Tribe of All Nations (Tribulation of Myriad Clans)

Chapter 959 - The Emperor is the protagonist (seeking subscription)

Su Yu turned into a human sect and achieved 42 combat powers. At this moment, holding the sword of opening the sky, he exploded with great combat skills.

Acupoint Avenue, at this moment has been integrated into 240 Acupuncture.

In fact, Su Yu hadn’t reached the limit yet, hadn’t merged to the 720 Acupuncture Point, which was far worse.

However, no one gave him time.

Sometimes, this is the case, it is impossible to follow Su Yu’s ideas.

Wanjie has reached the last moment, and no one will wait for him to complete the fusion of 720 Acupoints.

At this moment, Su Yu’s great combat skills broke out, and the world radiated.

Based on the human gate, the whole world spreads away, covering the long river!

Su Yu can’t escape, neither can Demon Flame.

The two fixed both ends of the river. At this moment, whoever escapes will bear the backlash of the river.

Burning flames!

The fire of the demon flame, as if it can burn everything, is extremely powerful. .

More than that, Demon Flame is also good at sealing. He who has two doors in one, the power of sealing is also boundless. The ghosts of the portals appear, turning into seals, and they are sealed away at the emperor.

The flames are mainly aimed at Su Yu and the Lord of the Dead!

A muffled hum, resounding through the world.

The dead spirit world of the Lord of the Dead is directly ignited by flames, and it cannot be extinguished. This fire is powerful and terrifying, and it is also very targeted to the dead!

The Lord of the Necromancers roared, lifeless!

In this lifeless spirit, there is vitality!


39, he is far from Demon Flame. At this moment, he can only assist Su Yu and try his best to contain Demon Flame.

The flames burned the heaven and the earth, and the world of the necromancers collapsed a little, but it quickly recovered under the effect of vitality. The lord of the necromancer stirred the power of the river, punching punch after punch!

Between the whole world, you can see his giant fist, punch after punch, extinguishing the monstrous flame!

The emperor and a few people also roared again and again, and the portals wanted to seal them. With the joint efforts of a few people, they smashed the portal ghosts one after another, but they were unable to help except for the portal ghosts. Su Yu what.

Thirty-six, at this moment, it seems a bit weak!

At this moment, the emperor looked a little depressed, and soon returned to normal. He sighed and looked at Wang Wen, then Wen Yu, and finally Su Yu.

Su Yu, why are you unwilling to integrate Wenyu World?

He thought, he understood something.

Su Yu didn’t know, he might be stronger if he merged with Wen Yu, but Su Yu swallowed his future body…


Yes, Su Yu must be guarding Cang, once Su Yu merged with Wen Yu’s world, and if something happened, it was all going to happen. The future power Cang provided might be problematic.

Therefore, Su Yu is not willing to merge with everyone. After the integration, he may be sold in one pot!

“Responsibility… is a kind of tolerance!”

The Emperor laughed, looked at Wen Yu, looked at King Wu, then looked at King Wen, and chuckled: “A few old brothers, since he Su Yu is not willing to take you in, why not… come to my world to enjoy the scenery?”

Wang Wen smiled bitterly: “I would rather die…”

The emperor smashed a door with a punch, and said unwillingly: “This is not the case! The second man, just say this, you, the situation is not big!”


Wang Wen looked helpless, you know how disgusting you are!

Of course, the way of the emperor can actually contain all things.

Responsibility is also a kind of capacity, a kind of tolerance is great tolerance.

Therefore, at this moment, the emperor wants to merge the world of several brothers and sisters by himself. Since Su Yu doesn’t want it, I will do it myself!

Wang Wen had no choice but to nod his head: “Let’s open it up! Also give you this boss, fight for face! Don’t end up, you don’t even have the qualifications to participate in the war, that’s really a shame!”

The emperor laughed!

The smile is brilliant.

Yes, I have to save face.

