Tribe of All Nations (Tribulation of Myriad Clans)

Chapter 22 - Above the sky

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Teacher’s quarters.

The house with four rooms and two halls is quite large.

Liu Wenyan can not care about Bai Feng, the governor can’t, Nan Yuan can’t, no one can care about a researcher, even adding an assistant.

So Bai Feng’s temporary residence is no worse than any teacher, but better.

Bai Feng was sitting on the sofa. Su Yu and Liu Yue were like elementary school students. They stood aside and waited for the TV to finish watching.


Rows of people were dragged out to cut their heads!

Yesterday, Longwuwei of the Daxia Prefecture led the army to dispatch thousands of people, killing thousands of tens of thousands of people, and capturing more than 3,000 people, totaling nearly 10,000.

The policy of Daxiafu was very hard-working. I caught it without a trial and confirmed my identity. One word-kill!

Today, live television cuts his head.

More than three thousand people, it doesn’t sound like much. In fact, it has been cut for more than ten minutes, but it hasn’t been cut yet.

Liu Yue did not dare to watch more and avoided the TV.

Su Yu was also vaguely uncomfortable, either sympathetic, or seeing that his blood-sprayed head was sick, even if he had just killed two yesterday.

Bai Feng was very interested in watching it, drinking tea and commenting with a smile: “There are many denominations, but the Tianyi religion is a stronger one. The leader is a master. This time I came to Daxiafu. But it was completely planted, the leader fell, and the elite were almost killed. “

“It seems that Daxiafu made a big profit this time.”

Su Yu and Liu Yue didn’t quite understand what he meant, did you make it?

“Don’t you understand?”

Bai Feng smiled and said: “This is not simple, the elite is dead, the leader is dead, who killed? How many people can kill him in Daxia House? He dare to come to Daxia House to make a big move, there must be no fear, I do n’t think I ’m going to die. No one will die. “

“In this case, there must be some grasp, what is his grasp? Is it the other masters of the Wanzu religion? No, it must be the backing behind him, so he has the courage to come to Daxia House to make trouble!”

Su Yu’s eyes moved slightly, and he said softly: “Teacher Bai means that Tianyi God Clan has come?”

“Yes, it must be here. Since the leader is dead, was the guy from Yishen Clan dead that day?”

“If you die, did you say you made a profit?”

Bai Feng said with a smile: “I’m afraid this time the master is in trouble.”


“Yeah, trouble! Wait and see, the major war schools, including the School of Civilization, may have to surround him and apply for the flesh and other treasures of the Tianyi God Clan.”

Bai Feng laughed straightly, “I don’t know if the governor of our college has returned, I have to get something good as soon as possible and get rich! Protoss blood, Protoss flesh, Protoss weapons, Protoss skills … Who gets rich?

“The master of the house is about to be mad, and now I guess Daxia House must be a noisy one.”

He said so, Su Yu and Liu Yue naturally understood.

The two are also eager to look at the face, not really eager to get these things, but just feel that listening to it makes people bloody, divine blood, divine flesh, this is the treasure!

“Teacher Bai, Tianyi Protoss is coming, is it strong?”

“Naturally strong!”

Bai Feng looked at Su Yu and smiled, “I speak straight, don’t you mind. For those of you in Nanyuan, flying is the sky, but for Da Xiafu, flying is the backbone and the strongest. The foundation of the starter. “

“People in small places can’t imagine how strong they are in their lifetime. In fact, there is no need to know, because in their eyes, whether they are above or above the sky is the same, and they can be destroyed by hand.”

“From the perspective of the cultivators, Kaiyuan, Qianjun, Wanshi are a foundation, a foundation for physical strengthening, so that you will not be boosted by the vitality. Only when it comes to the air, in the universities, in the major legions, including Only the martial arts, the battlefields of the heavens, the sea world, and the sacred realm of the world are qualified to speak, so that they can truly count on being among the strong. “

Su Yu’s eyes brightened, the source lacked knowledge, Nan Yuan was too small, this piece of sky was too small!

