Tribe of All Nations (Tribulation of Myriad Clans)

Chapter 868 - The plan has begun (10,000 more for subscription)

On this day, Su Yu entered Guiyun Mountain.

Not in a hurry, began to study how to integrate the avenue.

Similarly, it is this day.

Wang Wen condensed his eyebrows slightly and frowned when he looked into the distance.

By his side, King Wu was a little excited, as if he had accomplished some great cause. Seeing King Wen frowning and looking into the distance, he said strangely: “What’s wrong?”

King Wen did not speak.

Nothing, I just feel that it is much more difficult to extract the power of heaven and earth.

After taking the boots, he was connected with his own world and Su Yu was much stronger. He extracted the power of his own world very quickly, but not long ago, he tried to draw once, and suddenly he felt a little slow.

Su Yu has an accident?

Or did he close the Tianmen?

What trouble has Wanjie encountered?

Or… his Heavenly Gate passively closed the connection between Ten Thousand Realms?

If it is the last type… that can only represent a possibility, this guy has entered the heavenly gate!

Wang Wen was lost in thought, which one was it?

Either way, Wen Wang couldn’t help but sigh.

What’s up!

On my side, I just connected to the heaven and the earth and extracted the power of the heaven and the earth. It didn’t take long to draw the power of the heaven and the earth. This kid was cut off for me. Although it is not impossible to draw at all, at this moment, the draw is not too much.

Without the power of heaven and earth, he Wenwang is also a top powerhouse. .

He may draw a lot of power from heaven and earth, and he is the real strongest person.

Now, the amount of extraction is less, the speed is slow, and it is still influential. I have been happy for days.

King Wen has a headache!

He looked in that direction, and he seemed to disappear.

Was he booby-trapped by Su Yu?

Then Su Yu, did he enter the Tianmen?

He should be still weak. Judging from the strength of the Tianmen, he may have reached the first level, but even if he has reached it, it will be more fortunate to come into the Tianmen now.

“What are you looking at?”

King Wu yelled again, look at the woolen thread, it’s been a long time!

When King Wen returned to his senses, King Wu excitedly said, “Don’t look, second child, do you know? I feel like I’m just a little bit close to crossing that hurdle!”

What hurdle?

The hurdle of the strongest!

In the true sense, 31 hurdles crossed into 32 hurdles, a hurdle of transcendence.

How many people fell at this step.

Nowadays, some forbidden land masters have actually failed to make this step. After they have really made this step, the gap is very obvious. At this step, they really have the strength against the sky.

King Wu had been passively beaten for many years, and even if he joined forces with King Wen, he had to be beaten, but the one from Yongsheng Mountain had stepped into this hurdle, hitting one by two, even if only one strength was missing, he couldn’t beat the opponent.

Wang Wen nodded slightly and said softly: “It’s almost coming soon, but at this step, you may feel that you can enter in an instant, or it may take a long time. Don’t be too happy!”

At this moment, maybe King Wu can enter tomorrow, maybe ten years, maybe still a lifetime!

King Wu curled his lips and quickly smiled: “Second, you teach me how to get out of this step? I don’t have any special feelings.”

King Wen suppressed Su Yu’s side, thinking too much was useless.

Su Yu is really coming. From his simple understanding and some speculations, he is not willing to be an ordinary and lonely person. Sooner or later, he will make some movement, but he is not in a hurry.

It is indeed worthy of attention that Taishan should take that step.

If it really works, then you have a lot of control over how to deal with it.

King Wen thought for a while, and said: “The power of 31 Dao and the power of 32 Dao seem to be not much different, but in fact, you have also felt that we both have 31 Dao power. Unable to deal with the law, with one force, there is a huge gap!”

King Wu nodded.

He doesn’t like to use his brain, but he likes to listen to people talking about the Tao, especially when the King of Wen and the Emperor are talking about the Tao, he likes listening very much.

Not only them, even if the weak talked about Taoism, King Wu was actually very interested.

To be able to cultivate to this point, because the King Wen and the Emperor are here, he is too lazy to calculate anything, but he is particularly interested in the understanding of the Dao, only the purest martial arts, not just derogatory.

King Wu likes to talk to people, but he prefers to listen, a bit stupid, and often can’t tell the feeling.

