Tribe of All Nations (Tribulation of Myriad Clans)

Chapter 864 - Then take the strong from heaven (for subscription)

Su Yu showed a different color in his eyes, looked at the emperor, and said quietly: “Is anyone outside the sky looking down on us like this?”

The emperor was silent.

After a long time, he chuckled and said, “You mean, Lord of Time?”

This Ten Thousand Realms, the one who is most likely to do this is that one.

At this moment, the blue sky has turned into a big net, covering all worlds, with a big face overlooking all beings, but they don’t know that there is a face in the sky, with eyes, overlooking them.

Where is the Lord of Time who has been mysterious and disappearing without a trace?

What is the purpose?

Is it also like the blue sky, but at a higher level than the blue sky, vaguely overlooking sentient beings?

At this moment, Su Yu looked at the Emperor, and the Emperor also looked at Su Yu.

Is this possible?

If so, what is the purpose?

Today, everything in these heavens and worlds is based on the long river of time, including the existence of the three gates.

This one is the strongest.

Existence like a heaven, regardless of whether you ask or listen to it, let you draw the power of time, as if as long as you have the ability, even if you break the time, he will not care.

Su Yu quickly stopped thinking about it, turned his head and looked at the net of ten thousand dao incarnation of the blue sky, gradually showing a smile on his face.

Some perverted smile.

The Emperor saw him laughing so abnormally, he couldn’t help but look up at the sky and sighed. I don’t know, who is going to suffer?

The world is a lesson, I am a star, benevolent and kind!

The evil that Su Yu committed has nothing to do with me. .

What he is going to do, don’t count it on me, I just help.

At this moment, a blue sky figure appeared, holding a book of Wanfa.

Su Yu couldn’t help laughing for a while.

He takes civilization as his foundation, Wen Wang uses Wandao Jing as his foundation, and the blue sky uses Wanfa Atlas as his foundation. What about the Emperor?

The core of the human emperor’s world is now the human emperor seal, but before that, at the moment when the world was opened, there might be other cores. Is it also a book?

Su Yu looked at the Emperor, who was at a loss at first, and then smiled: “What do you think of me? You want to ask, what is the core of my world?”


The emperor smiled: “The Emperor’s Taoism!”


The emperor seemed to smile, “No matter it is true or not, it is true now!”

Su Yu raised his eyebrows and suddenly said, “Your Majesty, you said…Why does this heaven opener like to use a book to show that he is a heaven opener?”

For example, the Time Master, if she opens the sky, then her recipe is the sky, and the time book is the sky.

Is this a choice made by everyone, or is it… in fact an inevitable?

He raised his head to look at the sky again, and then said for a while: “Did there also exist a book and a scripture in the long river of light at that time?”

Su Yu murmured: “What about a scripture that portrays all things and demonstrates the identity of Kaitian? Divine culture, Taoism and divine writing, and rules are words. Why do I think this is actually a potential rule in the long river of time? ?”

The Emperor looked at him and said solemnly: “You mean, everyone is affected by this rule?”

Su Yu nodded: “We influence each other, that’s all. I want to prove this. It’s actually very simple. Just ask the Lord of the Necromancers. I seem to have seen a book last time! The Lord of the Necromancers, open If the foundation of the sky is also a book, it means that it is not that we influence each other, but that the whole time is affecting us. This master of time may be a scholar who loves reading and likes to hold a book for thirteen That kind!”

Su Yu suddenly laughed, “Otherwise, it stands to reason that the Lord of the Necromancers has little to do with us, and it won’t be the same, but he is likely to be like this. Your Majesty, do you find it interesting?”

The emperor pondered for a while and nodded: “That is indeed possible. After all, we were all born in the ten thousand worlds. We were affected by the ten thousand worlds, and we were affected by the long river of time. This is also normal!”

That said… The Emperor laughed: “Are only scholars qualified to open the sky?”

The two looked at each other and both laughed.

The meaning of laughter is profound!

Reckless men like King Wu and Emperor Wu seem to have no chance to open the sky, they are not worthy!

Takeo, ha ha!

