Tribe of All Nations (Tribulation of Myriad Clans)

Chapter 832 - Past body (subscription required)

When he was 6 years old, there was a man, a strong man, following his father.

Do not look directly!

Incomparable existence!

Su Yu set up a large formation, sealed off everything, grabbed a few other people, and slowly drifted towards his home, with his back facing the drifting away, he didn’t look straight, so as not to be discovered and interrupt his memory.

Su Yu is fairly familiar with these.

In my memory, as long as I don’t look closely, and don’t check it carefully, it is difficult for the other party to find myself after 16 years.

Floating into his own home, Su Yu turned his back to his childhood, his father, and the phantom. At this moment, in the whole house, there are Su Yu and his group, the phantom, and Su Long.

Su Long was chatting with Xiao Su Yu, they seemed to be in a good mood, and he kept smiling and said, “I’m rich!”

“Dad, did you pick up money?”


Su Long smiled happily: “I got rich anyway! Son, show it to you, but don’t show it to others…Look, this is a book your father and I picked up! Golden book!”

“Do you know what a golden book is? I dare to use a golden book. I left it in the past. It was used by a big man… I just set it aside now, even if I sell gold, I also make a fortune. I value it very much. Find a chance to sell it… Then Make a lot of money!”

“But you have to be careful, lest anyone gets rid of the money, then it will be troublesome. Anyway, the baby is right!”

“I just can’t open it. I don’t know if it was made into a book or I can’t open it… This thing, maybe it is the treasure of Taoism…”


Su Longxu was talking about it, and it seemed that he was really in a good mood. Su Yu judged at the moment that his father might have found it by accident.

However, Su Yu felt even more that the Light Book was extremely powerful at that time, but Su Long didn’t feel it at all. Maybe… it was sealed by this phantom, blocking the breath of Time Book.

The Time Book is not without energy!

It has energy, but after being sealed, it was picked up by ordinary people.

“Why is my father?”

Su Yu wondered, what kind of existence is this phantom?

Why was the treasure picked up by my father?

There is nothing special about my father. Is this aimed at my father or is it aimed at me?

But even if it targeted me, there was nothing special about me at that time, right?

One by one doubts appeared in Su Yu’s mind.

The Book of Time, was it passed down by the Time Master, or was it forcibly given to me by this phantom, or something else?

The existence of this thing allowed Su Yu to accumulate enough initial capital. Otherwise, he would not be able to reach this level today. .

The phantom also didn’t speak from beginning to end.

And Su Long, soon, cooked a meal for his son.

Su Yu didn’t look, but could hear the sound, this scene naturally appeared in his mind, and also the scene behind his father, following the phantom.

In this case, after eating, Su Long spoke again: “Ayu, stay at home, don’t run around, I will go out to find a way out, come back and change you a big house, before leaving to help you beat me up Wu Asan’s father…remember, don’t run around!”

“Oh, got it.”

“Also, I will put the golden book at home first. Don’t take it out to show off. If you are snatched away, there will be no big house! If someone comes, just say that Dad is not at home, don’t open the door to others…”


“Hey, that dad will go out to find the old relationship and see if he can get in touch with Master Xiahou, this fat man is rich…We don’t know what’s the use of this book, the fat man took a fancy to it and lied to him and said yes He also believes in Invincible Treasure! People are stupid and have a lot of money, and the Xia family generally doesn’t do black and black things. We will get rich…”

Su Long continued to talk, Su Yu smiled.

My dad was very courageous back then. Are you planning to use this thing to trade with Xiahouye?

This is also a success, and there is nothing to do with me.

Soon, Su Long left.

But Su Yu’s face changed slightly.

Su Long is gone, Void… but he didn’t leave!

This thing came not from Su Long, but from the book of time.

Time division?

King Wen?

This book of time, but the treasure, is this ghost, is it the King of Wen or the Time Master?


At this moment, the King of Great Zhou and the others were also very surprised. They had nothing to do with Su Long. Is this person coming for the time book or for Su Yu?

“The recipe will fall into the hands of a waste…”

At this moment, Su Yu suddenly heard a voice in their ears, and Nan Wang’s heart was shaken, and the movement was a little loud. Su Yu hurriedly held her down without saying anything.


The voice rose again.

And at this moment, the phantom didn’t know what it did. Suddenly, Xiao Suyu’s voice sounded: “Who are you…?”