“There is a gap between the power of 16 Dao to 31 Dao, but it is not too obvious, one step at a time, but 16 Dao kills 17 Dao, even 18 Dao, 19 Dao, this is nothing!”

King Wu nodded again.

Wang Wen said again: “I’m against the sky, right? But I am here, with 31 powers, can I kill the law?”

King Wu shook his head, no.

Just one force!

It was still two against one. King Wen was still against the sky. At least in King Wu’s eyes, he was more against the sky than those in the forbidden areas. However, even if it was King Wen, he still failed to do it in this situation!

Of course, he is against the sky, so even if he can’t defeat the opponent, the opponent wants to kill the king, but he still can’t do it. Under normal circumstances, maybe after a few times, he will be caught by the hole and killed by the opponent!

King Wen looked at King Wu, thought about it, thought about it, and explained in the simplest terms: “The master of the forbidden land with the power of 32 avenues, whether it is the accumulation of power by multiple avenues, or whether one avenue has grown to that extent. , Will usher in a transformation, which is also a critical point!”

King Wu listened carefully, and King Wen continued: “This critical point, after the completion of the transformation, will have more characteristics!”


King Wu asked, and said in doubt: “I didn’t see any characteristics in you and the boss, is there anything special?”

In the outside world, King Wen had actually reached this level.

The Emperor is actually too!

But the characteristics, I didn’t feel it!

Wang Wen laughed: “You are just too familiar with us, and we haven’t taken any action against you, of course you don’t feel too much. But you have fought the Fa for many years, don’t you feel at all?”

King Wu thought for a while and nodded: “Yes! I don’t think he can be killed, and he can’t touch his great power!”


King Wen nodded and laughed, “This is the special feature of the Lord of the Forbidden Land, or the special feature of the 32 Dao powers. At this point, in short, the avenue can be separated from the long river!”


King Wu was startled, what do you mean?

He vaguely understood a little, but he still didn’t quite understand the specifics.

Wang Wen smiled and said: “Let’s put it this way, the master of the 32 Dao, even if he is not a heaven opener, he can also be seen as a heaven opener. If his Dao is the one specializing in one, he can make his Dao at any time. Get out of the long river of time! When you play, you will attack his avenue, but his avenue is one with the Tao and the body! The avenue enters the body, the Tao is himself, and he is the Tao! Then I ask you, how about if you don’t defeat him Attack his power?”

King Wu couldn’t help saying: “You mean, in fact, 32 Taoists are all heaven openers?”

“Yes or not!”

Wen Wang explained again: “There are still differences. Heaven-openers generally open up heaven and earth, forming a domain, heaven and earth domain! And the strong man of 32 Dao power, he is an individual! The difference between individual and collective! Heaven-opener , Can cover the field, can radiate the four directions, can turn a region into its own battlefield, but the opener cannot do it, unless it is aimed at the weak, and the opener is regardless of strength!”

King Wu thoughtfully, muttered: “Understood, the Tao is incorporated into the body, and the Tao and the body are one body! The Tao is the body, and the body is the Tao. How strong is the Tao. In this way, the Tao is the body. You can kill him if you have a great road, otherwise, you can’t kill him at all!”

He said clearly: “What I said, I fought with the Fa. He was obviously not too strong in his physical body, but it turned out to be good. I punched it down. He had no physical injuries and almost no weaknesses!”

He also asked Wen Wang before, but Wen Wang didn’t explain it in detail. Today, because he is facing this step, Wen Wang carefully explained it.

He looked at Wang Wen again and wondered: “Why didn’t you tell me before?”

“That said, if you click this key, you will subconsciously go to this step, no!”

Wang Wen smiled and said: “You are not suitable to know this, otherwise, you know, you like to go astray and go astray!”

King Wu was speechless, and thought for a while and said, “If you have one path, you can take the path into your body. How about the accumulated strength of the multiple paths and 32 paths?”

Wang Wen smiled and said, “There will be multiple integrations, do you know the Five Elements?”


King Wu nodded, “The Five Elements Emperor was very strong back then. He was killed by his personality. It is said that it was the Immortal Emperor…”

“Not the emperor!”

