Tribe of All Nations (Tribulation of Myriad Clans)

Chapter 874 - I want to eat all! (10,000 more for subscription)


A humanoid creature, looming.

On his body, there are 720 acupuncture points, like stars.

Great roads spread out!

Very weak, but it has a foundation.

Not rootless duckweed!

The avenues spread, like mushrooms after a rain, and gradually grew up. Gradually, these avenues spread into a ball, and this ball wrapped Su Yu.

After a while, the ball… is a little deformed.

Gradually… it turned into a door!

Su Yu, who was incubating the avenue, suddenly opened his eyes, like the sun, the moon and the stars, he opened his eyes suddenly, with horror in his eyes, the sun and the moon were bright.


720 tricks, can form a human door.

720 tricks can form a heavenly gate!

Of course, these 720 orifices are different. One is all physical orifices, the other is 360 physical orifices, and 360 divine orifices.

Dimen, it seems not so complicated. .

No matter what, 720 Qiao is related to the portal, this Su Yu knows.

However, at this moment, Su Yu’s face changed drastically.

720 channels, 720 roads, avenues weave the world, weave along the natural direction, Su Yu did not care, but at this moment, these avenues actually began to weave towards a portal!

Su Yu was shocked!


Acupuncture point!



“no, I can not……”

Su Yu murmured, eyes like the sun and the moon, looking towards the void, no way.

The portal, the portal to end the era!

I… seem to be turning into a portal.

Portal, the beginning of disaster, the end of disaster.

My world seems to be weaving a door, a door that may be different from the three doors. What exactly is the three doors on the day?




Cultivation has produced the most natural state, turned into a portal, and became a person in the Sealed Age.

“People…door…three doors…”

Su Yu’s eyes are complicated, what does all this mean?

Does this mean that the three gates are actually formed by three strong men?

Previously, Tongtianmen told Su Yu that if this portal could be cultivated, it might have something to do with the bloodline. For example, Su Yu and the others could cultivate the heavenly gate, which meant that the heavenly gate might be related to the human bloodline.

Hundred wars can be cultivated out of the human sect, which means that the human sect may be related to the pedigree of the hundred wars.

The Prison King line can cultivate out of the earth gate, which means that the earth gate is related to the Prison King or the flame line.

what relationship?

Is it blood relationship?

Door, is it human?

Just like Doubao, the incarnation of Dadao, what is the predecessor of Doubao?

Doubao has always been thinking about the ancient times. Maybe Doubao was a strong man who was a fairy clan during his lifetime, the master of Changsheng Avenue?

may be!

King Wen must know this.

These spirits of Doubao may have been humans, immortals, and demons during their lifetime…

Is that gate also a kind of spirit?

Human beings have cultivated heaven and earth and transformed into a gate?

At the center of his eyebrows, the avenue of catastrophe is looming. At this moment, Su Yu quietly watched the avenue grow, gradually weaving the avenue into a portal.

“What kind of door is this?”

“The gate of the universe?”

“Su Yu’s Gate?”

“what is this else?”

“A few years later, in this era, is it me who came to seal or the sky? Tongtian… can really seal this era? No, maybe… I am the door of this era!”

Su Yu murmured, suddenly, there were some thoughts, some thoughts.

Who will end my era?

But why should I end my era?

Thoughts come to mind. Do people like yourself appear in every age?

Will someone turn into a door at the end of every era?

Did the Dimen and Renmen appear before the appearance of the three gates, such as the Tianmen era?

Now, is this era coming to an end, so three doors have appeared?

The next era will open again… I have turned into a door and sealed my own era. In the next era, will the four doors appear at the same time?

In this way, the cycle again and again.

Time and time again, ending the next era!

For what?

To allow a new era to be born?

Because the class is solidified?

So, do we need to overthrow the previous era and start the next era?

At this moment, Su Yu, a thousand words gathered in his heart.

Is it cured?


For example, in this era, without Su Yu, in fact, very few people can get ahead and can cultivate to the point where the King of Wen and the King of Humans are.

“Whether those three gates are the losers of saving the era, and ultimately, they will become portals?”

“Is this portal in the era of sealing, or is it protecting this era?”

“At least the existence of the portal has preserved this era, hasn’t it?”


