Tribe of All Nations (Tribulation of Myriad Clans)

Chapter 788 - Upper bound! (For subscription)

On the Mandate of Heaven, Su Yu didn’t worry too much.

If no fate is effective, will fate choose to go against itself?

Destiny is a wise man. From the current point of view, the ten thousand races do not actually have much advantage. The key is that the ten thousand races lack a top-level existence that can truly lead the entire ten thousand races!

Just like the human race, without the words of a human leader, it is not united.

And the ten thousand races need to be the leader of the ten thousand races, which is more difficult than the owner.

Unless there is now a real ruler!

Moreover, Su Yu’s strength here is not weak, if his destiny head is okay, he should know how to choose.

Su Yu didn’t say any more about the fate. Soon, he looked at the Eight Winged Tiger again and said with a smile: “So, Brother Tiger means that as long as the one in the gate of **** can come out smoothly, Brother Tiger is willing to cooperate with me? “

What the Eight Wing Tiger needs is chaotic will, and it is not that simple to fight the ruler.

If multiple parties cooperate, the probability of success will increase.

The Eight Winged Tiger nodded, then whispered: “But…the ruler doesn’t need you to take action, I and Chaos Dragon will do. As long as you can solve the other people in the prison king’s line, then cooperation will naturally be no problem!”

Even knowing that it is difficult to deal with the ruler, but the Eight Winged Tiger and Chaos Dragon do not expect others to take action with them.

Otherwise, trouble will easily occur.

Once these people kill the ruler and change their minds temporarily, worrying about their promotion and blocking them, it will be a big problem.

So, he and Chaos Dragon? Are planning to take those ancient beasts and besieged that one together. .

At this moment, Destiny couldn’t help but say: “Then…the hundred warriors in the lower realm? Will there be some interference?”

“do not worry!”

Su Yu smiled and said: “I will come to the Upper Realm in the near future? After the Upper Realm? I will join forces with the Ten Thousand Clan to seal the lower bound channel. I think? Ten Thousand Clan would like to see this scene? Isn’t it?”

Fate is shocked, seal the passage?

Okay, can Su Yu walk in chaos? It seems that there is no problem.

Su Yu calculated it? If the Eight Winged Tiger is willing to cooperate? In fact, a lot of trouble can be avoided? But? Can you get people into your own world? That’s more sure!

I’m afraid I’m afraid that I’ve been dismantled.

However, even if it is dismantled, it doesn’t seem to have much impact. The big deal is that no one will come? No one will come? This is nothing to lose.

Thinking of this? Su Yu smiled and said: “Brother Tiger? I may have some other plans in the near future, such as bringing people to my place, so that I can solve them more easily! This matter? You may need Brother Tiger to cooperate for some time. !”

The Eight Winged Tiger thought for a while, understood Su Yu’s meaning in an instant, and quickly said: “This…it’s not impossible, but Su Huang, I still want to make it clear in advance, even if we cooperate…the ruler, Let us solve it too!”

“of course!”

Su Yu smiled, “I wish that, a ruler, now I don’t know the depth, I still wish you to deal with it! By the way, I will not go to the Chaos Dragon side. After all, I did it when the tail broke. I’m worried that the guy sees me looking for trouble! Brother Tiger will take care of this matter, after all, you have some connections.”

The Eight Winged Tiger nodded.

After thinking about it, looking at Su Yu, he suddenly asked a very profound question: “What is Su Huang’s ultimate goal?”

Final goal?

Do you just fight in such a mess?

of course not!

Su Yu gave a chuckle, picked up his tea cup, sipped his tea, and said calmly: “In this era, ten thousand ways converge, all dynasties converge, and all ages converge! There are countless strong people, and heaven-openers are rare. Purpose I said that my purpose is, the disappearance that should disappear, the death that should die, the emergence that should appear…there is one thing, do you believe it?”

The Eight Winged Tiger fell into deep thought and nodded after a moment: “Heaven Opener, it’s normal to have such ambitions! It’s just…”

“It’s just that my strength is too low!”

