Tricked Into A NewLife, God Must Be Screwing With Me!

1-13 Visitors

Stahlia Eight Years Old, Second Month 945

It was roughly one week after my sister Rosial’s dedication at which she had been declared classless. The family was sitting down to breakfast when there came a knock at the front door. Silvia excused herself to answer it. She came back a few minutes later with a man who appeared to be an adventurer in tow.

“Master Fynn, this man bears a letter for you, he says he has been instructed to hand it off directly to your person.” My father looked up from his plate briefly, before standing and greeting the adventurer.

“If it pleases you, sir.” The adventurer handed my father a letter and a small card. My father turned the letter over, confirming the recipient was indeed himself, then signed the card and gave it back to the adventurer. The adventurer bowed, and Silvia escorted him back to the door to see him off.

No sooner was he gone, than my father broke the letter’s seal and read over it. After the second page, he stopped and looked up at me with surprise on his face. Furrowing his brow, he resumed reading the letter, then read the whole thing over once more. Great. Why do I get the feeling I somehow did something?

Looking up at me, he spoke with a calmer voice than I was expecting; not the calm before the storm, but rather a gentle calme, “Stahlia, a trading partner of mine will be staying in Ris Village for a week at the end of the month. He is bringing his son with him, normally this task would fall to my own son but since I have only daughters, I will need you to escort the youth during their stay. Show him around the village and whatnot. I will make arrangements with the Priest so that he can sit in on the lessons during his stay.” Well… that’s better than expected.

I blinked and nodded, “Very well father, might I know the name of this boy?” My father nodded.

“His name is Dominic.” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my mother sit up straight. Rosial tugged at my sleeve.

“Sister! Does this mean we can’t play?” Her face was anxious and just as adorable as always.

“Relax Rosial, I am sure Dominic will have no issues spending at least a small amount of time with a young lady as cute as you are.” I gave her a reassuring smile, and successfully banished the anxious expression from her face.

The days leading up to the visit passed quickly and before I knew it, I was standing in the entryway of our home, all dressed up in a fancy-looking evening gown with my hair tied into a neat set of twin tails. Frankly, I don’t understand why we had to spend over an hour doing my hair. What’s wrong with just tying it in a simple braid like I usually do? Rosial was standing next to me equally trussed up, though in her case, it actually looked good on her. Who am I kidding? She would be adorable even if she was bald and wearing a potato sack.

My mother and father were wearing the formal clothes they had worn for the dedication ceremony. Presently, they were introducing me and Rosial to the two men and boy that had just crossed our threshold. The first man was slightly taller than my father and had a firm build, with blonde hair and blue eyes. The second man stood just a tad shorter than my father and was slightly overweight but somehow it seemed to suit him. His hair was light brown and he had blue eyes. The boy looked to be about ten years old by my reckoning. He was already somewhat on the tall side and had tan hair with a very dark green pair of eyes. The boy is most likely this “Dominic” person. Based on the hair colors, I would imagine the shorter slightly large man is my father’s old friend. Who’s the other guy though?

“Nikolaus, Rupert, it is a pleasure to meet you again after so many years. You both know my wife Rosalie; these are my daughters Stahlia and Rosial.” I stepped forward when my name was called and gave a practiced curtsy.

“My name is Stahlia, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Rosial did likewise, and then the man introduced as Nikolaus bowed in our direction.

“It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Stahlia and Rosial, my name is Nikolaus, this man is Rupert, and the boy is my third son Dominic.” Rupert gave a half-bow that was really just a tilt of his head and said nothing. Dominic stepped forward and gave a very exaggerated bow. That’s nearly a full ninety degrees, I can’t tell if he is being overly respectful or mocking us.

Dominic soon confirmed his intent when he opened his mouth. “As my father said, My name is Dominic. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintances Stahlia, Rosial.” Well, that was a bit brusque, and a bit rude. Even if your father already introduced you, etiquette dictates you do it again yourself. His father gave him a disparaging look but did not chide him. Clearing his throat, my father bid Silvia show them to the guest rooms and suggested once they settle in, they should join us for dinner.

