Tribe of All Nations (Tribulation of Myriad Clans)

Chapter 25 - Kaiyuan fivefold

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On the way, Su Yu’s head was a little faint.

Watching the essays of the will, capturing the divine essays, and observing the original power of the thousand realms … all consume willpower.

Especially to capture the scriptures, Su Yu actually meditation for a long time, it was almost dark when he left the school.

But today’s harvest is really too big!

Bai Feng opened another day for him, letting him see how high the sky outside Nanyuan, how big the world is, how wonderful the world is.

Divine scripture, willpower, the original power of the Ten Thousand Races, self-cultivation, Lingyun, Shanhai …

Too many too many nouns are flooded in Su Yu’s mind.

It turns out that the real world of cultivation is like this, and the original school of civilization is like this.

What a thousand and ten thousand stones, the realm that was unattainable in the past, look again today, but so!

One word, one world, Shenwen Town.

Civilization masters can also be so powerful that the heavens tremble.

“It turns out that I am very weak, and my willpower is only 10% full.”

He always felt that he was still talented, and he was somewhat proud.

Teacher Liu Wenyan has always wanted him to take the entrance exam to the Institute of Civilization, giving him the illusion that I will not go to the Institute of Civilization, which is the loss of the Institute of Civilization.

But looking back today, it’s ridiculous.

“The genius in Dazhou House should be top-notch, so it took three months to vacate the triple. Bai Feng probably shocked my mind, but even so, there is definitely no shortage of students in the nurturing stage on the side of Daxia House.”

Nutrition, fullness of 50%.

Su Yu’s fullness is only one-fifth of the other’s, and the gap is very large. To know that he has been chased and killed in these years of dreams, Su Yu actually felt that his willpower will not be weak.

While walking, he sensed the word “blood” in his mind.

It erupted a bit from before, and now the text looks a bit bleak.

Obviously, the previous eruption consumed a lot of divine power.

“Shenwen needs willpower to cultivate …”

Su Yu thought of Bai Feng’s reminder, felt it slowly, and slowly tried to cultivate the word with his heart.

Back home, it was very quiet.

Su Yu sat there for a while before he felt hungry. He didn’t eat at noon. He went to the academy in the morning and meditated for a while. It was dark in the afternoon, and it was dark when he came back.

I didn’t want to cook, so I made some noodles and swallowed them like a jujube.

After eating noodles, Su Yu quickly got into his room.

“” Kaiyuan Jue “, Qianyuan Bone Original, Yuanqi Liquid.”

This is today’s harvest, and the harvest is great.

Willpower is hugely consumed today, and Su Yu is not prepared to continue to practice, but the “Kaiyuan Juice” written by Bai Feng, as well as that drop of vitality liquid, can be used for physical cultivation.

“After reading” Kaiyuan Juice “written by Bai Feng, I feel that even if I don’t rely on the blood to open the album, I can quickly practice Kaiyuan’s fivefold!”

The Na Yuan tactics started by Jingxue are not suitable for human cultivation.

“What would be the result if I opened the album with essence blood, actively absorbed the vitality, and then used the vitality liquid?”

Su Yu thought of this, when he opened Na Yuan Jue, he could take the initiative to absorb the vitality.

Nanyuan’s vitality is actually not sufficient. What if he puts himself in a place full of vitality?

Is cultivation faster?

He still has two drops of essential winged blood. After finishing training yesterday, he feels that he is about to open five yuan.

“Cultivate to Kaiyuan Wuzhong first, and then I will practice with Yuanqi Liquid!”

With a decision in his heart, Su Yu did not procrastinate, and quickly swallowed a drop of Essence of Iron Wing Bird’s blood, which opened the Na Yuan Jue.

This time, Su Yu opened the Yuan Yuan Jue, actively absorbing Yuan Qi to refining the acupuncture points, Su Yu had a very different feeling.

In my mind, that piece of “Kaiyuan Jue” showed that Bai Feng was transformed into a villain in memory, and every move of practicing “Kaiyuan Jue” was deeply memorized, making Su Yu’s understanding of Kaiyuan Realm much deeper.