Su Yu smiled and said: “So, just think about it! At present, I have one purpose. Before the return of the Emperor of Humanity and the Lord of the Rules of the Ten Thousand Clan, I will quell the chaos of the Ten Thousand Realms and meet the next in the best and strongest state. Turbulence! There were more than 100 rulers who left, how many people are alive now? There were still some ancient hous who went along with them. Almost all the top ancient hous have gone, and 1080 ancient hous have gone two-thirds. With so many people, how many have been promoted?”

There were a total of 1080 people in the ancient hous, at least 600 people were taken away, and the rest remained in the Ten Thousand Realms, and those who were left in those days were actually the weak.

The truly powerful, those who reached the realm of the king of heaven, and even the second-class, were almost taken away!

Of these people, how many have been promoted to the ruler?

On the Human Sovereign side, there are obviously no promotion restrictions.

At the time of the return, how many rulers were there?

There is no way to know this.

Therefore, if the Ten Thousand Realms were still in their current state before they returned, then the powerhouses today would become cannon fodder, because you are not even the ruler of the rules and cannot be on the stage.

The emperor sneered at Xingyue’s words, based on this, over there, it is the war of the ruler!

Ten Thousand Realms, even the seal has not been broken now, in fact, people like the Emperor have given up hope.

Procrastination is just to wait, maybe you can wait for King Wen to come back!

And Su Yu, what he has to do is to calm the world before they return, and even take the initiative to lead people to attack!

The eight-winged tiger’s eyes changed.

Destiny is also slightly moved in my heart.

Su Yu’s talk of calming down the world is probably not a joke.

And Su Yu continued to smile and said, “Now, it’s all appetizers! Next, it is the era of the ruler! If you can’t keep up with the times, then you will be eliminated! So Brother Tiger, you want to be promoted to the ruler… If you don’t fight against me later, I won’t care if you are promoted or not!”

“You belong to the era of chaos. Now, chaos has not conflicted with us!”

“On the side of the Necrosphere, the Necromancer is also a strong master of the rules, can we kill him? Still sure, over there, he is alone, we are all talented, but… why bother?”

Su Yu smiled and said: “The Emperor Wu is sealed, I can kill him at this moment, but is it necessary?”

“It’s not necessary for the time being!”

“This era has just begun!”

“No, the opening ceremony is not over!”

Yes, their battle with the ten thousand clan is just the opening ceremony!

Su Yu had a smile on his face and was very brilliant, “So, this era is destined to be very interesting, and I, unwilling to be unknown in this era of ten thousand battles, first kill some powerful jumpers, and practice!”

The two looked at him, and for a long time, the Eight Winged Tiger nodded: “I think I should understand what Su Huang means! Before the gate of **** opens, I think I will not have too much conflict with Su Huang!”

“That’s the best!”

Su Yu laughed, got up, and stood up: “If there are too many words, I won’t say anything! Whether the two betray me or cooperate with me sincerely, I think the only difference is that my subordinates How many people have died, as for myself… now, I am afraid it is difficult to be killed!”

He stood up and said with a smile: “Blue sky, leave a avatar here, and communicate with Brother Hu, and communicate with each other, so it is convenient to do things.”

Lan Tian left a clone, quickly turned into a stone, and fell on the wall, smiling: “If there is something wrong with the tiger, you can greet me at any time!”

The eight-winged tiger bounced and nodded, “Okay!”

Su Yu was about to leave in the air, and Destiny couldn’t help saying: “Your Majesty… Then I…”

“After three days, go find Wuming by yourself! Outside of Chaos Mountain, I will arrange someone to pick you up!”


Tianming nodded and watched Su Yu and Lantian leave.

When they left, Destiny glanced at the blue sky clone at the foot of the wall, and said with emotion, “The frog at the bottom of the well. It turns out that Your Majesty has already jumped out of the current world.”

Su Yu now thinks about what happened after the emperor and the others came back. It was a matter of convergence.

And many powerhouses are still purely thinking about who is the boss of the world.

The Eight Winged Tiger didn’t say anything, and watched Su Yu and the others leave, looked at the destiny, smiled and said, “The Venerable can go back and report to the Ten Thousand Clan. Cooperation is OK, but it can’t be now! Specifically, how did the Venerable say, I won’t teach it! Don’t talk about the main things in the rules, otherwise, the ten thousand races will definitely block… then it’s not in our interest!”

Now that there are rules that mainly appear, but now that a big war breaks out, the prison king has no chance to get it out, and the ten thousand races are likely to do it in advance now.