At this moment, Lantian was slightly turbulent, smiled, and handed over, “I have seen two fellow Taoists!”

“Thank you two fellow Taoists!”

The blue sky hovered in the sky, the books hovered in front of him, and he sighed with emotion: “On the way of the great road, two people help each other, a lifelong blessing! Your Majesty helped me gain the Dao, and Lan has nothing to pay for…”

Su Yu raised his hand and interrupted him.

Because he is afraid, afraid that the next sentence will be promised!

That makes people feel aggrieved!

Su Yu looked at him and smiled.

“I don’t need any repayment, I want someone to become stronger, not me alone, I’m… very tired!”

Su Yu smiled brightly: “I hope that one day, I can pursue everything I want, instead of being shackled by this prison like the emperor!”

Human Emperor twitched his cheeks.

Su Yu didn’t care what he thought, and smiled: “When you are strong, I may pursue my own way, my own way, and find what I want, this ten thousand realms, this human race, for me, It is always a shackle!”

The emperor said solemnly: “People have seven emotions and six desires, and they are human!”

Su Yu smiled and said: “No, people with seven emotions and six desires are saints, and those with shackles are saints! You are willing to be saints, but I don’t want to! The emperor, we people, admire saints, but we people don’t want to be saints! “

The Emperor was silent for a while and sighed: “Why do you and Wen Lao both have this idea?”

He smiled bitterly: “I am not a saint, I just think…”

“Don’t you think!”

Su Yu interrupted him: “You are the saint, the Virgin. Anyway, I don’t want to be the second emperor. If I did, I would have inherited your great power in the first place. Why wait until today?”

The Emperor was speechless.

Am I a saint?

Is it praise?

But… Forget it, he actually didn’t think so, he could only say that Su Yu and King Wen were too casual.

And Su Yu, looking at the blue sky again, smiled and said: “Now, you also have the foundation, opened the sky, and the rest of the road… Go by yourself! You and I are now explorers on the road and I am not much better than you , Don’t know more than you! Fellow Daoist Lan, the Tao is at your feet, let’s go and see!”

Lantian nodded slightly: “Your Majesty has laid the best foundation for me. Next, I will look for my way forward. In this ten thousand world, your majesty can rest assured that there is me in all worlds. It is the land of your majesty, nothing can be concealed!”

Until today, the blue sky has completed the complete penetration of the world.

Me, everywhere!

The emperor is also embarrassed, great.

Of course, he didn’t envy him. He didn’t like the way of blue sky, just like Su Yu didn’t like his avenue of responsibility. At their level, each had its own pursuit and its own main attack direction.

The meaning of the blue sky is also very clear. Now he has opened an unusual sky, but he is willing to help Su Yu guard the world.

Be willing to be a vassal!

Su Yu didn’t care about this, looked at the ten thousand realms again, and thought about it: “You can enter my world as a clone, showing that you are still there, and you are practicing yourself. I will do it, even if the three doors are opened, everything is there. I am in control!”

If the three strong come out, you have to live under my nose!

I can deal with you anytime!

Blue sky nodded.

Human Sovereign was a little curious: “What kind of strength are you now?”

Lantian smiled and said: “Ten thousands of clones, just one suit!”

The emperor is speechless, this is nonsense, of course I know.

“What about unity?”

“It’s worth a while, but it’s not lasting!”

Blue Sky didn’t hide it either. This time the Emperor Human also contributed a lot, and he didn’t want to hide it, “Under the unity, I still can’t maintain it, but I can maintain the first battle!”

The emperor showed some smiles, which was unexpected!

The key is that the blue sky has a large radiation range!

Sure enough, Lan Lan said again: “At present, I can almost radiate the entire ten thousand realms, but it is difficult to radiate to the depths of the long river of time like your majesty, because I don’t have a particularly powerful avenue, it is difficult to do this.”

That’s enough!

Su Yu nodded slightly: “Okay, it’s already very good. In this way, even if we are not here, Ten Thousand Realms still have the confidence to solve the problem!”

