Tricked Into A NewLife, God Must Be Screwing With Me!

8-1 Go West to go East

I did a funny, and published this chapter in my other story. Is fixed now, and my apologies for that!

Stahlia, 17 Years  Old, Eighth Month of 949

When I woke up from my most recent self-inflicted bout of being in a coma, the siege had been resolved. Of my retinue and attendants, the only one who seemed even remotely worried for me was Franklin; the rest of my staff had an air of normalcy that suggested they had grown entirely two comfortable with my frequent long-term naps.

I mean, I get that it’s happened more than a few times now, but still, you could at least pretend to be worried…

Regardless, I was awake, alert, and feeling much better than before I had slept. That was good since, apparently, I had missed a few things while I was asleep. First and foremost, Emmanuel had fully taken control of the city and, with Lord Alriss’ assistance, rooted out the remaining soldiers that had not been annihilated during our assault. Second, Franklin was now taking training seriously; evidently, he’d lost a duel with Lord Alriss, and that event had lit a fire under his ass. Thirdly, the new Winter Champion had been located by Felicity, of all people.

“Claire, I won’t tell you how reckless having Felicity continue interacting with a dream like that was, but I am not going to fault you over it either.” I informed my former teacher vicariously; Felicity was now fully in control of their shared body once again.

Really, I can see where she was coming from, what with Eris and all. But then there’s the fact that the dream turned out to be a message directly from Leviathan herself…

Felicity nodded, “Claire Oneechan still wants Felicity to tell you she’s sorry.”

She could at least do me the courtesy of telling me in person if she really was.

Errant professors aside, I turned to address the next person, the Elder Vampire Palde, “And you, you are certain that this foxkin is the new Winter Champion?”

He bowed graciously, “For certain; mine god hath confirmed it.”

If Aaron was willing to go out of his way to confirm the veracity of Felicity’s vision, then it was probably legitimate… Though that bore the question of why Leviathan, one of the Hell Kings, my enemy, would go so far as to tell me where to go next. Eris’ message to me a week ago had mentioned that the kings wanted me to switch sides, and then there were the papers Jacqueline had brought me…

I regarded them where they were sitting on my loaned desk; Emmanuel had given over the use of his Estate to my party until our departure. If what was written within them was to be believed, the demons had willingly given up on the city, while arranging for their agents to be found and purged. It was basically a giant middle finger toward my declaration while at the same time making one of their own; “We won’t give up so easily.”

But why me? There’s no way Count Francois would give up our grudge so easily, and they have to know I won’t forgive him…

“How does Aaron know for sure?” I needed some time to think, so I queried Palde while feigning incredulity.

He shrugged, and pointed at Felicity’s tails, both of which were darting around nervously, “Because of those. A beastkin with multiple tails is half a demon, but to trigger the evolution, the magic of the gods is needed. This one had its growth triggered through thine soul-link.”

Wow. Well, I wasn’t expecting that mystery to be solved today.

Felicity followed his finger back behind her to look at the twin objects of attention, and her ears went flat against her head, “Felicity is half of one of those things?”

The trickle of fear on her voice gave me pause; a Nekomata was a type of cat demon from Earth mythology, and so I had my assumptions for some time now yet had not voiced them.

“Half a demon, a full demon, Felicity is Felicity.” She was still only eight; it would be better to wave aside whatever misgivings she had, “Lord Palde, that might explain Felicity’s case, but how can we be sure that this Foxkin is truly the Winter Champion, and not a figment of Leviathan’s creation?”

Palde frowned, “Because mine god assures it is so. But, that truth doth not satisfy thine curiosity. The Queen of Envy is not divine; her powers have limits, and she cannot assume the shape of one she hath not seen.”

Alright, that’s enough for me then.

Aaron was old enough to remember the original creation of the nine hell kings, so he would know best in this case. He would also know of any white-haired two-tailed foxkin that Leviathan would have seen. If he was saying that this vision was of the Champion of Winter, then there must not have been anyone like her before.

“Lord Alriss, we will move on this; our new objective is to locate the Champion of Winter in accordance with Felicity’s vision. Plan accordingly.”

He bowed, “As you command.”