All associations came to mind.

Su Yu opened his eyes, looked at the gradually taking shape of the portal, and smiled, interesting, really interesting.

To this day, he seems to have discovered something extraordinary.

The avenue is still spreading, absorbing everything from Su Yu, his willpower, and his physical strength, just like the last time he opened the sky, Su Yu at this moment feels a little sucked to death.

The world, or the portal, has not yet formed.

Because, Su Yu knew that disaster was overwhelming.

The way of catastrophe is shining with brilliance at this moment, and there will be catastrophes in the sky, this Su Yu knows.

He looked at the locusts flying in the distance like locusts crossing the border, and fell into deep thought.

Is this the calamity of this time?

The Lord of the Necromancers opened the sky, there is a calamity, and countless Lords of the Forbidden Land are killed.

Although Su Yu is weak, what can these locusts do?

He looked in the distance, and there were lots of them.

Vaguely, I also felt a lot of the aura of the ruler realm. I am afraid that there are also a lot of rulers. It is indeed difficult to deal with, but… if so, you will underestimate yourself!

“I am open to the sky and possess first-class combat power. The calamity that comes will at least exceed my current realm to be considered a disaster!”

“Last time, the Chaos Dragon came last, the main realm of the fifth-class rules, and at that moment, I only had the power of Tianzun…”

Su Yu felt that such a catastrophe was not strong enough.

But not strong enough, often means that there is a next wave.

At this moment, Su Yu could feel that his strength was increasing. It was not the power of the world, but the power of the world. If he was here before, without the power of the world, probably the power of 15 Dao.

If you use it, there will be 21 or even 22 powers.

And now, Su Yu has eliminated all his power in the Ten Thousand Realms, he felt that he had already broken through that critical point, and he had officially entered the first class!

In this world, stepped into the first class.

Very fast!

This is the experience!

And this strength is still increasing, but the speed has slowed down. Under the weaving of the avenue, there is already a feeling of close to the end. Once the portal is completely formed, it represents Su Yu’s success.

Not difficult!

The most difficult thing is actually to form a closed circle, but this time, for Su Yu, it is almost no difficulty. On the one hand, it is experienced. On the other hand, it is the power of 720 Dao, which was selected by Su Yu himself. , The power of 720 Dao is formed and weaving naturally through the power of 720 orifices.

In this way, the most difficult step for a sky opener is much easier when it comes to Su Yu.

The speed is also much faster.

Otherwise, a person who opens the sky for the first time may still be weaving the avenue at this moment.

Su Yu suddenly smiled!

This is interesting!

For example, the last time he encountered the Eight Winged Tiger and the Chaos Dragon, he encountered a crisis on the way to open the sky, but this time, he quickly opened the sky, and now he is close At the end, none of the locusts over there came.

Time difference!

Su Yu suddenly smiled. This time difference is interesting. Otherwise, if he is still weaving the avenue at the moment, the other party will come. For Su Yu, it is a fatal crisis!

And now…when the biting locust arrives, Su Yu probably succeeded in the promotion, and also succeeded in Kaitian!

“Time, really is the most valuable!”

A moment in the morning and a moment later, that is a completely different result.

He thought of the Lord of the Necromancers. The Lord of the Necromancers is here to open the sky. He probably has experience. The opening of the sky is successful. The fight is also a time difference. Before all the strong people in the forbidden area appeared, he suddenly broke out and solved a forbidden landlord , Broke the three forbidden areas, and then caused other people to be timid and failed to achieve integration.

This is probably the reason why he opens the sky fast!

There was an experience, so he survived the crisis.


A violent shock spreads the world!

The 720 avenues instantly turned into a portal, and in the blink of an eye, 720 acupuncture points were incorporated into Su Yu’s body.

And that portal was also branded on the original location of the Tianmen.

At this moment, Su Yu’s body appeared, and gradually, some golden colors appeared, Su Yu succeeded!

Yes, it succeeded so easily.

And catastrophe… there is still a little distance from him.

He can already see the locusts, not far from him, and within a few dozen seconds, the foremost locusts can fly, and in the first-class state, the appearance of about 16 powers is not weak.