“Na Yuan Jue is too rough, not as fine as” Kai Yuan Jue “, perhaps because of the physical difference between the demon and human races.”

Su Yu used to let Na Yuanjue run by himself. Today he thought about it, but he took the initiative to pull the vitality. Before he did not dare to worry about causing physical damage, but now there are not too many scruples.

The vitality began to favor the refining of the right ear Qiao point, Su Yu’s right ear began to roar.


There were sounds that only he could hear, and the vitality oscillated in his right ear hole, and the fifth hole was about to open.

At this time, the word “blood” in his mind also twitched slightly. Su Yu soon discovered the anomaly, and the “blood” younger brother was also pulling his vitality.

“Huh? Shenwen still needs vitality to refine?”

Su Yu froze for a moment. He thought that it would only need to be tempered by willpower. Unexpectedly, Shenwen also needed energy tempering.

I didn’t care about the word “blood” to steal vitality. Anyway, Su Yu’s demand for vitality at this stage is not too high.

After about 20 minutes, Su Yu’s right ear roared like thunder.


A loud noise came from his ears, and no outsiders could hear it. Su Yu’s body shook slightly, but he was very happy!

“The fifth trick is opened!”

Kaiyuan fivefold!

He Kaiyuan is fivefold!

From his father to the battlefields of the heavens, to today, just 10 days.

In 10 days, he went from Kaiyuan triple to Kaiyuan fifth, which was too fast.

Su Yuxin is pleased that Kaiyuan Wuzhong is not worth mentioning to others, but it is considered to be the top class in Nanyuan College. Bai Feng and these people are very well-known, and Kaiyuan Jiuchong ’s middle school students have seen it. Bai Feng.

If the news of Su Yu ’s five-fold news spreads, at least the Nanyuan Middle School will cause a little sensation here.

Hearing was strengthened again, and Su Yu as a whole felt different.

Before the left ear opened, it made him a little uncomfortable, and his hearing was stronger and weaker. There was a sense of error in many cases. Now this feeling disappears.

“that’s nice!”

“Kaiyuan is fivefold!”

The joy that Su Yu couldn’t help, he was still useless.

Today is April 19th. The assessment of higher education institutions is generally on June 25th. The results will be provided at the end of June. The quota will be determined at the beginning of July.

This is the next process.

But now there are still two months to go before the assessment. The School of Civilization does not care how much Kaiyuan is, but Su Yu cares about it.

Less than a thousand yuan, Kaiyuan hardly has much combat power.

Su Yu, who had killed the tens of thousands of people, has a very high pursuit of combat power. He did n’t want to die in the hands of those tens of thousands of people. lesson.

Even if there is essence and blood to open the martial arts, it is after all a temporarily borrowed power, and Su Yu hopes he can have such power.

Breaking through to Kaiyuan Wuzhong, Su Yu did not rest.

He started his previous study plan again, practicing, reading, and sleeping.

This time he reads books, instead of reading ordinary books, but the “Kaiyuan Juice” sent by Bai Feng.

As for Qianjun’s original bone fragments, that Su Yu didn’t watch it. It wasn’t that the thing was stronger than Kaiyuan Jue, but Kaiyuan Jue was more suitable for Su Yu’s state at the moment.

Reading books, familiar with the entire Kaiyuan realm, will fight.

Reading at this time is really difficult.

Su Yu realized the feeling of Chen Hao and these guys reading books, and they wanted to leave their books and go to bed after reading a line.

The confrontation of willpower is a feeling with Xue Zhu holding most of the literature.

Seeing that it was close to 12 o’clock in the evening, after a simple wash, Su Yu began to fall asleep, ready to wait for the dream, he now eager for the arrival of the dream, because this is also a confrontation of will.

“If one day, my willpower is so strong that I can kill the monster in the dream, maybe … there will be a different harvest!”

The ancestral atlas opened, relying on essence blood.

Su Yu thinks many times, if he didn’t think about the essence of blood, how to open the album and end the dream?

Fight back!