Dinner was calmer than I expected, Dominic didn’t make any more exaggerated remarks. He was actually fairly quiet, though I caught him staring at me a couple of times. I guess his father reprimanded him in private instead of doing something as embarrassing as that in front of his hosts. Following dinner, I was preparing to make an excuse and retire to my room when Dominic called out to me. “Stahlia, I was told you had a tamed monster.”

Great, and I was just about to announce how tired I was… “Yes, I have taught our Stawri, Stil, a few things.” He got a glint in his eye.

“I would most like to see this, Stawri are not well known for having a malleable disposition.” Can I refuse? No? damn.

I nodded and called Stil into the lounge. “Stil, come here.” Stil came up and sat down next to me waiting patiently. The sight of the Stawri behaving in such a manner seemed to surprise Dominic, he looked uncertainly at it.

After a moment, he asked, “Well, is that all it can do?” I shook my head.

“Do you have any requests, Dominic? I have taught Stil several tricks.” Dominic shook his head and told me he just wanted to see a few examples, so I had Stil go through his paces. We didn’t do anything fancy; I kept it limited to tricks I had taught him when my Monster Handling was still only at level one. Still, this seemed to impress Dominic somewhat, he was now looking at me appraisingly instead of mockingly. Following our show, I made my excuse and went to my room. Rosial had been put away right after dinner as she was complaining that her stomach hurt.

The next day was a school day for me. Like my father had said he would, he had prepared for Dominic to be allowed to attend class with me. When I finished breakfast and upon his request, I explained to Dominic what materials we were currently covering. He nodded absently appearing to have little actual interest in it. Exiting my house with Dominic in tow, I opened our gate apprehensively. I wonder who it is today.

Standing with their backs ramrod straight I was greeted by Diil and Jet, two of the boys I had secretly been teaching to fight. “Lady Stahlia, we have arrived to escort you to the temple.” I let out a long sigh and rubbed at my temples.

“Diil, I have told you all to stop talking to me like that; it is creepy coming from you. Besides, you are all aware I do not need an escort.” Diil shook his head.

“No Lady Stahlia, it wouldn’t be right to let our lord go about without her guards! Doing something like that would hurt the pride of the Stahlia Knights!” I was mortified. Diil apparently hadn’t noticed Dominic behind me. Turning slowly and apprehensively, I was sure I could hear my back creaking. Dominic was staring at Diil with naked amusement.

“The ‘Stahlia’s Knights’? …I do not believe I am, ahem, familiar with your order… Who is the, ha, who is the Knight-Commander?” Diil apparently didn’t catch on to the mocking manner Dominic was using.

“Knight-Commander Giogi, Lady Stahlia is actually on her way to meet him now.” His face was completely serious. Right, I’m using him as the demonstration target next training session.

Dominic was barely suppressing his laughter now. “Lady Stahlia, I take it this ‘Giogi’ fellow is a student in the class? Oh please, please be sure to introduce me to him.” I could see the corners of his mouth twitching, threatening to break out into a massive shit-eating grin. Diil still seemed to not have caught on.

“Lady Stahlia, who is this person?” based on his tone and general body language, it looked like he might do something incredibly troublesome for me. Though I am sure Dominic could flatten them, what with the age gap and all, it would be troublesome for one of the villagers to attack my father’s guest.

“Diil, allow me to introduce you. This is Dominic, he is staying in my home for one week with his father and their acquaintance. That. Makes. Him. My. Guest.” I ground out the last sentence while narrowing my eyes at him so he would get the hint through his massively thick skull. Thankfully, it seems I got through to him.