Su Yu’s face was condensed. Did I see the phantom when I was a kid?

The phantom reveals his real body?

Before the ghost had time to speak, everyone suddenly heard a very happy voice: “Grandpa! Are you grandpa? Dad said that grandpa is so powerful that he can beat ten city lords at a time. Grandpa is back!”

Su Yu has a weird look, grandpa?

My grandfather died early, where’s the grandfather, I knew this when I was a kid!


The phantom voice came up again, with a little smile: “Little guy, you have admitted the wrong person…”

“No, grandpa, you are my grandpa!”

Xiao Suyu was overjoyed, “Grandson Su Yu, kowtow to grandpa! Grandpa, you can count back, someone bullied Ayu… Grandpa, dad just went out, I’m going to call dad home, grandpa is back!”

Bang bang bang, it seems that Xiao Su Yu really kowtow…

Su Yu’s face was strange, and at this moment, Void also had a strange feeling, and said lightly: “What a seven-orifice exquisite heart! Little guy, are you afraid that I will kill you?”

“No…no…Grandpa…How could grandpa kill grandson…Grandpa…”

“Little guy, you have to know that when you are strong enough, every move and your thoughts will be controlled by others!”

Xu Ying said with a smile: “I’m very surprised. In such a family, a small child also has a heart of seven orifices. Are you looking for your father to deal with me? Probably…no! He is too Weak!”

The King of Great Zhou also looked at Su Yu in a weird manner. You were so shrewd when you were a child. In order to survive, you knelt down and called grandpa?

Oh my God!

All of them almost thought that Grandpa Su Yu was really back!

Or simply admit the mistake!

“Woo… Grandpa… want to beat me? I’m a motherless child… Everyone bullies me, will Grandpa bully me too? Grandpa…”

The deity of Su Yu’s eyes flickered.

this is not me!

Everyone got it wrong. I never remembered this. When I was a child, I would not kowtow or call grandpa.

At 6 years old, it’s not too young, and it’s the age of elementary school.

Knocking your head and calling grandpa… I can’t do it, Su Yu!

Of course, if you think it is a bandit or something, it is… not necessarily!

However, there is indeed no such scene in the memory, and Su Yu himself can’t remember it.

At this moment, Xu Ying smiled a little, “It’s a pity… I didn’t come for you this time, otherwise, I don’t mind accepting an apprentice… But this time, I am here for this recipe… The Tianmen is closed, the time I can stay is too short!”

A short sentence made Su Yu’s heart shake again.

what’s the situation?

The Tianmen is closed, this person… is it the strong man who walked out of the Tianmen?

Therefore, he, like the Lord of the Necromancers, cannot stay for too long. The Lord of the Necromancers also projected willpower before, and he cannot stay for too long.

So this phantom… is not the deity?

It is not the deity that makes Su Yu feel the extremely powerful pressure!

Su Yu’s heart kept shaking, and there was basically a line, the Time Master had an accident, and the Time Book was thrown back by the Time Master.

Maybe it was the time master who briefly opened the Tianmen, or the phantom deity briefly opened the Tianmen and came back with the Book of Time, but he couldn’t stay for long.

As for the Time Book, it was originally intended to return to the former residence of King Wen, but it was picked up by my father… But my father picked it up. Why didn’t this person kill my father, but came back with my father?

Su Yu is very puzzled!

He was very puzzled. Xiao Su Yu seemed to have forgotten his fear. He might still kneel on the ground and curiously said, “Grandpa, didn’t you come back to see Ayu?”

“Little guy… interesting!”

Xu Ying smiled, “I’m here to find Xingyu… It’s a pity! I thought that when Wen Yu encountered a crisis, and the time book returned, he would go to Xingyu and take me to Xingyu… As a result, unexpectedly. No!”

Su Yu’s heart shook again.

Looking for the emperor!

Why are you looking for the emperor?

He decided that when the time book of the light master flew out of the sky, he would go to find the emperor, but the result was obviously not the case, the will of the time master was to go home!

Just want to go home!

“Xingyu? Xingyu is me!”

At this time, Xiao Su Yu suddenly spoke and said with joy: “Grandpa knows my name too? I am Xingyu! My name is Su Yu, but my mother’s last name is Xing, and I am also Xingyu!”