After that, Su Yu smiled again: “So many days have passed. Those friends who returned have been infiltrating their power, and maybe they can come out! Solving them and integrating the avenue into my world will probably stabilize my world. Up!”

The heaven and the earth are stable, coupled with the integration of the five powerful avenues, and Su Yu digests the previous gains, then he can return to full prosperity, or even surpass before.

Next, he should take care of his own business.

When Lan Lan heard Gui’s name, he smiled suddenly and smiled a little strangely: “Gui, it’s funny! Your Majesty didn’t let me play for a while!”

Su Yu was speechless.

Lantian laughed strangely again: “Why don’t you, your majesty, send the returning friends to the world to play? Or simply send to the real world to play!”

Come on!

Su Yu is not interested in satisfying Lantian’s hobby.

He has no time to play with these people.

“Okay, you practice with peace of mind, Your Majesty, go!”

“Where to go?”

“Go back and kill!”

Su Yu was speechless: “Does your majesty think that I can deal with five strong men alone?”


Continue to work for you?

The emperor discovered that Su Yu really couldn’t be idle before he stopped.

“Can you give me two days’ rest?”

The emperor asked, Su Yu frowned: “Isn’t it all rest for more than a month?”


The emperor’s heart is so tired: “I feel that for more than a month, I am more tired than I was a hundred years ago!”

Do you call this rest?

Su Yu was speechless, really speechless: “I thought you were a good majesty who was diligent and caring for the people. As a result, you said that you did not have as many rests in this month as you did for a hundred years? No wonder the human race has been unable to rise!”

Fuck your uncle!

The emperor glared at him, you are abnormal, I have been digging holes every day for more than a month, is this a rest?

If I had worked like this every day for tens of thousands of years, I would have been exhausted!

Can you live till now?

“You are destined not to live long!”

The emperor scolded: “I don’t understand the combination of work and rest!”

Su Yu sneered, “Just like, I am dead, and you have no good life.”

While talking and laughing, the two disappeared in place.

Lan Lan watched them disappear and smiled. Someone was there. Su Yu was actually much more relaxed. Putting it aside before, how could it be so relaxed now. For Su Yu, for more than a month, it might have been a break.

Upper Bound.

The Emperor and Su Yu appeared at the same time, and soon other people also received orders and quickly gathered to Su Yu’s world.

At this moment, there are many rulers.

On the Human Sovereign side, the number of rulers has increased unabated.

Previously, under the command of the Emperor, more than 50 rulers killed 8 of them and conquered 4 of the ten thousand races. There are already less than 50 people. Today, there are more than 60.

On Su Yu’s side, even if two people died in the battle, the number exceeded 40.

The number of rulers on both sides exceeds 100!

Of course, there are still some left behind in the long river of time.

Nevertheless, the number of strong people gathered here has exceeded 60.

At this time, everyone looked at Su Yu.

But Su Yu looked behind the crowd and returned evasively.

Everyone’s eyes also gathered on Gui’s body in an instant.

With a helpless expression on his face, seeing Su Yu’s opinion, he had no choice but to say: “Your Majesty Yu…what’s your order?”

Su Yu smiled and said: “You said, after more than a month, are they almost there? Can the deity come? Come on, talk about the specific strength and means of the five people, what do you think?”

Gui was helpless, “This…I betrayed my friend…”

“Forget it!”

“do not!”

Gui but was very afraid of death, so he had to say: “These five are divided according to the ten thousand realms. There are two in the first class, and three in the second class. Both of them have the same strength as me, and the second class is also the second class. peak!”

Gui explained: “They are my friends in Tianmen…”

A group of people despise, and you pit your friends too?

Gui was looked at by them, helpless, nonsense, then what can I do?

Of course, he chose to commit suicide now, and died, all the marks disappeared, and the people at the door that day could feel it.

In other words, use your life to remind them that Ten Thousand Realms is dangerous!

Otherwise, he has no other way!

Gui was too lazy to pay attention to them, and said: “His Majesty Yu…Can they…like me, after giving up the road, continue to connect another road, so that they can continue to play for His Majesty Yuhuang?”