“R-right, well Sir Dominic, as a guest of our Lady, if you run into trouble in town, please seek the aid of the Stahlia’s Knights. Will you be accompanying Lady Stahlia to the temple today?” Dominic finally lost control and started laughing, and I had to hurry and step in front of Jet before he did something stupid; of all the boys, Jet was the thickest skulled. Right, so the next training will involve a two on one demonstration with Jet and Diil. Having settled on the curriculum for the combat training class, I finally departed for the temple with my “escorts”, my actual escorts, and Dominic in tow.

Arriving at the temple, Diil and Jet bid us farewell with an embarrassing salute that set Dominic into another fit of hysterics. Groaning to myself, I guided Dominic into the classroom. Sana and Giogi both came over to greet me and noticed Dominic.

“Stahlia, who is this handsome young man with you?” Sana was blushing slightly and avoiding eye contact with Dominic. Is he really handsome? In my opinion, he’s nothing special… Better keep Dominic and Sana far apart, she is a pure maiden with a fragile heart.

“Indeed, Lady Stahlia, who is this person?” Giogi was, contrary to Sana, eyeing Dominic suspiciously. Why did you have to call me that...?

“Oh, are you ‘Knight-Commander’ Giogi?” Dominic’s mouth was twitching again.

Raising himself up to his full height, Giogi boldly proclaimed himself. “Indeed, I am the commander of Stahlia’s Knights! Knight-Commander Giogi at your service, may I trouble you for your name?” Dominic turned away, barely containing his laughter. Maybe I should do a three versus one instead of two versus one…

“Stahlia, heh, Introduce me please, ha.” Apparently, he felt some shame at constantly bursting out into laughter after all. Suppressing my desire to sigh I introduced Dominic again.

“So, if he is spending the week, should I assume training is on hiatus for now?” Apparently, Giogi had some sense after all. Dominic, however, suddenly seemed intrigued.

“Training?” he turned to face me, “What is he talking about Stahlia?” Before I could come up with an excuse, Giogi blew away my earlier praise.

“Lady Stahlia is the warrior princess of Ris Village, she is personally training the Stahlia’s Knights in combat techniques.” Ok, to hell with it. Six versus One. You all can blame your “commander” while you’re picking yourselves off the floor. Sana seemed to sense my sudden mood shift and stepped back slightly.

“Ah… I’ll go and sit down I think.” She quickly made her excuse and all but ran to her seat.

“Stahlia, I am most curious to see this training he speaks of…” Dominic was watching me very closely now. Truth be told it was somewhat uncomfortable.

Not bothering to suppress my sigh, I looked at Giogi. “We can meet in the abandoned warehouse on the fifth day after class, I should be able to make an excuse to my parents around then. Dominic, I request that you do not tell our fathers about this.” Dominic broke out into a wide smile.

“Certainly, I understand you need to keep it a secret from your parents. I imagine they would be most unsettled to learn you were cavorting about with six boys after all.” I think I just felt a vein burst. I wonder if I can make it a seven versus one...?

Giogi stiffened when he heard that remark, but when he saw my smile he shivered and made the wise choice to remain silent. With introductions over, I took my seat next to Sana. Dominic opted for a seat removed from everyone else where he could observe the entire room. The instructor came in and passed out today’s sheets.

Reading mine over, I saw that it consisted largely of three-digit multiplication and division. I quickly completed the work and handed in the sheet before standing and making the rounds of the other students, taking and answering their questions. Noticing Dominic staring at me, I approached him last.

“Dominic, are you having trouble with the material?” He shook his head and turned over his sheet, revealing all the problems neatly completed.

“Stahlia, do you make a habit of teaching?” Since his tone was polite, I answered affirmatively and excused myself to return to assisting the other students. After the math, the second half of the day was spent going over history and religious doctrine. There wasn’t much for me to help the other students with for these subjects, so I simply read when called on. Once, while I was reading, I felt a prickling on the back of my neck. After I finished my section and Sana took over, I glanced around the room. My eyes met with Dominic’s, who was staring at me with an odd expression. I tilted my head questioningly and he broke eye contact. Weird.

