Tricked Into A NewLife, God Must Be Screwing With Me!

6-10 Fixing Status

This is just a quick heads up and reminder that, as stated last chapter, this will be the last Friday update. Going forward, I am finding that I have less and less time to write overall, and need to reduce the number of weekly chapters since the pace has finally become untenable.

Stahlia, Seventeen Years Old, Twelfth Month of 948

In the end, it took a few weeks before I was actually able to go see Drakas. Not that it mattered much; in the grand scheme of things it was a longshot that he’d know anything helpful to me. In order to avoid drawing his ire after my last audience, Rupert suggested that I exhaust all my other options. Even if the only one that really came to mind, other than forcibly removing the offending skills, was leveling up.

That had taken some time to do, as after the attack on the capital people were understandably frazzled. There was the option of simply executing some prisoners, but after the close call with Lady Lester’s maid, I didn’t want to go there. Political assassinations, self-defense, and matters of national security were one thing. Reducing people to experience points was another, and a line I really didn’t want to cross. That meant I needed monsters.

Living monsters and not undead; the latter lacked souls and as such did not provide experience when killed. Having just survived an assassination attempt, there was no way in hell I’d be allowed to go hunting, and bringing monsters through the capital wasn’t an option until things calmed down, thus my dilemma. In the end though, my knights were able to capture a few orcs from the plains near the capital and bring them to the palace dungeons.

Killing them was enough to push me over the remaining hurdle and level up once, but it didn’t actually do anything for my glitchy status. It did give me something though; I knew from prior experience that Orcs were worth three hundred experience points. Killing these ones granted me only a hundred, less than half, and my “Implanted Seedling” went up a whopping zero point zero one percent. The thing was siphoning off my experience points and was going to need a lot of them.

As though leveling up wasn’t already going to be a pain in the ass.

There was one other result, or more accurately a lack of result. Leveling up had not given me any Life Points. There were two possibilities I could think of, but each of them was rather concerning. Firstly, the “Implanted Seed” was siphoning those as well. That was the worst-case scenario, as those were my only reliable method of acquiring skills and talents. The second, slightly more optimistic theory, was that my glitched status had caused some sort of error resulting in me being robbed. Whatever the case, leveling up had not fixed the crux of the issue.

“So, that is what I am dealing with. My hope is that you, in all of your ancient wisdom, might be able to offer some insight into the root of my problem.”

Drakas, presently in his human form, appeared thoughtful as he considered everything that he’d just heard. After a pregnant pause, he shook his head, “No. What the Monster-God says is my conclusion as well. If you can break the curse of Chaos, you would be wise to do so.”

I crossed my arms and fixed him with an unamused stare; I might be leery of upsetting him, but this and that were different. In any case, my expression had the desired effect. Drakas rolled his eyes and explained himself using plain language, “…If your Authority will let you remove the offending skills, do that.”

It wasn’t like I’d not been able to understand him; the “Curse of Chaos” was very clearly the System. Adroni was the self-proclaimed Evil God of Chaos, and they had created the System. I had simply had it up to my ears with immortal beings being coy and talking in roundabout riddles.

And not just immortal beings either, the politics of noble speech as well.

“So, you think that as well… I suppose there is nothing else I can do. Thank you for tolerating me.”

The dragon in human form shrugged, “It is not a particularly big favor to tell you what you already knew. Do you have any other burning questions? Or are you finally going to leave me in peace?”

As irritating as he was, there was actually something else he could possibly tell me, “Well, I do not want to inconvenience you; I will hold my peace and leave you to yours.” I curtsied elegantly and turned to make my way back to where Rupert was waiting; he had refused to allow me to come alone, and was presently staring at me with a resigned expression.

“Wait. …I will entertain one more question.”

I really wish I could bring Felicity here, Claire would love you.

Turning to face the dragon again, I bowed my head, “Then, if you could please tell me, what exactly am I?”

Other than my status, this was my biggest question to come out of recent events. Namely, what exactly I was becoming. If Aaron were to be believed, I now had a monster’s mana crystal, and according to my status I was half undead, and by this dragon’s own admission I held the qualities of a dragon. Drakas licked his lips and actually went still for a moment, signaling that this was a real question as well.

“That is a dangerous thing to ask.” His eventual answer was in as many ways frustrating as it was telling. Granted, we had not known each other all that long and we only had one other interaction but considering everything I did know about him, the fact that he answered like that was telling.

“Will you not answer?”

There was another pause before he shook his head, “No, that I will not. That question is something you will have to find for yourself, only… consider how many groups have a vested interest in you.”