This conflicts with the interests of the Eight Wing Tigers!

Destiny nodded slightly. In these days, an individual has his own calculations, and he is indeed a little old.

The life clan, I am afraid it can’t be neutral.

Wuming chose Su Yu, which was probably a decision made after careful consideration.

“See Wuming, let’s talk about it!”

Tianming Hou thought in his heart, now that all parties are calculating and planning, on the surface, the ten thousand races are the strongest, in fact, it may not be true.

At this moment, Su Yu had already left Chaos Mountain.

No running around.

Chaos is dangerous, running around, once lost is troublesome.

He has to go back to the Necro Realm, and disguise the whole world with the route he has now discovered, and move it here, and he can also summon his troops to help in the fight in time.

It must be fast!

The news from the Eight Winged Tiger gave Su Yu a sense of urgency.

The gate of **** can actually output the ruler. Although it feels difficult, this is a sign, representing the gate of hell, which can allow some powerful people to enter and exit.

The relationship between the Prison King’s line and the ancient chaotic beasts is very complicated. The chaotic ancient beasts that are out now, strictly speaking, are not integrated with the internal ones, and the Prison King’s line, and the ancient beasts inside, may have some deal .

Otherwise, how could the ancient beast send out a ruler of the prison king’s line?

“The gate of **** is about to open, and I don’t know where the heavenly gate is. The composition of the gate of **** is simpler. They are all ancient beasts. What about the gate that day?”

“Tianmen, sealed the Kaitian Era, there are too many powerful people in the Kaitian Era!”

“The lord of time, the lord of the dead, and even human ancestors may be among them… Then who are the kings fighting against?”

Every thought flickered.

The situation in the heavenly gate is probably more complicated than the **** gate.

“Who can seal the Kaitian Era? In this era, the Lord of Time opened it up. Doesn’t it mean to close the Lord of Time?”

“And the Sealed Era… Is it to seal all the powerhouses of this era, or how?”

“How can it be considered that an era has been sealed?”

“Where did the door come from?”


These countless doubts, no one can solve Su Yu’s doubts.

This also makes Su Yu even more urgent!

time is limited.

He didn’t want to be a small trash fish when the ten thousand ways converged. After struggling for so long, he finally got a foundation in the ten thousand realms and became the top existence of the ten thousand realms. As a result, at this moment, he became the bottom. That is not the result he wants!

“It must be accelerated!”

“Behind Baizhan may be the human ancestor, behind the ten thousand clan is the lord of hundreds of rules, behind the prison king line is the ancient chaos, and I… do I count on the human emperor?”

Su Yu smiled bitterly!

Yes, in fact, all major factions today have their backers.

And he didn’t.

Who can he count on?

Count on the emperor?

He and Renhuang really met, and I don’t know what happened.

Therefore, the ten thousand races are not too rushed, it is a big deal, if they fail to beat, they will be pulled down, and they will survive until the strong of ten thousand return!

The Prison King is not in a hurry, wait, wait for the gate of **** to open.

Hundreds of battles may not be so urgent, no, maybe you can wait until the ancestor returns!

Good guy, count it down, only Su Yu, who are you waiting for?

Waiting for the emperor?


It doesn’t matter much, besides, the Emperor is still at a disadvantage at this moment!

This is an important reason why Su Yu had to jump out and continue to stir the situation!

He has already seen all this!

Everyone has a reason to wait, but he alone does not!

He Lantian continued to transform into ancient beasts and returned to the outside of Chaos Mountain, letting the Nan King and the others continue to stare, Su Yu was about to move the world.

Two days later.

Su Yu moved the world and encountered some ancient beasts along the way. Su Yu was rude and killed all he encountered!


Outside the Chaos Mountain, in the endless void, a somewhat broken continent stood in the void.

No longer will the ten thousand ways be revealed, but the chaotic aura flows!

Su Yu no longer combed through the power of ten thousand ways in the world, but let the chaotic aura impact.

At this moment, this broken continent is full of strong people.

Su Yu had almost tuned all the powerhouses who could be tuned, except for a few who stayed in the Celestial Abyss Realm, and Su Yu didn’t care much about the Necro Realm.

The earth cracks!