Thankfully, the trip home was uneventful. Giogi and Sark “escorted” me, which Dominic had apparently grown tired of laughing about since he didn’t make any comment. When we got home, contrary to the usual, Rosial did not come running out to greet me. Curious, I entered the house and found her sitting at the table.

“Rosial, are you doing alright?” She looked up at the sound of my voice.

“Ah sister, I’m fine, just feeling very tired today I think.” She gave me a warm smile and I suggested maybe she should go to bed early tonight. She nodded slowly, and I rubbed her head affectionately.


Fynn, a few hours prior

After seeing my daughter off to school with Dominic, I asked Silvia to take Rosial with her to market; my daughter had been growing listless over the past few days, though she always put on a brave face when Stahlia was around. Hopefully, some fresh air will do her some good. After seeing the two of them off, I entered the lounge where Rosalie was entertaining our guests. I stood in front of them and knelt, Rosalie quickly joined me.

“Prince Rupert, Count Francois. Please forgive me for my behavior last night and allow myself to introduce myself properly.” I kept my head bowed low as was proper.

“Raise your head Fynn, the three of us are old friends after all, besides, it was our instruction not to tell Stahlia our titles.” At Prince Rupert’s behest, I raised my head. Lord Francois was looking troubled next to him. Indeed, the letter I had received earlier this month had informed me that the Third Prince would be coming to visit us personally along with Count Francois and his third son Dominic Francois. The letter had been long and full of noble phrases, but it could generally be broken down into three parts.

The first part was to inform me of the impending visit, the second part was to instruct Rosalie and I not to reveal the station of our guests to anyone, including our daughters. The third part had been courtesy well wishes after my health and the state of my position.

“That being said, may I be so bold as to ask a question of your honorable selves?” Prince Rupert nodded permission, so I asked the question that had been bothering me.

“What is the purpose in visiting such a small village as Ris personally, without guards, and why keep your stations a secret?” Indeed, I had tried wrapping my head around this question, but the answer continued to elude me.

The prince nodded. “I suppose you would wonder at that. Truthfully, we are here because of the letter you wrote me five years ago.” My eyes widened and I felt my jaw slackening.

“Indeed, we have come to meet Stahlia following the letter you sent about the events surrounding her dedication, as for why we have come in secret, Nikolaus you explain.” The prince passed the duty of answering onto Count Francois beside him.

“Hmm, well, I suppose a simple and direct answer is best then. Simply put, we came in secret at the request of Dominic. The honorable Prince Rupert, in response to your letter, approached me about two years ago. It is his wish to secure Stahlia in his faction, and of all his retainers only I possess a son of the correct age. When I informed Dominic, he expressed a wish to meet her as a commoner first before announcing his station. A bit eccentric of course, but I am sure you understand his position.” Besides in the corner of my vision, I noticed my wife clap her hands over her mouth. For my part, I was struggling to come up with something to say in response.

“I-I see. Th-that is most auspicious n-news.” The third prince nodded and gave me a reassuring smile. I cannot believe it, I am so glad I wrote that letter! This will go a long way to protecting Stahlia from the Accursed first Prince and his machinations.


Stahlia, four days later

It was now the fifth day of the week. Dominic had refrained from teasing Giogi’s gang after the first day, though I still saw him suppressing the urge to laugh whenever he met them. For their part, the boys had all been informed that Dominic was going to be attending our lesson after class today; perhaps that was the reason they had stopped acting so brusque towards him. If they try anything I swear it will rain blood.

Class today was the weekly alchemy cum medicine lesson, as usual, Sven simply announced the subject matter and then retired after calling me up to the front of the class. It was a fairly simple topic; which kinds of herbs can be found around the village when dealing with a fever. I gave the lecture absent-mindedly while watching Dominic converse with Sven.