I wanted to retort; he definitely knew something, that much was clear. But there was also clearly a reason he had clammed up. In the end, I only sighed, “…Well, thank you for the reminder at least.”

Not like I need anyone to tell me that I’ve got too many people trying to pull me around. Antenora started out the train of bullshit, then Five had his plans, Mortis, Adroni, I willingly joined forces with Rupert, now Aaron… And honestly, Drakas as well. It would be extremely surprising if he didn’t. Besides that, I’m sure there’s even more I’m forgetting.

Turning, I began to trudge back to Rupert, “Princess auf Drakas… Do not run away from yourself.”

The way he pronounced my given title sent a shiver down my spine, but when I turned back to face the man-dragon it was only to find that he had reverted back into his true form and was flying up to the highest point of the summit. Our conversation was clearly over.

Don’t run from myself, huh? No shit, I’ve been trying not to do that this whole time…

Together, Rupert and I began to descend the mountain.

“Did you really see the need to push your luck with him again? This was exactly the reason I did not want you to go alone.”

Ah, yea. I did get a bit carried away there…

I frowned, but at the end of the day, he had a point, “My apologies. I find that being spoken to in riddles has become rather frustrating of late and allowed it to go to my head.”

We continued on in silence for a few dozen meters before he spoke again, “So then, will you wait until spring? Or do you want to try immediately?”

That was a bit of a conundrum since we didn’t know if using my authority to remove my own skills would put me into a coma. Certainly, using it to add skills never had, but seemingly everything else did, “Which would work better for your plans?”

“…That is not what I asked.”

Well, if he’s letting me choose, I’d rather do it sooner than later. But it would feel wrong to leave everyone now of all times… “Don’t run from myself…”

Drakas’ words echoed around in my head, “Well, if it is up to me, I would prefer to begin immediately… Probably, try with just one for the start and go from there.”

“Then, wait a few days; I would like you to make one more public appearance before the nobility. After that, I will be able to excuse your absence for as long as I have to… Though, try and wake up in less than a month?”

I grimaced, “Ha. I will do my best.”

That’s going to be a pain, but fine.

After the terrorist attack, I had been subjected to no less than six social functions. The reason for them was as obvious as it was important; expressing the fact that the attack had not shaken me. Each one of them was nerve-wracking, but Lady Lester had proven a valuable ally and helped to guide things from behind the shadows. Even though she never claimed credit, Edith had kept me apprised that the duchess was actively working to undermine the Lawrence family as well, which certainly helped to keep things going as smoothly as they had been.

Well, I’ve done six, a seventh won’t kill me. I’ll want it to, but it won’t.

Contrary to my expectations, the seventh social wasn’t even nearly as bad as the others. By this point, so long removed from the actual event, people had seemed to calm down a fair amount. There was a brief moment where Duke Lawrence attempted to approach my father, the first time he had actually done so, but a prompt warning from Edith and then a follow-up from myself was able to head it off. Still, it did reiterate that there was an issue brewing there.

And yet, I’m about to risk removing myself from the board for several months.

It wasn’t like we didn’t have a plan; Rupert was planning to bring all of the dukes to the front in short order, and my father would be going back to Ris soon. After only another week, he would be well and truly out of reach to the Lawrences. Still, I could not help but worry.

“Stahlia, they will be fine. This is a case where you need to trust your friends and allies.” Edith’s words did help a bit as well.

“Indeed; you trust us with your own safety, allow us to look after your family as well.” Sasha chimed in, and despite the actual lack of power she had against a duke’s schemes, I did find some small comfort there.

We were in the process of getting me ready in case the worst came to pass; Frieda, Elienor, and Sasha were dressing me for sleep while Edith had brought Sarala with her to be here for the moment itself. Unlike the last time, we all knew what to expect. Felicity and Rosial would be coming by with my parents and Rosin later on as well. As stated previously, Elienor was already here since, even after welcoming her as I had, she remained in my service.

Lucy was still being kept under house arrest; even if the attack had delayed it, Ferdinand’s direct investigations revealed nothing had been missed. For all intents and purposes, she did not seem to have a malicious agenda but we couldn’t take any risks when Five was still at large. I would have liked to be more lenient there, but it simply wasn’t possible.

Out of all the people in my immediate circle other than Lucy, the only ones who weren’t going to be here to see me off were Ferris, Sana, and Rupert. Ferris was in training and absent from the palace at the moment; having begged to go hunting with the knights after feeling helpless upon hearing of the attack. Rupert was busy deflecting political bullshit, though not having my literal husband at least poke his head in was a bit irritating. With Sana, there was no real way to get her here short of summoning her, and that had its own host of problems since we’d have to do it through the Cardinal as her guardian.