And Su Yu, at this moment, opened the sky successfully, he felt it, about the power of 18 Dao, talking about the power of heaven and earth here.

The improvement is not small!

From 15 to 18, this is the added strength to Su Yu after the avenue weaving.

There are 720 avenues, some of which are actually very weak.

Under normal circumstances, like the first time, Su Yu is still trying to weave the avenue. If it is dead, it is still 15 Dao strength. If it is 16 Dao first class, it will be a big trouble!

What’s more, these locusts are not just one, but countless. Even if the others are much weaker, Su Yu can’t resist.

“Time, stand on my side!”

Su Yu’s body was shaking, and his smile was brilliant!

The power of 720 avenues spread in the body.

The flesh is golden yellow and extremely powerful.

At this moment, in the center of Su Yu’s eyebrows, two doors appeared, one was the phantom of the sky, and the other was the portal that had just been condensed.

“The Gate of Civilization!”

Su Yu smiled and named his portal.

Or… the door of catastrophe?

At this moment, his heavenly gate was completely introverted, and the gate of civilization completely covered and concealed the entire heavenly gate. In this way, Su Yu’s breath of ten thousand realms completely dissipated at this moment!

At this time, Su Yu had a real tendency to be in the door.

Before that, his Heavenly Gate power still had some influence. The weak could not see anything, and those who were weaker than him could not sense anything, but once they met the strong above 25, they might have insights. The identity of Su Yu.

He has the power of ten thousand worlds, so Su Yu may come from ten thousand worlds.

But now, when the gate of civilization covers the gate of heaven, everything has disappeared, and more than that. In order to hide his identity, Su Yu was unceremonious. In an instant, the gate of heaven was sealed, and in the blink of an eye…the passage through which the king of the world spreads. , All blocked by him!


I want to be a low-key person, to be a real insider. King Wen is not fighting now. Why should I give him the power of heaven and earth? Doesn’t this give me more opportunities for exposure?

You hide it!

at the same time.

Eternal Life Mountain range, darkness and void, Wang Wen’s face changed, and the white shoes under his feet instantly turned black. All of a sudden, Wang Wen’s sensitivity to the outside world was reduced to its lowest point!

Fortunately, he also has a heavenly gate. At this moment, the boots at the core of the heaven and earth are here. Although they are not the Sutra of Ten Thousand Ways, some power can be transmitted by himself.

However…Compared with before, it is far worse.

Wang Wen’s face is green!

I **** you!

If you don’t give me input at all at first, I’ll leave it alone, but Su Yu, the grandson, first input a lot of power of heaven and earth by himself, and now… he is completely closed, no more!

King Wen is going crazy!

My plan is in progress. Originally, with the help of heaven and earth, he could reach the power of 32 Dao, but now…what is it?

31 and a half?

Half-step super?

Want to vomit blood, do you?

Wang Wen’s face turned green, and Wang Wu sensed it and looked at him curiously. Wang Wen suddenly cursed, “Damn it, you are so good to break through at this moment. How much time did you delay?”

It’s not to protect the bastard, I’ve already completed the plan!

I really want to hammer you to death!

Su Yu is not there, no way, he can only vent to King Wu now!

King Wu looked innocent and couldn’t help but said: “Why are you scolding me? Did your son cause you trouble? You were induced? Then don’t ask me to vent, I want to break through, then I can’t help… “

Wang Wen wants to cry without tears!

It took a long time to gritted your teeth: “It’s useless if you break through!”


I originally thought, when you break through, we will join hands, haha, two superstars, two on one, you can’t kill you as a bastard.

But now, I broke the power of heaven and earth, and counted on King Wu, how to kill?

Resistance is fine, but killing… super hard to kill!

King Wu can fight against each other, and may even win. Of course, it’s just possible, but I want to kill the super…there is no show!

Only you can be sure of killing!

At this moment, Wang Wen was very tired. He looked into the distance, did Su Yu come in?

High probability yes!

The key, where is he?

Why did you suddenly close all the connections at Tianmen, leaving no passage at all? This guy should know what he needs, right?

Is the identity exposed?

Or… was it killed?

Isn’t it easy to be killed?

At this moment, he suddenly looked to the west, his eyebrows were slightly condensed, does it have anything to do with that?

