Tricked Into A NewLife, God Must Be Screwing With Me!

8-4 Cure the Devil

The next day, right around mid morning, my schedule had been miraculously cleared. Sudden cancelations of important functions and meetings aside; those would only help to fuel the rumors that Edith and Lady Lester were spreading on my behalf.

It would be a cruel irony if my image changes to that of the “Always-Sick-Queen…”

It had reached my ears that, contrary to my wishes, many of the soldiers who had born witness to my actions in the Siege of Zesten had taken to calling me the “Witch Queen” or some variant thereof. A title that I no doubt deserved, even if it ran contrary to the image I had hoped to cultivate.

“Are you sure about this? It’s going to be extremely painful for you.” I asked the reason for all of this, Eris, who was seated across from me. Franklin was here as well, being the only other person in my retinue capable of perceiving Eris. Together, the three of us were in my laboratory along with Lord Ferdinand and a number of knights hand selected by him.

“Hah.” She scoffed dryly, “You would hardly allow me to remain otherwise; it’s this or be thrown to the wolves.”

For all her bluster, it was plain as day that she was only putting on a front. Deep down, she was very likely terrified, or at least anxious.

“Need I remind you that you were the one to suggest this in the first place… Though, you are correct that I would not allow a demon anywhere near my home.” Having said my peace, I reached a hand toward her head without giving her a chance to respond.

Sensing the atmosphere, Eris bit her lip and then lowered her head over the table so as to be within reach. I rested my hand on it.

For what I’m doing, we really aren’t making a big deal out of it…

If this worked, which I knew it would, then Eris would become the first demon in all of history and pre-history to officially defect. There were stories about demons claiming to defect only to instead stab their would-be allies in the back, but Eris wouldn’t be in the position to do that. Really, this was perhaps the single biggest thing I had ever done…

Actually, this isn’t such a big deal, is it?

At least not in the scheme of my life; I’d died once, forced a Hell King to evolve, been a Champion, created a miracle… or two or three… Hells, Eris wouldn’t even be the first demon I’d “cured” so to speak. That dubious honor went to Sitri. With that realization, any lingering gravitas about the moment was lost.


Mana traced down my arm and passed from my skin into Eris. Even though I wasn’t really seeking to appraise her, I still accessed that information briefly; I wanted to verify that she still had the [Royal Candidate] Skill. This time, any and all information regarding her Talents was restricted prior to giving me a headache. 

Name: Eris of Envy

Age: 2,999

Species: Demon(Envy)

Class/Level: Void Witch 60

Social Strata: Refugee

Ability Values:

  •         Strength: C: 395
  •         Endurance: C: 395
  •         Dexterity: C: 395
  •         Intelligence: C: 395
  •         Charisma: C: 395
  •         Mana: C: 395

Talents: Page 1/86:

Skills: Evy, Talent Void, Void Body, Queen’s Vassal, Shadow Walk, Obfuscator, Skill Mimic, Apathy 2.0, Memory Guard, Null Mind, Jealousy, Envious, Royal Candidate

Nothing changed.

“Invoke Authority.”

The air in the room warped and cracked in cadence to my speech. Within my mind’s eye, the now-familiar DOS-like interface seemed to open at the behest of my command.

Request Received.

Checking Permissions…Success: Valid Authority[Class Features] Recognized.

ERROR: Request Not Specified.

Opening New Ticket…Success: Administrator Level Access Over Object_Entity[Eris of Envy] Granted.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I exhaled a breath I hadn’t realized had been held.

I’m glad that worked.

The idea that I could perhaps invoke my authority without specifying a target had been a gamble. After all, it was hard to test this specific ability when using it resulted in me getting knocked out for extended periods of time.

Everything worked out all right. This way, I can fine-tune how much energy I expend.

There wasn’t a nice way to say it; in short, I was using Eris as a guinea pig.

Still? What’s a ticket in this context? Like a tech support thing or a helpdesk?

I promptly discarded the thought; even now, I could feel my mana being slowly drawn out. It wasn’t nearly as bad as when actively doing things, but it was enough to bear in mind.