Wang Wen shook his head, “Why did Immortal Emperor kill him? I thought you knew, but you don’t know if you are co-authoring!”


Silent, King Wu was depressed, nonsense, how did I know, I thought it was the fairy emperor, so I didn’t ask, don’t you all say it is the fairy emperor?

King Wen smiled: “It’s not the emperor, it was made by Yanhuo! Yanhuo used to walk along the road to see if his Five Elements Dao was weak, and wanted to seize his Five Elements Dao… Forget it, this is not the key, the key lies in the Five Elements Dao. Fusion is actually an example!”

Wen Wang explained: “A strong person who walks on multiple paths, with the power of 32 Dao, merges with the Dao, there will be a situation like the Five Elements Dao, and it can also be absorbed into the body, so it has some special conditions, it is difficult to kill!”

“For example, walking on the fire road, at this point, it will turn into a supreme flame. At this time, it is actually difficult to kill him, unless the flame is extinguished, or the flame is extinguished with absolute strength, or, You can only use corresponding methods to kill him! For example, use water to kill him!”

King Wu murmured: “You mean…even if I reach 32 Dao, but I may not be able to kill the Fa. Even if I defeat him, he becomes the essence of the Dao, I can’t kill him, right? “


King Wen nodded: “At this point, it’s hard to kill! At least for you, it is so, but the sky opener is actually very special!”

King Wen explained: “The opener is also a special case of the integration of multiple paths. Even the Lord of the dead, don’t look at him as if he has only one avenue. No, his avenue contains many avenues, such as the darkness, death, Death, destruction, extinction, dying, death, darkness, lore…”

“He who opens the sky has many avenues and domains, even if the opponent is also the 32 strong, but it is useless. If you turn into fire, then I am water! If you are life, I can be death! If you are yin, I can It’s Yang!”

Wang Wen smiled and said: “He who opens the sky can have a way to kill this kind of existence! But you, it is very difficult and difficult, so at the level of the Lord of the Forbidden Land, they are not afraid of the same level, but they are afraid of opening the sky. Those who are also afraid that the attributes of the same tier are prone to fall!”


King Wu nodded, a little depressed. Hearing what King Wen said, even if he had reached this level, it was almost impossible to kill him.

King Wu said again: “Where is the gap between the many powerhouses and the sky openers? For example, after I merge the Dadao, is it possible that everyone is almost there except for the field?”

Wang Wen smiled: “It’s a little bit, but it’s more difficult to open the sky than multiple dao. It requires accumulation and talent. It is not for nothing. In addition to the many avenues, in addition to the domain, the key point is that it can be separated!”


“Exit completely!”

Wang Wen thought for a while and explained: “To be completely free from dependence on the long river of time, that is to say, the era is destroyed, you can not be sealed!”

“What good is this?”

King Wu sneered: “You’re kidding! It feels okay, right?”

King Wen looked at him, and the King Wu he saw was chattering, and then King Wen said indifferently: “What do you know! The Lord of the dead is one of the openers! The Kaitian era is sealed, and the others who do not open the sky, no matter how strong, are Suppressed and sealed! But the Lord of the Necromancers, that is because he was stubborn, and he wanted to find a chance to break through, so he took the initiative to enter the Heavenly Gate! If he didn’t take the initiative to enter… Then now, he can stay peacefully and steadily. Sleep in the spirit realm!”

Understand what!

King Wu was still depressed: “Really? That…that’s it?”

Still feel that it is not strong enough.

Upon seeing this, Wang Wen sighed again: “Well, let’s talk more directly, it is the power of the door. There is almost no shackles against the sky opener. The door cannot seal the sky opener, understand?”

King Wu was startled, and the next moment he couldn’t help but look at King Wen: “What do you mean? You mean…Can the one who opens the sky enter and exit the three gates?”

I didn’t see you out then!

King Wen smiled when he saw his expression, “Look at it, I am a heaven-opener, yes, but am I not carrying my heaven and earth? Simply put, if you carry your heaven and earth, you can go in and out without hindrance. But, a normal person, who would run around with heaven and earth?”

“No, isn’t it better to carry it?”

King Wu is not a heaven opener, so he really doesn’t understand this.