Revealing the road map below, Su Yu didn’t talk nonsense, and said directly: “Everyone is hiding in the road map to cover up your whereabouts! Tea trees, you can plant on this road map, Nan Wang, you have a breath, disguise the breath of tea trees. Shock the ancient beasts, don’t let the ancient beasts come easily!”

“Pretend the tea tree a little bit, it’s different from before!”

Everyone nodded, and Saint Wantian said solemnly: “Your Majesty himself should be the most careful. Going to the upper realm may not be safe!”

“I know!”

Su Yu smiled and said: “It’s okay, this time, I brought a lot of strong people!”

Su Yu looked at a person in the crowd and raised his eyebrows slightly, “General Xuelan will go with me, I and the giant axe will go to the world, General Xuelan, everyone knows that we will go with March, and it will not be good to disappear!”

In the crowd, Xuelan’s face was cold, she frowned slightly after hearing the words, and quickly and calmly said: “Okay!”

“The other people, these days, practice hard!”

Su Yu said solemnly: “I have released the authority of the people’s main seal to Chief Wan and Lan Lan. If someone wants to understand the origin of the avenue, they can apply for it. However, there is also a seal of Jian Tianhou. He let it out!”

Saint Wan Tian nodded: “Don’t worry!”

Su Yu no longer said that this time, besides the giant axe, he brought one under the king of heaven, Tongtian!

Tongtianhou must be brought.

This guy can send them anywhere at any time.

Ten Thousand Worlds.

The three-day deadline mentioned by Su Yu is coming soon.

The three major realms of the seal are also turbulent at this moment, and there is a tendency to unblock them.

Su Yu’s request is that everyone meets in the endless void.

At this moment, the powerhouses of the three major realms are thinking, should they break the seal?

In fact, the determination has already been made.

It’s just that at this moment, there is still some hesitation.

In this hesitation, in silence, suddenly, a loud noise came out!

Above the fairy world, a layer of cover seemed to be broken!

In the next moment, a group of figures burst out of the sky, Tiangu wearing a crown on his head, with a strong aura, behind him, there are many strong people like King Fu, and more than one person is in harmony.

a lot of!

Hanxiang, Jade King, Wind King, Thunder King…

At this moment, behind Tian Gu, 8 Hedao people appeared!

This is the situation after he let go of the avenue and no longer restricts other people from being promoted. Except for King Talisman, within a short period of time, the immortal clan gave birth to 7 powerful men of the Dao Realm!

In addition to these hedao, there are more than ten top eternal people.

Counting the ancients, there are more than 20 strong people who have stepped out of the fairy world this time.

These top-level eternity, failed to unite in the lower realm, and went to the upper realm, the upper realm is not suppressed, and there is great hope of being promoted to the united road.

At the same time, the Demon Realm was shattered.

A group of people appeared!

Demon halberd and demon leap appeared one after another, behind him, followed by a strong person with a profound background.

Even including a young strong man who vaguely entered the Hedao realm, Modona, who has been hunting the sky for many years, has actually reached the Hedao realm at this moment.

At this moment, everyone looked at the God Realm.

The God Realm Void was also broken.

Jiwu walked out, behind him, followed by 5 powerful fellows, but at this moment, everyone looked at the gods.

Inside the God Realm, an ancient existence, with an extremely powerful aura, gradually emerged.

That is an old woman.

His hair is silver.

At this moment, his aura is turbulent, strong for a while, and weak for a while, pulling his great power away from the realm of God, the old woman just took a step out of the realm of God, the power of great power felt a little turbulent.

The powerful men of March, Giant Axe, and Thunderstorm quickly arrived near the God Realm, but none of these people were very vigilant.

The old woman at the entrance of the God Realm didn’t say anything, smiled at a few people, and nodded slightly.

Several people in March also nodded slightly.

This one is really old.

The Emperor’s Taoist!

Back then, the Emperor and the others were taken away by the Emperor and the others. The other powerful Taoists would either die in battle or die of old age, but this one has lived to this day and has been protecting the Protoss.

“The first emperor…”

Ji Wu is a little worried, “You are out of bounds… I’m afraid it will be difficult to suppress…”

“No problem!”

The old woman smiled, and stepped forward. At this moment, there seemed to be thunder in the air.