Indeed, Sven had, upon being introduced to Dominic, opted to sit next to him while I gave the lecture in his stead. I could not hear what they were saying, but I could guess. Occasionally, Dominic would glance at me with a look of incredulity, or Sven would gesture in my direction. I resolved to try and develop itching powder to slip into Sven’s underwear drawer.

While things with Dominic were stable enough, that did not mean that the days had passed uneventfully. My darling sister had become bedridden. Her general sleepiness had progressed to the point where she now lacked the energy to do much more than sit up in bed. The doctor had of course been summoned and was doing what he could for her. She was past the age where sickness would easily take a child, but I still worried over her. If she gets much worse, I’ll see about Sana performing a miracle for her. I might not be willing to follow the gods religiously, but if it would help my darling sister I would be willing to say a prayer or two.

The class passed soon enough, and I accompanied Giogi and Sark to the abandoned warehouse on the edge of town with Dominic and Jacqueline in tow. We called it a warehouse, but it was much closer to storage shed. Still, it was tucked away in a corner of the village that people seldom visited so it had played host to our training sessions many times. Once we arrived, Jacqueline slipped away; she rarely watched the lessons I gave, but I knew she would be keeping an eye out for approaching trouble.

“Dominic, will you be observing, or would you prefer to participate?” I figured I may as well be polite, after all, he had promised to keep this a secret.

After a bit of thought, he replied. “I think I will join in. Perhaps I could show them a thing or two.” He smiled thinly and glanced over the assembled boys. His eyes gave me a shiver; they looked like a wolf staring at a flock of chickens.

“…right, do you have any prior experience? If not, I can check your ability attributes and recommend a style.” He froze still and turned slowly to face me.

“You can do what?” He was watching me very carefully now; it was disconcerting in the extreme.

“…if you would like, I can examine your status with enhancement magic and give a recommendation on a fighting style.” His eyes narrowed, and his tone went quiet.

“That will not be necessary. I have learned to fight with a sword well enough.” He looked around and selected a suitably long branch. Before I could say anything else, Giogi stepped in.

“I shall take the first match.” Dominic eyed Giogi amusedly.

“Very well, when you are ready.” He took a stance, holding the branch with both hands in front of his chest while spreading his legs about two feet apart. I have a bad feeling about this… That looks like a proper stance with a lot of practice in the motions…

Before I could give voice to my concerns, Giogi charged him. To call it a match would be an insult. The instant Giogi moved Dominic dropped his stick, so it was pointed directly at Giogi’s stomach, and stepped forward. Giogi saw through the attack and moved to bat aside Dominic’s weapon with his own, but Dominic allowed Giogi’s parry to carry his stick into a spin. Using the momentum, he spun himself about and rapped Giogi’s hand, producing a sharp CRACK. Giogi’s wooden knife sailed cleanly out of his grip and landed a distance away, while Giogi himself froze; Dominic was pointing the tip of his stick towards his throat.

“Well, that was an embarrassing show for the ‘Knight-Commander’. Come now, I can deal with the lot of you.” With that said, the “knights” were incited and came at him all at once. It went about as well as I expected it would; Dominic disarmed each and every one of them. If they refused to yield, he struck them across the back of their neck or across the chest until they collapsed. Thankfully he didn’t kill anyone…

“I am disappointed Stahlia, I was expecting at least some level of skill from them, considering you would go so far as to call them your ‘knights’.” He looked around at the boys sprawled out across the ground, shaking his head smugly, “I suppose this is about what one can expect though, from a knight trained in a backwater village.” He looked up as if he had a thought all of a sudden, “I think I shall inform our fathers after all; it would not do for you to continue wasting your time cavorting with these… people.”

I felt my blood go cold. Maintaining a fake smile, I asked him. “Oh? And what if your honor? You swore to keep a secret.” He grinned maliciously.

“It would hardly do my honor any good if I allowed these games to continue. Besides, you wouldn’t be able to stop me anyway.” He started walking towards the exit. Fortunately, he would have to pass where I was standing to reach it. In a low voice, I announced myself.

