Tribe of All Nations (Tribulation of Myriad Clans)

Chapter 148 - Eve of the storm

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October 1.

The school is on vacation.

The Civilization Institute has three days off every month.

At the end of the monthly exam, all of the 1st to 3rd will be closed, and the 4th will be officially started. There will be no holidays after that.

And every month on the 3rd, it is time to re-order the top 100 list. This morning, after re-setting the top 100 list, you can challenge the top 100 students.

In October, it is two months away from freshman enrollment.

In the past years, at this time, the top 100 students will not think about the freshmen at all, because even if the freshmen want to challenge the top 100, it usually starts at the beginning of the second year, and it is not necessarily possible for someone to enter the top 100.

But this year, the situation is different.

On the 1st, Zheng Yunhui made a bold trip to the Top 100 Building.

When Su Yu enrolled in school, the captain of the nursery park took Su Yu once. At the entrance of the Baiqiang Building, Su Yu also met Jiang Mu, who was ranked sixth at the time.

Wanshi Sixth Layer, the pinnacle of self-cultivation, has a real combat strength that exceeds the ordinary Wanshi nineth Level Warrior.

On the day of No. 1, Zheng Yunhui ran to Baiqianglou, wandered around the door, and finally left, yelling that he would be stationed in Baiqianglou after two days.

Everyone knows what he means by this move.

Participants who are not in the Top 100 list are not allowed to enter the Top 100 Building.

Freshmen announced to be stationed in the Top 100. Obviously, this month a freshman will start to play in the Top 100!

The top 100 list of universities is the highlight.

Cradle of the sky, the foundation of mountains and seas.

Nowadays, there are so many elders in the school, almost everyone has entered the top 100 list, and some of them have not entered the top 100 list, but the proportion is very small.

Before the age of 30, even the top 100 list can not be entered, unless there is really a late adult, otherwise, there is hope in the air, and stronger will not count on it.

The academy, which had been calm for several months, was noisy again.

Those over the age of 30 are waiting to watch the drama. Those under the age of 30 who are not in the top 100 are also watching the drama. The students on the top 100 are disdainful.

Every year there is no shortage of such a new life, such a demon!

As a result, the guy who takes the lead every year is miserable.

Even if Xia Yuwen was as strong as Xia Yuwen, they challenged the top 100 list three months after enrolling, and now it is only two months.

Research center.

Su Yu also heard the news. This guy Zheng Yunhui is very arrogant today, but has nothing to do with Su Yu.

As for Zheng Yunhui … this guy is not stupid, Su Yu will not worry about this guy losing money.

He is extremely important, and with the willpower exceeding 85%, the top ten students in the top 100 list are not necessarily his opponents.

Su Yu doesn’t care about this, he is more concerned about the rumours.

There may be someone who wants to challenge the top 100 list at Wanzu College!

The school is negotiating. Will the students of all ethnic groups challenge?

In Su Yu’s opinion, if nothing unexpected, the final result is definitely ok.

Even the secret realm is used by the other party, a top 100 list, don’t you challenge the other party?

Of course, there is no conclusion as to how the age of the Wanzu students is restricted. After all, some races have different age calculation methods than the human race.

“Thousands of students …”

Su Yu is actually looking forward to the fact that these 10,000 students can come out to challenge. So far, there is no contact between the 10,000 students and these ethical students.

The first few months were the period of adaptation, and everyone is adapting.

Now, two months have passed, and those who have adapted have adapted. He is thinking, can the students of all ethnic groups also be eager to wait?

Just like myself, can’t wait to see the strength of the old students?

“The governor Wan said he would reform the school, and even the Daxia House, but now it is still indifferent. Apart from weakening the welfare of some old students, it seems that there is no movement …”

Su Yu couldn’t help thinking of something at the moment.

Before he came to the academy, he heard people say that Wan Tiansheng was preparing to reform the academy, but now, in Su Yu’s view, apart from cutting some funds, he has not seen much action.

If this is reform … Is it too thundering and raining?

I don’t feel much help for the school!

Not to mention the entire Daxia House!

“These have nothing to do with me …”

Su Yu thought to himself that he was waiting for Xia Huyou’s news and got his essence blood. He would enter the secret realm again. This may be the last time he entered the secret realm in the near future.