“Mr. Bai, I know there is a realm above the sky. My father once said that when he was in the town of the Demon Army, the commander-in-chief was Ling Yun Realm. Was Ling Yun higher than the first-order realm?”


Bai Feng was drinking tea and calmly said: “How far can he fly? How high can he fly? After all, he is just the start of a strong man. He walks on the cloud and above the clouds. At this time, you can say that you are strong. Whatever! No matter how many thousand stones, no matter how many thousand points, what can you do? “

“I walked on the cloud by myself, without falling to the ground, thousands of feet away from the ground, no matter how strong your arm is, no matter how strong the formation is, can you hit me in the sky?”

“In the battlefields of the heavens, almost all the commanders who can command thousands of people are almost Lingyun Realm!”

“Ling Yunjing, you went to Longwuwei, more than enough to be a captain!”

“In Longwuwei, what is strong and strong is the flying, while weaker ones are Wanshi Jiuzhong. Centurions are almost all in the sky, and they are usually in the mid-term and higher than four-level state. The captain, Longwuwei has 5 positions. Three of them are Ling Yun, and two of them are flying nine! “

Su Yu’s throat twitched, so strong?

What about Long Wuwei’s lieutenant general?

The lord is the lord of the big summer house, needless to say, how strong is the mate?

Bai Feng Yuguang swept over him and said with a smile: “On top of Lingyun, mountains and seas! Splitting the mountains and breaking the sea, every move, every move, Megatron! One shot down, the landslides and seas withered, powerful and incredible!”

“On top of that mountain and sea …” Su Yu hurriedly said: “I have heard of the strongest invincible, the invincible strong, are they the mountain and sea?”


Bai Feng smiled and said: “The mountains and seas, sitting on one side, even in the battlefields of the heavens, can lead an army alone, and with a single order, 100,000 people run away and deter powerful enemies! They can be masters and can become powerful legions. The lieutenant general, such as the lieutenant general of Long Wuwei, the strong man of the mountain and sea! “

“On top of the mountain and sea, that is the ultimate, that is the invincible!”

“It’s too far away from you, you know it, there is no need to ask. You can know these when you arrive at Daxia Mansion. As for the ultimate and invincible, that is not our field. What is the point of knowing?”

“The heart is higher than the sky and the life is thinner than the paper. You haven’t even gotten into it. Do you know that you can achieve invincibility in one day?”

“All you need to know is that they are strong and powerful and incredible! Eighty-nine out of ten masters are extremely powerful, and the developers of major governments are almost invincible powerful, which is enough.”

Su Yu’s throat was dry, he felt it for the first time, Nanyuan’s heaven … it was really low!

Wan Shi is the strong man, and the sky is invincible.

In Lingyun and Shanhai above that, he had never heard of such a strong man in Nanyuan.

In Lingyun Realm, the battlefields of the heavens can be masters of war.

In the mountains and seas, you can sit on the side of the battlefields of the heavens, command a military, and dominate the side.

And on top of this, there is still a perfect, invincible!

Bai Feng looked at their expressions, smiled, and smiled happily.

He likes to look at these people’s shocked expressions, which is a little bit funny.

In fact, there is no need to go into these things in depth. Naturally, when Daxiafu knows it, he still said it, because he was not very pleasantly attacked by Liu Wenyan, Su Yu … This little genius of Nanyuan really knows How high is the sky?

At the next moment, Su Yu exhaled for a long time, depressed his thoughts, and reluctantly returned to calm.

Bai Feng glanced at him and said in his heart, “He has a good heart.”

It ’s just a kid who has n’t seen the world before. It ’s not easy to calm down so quickly.

As for Liu Yue, although she was excited, but it has calmed down, Bai Feng didn’t see much. He could feel it. The girl knew this and was excited, but it was just a little eager at the moment.