At this moment, **** tokens appeared in the void, dispelling Thunder.

The next moment, a portal appeared.

Su Yu, Feiqiu, Tongtian, and Xuelan appeared.

Su Yu dispelled Thunder, looked at the old woman, smiled and said, “So that’s it!”

The old woman also looked at Su Yu and chuckled softly: “Emperor Yu laughed!”

Su Yu smiled and said: “The imperial concubine made me admire me! With this background, if there is no emperor’s seal, the imperial concubine would have been promoted to the ruler!”

Having said that, Su Yu was slightly confused, and quickly smiled: “It’s not quite right…Is the imperial concubine the ruler long ago?”

When this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

Su Yu smiled and said: “Why do I feel… The imperial concubine seems to have been promoted to the ruler a long time ago, but in order to avoid the rules, she changed one and cut her own way. The other one has come to an end and is restricted by the rules. , Failed to become the master of the rules?”

Su Yu smiled and said: “Whether Emperor Wu, or the emperor of the Necromancers, these people are actually unable to get out, or they can only be temporarily sealed, and they cannot act at will! The imperial concubine can still act freely. !”

Su Yu said with emotion: “Could it be that in order to protect the Protoss, the imperial concubine did not choose to seal herself, but chose to break the road directly, rebuild one, and repaired to the heavenly state? Unfortunately, she was a little older and broke the rule of law. Is there a shortage of longevity?”

At this moment, the old woman took a deep look at Su Yu.

The other powerful players also arrived at this time, with some suspicion.

Jing Wu condensed his eyebrows slightly, looked at Su Yu, Su Yu smiled and said, “What? The first emperor should have fallen from the rule of the rule, and now the lifespan is exhausted. After all, the **** emperor is not young, the first emperor. Older than everyone… Actually, it’s simple. If you want to recover, kill Tiangu, and practice life pill, maybe you can continue your life for one or two!”

In the distance, Tian Gu looked calm and didn’t say anything.

Su Yu smiled again: “Of course, there is another way to quickly break the seal and let the imperial concubine advance to the ruler, otherwise, the imperial concubine may not survive March!”

Aside, San Yue twisted her body.

This is a lot of meaning.

Will it not survive me, or will it not survive for three months?

The first imperial concubine looked at Su Yu and said with a chuckle: “The emperor Yu has a sharp eye and sees through the old… In the past, he has indeed been promoted to the ruler realm, but… the ten thousand realms do not allow the ruler to exist. It was the Thunder Rule Punishment… At that time, the rules were much stronger than they are now, and the ruler will fall! In desperation, I can only rebirth after breaking the road…”

Su Yu smiled and said, “Why not self-proclaimed?”

The first imperial concubine smiled and said: “Seal? Why bother! People like Emperor Wu have been sealed, and they may not be old-fashioned and comfortable, are they?”

Su Yu nodded and smiled: “The imperial concubine is so courageous. I think it’s right for the imperial concubine to participate in the war all these years! I’m not self-proclaimed, probably because I want to participate in the war at any time, the patron saint? Enemy, but some of them are worthy of admiration for the asylum race!”

The former imperial concubine can completely self-proclaim himself, no longer go out of the mountain, wait for the seal of the world to break, or survive in a limited place.

But she didn’t!

She chose to rebuild the broken track!

It’s a personal thing!

Su Yu looked around and laughed, “Yes! The strengths of all parties have actually improved a lot. Sure enough, there is no motivation without pressure. It seems that if you don’t have me, you can’t be right! Thank me. Heavenly Ancient Capital has become the King of Heaven, and Jiwu is fast too. Although the Devil Halberd is a little worse, there are opportunities…”

Su Yu laughed loudly: “Look, in the past few months, have you cultivated faster than in the past 100,000 years?”

Su Yu laughed!

The three-way powerhouse has a complicated mood.

It’s coming soon!

Indeed, as Su Yu said, there is too much pressure, this is one aspect.

The second point is that the practice has actually been faster recently, because it feels that some of the seals of the Ten Thousand Realms are about to be broken now, and the perception of the Great Dao is easier.

Or, some strong men are coming back.

The power of their avenues has also become more and more boiling.