King Wen had to explain again: “Our heaven and earth, considered the current heaven, is not good to bring to Sanmen! It is easy to be corroded and polluted! However, if our age is sealed, the boss and I can not be Sealed, if we are willing, we can live to the next era and continue to sleep, you can’t, you will be sealed!”

“In short, the heaven opener is immortal, immortal, and truly becomes a monster!”

He looked at King Wu and said with a smile, “Do you understand now?”


King Wu nodded, but still said: “But it still feels useless. Is it interesting to live for too long? Look, the Lord of the dead has lived for a long time, so it’s just like a bird!”



may be!

Wang Wen did not refute, but he still laughed: “In fact, there is still a key point. The sky opener has unlimited potential, and the world can be opened up infinitely. One day, you can reach the realm of the Lord of Time. Can you reach it? If you reach it, then you are the master of time! The potential, the sky opener is much greater, you know?”

This time, King Wu showed envy and yearning, “Is it? That’s really cool to be innocent. I feel that I have no hope of reaching that state in my life!”

King Wu looked forward to it, then continued: “You haven’t said yet, how can I reach the point where I can enter the body?”

I’m almost!

Wang Wen exhaled: “Well, it depends on the individual, even if I can’t give you too much guidance! When your avenue, there is a feeling of ripeness, when you feel that you can take your avenue at any time and accept it. You will succeed! At this time, you can even become a part of the long river of time, killing you, sometimes there will be a feeling of strangling the long river of time! At that time, you are truly super waiting!”

Wang Wen smiled and said: “At this point, it’s hard to kill!”

“But you said before that the boss may have been seriously injured!”

King Wu suddenly said, “Those guys in Ten Thousand Realms can’t deal with the boss, right?”

He suddenly remembered this, and Wang Wen shook his head: “The boss was not seriously injured by a guy from Ten Thousand Realms. He should have been calculated by some old guys. It may be that some loopholes in the original source were caught by someone. Let him enter in advance. It’s a period of weakness!”

“The old guys in the three doors are all calculating him. The tree is so popular, there is no way!”

Wang Wen sighed: “Back when Wen Yu had an accident, I knew that someone was looking at us. The boss was too hearted. Everyone could see that he wanted to join forces with the world to actively break into the three gates, and the guys supported by the three gates also Quite a lot, it’s not that you can’t feel it, just start in advance!”

King Wu gritted his teeth: “Fa must be one of the leaders!”

King Wen nodded. The existence of the Fa at this level must know the inside information, and it may be one of the people who talked about it, whether it was in contact with other people in Sanmen, or was led by Tianmen. This matter is still unclear.

King Wen looked at King Wu and thought about it: “You may be more difficult to get into the body than ordinary people. After all, your avenue is outside. Although you can use the power of the rules to not have much influence, the foundation is still outside!”

King Wu scratched his head, what should I do?

Wang Wen looked at him and said: “Before, I always told you not to blend the power of the great road here, just for now!”

King Wu wondered.

Wang Wen laughed: “Take advantage of the power of the Tao to break through the last step! You follow the Tao of Ten Thousand Martial Arts, swords, spears, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks, all the ways of melee combat, you can fuse, fuse some powerful avenues, you can combine Yin and Yang, Break through this shackle in an instant, connect Yin and Yang, and draw your avenue of ten thousand realms. With Yin and Yang, your chance to break through is here!”

King Wu was first excited, and then frowned: “Can you? Here, I feel that I am a little separated from the avenue, can I blend in? The Tao here seems to be unable to blend into my avenue!”

Wang Wen smiled and said: “Of course you can’t help it, but who am I? This is a simple question. When I first entered, I actually had an idea, but I kept blocking you and didn’t tell you, just to wait for today, otherwise, you will integrate early. Too many, and now I lack the huge explosive power of instant unity, I am afraid it will be difficult to complete the breakthrough and enter the super class!”

King Wu grinned.

The second child is still very reliable!

Following the second bastard, he was not afraid that he would have no food to eat. He hurriedly said, “Tell me, Ye Rong? I haven’t felt there is any good way for so many years. How did you see it?”

“This is wisdom!”

King Wen smiled brightly. Although this guy Taishan has a good understanding of Dao, he also likes to listen and study, but many times, I don’t see the key, but I have a low IQ. How can I be better!

