Tribe of All Nations (Tribulation of Myriad Clans)

Chapter 36 - When the storm is violent

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Just as Liu Wenyan and Su Yu were discussing, there were also people arguing about the mansion of the city master.

Very few people in the empty hall.

Xia Longwu sat straight, looking straight down.

Below, an old man on the left, a character like a military division in Daxiafu, smiles at the moment, listening silently without saying a word.

An old man on the right, gentle and easy-going, also smiling, with silver hair, did not speak at the moment.

In addition to these two, a strong middle-aged man in the hall, with muscular appearance, stood up at the moment alone, his voice was loud, and he scolded: “Ten Thousand Saints, don’t preach your set anymore! This is Da Xia Mansion, not Seeking for a place! “

The strong man’s anger was the silver-haired old man on the right.

Ten Thousand Saints, the sixth generation governor of Daxia Civilization Institute!

Wan Tiansheng’s smile is easy-going, even if the strong man is angry, it is calm, and the voice is not loud, but it is clear, and slowly said: “Zheng Ping, speak well, don’t be so loud, my ears are not deaf and can be heard.”

Wan Tiansheng said, still smiling, as if it was just a chat in the neighborhood, and said softly: “Long Wuwei should be withdrawn, and the fight should also be fought. Fighting the Tianyi Protoss, the three thousand guards lost nearly a thousand, and suffered heavy losses. . “

“When it’s time to shine your fist, it will be bright, the old man has no opinion.”

“But now, are you really going to destroy the Tianyi Protoss?”

Wan Tiansheng looked at Xia Longwu and whispered: “The Lord of the House should be able to understand that it can’t be done. The Tianyi Protoss is only a million guards, not all of the main force.”

“Continue to pursue, it may create greater results, but it needs to be filled with more lives.”

“Three thousand dragons and martial arts guards, the master is going to smash them all in?”

Wan Tiansheng said, shook his head and said, “It’s not necessary, it’s too reckless! Fight, it’s already fighting. At this moment, it should be talked! Go talk to the Tianyi Protoss and let the remnant army of the Tianyi Protoss evacuate at a certain cost. … “

He said this, the strong man said angrily: “They have surrounded them, and they are now close to the Jedi. This ten thousand people can clearly kill them all. You want to let them go.

“Did the Tianyi God Race buy you off?”

Wan Tiansheng was not angry and smiled: “Zheng Ping, personal attacks are unnecessary. I did not deny that I can win each other. The key is … Is it worth it? Three thousand dragons and guards cost a lot of money to build the Daxia House Yes, all of them are now smashed in for a million people? “

“There are people from your war colleges and people from our civilized colleges, all of whom are elite, just thrown in to fight a miscellaneous army?”

Wan Tiansheng lightly sighed: “Some people don’t like to use their brains, they just like to kill and kill. This kind of people … should be thrown on the battlefield as a big soldier, don’t let him command.”

The strong man said coldly: “I have been killed from the big soldiers for thirty years in the army!”


Wan Tiansheng smiled and whispered: “So you don’t have to be your thug, what do you have to do with the big plan?”

The strong man said angrily: “I know you look down on me and don’t need you to look at it! But as long as the remaining two thousand dragon guards of the Daxia Mansion are enlisted, you can destroy them all without much cost!”

The strong man refused to say: “The loss of nearly a thousand people forced them into desperation, Wan Tiansheng. At this time, you let Da Xia Fu withdraw your troops. Have you thought about Long Wuwei?”

“Is the frontline soldier willing?”

“I am a soldier, and I understand them! They are not reconciled, they succumbed, they lost a third of their robe, occupying the absolute upper hand, at this moment the enemy is pushed into desperation, now give up … No one can be reconciled! “

The strong man red eyes, “We have paid so much to win this war …”

“So I need to make it up!”

Wan Tiansheng whispered: “War is not a poor soldier, Xu Ping, Zheng Ping, after all these years, why don’t you understand? Sometimes winning or losing does not depend on how many people you killed and how much gain you have.”

“I don’t like Da Xia Fu’s fighting style. I will kill it all, I won’t stay in the grass!”

“No good, very bad!”

“You like this will only inspire the enemy’s heart of resistance, and will only let them fight hard and break the boat!”

“When it’s time to close, immediately close, let them use resources, martial arts, martial arts, blood, and treasures to change their lives.”

“The next time, we will fight again, and if we lose half of it, they will lose 30% and they will think of surrender and spend money on their lives.”

“Disrupt their fighting spirit, not inspire their fighting spirit.”

