Tribe of All Nations (Tribulation of Myriad Clans)

Chapter 838 - Hypocritical laugh (seeking subscription)

At this moment, Su Yu and the Emperor had a very happy conversation…probably so!

In fact, Su Yu still has a lot of doubts to ask, but after thinking about it, he is not in a hurry. Now there is no need to ask them all. He quickly turned back to the topic: “Then we are coming from the back now, once the front-line ten thousand people find that we have appeared …This is equivalent to giving them a chance to unite! Your Majesty, do you have any plan to deal with them?”

After facing each other for so many years, Su Yu didn’t even believe it.

Since the Emperor of Humanity had already prepared for reinforcements from the rear, what about now?

And at this moment, the Emperor suddenly sighed: “If I am still in full bloom, at this moment, I can force it! Killing several first-class rulers, among the ten thousand races, naturally some people will be cowardly… not everyone is afraid of death Yes! In that case, dealing with them is easy!”

Unfortunately, not now.

The emperor said again: “We can’t go too far in fighting against the ten thousand clan, otherwise, once the opponent’s fish die and the net is broken, we won’t have time to develop anymore. The three doors will open…We will be over!”

The loss cannot be big!

There are more than 80 rule masters, and more than 120 rule masters will be played against each other.

Together, even if the human race wins, it is definitely a tragic victory.

If there are ten or twenty rulers left, the three doors will open… it’s over!

Among the three, there are many strong ones.

Those gathered here today are all left over from the three periods of the Primordial Era, the Ancient Era, and the Xinyu Era. A little more strict, in fact, they are the powerhouses of an era!

How many strong are there among the three?

Thinking of this, Su Yu asked: “What era is sealed in the human gate? Tianmen is the era of opening the sky. I know this. The earth gate is the era of chaos, and I also know. But what is strange to me is that the human gate is sealed again. What era?”

This, Su Yu is indeed curious!

Renmen seems to have some connection with Renzu, but it also seems to be connected with the Lord of Time. This Renmen may be one end of the long river of time.


The Emperor was silent for a while, tangled up, and then explained to Su Yu: “The Lord of Time, powerful in the Chaos Period, is this all right?”

Su Yu nodded, of course no problem!

“Just like you, powerful in this era… Then I ask you, if you are strong, will you seal your era?”

Su Yu was startled, right?

If I am strong, what am I doing to seal my age.

His eyes moved slightly.

The emperor smiled and said: “That’s the truth! The human gate should be the Lord of Time. When the sky is opened, the beginning of the avenue. Therefore, the era above the Lord of Time is sealed! The era before the chaos!”

Su Yu breathed in: “Then…how can they get into the world?”

“It has something to do with Renzu, Renzu may have been to Renmen…”

The emperor of humanity knows a lot and said with a smile: “The cycle of ten thousand worlds, in fact, the era of the seal in the door of humanity should also be a glorious era. This may be the first era! And the Lord of Time should come from that era, But a powerful existence in the age of chaos!”

“His Avenue of Time was opened up. I don’t know exactly what it was for. However, one end is the Human Gate, the other end is the Heaven Gate, and the Middle Gate of the Sealer… Don’t you think that the Avenue of the Lord of Time is more like a one? Kind of a seal?”

Su Yu’s heart was shaken!

The Emperor continued to smile and said: “Yes, it is the seal! The Lord of Time opened the way, probably to seal these. As for the Kaitian era, it was sealed in the Tianmen. During the Tianmen period, it stands to reason that the Lord of Time has long disappeared… But , Did it disappear or not, who knows?”

“And to open up the ten thousand realms and let people cultivate the way is just to enhance the power of the seal. The more the ten thousand realms of the cultivator, the stronger the seal!”

The emperor said softly: “We are all growing up! Strengthen the seal! It stands to reason that the seal will only get stronger, not weaker, but now, the three gates will open… Among them, it may be Some changes have occurred! Some people are even deliberately weakening the power of time!”

Speaking of this, Su Yu’s eyes flickered: “Does your majesty know the three-shen method?”

“The Three Body Method…”

The Emperor was silent for a while: “Did you see it?”


The emperor laughed at himself: “This should be one of the methods! Someone has spread the three-shen method, in fact, to weaken the long river of time, but I suppressed it before!”

Su Yu’s eyes flickered, and the emperor… suppressed the three-shen method!