He spoke quickly, and the Wu Wang who listened to it was stunned.

at the same time.

Go to Yunshan.

A lifeless breath filled the world and blocked a layer.

On the first floor, many people fell into a coma.

In the eyes of the outside world, I’m afraid it is all bad luck, this lifelessness is quite strong.

At this moment, Su Yu was carrying some blood in his hand, and once again stripped of the power of the great road, his eyes flickered: “It turns out to be so easy! I thought it was difficult!”

Su Yu showed some smiles, shook his head slightly, and sighed with emotion, “One leaf is blind, and it feels simple, but it’s actually not difficult. It’s really…fortunately!”

Su Yu smiled brightly, and at this moment, a figure walked out of his body.

Very small!

A small, small child, 6-year-old Su Yu, and Xiao Su Yu who was killed by Su Yu at the beginning are integrated into his body. In fact, this child is just a symbol of the past.

Su Yu sighed with emotion: “Fortunately, I have cultivated the three-shen method and blended some of the past origins. As long as the past origins are integrated into the long river of time here, then if there is no three-shen method, there is no way?”

After all, Su Yu still grinned, let him go, anyway, I have been fused!

This is enough!

At this moment, this little Su Yu, the 6-year-old Su Yu, is actually the incarnation of the source of the past. Under Su Yu’s gaze, he rises into the sky. Before other people can see, there is a black line in the sky. A long river emerges, that is the long river of time here.

And Xiao Su Yu instantly dived into the long river of time, and the past origin was integrated into this place.

Su Yu suddenly felt that he had become much closer to this world, and the sense of estrangement he had had before disappeared.

Su Yu barked his teeth and smiled!

too easy!

I thought it was so difficult, the relationship was so simple, this thing, I think about it before, maybe you can get results without researching.

At this moment, Su Yu grinned!


This breaks the barrier. The origin of the past… integrates into the long river here, does that have any effect on you?

Forget it, leave him alone!

This origin can be abandoned by oneself, and it is not necessary. As a heaven opener, as the spirit of heaven and earth, Su Yu does not live by these origins.

“So, it’s time to pretend to be a great way!”

Su Yu figured out the rules and routines here, and soon smiled. When he first came to the place, he thoroughly studied the local rules and routines. This is what Su Yu has been doing all the time. This is what Su Yu has done when he goes to a school, and he goes to the battlefields of the heavens, but for a long time. Now, he doesn’t need to do this anymore.

Now, it feels a bit like it was at the beginning.

Be careful!

Get to know the rules, rules, you have figured it out, there are only advantages and no harm, for example, at this moment, you can fully integrate into this place and treat yourself as a local person.

To send benefits, go to the WeChat public account [Book Friends Base Camp], you can receive 888 red envelopes!

“Rule of fusion…play King Wen!”

Su Yu touched his chin, a good choice, yes, that’s the way it is!

I have a little idea, I don’t know if it is feasible.

Tianmen will open, and I also want to be the boss.

Each thought came to Su Yu’s mind.

Soon, a deadly avenue emerged. In the world of the gate, the avenues are almost close to each other regardless of race. You can build the masterless avenues. The same avenue, like the ten thousand realms, has many.

Su Yu Tiandi is special, he only set up one avenue of the same kind, otherwise, he could also split the physical dao into many, but it is meaningless, these avenues will eventually be unified.

Because Su Yu knew that the avenues would be unified sooner or later, and if one of the avenues of the same kind reached a very strong point, he would definitely want to conquer other avenues of the same kind.

The competition for similar roads!

This is to encourage fellow powerhouses in the world to fight against each other. It may be suitable sometimes, but it is not suitable for Su Yu now.

“The Dark and Dead Avenue… is a kind of Death Avenue, a small category, but logically speaking, they are all the dishes of the Lord of the Necropolis, so this one, established a forbidden area, is uneasy and kind, and it is really dark! “

Su Yu laughed, the next moment, the avenue trembles, and in the blink of an eye, Su Yu’s perception spreads, almost in the blink of an eye, he takes control of the avenue.

In his world, the Avenue of Death in Xingyue, has reached the second-class state.

He realized that there was almost no difficulty.