In that distant place, he vaguely felt something, but it was not very clear, but it was terrifying to be able to spread to him. Just that moment, it was the moment when Su Yu closed the Tianmen, there seemed to be something special over there. The fluctuation is coming!

“Is Su Yu over there?”

“Near Tianqiong Mountain?”

At this moment, he was a little puzzled. Su Yu’s previous projection of the Tianmen should be close to the Eternal Life Mountain and the Necrotic Hell, and now it might appear in the Tianqiong Mountain… This kid, running around, or being chased by someone?

Does that special fluctuation have anything to do with him?

Thoughts echoed in Wang Wen’s mind. At this moment, there was too little information. Even if he was extremely smart, he couldn’t deduce too many things. No way, Su Yu didn’t come to him, he didn’t have any information at all. At all.


With a sigh, sometimes, I still think Wu Fu is cute. Looking at Wu Wang, it’s not that annoying. Look, how obedient!

People like Su Yu… are not obedient at all!

When King Wu was seen by him like this, he curled his lips, cursed in an inaudible way, and murmured: “Your whole family are all Wufu!”


Wang Wen looked at him unexpectedly.

King Wu didn’t bother to pay attention, I still didn’t understand the meaning of your eyes. Every time I ate at the scholar’s side, I had to look at me like this, as if I was comforting myself, and I must have slandered again. Wufu is still good.

Sure enough, I got it right!

King Wu closed his eyes and continued to practice, too lazy to pay attention to him.

What happened to Takeo?

When I break through, I will punch you to death, who despise Wufu!

at the same time.

When Su Yu’s portal took shape, there was a wave of fluctuation, very subtle, but it was spreading.

The weak don’t feel it, but the top strong have some weak feelings.

For a while, many people were a little puzzled, what happened?

at the same time.

Ten Thousand Worlds.

The door shook slightly!

The emperor instantly appeared in front of the gate of the earth, looked at the gate of the earth, with some doubts, looked at the gate of the earth, and said weirdly: “It’s going to be revived? Did you just spill out of your will? You are going to resuscitate?”

Sanmen has been sleeping, even if there is some movement, it is an instinctive reaction.

But at that moment, he seemed to feel it, the door was shaking, and some weak willpower spilled out.

He looked at the gate of the earth and frowned. Are the three gates about to open?

At this moment, Dimen spilled out a faint willpower, very weak, like the voice of the sky, but it echoed in the head of the emperor: “The fourth door has appeared…This era… is about to end! “

The human emperor changed color, suddenly, grabbing into the void, and suddenly, Tong Tianhou appeared, looking at the human emperor with some confusion, what’s wrong?

Did I offend you again?

The Emperor looked at him, frowned, and said for a while: “What did you just do?”


Tongtianhou was a little guilty: “I…I didn’t do anything!”


The Emperor of Humanity was suddenly incomparably majestic, Tongtianhou helpless, and whispered: “Really nothing…I…I didn’t steal the power of King Ming. I just passed by. Seeing King Ming is practicing, I will protect him!”


The Emperor is speechless, I see, this guy just wandered around the King of Ming, I said when I caught him, what he had been walking around, co-authoring was to absorb the power of the King of Ming.

“go away!”

The Emperor throws him aside, and then looks at the gate of the ground, but the gate of the ground is silent, as if it was only a momentary awake, and at this moment, he fell into a deep sleep again.

“The fourth door appeared?”

The Emperor frowned.

The era is coming to an end?

The Emperor suddenly snorted: “A joke! This era has just begun! To end this era, it depends on your three strengths! What about the fourth door?”

What does this fourth door mean?

Tongtian, or what?

For a while, the emperor did not know.

But what if it does not appear?

The human emperor’s aura suddenly became stronger, shaking the heavens and all realms for a while!

Man can conquer the sky!

I will not let this era end like this, no!

I don’t want this era to be sealed, it’s unreasonable to be sealed, maybe I’ve lived enough, but many people’s lives are just opened, I’m not reconciled to end this era, just like those in heaven and earth, and become the next The eyes of the times are thorny!

The emperor murmured: “Maybe, you want us to make a way for the newcomers… But I want to tell you that the change of the times is not like this! The decline and death of the times is not like this! Such a change, this Decline, forcibly let us seal…I don’t want to!”