Delete Skills from Target’s Skill List.; [Envy], [Obfuscator], [Apathy 2.0], [Jealousy], [Envious], [Royal Candidate].”

Again, my voice rang out, and the air shook. My mana radiated out in waves as an icy rush of exhaustion flowed up my arm and toward my heart. There wasn’t leeway to check my own status to get an exact amount, but it felt like my Mana had all but bottomed out.

Processing Request…Success.

I checked Eris status and found that the specified skills were gone. Much like my own list, the removed skills were now nothing more than a blank space.

That’s… really surprising. I’m definitely going to fall asleep, but it shouldn’t be all that long at all.

Targeting only specific skills instead of making blatant statements about her stats and abilities, as I had done to Sitri, was the key to using my authority. There was also my [Divine Usurper] title that was making this easier, but still.

All right, just a little bit more; I’ll test that as well.

Once again, my voice shook the foundation of the world. Really, I meant to think these commands, but something about what I was doing was forcing the words to be spoken aloud. What’s more; although there was a certain degree of control over what I was saying… It was like the fundamental meaning carried over, but the basic grammar was adapted. Almost like I was speaking through an interpreter layer…

“Target Target’s Skill: [Queen’s Vassal]. Alter Parameter [Queen of Envy]. Change Value to [Queen auf Drakas].”

No sooner had I finished speaking than Eris screamed. It was not a small thing either; it was a heart-wrenching, base, and guttural shriek.

Establishing Subtarget…Success.

Establishing Subsubtarget…Success.

Altering Value of Subsubtarget…ERROR.SubsubtargetWriteProtection

Attempting Administrator Bypass…Success.

That’s not good.

The realization that I had screwed up crossed my mind at the same instant as a lance of Eris’ pain traveled across our link and into my own mind. My mouth fell open in a silent scream, and I hurriedly broke the connection before it could do too much damage. It was fortunate that after forgetting to exhale earlier, I had apparently forgotten to inhale again; I hadn’t joined Eris in her impromptu heavy metal group.

That being said, I was suddenly acutely aware of two things. First, the painful lack of oxygen in my lungs. Second, the overwhelming exhaustion that was spreading over my body with every passing moment.

…Not much time left.

“...Aaahh…” With great effort on my part, I was able to get my lungs to function again.

Ferdinand was giving me a concerned look while Franklin was staring at Eris, his own expression one of abject horror. I followed the latter’s gaze and immediately felt a pang of remorse at the pitiful sight that met my eyes. Eris had likewise seemingly forgotten to breathe, which caused her pained shrieks to become something of a silent whimper.

“...Lord Ferdinand, can you… see her…?” Each word hung heavily off my lips before falling off like an overripe fruit. Clearly, I was more far gone than I’d thought.

Ferdinand followed my line of sight and squinted. Then, his eyes widened in surprise. He quickly collected himself, though, and issued an order to the knights, “Men, focus there!”

So it took a bit of time for the effects to wear off completely…

“...Good. Franklin…See to her. Sasha… Help me.” Having given my final orders, I allowed the darkness to swallow me.

Except it didn’t. My eyes fluttered open, and an all-encompassing white void welcomed me. It was a place I was somewhat familiar with—a knot formed in the pit of my stomach.

The last time I was here…

“No, you aren’t dead, and no, I didn’t save your life at the last moment either.”

Equally familiar as the white void, a voice rang out from behind me. Or well, whatever constituted as behind me in this formless place.


Grimacing, I turned around and found myself face-to-face with my patron deity, “Ah. Then why am I here?”

Adroni shrugged, “Good question; you really shouldn’t be.”

Uh-huh. So that’s not something they’ll answer.

I crossed my arms, “Well, if I’m not dead, then you want something. Just spit it out and send me back.”

Truthfully, there was nothing more substantial at this moment than my desire to tell them to just fuck off. Nothing, except for the sinking sensation that I didn’t have a choice in the matter, coupled together with the unfortunate reality that I literally owed Adroni a life debt.

