Tricked Into A NewLife, God Must Be Screwing With Me!

3-17 Crossroads Part One

Stahlia, Twelve Years Old, Second Month of 948

Life Summary Screen:

Life Point Balance: 327 (+50)

Name/Age: Stahlia von Ris und zu Drakas, 12 (NEW)

Gender: Female

Class/Level: Custom Class, 20[MAX] Experience: 31000/31000

Species: Human (Pureblood)

Social Strata: Nobility (Baron Ris, Drakas Kingdom || Princess

von Drakas, Drakas Kingdom) (NEW)

Starting Gift: Small Seed [LOCKED]

Title: Goblin Slayer*[Swap Title]

Ability Values: 

Strength D: 122        

Endurance B: 203

Dexterity SS: 355 +20

Intelligence S: 435

Charisma B: 203

Mana S: 248

Fighting Style: Drakan Style* [Swap Style]

Talents 5/5: [Browse Talents] Prodigy III*, Eidetic Memory II*, Stealth V, Charm

Resistance I*, Flexible I*, || Monster Handling III*, Dagger Fighting V*, Sword

Fighting II*, Unarmed Fighting IV*, Alchemy Correction IV*, Teaching II*, Mana

Efficiency III*, Fire Magic III*, Water Magic II*, Earth Magic II*, Wind Magic

II*, Ice Magic V

Skills 4/5: [Browse Skills] Divine Authority[Class Features]*, Finesse Fighting*, Blue Blooded*, Kinetic Perception*, [], || Language Proficiency[Central Human]*, Fighting Style[Shadow Blade]*, Fighting Style[Drakan Style]*, Blessing of Winter*

Talents Experience: [+]

Well, I’ve gone and done it. I stared at the new entries displayed on my status menu. My name and social strata sections had been updated following my meeting with the third prince. And that gave me fifty life points as well, for some reason… I don’t really know what I would have done to trigger that but whatever. It just means I don’t need to wait for [Charm Resistance] to level up. I could now afford to purchase the sole remaining skill and unlock my class up.

Originally, I had been planning to purchase it after getting the remaining LP from leveling up [Charm Resistance], as well as [Eidetic Memory]. The former was still slowly gaining experience as it fought off Dominic’s lingering charm, and the latter was simply close to leveling up; and would probably do so within the first few weeks of the new semester.

Navigating my menu, I found the skill I had been planning to get.

[Mana Crystallization (300LP)]: Excess mana forms into a crystal located near the heart of the user. This mana can be extracted by the user to fuel magic or circulated around the body to provide passive enhancement. Extracting stored mana takes a small amount of time and incurs some loss in the form of mana bleeding out into the atmosphere. The storage limit is based on the user’s level. There are no physical repercussions caused by the crystal.”

I purchased it and confirmed it had appeared in my last skill slot. I felt a sharp pain in my chest, but couldn’t tell if that was from the formation of my mana crystal, or if it was from my class up. The pain faded as I sucked in air, I had been holding my breath for the past several moments. Checking my status screen, I saw that I had gained a second class, still called Custom Class, at level one. I had also been granted one level’s worth of bonus to all my stats, and my experience had gone back to zero; apparently, I did not keep any extra experience that had exceeded my gauge. Predictably, I now needed an additional 3,000 experience per level for a total of 34,000 to hit level twenty-two.

With that taken care of, I flopped back into my bed and stared at the ceiling. I made the best possible move I could have… Yet, I still feel like I sold myself, somehow. No, I definitely sold myself, there’s no ‘feel like’ about it. Still, this neatly solves all my problems… but to think that the engagement was all part of a scheme. What would the demons possibly stand to gain by having me marry Dominic? Jacqueline was nearby and could tell that I was distressed about something. But I can’t tell you about it. Not until we get that thing out of you… Dammit!