In this era, he has been the protagonist for more than 100,000 years, and Su Yuna has only risen for a few years. You can’t have new people and forget the old ones!

Su Yu, the ancients, also had the power to fight!

In the next moment, his world unfolds!

The King of Wen quickly entered, and a book appeared, the Sutra of Ten Thousand Ways!

The next moment, Wen Yu stepped into the sky, and a book appeared, the book of time.

Immediately afterwards, King Wu entered, the road unfolded, the way of ten thousand martial arts!

But Ten Thousand Heavens Saint and Blue Sky did not enter, nor did Human Emperor care. He took a deep breath, and a book appeared in the entire void, the core of his heaven and earth, Human Emperor Sutra!

This book is shining golden.

At this moment, there was a burst of golden light.

The three books hovered between the heavens and the earth, and the emperor smiled: “Don’t resist, it’s all old brothers, I’ll take the lead, you just need to help!”

Few people said nothing.

In the next moment, the three books formed a circle, with the Human Emperor Jing as the core. All three books were flipping quickly, and countless powers of heaven and earth were extracted from the books!

These spilled powers have been absorbed by the world of the emperor!

Absorb and blend easily!

The way of responsibility is all-encompassing, but it can also accommodate all things.

In the distance, Demon Flame has recovered its deity. It is an ancient flame beast like a unicorn, full of flame power. At this moment, the flame-spraying Su Yu retreated, suddenly looking towards the emperor and the others!

In Mo Yan’s huge eyes, the power of the black flame spread out, with some coldness: “Xingyu, are you not willing to be lonely? You have to die!”

He just sealed them before, but it turned out to be fusion over there!

The emperor’s breath is also growing rapidly.

The four 36 sects and the three heaven openers are now beginning to merge the heavens and the earth, the human emperor’s road is tolerant, and they are also rapidly improving, and the human emperor’s power of heaven and earth is obviously improving.

37, 38, and even climbed to 39, this kind of improvement stopped!

It’s already scary!

It was not a 100% fusion. In this way, he increased the power of 3 Dao, stepped into 39 Dao, and became an existence equivalent to the strength of the Lord of the Dead.

The human emperor’s voice was with a smile: “Devil Flame, who is dead, it’s hard to say, don’t be too mad as a beast, it will not end well!”

Finished speaking, full of sacred punches!

With this punch, the portal phantoms of the Demon Flame were not broken, but were instantly reduced, and the portal phantoms seemed to have instantly surrendered to the Emperor!

The way of the emperor!

At this moment, the Emperor of Humanity revealed the terrifying aspects of his avenue. Even if Su Yu was facing a powerful enemy at this moment, he couldn’t help but breathe in, fucking!


Human Emperor, the stronger the avenue, the more terrifying, it seems that there is nothing that cannot be saved!

If Human Sovereign is stronger, will the black scales be reduced?

The Lord of Time opened the sky, got a door to save the black scales, but failed to do it, but Su Yu felt that the human emperor can be as strong as 45, and it is not difficult to save the black scales!

The Emperor does not care what Su Yu thinks, at this moment, with a punch, the power of heaven and earth spread, the countless portal phantoms actually stagnated, and soon they turned into a series of portals, standing around the Emperor, as if guarding them. Emperor!

Mo Yan was taken aback!

The next moment, with an angry cry, those portal phantoms trembled, as if they were about to get out of control, and Su Yu’s side, a sword shot out!

The sword of the avenue!

The Necromancer also yelled, and the death spear burst out and killed him!

The two sides keep getting closer and closer!

The closer you get, the shorter the river is compressed.

It seems that another book of the Long River in the void is becoming clearer and clearer. When Su Yu and Demon Flame merge, this book will completely emerge, and it will bring blue and black scales!

And here, the Human Emperor controlled those portals, but did not go further to join the battle!

The Emperor looked at Su Yu, and then at the back, the blue sky and the Saint of Heaven, who seemed to be conspiring something, suddenly laughed: “You two guys, if you are Su Yu’s backhand to deal with them… that’s too weak. It’s too small!”