Su Yu has a black line, nonsense!

Also, did I like to lie when I was a kid?


I was an honest kid when I was young!

The people of the Great Zhou King knew that Su Yu should be fine this time, and he inherited the Book of Time. At this moment, one by one is very strange, this powerful existence, you will not be fooled by your little kid. Right?

Otherwise, this one obviously didn’t come to you in the first place, how could he give you the Time Book?

Is it… really fooled by you?

As for whether the other party is looking for the emperor to kill the emperor, or to cooperate with the emperor, or something else, it is hard to judge.

However, everyone knows the result.

Time Book, to Su Yu’s place!

And at this moment, Xu Ying smiled, “Xingyu? You are not Xingyu, little guy, Xingyu, you are a very powerful expert! But… you may be called Wenyu… Wen’s bloodline? Here? , Is it Nan Yuan…were Wen Yu and the others where they were back then? The territory of the text…but most of them have the blood inheritance of the text…the text is not weaker than me, you change your ancestors casually, your ancestors may not be happy!”

At this moment, Xuying said with a smile: “Wen, Sun, Moon, Zhou… these people are strong! But after countless years, the blood is weak, and the human race is blessed… I think this little In a small human state, the strong have a lot of blood, but unfortunately, they are all diluted!”

Void sighed with emotion.

And Su Yu, if you want to talk about accidents, they are also accidents.

It’s not accidental… Actually it’s not accidental.

In the human realm, the strong have many bloodlines, and most of them can be regarded as non-existent. For example, the descendants of human ancestors and those with the surname Zhou dare to say that they are descendants of human ancestors.

Old ancestors, maybe just such a few people.

Pushing up, they are all descendants of the strong.

But after countless generations, it can be regarded as non-existent.

On the Nanyuan side, the fief of King Wen back then, could it be said that more than that, before this, it was King Wen’s ancestor, the domain of Wen?

If this is the case, the Nanyuan people’s bloodline is normal.

Su Yu didn’t care too much about this.

People like the Great Zhou King may have ancestral blood.

At this moment, Xiao Suyu might not understand, and continued to shout sweetly: “Grandpa, is your surname Wen also?”


Void didn’t seem to be in a hurry, Su Yu didn’t know why he said he didn’t have much time and had spare time to chat with a little kid.

At this moment, the phantom smiled and said: “My name is not Wen…”

Without continuing the topic, he said again: “This recipe, I should take it away, it is not something you can endure! At a young age, my heart is transparent, but unfortunately…too young, and too weak…no Time for you to grow up…”

With some smile, he seemed to take away the time book.

At this time, Su Yu became interested.

How the **** did I keep the Time Book?

The other party meant to take away the Time Book, and Su Yu didn’t understand why he didn’t take it away from the beginning.

Su Yu is still thinking about how to react to this situation when he was a child?

And at this moment, in the distance, a thunderous shout suddenly resounded through the world: “Where is the evildoer? Bold! Come and go if you want, arrogant!”

With a loud shout, Su Yu jumped in surprise.

At this moment, a breath swept across.

King Daxia!

King Daxia found this person?

Su Yu’s heart shook slightly!

He seems to… know something!

At this moment, the phantom seemed to be surprised, “found me?”

“It’s just eternity…but there are some strong bloodlines…”

Without finishing the words, Void was surprised, “Huh? Who!”

At this moment, another breath rose up. If it was looming, the others hadn’t reacted. Suddenly, King Da Zhou’s face changed slightly, and he became a little strange.

In the next moment, a figure suddenly appeared nearby, and Su Yu penetrated the wall and looked into the distance, slightly startled.

Is that… the King of Zhou?

In the distance, King Da Zhou looked around, with some doubts, as if muttering to himself, as if he had discovered something, “The long river is turbulent…The avenue is shaking, what happened?”

Suddenly, from the side of Su Yu of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it seemed that he had found a ghost, or… found that Su Yu was looking at him here!

Suddenly, he cast his gaze on Su Yu’s side and said softly: “I feel…”

With a murmur, he actually walked towards Su Yu.

And the phantom is also a little strange, with some weird colors: “I found…the human state, there are actually strong guards…”

Xu Ying looked at Xiao Su Yu suddenly, and suddenly sighed: “Weird little guy, luck… is not so good! Strange, is your luck, is it really Wen’s succession? It seems to be coming from the air… strange, Too strange!”