Wan Tiansheng sighed: “Da Xia Fu has fought so many battles over the years, that is, each time the enemy is slashed the most, but each time it is also the biggest loss and the smallest harvest!”

“The fighting spirit of the enemy has been inspired by you. The peoples of the battlefields of the heavens know that if they meet the people of Dazhou House, they can spend money to buy their lives if they can’t win. If they meet Daxia House … then they will fight in the end!”

“Zhou Potian did a good job at this, even Daming Mansion did better than us.”

“I’m a strong man in Daxiafu, killing the enemy invincible on the battlefield, but … what about the loss? What about the compassion?”

Wan Tiansheng shook his head and sighed: “Zheng Ping, I think the house owner should send you to the house library to see if the house library … is empty!”

Zheng Ping’s body shook slightly and looked at Xia Longwu.

Xia Longwu, who has been silent for a long time, sees Zheng Ping at this moment and calmly says: “Fuku is not enough, but anyway, the foundation of Daxiafu is up!”

Wan Tiansheng lightly laughed: “The Lord of the House means … continue to fight?”

Xia Longwu looked at him and said indifferently: “Wan Tiansheng, some things you said are right. The Da Xia House is at war, with the biggest losses and the smallest gains. I know these things better than you, but in the past years, I have listened to what you said. , But it is never taken seriously, but why? “

Wan Tiansheng was not surprised and slowly said: “Understand that the master of the house needs to train out the strongest human race! Let the human race have a vanguard that can fight fierce battles!”

“You understand it!”

Xia Longwu stood up and said in a cold voice: “In the past, Da Zhoufu was the strongest! Da Zhoujun swept the battlefields of the heavens and was desperate! At that time, they were like this, they won, and the enemy can spend money to buy lives.”

“One year, two years … ten years and one hundred years!”

“When one of them fought in the skies, they clearly pushed the enemy into desperation. They felt they could close the net, they could harvest, but … they were wrong! That elite **** clan corps was fighting to death!”

“With the strength of 10,000 people, the 100,000 Army of Dazhou was defeated! Dazhou Army has forgotten the battle of the dead, and has forgotten to fight the death! The 100,000 Army … actually collapsed!”

Xia Longwu chuckled and said, “This is the Battle of the Falling Zhouhai recorded by the human race! Fiasco!”

“Hundreds of thousands of elite troops were defeated by a remnant army! Unbelievable, the thousands of tribes in the heavens were shocked, and the tribes suddenly discovered that … the most elite troop of the human race was actually a paper tiger!”

Xia Longwu’s face was cold, “The Great Zhoujun, known as the invincible, broke the myth like this! Because they are used to it, fighting … why do so many people die?”

Xia Longwu looked at Wan Tiansheng and said in a deep voice: “The lesson of the car is right in front of you, Wan Tiansheng, do you still think it is unnecessary to fight tough battles?”

“it’s not true.”

Ten Thousand Saints shook his head, and then said: “But Da Xia Mansion really can’t hold it up! The master, Zhang Chi is right, don’t deny Da Zhoujun all because of a defeat, Da Zhoujun can rise quickly again, just because of the past They had a huge harvest in 2014, so they can quickly build an elite team! “

“And our Daxia Mansion … If we lose Long Wuwei, we want to build another Dragon Wuwei, it’s hard, it’s too hard!”

Xia Longwu looked at him and looked down at him.

Wan Tiansheng did not evade, looked directly at Xia Longwu, and said again: “Retreat, negotiate, use resources to buy life!”

“My Xia Longwu is the soul of Daxia Mansion, I can’t retreat!”

“Then also have to retreat!”

Previously, the elegant Wantian Saint was aggressive and sharp-eyed. “Don’t retreat, Daxia Civilization Institute will never provide Longwuwei with a soldier and a soldier, and no longer will a civilization division enter the Longwuwei to fight!”

“Are you threatening me?”

Xia Longwu’s tone was low, Wan Tiansheng stood up, and his face was serious.


Zheng Ping said angrily: “Wan Tiansheng, are you going to betray the Daxia Mansion?”

“No, I’m saving Da Xia Mansion. I’m willing to fight for the human race, not to fight for the only husband!”

Suddenly, Wan Tiansheng lowered his crown from the head and said in a deep voice: “Wan Tiansheng resigned from the post of governor of Daxia civilization!”

Xia Longwu stared at him for a long time, but he didn’t say anything for a long time.

At this moment, the old man on the left smiled and said: “Mr. Wan, don’t tease Zheng Man.”