“I can be overthrown, I can be destroyed, but… I don’t accept being sealed, people are neither ghosts nor ghosts, I don’t accept!”

The emperor’s breath is getting stronger and stronger!

He does not accept such a result!

Is it the will of the Lord of Time?


But even if it is you, I will not accept it!

“Destroy the three gates, sweep across the heavens, the so-called destruction…Do you personally do it?”

The Emperor raised his head to look at the sky and snorted coldly. Then you will come personally!

Otherwise, this era is eternal!

Su Yu at this moment, I don’t know that Sanmen has some changes.

Knowing it, he wouldn’t care too much.

The fourth door?

who cares!

The Age of Sealing…Come on, I won’t accept it!

Living in such an environment in Tianmen, Su Yu would not do it. Instead of this, I would rather die!

At this moment, Su Yu’s aura is shaking everywhere!

Open the sky to complete, the sky is restrained, my body casts the sky, the sky is me, and I am the sky and the earth!

Su Yu instantly appeared in front of those biting locusts, these biting locusts did not have much will, only a belief, swallowed, destroyed!


Su Yu felt it. This was the first time he had come into contact with these powerful locusts. It was chaotic, much chaotic than the ancient Chaos.

“The Way of Destruction?”

Su Yu laughed!

Good stuff!

I like this kind of power, or that it is the power of catastrophe. At this moment, a flame appeared on the center of his eyebrows, like a flame of extinction!

This biting locust is a robbery!

And I also need the power of catastrophe!

Su Yu still likes the avenue of catastrophe very much. During his weak period, he helped him through countless crises. Now, Su Yu discovered that this locust eater is simply the best power to supplement the catastrophe!

He seldom encountered this kind of power, he has encountered it today!

A sense of destruction and imminent disaster!

And this thing, there is no willpower, this is also Su Yu’s favorite, he likes to bully fools, the ancient Chaos is a bit silly, this locust is even stupid, the moment he sees Su Yu, regardless of his strength, he swallows it. The force bursts, the force of destruction bursts, and kill Su Yu, to swallow Su Yu and destroy Su Yu!

“Come on, my little baby!”

Su Yu smiled, the power of a great avenue appeared in an instant, the avenue spread everywhere, Su Yu suddenly became a giant!

An acupuncture point emerged, and all the locusts other than the first class were included in the acupuncture point!

At this moment, the power of 720 avenues converged, and with a bang, burst in the orifice, and a large number of locust-eating holes were wiped out by Su Yu, and the locust-eating holes that swallowed these locust-eating holes quickly extracted the power of destruction and disaster. Enter the eyebrows!

In the Meixinqiao acupoint, the path of disaster grows up quickly.

Su Yu was in a good mood, and quickly fought against the first-class Locust locust, head-to-head, and hit the powerful Locust locust that kept flying backwards, but the other party didn’t care about life or death, didn’t care about the injury, and continued to move forward, constantly killing Su Yu.

This thing is similar to a locust, but with a very sharp mouth. This thing is similar to a mosquito’s mouth. Once it is pierced in, the power of the road will be swallowed by it!

Su Yu kept fighting against these locusts, and there were still a large number of locusts emerging around him, as if it was never ending!

at the same time.

far away.

Three figures kept approaching here, two men and one woman. Suddenly, the leading white-haired old man was a little surprised: “Someone is coming!”

Someone is fighting the locust!

In this ghost place, unless the locusts invade the territory, few people will take care of the locusts and take the initiative to kill the locusts, even rarer. Of course, there are some strong people who practice destroying, destroying, and devouring the avenue. It would kill some locusts and perfect their avenue.

Can swallow the power of locusts, it is easy to go crazy and encounter some unspeakable disasters!

Many people know this.

So now, even those strong people who practice the way of destruction and destruction rarely kill the locusts, but it is forbidden. In order to prevent too many locusts, they sometimes clean them regularly.

The old man was a little puzzled, there was no territory around here.

Because of the emperor, the strong people around here were either killed or moved.

The scattered repair territory near Tianqiong Mountain is the least.

But at this moment, there is actually a strong person killing the locusts.

With some doubts, the old man felt a little bit, and quickly said: “Go and see!”