At this moment, he probed and grasped, Su Yu’s deity trembled slightly, and a torrent of weather appeared.

And the phantom didn’t seem to have discovered anything, and said strangely: “It’s so rich and unbelievable…Is the Fuze of Wen still there?”

Now, it’s Su Yu’s turn to be weird!

What the hell?

This guy is really powerful!

So strong, I am here, the other party actually feels the power of his own deity’s luck in the air!


But… this was not my luck when I was a kid!

However, when I was a child, I was also me.

It is not wrong to say that it is my luck.

Su Yu was thinking, and the phantom suddenly sighed with emotion: “Finally, this recipe is also weird. I don’t want to go with me… I only want to follow your father. Maybe it’s really for you, or for your father… Is the power of your bloodline? I wanted to find a chance to leave… Unexpectedly, you might be stronger than your father’s bloodline…”

While the phantom was talking, the King of Zhou came quickly.

At the next moment, Su Yu felt a wave of fluctuations, as if the phantom had obtained the Time Book, and suddenly pressed into Xiao Su Yu’s body!

“Fate, sometimes, I have to believe… The person outside is powerful, and sooner or later he can find the recipe… Rather than giving it to him, it’s better to give it to you… Look at his breath, I’m afraid it has something to do with that Xingyu… It’s a pity No, the recipe can’t be given to him. It’s already formed, with mediocre aptitude, survives by docking, and has no desire to fight. Give it to him, it’s better to give it to you, unknown, more worth looking forward to than known…”

Xu Ying sighed, “Little guy, remember, if you really can rise, remember to come to the gate of heaven to find me…”

After the words fell, a powerful breath broke out on him, and soon, Xiao Su Yu also broke out a strong breath!

That is the power of Time Book!

At this moment, the Great Zhou King seemed to have sensed something in the periphery. He just came to investigate and suddenly snorted: “Tune the tiger away from the mountain? Zhou Ji’s breath…you dare to come to my human realm?”

In an instant, the King of Zhou disappeared!

Everyone in Su Yu looked weird.

What is the situation?

Zhou Ji?

And Su Yu’s side, the Great Zhou King is also very strange, what’s the situation?

Seeing Su Yu’s opinion, he quickly transmitted his voice and said: “This…I have a bit of impression. It seemed that the road was shaking at this moment. I thought something went wrong, so I came to investigate and found nothing unusual, but Daxia At the mansion, Zhou Ji’s breath suddenly appeared, I thought it was a plan to adjust the tiger away from the mountain…”

“Do you know Zhou Ji? You already knew it?”

Su Yu asked, Da Zhou Wang was dull, nonsense, I don’t know, how can I tell you that Bai Zhan has a son?

At this moment, he continued: “Maybe Zhou Ji felt something at that time. The aura was escaping. He pretended to be Wan Mingze, and maybe he also noticed an abnormality… So, after I felt the aura, I left quickly… I thought, just a few steps away, I almost met with your Majesty!”

And Su Yu didn’t say anything.

At the moment, he is still weird.

Is this phantom good or bad?

It feels strange!

He seems to be looking for the Human Emperor, but why does the Time Book bring him to the Human Emperor?

Does he have anything to do with King Wen and Time Master?

Too many doubts hit Su Yu.

Su Yu didn’t worry too much when he was a kid… it was just a scene in the memory. He should have been fused with the Book of Time, but this fusion of the Book of Time, it seems that there are also many changes.

After a while, the Great King of Xia made a sound, and then the King of Great Zhou appeared. Su Yu didn’t know it. When he was a child, he almost met the King of Great Zhou, and the two sides were separated by tens of meters.

King Great Zhou, didn’t you sense the existence of this phantom?


If it is not sensed, why does it appear here again?

He was thinking, and behind, Xu Ying suddenly cursed: “Fortunately, he didn’t leave the recipe with him, but he escaped with some aura… Shameless guy, he didn’t see it. Wrong person!”

Su Yu was taken aback!

What do you mean?

Looking at the deity of the Great Zhou King, the Great Zhou King’s face was strange and he didn’t say a word.

Su Yu looked at him, Da Zhou Wang was extremely embarrassed, and the sound transmission said: “Um…I honestly felt a little bit, but suddenly there was a breath that broke out and it was very strong. I was worried that something would happen to me, so I ran away first…”

Su Yu shocked!