For example, the immortal emperor is coming back soon, causing the entire immortal clan’s immortal emperor avenue to be jumping for joy. In fact, the powerhouse who cultivates this avenue has a feeling that the power of the avenue is much more active than before, and it is not so dead!

Su Yu laughed, glanced, and said with a smile: “Fortunately, the three clans together, there are less than a hundred people! It seems that you don’t want to drag your family to the upper bound!”

Tian Gu calmly said: “Going to the upper realm may not be safe. Why take too many people!”


Su Yu smiled and nodded. At this moment, he looked sideways at the Human Realm area. At this moment, above the Human Realm, there seemed to be a terrifying existence floating in the sky, silently looking at this side.

At this moment, in fact, other people have some feelings.

Hundreds of battles!

The other side is looking here in silence.

Su Yu smiled, didn’t look much, quickly turned back, looked at everyone, and smiled lightly: “Then get on the road!”


The surroundings were quiet for a while, this abrupt sentence on the road made everyone flustered!

Su Yu glanced at the thunderstorm again, playing with the taste: “Venerable Thunderstorm does not bring some giant upper bounds?”

Thunderstorm smiled and said, “No, the lower realm is quite safe.”

“Forget it!”

Su Yu laughed and walked towards the endless void.

On the side of the Protoss, the old woman walked out of the God Realm, and few people followed worriedly. Fortunately, after the thunder was dispelled, the old woman did not appear again, otherwise, the old woman might not be able to come out.

Her strength has reached a limit, but, looking at the turbulent state of her avenue, once she shoots, maybe the enemy is not dead, she herself killed herself first.

The old woman looked at Su Yu silently.

But my heart is solemn.

What kind of strength is this young man?

At this moment, even she couldn’t see through.

Everyone followed silently, and the whole team was quiet.

This was the first time I was with Su Yu. We didn’t fight or conflict, but went to the upper realm together. Is this a cooperation?

Maybe count it!

After a while.

The fire passer has arrived.

When everyone looked at the passage presented by Su Yu waved, they were all slightly surprised. Didn’t Su Yu hide it?

After going to the upper bound, isn’t this passage exposed?

The thunderstorm also frowned slightly. In fact, he felt something wrong when he saw Su Yu bringing people here. At this moment, he couldn’t say much, but he felt a little heavy in his heart. Su Yu had actively exposed the channel!

Tiangu these people are actually more worried.

The passage is exposed, the passage of the life clan is actually not that important!

Su Yu, this is not going to kill people, right?

“Great Axe, March, enter first, explore the way, and quell all crises!”

Su Yu laughed, and the two powerhouses looked at each other, and quickly stepped up into the air. Just as the thunderstorm was about to go up, Su Yu said calmly: “Venerable Thunderstorm, don’t need to go, protect all races to prevent crises and cause all races. There are heavy casualties, you are not good at explaining to the ten thousand people!”

The thunderstorm had to stop, he glanced at Su Yu, hesitated in his heart, Su Yu…what strength?

Didn’t it say that the avenue was broken last time?

It feels like the main road is broken, and there is no main road fluctuation, but it doesn’t look like it.

Waiting for the giant axe and San Yue to enter for a while, Su Yu stepped into the air and said lightly: “Follow me, run around by yourself, don’t blame me if you die!”

At this moment, the first emperor whispered softly: “Emperor Yu really wants to go to the realm with us?”

Su Yu smiled and said: “Of course, wherever I fell, I must get up wherever I fell! This time the upper realm, I will never stop if I don’t kill those guys! Don’t worry, you have to stay behind and kill first. The fellow of the prison king, I will find you again…Of course, you can come to me, I don’t mind!”

Everyone was silent.

Rampant Su Yu, as always!

A group of people stepped into the channel, the channel was shaking!

at the same time.

Upper Bound.

Above Renshan, a group of people were still discussing things, and suddenly, in the distance, in the Soul Burying Mountain area, fluctuations continued.

After a while.

A group of powerful men arrived quickly. After a while, two powerful auras boiled directly without any cover. All of a sudden, March and the giant axe rushed out of the channel.

March laughed loudly and said: “Follow the mission, everyone from Tiangu will bring it here! In the passage!”

And the giant axe said coldly: “Your Majesty has an order, if the Ten Thousand Clan is willing to raise 99 members’ orders, I would like to seal this passage!”