The two in the rear, a man and a woman, both looked very young, but in fact they were both very old. At this moment, they nodded and flew away with the old man, they also felt it!

At this moment, Su Yu sighed with emotion and chuckled while fighting this locust.


The second wave!


He also understood at this moment that Biting the Locust only opened up the first wave of calamity by himself, but there is a second wave, and the three new powerhouses are the second wave of calamity.

If he opened the sky a little slower, even if he killed the locust and exhausted his efforts, at this time, these three have arrived.

In the process of opening the sky, these people can still find some clues.

At first glance, someone opened the sky.

Still strangers who don’t know…what will happen then?

According to the custom in the door, of course it is killing!

Or, capture it and return it to the Lord of the Forbidden Land!

“Come so fast!”

Su Yu also sighed. He opened the sky for a short time, but the other party came so soon, or he was nearby, or… the master of the forbidden land, the master of the sky, he felt the moment he opened the sky. Something arrived, so people came very quickly.

Here, there is a distance of 5 yuan from Tianqiong Mountain.

The master of the fourth-class rules has to fly for five days!

The other party may even travel through the space, I don’t know whether it is the power of the forbidden area, or else, the strong space Dao should feel it.

It’s really not long since Su Yu opened the sky to the present. Strictly speaking, it may only be an hour.

This speed is also amazing.

The other party came in an hour, even if it was first class, it was too fast!

Su Yu specially selected it to be a little farther away from Tianqiong Mountain.

“It may be within the radiation range of the forbidden area, they can transmit… the radiation range of Tianqiong Mountain is not small, the other party may be able to transmit to the edge of the radiation range in an instant, and then fly again!”

Su Yu judged for a while, never leave ten!

“The three first-class… really terrible, the forbidden strength is beyond imagination, the two are probably first-class, but one of them is probably not less than 20 powers, or even stronger!”

Kaitian is really too dangerous.

Su Yu succeeded in opening the sky, and only had the power of 18 Dao. As a result, the second wave of catastrophe was actually three first-class people, and there was a strong man above 20 Dao!

It’s strange that normal people open the sky and not die!

Of course, there are no normal people who can open the sky.

At this moment, an old shout came from the front: “Which fellow Taoist is cleaning the locusts in front?”

Su Yu’s eyes moved slightly, and the power on his body changed a little, part of the power of death, part of the power of devouring, and part of the power of destruction. At this moment, Su Yulang said: “Lord of the Six Fangshan Mountains, Black Tomb!”

“Black Tomb?”

In the distance, the old man was slightly startled.


He looked at the two people behind him, the young man thought for a while, and said: “I’ve heard that Liufang Mountain, a force that was formed only a few days ago, is near the Necrotic Hell and Eternal Life Mountain! There are 16 powerful men! Created!”

The man finished speaking and said again: “Black Tomb…Yes, I have also heard of it once, the leader of Liufang Mountain, the inspector who originally led the sky tomb, 15 peak powers!”

The young man still knows this. As a strong forbidden area, he still knows the surrounding area, especially some big forces in the forbidden valley. If you don’t know, the forbidden area is too useless.

The old man is just not responsible for this matter, so he doesn’t care.

But at this moment, the old man frowned: “15 peaks?”


He can feel that the opponent is very strong, at least with 18 Dao power, which is a world apart from 15 Dao!

The young man felt it too. The locust-devouring leader was very powerful, probably equivalent to him, but he was suppressed by the black tomb. Obviously, the black tomb was very strong!

At this moment, he had no choice but to say: “I am afraid that the strength was hidden before, but it was exposed today. It is said that the black tomb swept the northeast region a few days ago. Liufangshan seems to want to become the overlord of the northeast region, probably because of the quota!”

The old man nodded slightly, and had some understanding in general. Soon, his voice rang away: “Friends in the black grave, these locusts…”

Su Yu’s voice quickly spread: “Is the Heavenly Qiong Mountain powerhouse ahead? I came here just to kill some locusts, perfect my bust and devour avenue, without hostility…”

Of course the old man is not afraid of his hostility, a joke, you are 18, can you still eat Tianqiong Mountain?