It did bother me that the demons were now telling me where to go next; I would be playing into their hands. But, without any other leads to go on, and an entire world to search, I may as well act on the little intelligence I did have. Hopefully, this would not turn out to be a false trail meant to push me in the wrong direction. But, even if it was, I could cut my losses at any time and change course.

They also want me to locate the rest of the champions, and lead them astray, so helping me find one of them furthers their own agenda as well if we assume that I turncoat at the end after all.

“Emmanuel.” I next called on the new city chair.

He had remained standing this whole time, having refused to sit in my presence. Instead, he had occupied a place along the wall, by one of his maids. Now, he stepped forward and performed a low bow in the Drakan style, the kind of gesture I might have expected from a manservant. Something about his massive frame contorting over itself was… unsettling.

“...” He also wasn’t saying anything, and was holding the bow. For lack of anywhere else to look, my eyes met with the maid’s, causing her to fidget uncomfortably.

Right, enough of this.

“Rise. In light of your assistance to our cause, and as a reward for your loyalty, I bestow upon you the title of Count; Count Emmanuel von Zesten, you are hereby granted title within Drakas and all the rights therein. Though, I suggest you keep such a thing secret from your peers in the Alliance.”

It was a spur-of-the-moment decision, something I had told myself I would stop doing, but I really did not need him behaving the way he was currently. Besides that, he had proven himself highly adept at manipulating commoners. Should something happen, I did not want to lose access to his ability; a noble title would enable him to flee across the border if the need arose.

At the very least, my sudden proclamation caused him to right himself and stare at me in shock, an improvement over the back of his head.

I’ll just have to include that I’ve enobled him when I write my next report, that way Rupert and Gustav can make the necessary arrangements. Otherwise, the title is meaningless.

“Now that you have been properly rewarded, I require your council. According to my sister’s vision, my next destination lies across the sea. If I remember my geography, and based on the Champion’s race, she is likely operating within Sinion. In light of recent actions, how likely is the possibility of my party arranging transport from an Alliance port?”

Sinion, the largest beastkin country in the world, lay on the far side of the descriptively named East Seas. Reaching it would require a trip by ship, and would take us roughly two months… Assuming we could depart from the Alliance. If we couldn’t do that…

“My apologies, but…” Emmanuel made nervous eye contact with his maid, causing me to raise a surprised eyebrow, “My apologies, but I do not think it will be possible. I have yet to ascertain the full scope of the Alliance’s reaction, but your majesty won no favors.”

I might have expected as much. Well, as long as it doesn’t lead to war, and it shouldn’t, then we’re fine.

“I see. Then, we will withdraw to Drakas and depart from our own ports. Lord Alriss, begin preparing the men; I do not want to antagonize our host country further.” With that, I signaled that the meeting was adjourned, and Emmanuel practically fell over himself to leave. His maid offered a brief courtesy and a mumbled apology before hurrying to catch up to her lord.

They have a cute dynamic, if not a bit weird. Well, doing some quick math, leaving from Drakas is going to add about another month to the trip, not including the land travel back, since we need to sail around the Central Continent… There’s a few islands in the area, so we can do some quick stops, but it looks like the war will be underway by the time we make it to Sinion, assuming that’s where the new Champion is at all.

“Pardon me, but thine face betrays thine worry.” Palde spoke, interrupting my thoughts, “If thine permits, this one will accompany thy quest; my god would use this one to carry words.”

…Right, I don’t technically need to go all the way to Sinion myself; Aaron can search it for me. The thing is…

“I will not permit it. We may be allies, but I cannot knowingly allow a Vampire entry into Drakas. Besides, I would prefer you remain here and oversee my investment.” At my frank denial, Palde acquiesced surprisingly easily. In fact, all he did was bow lightly.

“This one understands thine misgivings and does not fault you; my god will send his words through the Adventurer’s Guild.”

So Aaron was listening in on that meeting. Good to know, especially since he can’t use me anymore, I hope.

Really, I had no way of knowing if he could or not; my Rulebreaker supposedly protected me from other’s Authorities, so he shouldn’t be able to invoke his own against me. That meant that the stunt he had done with reading my surface thoughts to keep tabs on me had been solely through my nature as a part-monster. To that end, I had collected a new skill specifically to counter it, courtesy of the many dead enemy soldiers:

“Psychic Shield(500LP): Prevents the user’s mind from being read, and blocks telepathy unless a specific exception is made.