The only one who is truly ignorant is Su Yu.

Because he was born in Nanyuan, was born here, grew up here, and has not been out for 18 years.

Su Long protects him very well, but Su Long is only a thousand pieces, and his knowledge is not too high. Liu Wenyan does not talk to Su Yu, and it is difficult for Su Yu to see these from the book, so He is really ignorant.

“These are still far away from you. Time is rare. Are you sure you want to waste this?”

Bai Feng didn’t greet them to sit down, let the two stand, smiled: “I will stay here for two days, from now on, if you have anything you want to ask or want to know, you can ask, if you can say, I will Tell you, opportunities are hard to come by. “

Su Yu hurriedly said: “Mr. Bai, what is the power of will? How to practice? How to judge? What is strong and what is weak?”

“The power of will …”

Bai Feng glanced at him, and said with a smile: “Your is actually not weak. Of course, you have not specifically sensed, practiced, or cared about it, so you can’t perceive it all. The teacher asked you to go to the Institute of Civilization because He is aware of it, so he does not want you to go the wrong way. “

“In my opinion, the power of will is almost the same as the power of the flesh. It is also a kind of power, but a kind of manifestation, a kind of manifestation …”

With that, Bai Feng picked up a black cup and covered the mouth with his hand, explaining: “The power of the flesh is actually the cup itself. I hit you with the cup. Can you feel the pain?”

Su Yu nodded.

“This is the power of the flesh. I will hurt you when I smash you. You can feel it intuitively and you can see it. How painful I smash you is related to the nature of the cup. The harder, the bigger, the heavier, the more you pain.”

“And the power of will is actually the power inside the cup. At this moment you can’t feel it. We cultivate the power of the will by pouring water into the cup.”

He fetched some water into the sky and irrigated the cup.

“When the water in the cup is not full, the power of will is not present, even if it reaches the mouth of the cup, it still has no effect. This is your teacher, Uncle Liu ’s previous state, his cup is already full of water, but There is no overflow. “

“When the power of will manifests and overflows the cup, this is the manifestation!”

At this time, the water in the cup was full and overflowed.

more and more!

Under the control of Bai Feng, more and more water spewed out.

“At this moment, a little water overflows, you don’t think it’s nothing, it’s not as strong as the flesh. But if not a little?”

More and more water!


Su Yu had an illusion. He saw that the water had turned into a river and spewed out, flooding the room and the school.

Rivers, floods, sea waves, monstrous waves!


The world was ruined, the city was overwhelmed, and the mountains and rivers collapsed.

Bai Feng’s voice rang in his ears, “This is the power of will. It can turn from water to ice, or it can gather water into rivers and seas. In essence, it is just the use of power, just like the power of the flesh. “

“But it has its own peculiarities, and there is no end in sight!”

“Physical practice, at least for now, has an end. Of course, we can’t see it now.”

“When we reach the sky, we actually repair both, but we overflowed the water first, wrapped the glass with water to strengthen the flesh, and together, the flesh first changed from porcelain to stone, and then desperately poured water into it.”

“You have to ask me which path is better, in fact, it’s the same. It depends on your choice and talent. Whoever takes the better path will take the path.”

Su Yu saw a flower, everything just disappeared.

Bai Feng still holds the drinking glass in his hand, Su Yu gasped, “If it’s not full, or if it doesn’t overflow at the mouth like my teacher, does it mean that it’s useless?”

“Can’t say that, at least the thinking is clearer and the energy is more energetic.”

Bai Feng smiled and said, “If you don’t even have the ability to manifest, whichever way you practice is the same, you are destined not to be a strong man, is there a big difference between thousands of stones?”

“Can you judge the strength when you are not full?”


Bai Feng explained, “At a certain point, you can actually feel it yourself, of course, the strong one can also observe it. For example, you now have about one tenth of the water in the glass, I can feel it It ’s clear, as for you, you ca n’t perceive now. “

“Then when will I notice?”