Everything I had been scheming and working towards, I had told Jacqueline all of it. Almost all of my secrets. Because of that, Five. No, the Fifth Seat, King of Wrath Satan knew everything as well. And one of those worms will be in Rosial as well… I was doing my absolute best to avoid flying into a rage at the thought of my sister’s body being violated by a demon. I can’t let myself get angry to the point where I have to rely on [Cold Hearted]... Now that I know what Five’s skill does… I can’t risk any anger. No wonder one of the champions was given this trap skill.

Was there any other move I could play? Anything at all I could have done differently? I reviewed my memories of the meeting and the events leading up to it, just for my own satisfaction.


Stahlia, Twelve Years Old, Second Month of 948 – Twelve Hours Previously

I was back in my school uniform for the first time in over six months. Thanks to Jacqueline, it was adjusted to my new measurements. Felicity had managed to get Lucy to let her do my hair, so that was a little bit messy. I’ll have to have it touched up in the carriage on the way to the school social, I need to be careful about my appearance, especially after that snafu at the funeral…

Thinking of the fallout from how I had handled Ferris, I couldn’t help but grimace. Personally, I couldn’t care less how Dominic felt, but when he was being as cold to me as he was now, it was a bit irritating. Though, if I had to guess, there’s a non-zero chance he’s trying to be coy and go for a bit of neglect to convince me to come running into his arms. Our relationship had been extremely cold since then, and he had done his best over the last few days to avoid me.

Tonight at the social is actually going to be the first time that I really interact with him… I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous. Since then, I had also learned that Ferris was ten years old, explaining why I hadn’t seen him before. That meant he would be at the School Social. I need to figure out what to say to him… On one hand, I can’t close off the door with the other nobility, on the other I need to keep Dominic at least somewhat placated or my life is going to get very difficult. Frankly, I just couldn’t wrap my head around how Dominic was acting. It was almost like a child that had been told no for the first time and couldn’t comprehend it.

He really thought I liked him, didn’t he? I suppose I was acting like that before I knew about the charm. I was always reacting like a maiden in love after all. Maybe I should just tell him I know about the charm? That should mellow him out a bit since it would mean I’m holding something over his head that could potentially ruin him… but then I would have to explain how I know. I can’t do that, but pretending to like him isn’t an option either.

I was in a dilemma from my own misspoken refusal. Looking back on the interaction with Ferris, I had misspoken a bit, I could admit that. But Dominic’s reaction was just so… childish. If he’s wanting to get a girl to like him, he’s going about it the wrong damn way. Before I could follow this line of thought any further, a knock came at my door, and Jacqueline went to answer it.

Returning, she informed me that it had been Dominic’s manservant come to tell us that Dominic had departed for the school social on his own and would meet me there. Childish. Doesn’t he realize that he’s only making his own image worse by not escorting me? It’ll send a message to the nobles that our engagement isn’t going well. He should know that I’m fine with that given what I told him. Without further ado, I had Jacqueline thank Gregory and then went down to my own carriage.

The trip to the social was uneventful and other than having Jacqueline fix my hair, I rode in silence. Upon our arrival, Dominic was, of course, not present to help me out of the carriage. So, I can’t get down by myself… well, I could. But if Dominic is going to play childish games… so will I. I’m only twelve after all… “Jacqueline, please go and find a young nobleman… Lord Ferris, if possible.”

Jacqueline gave me one of her very rare smirks; she had been holding back her irritation towards Dominic ever since I had given her [Charm Immunity], and his recent actions had very nearly pushed her over the edge. She disappeared and in very short order returned with Ferris. Ferris glanced around and quickly figured out the situation. He might be tactless, but he’s still a duke’s son so him being able to play politics is a given. Now, as only a baron’s daughter myself, asking a favor of Ferris was a bit presumptuous of me. But, well, he put me in this situation; he can help me get out of it.

Ferris gave a thin smile, “Lady Stahlia, may I have the honor?”

I took his offered hand and stepped down from the carriage. A few of the onlooking nobles let out audible gasps at the sight. I was making a big wave, but I was not going to stand for Dominic giving me the embarrassment of going unescorted. Hopefully, if I do something this big, his father will give him a stern talking to. I’ll probably get reprimanded as well, but I can deal with that just fine.