The emperor seemed to have guessed that Su Yu might have used it, and sighed: “When we pulled away from the origin, we were stronger, but the long river of time was weakened…Of course, it doesn’t matter now, anyway, all three are fast. It’s on, so let’s smoke!”

He sighed: “What’s more, you didn’t do this first, and I did it too if you pulled away from the origin of the three bodies!”

He said helplessly: “In the beginning, I actually knew that there were some problems after I pulled away… So, at that time, I sealed the Three-Shen Method! But the Three-Shen Method was still spread at the time, unless the powerful ones were killed. Otherwise, it’s not good to ban it!”

“Where did the Three Body Method come from?”

Su Yu was puzzled. According to the human emperor, he knew that the three-shen method existed and even knew its drawbacks. Sure enough, the human emperor really knew everything. In other words, some of the information Su Yu had obtained now, he All know.

Terrible existence!

It’s so terrible, and it’s half-dead by someone. It can be seen that the black hand behind the scenes is not weak.

The three-shen method must be spread out of the three sects!

Sure enough, the emperor opened his mouth and said: “The Three-Shen Method… it was spread out 100% of the time! I don’t know who passed it on. It’s not easy to trace back. The Three-Shen Method existed before me. Now! In my period, I suppressed the influence of the Three-Shen Method to a minimum, but in your period… it may be a resurgence!”

Su Yu nodded: “Not only has the ashes resurrected, by the sixth tide, the three-shen method has become the mainstream. If you don’t follow the three-shen path, you will have to be destroyed by the rules!”

The Emperor Human’s eyes flickered and said: “The rules are destroyed? This Xingyue didn’t say…so…after the sixth tide, someone may have changed some of the rules of the world…”

“The Sixth Tide…”

He calculated for a moment, thought for a while and said: “Maybe someone came out of the three gates, the strong! Three gates may have been opened once in the sixth tide, or they may have come out with strength, the sixth tide…”

He thought for a while: “Is there anything special happening?”

Su Yu shook his head. He really didn’t know this, but Su Yu quickly looked at the group of people over there. Maybe these people knew, Su Yu shouted: “Destiny, come here!”

Compared to others, Destiny has not been slumbering, maybe I know a little more.

Soon, the Destiny Hou flew over, bowed slightly to the Emperor, looked at Su Yu, and whispered, “Your Majesty!”

Su Yu said solemnly: “Did something happen during the sixth tide?”


The Mandate of Heaven thought for a while before he said: “The Sixth Tide, if we talk about changes, there are some things! First, after the Sixth Tide, Hunting Heaven Pavilion will no longer be in the same camp with the Human Race. Jiantian chose to be neutral!”

“Secondly, the lord of the Sixth Tide Period was very powerful. He defeated the Ten Thousand Clan at the beginning. Although he is not as strong as his Majesty, according to the current statement, it is also the existence of the Tianzun level, and even the main realm of the fifth-class rules, but later After the Terran triumphed, when he broke through in his cultivation, he fell, causing the sixth tide to end early!”

“Third, at the end of the Sixth Tide, the six generations of lordship actually appeared very few times. At that time, they were not in a hurry to deal with the ten thousand races, but kept practicing in seclusion, don’t you know if it is strange?”

Apart from these, he thought about it carefully, and it seemed that nothing had changed.

The Emperor said softly: “Destiny, the Lord of the Sixth Tide, have you opened three doors?”


The Destiny Hou thought for a while, and shook his head: “Your Majesty, I really don’t know about this. I am not a human race after all.”


As for Human Race… I don’t necessarily know.

Su Yu waved his hand: “Okay, I see, you go back first!”

“Farewell, old minister!”

The Mandate of Heaven left soon, and the Emperor said softly: “The sixth generation of the lord…maybe opened three doors, and some changes have occurred, causing the existence of the three doors to come out and kill him! This reversed some of the rules. , After the Sixth Tide, the main thing is to start the Three-Shen Method!”

The King of People smiled and said: “So, the opening time of the three doors may have been advanced! Otherwise, maybe it can be delayed!”

Just some simple words, he made an inference, and said: “The existence of the three gates is probably not too weak. It may be stronger than Zhou Tian. Otherwise, Zhou Tian should know some. Since he didn’t mention this to you. I may not know.”