Do you… feel it?

The King of Zhou became more embarrassed, and the sound transmission said: “Your Majesty should know my situation. I can’t fight to death here. The other party is too strong. I have to leave. I am worried that your Majesty will have an accident. I really think it is to adjust the tiger from the mountain. Someone wants to deal with it. Emperor!”

Su Yu looked speechless!

Therefore, what the phantom said was true. At that time, King Dazhou felt the existence of the phantom, and the phantom knew that it was discovered by the King, so he chose to integrate the Book of Time into Su Yu’s body. ?

Co-authored, or the King of Zhou helped me integrate into the Book of Time, does that mean?

The point is that this grandson sensed the strong breath, and he actually ran away!

It’s gone!

Still making excuses, what Zhou Ji’s breath broke out, it’s all nonsense!

Really not a person!

There is a strong person in the human environment, shouldn’t you come to investigate it?

The King of Zhou, embarrassed, said: “I actually came back later, but I didn’t find anything, so I thought it was just a simple way to adjust the tiger away from the mountain…”

“I thought it was done by a group of people in every battle, so…”

Su Yu didn’t bother to listen to his explanation. At this moment, he felt the aura rising from behind!

The phantom cursed the Great Zhou King, and quickly said: “Little guy, you… luck is not so good! I knew that this person was so timid and shouldn’t put this thing into your body, but now it is too late to regret it. Well… I never thought that those who can fix the sun and the moon will be greedy for life and fear of death like this…”

With a sigh, Xu Ying sighed: “Now, I can’t find Xingyu anymore… That person just now… a very small person, if he has a chance, he will be killed! The seven strongest, no enemies When I saw it, I ran away… If this person was in my time, he would be a villain… to kill!”

When the words fell, Xu Ying sighed again: “As soon as he got it, the Tianmen could not be suppressed, and it was going to be completely closed. I have to go. It’s cheaper for you, little guy! It’s all, it’s destined, it’s time to go!”


A surging weather boiled, and in an instant, that breath and Su Yu’s body aura exploded at the same time.

Su Yu suddenly turned around!

This time around, I just saw my body bursting with blood when I was a child, and that phantom, power boiled, instantly reshaping my body, bursting out one after another, suppressing the power of the Book of Time, with some fatigue and helplessness.

“That guy broke my good deeds. Next time I meet him, I will definitely kill him…”

Next to Su Yu, Da Zhou Wang’s face changed slightly.

And at this moment, the phantom seemed to feel something, and suddenly startled, muttering: “Isolation of Qi Luck…Retrospect of memory? Is your deity retracing back… really risen?”

With some accidents, the next moment, the phantom shattered, with some regrets: “Also… I don’t know if you heard it, go to Xingyu… Tell him…”

With a loud bang, Su Yu saw a portal emerge!

The phantom disappeared instantly.

I haven’t finished talking!

Su Yu was startled, what the hell, if you haven’t finished speaking, you will be gone!


The important thing, can’t you say it before breaking?

Let me go to the Emperor, the point is, you mean, let me tell him what?

To your uncle!

Su Yu is also very depressed!

At this moment, he also saw himself, his breath began to fade, and his whole person fell into a coma!

Su Yu is helpless, forget it, if you don’t merge, it’s too late!

If the breath is completely decayed, it will melt into the body, and the past body will not be strong.

Just now, when the phantom breath and the time book breath merged, it was his strongest moment.

Su Yu didn’t say any more, snorted, taking advantage of the breath of both sides did not dissipate, suddenly the probe grabbed out of the endless void, separated by a world, not even in a time and space, these are just some of the original imprint left in the past.

However, during this period, many powerful men came, making the origin of this period extremely powerful.

Su Yu let out a low growl, reached out his big hand, grabbed the little Su Yu in his memory, pulled it out, and pulled out the world!

And this world is beginning to shatter!

Su Yu and his party instantly appeared in the river of memories, and the entire river of memories was also turbulent rapidly. On Su Yu’s side, behind him, a phantom of childhood appeared vaguely.

He closed his eyes, but the two breaths on his body impacted, the breath was extremely strong, and he felt much stronger than Su Yu today.