The people of Yuetianzun arrived quickly, and their faces were solemn. What do you mean?

His Majesty?

Which majesty?

Yuetianzun hesitated: “The Majesty in the mouth of the Great Axe is…”

“Your Majesty Yuhuang!”

The Great Axe shouted: “Your Majesty will also go to the upper realm this time, and I am willing to join forces with the Ten Thousand Races to conquer the Prison King! To avoid chaos after a hundred battles, I wish to seal the tunnel of the Soul Mountain!”

As soon as he said this, Huang Tianzun was slightly startled, and he quickly said in a low voice: “Then why not directly enter the lower realm and kill Hundred Battles?”

At this moment, another breath broke out.

Su Yu stepped out with a strong aura. Next to the fat ball, his aura soared. Su Yu smiled lightly: “Well, I’m the same human race, killing a hundred battles, isn’t it dirty my name? If you want to block it, block it, if you don’t want to. …Then let it go, if you think it is better to kill a hundred battles in the lower realm…you can also try it, but…”

Su Yu squinted his eyes and said with a smile: “Hundred battles, the strength may not be weak! Fighting with a hundred battles may not be good, the hundred battles themselves are also extremely strong…Anyway, I will not cooperate with you to kill a hundred battles, Prison King Here, this time I am in the upper realm, I am willing to lead people to cooperate with you!”


At this moment, a giant dragon came through the air, with anger, “You are the Su Yu? What are you, the strong of my clan, you have killed so many…”

“Too much nonsense!”

Su Yu sneered coldly, “Take him!”

The Great Axe, March, and Fat Ball quickly exploded with an extremely powerful aura, and in the blink of an eye, they slew towards the Dragon Clan Heavenly Sovereign!

Yuetianzun was shocked!

The three great heavenly powers!

No, that fat ball breath is extremely powerful, a boot suspended, it is even more powerful.

At this moment, Yuetianzun just wanted to intervene, Su Yu said lightly: “Why does the Protoss intervene?”

When the words fell, Yuetianzun was shocked, Su Yu had already appeared beside him, and suppressed him with a palm. Yuetianzun was shocked, and beside him, Daotianzun also quickly shot!


The two sides played against each other, Yue Tianzun and Dao Tianzun took a step backwards, Su Yu also took a few steps back, and at this moment, the fat ball swallowed, a boot hit the other side, with a bang, the dragon flew out, and there was an extra shoe print on his body!

Su Yu smiled and said: “Lu revealing his arm muscles, so that you don’t think that I am taking advantage of you when I came up! Counting me, four Heavenly Sovereigns, is it enough for cooperation?”


In horror, Yue Tianzun looked towards March. The bamboo on March 1 repelled Ming Tianzun, and the giant axe split Feng Tianzun with one axe. At this moment, San Yue smiled and said: “Your majesty’s order is obeyed!”

Everyone is shocked!

In March, I just voted for Su Yu!

Moreover, Su Yu’s strength has actually improved again, and he has improved rapidly!

At this moment, Su Yu didn’t change his face, and said lightly: “Will you cooperate? If you like, now use the token to seal the lower realm. In this way, you will feel more at ease, so that you will not give us a backstab!”

Everyone look at me, I look at you.

At this moment, when someone came from behind, the first emperor coughed: “Seal!”

Yue Tianzun was shocked, and hurriedly looked at the first imperial concubine, and quickly said: “Emperor concubine…”


Yuetianzun changed his color slightly, and said quickly, “Okay, my family promised…”

Over there, Tian Gu also flew over, looked at the Dao Tianzun and Huang Tianzun on the side of the immortal clan, nodded slightly, and said flatly: “Seal it! One side of a hundred battles, the strength is unknown, first seal the lower realm!”

Dao Tianzun condensed his eyebrows slightly, Tian Gu looked at them, and the two Tianzun looked at each other for a long while before nodding.

Tian Gu glanced at the two of them, and didn’t say much, and walked away in the distance, “Lord Fu, lead the way!”


King Fu quickly led them away.

Dao Tianzun and Huang Tianzun looked at each other, they were a little dignified, the heavens are here… it may not be a good thing!

But not coming up…in the lower realm, it is not a good thing.