He smiled and said: “The old man has no intentions, just to remind fellow daoists that this power that swallows the locust’s body, swallowing too much…maybe life-threatening, do fellow daoists know about this?”

Su Yu’s voice spread: “I know, but I also know that strength is the root! The quota is about to be allocated. If Liufang Mountain can’t win a large number of quotas, we will be cannon fodder if we go out of Tianmen!”

Su Yu’s voice was hearty, with a smile: “In that case…whatever his future is!”

As soon as he said this, the old man also understood Su Yu’s mind.

Yes, blog once!

As for the catastrophe, as for the crisis, it is all for the future. Let the strength become stronger first!

Soon, the three of them flew forward.

A large number of locusts were quickly killed by three people!

Three first class!

In any place, it is strong.

Joint action, without more than 25 powers, I am afraid it will be difficult to match.

Su Yu didn’t dare to feel the old man deeply, but seeing the situation of the other party’s attack to kill the locust, he judged it in general and knew it in his heart.

“The three of them, the white-haired old man with 22 Dao powers, they practice kendo!”

“That man, 16, Dao, who cultivates… Space Dao?”

Su Yu made a simple judgment. It was indeed the Space Dao. Every shot was cut by the Space Dao. No wonder it came so quickly.

And the third person, the woman, also has 16 powers. It uses weapons. The weapon is quite special. It is a large white net that swept the world and a large number of locusts were pulled into the net by her in the blink of an eye. It turned into fly ash.

That net… Su Yu judged, there are at least two great powers, first, imprisonment!

Second, shattered!

It is not weak to practice two ways, and the two ways are merged.

Three people…

Su Yu quickly judged that if he made a move, he would explode the power of heaven and earth within his heaven gate. At this moment, he would have at least 26 powers!

Can kill!

However, the movement will not be small. Once the movement is too big, it will be troublesome. The Lord of Tianqiong Mountain may be able to sense… At that time, a powerful man of 32 Dao power came to kill… Forget it, Su Yu could not Compete against each other!

At least now, he can’t do it.

give up!

This is a hidden calamity. If Su Yu Kaitian continues at this moment, even if it really defeats the three of them… Good fellow, the boss came in person, and the Kaitian is over.

This is not giving people a way to survive at all!

But now, the problem is not big, he succeeded!

Success is the best way.

Ended the dilemma ahead of time!

Before the three of them came to kill, Su Yu’s eyes changed, and he suddenly yelled, and a thunderous force quickly erupted, with a loud bang, and the locust-eating carapace in front of him shattered!

Su Yu condensed a sword of destruction in his hand, shouted, and cut out with one sword!

The biting locust didn’t know how to avoid it, and was cut in half by this sword!

Detective Su Yu grabbed his hand and the deadly road broke out, corroding the corpse. In the blink of an eye, the corpse turned into thick water!

Then, Su Yuqiao acupoint opened, and a force of catastrophe was swallowed by him!

All this is like moving clouds and flowing water!

At this moment, the three of them just killed the locusts who were in the way and cleared the surrounding locusts. They just saw Su Yu kill the 16 locusts. The old man’s eyes showed a strange color, and he quickly laughed: “Black Friends of the tomb, powerful, admire!”

No exaggeration, really strong, extremely good at fighting.

Combat experience and methods are all first-class!

There is really no wisdom to speak of the 16 locusts, but even if there is not, it is also 16!

As a result, these 18 black tombs were easily killed!

Of course, the moment the three arrived, a sense of disgust was born suddenly, as if the black tomb in front of them was a bit annoying, and even wanted to shoot him… However, the three of them didn’t care too much soon.

Because, they also felt it, it seemed that the power that burst out after the locust was killed, was swallowed by this black tomb, and the illusion caused by it was normal. The people in the door hated the locust!

Every time I see the locusts, I really hate it!

And Su Yu, at this moment, the Dao of Catastrophe swallows all the power of catastrophe, and quickly covers up all abnormalities. The Dao of Benevolence and Goodness, the Dao of Holy, are all permeating his body.

I am a good person!

Good people!

Su Yu knew that as his second wave of catastrophes, these people might hate themselves, even if they didn’t know the reason, they might have conflicts. This is a great influence and there is no way.

However, he can avoid these things.

