Tricked Into A NewLife, God Must Be Screwing With Me!

3-19 Epilogue

Dominic, Thirteen Years Old – Directly after Stahlia was summoned to meet Prince Rupert.

I spun the young noble girl around as we danced. Her name was Tanya or something similar. I had only really gathered the little group to get at Stahlia after the trouble she caused me at the second prince’s funeral. I had only managed to further strain our relationship though. Still, where does she get off going around my back to that Ferris douche? She should have sent for me, to let me know she had arrived. That would have sufficed as an apology.

The song ended and I bowed to my partner, who curtsied to me in turn. It’s… too easy. There was nothing I couldn’t get with my abilities. One word from me, and this girl would be falling over herself to get her parents to agree to anything. That’s why Stahlia is so… infuriating. And so alluring.

I looked around to find her, but she didn’t seem to be anywhere nearby. Where the hell has she gone off to now? Is she with Ferris going behind my back again? No, Ferris is over there. Where could she have gone…?

“Ahem, excuse me, would you care for a dance?” Turning around, I spotted a young woman, probably a year or two older than me. She looks a bit familiar, but I don’t think I’ve ever met her before… Based on her dress, she was probably the daughter of a count, so it was odd I couldn’t recognize her. Still, I don’t have time for this right now. I’ve got to go find Stahlia before she can mess up anything else for me.

“No, thank you but I have to go and find my fiancé” I turned to leave, but the girl caught my sleeve.

She frowned at me, “No, I do think we should have at least one dance together, Dominic.”

Ok…? She should have politely accepted my refusal, also, where does a random count’s daughter get off calling me without a title? “My apologies, but you have me at a disadvantage. May I ask your name?”

The young woman covered her mouth to suppress a giggle, “My name, yes of course, where are my manners. I am Irtis von… Asmo” She punctuated her introduction with a curtsy, “Now, about our dance? I must apologize but I can’t take no for an answer…”

Irtis? Asmo? I’ve never heard of either of those names. She’s also immune to my ability, or at least resistant to it. This could prove interesting… “Very well, Irtis, I shall humor you.”

I took Irtis’ hand and lead her out onto the dance floor. The song happened to be a fairly slow one and the dance that accompanied it required me to hold Irtis fairly close. I couldn’t help noticing her scent, it was nostalgic and took me a moment to place, but I eventually recognized it as a vanilla bean. Something I hadn’t smelled since I died. I was quite fond of this smell, hell, it’s almost identical to the air freshener I used to buy… I would even say this is my favorite smell.

We turned slowly; this dance was similar to a Waltz, though without the spinning or partner switches. On one pass, Irtis leaned close to my ear and whispered, “I saw what happened earlier. What a shame.”

We spun around again, and I whispered back, “I do not know what you mean.”

Irtis frowned, “With your fiancé. She does not understand how lucky she is. You’re special after all.”

Well, she’s not wrong. Stahlia doesn’t understand the position she’s being offered. She couldn’t hope for a better role. “Well, I’m sure she will come around, eventually.” I spoke with confidence, after all, I was the protagonist; I was guaranteed to get the girl in the end, and possibly a few more.

Irtis frowned, “I would not be so sure if I were you. After all, she’s special in her own right. Sometimes the smartest people miss the forest for the trees.”

What now? Come on, I know she’s a bit smart, but I am definitely the one on top. She’s just having a bit of a tantrum at the moment. “Well, she does not have a choice; the third prince okayed our engagement. She can only come around or learn to deal with things.”

Irtis shook her head, “No, did you not hear her earlier? She knows about you… all about you.”

I pulled back and looked at Irtis’ eyes. I saw myself reflected in them; I was grimacing. She did mention how charming I was, and even put extra emphasis on the word… but how would she know?

The song was coming down to its end, and it would soon be time for Irtis and I to part ways, “If I was in her shoes, I would not be so confident in my own gifts... Honestly, I cannot stand girls like her, who fail to realize how good they have it, if only they would play their part. Until next time, Lord Dominic.”

The song ended, and we separated from each other. I was right, that was really interesting… I should have father look into the Asmo, I would like to get to know Irtis more. …Hell, it might be worth threatening Stahlia with that. I could always arrange to have an engagement with Irtis, and reduce Stahlia to my concubine…

The more I thought about it, the better that idea sounded. Irtis seems to be immune to my ability as well, so she’s basically just a better Stahlia, seeing as she actually recognizes me. I felt a smile creeping out onto my face. I should go and tell Stahlia all about this meeting. I bet she’ll come around and be begging me not to break off our engagement.