Ferris escorted me into the building, and every young noble we passed seemed to fall silent as we passed. I think one dance, and then I’ll thank him and excuse myself. That should start a nice juicy rumor. Ferris seemed to be enjoying the attention quite a bit himself, “Well Lady Stahlia. I must say, this is quite a turnaround from how you answered me at the funeral four days ago.”

I waited until we were out of earshot, before responding in a low voice, “You should have known you were putting me on the spot then.” Ferris said nothing, simply shrugging his shoulders. An action that irritated me considerably, since it was me who was suffering the consequences of his tactless actions. Still, at this point, he’s my best way away from Dominic… though jumping to the first prince’s faction now of all times would be a bit bad socially… but if I leverage my connection with Edith to work with the neutral nobles as well, I should be able to blunt the backlash a bit.

Forcing myself to breathe in and out a few times to calm down. A pair of guard knights swung open the large doors to the assembly hall for Ferris and me to enter. Thankfully, there was no squire announcing the students as they entered the hall. Though, even without that, Ferris and I still turned numerous heads. Right, I know I want to start a rumor, but this is starting to feel a bit uncomfortable.

Thankfully, Ferris seemed to pick up on my minor distress, “Lady Stahlia, is there anything else you need?”

He had gotten quite a bit out of this whole affair, and it should influence the faction politics in favor of the first prince. I was debating whether or not to push even further and ask him to a dance, but just as I was starting to reach that point, I caught sight of Dominic, scowling at me from across the room. He had several young noble girls surrounding him. Ferris saw this at the same time as I did and let out a soft whistle, “I certainly misjudged him at the funeral. Dominic von Francois… you may be a worthy opponent indeed.”

A worthy opponent? So you’re competing? Over me…? I don’t think Dominic realizes he’s in this little tournament, but I’m honestly rooting for you, Ferris. The limited length of time I had spent with Ferris had been overall very pleasant, and while I wasn’t sure I liked him, I was sure that he was certainly better than Dominic, “Well, Lord Ferris, thank you for the escort. I believe I have made my point, so if you would excuse me.”

Ferris gave me a modest bow before stepping away. Facing Dominic, I adopted the frostiest smile I could and began making my way over to him. As I closed the distance, Dominic gave me a cool stare, “Well Stahlia, I suggest you drop the attitude. After that stunt you pulled, I imagine father will ask the prince to break off our engagement.”

Excuse you!? The stunt I pulled? I only did that because you were behaving like a child! And where do you get off lecturing me when you’ve surrounded yourself with a bunch of young ladies yourself? We’re engaged! I fixed my smile and answered Dominic’s challenge, “Oh? The stunt I pulled? Are you sure you should go there…?”

Dominic shrugged exaggeratedly, “As you can see, I have no trouble getting women. Frankly, you should have been honored that I picked you.”

I felt my vision beginning to go white, “Oh, is that so? Well certainly, you do seem to have a very charming gaze after all.”

As soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted them instantly. Dominic clasped his lips together looking shaken. Considering I just called him out hardcore, I can imagine why he would be shaken… Frankly, I was just glad I had the sense left to hide my words behind a euphemism. Right, I should get away from now, before either of us says something we regret, “Good day, Dominic. I hope you enjoy the social.”

Spinning on my heel, I quickly moved towards Edith and Sarala, whom I had spotted off to the side avoiding the general throng. Dominic did not call out to me, which was probably for the best. As I was about to reach Edith, a man came up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned away from me and shared a quick whispered conversation with the man. Shooting me a pained glance she turned and went with the man, leaving Sarala behind wearing a grim expression.

I made my way over to Sana, “What happened with Edith?”

“She was called away, she should be back soon. Stahlia, what happened with you and Dominic?” Sarala shook her head as she asked me.

Shrugging my shoulders, I answered her dryly, “He is simply being an ass.”

