Tricked Into A NewLife, God Must Be Screwing With Me!

9-2-2 Two Tails II

This is part II of a split chapter. Part I came out yesterday.

“So, just eat and try to enjoy it.” I followed up Aashva’s dire pronunciation.

Slowly, both Uma then Meera began to eat the porridge. What had once been an excited and happy atmosphere had regressed into something far more dour. I ate a bit of my own then set the bowl aside. Everything was finally beginning to sink in and it was causing my stomach to knot up. Seeing this, Uma put aside her own bowl as well and tentatively began brushing my tails again.

I should reprimand her, she needs to eat…

But no words left my lips. If this really was going to be our last morning together… Was it? Who decided that? I didn’t want to leave my siblings behind. Nothing about what Antenora had ordered seemed to indicate I had to… Couldn’t I leverage my position a bit? Surely the Templefather would allow a small degree of selfishness all things considered.

I looked around the room, at these three whom I‘d spent so much of my life with. In Aashva’s case seven years. Uma and Meera for only three, but the time spent was no less important. Indeed, they were my closest bonds in the world, even more so than my original clan who were something of a distant memory.

Alright. I’ll try.

My resolution helped calm my nerves, and I became able to eat again. A good thing too, as there came a knock on our door just as we were finishing. Aashva and I shared a look; there wasn’t a need to guess or check who it was. Nobody ever came to our room unless we missed the morning assembly.

Rising to my feet, I walked over to the door and took a deep breath to steel myself. Then, I opened it. On the other side there stood two temple guards, both dogkin men. They saw my tails and momentarily froze.

“So it is.” An older voice called out from behind the two.

Hearing that voice, I froze. Only my own surprise stopped me from dropping to my knees. Behind me there was a clattering of bowls and spoons as my siblings all tripped over themselves to be the first to bow.

The Templefather stepped forward into the room. A foxkin like myself, he was ancient enough to be covered in wrinkles, and his once gold fur had turned silver-grey. He looked over my siblings and then waved a hand dismissively, “Rise. You did not bow to Nikita before me?”

Then, he lowered his head, “Do forgive my intrusion, but these old knees cannot bend like they used too.”

He’s bowing to me?

“A-ah, you’re f-forgiven?” I managed to squeak out a reply.

He in turn raised his head, “I see that you have eaten, and by your reaction, I was expected…” The Templefather paused for a moment and regarded my tails with trepidation, “Then, you met face-to-face…”

He wasn’t talking to me, more so that he was thinking out loud. Finally, he seemed to grow bored of my appearance and instead looked around the room at each of my siblings, “The three of you are excused from today’s lessons; the teachers have already been informed you will not be coming. I would like for you to remain in your room, though I will not be so crass as to force the issue. Chosen Nikita, if you could come with me we must determine how to best proceed.”

He’s not told me to say goodbye, so it’s safe to assume I’m not going to be asked to leave right away.

I looked to Aashva and she nodded; Uma and Meera would be fine. I turned back to the Templefather and flicked my tails in ascent, “I will be in your care.”

He bowed again, “Then, we should move quickly.”

The reason for his desire to be speedy was immediately apparent, and it also answered why he’d had only two templeguard with him. The others were each standing at the doors to all the other rooms on this level; he’d placed the dorm into lockdown. Seeing me pause in apprehension, he elaborated.

“Rather than an Oracle, Our Goddess Antenora chose to Advent.” Subtly moving his robe aside, he revealed his backside and the small tuft of golden hair now protruding above his silver tail, “I have been in her presence, but you… Our Goddess told me she had revealed herself to you already. You walked in her realm.”

An Advent…? Isn’t that overkill?

I said a prayer in my heart for the Oracle. They would be cared for of course, but their service had ended.

“Regardless, I thought it best to keep this under wraps until we have determined a course. Forgive me, but I believe some rumors may start about your group; I will quell them as soon as possible.”

Considering the dormitory was on lockdown and my siblings would be absent from class, a few rumors were unavoidable. Rather, my own necessary absence would probably start its own rumor that I’d sinned in some way. And if anyone saw me then it would be a whole other issue, but one no less intimidating for my siblings. No, the Templefather was acting the best he possibly could under the circumstances.

“There is no forgiveness to be given, Templefather.”

“It gladdens me that you see my reasoning, and more so that you find it agreeable. Then, my name was once Shivansh, it would be my honor if you used it.”

“...Father Shivansh then.” I hesitated, using his name felt wrong considering where we’d been just a few hours ago.

Something I’ll have to get used to though.

As a two-tails now, the degree of influence I had in society had increased greatly. Not to mention, there was also the matter of me being the Champion of Winter. It therefore was not much of a surprise that the Templefather would ask me to forgo his title; thinking about it, the only person I was technically outranked by now was the Highfather and the Raj.

“Please, after you.” The Templefather, no, Father Shivansh beckoned me into this floor’s prayer room. It was shielded against eavesdropping so that only the gods might hear the words of the supplicant. As a side effect, it made a good place to have an impromptu secret meeting.

I crossed my arms once in prayer, then selected a cushion and seated myself. Father Shivansh did the same before raising the topic of our discussion.

“Then, I will assume you have already predicted a great deal of what I am about to say; you were chosen by Our Goddess for a reason. Therefore out of respect, I shall dispense with the pleasantries?”

It took me a moment, but I realized he was in fact seeking my permission to continue in this manner. Father Shivansh was yielding the floor of our meeting to me.

Well, if he’s going to go so far as that, I may as well seize the opportunity.

“You would like for me to transfer to the main temple; it will be less disruptive if I am not in the halls here, and this territory lacks the personal I will need to learn my new role.”

Father Shivansh bowed his head, “As much as it irks me to admit it, yes. The Gods’ gift would be wasted here.”

I nodded, “Then, I want Aashva Meera and Uma to be transferred with me.”

Father Shivansh waved his hand, “Of course; they are your siblings. As The Earth Mother teaches, one should always look after their family.”

When he put it like that, I was unsure why I’d expected it to cause any problems for me to bring them with me. Perhaps it had to do with meeting Lady Antenora face to face; I’d neglected the teachings of the others due to her own presence being so overwhelmingly close.

“You would also prefer if we leave sooner rather than later?”

Father Shivansh merely nodded, “Ours is a small temple. I would like to hold the Ceremony of Recognition to celebrate the Advent and your being chosen, but soon after that, it would be best for you to depart.”

I bowed my head, “I will miss it here, but I understand. Now, what else do you have to tell me? This much could have been said in my room.”

Father Shivansh bowed his head low, and I could smell his sadness hanging heavy in the air, “It falls to me to share the secret stories, to reveal the scope of your purpose and the legends of your fate. Nikita, have you heard any human legends from over the seas?”

Human legends? Does this have something to do with Stahlia?

Seeing my expression Father Shivansh sighed, “I thought not. The clans and humans both venerate the gods in their own ways, but the champions… While they honor them, the humans are far more familiar with the particulars, as their ancestors are more represented…”

It was through pained words that Father Shivansh told me the stories and legends the humans held. About the different names for the four champions. The “Dead” Spring Champion. The “Destroyed” Summer Champion. The “Lonely” Fall Champion. And lastly, The “Cursed” Winter Champion.


Next week we'll jump back to Stahlia and meet up with Edith and Benji, then go see the captured pirate officers.


As an aside, bear in mind that the Nikita chapters are technically flashbacks as they occurred prior to the present timeline (Stahlia POV) of the story.

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