While Su Yu was waiting for Xia Huyou, he was ready to enter the secret realm again.

Xiu Xin Pavilion.

In a huge conference hall.

Many patriarchs gathered again.

Wan Tiansheng sat in the middle.

Wan Tiansheng at the moment, his face slightly pale.

In my mind, there was a scene of the sky falling down.

Looking at the group of people in front of me, Wan Tiansheng gradually recovered. After a few years, how many of these people would remain?

Thinking about this in his heart, Wan Tiansheng was slightly tired and said: “I know about the Wanzu Academy. Identically, Wanzu students can challenge the top 100 list, and their treatment is equal to those of the human race!”

It’s no surprise that all the elders have guessed the result.

“This time everyone is called, not for this trivial matter …”

For them, the Top 100 list is indeed a trivial matter.

A group of mountains and seas, all day long meeting for this little thing, it is not worth it.

Wan Tiansheng glanced at the elders present and whispered: “You, Daxia Civilization Institute, have become more and more prosperous in recent years! Compared to fifty years ago, there are a lot more mountains and seas!

“Fifty years ago, the Daxia Civilization Institute had two sun and moon realms and nine mountain and sea realms. Today, we have 36 people in the mountain and sea realm!”

Fifty years ago, there were not only so many powerful multi-scientists in the battlefields that died in the battlefields of the heavens, but that time, there were other strong schools from other schools to help the five generations of governors to prove their invincibility.

In the same year, there were several powerful men in the Sun and Moon realms who rushed past other big houses.

Ten Thousand Saints paused and said: “The mountains and seas have quadrupled! Ling Yunjing was only thirty years old. Today, there are more than two hundred people in Lingyun! There are more than two hundred people in the college now …”

There are so many researchers in the Institute of Civilization, about 500 people.

But this force is extremely powerful.

As for other coaches, there are too many under the sky.

The people were silent and did not speak.

Wan Tiansheng rubbed his forehead and said softly: “But … Sun and Moon? After so many years, what about Sun and Moon?”

“The mountains and seas are 27 more than they were at that time. There were so few people in that year. Two suns and moons were born. The five generations of governors were even close to invincible. Now … there are more mountains and seas, but how can the sun and the moon disappear?

Wan Tiansheng lightly sighed: “In these years, I’m thinking, thinking, not only for us, but also for other institutions, and even for the search for realm! Since the end of the First World War fifty years ago, the backbone of our civilized teacher seems to have been Interrupted! “

In the crowd, someone looked a little sad.

Fifty years ago, there were few mountains and seas, and there were not many moons and suns, but at that time, it felt more brilliant than now!

Invincible in battle, sweeping the skies.

However, since the five generations of the multi-shenwen series of characters have fallen, the civilized master … seems to be indeed going downhill, even if everyone knows that there are more mountains and seas, but it gives them a feeling that the civilized master is going downhill.

Next to Wan Tiansheng, deputy governor Xia Changqing whispered: “Lao Wan, call everyone here today, what do you want to say?”

Wan Tiansheng said in a deep voice: “I have used a telescope once!”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone changed color.

Wan Tiansheng said in a deep voice: “Since the end of the war fifty years ago, the division of civilization has been going downhill. There are not many sun and moon realities! I look at the past and the future, and finally I came to a conclusion …”

Everyone looked at him one after another!

Wu Yuehua couldn’t wait to say: “What conclusion?”

“There were two invincibles who were at war with the five generations. One of them died and the other was alive!”

Wan Tiansheng calmly said: “The man is from the Tianyuan family, which is good at cursing, darkness, and dying. I suspect that he used to move …

As soon as this remark came out, Xia Changqing immediately retorted: “Impossible! Although this guy is eternal, how can he make the entire civilized teacher change? And there are also civilized teachers who have been promoted to the sun and the moon in recent years. These chances are not here! “

Ten Thousand Saints said calmly: “Believe it or not, it’s your business, but I have to say, I have also said to seek the realm! I look at the past and the future, some speculation, maybe more than one person, but many people secretly joined hands against us, The people we got originally had … maybe some problems. “

“What do you mean?”