Sarala looked thoughtful for a moment before shaking her head, “You should try and patch things up with him if you can. All things considered, you are pretty lucky you know.”

I wish people would stop saying that… There was nothing I could do of course, short of spending my lifespan without regard, dropping in and out of comas, and raising all sorts of questions. I stood with Sarala in silence; Dominic was dancing with one of the girls he had been flirting with earlier, so I ignored him and looked around for Ferris. I should get Ferris to have a dance with me. That’d really drive Dominic up the wall.

Just as I spotted him, I heard a familiar voice call out to me, “Stahlia, may I have a word?”

Turning around I saw my Blue Magic instructor, Gustav. I really didn’t want to deal with him right now, so I fixed a frown on my face, “Yes, Lord Gustav. What can I do for you…?”

Gustav nodded, “If you would follow me, the prince would like to have that meeting with you now.”

What now? Gustav is the messenger? Since when has he had any connections to the third prince? My frown got larger, but I nodded and followed Gustav out of the ballroom. Gustav led me out of the main building entirely and before I knew it, we were headed towards the Mage’s Hall. My interview with the third prince is in the Mage’s hall…? That didn’t make much sense to me, but there wasn’t much for questioning it. It would be a private space I suppose, though… Gustav as well, a messenger for the third prince? I watched the back of my eccentric mathematics and Blue Magic professor’s head. If anything, he was moving with a purpose entirely unlike his usual attitude.

Gustav led me up to his own office and I felt a sense of hesitation. I had been in this office before a few times, and I knew how small it was. For the third prince to be in there, he would be extremely limited in the number of guards he could have with him. Especially with me and Gustav being present as well. Given what I did to spark this meeting, I can’t imagine he would be lax when it comes to the guards he has with him…

I tried to peek around the side of Gustav’s body, but I couldn’t make out very much. I could see that the desk chair was empty, which was where I had expected the prince to be sitting. There’s no way that he would be sitting on one of the small couches… I took a half step back; thinking about it, this whole thing was really suspicious.

“Wait, Stahlia.” Gustav hadn’t turned around to speak, though he had most likely just heard my foot hitting the ground, “The third prince is in the back. It isn’t safe for this conversation to be held in the main office.”

I fell into a stance that prepped my body to fight or flee, “Gustav, you can’t expect me to believe that.”

Gustav shrugged, “He has Lady Edith with him.”

His words triggered a short circuit in my thought processes, as I immediately began analyzing the meaning behind it. Usually, Gustav is fairly eccentric. Right now, though, he’s being more or less closed off. I can’t tell from his tone if telling me about Edith was meant to reassure me or to be a threat. I couldn’t see anything the prince would gain by harming the daughter of the neutral Claurence house, but conversely, I also couldn’t see why he would bring her to a meeting between the two of us just to reassure me.

And all of this damn secrecy. Slipping me out of the social, heading to a separate building, a backroom that I’ve never heard of before… it’s almost like the prince is trying to keep a secret, a really big secret… I made up my mind, “Alright, let’s go.”

Gustav stepped through the doorway and approached the wall behind his desk. Matching his personality, it was covered in a collection of random charts and pictures. Reaching out to one of them, Gustav laid his hand on it. A moment later I heard a loud and resounding “THUNK”. Pushing against the wall, a seam appeared before it swung inwards. A secret room? So the prince is there.

Gustav motioned for me to step forward, and after taking a deep breath, I stepped across the threshold. My own personal Rubicon. Like Caesar, I had the strong feeling that I was passing a point of no return. Gustav came up behind me and I heard the door click into place shutting us inside. Given the secrecy, I bet that door can only be opened with Blood Magic, which would explain sending Gustav to get me. There were no visible switches either, so even a blood magic practitioner like me or Sitri wouldn’t be able to open it easily. Not without knowing where to send the mana.