After all, there was still some friendship with friends, and Gui still begged for a love, because he knew that these five old friends were coming, and they would not end well.

Resistance will undoubtedly die!

If you give way, maybe there is still a glimmer of life, just like yourself, I have just made do with it, but at least I can survive, there is still a chance!

Although the five are strong, you still have to see where they are.

This place, my God, has more than 60 rulers!

Wait for Su Yu, wait for the emperor, those on the front line have not yet come back, it is even more terrible to come back!

Moreover, there are many second-class people on Su Yu’s side.

King Ming quickly entered the second class. After all, he is a strong man who has been in the first class for many years. Xingyue is also the pinnacle of the second class. Although this one has almost never made a shot, but with her, everyone is slightly injured and can recover almost instantly. .

In addition, there are also several second-class powerhouses on the side of the emperor, including the second wife of King Wu, who are all here.

The original champion of the second-class peak, but only maintained the third-class peak, and has not yet been able to enter the second-class.

How can so many strong people match?

Su Yu smiled: “You can consider! I have some feelings about the power of these five great avenues, but they are specific and difficult to judge. Tell me, what avenues are.”

Gui introduced: “Two of the first-class realm, one is called Yu, is a casual cultivator, the way of repairing marksmanship! The other is called a tomb, the way of repairing the sky tomb…”

“and many more!”

Su Yu became interested, “What is the Way of the Tomb of Heaven?”

This is really the first time he has heard of it.

Gui explained: “When the tomb is fighting, a coffin will appear, blocking the opponent into the coffin. In fact, some of them have the feeling of belonging to the domain and the world. His combat power is actually not weak! It also means to block the road! However, Compared with the general blockade of the avenue, the avenue of the tomb has some limitations… For example, the general blockade of the avenue can block the opponent at any time. The avenue of the tomb must be within the coffin, which is more limited!”

The Emperor smiled, looked at Su Yu, and explained: “This kind of avenue power is actually quite a lot. It is a variant of the blockade of the avenue, but the cultivator is self-imposed, or in other words, unable to expand the blockade… …Actually you should be able to understand, hell, you know. Her way of **** at the beginning, similar to this, can only block the strong in her territory, but then she self-expanded and completed the avenue ascension!”

Su Yu knew it well.

Then he said: “What is casual repair?”


Gui said somewhat strangely: “Within the heavenly gate, there is chaos and darkness, but there are some forbidden places. The so-called forbidden places are some top powers who open up the world, shelter one party, or simply open up the sky… In this forbidden land, they are Yuhuang is the same as the world of His Majesty. He can suppress opponents, imprison enemies, and improve himself… Of course, not all heaven openers, but also some top powerhouses. After cultivating the Tao, use their own weapons and soldiers to prove the Tao. , Decayed, created a forbidden area!”

“These people, with complete inheritance and ancient existence, are still alive. Within the Tianmen, not all people from the Kaitian era, but some were born later, but the Lord of the Forbidden Land must be a strong man in the Kaitian era!”

Su Yu was different: “After opening the sky, no one can become the master of the forbidden land?”


Returning nodded: “But… it’s almost impossible! Because it’s too difficult, after the era is blocked, it’s actually extremely difficult to make progress! The forbidden cultivators are powerful, inherited, strong, and immortal. They are Orthodox cultivators, and some little people who have no forbidden grounds, who were born later, or the Kaitian era…are considered casual cultivators!”

“In short, non-discrete repair…there is the Lord of the Forbidden Land behind!”

Su Yu knew it, “Then how strong are these people?”

“They are all first-class top, even beyond first-class!”

He explained: “First class, it’s the ten thousand worlds’ theory. Behind the door, how much power is used to judge the strength! Those people, the weak also have 30 powers, and the strong ones have exceeded them. I don’t know the specifics. However, the Lord of the Forbidden Land is an extremely terrifying existence!”

The emperor sighed, “What’s so terrible? When I was at his peak, I projected into the gate of heaven. You, the so-called forbidden landlord, fought with me, and I didn’t fall into the wind. If the deity… I am sure to kill. Him! What a pity!”