Wan Tiansheng frowned lightly and slowly said, “Fifty years ago, the two sniped to kill the five generations. I think it was not simply that the five generations were invincible, and the more important purpose was to cut off the inheritance of the civilization masters of that generation! I suspect that some of the originals we have seized afterwards have been cursed! We have outlined successful scriptures, and there may be problems! “

Wan Tiansheng murmured: “If this is true, then it can be explained why there is still a sun and moon born, but other people can’t do it anymore! These years, 7 new sun and moon, I will look back one by one, In the past 50 years, have these seven figures outlined the prosperity? “

As soon as this remark came out, Xia Changqing also said in discoloration: “You mean that in the past 50 years, the original texts we got are all in question? All the scriptures outlined in this way have curses, so we cannot advance to the Japanese date. month?”

Wan Tiansheng exhaled: “Guess! But I’m a little sure, it may be true! If so … Civilization Master is in trouble!”


The elders in the crowd shocked and said: “We have seized countless originals, are they cursed in each original?”

This is impossible!

How much manpower and material resources, how much energy are consumed?

Only then did this monstrous situation happen!

Wan Tiansheng said slowly: “I don’t think it’s possible either, but … who said that all the originals are necessary?”

Wan Tiansheng laughed at himself and said, “I still use all the original ones? As long as the original originals of the Protoss and the Demon Clan have been cursed, that’s enough! Our human race and geniuses mainly outline the gods of these two races, not geniuses. … There is no hope for promotion! “

At the exit of the words, everyone suddenly faltered and panicked!

This … if this is true …

“Don’t be restless, gentlemen!”

Ten Thousand Saints raised his hand and said, “I am just guessing, not necessarily true! If this is the case, fifty years ago, it was not an accident, but a killing of many sun, moon and mountains and seas of our civilized teachers. conspiracy!”


The purpose is not to prevent the five generations of preaching, but to cut off the inheritance of that generation of civilized teachers. Even if the civilized teachers become mountains and seas, do not want to achieve the sun and the moon, because they may have problems!

Wu Yuehua also felt dry. They were still weak 50 years ago.

At that time, we must continue to outline the prose!

The gods and demons are powerful in spirit, and the elders present are almost all outlined. The original ones in the early years have been exhausted and abandoned.

Naturally, they are all new originals!

Everyone fell silent.

For a long while, Xia Changqing said: “Did you ask for a reply?”

Today, Zhou Mingren was away and he went to retreat.

Xia Changqing was the only deputy governor who had arrived and had to ask clearly.

Ten Thousand Saints shook his head, “No! They may also be checking to see if this is really the case! If the news is true, then it will be in great trouble. Could it be that everyone will abandon the scriptures? There are many scrapped scriptures , I am all abolished, and my willpower will be shaken! The scriptures that have been cultivated for so many years are abolished. Is the civilized teacher still a civilized teacher? “

Wan Tiansheng was also helpless and sighed: “I wish it was false! And if it is true, the battle that was fifty years ago is not an accident, it is a bureau, the tens of thousands of people cost a huge price, even for eternity. At the cost of our lives, we must also exterminate the inheritance of our civilized teachers! “

Everyone has a headache, and hope is fake.

If it is true, doesn’t it mean that they have no hope to advance to Sun and Moon?

All of this, we have to wait for the reply message.

“Don’t leak the news!”

Wan Tiansheng looked at the crowd and said, “You are all the elders of the mountains and seas, don’t say anything to the outside, so as not to cause big changes!”

Once the news spreads, it may cause a series of troubles.

Wan Tiansheng greeted and said again: “So I doubt now that the root of this curse is the guy of the Tianyuan clan. If he killed him, would everything be calmed down?”

Everyone was helpless, Xia Changqing also sighed: “He disappeared as early as fifty years ago, I heard that it was not a serious injury that year, now I don’t know where to sleep. I can’t find him. Why can’t he! “

Wan Tiansheng nodded and said again: “I said that the purpose of these is not to make everyone panic, but I want you to help me do an experiment! You have many student disciples, I hope that from today, there will be some people , Specializing in human race scriptures, some people specializing in non-god magic strong race scriptures … “

As soon as he finished speaking, some people objected: “None of the cultivation of human race and the weak race of gods, no one has achieved eternal scripture! Therefore, you can’t be promoted to the sun and the moon, and there is no way to make a comparison!”