There was something though, something nagging me in the back of my mind. What was it Irtis said? About being in Stahlia’s shoes and not trusting in her own gifts…? And that Stahlia knows about me… When, when did I first notice Stahlia had changed a bit? I had thought that Stahlia had become cold around the meeting with Ferris.

But it didn’t sound like that… it sounded like she’s been feeling this way for a while… I traced back my memories as best I could. I feel like… like I’m missing something major… I meandered aimlessly around the social floor. Occasionally, I would be approached by one of the other young nobles, but I brushed them off. I think the first time Stahlia’s behavior really changed… was shortly before we went to Ang. I accidentally called her a Tsundere out loud… and after that, she seemed almost to become conscious of her tsun behavior…

Like she had recognized the word. My world came crashing down as I stopped my pacing. Stahlia, is like me…? And she knows she’s like me. She didn’t tell me? But that’s all the more reason for us to be together! If she would work with me, we could probably have the whole kingdom to ourselves…

It was infuriating. If she was like me, she should be able to see how special and lucky she was, to have been engaged to the only person who would be capable of understanding her. This… Now that I knew, I wanted her even more. If only to have someone who understood me. But she doesn’t understand. I need to make her understand. That’s what Irtis was getting at, I think.

I smiled to myself and began planning how I should go about getting her to understand the position she was in. Smiling to myself, I began to move around the floor, trying to find her. However, as I walked about, my smile began to fade. She still isn’t back yet…

Both Edith and Stahlia had seemingly disappeared, probably together since Sarala was still here. I know those two are friends, but what would they be discussing in private at a gathering like this? They should be out socializing, it’s a social after all. Going behind closed doors could start… rumors… A dark thought came up from the corner of my mind.

Could it be, that Stahlia is making a serious effort to get away from me? I had thought that the incident with Ferris had merely been her jumping at an opportunity, but was it possible that she was attempting to make inroads with Duke Claurence through Edith? Right. My ability might not work on you, but it does work on Edith. I’ll have her tell me everything next time I meet her. Ideally, I’ll have you with me too Stahlia, so that you can witness your schemes falling apart around your head! Unfortunately, the rest of the evening was spoiled for me, as I couldn’t shake off my smoldering anger.

Wentee, Six Years Old, Second Month of 948 - Shortly Before the School Social

“Stali, is there anyone in the next room?” Whispering to my ever-present companion, I advanced slowly down the hallway. I wasn’t often allowed to go out on missions; Mr. Five said I was still too young, and too important to risk like that. It was a bit frustrating, I wanted to be useful to him, but if that was how he felt, then I would abide.

“No Wentee, it’s clear.” Trusting in the words of my companion, I moved into the next room. This was the residence of a minor government official, I didn’t know the specifics other than the fact that he was in the first prince’s faction, and that I was supposed to send him to Mortis. That was one benefit of Mr. Five being so protective of me; I really did not like killing, so being placed in a position where I could avoid doing so was great.

Stali didn’t share my qualms though, as evidenced by the body slumped against the wall; the room had evidently not been clear when she first slipped into it. As always, one clean strike through the neck. I wonder how she handles it…? Our methodology had been worked out by this point, so there was little use in me worrying; I would often distract the target while Stali killed them from behind. We might be stronger and more trained, but we were still young.

Still, I need to be able to do it myself. I might have to go out without her at some point in the future… not being able to kill would be bad. Together, the two of us approached the door at the end of this small room. It was a sort of waiting area of a reception room I guessed, a small space separating the target’s bedroom from the hallway outside. Taking a deep breath, I nodded to Stali and pushed the door open.

The target was fast asleep, Stali had been quick and quiet with the guard. Readying her blade, my companion approached the lump in the bed, “…Wait…”

At my hissed whisper, Stali stopped and looked at me curiously, “You’re going to try? You don’t have to, you know, I’ll always be here to do it for you.”

Pursing my lips and setting my jaw, I shook my head, “You don’t know that. I’m the only one who always gets sent out in a team. I doubt that will last forever.”

Stali shrugged and handed me the dagger. Approaching the bed, I climbed up on it quickly and quietly, doing my best not to disturb the man. Looking down at him, I raised the dagger. Right, now I just have to bring it down, the poison will ensure it works… I hesitated. I always hesitated.

This was not the first time I had attempted to take out our target myself, but I was never able to go through with it, “Haaa….”

At my sigh, I felt Stali come up behind me and grasp my hands with her own, “It’s alright. We can do it together, like sisters.”

Stali guided my hands down in a quick rapid motion, and the blade pierced the back of our target. He gave a lurch and a gasp, but the paralyzing poison worked fast and he wasn’t able to call out. Stali pulled out the blade and cleaned it off while I sat, staring at my shaking hands.