Su Yu raised his eyebrows: “That’s hard to tell, that guy is 99 lies to me, a truth! His Majesty Human Sovereign has chosen a good dark guard commander, except for Human Sovereign, they don’t recognize it!”

The emperor smiled.

He didn’t entangle this matter either, and continued: “The existence in the Three Doors wants the Three-Shen Method to spread, but we…actually also hope that the Three-Shen Method can strengthen ourselves. This is nothing we can do!”

Su Yu nodded, the three-shen method is still good!

Moreover, the consumption of resources is not much, mainly because of the power of the source, which can save those resources, and directly improve the source, which does not seem to consume much, but in fact it is the source of power.

What consumes is the power of time!

And the emperor, the definition of the long river of time, is actually a seal, sealing the existence of the three sects, and countless people cultivated to strengthen this seal.

Is the human gate stronger, or the existence in the heavenly gate stronger?

Renzu, what is his stand?

Su Yu thought of this, and continued: “Your Majesty, I heard that the Prison King just wanted to open the gate of the earth and release Renzu, but his Majesty refused. Is that true? Renzu, has his heart changed?”


The Emperor smiled and said: “Prison…it’s hard to say! I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad thing to release Human Ancestor, but it’s not time! Open the door, and all three doors may be opened. At that time, it was not three doors. Time!”

“Doesn’t the prison know this situation?”

Su Yu said solemnly: “Why should he betray?”

As the king of four poles, he knows that opening three doors is dangerous, so he insists on it. Why?

Even betrayal!

Renzu, is it that important to him?

Stop it!

The Prison King is the King of the Quadrupoles. He may have reached the second-class peak or even the first-class. Will such a strong man, like Baizhan, pin his hopes on the ancestors?

Regarding the betrayal of the Prison King… Su Yu still hasn’t figured out what the **** is going on!

What’s more, the emperor didn’t know the situation, he knew, maybe he also talked to the prison king, but the other party still didn’t listen!


The Emperor talked about this old comrade-in-arms, and said in silence for a while: “Prison, in fact, has the concept of prison and has its own ideas! The so-called attracting ancestors is just an excuse! She wants to open three doors. It may not be just opening the ground door. Maybe I want to open other doors by opening the ground door. I asked her before, but she didn’t answer me, and I don’t want to make a fuss with her because of this.”

“The King Wen had tried to persuade her at the beginning, but she didn’t want to pay any attention. King Wen was also very angry at that time. At that time, some cracks appeared in the gate. Then King Wen asked her to kill the ancient beasts, the ancient tribe, and the strong men who appeared in the gate. … to sever her hope!”

Su Yu raised his eyebrows: “Killing the ancient clan kills hope? Did Wang Wen think too simple?”

King Wen wouldn’t think so simple, right?

The Emperor Human smiled bitterly: “The King Wen…heart is more cruel than me! He actually…want to take the opportunity to kill the prison! If the gate of the prison was opened at that time, the King Wen would kill her, but the prison itself knew this. So during the guarding period, I worked hard and didn’t dare to make any mistakes!”

Su Yu realized instantly!

Gee, amazing!

King Wen, really ruthless!

They are all old comrades in arms, he is not easy to attack the prison king directly, after all, the prison king did not say that he must open it, but…the old fisherman, he is fishing, he deliberately arranged the prison king to guard, just to give him a chance open!

As a result, the prison king is also a wise man. He probably guessed the purpose and didn’t do it!

Finally, King Wen had to leave early, and the prison was transferred from the gate of **** by the Emperor.

Isn’t this phishing law enforcement?

Quite cruel!

The old comrade-in-arms was also merciless, but he didn’t make a direct shot. That was also the last feelings of Gu Nian.

Su Yu judged these all at once, looked at the Emperor, who nodded slightly: “Wen Wang is indeed thinking this way.”

He knew that Su Yu could understand, and smiled: “But… after all, we have fought together for tens of thousands of years! From the dominance of the heavens to the later imperial court’s suppression of the world, prison, we are our old comrades-in-arms, old partner! After leaving, I summoned her to come back and didn’t continue!”

Su Yu frowned: “In that later period, the prison did not kill evil…”

“I know one or two about this.”