“Yes, and the cultivation of the weak people’s gods, but the strength will decline. When the time comes, let alone the sun and the moon, even if Shanhai and Lingyun are no longer opponents of other people, the civilization master is really a waste!”

Everyone, you said one word, I thought that Wan Tiansheng’s idea was too taken for granted.

These weak people’s scriptures, there is no chance to achieve eternal.

Wan Tiansheng also seemed to know that they would object, and suddenly said: “Actually, I was thinking that there is a combination of multiple scriptures and the combination of scriptures and scriptures. If you cultivate some weak scriptures, or human race scriptures, finally Do you want to become the eternal divinity with the entire divine prowess? “

Ten Thousand Saints said in a true way: “Single Divine Scripture, the cultivating Divine Scriptures are scattered, even if it becomes a system, it does not become a combat skill! And in order to be strong, the Single Scripture Divine Scriptures must cultivate the strong sect scriptures, and A series of multi-spiritual scriptures can solve the weak problem of this weak tribal scriptures … “

Zheng Yuming, who had never spoken, suddenly said: “President, do you mean, support a multi-scientific system? Just for these speculations, the possibility of being illusory? Then consume a lot of resources, and may cultivate several mediocrities who cannot be promoted. ? The so-called Divine Warfare Skills is originally a fusion of multiple Divine Prototypes. How can one become one? This point, even the five generations of governors did not do it! “

Ten Thousand Saints is silent.

Zheng Yuming also said: “Others don’t say that Hong Tan is talented? Have you been practicing Shenwen’s warfare skills for many years, you ask him, how much strength does he have to get rid of those gods, deities, races and gods? Can he use gods? Combining combat skills into one, and being promoted to eternal scripture as a whole? “

Wan Tiansheng was silent for a while, and said after a while: “Try it! Did n’t the multi-scientific series enroll a new student this year? It seems that the gods and demons race have not yet been outlined. Look at his situation and say, I I will communicate with Chen Yong and Bai Feng, and try to prevent him from sketching the deities, races, ethics … “

As soon as this remark came out, Wu Yuehua frowned: “If you fail, the student will be useless! This Su Yu, I know, is very talented. For your guess, use him as an experiment, not let him Outline the gods, deities, and scriptures. Do you only want him to outline human races and weak race scriptures? That multi-spiritual scriptures of the same rank and invincible becomes a joke … “

Wan Tiansheng said in a deep voice: “Someone always has to try it! You can consult his own opinion and disagree, then find a way to try it for another person. If not, let Wan Mingze abolish the existing scriptures. Try it out in a series of multi-scenes! “

Everyone stares!

Zheng Yuming didn’t say anything this time, so that Su Yu had always outlined the human race and other weak race gods … this is a good thing.

It’s so out of ten or nine!

As for Su Yu ’s disagreement, that ’s okay. Since it ’s impossible to prove that the overall Divine Warfare skills of the Multi-Shenwen series have been eternally promoted, it is not cost-effective to invest too much in the Multi-Shenwen series.

Wu Yuehua stopped talking and stopped talking.

Forget it, go back and ask.

Su Yu didn’t agree, and no one could force him to do anything. He outlined any prosperity himself, and no one else could control it.

“Also, over the bookcase …”

Wan Tiansheng pondered for a while, and said: “How many people of the Wan Clan 50 years ago were originally counted, preferably 60 years ago. I am worried that they may have some layout in advance … Later, some geniuses , It ’s best to use these originals to outline the gods! “

As soon as this remark came out, many people turned their minds.

There are still a lot of stocks in the original.

If the later originals are really problematic, can these ancient originals be used to avoid all this?

Zheng Yuming’s eyes flickered and said: “If the news is true, then the value of these ancient originals will increase greatly! The bookstore will become the top priority, not even more than the secret area! Chen Yong is only Ling Yun after all. , Governor, I think … “

Wan Tiansheng waved his hand and said lightly: “Let’s talk about it again! Chen Yong’s side passed the assessment at the end of the year, and the curator is still him! Don’t forget that the ancient originals in the library are all left by the previous generations of powerful people, At that time … the school was still more prosperous! “

Zheng Yuming frowned: “The academy belongs to the entire human race, and the entire Daxia House is also owned by all of us. Can’t we say that the academy belongs to them because the predecessors were multi-scientific and one-line?”