“There, that’s done. How are you feeling Wentee? That was the first time you were holding the knife with me.”

Looking up, I saw Stali gazing at me, a look of concern clearly written on her face, “I… I don’t know. I don’t feel any different…”

Stali nodded, “Right? Once you get the hang of it, it’s no big deal. Come on, we should get out before someone comes.”

Together we slipped out of the building and began making our way back to the headquarters building. Another unique aspect of our position was how Mr. Five always had us file our reports to him in person. We ran, as I was staring at Stali’s back. She was always ahead of me, and I was always behind her. I have to catch up, so I can be more useful to Mr. Five, and repay him for saving me.

With such thoughts in my head, we arrived back at the headquarters building. Letting me in, Stali gently shut the hidden door. Most people were sleeping now, but we needed to be careful all the same. Moving quickly down the halls of the compound, we soon arrived outside of Mr. Five’s office. I raised my hand to knock but froze when I heard his voice.

“No, Sitri. I’m telling you that she got through it; your plan failed and, in the aftermath, has set back mine. Now, Stahlia is actively seeking a way out of her engagement, if her recent actions are anything to go by. You are responsible, you will fix it.”

“You don’t have the authority to order me anymore, now that Lady Asmodea is back.”

Five’s voice went low, “Would you like to test that theory? My plans are to her benefit as well; she will side with me.”

“…What do you want me to do?”

“Incite Dominic. Most of the brat’s skills are from your lineage anyways. Getting him to act impulsively should be easy enough. Stahlia cannot be allowed to break off this engagement, this is the perfect opportunity to bind one of the champions to our faction; she has the potential to become the Tenth Seat, as you well know.”

“You know, I almost feel sorry for the boy. Does he even know the truth?”

“Don’t dally, go and clean up your mistake.”

With that, one of two presences vanished from the room. Who was that? It sounded like a woman? Someone messed up one of Mr. Five’s plans… Stahlia? This person is trying to go against Mr. Five… Doesn't she know better? No, she probably doesn’t, not many people actually know about him… Still, her name sounds familiar… kind of like Stali. Looking over at my ever-present companion, I was struck by how… sad she appeared. Stali was looking at me with a face stricken by longing.

Before I could ask her what was wrong though, Mr. Five called out from inside the room, “Well? Are you going to come in, or just waste my time?” He was already sounding irritated, so I hurriedly put the thoughts out of my head and entered the room to give my report.

Stahlia, Twelve Years Old, Second Month of 948 - Right After Crossroads Part Two

Life Summary Screen:

Life Point Balance: 27

Name/Age: Stahlia von Ris auf Drakas, 12

Gender: Female

Class/Level: Custom Class, 20 | Custom Class, 1 Experience: 0/34000

Species: Human (Pureblood)

Social Strata: Nobility (Baron Ris, Drakas Kingdom || Princess auf Drakas, Drakas Kingdom)

Starting Gift: Small Seed [LOCKED]

Title: Goblin Slayer*[Swap Title]

Ability Values:

  •     Strength D: 122
  •     Endurance B: 210
  •     Dexterity SS: 375 +21
  •     Intelligence S: 450
  •     Charisma B: 210
  •     Mana S: 263

Fighting Style: Drakan Style* [Swap Style]

Talents 5/5: [Browse Talents] Prodigy III*, Eidetic Memory II*, Stealth V, Charm Resistance II*, Flexible I*, || Monster Handling III*, Dagger Fighting V*, Sword Fighting II*, Unarmed Fighting IV*, Alchemy Correction IV*, Teaching II*, Mana Efficiency III*, Fire Magic III*, Water Magic II*, Earth Magic II*, Wind Magic II*, Ice Magic V

Skills 5/5: [Browse Skills] Divine Authority[Class Features]*, Finesse Fighting*, Blue Blooded*, Kinetic Perception*, Mana Crystallization*, || Language Proficiency[Central Human]*, Fighting Style[Shadow Blade]*, Fighting Style[Drakan Style]*, Blessing of Winter*

Talents Experience: [+]

I sat cross-legged on the edge of my bed. After reliving the meeting with Prince Rupert, I was confident I had made the correct choice to enter an engagement with him. Things were going to get very complicated in the near future, but once we got through that, I would get Rosial back and would even be in a position to work on some other things.

I hadn’t originally had any plans to address the more fundamental issues of this kingdom, but as Queen, I would be able to do so, if I wanted to. Eidetic Memory is about to level up too. Only five more talent experience… I could probably get that fairly quickly by just reviewing my memories but I didn’t see the point in doing so. It would level up next week anyway, and I had more important things to attend to right now.