Zheng Ping frowned and looked at them, a little unhappy, what do you mean?

The old man said with a chuckle: “Retreat, I still have to retreat. The Da Xia House has been fighting for decades, and it has been too bitter to fight, and the losses have been too great.

“Now that you guessed it, why do you lose face …”

Wan Tiansheng pretended to be confused, “What do you mean?”

The old man smiled and shook his head: “You, it’s still the same as it was then. Let me tell you, if you are noisy, can’t you calm down?”

“The Lord of the House wants to retreat … but he can’t retreat. He is a banner of the human race and the soul of Daxia House. He retreated, what do the front-line soldiers think?”

“He is not shameless Zhu Tiandao …”

There was laughter suddenly in the hall where the sword was drawn.

Even the unsmiling Xia Longwu sat down at the moment and coughed a little: “Nonsense! Don’t talk nonsense, Zhu Fuzhu … Cough, you still have to face when you want to face.”

Everyone laughed, and the old man laughed too, “Yes, the old man said the wrong thing. Don’t talk about that one, just continue the topic. Retiring is a must. Long Wuwei cannot exchange thousands of people for the Tianyi Protoss. Million people guard. “

“Can’t it be in the name of the governor.”

“The Lord of the House killed several strong Tianyi gods, and they need to retreat immediately.”

“Together two people came today to celebrate the ceremony for a few days … The master of the house closed, Xiahouye temporarily took the post of master of the house. At that time … Wan Tiansheng, you come here again today.”

The old man smiled and said, “Let Xiahouye retreat! The housekeeper retreats, no matter what, nothing to do with him.”

“Even if the frontline soldiers are dissatisfied, then it doesn’t matter, Xiahouye will not care about these.”

“Xiahou Ye is a businessman, let him go to Tianyi Protoss to talk about compensation, loss, and cost. At that time, Tianyi Protoss would not doubt it, and it would not let the ten thousand tribes see the weakness of Daxiafu.”

At this moment, Zheng Ping understood and could not help but scolded: “Old man, is this appropriate? Xiahouye … Every time you have a black pot, you throw him on the head, and now there are so many infamy outside …”

“So I don’t care about one more infamy.”

The old man smiled and said: “Zheng Fuchang and Wan Fuchang are actually right. The Daxiafu Fuku is almost empty. We really can’t fight this way anymore. We can’t build the second Dragon Wuwei, this group of strong soldiers After the fight is over, the elite Xiafu is finished! “

“The Tianyi Protoss is nothing more than directly destroying their Protoss. Why don’t you stare at a group of ten thousand guards. The master of the house is closed, Xiahouye takes office, and his old man loves money and not his name.

“He chose to withdraw his troops, let the Tianyi Protoss compensate, and fill the mansion of the Daxia Mansion, who can have an opinion?”

The old man smiled brilliantly, “Tianyi Protoss may also be happy. Fortunately, Xiahouye took office. It is not the head of the house who continues to hold the Dragon and Wuwei, otherwise this Ten Thousand Guardians will really be over.”

“The House Lord is not famous for bowing his head. At this time, if the House Lord withdraws from the army, it makes people feel unbelievable. It feels that Daxia House … is really going to be over.”

Zheng Ping stopped talking, and only a moment later said: “Is it so serious?”

“Really, the Fuku is almost empty.”

The old man sighed: “Otherwise, after so many years of fighting, how would you choose to compromise at this time. The Tianyi Protoss dare to enter the Daxia Mansion, according to the previous attitude, without hitting them, they will never stop!”

“But now, it’s really time to raise troops and build up.”

The old man said earnestly: “The master of the house chose to retreat at this time, and he has some thoughts in this respect. He can’t fight anymore, not only the Dragon Guard, but also the town of the demon army has issued many veteran conscription orders, the losses are too great, including The demon army will stop for a while. “

“Da Xia Fu seems to be powerful, but in fact it is already out of touch. It has made a name for itself in these years. It is necessary to choose to recuperate and recuperate at this moment!”

“When will Da Xiafu restore his vitality, and when will the master go out again!”

“At that time, it was also the time for the Lord of the House to be invincible!”

Aside, Xia Longwu said indifferently: “I wanted to kill the battlefields of the heavens recently, slaughter him a king, and help me to get here! But … For the sake of perfection, to regenerate my strength, this battle was postponed for a few years, I believe Daxiafu can restore vitality! “

“The wise master!”

Wan Tian Sheng Feng said: “The Lord of the House made this choice, and Da Xia Mansion is expected!”

