Tricked Into A NewLife, God Must Be Screwing With Me!

8-15 Eternity Part 1

Conversely to how I’d felt only seconds ago, once my gripes with Tlaloc’s rather blaise attitude were aired, muscle pain began to set in. Whatever adrenaline high had been dulling the aching was quickly fading, and my body was beginning to make its protests known. There were still no signs of an extended bout of unconsciousness, but odds were I was still going to find myself unable to move for a few days.

All things considered, a much better trade-off. Though, I’m unsure if making progress with wielding my Authority is a good thing…

Knowing what I did about the nature of the System and Authority, as well as the personality of its creator, I couldn’t help but worry. Worry that getting good at controlling my abilities without any of the worse repercussions was, in actuality, only a forestallment. Like putting a loan into deferment, there was a looming dread that I would eventually be hit with a much greater consequence.

This time its just my arm, but what if my whole body ends up like that?

I gently let go of Felicity, and brought my still-good limb around. My damaged limb was cold to the touch, as though it were still frozen. Despite that, there was no pain or any other sensation emmenating from it. Still using my good hand, I held the deadened limb to where I could visually inspect it. Even a movement as large as that failed to produce any feedback.

That being said, the appearance of my arm was concerning and caused me to grimace; the skin had turned bone white, while my veins were now highlighted in light bluish-purple. What’s more, there was a pronounced ebb of mana pulsing through them, causing the vessels to emit a dull light. Nothing that couldn’t be hidden with a long glove or a sleeve, but it looked like I’d…

“Stali Neechan, Claire Oneesama wants Felicity to ask ‘Does the spirit in your arm seek to escape?’” Felicity cocked her head to the side as though she didn’t understand the question.

I formed a fist and gently bopped her forehead, “Don’t act like Claire was the only one who thought of that.”

Felicity has seen enough of Earth’s Otaku culture through Claire’s memories, she honestly might have thought of that herself.

I let the dead arm fall, “Lord Alriss, I can feel my body starting to seize up, we must return to the ship before that happens. Lady Tlaloc is to be allowed onboard and given temporary quarters; she will be accompanying us until she chooses to depart.”

After Zesten, Lord Alriss knew better than to question things when I made a strange statement like that. Even if it flew in the face of common sense; Tlaloc had been trying to kill us literally a minute ago.

“I thank thee kindly child, come now.” Without waiting for the knights, Tlaloc stepped forward and moved to pick me up.

Thankfully, I had enough energy still to avoid that fate, and step-stumbled out of her reach, “Felicity, it pains me as your older sister, but please help me to the ship.”

Dealing with her is going to be an exercise in frustration.

After all, Tlaloc had come to determine that she was, in fact, my mother. Though what logic she’d used was utterly lost on me. After all, she knew I was both human and an otherworlder.

And then there’s this.

Sitting prettily in my status were two new items, and an update.

“[Spirit Touched I]: Talent awarded to those whom have had close contact with a wild Spirit. Enables the formation of contracts with Spirits. Provides a small boost to Mana control and enables sharing Mana with Contracted Spirits. This was a familiar Talent; Edith had it, and she had received it upon meeting Sarala. Though the former had been unaware of this until rather recently.

“[Daughter of Ocean’s Mother]: Title granted to one whom the Ancient Spirit of the Ocean has claimed as her own. While Equipped: Provides a small bonus to manipulation of Water Element and its pairs. This one was concerning, but there wasn’t anything I could do about it. Besides, it would at least serve as an assurance that Tlaloc wasn’t going to suddenly try to kill me again. The only thing I didn’t understand was the lack of a contract between us, though that might just be how it was with Ancient Spirits. At the very least, I could somewhat feel her presence though not share mana; I had already tried.

Lastly, my starting gift had changed again. Formerly “Budding Seed,” it was now a “Sprouted Seed of Potential,” whatever that was. At this point, it was clearly tied to my Authority. Even if I was inclined to deny it, there wasn’t any good reason to.

If only I could inspect it for more details…

As always, attempting to inspect it yielded no valuable results.

After confirming those three were the only things different about my status, I dismissed the window. We were about halfway back to the ship, Felicity doing her best to support me. Tlaloc was glaring at my knights whenever one of them drew closer than a few steps, though she herself seemed to possess enough sense to stay back where her presence would not make my men nervous. Due to this, it meant that our progress was only so fast as Felicity and I could hobble –it was slow.