At this moment, in an instant, his great power reached the fourth level.

In the later stage, he wants to grow stronger, expand forcefully, or swallow some similar roads, and soon, he can become a second-class powerhouse, or even a second-class peak, but the first-class difficulty is not small.

After all, in Su Yu Tiandi, his own avenue of necromancy has not reached the first class.

“Wang Wen hasn’t merged some avenues here in recent years?”

Su Yu felt that if he could find out, it shouldn’t take long for King Wen to find out so easily.

King Wen, hasn’t the time to merge the avenues of this place in recent years, or is it unhappy because he feels that after merging the avenues, the improvement is not big, and it has some involvement with the river here?

Su Yu touched his chin, let him go!

Soon, Su Yu continued to merge the avenues. This time, he didn’t take one. Su Yu thought about it and began to merge some avenues again. It’s better to merge more avenues.

A road suddenly reached the second class, everyone would doubt it.

However, if multiple three- and four-class roads are combined with each other, and the accumulated strength reaches the second class, then everyone will not care too much.

At this time, Su Yu’s insights followed the power of the great road and spread to the long river of time here.

Each rule was quickly mastered by Su Yu!

The Wuzhu Avenue here is so scary.

Su Yu suspected that there were so many people who opened the way back then, and a lot of them must have died later!

Otherwise, there are not so many rules.

Su Yu’s life became heavier and heavier, and he easily suppressed the movement of controlling the avenue.

Su Yu discovered that behind this door is a treasure!

These avenues, even if they are all stripped away, now go out and make money!

No wonder, those inside the door want to go out, and those outside the door want to come in. Open the heavenly door to give benefits. It can be regarded as an admission card, and ordinary people don’t have the qualification to enter.

“It’s a pity for the Emperor… If it wasn’t because of a heavy sense of responsibility back then, the deity came in directly… Maybe you can make a fortune, but the King Wen is unlucky, otherwise, maybe you can make a fortune too!”

Su Yu smiled, Wang Wen was stared at, and he was probably stared at when he came in. I am different. Now, no one is staring at me.

The avenues gathered, and gradually, Su Yu’s breath completely changed.

He is the spirit of heaven and earth, even if he leaves the heaven and earth, he still has a lot of power of heaven and earth in his body. At this time, Su Yu has integrated all the power into his phantom of heaven, and then wraps the phantom of heaven with the avenue of this place. All the forces of the ten thousand realms were completely covered up.

In this case, unless the other party detects the existence of his own Heavenly Gate, there will be no way to discover anything.

Su Yu’s main defense was the Lord of the Necropolis.

Prevent something from being discovered by the Necromancer!

He continued to blend, one by one, and gradually, the power of almost 12 avenues appeared on his body, which was in line with Luo Yun’s speculation, Su Yu smiled, and it was almost done.

He has a deep understanding of the Dao, and it is fast to upgrade, but it is not difficult under the first class. The difficult thing is that after entering the first class, when the perception is exhausted, it is difficult to improve.

With a wave of his hand, all the dead energy on the spot dissipated.

For an instant, falling clouds appeared, looking at Su Yu, with some uncertainty, and then seeing many weak people lying on the ground, but none of them seemed dead. He was a little surprised: “Brother Dao, this is…”

Did not kill?

Su Yu smiled, he is not interested in killing these poor worms at the bottom, it is meaningless, why bother with blood.

Su Yu smiled and said: “No need, I just feel some power of death, create some dreams for them, and constantly realize death, each death is a special experience, the effect is very good, Taoists can also try it. “

Luo Yun’s eyes moved slightly, and he quickly shook his head again: “That requires a deep grasp of the illusion. I can’t do it. I am the only avenue. Could it be that fellow daoists… have some dabbling in the way of the illusion?”

He was a little surprised: “A fellow Taoist is not a dedicated cultivator?”

Su Yu smiled and nodded: “No, but the main road of the dead!”

Luo Yun admired: “It’s actually more difficult to cultivate multiple paths than one alone! We actually know that if you have multiple paths, you are more hopeful to break through, and even more hopeful to increase the power of the Dao. However, they suddenly changed paths and started again. …It’s really not something ordinary people can do!”

