Xia Bing. People destroy Nanyuan Academy! “

“Destroy the Nanyuan Academy and complete the task, we will evacuate immediately!

“Tomorrow evening … act!”

The woman’s voice fell, and the man stopped talking, and soon said: “Follow the order!”

Choose evening, it is because the students have left at night, there is no way to gather, and it is not worthwhile to separate and round up.

In the evening, after evacuating after the operation, it will soon get dark and easier to leave.

On this point, the man did not have any opinion. He was just a little worried. After waiting for the order, he still reminded: “Except for Wu Wenhai and Xia Bing, I am worried that Liu Wenyan will be stimulated and his will will come out.

“Good, you have to guard!”

The woman did n’t think he was too worried, it was indeed a variable, “But we have three people in the air, they are only two, and they are only two in the air. Even if Liu Wenyan really has his will, he has no time to quench his body. The force has reached the air, and the flesh is still clever. You should be able to cope with it. “

“This one……”

The man just wanted to say something, and the woman’s eyes were cold. “He’s more than seventy, his body is decayed, even if his will manifests, it doesn’t matter, don’t you even dare to deal with Liu Wenyan?”


The man hurriedly said: “I am worried that I will deal with Liu Wenyan, and the other few people of Longwuwei are not dealt with. They are all Wanshi Realm. We also have Wanshi, but the Dragon Wuwei battle array is 10%, and the non-flying air can’t resist.”

“What you are saying is just in case, Liu Wenyan has not realized it for so many years, will it happen this time?”

The woman said so, but quickly said: “Then let the prince of the fourfolds entangle the entire dragon martial arts guard, Xia Bing just vacate the secondfold, he is enough to deal with it! You quickly kill Liu Wenyan, then go help He dealt with Long Wuwei! “

“it is good!”

The man breathed a sigh of relief, and that ’s all. The four-layered vacated plane should be able to cope with it.

Besides, I am also a vacant double, I do n’t have to worry about that much. The woman is stronger than him, and is also the first-level host of the Wanzu religion. The host of Nanyuan is, of course, only the third peak of the vacant.

After all, Nanyuan City is small, and the Wanzu religion has arranged two vacancies here, which has been unexpected.

The Daxia Mansion is here, and the two of the city lord and Long Wuwei are just vacated.

The main force of Daxiafu is on the front line, and the strength of the rear is not too strong. Wanzu Education does not need to go to the front line or hold a certain place. The staff transfer is more convenient than Daxiafu.

“The true God is eternal!”

The woman’s lips twitched, and the man quickly followed his meditation.


Unstoppable longing, Protoss!

eternal life!

If you can make a contribution to enter the Divine Realm, enter the legendary deification pool, transform a human race foundation, and become a Protoss … that is eternal life!

Unlimited life!

The flame rises in the man’s eyes. This time he gave a lot of gods. With more than a dozen such tasks, he can redeem a chance to enter God Realm.

“Fifty years … I will enter the realm of God in fifty years, otherwise I will die old …”

The man whispered in his heart, he didn’t want to betray the human race, but he … want to live forever!

He couldn’t forget his teacher, the strong man who vacated the Nine Layers. That year, because of his physical decline, he died on the bed, and he was afraid.

Soaring into the air, it is only a hundred and fifty years of life.

He has been more than sixty, although his body has not yet reached the point of decline, but it has been more than ten years before he has practiced from the first heavy to the second heavy, and the nineth heavy. Is there hope in this life?


Only by surrendering to the Protoss can eternal life be exchanged.

“I’m right, the human race will not be the opponent of the Wan race! The unrestricted power of the human race cannot resist the Wan race, it will fall sooner or later, and sooner or later, my choice is right!”

The man’s face gradually became firmer, more pious, and the Protoss, even if he had lived in the air for a thousand years, was not difficult. The thousand years, no matter what, could go further.

That is eternal life, eternal years!

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