Trinity of Magic [Progression Fantasy]

B1 – Chapter 28: Perfect Body control I

Over the course of the next few days, Zeke continued his training with Maximilian. He had fallen into a kind of rhythm that had repeated itself every day. Now, he was already beginning to see the first signs of his progress. On the other hand, he could also feel his deadline getting closer.

Every other day, Zeke would experience intense pain in his core, as if something were writhing beneath his skin. Even on the days when the pain wasn't at its worst, he could still feel a constant pressure from his core.

Despite everything, Zeke followed his training plan with diligence and determination. Just before dawn, he descended the stairs with a weary step, his body heavy with fatigue. As always, he started the day with a run around the forest. The trip that had initially taken him half an hour now only took him barely half that time.

As he made his way to the training yard soon after, Maximilian was already waiting for him. The old man was ever vigilant as they delved into the practice of Blood Magic. Despite the early hour, Zeke remained alert and focused, determined to make the most of the time he had.

After the morning practice, Zeke made his way to his classes with the other students. Although he was diligent in his studies, he took every opportunity to secretly practice his blood manipulation during class. Whenever the teacher discussed a topic that Zeke had already learned from Maximilian, he would close his eyes and begin to manipulate his blood. He knew that mastering this technique was crucial to his training.

During his lunch break, Zeke hurried back home to grab a prepared food package. He would eat on the way, not willing to waste any time before setting off on his next task. A driver would take him to a location around the capital where monsters had been spotted recently. In the beginning, Maximilian had accompanied Zeke on these hunts, but after the third day, Zeke felt confident enough to go alone.

Today's prey was a pack of overgrown lizard monsters that the adventurers' guild called 'Scaled Skitters'. Zeke had fought this type of monster before, and he knew what he was dealing with.

The Scaled Skitter was a small, lizard-like creature that could be found in a variety of environments, from rocky deserts to dense forests. It was about the size of a large house cat, with a long, slender body covered in tough, scaly skin. Its coloration varied depending on its habitat, but it was generally a dull brown or gray.

Despite its small size, the reptile could be a tricky opponent, as it was incredibly fast and agile, able to dart in and out of combat quickly. It also had a venomous bite that could cause paralysis in its prey. However, it was relatively weak and could be easily defeated by even a novice adventurer, as long as they knew what to watch out for.

Zeke took care of them without a problem. His boosted body was too fast for the lizards to follow. He had gotten better at using his Blood Magic in combat.

Zeke made his way to the Adventurer's Guild to report on his progress from his monster-hunting excursions. The receptionist greeted him warmly. The woman was already accustomed to his daily reports by now.

He detailed his mission's progress with care, having made it a habit to do so. If he had been unable to complete a task, he would ask for more information or clarification about the monsters or locations he was tracking. This reflection was an important aspect of the adventuring profession, as it allowed him to learn from his experiences and identify areas where he could improve.

Once his business at the guild was finished, Zeke returned home and sat down for dinner with Maximilian. As they ate, they delved into the details of the day's hunt, carefully examining Zeke's performance and identifying areas for improvement. Today was no different, Maximilian listened calmly to Zeke’s tale, only interrupting here and there to inquire about something or to give advice.

After dinner, Zeke followed Maximilian into the study, where they spent the evening pouring over magical theory books. Zeke had come to be an avid reader, and he found these sessions with Maximilian to be some of the most rewarding parts of his training. He enjoyed delving into the complex and fascinating world of magical theory.

Overall, Zeke's days were filled with hard work and intense training. He followed the same cycle every day, with almost no exceptions. Almost none wasn’t the same as none, however, and one such exception stared him in the face only a few days later.

Standing before him was Sophia, the second-year student from his Mind Magic class. Sophia had an angry look on her face as she said, "Where have you been for the past two lessons? Do you know how worried I was when you just didn't show up anymore, with no word of explanation? Even the teacher didn't know what was going on with you. The only thing he knew is that you wouldn't come to class anymore."

Zeke found the situation a little awkward, but he was still touched by Sophia's apparent concern for him. He replied to her in a soothing manner, "I am so sorry Sophia, I didn't get the chance to tell you, but I am fine. The reason I don't come to class anymore is because I am being tutored privately now."

Sophia seemed intrigued by what he was saying and wanted to know more about what had happened to him since they last spoke. Zeke told her a little of what was happening, hiding most of what he and Maximilian were actually up to. They talked for a while until he realized that he had lost track of time chatting with her.

When he finally returned home, Maximilian merely looked at the mechanical clock on the wall, and then back to Zeke, raising an eyebrow in question.

“Im so sorry, I lost track of time while talking to a friend,” Zeke explained.

“A friend, huh? Does this friend have a name?” Maximilian asked with a smile.

“…Sophia,” Zeke said with a hint of embarrassment. He didn’t want Maximilian to misunderstand their relationship. To his surprise, Maximilian’s teasing mood instantly evaporated upon hearing the name.

“I see,” was all the old man said.

Zeke found his reaction a little weird but didn’t want to pry. He didn’t have the time to get involved in things that didn’t concern him anyway. He resumed his training and fell back into his comfortable routine.

The second disruption occurred on the day Maximilian attempted to teach him the spell [Blood Spike]. This spell was a useful one for self-defense, as it allowed the caster to use their own blood as a weapon, forming tiny spikes that could burst through their skin and deflect or even injure an attacker.

Maximilian looked at Zeke expectantly as he said, "It's time to try it in practice, my boy. Nice and slow. After all our preparation, you should be able to cast [Blood Spike]."

With a nod, Zeke began focusing his blood Mana on his back in order to call forth a row of [Blood Spikes] along his spine. They had practiced this step often enough. But for some reason, nothing happened. Convinced he had not used enough mana, he channeled the spell with all his might. In his enthusiasm, Zeke ended up overdoing it, causing dozens of tiny spikes to burst through his skin, mimicking a porcupine.

The holes in Zeke's back closed quickly thanks to his healing ability, but the real problem was the blood loss. Zeke had used too much blood and immediately passed out. Needless to say, he missed school that day.

The following days passed without any further disruptions to his training schedule, until one morning when he found something unexpected. It had been exactly one week ago that the two had started their intensive training.

As soon as Zeke stepped into the training room that morning, he could feel that something was different. Maximilian was waiting for him in the middle of the room, surrounded by a collection of strange magical contraptions. Zeke approached hesitantly, his eyes drawn to the ominous-looking devices scattered on the ground.

Maximilian chuckled at Zeke's reticence, beckoning him closer. "Don't worry, Zeke," he said. "I'll tell you about those later. Now, I want to talk to you about the blood spell that I want you to engrave on your core."

“So? What is it?” Zeke asked with an excited look on his face.

“[Perfect Body Control],” Maximilian responded in a smug tone.

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