The emperor shook his head and said: “Back then, she didn’t cause any major trouble, but at the last moment, I wanted to take the ten thousand people to the upper reaches, but she wanted to take everyone to evacuate to the gate. I did not agree and she was not reconciled. I personally took her into the gate of the earth! I never thought that she left some tails, but I was a little negligent. I didn’t care about these tails too much in the past.”

In fact, he didn’t want to say anything. These little tails are not a big trouble. Zhou Tian can handle it logically. As a result, the other party has been dormant for countless years. The King Zhou hasn’t noticed too much, so he was caught A big pit!

Otherwise, before this, the prison king did not dare to cause trouble.

Su Yu also thought of this, and couldn’t help but said: “So, the King of Zhou is relatively useless. After trusting in a hundred battles, he was scammed!”

“Hundred Battles…”

Although the Emperor had never seen him, he still smiled and said: “This person, since Zhou Tian is fancy, he must have some patience! But according to your statement, he opened the door and may be affected by the door! “

Su Yu’s face changed slightly: “Can the three schools affect us?”


The Emperor nodded slightly: “There are some ancient beasts in the gates. The problem is not too serious. It is probably the limit to summon some ancient beast phantoms! The gates are mysterious, and I don’t know too much. As for the gates of heaven…”

He laughed: “Tianmen actually has an impact on cultivators. Of course, if you open the heavenly door, it will not affect you much. Anyway, you didn’t really use the heavenly door. It’s not bad to use it as a Taoist artifact!”

Su Yu was stunned for a while, and then said for a while: “Your Majesty meant that my Heavenly Gate… is actually a decoration?”

“Is not it?”

The emperor laughed!

I can see it right away when I look at it!

He smiled and said, “Tianmen really need to be used properly, not the way they are now! All three have a common function, a seal! Under normal circumstances, the same strong people can be sealed! Then I ask you, your Tianmen, you can Seal a second class?”


Su Yu has never experienced it. The greatest use of his Tianmen is to observe the Tao!

The emperor said: “The first function of Tianmen is to seal, and the second function is to borrow force. Will you borrow it?”

Su Yu blinked, I don’t know how to borrow?

“It is to use the existence in the heavenly gate. Some powerful people in the heavenly gate may have the power avenue similar to yours. You can summon the other party and take advantage of it!”

Somewhat similar to the function of the Time Book!

But Su Yu quickly noticed the drawbacks: “This… will let the opponent’s power penetrate? Even control yourself!”

“Yes, this is a drawback!”

The emperor nodded: “So you won’t, that’s a good thing!”

Su Yu breathed in, “No, what your majesty meant is that once I borrow too much, the other party may pass through me and walk directly out of the heavenly gate, such as projection, right?”


Su Yu bared his teeth: “This… isn’t this a good fishing method? I used to worry that the gate of heaven would be opened, but now it doesn’t matter. This is a good fishing method. No, your Majesty, you have to teach me this! “

Su Yu suddenly became interested: “I leveraged the other side, and the other side penetrated the world through me, projected from the phantom of the sky, projected power… even the deity came out… Tsk tsk… Catch a few second-class rulers , Then make a profit! Catch the first class… We also hope to die!”

Su Yu said excitedly, “Is that the way Emperor Wu is?”


The emperor wanted to say something but stopped, your uncle, you really are not a good person!

He laughed, but did not dissuade him, just said: “This thing is not sure, if you borrow some top-level existence, the other party will come out through you, it is very dangerous, and you will even be taken over by the other party’s will! Of course, you don’t have to worry too much. Now, even the strong can penetrate through the phantom of the heavens and get out of second class! It can still be dealt with!”

He has a big tone, of course, he has this strength, although he is seriously injured now.

“It’s better not to do it back then. At that time, we didn’t want the Heavenly Gate to appear!”

It wasn’t until this moment that Su Yu knew that Heavenly Gate had many functions!

The emperor continued: “There are other uses for Tianmen. This thing is developed by yourself. Your utilization rate of Tianmen is too low, which is actually a good thing!”

Su Yu took a deep breath and nodded.


No wonder I think that Tianmen is inferior to Renmen and Dimen besides Guandao, co-authoring, I don’t understand it myself, and I can’t help it. After all, Tianmen was something that the Emperor Wu had before, and the Emperor Wu knew how to use it. Will tell Su Yu.

“So, what His Majesty Human Sovereign means is that perhaps this person has been affected by the human family?”

“It’s normal!”