Gui breathed in slightly, it was so terrible.

How did such an existence be cultivated?

As for whether the Emperor lied, it was unnecessary.

Su Yu also knew about this matter, and smiled: “Do you know the one you played against?”

“I don’t know, but he reported his origins, what seems to be… the master of Tianqiong Mountain!”

As soon as he said this, his face changed slightly. Su Yu quickly looked at him and said with his teeth: “Tianqiong Mountain…I know! Tianqiong Mountain is regarded as one of the top forbidden places in Tianmen. The Lord of the Forbidden Land has swept away. Passed several forbidden places nearby! I didn’t expect… I didn’t expect His Majesty the Emperor to encounter him.”

At this moment, some skeptical emperors brag!

Because the emperor said that if his deity enters, he can kill the opponent!

And the emperor, a shrewd person, smiled faintly when he saw his eyes, and said lightly: “I see him, 35 Dao power at most, is it even the top-level existence? My peak is not weaker than him!”

Su Yu showed suspicion, looked at him, and the emperor said: “Look at what? My peak period is indeed not weaker than him! In the peak period of the second man, there is probably 32 Dao power. Of course, he entered the heavenly gate. Probably without this strength, I don’t know if there has been any improvement over the years.”

“You…this is more than a wait, then you can’t deal with those guys of the ten thousand races?”

Su Yu is speechless, you are too useless!

The emperor was annoyed, and the sound transmission said: “What do you know, I have said it, not that I can’t deal with it, but after dealing with it, I will pay a lot of money! Besides, I said that at that time it was to block the three doors, the goal It’s not to deal with the ten thousand races, but when you really want to deal with it… isn’t it scammed?”

“Made yourself!”

Su Yu is not sympathetic!

It’s all your own pot!

When you can deal with it, you are unwilling to pay the price, but when you want to deal with it, there is no chance. It is the turbulence of the heavens, and the backlash of the future body. The period of weakness comes, and you are not killed. You are lucky!

Su Yu said nothing, and continued: “What about the remaining three?”

“There are three remaining, one for practicing fire, one for cultivating obliteration, and one for practicing sticks…”

Just when I said this, below, one person suddenly widened his eyes!

Those eyes are bigger than a cow!


Tian Mie roared violently, Su Yu’s eyes widened, Tian Mie died instantly, but he was still restless.

He is very anxious!

Su Yu didn’t bother to care about him, looked towards the return, smiled and said, “It’s all regarded as a regular road, except for the road to the tomb, everything else is fine.”

Gui Gan laughed and said nothing.

However, Tian Mie several people were agitated one by one.

Five Avenues!

But they saw that Emperor Wu directly went from second-class to first-class. This kind of avenue in the Tianmen, raised, is simply terrifying!

Who are these five avenues for?

There are actually many people who know how to use marksmanship, such as Dingjun, Daqin Wangzhi and his ilk, and Wu Ji can actually be used, but he didn’t care, because he definitely didn’t have his share.

This is a first-class avenue!

There is more than one strong gun.

There are actually many people who can use the stick method.

Needless to say, the fire road, Tianhuo, Huoyunhou can be.

The way of obliteration, this kind of avenue is the ultimate avenue of destruction, and there are similar avenues, such as the way of breaking the void, which can be repaired.

For a while, everyone was a little restless.

I want, but I am embarrassed to say.

Tian Mie is shameless, they can’t.

But Su Yu, after looking at everyone, took a long time to say: “I will do it under normal circumstances, but at this moment, it is wartime, I should appoint people on their merits!”

Su Yu said indifferently: “There are five avenues. If you want to compete, you can compare yourself and decide the winner! One avenue can match many people. If you think you can take over, register yourself, such as the way of sticks, March, Juzhu, and Wu Extreme, Heavenly Annihilation…Even the Great Qin King and the Battle King can cultivate!”

Su Yu calmly said: “Choose by yourself, sign up by yourself, and learn by yourself! The winner takes all. I don’t do any equal distribution. If you have the ability, you can eat all five avenues. Then you sign up five times and defeat all your opponents. One person can eat five!”