I feel like I’ve forgotten someone… Oh yea, Aaron’s spy and my loyal companion.

The Stawri in question, Stil, was sitting to the side of the room watching everyone. It was a bit upsetting that I’d not really been interacting with him recently, but he was always there, even if not directly by my side like he’d used to be. My circle might be small, but it was infinitely bigger than it had been even just a few years ago.

Case in point, there was a knock at my door. Sasha finished setting my clothes in place before answering it, and soon returned with my family. Felicity was subdued, her tail twitching about in a somewhat irritable fashion. Rosial looked calm, for the most part, but there was something tucked away just out of sight that made me think she was putting on a face.

Felicity I can understand, but Rosial? I didn’t think we had gotten that close. Hell, I’ve only been awake for a couple of months. Not like she’s had time to really get to know me…

Rosin was still a bit young, but old enough now to pick up on the subtext and deduce that something was wrong. He wasn’t padding after either Felicity or Rosial and instead stuck very close to our mother the whole time. As for our parents, neither of them knew the exact specifics of what was going on, but both of them knew about my propensity to fall unconscious for long periods of time.

“Rosial, Felicity, it is clear that neither of you is exactly pleased right now…”

“But you’re still going away again, right?” Predictably, it was Felicity who asked, “That’s… fine. We’ll be fine.”


The way she was talking was incredibly snippy, but I could understand where she was coming from. That said, it wasn’t clear which was worse; this, or begging me not to do it. Either way wouldn’t have been able to change my plans, but both of them cut in a different manner. Biting my lip, I turned to look at Rosial. She simply looked back, impassively.

Right. Well, here goes.

“…Dad, you and mother have been made aware of what is happening. I do not really know how this is going to work out; I might be gone for a week, half a year, or not at all. Don’t change the plans on account of me though… Our family will be safer back in Ris than in the capital. Once the snow melts, go home, ok?”

I had already mentioned the issue with Duke Lawrence in private, so declined to bring it up here. My siblings did not need to have that hanging over their heads. He looked a bit pained, an expression he wore more often than not when looking at me now, though I pretended not to notice. But, if I wanted them to be safe, getting them away from the capital was best.

There was a lot he wanted to say, that much was clear as day. This was not the time or place though, surrounded by all the people we were. Even if everyone here was someone that I would either outright or tentatively consider family, some lines couldn’t be crossed so easily. Both of us knew that, and my life had taken a path that would force a certain distance at nearly all times.

He tipped his head, replacing the pained expression with a faint smile, “When everything is finished, come and visit the village again, alright?”

“Of course.”

My mother didn’t say anything, if I had to guess, she was afraid of breaking down should she try. Instead, she settled for a wordless tight hug. In a way though, that said more than words ever could have. Still, I didn’t like the fact that everyone was acting like this was my funeral, but I didn’t really know how to change the mood. There was also the thought of how much this was going to hurt hanging over my head.

In the end, I had to settle for some awkward small talk. After a while, my parents quietly departed with the girls and Rosin, the former had become visibly tired, and the latter had actually fallen asleep and needed to be carried.

“Edith, Sarala, I’d like it if… if the two of you would stay. I have a feeling this is going to hurt. A lot.” They had been silent while I interacted with my family but now shared a look.

Edith nodded, “Alright if that is how you want it.”

I nodded, then turned my attention inward and pulled up my status. It was still as buggy as the last time I had seen it.


Life Summary Screen:

Life Point Balance: 115

Name/Age: Stahlia von Drakas und zu Ris, 16

Gender: Female

Class/Level: ̧͘͟҉̕C͡͏͢u̸ś̨͡ţ̷͢͞͠ò̡͠m҉̛͝ ̡̡́́̀C̨̛͘ļ̴̴̢a̴͢s͏̧͝͝͝s͏͢͏́͝,̧́͡͠ ̨2̛͟͡0̶̀҉͘͘ ̴͘͟|̡͝ ̡͘͘͢͝C̴̢͟ư͞ş̧̕͢͝t̸̛̀o̴̧͡m̷̢ ̧͠C̶͘͡҉l̛҉͘͝ás̶̀͟͝s̛̀͢͠,̷ ̵̨4 Experience: 0/38000

Species: Human (Halfblood[Revenant])

Social Strata: Nobility (Baron Ris, Drakas Kingdom || Princess auf Drakas, Drakas Kingdom)

Starting Gift: Implanted Seed: Progress 0.02%

Title: Goblin Slayer*[Swap Title]