Stepping forward, I found myself in a room roughly the same size as Gustav’s office. So, this is why his office was so small, he attached something like this to the back of it. There was more space in this secret room though as, unlike the front office, this room didn’t have a large desk taking up space, nor the several bookshelves. Instead, the center of the room held a small table around which were four chairs. In the chair opposite the table from the door, sat the third prince.

I curtsied instinctively and recited a greeting, “Prince Rupert von Drakas, it is an honor to make your acquaintance once more. I am Stahlia von Ris, whom you met once before in my father, Baron Ris’ territory.”

While doing that on autopilot I took the chance to covertly examine Edith, who was sitting in the chair to the prince’s right. I was still a bit worried that she was here as a hostage. To my surprise, not only did she not seem to be in distress, she seemed resolved and determined. So she was brought here to reassure me most likely, and then her dad is here because she’s unmarried so she can’t be alone with the prince…? No, that really doesn’t make any sense. That would mean the prince had told Duke Claurence that he intended to bring his daughter into a secret room.

A man I recognized as Edith’s father, Duke Claurence, was seated on the prince’s left. This left one seat open at the side of the table closest to me. I could not figure out the purpose behind him being present, and frankly, the more I thought about this scenario, the more confused I became.

“Stahlia. Sit down then, we have a lot to discuss.” The prince’s tone was level, but devoid of any emotion. As he was giving me the instruction, Gustav moved to pull the chair out for me.

“Right… Thank you, Lord Gustav.” I took the seat offered and rested my hands on the table while meeting the prince in the eye. It might have been a bit disrespectful, but given the incredibly confusing circumstances, I had the feeling that this was going to go beyond an interrogation about my Anti-Army Magic. Besides, I’m sharing a table with him, meeting his eye is fairly minor considering that.

The prince folded his hands, before speaking in the same level tone, “I am sure you are wondering about Duke Claurence and Edith. I asked my fiancé to be present when you arrived in order to put your mind at ease.”

I’m sorry!? Your what now? Fiancé? Isn’t something like that supposed to be national news!? Unless… you haven’t publicized it yet…? Is that supposed to be an offering to me? Information for me to bring back to Count Francois? No, he probably already knows. So you’re telling me that just for me, no faction politics whatsoever… Then, because I’m Edith’s friend?

I looked over at Edith and saw she was giving the prince an incredulous look, one that she would only get away with if what he was saying was true. Well, that’s… there’s an age gap there… but as far as arranged marriages go, she could have done worse for herself… I forced myself to get over the confusion and surprise and simply face the facts, I was not in any place where I could afford to flounder about. For what was to come, I had to stay focused.

But this means the Claurence have decided to join your faction… especially given the recent political upheaval… This will give you a lot of political pull, won’t it, in fact, it puts you in a very good position to become the next king…

Edith shot a furtive and concerned look but didn’t say anything. Knowing her, she was probably just told the third prince wanted a word and didn’t know I was involved at all. Sarala… she knew about Edith’s engagement, that would explain how she was acting after Edith left the social.

Edith’s words at our reunion came back to me, about how I was “lucky” for being in an engagement where I presumably liked the guy. This goes back at least that far then huh, so all those guys who were probing her at the funeral were unknowingly probing an engaged woman about her marriage prospects… I felt a fair amount of sympathy towards her then, as I had my own fair share of secrets, I knew what she must have felt like.

No time for that right now though, with the Claurence and Lawrence houses under his banner, the third prince has half the territory dukes. The Febligi might control a decent number of the knights, but between these two, the breadbaskets of the kingdom are with the third prince. It would all come down to how things shook out with Duke Lester. If he sided with the third prince, then the majority of the dukes would be in his camp, and he would be all but guaranteed to inherit the throne.

Everything is working out too well for him… almost as if it was set up to be that way… I thought that the second prince had been killed by the king to give a reason to declare war on one of the neighboring countries… but now it seems way more likely that-

“I killed my brother. I poisoned him with wine. Not only that, but I did it on the orders of the Fifth Seat, King of Wrath Satan.”