At this moment, it is not appropriate to go against the forbidden ground, otherwise, he will be the second emperor, or the second king of literary affairs, who is stared at the forbidden ground and keeps staring, then there is no way to do anything!

Killing the locust at that moment was also to divert attention.

Sure enough, the color of disgust in these eyes flashed away and disappeared quickly.

Su Yu smiled secretly in his heart, really think it was caused by locust eating?


Not in vain, I killed the locust at this moment!

“Senior is absurd!”

Su Yu killed the biting locust, and at the moment, smiled, “Compared to the strong forbidden land, it is far worse!”

The old man laughed and said: “The Daoists overestimate the strong in the forbidden land. They are all cultivators. There is no difference between the strong and the weak. It is more difficult for you to practice casually, and you are even more good at fighting. If you want to kill, you have to spend a lot of hands and feet. Daoists kill them like clouds and water, but it is a good method!”

Su Yu laughed and said, “Senior laughed!”

After the words fell, he looked at the three of them with a bright smile: “I killed this locust, the three forbidden land powerhouses… don’t you think I have taken the spoils of some of them? If some of you mind… I can find a way to go again. Don’t lure a head of 16 biting locusts over… I was really negligent before. It’s not too far away from Tianqiong Mountain. I think there are still 5 grounds away… I didn’t expect a few strong people to come too fast… I am embarrassed!”

The old man laughed and said, “What kind of trophies are biting locusts? I wish I could kill more daoists!”

He said with a smile: “The fellow Daoist from the Black Tomb is from Liufang Mountain?”

Su Yu replied with a dry cough: “Yes…but… Liufangshan is a name, in fact, I am a cultivator of 16 or more Taoists. As for the daoists and the tombs, I don’t know where they are going. Something may happen. Now… I’m afraid that one person will be hard to beat the Quartet, so I deliberately beat the name of the Six-Party Mountain!”

The old man was startled, and the two behind him were also startled.

The next moment, the three of them all laughed suddenly!

The old man even laughed and said: “So, fellow Taoist, this is a secret, you…how did you tell it as soon as you met!”

Suddenly I felt that the black tomb in front of me was very cute!

Su Yu replied: “Forbidden land powerhouse…Don’t say that the sixteen powerhouses of Liufang Mountain are fake, even if they are true, so what? Rather than being caught in the forbidden land, it is better to take the initiative to confess, so that the seniors don’t think I am sincere. At that time, an anomaly was discovered… Isn’t that offending the forbidden area?

“Friends of Taoism are really…”

The old man smiled brightly, funny!


This black tomb was a bit disgusting at the moment just before. At this moment, he suddenly felt that this black tomb was very clever and decisive. Of course, he was full of awe for the forbidden area!

Six Fangshan?


does it matter?

It’s ok!

Because of the black tomb in front of us, there are 18 powerhouses, that’s enough!

Even if it is fake, Liufang Mountain is a big force in casual cultivating!

At this moment, the old man suddenly gave birth to countless ideas, the overlord of the northeast region, the 18 powerhouses, and the territory near Tianqiong Mountain was almost gone, the casual cultivators were all dead, or they had escaped.

Over the past countless years in Tianqiong Mountain, Guang and Human Emperor have fought!

The mountain owner doesn’t care, but now that the Tianmen will open, it may be time for Tianqiong Mountain to develop some peripheral forces. This black tomb… is very interesting!

However, it seems to have practiced the path of death!

Doesn’t it have something to do with the necromantic hell?

At this moment, countless thoughts emerged in the old man’s mind, do you want to talk to this black tomb?

At this moment, Su Yu smiled and his eyes were pure.

But in my heart is constantly talking, do you want to win me?

I am 18!

I am good at fighting!

I am still unifying the Northeast region and will soon become the overlord!

Do you want to win me over and give me some benefits, and I will be your vassal?

I’ll swallow the benefits, as for the vassal…just forget it!

Not only you, Su Yu even has some thoughts, I want to be the younger brother of the four families, yes, the four forbidden places, I will be the younger brother for everyone, I want to take all!

Who will develop power and inform the world that it will not succeed?

Su Yu smiled brightly, hurry up, draw me in, I’ll be hypocritical, and I will take refuge in you immediately!

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