“Hahaha, taking that tone is just… Man, you really are fun to watch. Well, I didn’t actually pull you here this time. In fact, I’ve never pulled you here. Most I’ve done is let myself in…” Luckily, Adroni was in a good mood, but their words bore an ominous tone of another sort.

Head cocked to the side, Adroni glanced off into empty space, “That said… I may as well offer congratulations. For what, I can’t say, but congrats!”

How convenient for you.

“Well, I’d rather you don’t spend the next year here, so I’m going to send you back now; call it a gift for making it to the next stage.” With that proclamation, Adroni reached out a hand and flicked me on the forehead.

A year!?

My eyes snapped open. I shot up into a sitting position; I was in my bed, and a thick layer of sweat coated my back.

Sasha responded far more calmly than she had any right to, “Ah, My Lady. Peoni, heat some water. Frieda, send word to His Majesty, Lord Ferdinand, and Sir Franklin. Miss Jacqueline, might I trouble you to asses our lady’s health?”

Peoni and Frieda left the room immediately to carry out their assigned task while Sasha poured a glass of cold water and offered it to me. I raised my arms out to the side dutifully at Jacqueline’s prompting. My oldest confidant began pinching and squeezing at my extremities, checking on my body. Everything had become routine at some point.

But what was that just now? A dream…? Nightmare?

It had been far too real for that. No, I had really gone back to that place, but if Adroni’s words were to be believed, and that was a big if, I hadn’t died again. Nor had they pulled me there to chat. That much was easily provable by the fact that we hadn’t had a conversation, really.

So I either got there myself, somehow, or Adroni did all of that to screw with me… As much as I want to blame him, I can’t bring myself to do it.

It just wasn’t interesting to bring me into the afterlife for half a minute of nothing. If I had to bet on it, about half of what had been said was true. Their parting words still rang in my ears.

‘I’d rather you not spend the next year here…’ Routine or not, I don’t think Sasha would be so calm if I were unconscious for much longer than we planned. But, I don’t think Adroni was lying there.

Something was telling me that, had they not intervened, I probably would have been in that void for a while. It wasn’t possible to verify of course, but I was going to go with my gut. As much as owing Adroni again made it churn.

I finished the glass of water Sasha had given me, “How long was I out?”

“One week and four days, My Lady. Once we have confirmed your condition, Hist Majesty wishes for you to verify the selected members of the diplomatic attachment.” Sasha answered promptly.

No rest for the wicked… Still, I guess I should thank them…

I nodded and called up my status.

Life Summary Screen:

Life Point Balance: 5

Name/Age: Stahlia von Drakas und zu Ris, 17

Gender: Female

Class/Level: Custom Class, 20 | Custom Class, 8 Experience: 27840/47000

Species: Human (Halfblood[Revenant])

Social Strata: Nobility (Baron Ris, Drakas Kingdom || Queen auf Drakas, Drakas Kingdom)

Starting Gift: Seedling (NEW)

Title: Goblin Slayer*[Swap Title]

Ability Values: 


  • Strength E: 133
  • Endurance C: 249
  • Dexterity S: 490
  • Intelligence S: 555
  • Charisma C: 249
  • Mana A: 331


Fighting Style: Drakan Style* [Swap Style]

Talents 5/6: [Browse Talents] [ ], [ ], Stealth V*, Charm Resistance III*, [], || Monster Handling III*, ͏Dagger Fighting V*, Sword Fighting II*, Unarmed Fighting IV*, Alchemical Meister IV*, Teaching II*, Mana Efficiency III*, Fire Magic V*, Water Magic III*, Earth Magic IV*,͏ Wind Magic III*, Ice Magic VI*, Winter Magic IV, Acting IV*, Light Magic II


Skills 6/6: [Browse Skills] Divine Authority[Class Features], [ ]. Blue Blooded*, Kinetic Perception*, [], Psychic Shield, || Language Proficiency[Central(human)]*,Fighting Style[Shadow Blade]*, Fighting Style[Drakan]*, Rule Breaker*, Revenant Physique*, Alchemical Heresy*,

…Nothing seems to have changed… No, wait.

Adroni had mentioned something about “reaching the next stage,” so I thought there might have been something in my status. The only difference was my Starting Gift; it had gone from a “Budding Seed” to a “Seedling.”