Wan Tiansheng said impatiently: “I said, everything is done according to the rules! The rules are there, then follow the rules! It is the rules to ban the multi-shenwen series, and the single-shenwen series is the rule, and Chen Yong is improper. Curator, there are rules too! Old Zheng Ge, if you do n’t talk about rules … Do you want Hong Tan to discuss with you? “

When the words were exported, Zheng Yuming’s face turned red and he was speechless for a moment.

Hong Tan, that’s the peak of mountains and seas.

Even if his master Zhou Mingren was not sure about suppression, how could he have the ability to challenge Hong Tan.

Wan Tiansheng got up, “Everyone will figure it out for me, I will tell you the news! If some people want to abandon the scriptures, you can also try, but I suggest that even if you want to abandon the scriptures, do n’t do it in the school. In the battlefields of the heavens, use the scriptures you do n’t want to kill a few strong men and scrap your scriptures. How much is it worth! “

“In addition, starting from today, all the original ethnic groups of the 50 years ago in the Book Collection Pavilion need to be recorded, and they cannot be misappropriated! All students and teachers who need to observe the original need to accumulate merits accordingly!”

“Finally, everyone wants to find out the news of the invincibility of the Tianyuan tribe, and other invincible powerhouses who are good at curses, etc., also need to pay attention!”

Wan Tiansheng said a few words and stepped out.

When he walked to the door, he suddenly turned around and said, “Fight to fight, fight to fight! The academy’s original intention is to let you grow in the struggle, not to let you fight each other in the struggle, out of the ordinary means, you use, I use, finally Without rules, Shanhai kills everything, then it’s completely messed up! “

“I don’t care about some things, it doesn’t mean I don’t know! Rules … As long as the rules are followed, I can ignore them, and some people dare to violate the rules … Hugh me for being ruthless!”

When the words fell, Wan Tiansheng walked away.

In the hall, there was silence.

Wan Tiansheng, who likes to talk about rules, everyone knows that within the rules, he does n’t care what you do, and if you exceed it, it ’s easy to anger him.

Annoyed a strong man who was the pinnacle of mountains and seas decades ago … How many people in the university can bear it?

Wu Yuehua also stood up, glanced at Zheng Yuming, snorted and turned away.

Zheng Yuming didn’t say anything, stood up and left silently.


The rules of Ten Thousand Saints!

Also, the battle fifty years ago … Was there really a problem with the prosperity?

If there is a problem, then the trouble of the civilized teacher is greater. Who can guarantee that the original text will be used in the past fifty years, and the original text will not be used to outline the scripture?

Even if you are not majoring in Divine Manuscripts, you can abolish it yourself.

Then it’s in trouble!

I will not support the pursuit of the situation, otherwise, countless mountains and seas and Lingyun will be abolished, and the strength of the human race may drop by 30% in an instant!

“A series of multi-scientific scripts … Are you going to resurrect?”

Zheng Yuming was lost in contemplation.

Can a multi-scientist series of prosperity combat skills offset this effect?

“Battle wall!”

“Talent essence and blood!”

“Collection of Books …”

These words are repeated in Zheng Yuming’s heart, as well as … the inheritance of the scriptures left by the strong generations of the previous generation. If these scriptures are really usable, they were not sketched later, but left behind.

“These scriptures must be promoted to the sun, the moon, and eternity. I really want to abolish the scriptures and replace them with these scriptures …”

After exhaling gently, Zheng Yuming left Xiuxin Pavilion.

At the same time, Su Yu got the blood of the Wuxing tribe and the blood of the dragon silkworm.

Bring your own text of will, essence and blood, and the martial arts of “Time” to the secret area.

Cultivate the mountains and seas in one fell swoop!

Only in this way, he can hope to compete with those geniuses who have been practicing for many years more than him, reach the top 100 list, and become a new generation of strong school.

As for what the future of the civilized division … has anything to do with him.

Now he is not even a civilized teacher.

The moment when Su Yu walked into the secret area, the moment he appeared at the door of the vitality secret area, the faces of the two old people Huang and Nie were purple.

How long is it?

How come again!

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