The Emperor didn’t care much about it, but Su Yu said: “He seems to be shocked by the ancestors’ soldiers!”

The emperor thought for a while and said: “That’s a double influence! The probability of influence of the human sect is greater! This guy, perhaps the will of some human sects infiltrated was affected, such a character…”

The emperor hesitated for a while and said, “It’s a bit rubbish, forget it, don’t care too much! A little influence of will can’t be tolerated, such a person is destined to not be a major event! Those who can truly achieve major events will not be affected. !”

With that, he looked at Su Yu, did you understand?

People who do great things are like me!

Bai Zhan was affected, which means he is rubbish!

I say that, do you feel inferior?

Su Yu thought for a while, and nodded: “It makes sense, it’s a trash for a hundred battles! Not to mention the phantom will of the human beings, it is the deity of the three sects here. After eating, all those who are disobedient and don’t want to kill are locked in!”

Su Yu said again: “Actually, I don’t think the three doors are very useful. The seal is actually meaningless. If I kill all the enemies, it will be so troublesome, why?”

He looked at the Emperor and grinned, “Your Majesty said, is this the truth?”


The Emperor is speechless, it makes sense, but you kid sees my eyes wrong, as if you are saying, Your Emperor is disobedient, I will also smash it for you!

Not a good person!

The emperor at this moment can’t help but laugh, maybe it is a good thing, lawless, see it!

And Su Yu also smiled.

There are so many secrets that the Emperor Human knows. It sounds very strong. At this moment, Su Yu briefly sorted out some things that he didn’t know much about. Soon, he returned to the topic again: “His Majesty the Human Emperor, now I am facing ten thousand people. Do you have any ideas?”

“The Ten Thousand Clan…”

The Emperor was silent for a while, then thought for a while and said: “I have some ideas, but…may not be successful!”

“Your Majesty, talk about it!”

Su Yu didn’t come here with soy sauce!

He also wanted to hear the thoughts of the emperor.

“Got to risk!”

The emperor said: “Wait, wait until the return to the world, all three gates will open, and the world will be in chaos. At that time, whether the race or us, we may not have time to take care of other people! But at that time It is bound to be the most chaotic period. Once the ten thousand races are gathered by the three sects, then we will be in big trouble!”

Su Yu shook his head: “Never wait!”

Wait, this is not a good choice!

If you really want to wait, Su Yu won’t bring anyone here!

The emperor smiled and guessed that this grandson is not a person willing to be lonely and ordinary.

“Second… Take a risk!”

The emperor raised his eyebrows: “The ten thousand races are actually very courageous, and they don’t dare to fight hard! But… if something happens to me, they will be bolder! Therefore, I need to bet once and bet on the ten thousand dare to venture into it once! It’s a good thing, but it’s also a bad thing. The good thing is that we have persisted for so many years! The bad thing is…Even if we set traps, ordinary traps, they dare not step on it, and they won’t step on it!”

When timid, also score.

It’s not that the Emperor has never set a trap, but if people ignore it, you can’t help it, and you can’t attack it!

And Su Yu’s eyes flickered: “Your Majesty meant to use your serious injury to lure the tens of thousands into the bait?”


The emperor smiled and said: “Of course, under normal circumstances, they dare not blog or believe it! But I haven’t taken any action for many years, and I have always been a phantom confrontation. In fact, the Ten Thousand Clan also worried, suspected, and suspected that I had a problem! They still lack an opportunity before they dare to do it to me!”

Su Yu smiled and said: “Then if your Majesty Bo this time, how can I get them into the trap, and what is the goal of this trap? How to set it up? What is the ultimate goal? And how to operate it… Would you mind to talk about it?”

The Emperor glanced at Su Yu, lost in thought.

Silent for a while: “You have to understand that the ten thousand races are not stupid. Once I fight this time, they will know that I am really seriously injured. Once the trap is unsuccessful, your next pressure will be beyond imagination. !”

“As for the goal, it is simple. Kill some people, weaken the strength of the ten thousand races, and achieve a balance of strength between the two parties again at the least cost! We will weaken the ten thousand races a little bit, and weaken the ten thousand races to the extent that they cannot shake us before returning to the world. To the point!”

“How specific?”

Su Yu asked again.

The emperor smiled: “Let the enemy go deep! Divide and annihilate them! Cut, divide, kill the enemy!”