Turning my attention to Jacqueline, who was working on my clothes for tomorrow’s entrance ceremonies, I activate my Divine Eyes. According to Rupert, Jacqueline probably had some kind of Demon Parasite in her, that had been funneling information back to Five. This was a major problem, since I had told Jacqueline so much about myself. I don’t regret telling her, she obviously doesn’t know about the parasite, or she would have told me. But, it would be extremely detrimental if Five knows about all of that, as well as the plans Jacqueline and I have been discussing. It also meant that I couldn’t rely on Jacqueline or divulge to her the news about my change of engagement.

Moving my eyes over her back, I traced the lines of her mana-light. I had looked at her before, but never that close. I had no idea if I would be able to see the worm or not; I hadn’t detected anything when I appraised her prior to granting her [Charm Immunity]. And I don’t want to think about the implications of Five knowing I can grant skills…

I didn’t see anything, not at first. But just as I was about to give up, I noticed a discrepancy. Normally, the light followed the circulatory system. But on Jacqueline, there was a small space where the light seemed warped and jumbled. Not any larger than a thumb, but it was as if the light was avoiding this part of her. It was situated right at the base of her spine, where Rupert had told me his men had found the parasites in the shadows they had defeated.

So she has one then… Five knows everything. I pursed my lips, this wasn’t good. I need to get rid of that thing, but as soon as I do, Five will know I’ve done it. Then he would know that I know about their existence of them. That would put Rupert in danger… Of course, any actions I took would be putting the two of us in danger, the same for any he took. But I would prefer to minimize that danger until the last possible minute. The first thing I should do is contact Rupert, and tell him I’ve confirmed the parasite’s existence… though I would have to explain how I’ve done so…

I wasn’t yet ready to entrust Rupert with the knowledge of my ability to use the Divine Element. It was possible he already knew, thanks to his knowledge about the champions. But if he knew, I think he would have asked about it to confirm if I could or not… I wanted to trust him, and it may be better for me to let go of the edge of the pool and try to swim, but I struggled to bring myself to do that.

Reaching up, I rubbed at my temples, the circular reasoning was beginning to give me a headache. At the end of the day, I only have two options; trust him or don’t. There is no in-between. Not with our contract. I either tell him everything, or I’ll be playing this game of secrets for the rest of my life. I had thought I could confide in Jacqueline, but for the time being that was no longer an option. I could technically confide in Claire, but giving Felicity knowledge of my secrets would put her at risk.

Sure, I could order her not to tell anyone anything, but that didn’t mean the information couldn’t be extracted through other means. It was better to leave her, and by extension Claire, a bit in the dark. Pursing my lips, I frowned. I’m letting the anxiety get to me. I made a literally life-changing decision today. I should give it a few days to sort things out and figure out how I feel.

Jacqueline picked that moment to turn and address me, “Lady Stahlia, something is bothering you.”

I forced myself not to grimace and adopted a small smile, “No, nothing is bothering me in particular. Just thinking about the entrance ceremony tomorrow. I’ll be seeing the king for the second time, and it’s a bit worrying to me. Even if I do know how to avoid his voice.”

Jacqueline looked at me with a bit of melancholy, “I would like to say I have known you long enough to tell when you are hiding something, but I can not be sure anymore… still, when you are ready to talk, I will be here.”

What the hell…? I don’t deserve you. Honestly, with how I’ve been, and all the mistakes I’ve made, I don’t deserve any of my few friends and allies. I had to blink my eyes rapidly to avoid starting to cry. Apparently, the meeting with Rupert had taken a lot more out of me than I thought it did because I soon found myself waking up to Jacqueline gently shaking me.

“Lady Stahlia, you need to get up or you will be late for the entrance ceremony.” Right, that’s today. I wonder if Rupert has told the king about the result of our meeting yesterday? That thought caused me a great deal of anxiety, and I immediately regretted having it as my false smile started to twitch a bit at the corner.

Shrugging off my anxiety, I slipped out of bed and Jacqueline began to dress me. Right, even if Rupert did tell him, it’s not like the king would make a big deal out of it at the entrance ceremony. Besides, given how secret and scheming the whole affair is, the odds of Rupert actually telling him, are low. Bordering on nonexistent.