Outright immunity to mind reading. Expensive, but it was my hope that this would prevent Aaron from getting in my head, but unless he mentioned it, I had no way of knowing if it worked or not. And, given recent events, I had my doubts as to whether or not I could really trust him at all.

Frankly, I’m already generally more than strong enough as it is, so going forward, I should look at skills and talents as a way to tech against a specific threat, instead of going for any builds. Not that I can afford anymore after getting that…

Life Summary Screen:

Life Point Balance: 5

Name/Age: Stahlia von Drakas und zu Ris, 17

Gender: Female

Class/Level: Custom Class, 20 | Custom Class, 8 Experience: 27840/47000

Species: Human (Halfblood[Revenant])

Social Strata: Nobility (Baron Ris, Drakas Kingdom || Princess auf Drakas, Drakas Kingdom)

Starting Gift: Budding Seed

Title: Goblin Slayer*[Swap Title]

Ability Values: 


  • Strength E: 133
  • Endurance C: 249
  • Dexterity S: 490
  • Intelligence S: 555
  • Charisma C: 249
  • Mana A: 331


Fighting Style: Drakan Style* [Swap Style]

Talents 5/6: [Browse Talents] [ ], [ ], Stealth V*, Charm Resistance III*, [], || Monster Handling III*, ͏Dagger Fighting V*, Sword Fighting II*, Unarmed Fighting IV*, Alchemical Meister IV*, Teaching II*, Mana Efficiency III*, Fire Magic V*, Water Magic III*, Earth Magic IV*,͏ Wind Magic III*, Ice Magic VI*, Winter Magic IV, Acting IV*, Light Magic II


Skills 6/6: [Browse Skills] Divine Authority[Class Features], [ ]. Blue Blooded*, Kinetic Perception*, [], Psychic Shield, || Language Proficiency[Central(human)]*,Fighting Style[Shadow Blade]*, Fighting Style[Drakan]*, Rule Breaker*, Revenant Physique*, Alchemical Heresy*,

Talents Experience: [+]

Four levels. By my count, the lives of roughly two hundred enemy soldiers had been converted into a meager two levels. There had been very little gained from that, though I had probably hit the experience limiter thing at some point. Other than the skill slot, I had progressed my “Implanted Seed.” It had lost the progress bar, and was now apparently ‘budding.’ Whatever that meant. Beyond that, there had been a title as well. I was now the ‘proud’ owner of Human Exterminator.

I really am living up to my part-monster side.

Truthfully, Palde’s race was not the reason I had denied him accompaniment. In fact, it would likely have been a great benefit to have him so close at hand; as an Elder Vampire, Palde was strong. Strong enough to contend with an Original Sin, at least. There was the added benefit of having a line to Aaron that didn’t require me to do anything weird myself. The only problem was the fourth and final thing I had missed while sleeping. bringing up his nature and the random bit about my investments had been my best effort at quickly shutting him down to protect that.

“That” being Eris, the Original Sin of Envy. She had shown herself to Franklin, begging for asylum the day before I woke up. Realizing that he probably could not contend with her on his own, Franklin had chosen to grant her request temporarily. When I subsequently woke up, my first thought had been to stab her quickly. Then she told me that Leviathan had died, and my plans changed. Though even now, I wasn’t wholly sure what to do with her.

“If there is nothing else, I have matters to attend to for our departure.” I said to Palde, hinting at my desire to leave while also prompting him for more.

“Then, this one bidst thou farewell and safe travels; we should not cross paths for some time.” With his farewells said, Palde too departed.

And that settles it; I can’t trust Aaron.

According to Eris, she had suddenly lost contact with Leviathan. Ultimately, Palde had shown up and attempted to kill her, or so she claimed. If Aaron had made such a major move, then it didn’t make sense for him not to tell me unless there was a reason for him to keep the secret. Sadly, I was no longer so naive as to give him the benefit of the doubt; the far safer and more realistic assumption was that he was playing to his own tune, serving his own agenda. The only question was what that agenda was.

The Rulebreaker isn’t officially on anyone’s side. As much as I hate to admit it, it’s in my best interest to bear that in mind and act as such… Even if it means letting a demon live.