Lure the enemy deep!

Su Yu fell into deep thought, before he said for a while: “I’m not good at ambushing, the long river of time is too obvious, can it be hidden under the water?”

As for how to lure the enemy to go deeper, Su Yu also touched his chin and smiled: “If Your Majesty is really willing to do it once, it is actually… simple! Ten thousand people do not believe that you are seriously injured, but your Majesty can convince them that you are really seriously injured. …For example, the broken body returns… Your Majesty wants to fight for the last time and kill some of the most powerful people!”

“Once the Ten Thousand Clan gets the news, they will surely divide them and annihilate them! While annihilating the flesh, they will also kill your Majesty’s Will Sea!”

In fact, it is not difficult to divide the ethnic groups.

It all depends on whether the Emperor dare to gamble once!

The separation of the physical body and the sea of ​​will indicates that the two sides are united, desperately fighting, and killing first. Everyone believes that the human emperor has this strength. Of course, the separated body and soul are easier to kill than in the case of unity!

At that time, naturally there was a way to cut the ten thousand races!

The Emperor laughed softly: “I don’t really care, but you have to figure it out… If it fails, the news of my serious injury will be completely leaked! Also, my old brothers… may not listen to you! How about you! , Would you like to listen to them? If you can’t, do you think that a group of old antiques, who have lived for countless years, will listen to you as a young man in their 20s? After all, they didn’t grow up together!”

“Also, the most failure situation is that I have completely fallen. I am afraid that the hearts of the people on my side will also disperse… Can you pull it back again?”

As the emperor said, he sighed: “So… sometimes I want to fight once, but I am afraid of failure and death. I can’t die!”

No way to die!

He is dead, this group of ancient kings will be chaotic!

Even King Ming, now it is difficult to suppress those proud soldiers!

If King Wen was there, he would be sure, but King Ming was still a little short of it, and the Emperor could not help it!

And Su Yu…too young, too weak, lacking prestige!

Su Yu is a brave man. As soon as the emperor said, he took the call. Obviously, this guy also has this idea, instead of using delaying tactics!

He wants to fight quickly!

Su Yu smiled and said, “Yes, it’s really not easy to bet!”

It’s okay if the bet is won, but the bet is lost…it’s a big trouble!

These two, when they first met, they began to talk about this. Su Yu is also a straightforward person. He doesn’t want to delay, and he ponders for a while and said: “The news of our arrival can be kept hidden for a while, and it may not be kept for long. Taking advantage of the fact that the other party does not know the details, there is still a chance, otherwise…the chance will be less! Your Majesty feels that there are other ways to induce the division of the ten thousand races and deepen it?”


The emperor shook his head: “The main reason is that we were afraid of being scammed by us. This generation of powerful people of ten thousand races was often scammed by us, and they have gained experience!”


Su Yu suddenly couldn’t answer this.

Give a dry laugh.

This…something makes sense. In fact, if you know something about King Wen and Emperor Ren, you know that this group of people was not a good thing back then. There are not few powerful people who have been pitted against the powers of the ten thousand races. This is too much pitted, and the ten thousand races also have experience.

In short, unless you see a chance to win, the ten thousand races will rarely be dispatched.

This is also the reason for the stalemate for many years!

Of course, Wan Clan also missed many opportunities for this!

The Emperor also laughed, he didn’t care too much about this, because the Ten Thousand Clan was afraid of them, it was a good thing, it was a feat!

But now, with Su Yu’s arrival, he also wanted to take the opportunity to take advantage of it, but unfortunately, looking around, he didn’t seem to have too many opportunities.

He sighed: “Unfortunately, you are not first-class, or even stronger, otherwise…I don’t mind playing once!”

What a pity!

Su Yu touched his chin, too!

I’m still weak, even if I get to the second class, I’m also weak!

“Does Tianmen take advantage of it?”

Su Yu asked: “Can I borrow the strength to the next level?”


“That…” Su Yu raised his eyebrows and said: “Your Majesty, that… Xingyu Seal, don’t you need it? Let me blend into my world! Also, your Majesty is dying anyway, or just blend into my world. There is still hope to live again, maybe it will push me to the first level soon!”


The Emperor just looked at him blankly, this… It’s only the first time we met, right?

You originally occupied my dojo and borrowed my heaven and earth, but now it’s better, you have to borrow me myself?