Whatever the hell that means.

There wasn’t any point in dwelling on it right now; I had no way of finding out. Even Drakas (the dragon) hadn’t had anything to say on the subject when I’d asked him about it before departing to Zesten.

…For now, I’ll just not edit the contents of skills anymore; that’s the only thing I did that could possibly have made me sleep for a whole year… Wait a minute.

“Sasha, A mirror.” It had dawned on me that the only thing that had changed was my gift.

My age is still seventeen. Why is it still seventeen…?

I hadn’t been expecting to lose much time, a few months to a year at most. But my birthday was coming up in only another four months. That meant that my age should have gone up to eighteen.

Sasha promptly presented me with a mirror and the reflection that looked back at me told no lies; I was a little thin but not visibly aged at all. I double-checked my hands; neither bore a ring.

So I didn’t age…? Or I aged so slightly that I can’t tell. That can’t be right.

If my coma was meant to last a whole year in and of itself, I should have come out in my twenties. Obviously, I was grateful that wasn’t the case, but to have not aged at all…

Adroni did something besides just sending me back.

That had to be the case. The alternative, that I had somehow avoided paying the cost just wasn’t possible.

And it’s not like being a revenant made me unaging; my physical appearance could possibly be frozen, sure, but my status age should still have gone up.

As unsettling as this latest train of thought was, it remained true that there was very little in my power I could do about it. After dwelling on the issue for a while, I opted to shelve it for the time being.

In the end, there isn’t much I can do other than check my status every day, as I’ve already been doing. If my age jumps to eighteen before my birthday, I lost less than four months. If it doesn’t, then Adroni must have done something; any further reaction on my part only serves to entertain that jerk.

Sasha put away the mirror when it became obvious I was done with it, “My Lady, are you quite all right?”

I nodded, “Yes; I only just recalled that I might have given up some time is all. Though it appears to be less than anticipated… Sasha, can you please do something about my back?”

“Yes; I had noticed that as well but thought it best to wait for My Lady to broach the subject herself. As for the other, I will bathe you as soon as Miss Jacqueline has finished.”

I grimaced and tried to hold still against the urge to start scratching the massive itch that was resulting from the now-drying sweat. Jacqueline finished her inspection just as Peoni was returning with the heated water. Sasha efficiently removed the nightgown I was wearing and began to wipe the layer of sweat that had formed on my back. As she worked, I made idle conversation in an attempt to fill myself in on what I had missed.

“How is Felicity? And what is Eris’ condition?”

Sasha worked diligently while she answered, and even managed to predict a few of my follow-up questions, “Miss Felicity is proceeding well apace, though she has begun to avoid places frequented by nobles; Lady Elienor has taken to tutoring her in matters of etiquette. As for Eris, she has yet to awaken though she shows signs that she will soon do so. Sir Franklin insists on remaining close by, and has begun to butt heads with Lord Ferdinand over the manner in which she will be interrogated.”

“And his Majesty?”

“Busy making preparations for war; he visited once after the seventh day and confirmed your health but has been unable to do so since. Lord Gustav has come by once a day for an update and, if he comes again at the same time, will be here inside the hour.”

As she was replacing my gown, I asked after the remaining person I was immediately curious about. And nervous over, “And Edith…?”

Sasha smiled, “She has not visited but has dispatched Miss Sarala daily.”

That’s a relief, I was worried she’d be furious with me.

“That being said, My Lady will be pleased to know that your plan was successful; Lady Edith has been assigned to the diplomatic attachment and is making preparations to depart with us as soon as the ships have been made ready.”

I felt a sense of foreboding; knowing my friend, she had seized the opportunity and maneuvered herself into a place to get what she wanted. Her joining my expedition had certainly not been a part of my plan. Really, I had just wanted to offload some of the inevitable meetings with foreign dignitaries.

I believe that I’m going to be lectured about risk management.

If the last time was any indication, Edith was highly pissed about what I’d done. And she could be quite scary when angered. I felt a bead of sweat forming back on my neck where Sasha had just wiped it off.

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