Ability Values:

  •     Strength E: 129
  •     Endurance C: 229
  •     Dexterity S: 430 +48
  •     Intelligence S: 495
  •     Charisma C: 229
  •     Mana A: 291

Fighting Style: Drakan Style* [Swap Style]

Talents 5/5: [Browse Talents] P̶r̛ơdi̷gy ͞I҉II*,͢ ̀Ei͡detìc͞ ̡Me̢mơry͜ ̵II̵*, Śtea͞lt̵h̶ ͡V,̨ Ch̷ár͝m͟ Resi̛stan̛ce̵ I͢I*̧, Fléx̨i͟b͝le͡ ͢I͡I*̡,̕ ||͡ Mòn͠stȩr ̴Ha͝ndlįng ͘I҉II*͞, ͏D̶a͏g͝g͜er ҉F̧ìg̀ht̨i͘ng ̀V̕*,̨ ̕S̸wòrd ̛F͢ighţíng I͡I̴*҉,̧ U͝na͟r͡me̢d Fight̵íng͝ IV*̡, Aļc͏h̡emy̨ Corre̴çti̴o̴n͏ ̡I҉V̨*, Ţea͢chi̴ng͟ II*,͢ ̸M̡a͟na͜ ͘E͏f̀f̧i̕c͡íen̕cy͜ III̷*, ̶F͠ir̵e ̛Màg̢ic͏ ͝II̴I*́,̡ ̧W͜a̵ter͘ ҉M͟ag̨i̡c II*̢,͝ ̷Ear̵t̸h M͝agic I͟I̡*͢,͏ Wi͘ńd M͟agic ̡I̸I*̛, ҉I̷ce̕ ̢Mag͜ic VI̛*̡, Wi̷n̸téŗ Magi͘c ̷I,͡


Skills 5/5: [Browse Skills] D̶iv̢i̸nę ̡Auţho҉r͠it͠y[̛C̨la͜s̀s F̨ea̡ture͟s͡]*͝,̴ ͢F̀in͞es͜s͢e Figh͟tįng͝*, ̧B̷lu͞e ́B͏l̕oo͡de̛d*,͢ ́K̷inet̕ic ̷P̛e͝ŕce͟p̶t̡io̷n*̡,̶ ̕Ma̵n͠a ̴C͟ŗy̡s͡t͠a͞ll͡iz͏atio̶n*, |̷|́ L̢a̛ng̀u̸ag͡e P̡r͞ofi̶cien̸c̛y͘[̶Ce͢n̴tr̸al Huma͝n͢]*̷,̕ ̶F̷ig̕ht͞ing S͟ty̷le̢[S̵h͡ad̛o̴w҉ Bla͏d͏e]*͢, ͢Fi̴g̕h͢t͞i͘ng S͡t̶yle͢[̀Drak̷a͢n͝ ͞S͝t̕y͢l̶e]*, Rule Breaker*, Revenant Physique*,

Talents Experience: [+]

…And the one thing I haven’t told anyone, even the people who know almost the whole story, is that my Authority is bugged too. I don’t even know if it will work properly.

The fact that I had been able to skirt around Rupert’s various questions in such a way as to not reveal that was a minor miracle in and of itself.

But there isn’t any point in waiting any longer. The test run will be with [Eidetic Memory II], since that skill is the one most likely to actively get me killed if I try and use it.

Adroni had told me that things would eventually fix themselves, but it had been months now, and not even a single entry had been fixed by just waiting. At this point, I was simply delaying the inevitable.

Right… Invoke Divine Authority?

At my thought, nothing seemed to happen.

I hoped it would respond in some way before giving the full command, no such luck, huh? Invoke Divine Authority, Remove [Eidetic Memory II]

There was a twinge, then a stabbing pain in my skull as a flood of information passed through in an instant.

vALiD ERroR: {diVinE AUtHoRIty[CLasS fEATUreS]} CoNfiRMED.

tArGETeRRoRACTioN [[staHlIA vON DRakas uNd Zu rIS], hUMaN[hB(ERror)], 16Y]

SubTarGeT: ERRor taLeNt[Ei͡detìC͞ ̡mE̢MơRY͜ ̵ii̵*]




erRORtArGEt iDEntifIED[ErrOR SeEDlIng]

PRocEeD? y/ERrOr

taleNt[ei͡DetÌc͞ ̡ME̢mƠrY͜ ̵ii̵*] eRrOr


I screamed.


A special thanks to Rita152, Loliconhanter, Chiyo, TheCrownPrinceOfCrime, and Fost for Beta Reading and for helping to edit this chapter!

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