“There is still someone here that you have not beaten, Dominic.” Cocking his head, he stopped and glanced around.

I took a stance low to the ground, with my empty hands raised in front of me, “You must be joking. As if girl not yet enrolled in the Academy would have any chance of beating me.”

Well, I don’t know what this “Academy” is, but I would guess I’ve got a bit more experience than you think I do. “If you won’t move first, then prepare yourself.”

I kicked off the ground with a light enhancement active, sending myself towards him. In surprise, he crossed the stick in front of himself to block me. He hadn’t taken a stance so was not prepared, leading to his guard being awkward. Ducking under the stick, I slapped at his hand, shooting a small amount of mana into it when we made contact. This was a new technique I had developed; it required direct physical contact but allowed me to raise or lower the temperature of my target. In his case, I raised the temperature of his skin, causing him to reflexively snap open his hand and drop the stick.

With Dominic now disarmed, I grabbed his shoulder in my free hand and used it as a pivot to swing myself behind him. Carrying his sword arm with me, I locked it behind his back in a classic takedown restraint. “Yield.” Dominic struggled for a moment, but I increased the enhancements on my arms to match his strength. It took more mana than I was expecting it to. He is pretty strong after all.

After a moment longer of trying to free himself, he stilled. “I yield.” I released my grip on him immediately.

“Do forgive me, Dominic, I simply cannot allow my father or mother to learn of these lessons.” Rubbing his wrist, he looked me up and down. What’s that look in his eye? It’s like he’s seeing me for the first time.

“I understand, I will keep your secret Lady Stahlia.” Oh hell. Another one.

Dominic moved off to the side and merely observed the rest of the lesson. I spent about an hour explaining to the recovering boys what they had done wrong and pointing out how they could have moved differently. As the evening bell rang, I made my farewells and traveled home. For once, none of my “escorts” were accompanying me. I guess being thrashed by Dominic only to turn around and see him get thrashed put some sense into them, hopefully, they give up on that “escort” crap.

When we got home, Dominic excused himself and went straight to his room while I visited my sister in her room. She was sleeping fitfully, with a concerning amount of sweat staining the sheets. Silvia was attending her with my mother, both of them wiping her down with cool clothes. I sat with the two and stealthily lowered the temperature of the water in the cloth I picked up, using it to wipe my sister’s forehead, “Mother, it seems the doctor is not able to help her, might I ask after Sana?” my mother gave me a sad smile and her permission, so I mentally made plans to go to the temple tomorrow.

Drawing me out of my inner dialogue, my father called for me to come to the parlor. That ass! He better not have broken his promise! I excused myself and went down to the lounge. Rupert was seated on the couch, while Nikolaus and Dominic were standing behind him. My father was sitting opposite Rupert and indicated a chair to the side for me to take. I sat down and looked around the room nervously. Nobody was speaking, a fact that worried me a great deal. After a few minutes of awkward silence, my mother came down and sat next to my father. Rupert opened his mouth and spoke first.

“Fynn, Rosalie. Now that all relevant parties are present, with myself as the witness, Count Francois would like a word.” Huh? Count?

Nikolaus stepped forward and gave my father a half bow, “Mayor Fynn, in my position of Count of the Francois territory, I would like to formally request your daughter’s hand that she be wed to my third son, Dominic von Francois, upon her coming of age. Should you accept, then with Third Prince Rupert as our witness, in the eyes of the kingdom and before the twelve gods and goddesses may Stahlia Rosaliesdaughter assume the position of fiancée to my son.” WHAT?! my mind was blank. This was so far outside of my own intentions and expectations I didn’t know how to react. There’s no way! No way in hell am I getting married!

My father kept a calm face. Tell him, father! Reject him right away! You’re always saying how you want to ensure I have a happy future, this is your chance to do that! “With the third prince as the witness, I humbly accept your request.” NO! that’s not what you were supposed to say!