“When you are half filled, you can feel very clearly at this time. The power is in your body, but you can’t use it, you can’t use it. This stage is called nourishing!”

Bai Feng smiled and said: “Nurturing is not a realm. Of course, you can understand Kaiyuan, Qianyuan, Wanshi! This period is very difficult! To cultivate your heart, you feel strength, but you can’t use it. Are you in a hurry? “

“You obviously think you can single out against Wan Shi, but you are slapped in the air, are you in a hurry?”

“Your head was beaten by blood, and your water has actually reached the mouth of the bottle. The next moment is to empty, are you angry?”

“But no matter how anxious and angry you are, it just doesn’t overflow. Are you fire?”

“You’re useless. At this time, many people can’t hold it, they’re sick, they’re sad, and they turn to the flesh everywhere, because it’s so annoying!”

Bai Feng smiled and said: “I am looking forward to seeing this day, seeing you angry and helpless! You must know that every time this time, the academy will do one thing, in your nurturing stage, there will be a war academy Students to communicate … Actually beating you! “

“Abusing you!”

“Humiliate you!”

“I’m mad at you!”

Su Yu was dumbfounded, and Liu Yue could not help whispering, “Mr. Bai, why did the school do this?”

“Simple, stimulate you! You can concentrate on it, you can recognize the essence of your self, and then you have hope to realize it. This is a double-edged sword, which may drive the students crazy, angry, and give up this course, but It ’s a good result if I support it. “

Bai Feng smiled happily, “This is the big show of the Civilization Academy. You can see how your seniors are being abused after you enter. It’s awful! The students of the War Academy most like to say that I abused XX back then I am already a strong mountain and sea, and I am only a stone … “

“At that time, the mountain and sea environment I was hitting was urinating and weeping like tears … Many people think that it is bragging, not that, it is true.”

Su Yu couldn’t help saying: “Mr. Bai, don’t everyone have to be like that, then you …”


Bai Feng calmly said: “I haven’t, because I’m strong, even in the stage of nurturing, I’m strong.”

As soon as Su Yu asked, he felt bad. He smiled embarrassingly at the moment and never asked again.

There’s none?

I think it’s unlikely, maybe someone has been crying.

However, there is still such a scene in the School of Civilization, Su Yu is an eye-opener.

“As for the cultivation of the power of will …” Bai Feng shifted the subject and continued: “Reading books! Learning! Of course, you don’t read ordinary books, you don’t learn ordinary words. You all have learned and known Wanhua language.”

“Why should I learn Wanhua?”

“The Wanzu language itself is actually nothing, but some Wanzi language carriers that record exercises and martial arts are full of the power of will. At this moment, you read a book, it is a confrontation of will!”

“The stronger the practice, the stronger the recorder, and the harder you fight, in fact, this can also be used as a test.”

“In the Academy of Civilization, when you can see the original power of Qianqing Realm, it means that your power of will can fight against the physical practitioners of Qianying Realm. When you can see the original power of Veng Kong Realm, that means you can realize it! “

“Looking at Wan Shi’s original, it is almost the beginning of this stage, even if it is a feeding stage.”

Su Yu was completely understood now. At this moment, a white bone fragment suddenly appeared in Bai Feng’s hands.

“This is a book of thousands of people with thousands of exercises. Of course, it ’s just a broken page. It ’s just one piece. There is no shortage of these things in the battlefields of the heavens, and there is no shortage of schools of civilization. Fragment. “

“You can see now that the power of the fragment is very weak. If you can see the text, it means that you are close to the cup.”

Bai Feng just said that Su Yu only has one-tenth of the accumulation, but now he is showing that he needs one-fifth of the accumulation.

Su Yu didn’t think much about it. He took the white bone fragments and took a look at it.