At this moment, the emperor seemed to let go a lot, with some smiles: “Blue sky, you are too weak, I can see your mind, and I can see Su Yu’s mind, draw away the power of Changhe, weaken Cang’s Strength… In fact, I can see it, and Cang can see it, but it’s not appropriate to say more at this moment!”

A blue sky figure appeared, and smiled: “Your Majesty, if you know it, you will know. Cang will not intervene… At this moment, he will intervene, hasn’t he confirmed that he is a bad person?”

The emperor laughed: “You guys!”

He said, looking forward to Su Yu, “Su Yu, even if I reach the 39th road, I can’t participate in the war, and I can’t give you much help…Today, the emperor will let you see what a real person is. Emperor, what is the real Tao!”

The next moment, his world suddenly and completely unfolded!

A golden avenue spread out from his heaven and earth. With some coldness, the human emperor looked at the looming sky and smiled: “It doesn’t matter whether you are a good person or a bad person, it doesn’t matter!”

Cang looked at the Emperor, his face slightly solemn.

“When you swallow my Dao, you will completely stand on Su Yu’s side, on the human side…”

Cang’s face changed slightly, and he said in a low voice, “Xingyu, what are you going to do? Also, do you really think that your Tao is omnipotent? No matter how strong the Tao is, it is also born from the long river of time, and there is no reason to oppose the object!”

“Are you in a hurry?”

The Emperor laughed. Suddenly, a wave of power from heaven and earth spread across the entire river. The Emperor said with some emotion and smiles: “All the power of the Great Dao comes from the river of time, Su Yu, you are so, The same is true for Demon Flame, and so is Cang…When the power of the long river becomes my avenue of responsibility, in the end, don’t you all fight for me?”

His smile was very bright, and a wave of human imperial power spread out and began to infect the entire river.

“Blue sky, sage of the heavens, if the two of you are willing…especially the blue sky, your common life is spreading everywhere in the river, can you divert it for me?”

The blue sky completely appeared at this moment, looking at the emperor, with some surprises and shocks, he nodded quickly: “It should be!”

In the next moment, countless blue skies appeared.

These blue sky, one by one, absorbed the power of some people’s heaven and earth, and then, these blue sky seemed to become porters, quickly dissipating everywhere in the long river, and countless tributaries of the long river. At this moment, among the countless tributaries, a blue sky appeared. The power of the emperor’s heaven and earth began to spread.

Surround the entire main river!

At this moment, the emperor of 39 people robbed everyone of the light, Su Yu couldn’t cover it, the magic flame couldn’t cover it, the blue face looked ugly and solemn, but the black scales sneered again and again!

At this moment, a large amount of the power of heaven and earth spread out, and countless tributaries and trails instantly turned into the aura of the emperor!

He wants to engulf the entire river little by little, and turn the entire river into his strength, the avenue of responsibility!

At that time, either Su Yu, Demon Flame, Cang…

Everyone, whether it swallows the river or absorbs the power of the river, will absorb a large amount of responsibility.

This is the Emperor!

The emperor’s way is like poison.

But at this moment, the black scale’s voice sounded, with some sarcasm: “The method is a good method, but the strength is too weak, without the power of 45 Dao, it is impossible to cover the entire river with my Dao!”

The emperor’s method is excellent!

If Human Sovereign has 45 powers to invade the entire river, it doesn’t matter who wins.

Of course, there are really 45 powers, and the emperor may not need to use this method.

The emperor laughed, “You think it’s impossible, just because you don’t understand! Hei Lin, don’t think you know everything if you live long!”

He is not as powerful as the river, the entire river is terribly powerful.

But you Black Scale, what do you know?

I am not trying to embezzle the river!

“A single spark can start a prairie fire!”

The power that the human emperor spilled out seemed to be this spark of fire, which was spreading out little by little, walking into the entire long river, taking roots and budding in the tributaries.