Well, that’s that then. Holy shit. I don’t think I’m leaving this room so easily then, “Your highness…”

The third prince raised his hand, “Stahlia, you may call me Prince Rupert. I intend to speak with you on even footing.”

That would mean me calling you ‘Rupert’ though, not Prince Rupert… Biting back my retort, I nodded, “Very well then, Prince Rupert. I take it you have a reason for telling me that?”

The third prince nodded, “Indeed. I intend to gain your trust. Would you hear my tale?”

There’s got to be something else he’s after… Otherwise, he wouldn’t be so forthcoming. I’m probably overthinking it… for now, I may as well hear him out. With that kind of bombshell right at the start, no matter what else I learn… I certainly won’t be in any worse of a position. “Very well, I’ll hear what you have to say…” At the very least, with more information, I might be able to figure out what he wanted from me that he would go so far.

“I am glad to hear that. I had feared that at the mention of me working for the demons, you would be angered.” After waiting a moment, to gauge my reaction, he continued.

“I have been in the employ of the demons for nearly five years now. I was first approached by a man claiming to be ‘Five’, I am sure you are aware of him?”

I clenched my fists under the table and bit the inside of my mouth, “Yes, I am aware of him.” I answered honestly; there was little chance that the prince didn’t already know if he was bringing it up to begin with.

“Good, that saves some time. As it turns out, Five and the Fifth Seat. They are one and the same, though I didn’t know that until much later. At first, I did a few things, just small things here and there. After all, this was the king’s right-hand man, what could he possibly be doing that would harm the kingdom? Then, he told me the truth, about the demons, and about how far up the chain of command the corruption runs.”

“Of course, I didn’t believe him. Not at first, but he demonstrated his powers easily enough. I was convinced. Then he started asking for stranger and stranger things. Awful things, holding the kingdom at ransom.” I frowned, causing Rupert to stop and nod, “You have a question. Ask it.”

I suppose it would be too much to ask a prince not to be commanding… “What does this have to do with me? You can skip the sob story.” I was surprised at myself, being that short with a member of royalty was not a very good plan. The prince, however, took it in stride.

“Of course. You see, you were one of those requests. More specifically, to recognize your engagement with Dominic von Francois. I was a bit unsure of it, after all, Count Francois was one of the higher-ranking members of my faction. Then the count approached me and asked for the same thing. So we traveled to Ris where I got to have a reunion with my friend. And where I got to meet you for the first time.”

So the demons… they wanted me engaged to Dominic…? Why? What would they stand to gain from that? I wasn’t the champion of winter yet or anything.

The prince nodded, “It’s written on your face, you want to know why. I wish I could tell you, but I have no idea. Either way, it’s not like I did nothing to resist. But I had to be careful. After all, my opponent was one of the Nine Kings. Do forgive me, but one of the first things I did was arrange for Gustav to babysit you at the academy; he has been in my employment for a significant amount of time, and as a Blood Mage is uniquely qualified for dealing with Demons, should the need arise.”

“Imagine my surprise when Gustav reported to me that you were also a practitioner of Blood Magic. Then Five, the bastard, began ordering me to mess with the kingdom’s knight movements. It was around that time that Ang Village began having its troubles. I was able to put two and two together.”

“You sent me there to die?” My short and curt words had cut him off, but I hardly cared. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what the prince was about to say; he had figured out that a demon was there, and had sent me in knowing that fact. It was all I could do to keep my voice as level and steady as it was.

The prince fixed me with a cold stare and nodded, “Yes, I was hoping that Sitri wouldn’t know who you were or perhaps get a little over-excited. After all, you wouldn’t be able to marry Dominic if you were dead.” His tone was blatantly matter-of-fact as if he was stating the most obvious thing in the world; it sent shivers down my spine. I thought it was the cursed champion that was supposed to be cold-hearted…

A special thanks to Rita152, CypressLB, Loliconhanter, Plus1, and adityakr7531 for Beta Reading and for helping to edit this chapter!

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I Hate RPGs, So I Guess I’ll Become The Queen of Demons

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