Is this not killing me, not letting go?

The emperor laughed!

“Actually, don’t tell me, if you really have a record, a strong record, I really don’t mind, but… not now, to be realistic, you didn’t let me see that you have suppressed ten thousand races and suppressed three schools. Abilities, then I won’t rest assured of entrusting my old brothers to you!”

Su Yu barked his teeth and smiled: “Just kidding, your majesty is here, and I still have a headache! What’s more, you were still there on the day you drove. I really gave up, but it’s actually a loss!”

“Furthermore, I really count on me alone…I’m not sure. If your Majesty can recover, it will make me relaxed. Now that your Majesty is killed, I will have to bear more pressure. Death can or cannot die now… …”


Can’t people speak?

What is death!

The Emperor said amused: “Are you…really afraid of me?”

Su Yu is too direct!

“What are you afraid of? Afraid that your majesty will deal with me? Or is it that your majesty feels that I am seizing power?”

Su Yu said with some emotion: “To be honest, I actually don’t want to be the boss and catch the ducks on the shelves! Too tired, too tired, I actually don’t want to come to save you, your Majesty, but…the people under my hand disagree, I I think I can do it… But if your majesty is jealous of me and wants to cheat me… hehe, I will leave soon!”

Su Yu shrugged: “I am not afraid that your Majesty will deal with me. You deal with me also to accept the people under my hand, but… I have something wrong, none of these people will end up! Your Majesty will not receive any benefits! A wise thing, if His Majesty the Emperor did it, it would be stupid!”

“Hahaha, it makes sense!”

The emperor nodded: “At a young age, the calculation is clear! But since you are here, it is necessary to show your face!”

He pondered for a while, then thought for a while and said: “You give me a right word. If I let the 30 rule masters go, maybe some of them exist, can you take them down?”

“Don’t kill the master of the twenty or thirty rule… To be honest, it exposed my situation, it’s not worthwhile!”

The emperor solemnly said: “125 people, 20 people died, no, it is a net death of 20 or more, so that we can remain stable even when I am seriously injured! If I let 30 people pass, you can Can it be solved? If it can’t be solved… this plan doesn’t need to be studied further! Because it is meaningless!”

Now, we have to rely on him to pretend to confuse the ten thousand races.

30 people, there is still a class!

Su Yu bared his teeth: “Your Majesty really can count on me!”

Too much!

10 people, even if they are first class, they can do it!

30…The number of people on this side is equal to that of Su Yu. The key point is that there are still first-class and second-class people. If it doesn’t go well, under an accident, Su Yu’s side is all done… the first time. ,completely annihilated!

That’s it!

There are 52 powerhouses on the Human Sovereign side, even if 30 is released, there are 95. On the Human Sovereign side, the pressure is also great!

Su Yu laughed: “Your Majesty really wants to vote?”

“of course!”

The Emperor didn’t take it seriously: “To be honest, it’s not a last resort. Who wants to stand against the ten thousand clan for many years? If I had the strength, I would have taken action long ago! It is a pity that the strength is insufficient! Enterprising, I still have to have it! Thinking of the dream, how to solve the ten thousand races, return as soon as possible, and take a hand to solve the three things… Unfortunately, there is no chance!”

Regrettably, he really has no time to take care of three things now!

God is not in me!

Otherwise, given me time, the three problems are not hopelessly solved.

Now, seeing Su Yu, seeing him full of enterprising spirit, Human Sovereign actually thought of the same when he was young, but I can’t go back!

“30 people…”

At this moment, Su Yu was still thinking, and said after a long while: “Your Majesty thinks that a master of first-class rules can deal with how many second-class rules?”

“Three or five is fine!”

The emperor explained: “Those who are not too strong in the first class, if you, Emperor Wu, if you call the king of war again, three fights one, there is hope!”

You have to count as the King of War!

Otherwise, on Su Yu’s side, there is not enough strength to match the first class, because other people, the gap will start to widen.

Su Yu quickly measured: “Your Majesty is willing to borrow the King of War?”


The emperor smiled and said: “First-class, you have to stay, second-class, you can take a hand, but if you have more!”

Su Yu continued to judge and calculated that the risk was too great!

However, if you don’t take risks, you can only wait and endure!

Boil here… the ghost knows that if the time of boil is long, the ten thousand realms will not change.