The human emperor at this moment suddenly made a move, and the human emperor scripture appeared in his hands.

“I told you a long time ago to read!”

The Emperor laughed, “Any avenue has a sense of responsibility! The entire Changhe also has its responsibilities. Its responsibility is to save your black scales. Therefore, no avenue is without responsibility… Therefore, any road is a way of responsibility!”

At this moment, he opened the Human Emperor Scripture!

The moment he opened it, he seemed to be a scholar who enlightened the world.

The book was opened, and golden lights scattered.

“Heaven and earth have righteousness, mixed with manifolds. Below is Heyue, and above is Sunstar…”

At this moment, the emperor read the words of justice.

In this world, there is justice and responsibility!

I am the emperor of the human race, and this world is the world of the human race. All foreign creatures in this world are not welcome!

All irresponsible ideas are wrong!

Demon Flame is a foreign creature, then he should be rejected and suppressed by this world!

The power of the Taoist Emperor is spreading rapidly.

And the water of the long river is also changing at this moment, King Wen!

Yes, King Wen.

King Wen, who is good at transforming the power of the great, at this moment, his will, with the spread of the power of the emperor, transforms those mixed powers of the great and the responsibility of the emperor.

A little bit to change the whole time!

These two people, after a long absence, cooperated again to change the outcome of this war with not a strong strength!

Let you be strong, let you be ambitious!

When I transformed the entire Long River into the Avenue of Responsibility, you absorbed the power of the Long River, you absorbed the power of the Long River, and you swallowed the Long River. What’s more, you will all live like me!


A loud noise!

The flame power of the demon flame burned the world and repelled Su Yu and the Lord of the Dead again. The next moment, with a violent roar, flames spread into the bottom of the river, completely burning the power of some human emperors!

He carries some anger!

You can’t let the emperor’s power penetrate into the entire river, otherwise, you will truly become the next emperor. As a strong man like Demon Flame, how can you be willing to live like this!

In that case, his Demon Flame is actually dead, even if he successfully swallows the Long River, he is only the next star, not Demon Flame!

And the emperor, sitting cross-legged in the void, smiled, and continued reading.

The power of the emperor is still spreading crazily!

The blue sky at this moment, like a porter, was burned one by one, and would soon reappear, carrying the power of the emperor, and spreading towards the entire river.

Lan Lan grinned and said, “His Majesty Human Emperor is still amazing. With this trick, Su Yu can’t compare… Scholars, they are still amazing!”

Su Yu is better than the emperor, but Su Yu can’t do this step, or it’s useless if he does it, his avenue is not poison!

For many people, the Emperor’s Avenue is really a poison!

At this moment, the emperor is shining!

The Emperor smiled, as if satisfied.

In this era, I have been the protagonist for hundreds of thousands of years. How can I be robbed of my light by Su Yu at this moment?

At this moment, his face was slightly pale, but he didn’t care. More than that, the emperor’s scriptures spread out a little bit in the hands of the emperor. When one page was opened, each page turned into light, and was completely integrated into the long river!

Su Yu snorted, “What?”

The emperor smiled: “Are you jealous?”

Su Yu secretly scolds, the ghost is jealous of you!

This guy consumes too much, he is dispersing his own way, his own world, his own core of heaven and earth!

The Emperor said with a smile: “Su Yu, you have to remember that the Tao, the heaven and the earth, come from the long river of time, just like we were in the ocean and took a scoop of water, we said, this The water belongs to me! Wrong, this water belongs to the sea!”

“So, a scoop of water has no effect on the sea!”

“Of course, we are not the ocean and a scoop of water, but a pond and a bucket of water… a bucket of water cannot affect the entire pond, but when we are in this bucket of water, we pour dye …Blood red dye! That bucket of water can change the entire pond!”