Everyone was shocked!


Su Yu calmly said: “Including the emperor’s side, it’s the same! Whoever wants it, who will sign up! Not all people on my side! Scored by strength and merit! More than that, forget it this time, next time , I want to count the merits, this time, it depends on the strength! In the future, the merit system will continue to open!”

Su Yu looked at them: “I don’t want the last time to happen again! Under the situation of superior combat power, I was beaten by the ten thousand clan and wounded both sides. I want the elite, not the mediocre people. Those people, just take care of them. !”

“Don’t waste resources!”

Su Yu stared at the sky: “Some people are full of energy all day long, but they have never won a fight!”


Tian Mie looked helpless and said to me!

Just call my name!

I can’t help it, my strength is not as good as others, I can’t beat it, okay!

And return is speechless.

They haven’t come out yet, and Su Yu has started to divide the quota.


My poor old friends!

After saying this, Su Yu looked at the emperor, “It depends on the situation. If they come out one by one, it will be easy to deal with and directly suppress them. If they all come out, I will suppress one by one, you suppress one, and the remaining three, let Others will solve it!”

The Emperor nodded slightly.

Soon, he smiled and said: “You are just a one-shot deal, you have lost all of the people, and sooner or later, like me, there won’t even be a ghost shadow near the Tianmen!”

Co-author, have you done this too?

Su Yu glanced at him, then looked at King Ming’s side, where’s King Ming?

Su Yu thought for a while, and said, “Ming Wang, you won’t have killed his linker, have you?”

The emperor smiled, and said after a long while: “It’s not me, it’s the second man who did it! The second man has a dark heart, and he did it many times in the early years! Otherwise, do you think the second man did not have long, his Heaven and earth are so perfect? ​​This guy has done this kind of thing before! The existence in the gate of heaven is not clear about this, otherwise, he would have been killed long ago! The strong near King Ming has also been caught!”

Su Yu served!

After thinking for a while, he said: “Then Emperor Wu, maybe you can catch people? Last time you said that Emperor Wu almost opened the Tianmen. I didn’t ask carefully, what’s the matter?”

If the situation permits, I will borrow the Emperor Wu to catch more!


The Emperor sighed and said through the sound transmission: “These two idiots, don’t look at him for his average strength, his courage is also small, he is afraid of death, he dare not innovate, and he dare not open the way…”

It’s almost time to call Emperor Wu as shit!


There was still a turning point, and the Emperor said helplessly: “That idiot, his Tianmen projection may be near the real Tianmen! He probably also did some research on the Tianmen. In the early stages of unifying the human realm, he somehow studied the methods in the Golian Tianmen. Maybe I wanted to give it a try… That time, it caused a riot of time. My second and I quickly observed it. It should have attracted the attention of some powerful beings!”

“At that time, many Forbidden Land Masters may have discovered the situation, as if they were preparing to break the connection between his Heavenly Gate Projection and Heavenly Gate, and opened an opening on the True Heaven Gate, based on his Heavenly Gate!”

Su Yu was surprised, “You mean, his heavenly gate is near the real gate? Can you connect to the real gate?”


The emperor nodded: “So, after Wang Wu turned his face with him, Wen Lao Er encouraged Wang Wu and sealed him!”

Su Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at the Emperor with a smile, “Is that right? But I read Wang Wen’s Wandao Jing, he clearly said that someone said that Emperor Wu was slaughtering indiscriminately, so he had to punish him. King Wu, I I don’t know, but if an average person speaks, he will care? Will he listen?”

Except for King Wen, how about you?

It was not instigated by the King of Wen. Needless to say, what you instigated, pretend!

You also set a seal for Emperor Wu, isn’t it just to prevent him from unblocking it?

I said, why did you specially seal Wu Huang, the feeling is because you don’t want him to unblock, it’s a bad thing, right?

Hundred percent instigated by the emperor!

This is boring!

Steal the bad kind!

The King of Literature is bad, everyone knows, you, a great saint, are also bad in private!