He admired a little and said, “The power of Daoist Daoist Daoist is more than 10, right?”

Su Yu smiled and nodded, “Well, but… the distance is 16 points, which is still a bit worse, what a pity!”

Su Yu sighed: “If not, I want to open a territory by myself!”

After speaking, Su Yu smiled and said, “Forget it, don’t care about it!”

Speaking of this, Su Yu frowned: “I have been in retreat for some time, right? Do adults have a reply?”

“not yet!”

Luo Yun frowned slightly and shook his head: “I don’t know where they have gone, Fellow Daoist, if the Heavenly Tomb Leader really can’t hold it, then he can only give up. With the strength of Fellow Daoist, he can stand firm everywhere!”

Su Yu frowned and shook his head: “You don’t understand! Now that the Heavenly Gate is open, and there are no strong men of 16 or more, how can you stand firm? At that time, it is hard to say whether you have a chance to go out of the Heavenly Gate!”

Luo Yun was also helpless, and shook his head: “That’s no way, we are not there after all!”

Su Yu stared at his eyebrows, “Master Tomb, they don’t know where they are! There will be no trouble, right?”

Luo Yun felt a slight tremor in his heart, wouldn’t it be enough?

“No, your great power is still perfect…”

Perfect a fart!

Su Yu can see that the power of the Dao of Return is being weakened. This means that it is being continuously integrated by the Emperor Wu. Once fully integrated, these people will know that it is normal and abnormal. Those who practice returning to the Dao are not dead. Now, it is the yin and yang shock burst, good luck can live, bad luck can die!

And this time, it won’t be too long!

In Su Yu’s mind, thoughts came to mind, and it took a long time to say: “I hope so, I am actually very worried…If something happens, there are no 16 powerhouses to sit in, and it is difficult to have a foothold between this world… If you go to the forbidden land, they will not accept it. If you go to the other 16 strong domains, they are afraid that we will seize power, hey!”

Luo Yun was said to be deeply saddened by him, but he still said, “I think fellow Taoists have been overwhelmed. Several adults are very powerful. This time, a total of 6 strong people left together…”

“Who knows!”

Su Yu said lightly: “Anyway, I can find a way to go to the necrotic hell. If something really happened, then I can only go there!”

At this moment, Luo Yun was a little uncomfortable.

Your lord won’t really have an accident, right?

He looked at the strong people in the mountain who were cultivating the physical body. He didn’t notice anything. At this moment, he vaguely felt that something was wrong, and he suddenly looked at Su Yu.

Su Yu also looked at him, his eyes flickering, meaningful, and he whispered softly: “I thought you saw it, did you just find out? Something is not quite right… The power of the great master, which belongs to the lord, seems to be disappearing… some… Somewhat similar to the feeling of being swallowed!”


Luo Yun’s expression suddenly changed!

Yes, he also had some feelings, but he didn’t dare to say it. At this moment, Su Yu said, his heart was shaken!

Your lord…dead?

The reason there is no big movement is because the avenue was swallowed up!

And Su Yu said quietly: “There is no movement at all, and the entire avenue is directly stripped away. This will be the case, a little bit of swallowing…Did the Lord of the Forbidden Land do it? The Lord of the Forbidden Land of the physical Dao?”

As soon as Luo Yun was guided by him, he thought of this at once, and his face instantly showed horror.

Su Yu said again: “Not only to the lord, the tomb may also have an accident, and there is also the jade lord… Actually, if you go to the jade lord’s territory, you may know it, if it really is like this… that means they are all in trouble. , The avenue was stripped away, or the kind that was stripped off in an instant…a little bit of swallowing, is it a forbidden area powerhouse who has practiced many ways?”

Luo Yun swallowed and looked at Su Yu with horror. Suddenly there was a little Liushen Wuzhu!

No way?

Su Yu sighed lightly: “If it doesn’t work, go to Master Jade’s territory. I don’t know what the strength of the inspector is there? If there are more than 8 Dao powers… the three of us together, although not as good as before, we can still stand up to it. We’re on a territory, at least, we can’t let everyone’s years of savings be taken away!”