The emperor smiled and said: “This is also your inspiration for me. Since you can’t beat me, then join and blend in. Or, since you make me feel bad, then I won’t make you feel better…”

“If you don’t give me water to drink, I will pour all the water in the pond into poison, everyone don’t drink it!”

The emperor smiled brightly: “To use the saying of the human race, a mouse **** breaks a pot of porridge! A small mouse **** can ruin a pot of porridge, then I Xingyu, don’t mind taking it today A mouse shit!”

Rough words are not rough!

That’s what he did!

He used his own Human Emperor Dao to infect the entire Long River Dao. His Dao is a good thing for him, and it is indeed a deadly poison for others. At this moment, he is constantly infecting!

If this continues, even if the entire river is not completely infested, it will be difficult to swallow it.

Demon Flame is a bit crazy!

Angrily roared, the power of the flame instantly boiled to the extreme, Su Yu muffled constantly, and the burning will seemed to be shattered!

This guy is really powerful!

And Su Yu, at this moment, became a support. Yes, he was supporting the Human Emperor. He and the Lord of the Necromancers were now trying their best to block each other, preventing the flames of the Demon Flame from penetrating, and burning the Human Emperor to death!

At this moment, the Emperor has actually become the protagonist!

Su Yu was also dumbfounded!

However, he didn’t care about it, he was just a little worried that the Emperor would not be able to maintain this situation for long.

Even if a few other people spilled the power of heaven and earth to help him stabilize the heaven and earth, that would not last long.

The emperor at this moment, it really shines!

The golden brilliance spread out little by little. He turned over the human emperor scriptures. Every time a page was turned, a page shattered, and the brilliance spilled into the long river, he whispered: “Su Yu, the water in the pond has the function of self-purification. Yes! If you only put in a drop of red dye, there is no way to dye the whole pond red! This requires an amount… When this amount is reached, the pond will become red!”

He was telling Su Yu to buy him some more time. He didn’t know how much this amount needed to cause a qualitative change!

And he can’t pour it all at once, then he will die, he has to live, and then use his own power to turn other rivers into the power of the emperor, so as to continue to infect the entire river. Be like him!

In the heaven and earth, the power of the heaven and the earth of Wen Wang and Wen Yu is constantly being extracted, and a large amount of extraction!

The pages of the time book are turned, and the pages are broken.

The Sutra of Ten Thousand Paths, page after page was turned, page after page was broken.

Dou Bao and Shu Ling both seemed a little bit painful.

But at this moment, Fat Ball whimpered, and after a while, tea trees and big logs appeared, and Fat Ball whimpered: “Shu Ling, Dou Bao, let’s play together… Let’s all!”

Shu Ling and Doubao both trembled and shattered constantly, but they quickly gathered together.

Just like back then!

It seems to be back to the beginning.

Below, Wen Yu smiled, waved his hand, and the surroundings turned into the appearance of the former residence of King Wen, Wen Yu squinted his eyes, smiled brilliantly, and instantly appeared on a swing.

The mountains and plains are blooming!

In the courtyard, Doubao and them emerged.

The fat ball was swaying its tail, holding the pots and pans in its mouth, and swiftly drilled from the compound. Dou Bao rolled his body, kicked by Wen Yu, and passed to the feet of Wang Wen. Wang Wen laughed and waved his hand. Hit fly.

The next moment, the fat ball pounced, drew the bean bag into the mouth, and sent it to Wen Yu’s feet.

Doubao whimpered: “This is a nightmare, I don’t want this…”

That’s it again!

I am not a ball, I am a bean bag!

It seemed like this back then. Although the past was good, it was not so good. I don’t want to be a ball. I hate it!

Wen Yu smiled, and the time book above his head, the time book quickly flipped, the swing was swaying, his smile was bright, “You are the ball!”

Kicked Feidoubao again with one kick, caught the fat ball, pulled the fat ball by its tail, rotated it in a circle, and threw the fat ball away. At this moment, I felt very good!

Same as before!