My official agenda was the benefit of my kingdom. My personal agenda was the safety of my family and loved ones. The two were intrinsically linked and could be served conveniently. Going forward, it would be far better to take whatever allies I could, temporary or otherwise, as long as my actions served me; Aaron was a convenient tool, but preparations should be made so that we could be ready to break our arrangement at any time. Gather the remaining champions, not for the sake of the world and the god’s whims, but for the sake of Drakas and the preservation of my home. Beyond preservation, elevation.

I hope you find this ‘interesting,’ you bastard.

Regardless, with Palde having left, Franklin and I were now alone, save for Felicity, Sasha, and Jacqueline, “Then, let us attend to that matter.”

At my words, Franklin nodded while Sasha cocked her head confusedly, though she fell into step behind me nonetheless. One other benefit of everything that had happened was the absence of my accompanying guard knights. Since I had woken up, Lord Alriss had not mentioned guards to me, nor had I been saddled with any; I had been ‘allowed,’ for lack of a better word, to move around un-fettered. Granted, I had not left Emmanuel’s estate so there was much less risk but it was still nice to breathe a bit easier.

We arrived at our destination in short order; a small out-of-the-way room tucked into a corner under a flight of stairs. I paused, and a moment later, Franklin stepped forward to open the door with an odd look on his face. Inside was none other than Eris. She was sitting on a small cot-bed, and appeared to be extremely anxious though it could easily be an act.

Upon seeing her, Felicity’s tails and ears stood straight up. If she had fur on the back of her neck, it would likely be standing as well. As for why I had brought her, well, if Eris was going to do anything, she’d have done it while I was sleeping, and after waking up, I had lamely promised Felicity that I wouldn’t leave her alone. Regardless, should anything happen, I would be able to protect her.

“All right, I’m awake now; what do you want?”

Eris regarded me through narrowed eyes, “Do you have any idea how that sounds? You don’t, do you?”

I ignored her beautifully, “State your business and your reasons, or I will inform Palde where we are holding you.”

Eris exhaled, “You really are no fun… I’m guessing the boy told you Levichan kicked it? Well, that’s not all; I can’t reach any of the other Originals either.”

I frowned; this was going nowhere, “Well that sounds terrible, but I fail to see how it has anything to do with me; I was planning to kill them all myself by the time this was over.”

Eris shook her head, “I doubt that. And really, it has everything to do with you, I think, though I can’t quite put my finger on the why…”

This is going nowhere.

I had a personal vendetta against demon kind, and even if it was a different type that had wronged me, I still found this conversation deeply unsettling. Not that I could just kill her with my two companions present; Franklin would never trust me again, and it would set a very bad example for the impressionable Felicity.

“Eris, you have to know there is not a snowball’s chance in hell that I will allow you to remain here, so state your true intentions; I am growing increasingly agitated the longer I have to look at you.”

“Well, that certainly makes me feel welcome, and if it was in the eighth hell then-”

“Enough.” I cut her off and turned to Sasha, “Sasha, I am sure you are very confused as to why we are standing in this cupboard. Please go and- please take Franklin and fetch Guildmaster Palde; he should be nearby still.”

I can’t send Sasha away and stay here with Franklin; as far as she’s aware, we’re alone in here. That… that really wouldn’t look good.

“Wait!” Eris had paled and jumped up frantically, “I, Stahlia, I don’t want to die! You don’t get it; they’re gone for real. Not banished, gone! As far as I can tell, I’m the last of Envy!”

What are you on about now? Felicity is half-demon, and she’s from your family as well.

“Sasha, wait a moment.” My very confused head maid stopped just short of the door and I looked back at Eris, who was actually groveling on her knees at this point, “You get one more chance; what is it you want from me?”

There was no way she would expect that I would simply take her, a demon, into my retinue. Even if she herself had not done anything, particularly against me, aside from scaring Felicity. Therefore she must have a plan, something that would turn the act of sheltering her into a benefit for me, and a way to gain some modicum of my trust. That was the only reason I was even willing to entertain the meeting in the first place. Alternatively, she really might just be that desperate and at her wit’s end. In which case, tossing a bone to Aaron’s duplicitous faction would gain me more benefit for the time being.

Eris squared her shoulders and nodded; taking a deep breath, she said the one thing I was absolutely not expecting to hear, “Seal me. Whatever you did to that bitch, Sitri, do it to me. I want to be human again.”

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