“While no one knows now, let’s find the opportunity to enter the 16th path early, otherwise… I’m afraid it will be troublesome. Of course, I’d better go to the necrotic hell…”

Falling Cloud changed its color instantly, and hurriedly said, “No, the necrotic **** is too dangerous. Fellow Daoist from the Black Tomb, I think it’s better for us to guard a place by ourselves. It is too dangerous to deal with the masters of the forbidden land!”

At this moment, his attitude changed!

Can’t let Su Yu leave!

Otherwise, this place is likely to become the flesh of some people.

Su Yu looked at him and frowned: “What do you mean?”

Luo Yun swallowed, then gritted his teeth and said: “Brother Hei Tomb, I think… Let’s find the territories of several other adults. Maybe nothing happened. The adults are all friends. Even if something happens, one If you are alive, you can also rely on one or two… If all… something goes wrong, we… we join hands, and it is a big deal to find a way to merge the territory, and it is better than relying on others!”

“In this world, it’s not that fellow Taoists don’t know how dark other people are, and don’t understand, something will happen sooner or later!”

Su Yu laughed: “Friend Luoyun, you and I don’t understand either.”


Luo Yun hurriedly said: “It’s really different! Our lord is all good friends. Although we don’t know each other, we are all in the same way at this moment! Moreover, our area is all near here, no It’s too far away… There is also a natural opportunity to merge territories!”

Su Yu frowned: “This is not easy…”

“Friends of the Black Tomb!”

Luo Yun said in a deep voice: “Or go to the other elders’ territories first. Maybe it’s just that we misunderstood, maybe… Maybe it’s the adult who is in the promotion?”

He didn’t believe this!

At this moment, he was also a little panicked. For a moment, he could only think that he must keep Su Yu. This one is better than himself, and he has a chance.

And Su Yu hesitated for a moment and nodded, somewhat reluctant.

In his heart, he calculated everything quickly, and soon, a faint smile appeared.


I don’t need to prove my identity, Luo Yun will naturally help me prove my identity. As for the leader of the sky tomb, there are not many ghost shadows, and the locust-eating crossing is a real thing. The tomb himself said it, but he planned to not go back before. , Too lazy to care, too lazy to fight with a 15 locust biting, hurt himself.

Now, the tomb collar may be completely finished!

In this way, I am perfectly integrated into this place, and I may be the boss Dangdang!

Well, the rise of an inexplicable person is not good.

But the rise of a territorial leader is normal!

There are always new people rising!

And Su Yu, nodded, sighed, and whispered: “I am 16 roads away. I am afraid there is still a little distance. Even if I merge the territory, there will be no 16 roads. It is a problem… I want to be 16 roads. need some time.”

Luo Yun’s heart was shocked: “Friends of Dao…how many words have you heard?”

Su Yu looked at him and smiled: “The power of the 15 Dao is about the same as that of the locust leader, but… I am alone, it is hard to beat four hands!”

Falling clouds first vibrated, then rejoiced.

Good thing!

In this case, even if something really happened to them, it wouldn’t be a problem!

This one, maybe you can enter the 16th channel!

Even if it can’t, the second-class peak of Dao 15 can be regarded as a top-level existence in this door. Of the few who left before, three are strong.

Not all first class!

“Friends of Dao…No, Master Hei Tomb said earlier, if this is the case, it would be much more at ease!”

Luo Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and instantly eased. He was really worried that Guiyun Mountain was being watched. If it was Black Tomb…well, Black Tomb would be considered half acquaintances…even though they were just their bosses. Familiar, but almost the same.

At this moment, Su Yu really laughed.

It is so obvious that the weak and the strong eat!

Compared with the unfamiliar powerhouses, Luo Yun is obviously much more accepting of himself, very good. That way, I can quickly become the boss here, and then maybe I can pull people to fight. Wen Wang?

Su Yu laughed!

Vaguely, some plans emerged. I, Su Yu, came in. I was an enemy of everyone. It was too difficult. I was an enemy of King Wen… King Wen, a man of ten thousand realms, was punishable by everyone. He didn’t have time to trouble himself. This is great!

Yes, you have to make a slogan!

King Zhuwen, Breaking the Ten Thousand Realms, Killing King…

In an instant, Su Yu had a lot of thoughts in his mind. Thinking about it, I felt a lot happy. The plan starts here!

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