Hundreds of flowers bloom, laughter!

In the distance, Wang Wen smiled, showing some petting smiles, many years ago, this was the case!

At that time, it was so beautiful!

In the distance, the Great Way of King Wu prospered, and deep into the long river, all the power of the Great Way of resistance was obliterated by King Wu, and the way of martial arts prospered!

All things are respected!

Seeing King Wen and the others frolicking, King Wu curled his lips a little, naive!

The next moment, haha ​​laughed and said: “Second, boss, you really can’t…be like me!”

The next moment, around him, there was a red, festive red. In the world of the emperor, a few people from Zhenwu Wang suddenly appeared, a little twisted, Wu Wang laughed, waved his hand, and a red hijab fell!

Women in bridal costumes emerged one by one!

King Wu laughed and said, “This is life! Be the groom every night!”


Wang Wen and several people shook their heads, this guy!

Zhen Wu Wang, these Wu Wang’s Taoists, cooperated and laughed.

At this moment, the human emperor is not strong, but has become the protagonist of the heavens. This is their life, their era, and their years!

The power of the great road quickly infects!

At this moment, even the looming Long River Book was stained with some gold!

This golden color is still spreading!

The Book of Changhe is also a kind of power of Changhe, a reflection of Changhe Avenue.

This golden color, like spots, spread out a little bit!

At this moment, Cang’s face finally changed!

His figure became clearer, with some melancholy, some compassionate, and some helpless: “Why bother!”

Human Emperor, this is killing him!

Once the Book of the Long River is completely golden, it means that the entire long river of time has become the avenue of responsibility in the emperor’s mouth. This kind of poisonous avenue is now spreading wildly!

The emperor smiled brightly: “Why do you? You are the spirit of the sky sword, the spirit of the long river, in my opinion, it is the black scales. It was you who took his river. You are the wicked first to sue, I Didn’t you follow you?”

Hei Lin, who had not spoken much, suddenly looked at the Emperor!

The emperor smiled lightly: “This long river, this world, no accident, should have been prepared for Black Scale! After the black scale has been reduced, the black scale has seven emotions and six desires, and then turned into the spirit of the long river, and then went to find The Lord of Time, or the Lord of Time, came to reclaim…As a result, you were not willing to break the sword of the sky or make a wedding dress for the black scale. You seized his place and the dove occupied the magpie’s nest. The key to battle!”

At this moment, Cang stood straight and looked at the Emperor with a smile: “Xingyu, why do you say that?”

“Anything else to say?”

The Emperor looked at the book of the Long River, “This book has always been among you. This means that Black Scales can also control one or two. And for a strong man like the Lord of Time, the sword is broken, and the big deal is just to be recreated. Make you a spirit? Or the spirit of Changhe?”

The Emperor said with a smile: “Of course, these are not important. It doesn’t matter which of you is the spirit of Changhe! Now, I want to turn this river into my river!”

Golden, spread again!

The Book of Long River trembles!

The emperor’s laughter still remains: “Don’t forget, I am also a person from this world, and my Tao comes from this world. You want to expel me, it’s not that simple!”

At this moment, Cang snorted and grabbed one hand toward the Book of Long River!

A touch of sword air appeared, and the golden spots were to be eliminated!

And at this moment, an aura of destruction erupted, and the black scale hit it, shattering the sword aura, and Cang’s face changed slightly; coldly said: “Black scale, you have to do this? Once the Book of Long River is completely invaded Dye… Then you and I will lose!”

Hei Lin calmly said: “It’s not so fast, just take a look! Cang, you and I have been fighting for so many years, and have been a bystander for countless years, then just wait a while!”

Cang frowned, looked at Hei Lin, the next moment, looked at Su Yu’s side!

Must stop!

The human emperor may not be able to completely infect. At this moment, the human emperor has spilled 30% of the power of the great power, and it only stained the entire book with a spot, even if the human emperor has all spilled his power, it is probably Can occupy less than 10% of the river.