The emperor is speechless, forget it, don’t explain!

It was Lao Wen who did it. What are you doing to me?

“What the second man writes, do you take it seriously? Would you write that you are bad?”

The emperor said a word and said no more.

believe it or not!

But Su Yu knows a little bit about it. Emperor Wu can’t move around. If he moves, he will catch a big fish. No wonder everyone didn’t expect Emperor Wu to go fishing.

As for Su Yu’s portal projection, there are probably no strong people nearby. No, Gui is actually a strong one, but it’s still far behind the masters of the forbidden land.

I don’t know if it is luck or bad luck.

Su Yu stopped procrastinating, looked at everyone, and said: “Five people come out together, then everyone will deal with three second-class people. Remember, don’t beat them to death, let Dao be the best, not give way, but also Grind a little! lest our road is torn apart, it would be incomplete!”


Everyone responded!

And Su Yu, looking towards Gui, smiled and said, “Gui, you persuade them to surrender! Tell them, surrender and don’t kill!”

Gui was helpless, “I…know it.”


I really entered the thief ship, poor!

at the same time.

Beside the phantom of the sky, Su Yu’s voice came out, but it was the voice of returning. Su Yu himself disguised himself. He didn’t bother to let the return pretend. It was troublesome, it might as well come by himself.

At this moment, Su Yu quickly said: “Brother Dao, Ten Thousand Realms are now peaceful, you can come here, we have to work together, lest the group of Xingyu come back, that would be troublesome!”

Then he said, “Everyone, come one by one, don’t come together, I’m afraid Su Yu won’t be able to hold it!”

Inside the door.

Five people look at me and I look at you. At this moment, someone said through a voice: “Go one by one?”

“That won’t work!”

“Be careful to be calculated, this guy, he should have improved a lot now, let us go one by one, we may be defeated by him one by one, this guy, maybe what you think!”

“We have to be together, even if he is promoted to 25 powers, we are together, we are not afraid of him!”

“He hasn’t been out for a long time, no matter how fast he can improve, he can reach 25, which is the limit!”

“So if you don’t go, if you want to go, you have to go together, everyone remember, five of us, we have to watch and help!”


Several people communicated with each other, or they would not go, they would definitely have to work together. This is safe enough!

After discussing for a while, the few people don’t care if Su Yu can hold it, they won’t die, they will fall down!

After they came out, they didn’t expect to go back anyway.

As for attracting others…now no one has discovered the location of Su Yu’s Heavenly Gate, and he can’t attract them. Su Yu hangs up and hangs up.

Therefore, few people said hello to Gui, we are coming together!

If you don’t like it, it doesn’t matter.

At this time, Su Yu also felt it, with a smile on his face, and sighed: “Guessed!”

Really guessed it!

The so-called group of friends still have their own thoughts.

Otherwise, Guidu said, one by one, these people still worry about being calculated, and they must come together!

Good thing!

Otherwise, it would be troublesome to kill one and be discovered by someone else and dare not come again.

At this moment, a faint coercion appeared in front of Su Yu and the others.

Five places!

In three of them, there are almost 20 rule masters nearby, each with a complete set of knives, guns, swords and halberds, ready to go out and fight!

Su Yu and Renhuang also have their own marks around them.

On Su Yu’s side, the main seal is floating.

On the side of the Emperor, the seal of the Emperor is suspended.

Two big seals are facing where they came out.

Su Yu didn’t rush, and the imprisonment formations began to be arranged, and the emperor’s side was also leisurely and contented. This is not the first time that he is ready and waiting for people to enter the pit. He is familiar with the road.

Various formations are densely covered, the human emperor seal overflows with a faint brilliance, and a large amount of responsibility is flooding the world. While arranging it, he communicated with Su Yu: “You don’t understand, I do this. When the other party comes out, he has to When he comes, he has to absorb the power, and he will absorb all the power of my responsibility into the body at once. In an instant, his affection for me soars and he feels that he should not deal with me… You will see later, my power, there is How powerful and enlightened is the essence of Wandao!”