Xia Longwu didn’t eat this set and said lightly: “Aren’t you going to resign? It’s better to do so, you will resign at the ceremony in a few days! Since Zhou Potian is willing to ask you, then you will go.”

“The master laughed!”

Wan Tiansheng’s face does not change color, “Just just practiced it once, just in case of the ceremony, Xia Houye saw the clues and others saw the truth. Zhou Potian, the old traitor, is disdainful!”

“Ha ha!”

Xia Longwu snorted with laughter, “This … conveys Zhou Potian!”

He said to the old man on the left.

The old man laughed, looked at Zheng Ping, and said with a smile: “President Zheng, this word will be passed on to you by Lord Zhou, and if you say Wan, it will be conveyed completely!”

Zheng Ping’s face was dark and silent.

Xia Longwu ignored them and got up and said, “This matter is so decided! Long Wuwei evacuated quickly, and the Tianyi Protoss would have to pay the price, and I … retreat, on the day of the customs, take the Tianyi Protoss!”

The following people should be, no one has any comments.

Wan Tiansheng smiled, and before leaving, glanced at Zheng Ping and sighed: “Cool husband, inadequacy!”

Zheng Ping’s face was dark, “Old man, this year the exchanges between the governments will wait for you to cry!”

Wan Tiansheng didn’t take it seriously, but instead laughed happily, “I’m waiting, beating, beating fiercely! The people of your war college in previous years have too soft hands and too light fists, and they didn’t seem to eat.”

“If you go again this year, I will provide you with ten thousand catties of blood food for free, eat enough, and use more strength, and run away half of the students. I will send you a pennant. There are too many people in the Civilization Institute. What do you want so many people to do? ? “

Wan Tiansheng shook his head and said: “A group of mediocrity, I have long wanted to streamline the organization. If it was not for the group of old guys, I would recruit up to a thousand people every year! Lao Zheng, I will trouble you this time, work hard, and run away Thousands of people, I personally lead the teachers and students of the academy to send a banner to you! “

Zheng Ping’s face became more and more ugly, this old man, he had never won a fight with him!

Wan Tiansheng smiled slowly and walked out of the hall slowly, feeling with emotion: “Da Xia War Academy … It’s down! Hey! Longwu Academy is a bit worth looking at, but unfortunately you have Da Xia War Academy, really, Thousands of people did not run away this year, I look down on you! “

As the words fall, the Ten Thousand Saints have disappeared before their eyes.

Zheng Pingping left, and suddenly said powerlessly, “This old man is getting harder and harder! House Master, is Daxia House really going to turn into a defender?”

Beside him, Xia Longwu, who had just left, did not know when he would appear again.

Seeing Wan Tiansheng leave, Xia Longwu was silent for a moment, and said softly: “It’s not to defend, but to wait! Wait for the vitality to recover! Wan Tiansheng waited for so many years, when Daxiafu was powerless, so … he won. “

Zheng Ping sighed again: “I’m a little scared.”

“What are you afraid of?”

“I’m afraid … I lose my fighting spirit, I lose confidence, I lose my morale.”

Zheng Ping looked sideways at Xia Longwu, his eyes complicated: “I’m afraid that after the retreat, Da Xiafu … The hearts of the people will change with this retreat!”

“Sooner or later it will come.”

Xia Longwu said indifferently: “You can’t fight for a lifetime. Once the veterans are retired, you have to return to the battle again! It is necessary to recuperate and recuperate. It is necessary to cultivate now.

“Lao Zheng, the war college has also suffered heavy losses in these years, and it is time to rest.”

After Xia Longwu said this, he didn’t speak anymore, and there was some bleakness.

He has been strong all his life, and by this time, he can no longer be strong.

He said that he looked down on Zhu Tiandao and Zhou Potian, but actually … some admiration, some envy.

“At least … their sons who died in battle are less than my Daxia House …”

With a murmur in his heart, Xia Longwu showed a bit of bitterness in his eyes. He wanted to continue the battle, but reality did not allow him to continue.

Poor soldiers!

At this moment, Da Xia Mansion is like cooking oil with fire, which looks like flowers, but in fact it has already been in crisis.

“Wan Tiansheng … After so many years of fighting, I want to see, what can you change?”

Xia Longwu whispered in his heart, he also wanted to see what step Wan Tiansheng could do.

“The School of Civilization … the next frontier, I hope there will be no trouble, teacher … can you really control it?”

Xia Longwu chuckled, teacher, yes, that was his enlightenment mentor.

But for so many years, he almost forgot.

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