Can’t make a qualitative change!

But…what if?

Cang looked at Su Yu, then at the roaring magic flame.

Su Yu, be guarded against him!

Very heavy guard!

However, Cang could not continue to watch the human emperor invade the avenue. Among the ten thousand realms, the birth of a road like the human emperor is actually a necessity, but it is also a variable and heresy!

At this moment, Cang spoke again: “Xingyu, I think you’d better not do this! If you do this, in order to keep Changhe pure, I must take away Su Yu’s future power… In this way, You killed Su Yu, and you will die too!”

At this moment, Cang was no longer polite, and a little indifferent: “My existence is to maintain the purity of Changhe, not to be swallowed by someone. Don’t want to swallow Changhe by the magic flame, neither can you Xingyu! Xingyu, withdraw. Lose your power, otherwise… I can only pull away Su Yu’s power and return to the Book of Long River to wipe out your erosion!”

Right now, the face of the emperor changed slightly.

Su Yu drew a lot of the power of the future body, from 36 to 39 in one fell swoop.

If this powerful force is pulled away, Su Yu, who is fighting fiercely at this moment, may be killed by Demon Flame!

And Su Yu also gave a wry smile: “Good fellow, I have become the threatened one…”

Obviously it was my battle, but it became a battle between the Emperor and Cang.

Su Yu and Mo Yan have become tool men!

The emperor’s way obviously brought a lot of threat to Cang!

Human Sovereign changed his color slightly, and said: “Is it necessary? Even if I have merged all in, it may not be able to erode much…Cang, you are not afraid that Demon Flame will really win? Do you think Demon Flame is not enough to be afraid?”

Cang did not speak!

He only needs Human Sovereign to remove his power and no longer erode the river.


At this moment, the Demon Flame roared sharply, and the flame covered the entire river. The Lord of the Necromancer snorted and was instantly knocked into the air. The power of the flame on his body was burned, and he could not extinguish it!

The Lord of the Necromancer kept screaming, and after a while, he extinguished the flames out of breath, and the whole person was burned beyond recognition!

And Su Yu is also resisting the magic flame with difficulty at this moment!

Cang’s voice came up again: “Xingyu, remove your power to corrode, otherwise… At this moment, once Su Yu is drawn from my future strength… He will definitely die! Are you going to kill him? This is not what I want to see , I think, it is not the result you want to see!”

The Emperor sighed, “Sure enough, you guys are very bad!”

It was not Demon Flame or Black Scale that prevented him from eroding the river, but Cang!

At this moment, the firmament transformed into a sword could not help but yell: “Cang, who is your dog?”

They resisted the devil flame with all their strength and did not give the devil flame to deal with the human emperor, but it turned out to be good. The first one to clean up the human emperor was Cang!

Su Yu sneered: “Qung, who do you think he is in? He may be in the same group with anyone, but it is not ours!”

Needless to say?

Qiong, this fellow won’t always regard Cang as the savior, right?

As the last hope?

Su Yu was curious, “Qiang, do you think Cang is really your brother?”


Qiong didn’t say a word, cursed secretly!

you guess!

I won’t tell you!

On the opposite side, Mo Yan also sneered: “Su Yu, this is reality, anyone can win…you alone can’t win!”

You have a lot of methods. The 36 cultivators, the Emperor of Humanity, made a big move at the last moment, but…what can you do?

Apart from causing Cang’s dissatisfaction, nothing can be changed at all!

And Su Yu also sighed: “Devil Flame, where is your confidence to solve Cang and Black Scales, you really let them out… Are you sure you can win?”

It’s not just us, we need to face these two guys!

Whoever wins will face them!

He actually wanted to find out if Mo Yan could deal with these two, Mo Yan had been preparing for so many years, Su Yu didn’t believe it, he was not sure, so he dared to mess around.

At this moment, Cang’s threat turned into Su Yu’s greatest crisis!

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