In the upper realm, there are also a large number of strong people who support Tiangu. After all, Tiangu is the only king of the immortal clan, and it has been so far.

In the distance, on the side of the immortal clan, the heavenly kings of the immortal warlord have already arrived. At this moment, they are all overjoyed, and the immortal warlord shouted: “Welcome to my emperor!”

There are dozens of them, come to pick you up!

Most of these co-Taoes are the strong true Dao, and the false Dao is almost invisible.

This is the foundation of Tiangu in the upper realm!

At this moment, Huang Tianzun and Dao Tianzun both sighed in their hearts, a little helpless.

These people picked up but didn’t say hello to them.

Obviously, even if they are Tianzun, but the immortal clan, since ancient times, the emperor, only Tiangu!


Several Tianzun spoke one after another. At this moment, more than 30 tokens floated out.

Su Yu counted and added his own 60, only 97.

never mind!

A few less, the problem is not big.

In the next moment, he directly controlled the tokens, gathered a large number of rules and powerful forces, and directly sealed the entire Soul Burial Mountain passage!

Su Yu laughed, and the passage disappeared in an instant!

at the same time.


The violent roar sounded, and the faces of a group of people in the battlefield changed slightly.

Soon, a group of people quickly broke through the air.

After a while, when they reached the endless void, the passage, faintly, completely disappeared, and the roar shook the entire endless void!

“Damn it!”

Everyone is angry.

Long eyebrows angrily said: “They sealed the passage? Damn, Su Yu really colluded with the ten thousand clan! He actually sealed the passage!”

Damn it!

As a result, they wanted to go to the upper bound, and the difficulty increased sharply.

Do you want to go to the fate?

That’s too dangerous!

Bai Zhan was silent, looking at the sky, Su Yu’s appearance was also beyond his expectation.

He actually sealed the passage!

Does he feel that he does not need his own help?

He thinks, can he calm the upper bound?

According to Baizhan’s idea, even if Su Yu went to the upper realm, at a critical moment, he might come to his side for help, but the result was not. He directly broke the back road, Su Yu… closed the lower realm!

He is more, but is defending himself!

At this moment, the upper bound.

Su Yu withdrew his token, and the other tokens flew out. Su Yu smiled and said, “If you want to open the lower realm, please pacify the Prison King’s line first! Everyone, see you later!”

Su Yu laughed, and took a few people away.

The voice of March came: “I also hope that people of our clan can be sent back to Zhushan!”

Several Tianzuns were silent.

Su Yu’s side actually has 4 Heavenly Lords.

At this moment, the thunderstorm just wanted to follow Su Yu, and Su Yu’s voice came through: “Thunderstorm, you stay, just stay in Renshan, if you have information, please inform me at any time! Kill the prison king, thunderstorm is the pioneer, ten thousand Although the clan will give the troublesome bones to Thunderstorm to eat!”


be quiet.

The thunderstorm was quiet for a while, his face changed, fucking!

This guy is really nothing!

At this moment, other people looked at the thunderstorm, Su Yu’s meaning…Thunderstorm, he didn’t bother to care about it, he was indeed not in the same camp with Baizhan, so he wouldn’t care about the people of Baizhan!

Does that mean?

This human race is also constantly struggling within.

In this way, thunderstorms can be difficult.

Those who don’t listen to the tens of thousands, don’t listen to Su Yu, Hundred Battles are in the lower realm, this…In this way, the thunderstorm is in the upper realm, and that means that my father doesn’t care for my grandma or love!

At this time, everyone silently watched Su Yu leave.

Impulsive, such as Long Tianzun, wanted to make a move, but the opponent was powerful and defeated him in an instant, letting him know that he was unable to make a move.

The battle really broke out, the opponent’s four Tianzun-level existence, and Fat Ball and Su Yu are very strong.

This really fights, even if you win, you will have to lose heavily.

All of a sudden, he was shocked by Su Yu’s side!

As for the people like Demon Halberd, seeing this scene, they all sighed in their hearts, Su Yu is so arrogant everywhere, but he still has arrogant capital!

Even if he comes to the upper realm, this guy is as arrogant as ever!

At this moment, everyone from the lower realm is in a mixed mood.

Sure enough, in the lower realm, Su Yu is the boss, here, he is still!

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