Su Yu’s eyes flickered, and he cursed in his heart, let alone, it makes sense.

He suspected that if the opponent came out, he might absorb power frantically, and suddenly became a vassal of the Emperor. The Emperor of Humanity was terrible!

And at this moment, five places exude a faint brilliance at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, five figures emerged.

The five people showed up in a circle. Someone hadn’t appeared yet, and there was a voice with a smile: “Brother Gui, we thought about it, come together, keep quiet, and avoid one by one, and the time will be prolonged. I was discovered…”

You have to find a reason!

At the moment when the five figures appeared, suddenly, all five of them stared!


Numerous attacks suddenly broke out, returning to the other side, helplessly shouting: “Give up your own way, let the way not kill, a few old friends, don’t struggle, here is the ruler of hundreds, waiting for dozens, there is no need court death!”

Before he finished shouting, Su Yu kept staring at the emperor’s side. At this moment, a toothache suddenly occurred.

On the side of the human emperor, there is the tomb of the first-class strong man. This strong man, who just appeared, saw the human emperor, quickly absorbed his power, presented a coffin, and was about to explode. Suddenly, his eyes were a little confused. Then look at the human emperor, Wei Wei For a moment, he murmured: “The human race cannot be killed…”

Su Yu was stunned, and didn’t want to care about the jade for a while.

The Emperor Human, with a benevolent face, smiled kindly: “Yes, the human race cannot be killed, it is the responsibility to protect the human race! Obedient, let the road out, I will give you a power of the road that suits you…”

Under the temptation of the devil of the human emperor, the first-class strong man struggled and suffered a little, but at this time, the human emperor’s seal showed the power of countless rules and continuously poured into his body.

Gradually, his face became calmer, and he said with emotion: “I know that I am me today, and I should contribute to the human race. This way, let it out!”

“Well, you will benefit the human race!”

When the words fall, that tomb, endure the pain forcibly, and completely strip away the power of his great power!

In this scene, Su Yu had a toothache, and the others who watched were heartbroken, and they swallowed wildly!

Oh my God!

What the hell!

It’s terrible!

And Su Yu is also extremely helpless, uncle, what kind of responsibility is this, it is the way of the devil, what situation!

For the human race to sacrifice everything… my god, the human emperor is actually a devil in his bones!

Sacred and devil!

As for the other three parties, there were constant rumblings, twenty to one, and even after countless preparations, it was almost no suspense!

The three second-classes were quickly blasted physically, and the avenue was sealed!

On Su Yu’s side, the jade with a gun, his face pale, was suppressed by Su Yu Avenue, he dared not do anything for a while, swallowed wildly, and when he saw the tomb next door, he stripped off the road, on his forehead, Sweat dripped like crazy!

this is too scary!

He suddenly looked at Su Yu. At this moment, he was a little more relieved. On my side, it seemed that there was no terror on the other side. At least, he thought the tomb might be crazy, and he was at least conscious!


Yu’s heart was shaken, and after a while, he was terrified. After a long while, when he saw that other people were finished quickly, and then looked back, there was a little more anger and despair in his eyes. After a long while, he said in a low voice: “I want to fall!”

Go, **** your ancestors!

You actually cheated us!

He almost exploded!

But at this moment, there is no alternative.

Su Yu laughed, looked at the emperor, and shrugged: “I don’t need to make a move. The most powerful thing is to defeat a soldier without a fight!”

The emperor is speechless!

Nonsense, without my intimidation, is this guy so easy to surrender?

Forget it, don’t care about Su Yu.

And Su Yu smiled and said, “Dadao stripped out and let you be with Gui. By the way, Gui said that I miss you very much. I have to call you to be a guest. Have a good chat!”

Several strong men quickly looked back, with anger, disgust, and hatred!

And return, a face full of helplessness!

These people are really inappropriate!

I’m a vassal, how can I deal with me like this?

For a while, Gui was also very desperate. All these ten thousand realms are all demons!

The legends in the Tianmen are all deceptive. The Ten Thousand Realms are not weak, but terrifying, much more terrifying than the Forbidden Land!

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