He has some speculations, if he kills the monsters in his dream, will there be different results and different gains?

This night’s dream is a little special.

It was totally unexpected before Su Yu arrived!

This night, there was a monster chasing and killing Su Yu in the dream, and Su Yu was quickly killed, but he found that in the dream, he could actually sketch the prose!

Yes, the gods!

The word “blood” appeared in the dream!

Su Yu outlined the word “blood”, and there was an unreal iron winged bird in his dream. Su Yu wondered why the iron winged bird culled, of course, may be related to his own subconscious mind.

But no matter what, he actually mastered the use of divine writing in his dream. This is a completely different beginning.

The next day, Su Yu woke up and fell into contemplation.

He is thinking about the question, is the prosperity in the dream, is it real or fiction?

Was it the “blood” word in his head that ran into the dream, or the “blood” word that came with the dream.

Speaking of talking, but Su Yu still wants to understand, because it is very important.

Because if the real word “blood” ran in, it means that his dream is not just a dream, but a special space, perhaps a space that can be used in common with the gods. The function was not discovered by him.

After sensing the word “blood” in his mind, Su Yu found that the dim font of yesterday started to glow a little again today.

I do n’t know if it ’s because of a night ’s sleep or because of a night spent in a dream.

Su Yu quickly got up and washed, Su Yu did not study any more.

Today he is going to the college.

Although Bai Feng said yesterday, he actually has nothing to teach today, and he can’t chew too much, but Su Yu is still planning to go to the academy.

Nanyuan Middle School.

In front of the school.

Su Yu came in a hurry and did not wait for Chen Hao.

At the door, there were more people today.

It was still early, and most of the students did not come.

Bai Feng was dressed in a white robe, with outstanding style, standing among a few people, smiling, standing like a flock of birds, which was particularly eye-catching.

Beside him, the old man is there, the captain of the city guard, the host of Jifeng Hall, and Liu Wenyan is also there.

Bai Feng was chatting with several people, and when he saw Su Yu hurriedly, he couldn’t help smiling.

“Don’t you say you won’t be in class today? How come?”

Su Yu gasped slightly and greeted several teachers before saying; “Come and send Teacher Bai, thank you Teacher Bai for your guidance yesterday.”

Bai Feng is leaving today. Although he didn’t say it, Su Yu heard it yesterday.

After the Nanyuan matter, Bai Feng will not stay here for a long time.

Yesterday, he should have taught everything he taught, and now they ca n’t learn from Su Yu, and Bai Feng ’s stay is of little significance.

Bai Feng laughed aloud and left him alone.

Turning his head to look at Liu Wenyan, he said again: “Master, you have realized your will, the door of the Academy of Civilization is always open for you! If your flesh hasn’t cast its foundation, if you don’t want to take the blood of Flying Tiger, then I will send you back. “

Liu Wenyan frowned slightly, “No, I’m getting older, there is no need to consume precious essence blood, I just use some ordinary essence blood to quench the body, Feitianhu’s essence blood …”

Liu Wenyan Yu Guang glanced at Su Yu without saying it, and said lowly: “Leave it to those who need it in the future.”

Bai Feng smiled, he understood Liu Wenyan’s meaning.

Since Su Yu wants to enter the Academy of Civilization, although he doesn’t know how many years it will take to realize his will, he also needed a powerful cast of blood at that time.

Flying Tiger’s blood is very strong.

The blood of the top 50 strong races!

Even if the school has these powerful blood, how many people can be in the school?

Can everyone get it?


Su Yu’s family is average, and his father is a monk in a thousand-year-old realm. Where can he get his powerful blood?

Only by the school, by the teacher.

Even if Bai Feng accepts him as a student, that doesn’t mean that Bai Feng will prepare for him.

The flying blood of the Flying Tiger is from Teacher Bai Feng and from Brother Liu Wenyan. Now it is going to be given to Liu Wenyan. Liu Wenyan doesn’t need it, but he forwards it to Su Yu. Bai Feng’s teacher probably won’t refuse.

Liu Wenyan didn’t mention it, Bai Feng knew that he didn’t mention it.