And Su Yu, ignoring the integration, turned his head to look at the Great Zhou King instantly, with some solemnity: “What is the Seven Dao Strong? Did you deliberately ignore it back then, or did you really escape?”

King Da Zhou opened his mouth and Su Yu looked at him coldly.

The Great Zhou King bared his teeth, helplessly, and said quickly: “He…he just said that casually…”

“to be frank!”

Behind Su Yu, the river of memories began to collapse, and Su Yu didn’t care, “Don’t tell me, just stay here!”

The King of the Great Zhou was speechless, and quickly said: “It’s not the Seven Ways of the Strong… It’s just that I have cultivated the Seven Ways…”

Su Yu looked at him coldly. When the King of Great Zhou saw this, he became more helpless and had to say: “Well, I have mastered the power of the seven great avenues, but it’s really not a strong person, and many of them are I sealed it, I can’t use it!”

With helplessness, he quickly said: “It’s really true, it’s not as good as your majesty, seven **** avenues, which have killed the third-class peak! What’s more, there are still a large number of avenues that have been sealed. I really want to be so strong. I have already killed a hundred battles. That group of people…Hundreds of battles and their cooperation, I cannot match, Your Majesty, I really didn’t lie to you!”

Su Yu looked at him coldly, third-class peak?

Can’t match their joint efforts?

The possibility exists, but the terrible guy has mastered the seven avenues!

Su Yu quickly walked to the front of the river of memory, while walking, while blending into his past. Behind him, the little Su Yu suddenly opened his eyes, and a powerful breath rose up!

Countless doubts surfaced, Su Yu said as he walked: “The shadow, do you know who it is? Why can you follow the time book to the human realm, and still find the emperor?”

“not sure……”

Seeing Su Yu’s face ugly, Da Zhou Wang said depressed, “I don’t know, it’s likely that Tianmen has been sealed for a long time! I…I guess, looking for the emperor may not be to deal with the emperor, he is a projection , It’s also difficult to deal with the Emperor…I guess, is he… a star?”

He was uncertain: “Maybe there is something to tell the Emperor!”


Su Yu was shocked: “Human Emperor is his ancestor?”


“Where did you judge?”

Su Yu wondered, why didn’t I see that he was a star.

The King of Zhou quickly said: “Before, Xiao Suyu…cough cough, your majesty said when you were young, you are Xingyu, he later said that Wen is not weaker than me, don’t change your ancestors, I think he may be a star!”

“His Majesty, the emperor, may have something to tell, or other… he is just a projection, and the Murderer obviously can’t do it. That projection, the second-class force is dead, and it may not last long…”

“So, I guess, it might not be to kill people, but to convey some message.”

The King of Zhou said: “As for coming along the Time Book of the Time Master and looking for His Majesty the Human Sovereign, it is actually understandable that in this era, the most powerful person is the Human Sovereign! If the Time Master is looking for help, it is best to find the Human Sovereign. Your Majesty! And the relationship between the King of Humans and the King of Wen is irresistible, and they are also very familiar with the Time Master. It stands to reason that if the Book of Time is looking for someone to rescue, you should go to the King of Humans…”

Su Yu didn’t know if his judgment was right, but at this moment, he couldn’t get any more information.

He only knew that this powerful existence had actually met him when he was a child.

And I was immersed in the Time Book, full of mysteries.

King Da Zhou and King Da Xia had both appeared near him. King Da Xia didn’t say anything. The guy yelled. Su Yu judged that it was probably because he felt something and felt that someone was lurking, so he deliberately yelled to startle the snake.

But the appearance of the Great Zhou King really discovered that one!

As a result, he ran away!

Su Yu continued to merge with his past body, and his aura gradually strengthened. He took a little dignity: “What is the situation, the human emperor and their affairs have not been resolved yet, now, the human emperor and his ancestors have appeared! So, open the sky A group of people in this period are really still alive? They are all behind the Tianmen? If he is a star, then the words, sun, and moon in his mouth… are these people still alive?”

Su Yu frowned, there are many strong people, which is not a good thing, and will interfere with some of his plans.

Of course, there are many strong people in Tianmen, and it was already expected, but they didn’t know their identity.

Maybe now!

It is true that a group of strong men in the Kaitian period have been sealed!

Su Yu has a headache!

Tianmen, what the **** is it?

Who sealed these existences?