Bai Feng pointed out: “Look at it carefully, just focus on it.”

Su Yu nodded, looked carefully, and concentrated.

Gradually, the bone slices changed a little in his eyes, exuding a faint light, and there seemed to be some words vaguely on it.

Su Yu was a little curious, and he worked harder, wanting to understand.


At this moment, his head seemed to be hit by a hammer, and the light on the bone fragments radiated. Su Yu screamed and dropped the bone fragments in an instant.

Bai Feng had expected it, and said with a smile: “Reading books also pays a price! This is the way to practice. This is the school of civilization. Don’t think that if you go to the school of civilization, just like Nanyuan, just look at the translation. what.”

“Every confrontation is tempering your willpower. Of course, not many times a day, two times is enough, otherwise you will be crazy, there is no shortage of lunatics in the School of Civilization, and many people do n’t try to watch those by themselves. It’s beyond their original scope, so many people are crazy. “

Su Yu has a headache!

Tears are about to fall, so painful!

But … after more than ten seconds, Su Yu opened his eyes and panted to restore calm.

It’s as painful as being killed in a dream!

But after being killed for so many years, I got used to it, and it was just a little bit unbearable.

Bai Feng just wanted to continue saying that it’s okay for you to cry for a while, anyway, the new students are not crying one or two …

As a result, at this moment his words came into his mouth and suddenly swallowed.

A glance at Su Yu raised his eyebrows slightly.

He was sure that Su Yu’s will power was only one-tenth full, but this guy … actually bear it like this?

How can it be!

The power of will on this bone piece is twice as strong as that of Su Yu, and it takes at least half an hour for Su Yu to be right.

Bai Feng blinked, good!

It’s no wonder that Uncle valued this kid very much. In this way, this guy may not be too talented, but his resilience is terrible. Sometimes when training the power of will, talent is not the key, but toughness is the key to determining the future.

Su Yu recovered, some teeth grinned, and said: “Mr. Bai, is the ordinary person strong in will?”

“One percent!”

Bai Feng suppressed the thought in his heart and smiled: “This is the level of ordinary people, which means that they do not have this talent. You are considered to have a good talent. As for Liu Yue … it is slightly stronger than you, about 15%.”

Su Yu is a bit scornful, co-author I haven’t Liu Yueqiang.

Bai Feng smiled and didn’t continue, he actually saw it, Liu Yue saw some fragments of the original exercises!

So she is stronger than Su Yu, but in fact, Su Yu can soon catch up.

Aside, Liu Yue didn’t say anything, but Su Yu’s expression was a little strange.

She had seen the original, so she knew how painful the first collision was, and she was not used to it without experience.

For the first time, she cried for half an hour and recovered after sleeping for most of the day.

And Su Yu … is this guy a beast?

No, is this guy unresponsive?

Is he painless?

After she watched it for the first time, she didn’t want to watch it for the second time. She was afraid and afraid.

But Su Yu … At this time, he actually took the bone fragments again, and the longing on his face seemed to want to watch it again!

Bai Feng couldn’t help laughing, before he actually didn’t care too much about these two people, but at the moment, he took care of Su Yu and said with a smile: “Send you! Do not watch it twice at most, don’t bear it. You can really see the text above, and you have reached 20%, one step closer to nourishment. “

“This is just one of the bone fragments. The whole book has 3 pages. After reading it, and after reading it together, you can reach 40%.”

“When you can see the Wanshi exercises, you’re at the stage of nurturing.”

Bai Feng gave the bone pieces to Su Yu, which was valuable, but it was nothing to him.

Su Yu doesn’t know the value, Liu Yue knows it, and is a little envious at the moment.

Even if it is her, the family is wealthy in Nanyuan, but a piece of bone was originally purchased at Xia’s firm.

The two came together, obviously she was stronger, but Bai Feng still gave it to Su Yu.

From this we can see that Bai Feng is more interested in Su Yu.

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