“Then… Your Majesty has a way to leak the news to the ten thousand clan, and the ten thousand clan will not doubt it?”

This is also a big difficulty!

When the emperor saw him ask carefully, his eyes flickered: “Of course, I know too much about the ten thousand races! If you think you can solve the trouble, I can solve other problems, don’t think we are here, just don’t have anything. After so many years, we will not do nothing without decorating!”

Su Yu nodded, this is true, the Emperor is still very reliable sometimes!

The emperor’s voice became a little faint: “But… you really want to do it? I’m going to die… it’s not good for you!”

Little guy, why do I feel that you want to pit me up once!

Am I too risky?

It’s just the first time I met, and I haven’t studied it much. Believe this grandson, if I die, it’s not my business alone!

Su Yu smiled honestly: “Your Majesty, beg for wealth and danger! We’ve all reached this point…what can we wait? I’m here, and I’m not a casual meal. I really beat the King and I’ll be done. What’s the point? ?”


Uh, was the war king beaten?

“Have you recorded it?”


Su Yu was taken aback by this abrupt sentence of the Emperor. For a long while, he snarled and threw out a rubbing. The Emperor put away, satisfied, and smiled: “Good job, I am optimistic about you, there is a future!”

Just rush here, I am optimistic about you!

Su Yu wants to say, are you too hasty?


Co-author, I recorded a portrait, so you take good care of me?

Just want to settle it down?

The emperor smiled and said: “From the small to the big! Actually, I don’t really know you at all. Some things require in-depth understanding, and it takes too long, but now, what we lack is time!”

“Su Yu, kind words, it’s meaningless to say too much!”

The Emperor became serious: “If you can get rid of the strong one I put on your side…then the plan can be done. Whether it succeeds depends on God’s will!”

Su Yu raised his eyebrows, for a long time, and grinned: “I will try and try my best. There is no way…then there is no way!”

The emperor and him looked at each other, both of them were glaring!

Then… try it!

The Emperor smiled, and Su Yu smiled.

Both of them suddenly laughed. In the rear, King Zhan and King Ming looked over here. The chat was quite pleasant, and it looked good!

At this moment, Su Yu and Human Emperor had reached a tacit understanding!


What are you afraid of!

The Emperor is not so hasty, but he knows, maybe…this is the only choice!

Taking advantage of Su Yu’s daring to do it, and willing to do it, it must be as fast as possible. I am afraid that I am afraid. Su Yu, the grandson, depends on the situation and runs away. This is terrible!

You have to guard against this!

You have to find a way to restrict Su Yu, otherwise, the Emperor is very worried, this guy who doesn’t seem to be very provable, really can do this!

Thinking of this, the emperor smiled, and suddenly said: “By the way, you borrowed the power of my heaven and earth last time, and I also borrowed it. If I die, I will take my heaven and earth, all of them, before I die. Can you blend into your world, okay?”


Su Yu was startled: “Your Majesty… can you remote control?”

“People are dying, no matter how big the price is, it’s okay!”

The Emperor smiled and said: “I am still a bit strong after all. At that time, my Heaven and Earth Avenue should become the mainstream road in your world, and you are considered to inherit my legacy!”

The corner of Su Yu’s mouth twitched.

To put it simply, the meaning of the emperor is very simple, I am dead, I will merge my avenue and responsibility avenue into your world!

Then, his avenue of responsibility was very strong, occupying the main body of Su Yu Tiandi… Su Yu Tiandi’s main structure changed suddenly, and then… Su Yu was the next emperor!

Mainly on the Avenue of Responsibility!

He looked at the emperor, and smiled, a little smirking, “Your Majesty, is it unnecessary?”


The emperor smiled and said: “If I die, everyone will not accept you! My world is integrated, you are powerful, and you inherit my avenue, my old brothers, they also obey you! How good is this? right?”


Screw you!

Su Yu cursed secretly, you just want to pit me, ha ha!

Co-author, you are afraid that I will cheat you, right?

So, give me a shot. You are dead, Su Yu, just as unlucky as you, inherited the so-called avenue of responsibility, didn’t I become a nanny?

Seeing that Su Yu understood, the emperor laughed.

I’m giving benefits, I didn’t threaten you, little guy, you have to think carefully!

For a while, the two smiled at each other again, but at this moment they both laughed a little hypocritically!

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