My mother turned to me with a great smile. “Stahlia, is this not wonderful? The Francois family is a prestigious house among the Drakas nobility!” I could only stare blankly in a shocked stupor.

Prince Rupert misinterpreted my silence as an unbelieving pleased surprise, “Well, it seems the plan to hide the status of Dominic and the reason for her accompanying him was a great success!” He gave me a warm look that seemed to scream “Oh, the joys of youth!”

“Still, having a count marry a fallen noble would not work, even if Dominic is the third son, the other noble families will never accept it.” Yes! Be the voice of reason Prince Rupert! “To that end… Fynn, kneel.” My father stood up and moved to kneel in front of the prince. Oh no.

The prince stood up and looked down at my father’s lowered head. “With the powers entrusted to me by my father King Drakas, and with his express permission and assent, I bestow upon you and your house the name “Ris” and the title of Baron. Continue to serve me well when managing your new territory.” Prince Rupert drew from his waist a slender sword and touched it to my father’s head.

As if mocking me, I heard a Ding! inside my head, and a notification displayed itself in my vision.

Notice: Following the receiving of Noble Peerage, Name and Social Strata have been updated. Name: Stahlia > Stahlia von Ris. Social Strata: Fallen Noble House (Despita, Drakas Kingdom) > Nobility (Baron Ris, Drakas Kingdom)”

Dumbly, I opened my menu and saw that the specified sections had changed. I had also apparently received 50 Life Points as a “reward” for this travesty.

I was in a daze. At some point, Prince Rupert, Count Francois, and Dominic Francois announced their intentions to depart back to the Francois territory later that night. I vaguely recall Dominic taking my hand and saying something about how he looked forward to our next meeting. I think I just nodded lamely and said something to the effect of “I am as well”. Really, I was on complete autopilot as I attempted to sort through my thoughts. I must have gone to bed eventually because I woke up in my room with sunlight streaming through the window.

Strangely, it was my mother who had woken me up. I looked up at her with a vacant expression. “Stahlia, I know that must have been a shock last night.” I nodded.

“It is not always easy to accept our duty as noblewomen.” Your duty! You’re the former Noble! I was barely above commoner until a few hours ago! My mother was stroking my hair. Suddenly, it all clicked into place. All of the etiquette lessons, all of the chiding about me maintaining proper manners at all times, going to lessons at the temple despite being declared classless. Even my father’s constant assurances that he was seeking my happiness. I was being groomed! From the day of my dedication, they had already decided to do something like this! The priest must have told my father something when he stayed behind!

I rolled over and faced away from my mother. “When will I see him again?” I’ve got to find a way to break off this engagement.

My mother sounded troubled, but I hardly cared right now. “Most likely after you turn ten and enroll in the Royal Academy.” Wait, Dominic was saying something about an academy the other day… I still wasn’t happy with my mother, but I was rational enough to recognize that this was important information. I rolled back over to face her.

“What is the Royal Academy?” My mother answered calmly, she was probably expecting a bit of a fuss from me and had steeled herself.

“A school for noble children. To learn about their duties and hone their purpose. They have a scholarship program for rare classes and talents among the commoners as well; The head priest told your father that you would likely be called to attend after your dedication discovered you had the Prodigy Talent.” She took a deep breath, “It was not easy to keep it from you, but your father and I decided not to tell you about it until we had secured your safety. With the engagement to House Francois under the Third Prince’s banner we have now done that.” Secure my safety? What does she mean?

As if reading my questioning look, my mother elaborated, “Stahlia, Prodigy is an exceptional talent. You would be faced by dozens of Nobles all vying for you to join their families, and not all of them would be as honorable as Count Francois in their methods. The engagement to Lord Dominic will help prevent that struggle.” I need time to think this over. It sounds like keeping the engagement will actually be beneficial for now, but I definitely have to find a way to break it off before I turn fifteen and get forced into a marriage. I think I can put up with it for now… but that doesn’t mean I like it!