So assured, I finished being dressed, had a quick breakfast, and moved down to the carriages. Predictably, Dominic had already left. He had been a bit odd after I got back from my meeting with Rupert, staring at me with more intensity than usual. It was a bit disconcerting; though, in the end, nothing seemed to have come from it. Still, this is going to be a long couple of months…

Before long, I arrived at the entrance ceremony. This time, I did not send Jacqueline to fetch Ferris, doing so would only aggravate things further and ideally, I would be able to lie low for the next few months until things were officially broken off. Though I doubted they would, considering I had pretty blatantly told Dominic I knew about his charm abilities. He didn’t bring them up… but the way he was staring at me, he realized that I know. It’s the only explanation.

I got out of my carriage on my own, though it didn’t cause much of a stir among the few people who were there to watch us; after the show I had made of the social me being unescorted was probably expected. Heading inside, I spotted Dominic in the group of fourth years. My own allies were lacking, as both Edith and Sarala were absent per Rupert’s orders. I need to do better at making friends and allies this year… though if things kick off with Five, I might not have much time…

A part of me was saying I should just grant Edith and Sarala both charm resistance. I mean, Five already knows I can do that, via Jacqueline… Is there really any point in hiding it from Rupert…? I found a place to stand and wait for Percius to commence the opening ceremonies; I was curious how he was doing, as I had not heard from nor seen him since our meeting.

To pass the time, I turned my attention to the girl nearest me, a baron’s daughter by the color of her family crest. Before I could even say something, however, she shirked away a bit. As soon as she noticed my attention, she retreated…? I really did make big waves going against one of the highest-positioned count families so publicly… I felt someone watching me then, and shifted slightly to place them into the peripheral of my vision.

It was Dominic, watching me with an ill-hidden smirk. I see you arranged this then. I felt my hands shaking and clenched my fists while forcing my face not to show any of the seething anger I was feeling. How petty can you be…? I could not wait to see the look on his face when he found out I had traded him in for a prince.

“Students… Welcome to this, the first day of another year…” Percius’ voice boomed out, carrying over the halls and quieting some of the chatter. He looks haggard like he’s been wasting away these past few months… I felt a pang of sympathy for Percius as I watched him. His gaze seemed to linger on me for a moment as he surveyed the crowd, but I couldn’t tell if it was just my imagination or not.

“In the wake of the tragedy that has befallen our kingdom, it is my duty to remind you all that you are the future of this kingdom.”

Percius went on to lead us through the same vows we had sworn the year previous, and then announced the king’s entrance. King Drakas came out on stage, his presence was just as commanding as I remembered it to be. The first years began to murmur excitedly until the king raised his hand to silence them.

“Children. It is with a heart filled with sadness that I stand here before you.” His voice carried clearly, despite the lack of magic enhancement. The same charisma I remember. Tucking my hand into a pocket that was hidden in the fold of my dress, I clutched the ring Rupert had given me. I wasn’t sure why I did so, I simply did.

“Sadness, not because of the death of my son, but because of his weakness, his failure.” I knew from his speech last year that the king had a fairly harsh view of things, so while not unexpected, I still had to feel a bit sorry for the late prince.

“It is with that in mind, that I have chosen to take this chance to make an announcement.” A ripple ran through the room at that; the king making an announcement in this setting was fairly unprecedented. Normally, he would inform the dukes, and they would, in turn, disseminate the words of the king to the counts and barons in their faction. Making an announcement here? To the academy students? The only reason I can think of to do that is if it’s about a royal matter that is immediately relevant to the student body… something like…

“I am naming my son, Third Prince Rupert von Drakas, the Crown Prince. Ahead of his elder brother. Furthermore, he will be taking a wife from among the young noblewomen gathered in this room today…” As he spoke, his eyes traveled across the assembled girls and young women. Much like Percius, I could swear that his gaze paused on me. Though this time I didn’t think I was imagining it.

So, Rupert did tell him, or he found out some other way… Rupert told me I was able to speak with the authority of the king now… I could feel my smile starting to twitch as the room exploded into excited chatter. More so among the unmarried girls than any other group. He probably was magically made aware of the engagement as soon as I signed my name to that contract. The game was rigged from the start. But naming Rupert your successor like this…? What purpose does that serve!?

As the king left, Percius hurriedly took to the stage. Based on his reaction, I could tell that this had been a surprise to him as well. An unplanned, political landscape-changing announcement. Looking around the room, I spotted Gustav. He shook his head slightly, signaling that he was in the dark as well. I’ll need to have a conversation with Rupert, or at least Gustav. The King obviously did that on purpose, and we need to figure out how it changes things… And I need to tell Rupert everything, I can’t afford not to have Edith and Sarala here to act as allies and support… My resolve made, I stilled my twitching smile, and faced the stage.

A special thanks to Rita152, CypressLB, Loliconhanter, Plus1, and adityakr7531 for Beta Reading and for helping to edit this chapter!

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