The casting body is not in a hurry, there are some things to wait for Su Yu to enter the academy.

“That’s according to Master’s heart.” Bai Feng said, looking at Su Yu again, said lightly: “Su Yu, destiny and future, are all changed by themselves!”

“Nanyuan is small, but it may not be able to get out of the strong!”

“The background, family background, talent, and other things, it is cheaper at the beginning, the road is still long, the mountain is high and the road is far, who can come to the end, who can laugh at the heavens, who can compete with all the races, then go and see!”

“I am waiting for you at the Civilization Institute, Nanyuan is too small, the outside world is more exciting!”


Bai Feng laughed heartily, and stepped out. The person was tens of meters away, and in the blink of an eye, disappeared in front of everyone.

Chic and unruly!

On the side, a few Nanyuan strongmen looked with admiration.

Bai Feng, the genius of the School of Civilization, may soon be able to set foot in Lingyun. Such a natural arrogance, even in Daxiafu, is rare.

Zhang Yun, the captain of the City Guard, sighed a few words, looked sideways at Su Yu, and smiled: “This is the son of Su Long?”

The old governor laughed: “It’s him.”

“Tiger father has no dogs! Researcher Bai’s words before leaving, I heard high expectations for you.” Zhang Yun looked at Su Yu and smiled: “Work hard, Nan Yuan is small, but small places do not mean walking Go strong! “

“I know your father’s affairs, don’t worry too much. Although there are many enemies in the human race on the battlefields of the heavens, they can still be pointed by the blade, and the direction is invincible!”

“Soldiers on Nanyuan’s side, there will be news from time to time. After a few days, the news on the battlefield will come back. If there is news from your father, I will let someone send you a copy.”

Zhang Yun said nothing, Su Yu hurriedly thanked, and thanked: “Thank you Master Zhang!”

“You’re welcome.”

Zhang Yun smiled happily, “It’s a family, by the way. Your father is an honest person and he doesn’t want to go to the camp, so even if he goes to the battlefields of the heavens, he always stays at the traffic police office and refuses to leave.

“A few years ago, I invited your father to come to the City Guards as a centurion. Your father was unwilling. Otherwise, if you came to the City Guards, he would probably break through to Wan Shi. With his bravery, the City Guards The post of lieutenant general is probably his. “

“It’s a pity, but your father’s choice is right, I admire him!”

Zhang Yun spoke straight, said, and said righteously: “You have a good teacher, and Liu is the guardian of Nanyuan’s civilization! You have a good governor, Wang Fuchang is not strong, but for the past 40 years, The Nanyuan Academy worked hard. “

“Nan Yuan is small, but Nan Yuan is simple enough! I have seen many Nan Yuan geniuses. They went to Da Xia Mansion and even other big mansion, but in the end … lost in the middle!”

“I hope you can be different, because you are the descendants of the soldiers! Your father is not strong, but he deserves you to learn, keep your original intention, do n’t forget who you are, do n’t overestimate yourself, but do n’t belittle yourself, do it seriously. Good yourself! “

Zhang Yun laughed and said: “My Nanyuan people are not afraid of being weak, they are afraid of counseling! Don’t counsel, speak with strength and bravery when you go out, you really can’t mix up, I feel that there is no way out, come back, the city guards give You stay here! “

Su Yu thanked him again, Liu Wenyan didn’t have a good air, said: “Less ridiculous! Out of Nanyuan, can’t be mixed up and come back … Can’t afford to lose this person! Also, it is our business to teach students, it’s your turn To fill the chicken soup? “


Zhang Yun spoke up, then laughed aloud, and said no more, and left quickly.

Aside, the host of Jifengtang also laughed and greeted several people and left quickly.

Su Yu looked at the exchange of several people and couldn’t help laughing.

As Zhang Yun said, Nanyuan is small, but Nanyuan has a good atmosphere.

The teachers here are not indifferent, the generals here are not fierce, the governor here … really weak.

The old man’s beard has been lifted for a long time, Zhang Yun just despised him.

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