My mother seemed to sense I had come to terms with myself somewhat, “Stahlia, I understand you might not be entirely happy with this, but your father and I are acting in your best interest as your parents and as Nobility of Drakas. That being said, Rosial has not woken yet today, and the doctor is at a complete loss. I need you to take Jacqueline and fetch Sana as quickly as possible.” WHAT?! WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY THAT FIRST!

I practically flew out of bed, much to my mother’s shock. “JACQUELINE! WE’RE LEAVING!” conjuring up a mental picture of the temple, I pushed as much raw emotion into it and through the thought across my link to Stil. I was pleased to detect a feeling of urgency rebounding across the link, and I heard him bark loudly once before presumably dashing towards the temple. Jacqueline arrived in my room and looked at my pale white mother and me tearing through my dresser.

“Goodness, I presume you were informed as to your sister’s condition.” I ignored her and hastily threw on a dress.

“Jacqueline, I’m going to run.” She looked like she wanted to say something but thought better of it and merely nodded in confirmation.

I went down the stairs at a breakneck pace. As soon as I got past the door, I poured the most mana I ever had into my legs and hitched up my skirt. Taking off at the fastest pace I ever had, I arrived at the temple within ten minutes, where the trip normally would have taken me about thirty. Stil had arrived just before me, despite having a ten-minute head start, and was barking his head off. Sana had come out having heard him and looked at me quizzically.

“Sana, Rosial won’t wake up. Can you ride Stil?” She looked about to protest but when she saw my face she nodded and went over to Stil, hesitating for just a moment, she climbed on his back. “Stil, go home.” Stil took off and I kept pace right beside him. Sana was watching me run wide-eyed but didn’t say anything. Arriving at my home, we were let in by Jacqueline, who had opted not to accompany me and simply prepare for Sana’s arrival. We were led up to my sister’s room and Sana moved over to her side.

“Stahlia, I’ll do what I can, but don’t you think you should be at Sven’s right now?” That’s a good point. I knew Rosial was getting sick but the thought to try and make her a medicine never crossed my mind! Damnit, Dominic! I nodded briefly and went to tell my mother where I was going, a proposition she readily agreed to.

I dashed out the door again with the maximum enhancement. Arriving at Sven’s shop, I checked my menu to see my remaining mana. It looked like I had just enough to make the return trip. Letting myself in, I immediately informed Sven as to my purpose and he let me in the back without a word. I spent an hour pouring over symptoms and ingredients with Sven and Sieg before brewing three potions we thought might help Rosial. Thanking them quickly, I ran back to my house. Arriving, I met Sana on her way out. She looked spent, as exhausted as she had after casting the miracle when Rosial was but an infant in the womb, “Stahlia…” she sounded utterly spent, “…I’ve done what I can, it’s in the hands of the gods now.” I thanked her and went upstairs.

I handed over the potions I had made to Silvia and my mother. Breathlessly, I explained to them the dosage and what each one was supposed to do. Just as I was finishing up my explanations, I felt a wave of fatigue wash over me. Shit, I think I pushed myself too far… The next thing I knew, I was lying in my bed. The room was dark meaning it was probably after sunset. I sat up in a rush and climbed out of bed.

There was a knock at my door. “Come in!” I called out and Jacqueline stepped in. I looked at her expectantly for an update. When she saw my face, her own expression twisted into one of great pain. “Jacqueline… how is Rosial doing...? did the potions and miracle work...?”

Jacqueline approached me and crouched down. Throwing her arms around me she pulled me close. “Stahlia, I’m so sorry. So very, very, sorry.” I felt tears beginning to well up in my eyes.

“Wh-what do you m-mean? S-she-she’s getting b-better right?” Jacqueline squeezed me tighter.

“Stahlia, Mortis has visited this home. Rosial is gone.” With a wail, I lost control and my tears flowed freely.

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