Still, I found myself feeling a bit grateful toward the spirit; even if her intentions were misplaced, her keeping the knights away was helping me. With the memories of Dominic and his attempted crime having been freshly dug up, if one of my knights were to try and support me now, then no matter his intentions, it was sure to cause me anxiety at the very least. In the worst case, I might end up striking him reflexively.

Things should be better once I get back to the ship and get changed, but for now please stay away…

As soon as we were aboard the ship, Jacqueline appeared at my side. She took one look at my attire (severely damaged dress and knight commander’s cape) then ushered me into the ship’s interior and towards a storeroom. How she knew where the closest empty room was… Well, she was Jacqueline. My knights and Lord Alriss followed as far as the door, but they were all nobles, and knew why JAcqueline had brought us here; they did not attempt to follow us.

Even when Tlaloc made no indication of stopping and passed through the door just as it was closing, none of them made to follow.

“So you are the ‘Jacqueline’ who has taken such good care of my child… This one is pleased to make your acquaintance. And you, the beastkin-demonkin… Your aura is repulsive, but my child seems fond of you, so your existence is secure.” As if she had been waiting for the knights to be gone, Tlaloc quit her silence by greeting my two oldest companions.

Felicity glared at her in spite of the difference in power, but at the same time she shrank back closer to Jacqueline. Upset at being called “repulsive,” yet knowing there was nothing she could do about it and that saying anything would only accomplish nothing or worse, antagonize, my younger sister had gravitated towards whom she regarded as the safest person in the room. Considering that I was Tlaloc’s main target, it made sense for her to choose Jacqueline over me. Or at least that’s what I chose to think.

“My lady, this is…?” Jacqueline opted not to address the Ancient Spirit directly, instead opting to ask for more information.

“Right. Jacqueline, this is Lady Tlaloc. Until recently, she was the cause of this whole mess. After fighting her, or more accurately, barely surviving her attack, I accidentally fused our minds. After that, we came to a bit of an… agreement… of sorts.”

Half an hour previously, Stahlia and Tlaloc's perspective

My vision fractured into a kaleidoscope of random colors and images. My ears heard a thousand voices and screams even while the surroundings were as silent as a graveyard. I could smell the sea, and also the forest back in Ris, a fresh roast bird in the palace, the sweaty stench of the training fields, and a dozen things besides. My tongue was a blaze with a mixture of every spice and seasoning known to mankind, and my body felt every sensation from the fluffy softness of a newborn to the spiny arse of a porcupine. I was everywhere, and I was nowhere.

My eyes fluttered open. I was back in that place, the all-encompassing white expanse.

I failed…

The only reason for me to come here was that Tlaloc had killed me, or more accurately, that I’d burned out. Granted, the most recent time I had come here I hadn’t died, but considering the circumstances, there was no way I had survived.

“No, you aren’t dead. Somehow.” A familiar voice caused a sinking feeling in my stomach.

Sure enough, when I turned around, there stood Adroni, “Congratulations on once again breaking things in the most interesting way… Though I suppose I owe an apology this time.”

Adroni cast their eyes towards a figure lying on the ground, still unconscious; Tlaloc. I jumped up in surprise; out of the handful of times I’d visited this place (twice), I had always been alone with Adroni. She shouldn’t be a threat though, on account of being unconscious.

My “benefactor” paid no attention to my shock, instead continuing, “Well, I’m sorry; that creature wouldn’t have been so upset if it wasn’t for our connection, and honestly, she shouldn’t be awake in this era; that’s also my fault in a way… Well, I’ll take care of it for you so you can go back now.”

Adroni had a dark look in his eyes; it was clear that he harbored no good intentions for the unconscious fundament.

“Wait.” In spite of myself, I spoke. Adroni froze in the middle of opening a door that had appeared out of nowhere. Taking that as my cue, I continued, “That’s all good, but instead of ‘disposing’ of her, could you instead just, hold us here? You can do that, can’t you?”

Adroni nodded slowly, “I can, but what for? Wait, no don’t tell me.” A disgusting too-wide smile drew itself on their face, “I hate spoilers, and this is becoming even more interesting.”

The bastard shut the partially opened door, then snapped their fingers before opening a new one in the same place as the first, “Well, good luck; I’ll adjust the time flow for you since you’re not able, do your best and keep me entertained!”

Saying their final bit, the door shut and I found myself alone with Tlaloc.


Alright, so, same as last week, this week's release is being split into two shorter parts. The second part will come out on Wednesday at 1100UTC-7. Next week, we will be back to normal.

Owing to this, I have a small note to prevent confusion. This is also something of a minor spoiler, but is made clear pretty quick into the part 2;


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