This phantom, what does the Emperor want to say?

The last words are not finished, they are gone, what are you doing?

And the King of Zhou…

Su Yu looked at King Great Zhou again, King Great Zhou looked helpless, don’t look, he had no choice but to speak: “Your Majesty, I really have nothing to hide! The reason why I don’t want to say too much is because your Majesty knows. It didn’t help much, some were… I was scared by all the battles!”

He is also very helpless!

I had no choice but to say: “Nan Yuan’s things back then, I actually thought it was done by them. These guys are not dead! And the breath of the other party is probably the power of the ruler of the second and third class… I thought it was Yu. Broke into the human world…”

Su Yu said solemnly: “Bullshit, Yu didn’t break the seal at that time!”

The King of Zhou explained: “Your Majesty, we people can actually burst out some breath for a short time, and we don’t have to unblock them! I am actually in the same state as them…”

“It’s the same, I broke the seal of the emperor, you should unblock it!”

Su Yu said coldly: “So, you now master the seven avenues? No, maybe nine, patience two. You mastered it later, so you are now the strongest of the nine avenues! You have at least a second. Wait!”

“Really not…”

“No, there must be!”

Su Yu looked at him coldly: “If you change, you have to become second-class for me! Nine avenues, no matter how weak, the power of one avenue is not too weak, let alone 9!”

Da Zhou was helpless: “Your Majesty, I’m really going to be second-class. I’ve already gone upstream. I’m second-class…Let’s put it this way, it’s about the same as Wu Huang, but it’s still a bit worse.”

“Ha ha!”

Su Yu sneered, at this moment, the breath was constantly shaking!

I don’t believe you!

“If you can’t change second class… I naturally have a way to deal with you!”

Su Yu Chuanyin two words: “Renshan!”

Da Zhou Wang’s face turned green, and he wanted to cry without tears: “Your Majesty, I’m really only a third class. I don’t lie to you. At this time, I don’t have to deceive your Majesty. My greatest secrets are told to your Majesty. Why be here? The above deceived your Majesty?”

Su Yu doesn’t care about him!

Whether it’s true or false, if it doesn’t become second-class, I will naturally trouble you.

Although King Dazhou has always concealed a lot of things, Su Yu didn’t bother to care about him, mainly because he was scared by Baizhan, but that was a matter of Baizhan. You were deceived by the scumbag of Baizhan, and you have been guarding me. , This is very wrong!

This is the same as when you were greened by your predecessor. You always guard against the incumbent’s greening of you. This shouldn’t be the case. Your successor is an honest person. Did you recruit?

On the side, the Great Zhou Wang was helpless and didn’t say anything.

And the others didn’t make a sound, but remembered everything just now.

Phantom, Book of Time, King of Zhou…

Also, when he was a child, Su Yu was also a bad embryo.

Knock your head everywhere to recognize Grandpa!

It’s no wonder that when I first emerged, I recognized my relatives everywhere, co-authored it, and it was like that when I was young!

King Da Zhou didn’t want to continue this topic either, and changed the topic: “Your Majesty and King Wen are still the same ancestors…”

Su Yu sneered: “Nonsense, according to what he said, the people of Nanyuan are the same ancestors as King Wen!”

What is this?

Those with the surname Zhou are all descendants of human ancestors!

Countless years have passed, and the blood is messy. Today’s human race, there is no real pure-blood human race, and they are all a bit messy.

Well, the King of Zhou was also speechless and couldn’t continue.

And Su Yu quickly returned to the hole where the long river of memory entered, and suddenly said: “Everything just now, I have forgotten!”


A few people responded, it was clear to their hearts, not that they had forgotten other things, forgot about you kowtow to call grandpa when you were young, what a big deal.

How old were you then?

Everyone didn’t care!

And Su Yu didn’t say much, but his mind was ever-changing. Is this phantom really a star?

After Tianmen, Su Yu was really interested.

The Lord of the Dead is here, the King of Wen, the King of Wu, the Time Master, and countless powerful men, the ancestors of the Ten Thousand Races of the Kaitian Era seem to be there!

What kind of scene was behind the door that day?

“Let’s talk about the body first, turn around and merge into the future body… others, don’t care!”

Su Yu suppressed some thoughts. Now, Tianmen is more dangerous than Human Sovereign, and it is not a place for him to go.

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