Trinity of Magic [Progression Fantasy]

B2 – Chapter 12: Meditation Research

Zeke sat in silence, still processing the rush of power that had coursed through him after absorbing the crystals. But as the initial excitement subsided, he noticed a strange sensation in his core. It was a feeling of strain, like he had overburdened a muscle.

"Maximilian," Zeke said, turning to his mentor. "What is this feeling in my core? I've never experienced it before."

Maximilian's expression turned serious as he listened to Zeke's question. "Absorbing affinity crystals puts pressure on your core," he explained. "You have to take a break after each session and give it time to recover. It is very easy to damage one's core permanently otherwise. If that wasn't the case, all the mages from the great families would just absorb crystals for a couple of days uninterrupted and then advance to the next level."

Zeke nodded, understanding the gravity of Maximilian's words. He had not considered the potential risks of using the crystals. "I see," he said. "I'll be sure to take my time and use them wisely."

Maximilian gave a small smile, proud of Zeke's maturity. "That's all I can ask for," he said. "Just remember, these crystals are a powerful tool if used appropriately, but can just as easy turn into a stumbling block if used incorrectly. Be careful, and always come to me if you have any questions or concerns."

Zeke nodded, determined to use the crystals responsibly and to learn as much as he could from his mentor. He examined his core closely, analyzing the strain that Maximilian had warned him about. He noticed that his blood affinity core would take around three days to fully restore itself, while his mind and space affinity cores would take five days to a week to be fully restored again.

He marveled at the advantages that a perfect affinity brought him. With a perfect affinity, he was able to absorb more essence and recover faster than other mages. It was a small reminder of the power that came with a perfect core.

Just as Maximilian was turning to leave, Zeke remembered something else he had wanted to share with his mentor. "Maximilian," he said, catching the old man's attention. "I've been meaning to tell you about something I developed when I was a kid. A meditation technique."

Maximilian listened to his story, his expression one of mild curiosity. Zeke explained how he, Lilly, and Markus had used the technique as children and how they had all had magic cores when they were tested at Elementium. He also mentioned how Markus' core wasn't pure enough to be accepted into Elementium, but he still had a core.

As Zeke spoke, Maximilian was listening attentively, but his interest in the story thus far seemed limited. But then Zeke made a dramatic pause for effect, and his mentor's eyes widened as he continued with his revelation.

"Over the weekend, I could finally confirm through observations on my sister that the meditation technique I developed as a kid was actually beneficial to the formation of a core," Zeke said. "I've observed and recorded it with the Trinity Project."

Maximilian's eyes almost popped out. "This is incredible," he exclaimed. "You've discovered something truly revolutionary. We must document this immediately and share it with the other mages. This could change the way we understand magic and core formation."

Zeke felt a sense of pride and excitement at his mentor's reaction. He knew that his discovery could have a significant impact on the mage community, and that he was on the cusp of something truly groundbreaking. Maximilian's excitement was palpable as he pummeled Zeke with question after question about his discovery. "How effective is the technique?" he asked. "Can it be improved? What is its success rate? Tell me everything and anything."

Zeke did his best to answer, but he soon realized that he had not considered many of the questions Maximilian was bringing up. His mind was not yet attuned to the ways of academic research like his mentor's.

As the hours passed, Maximilian's questioning became more intense, as he delved deeper into the specifics of Zeke's discovery. Zeke found himself struggling to keep up with the older mage's relentless questioning.

Finally, Maximilian was done with his questions, but his interest in the subject had not lessened in the slightest. He appeared about ready to force Zeke onto the airship, so that they could visit his sister for further study. "We must document this immediately and share it with the magic community," Maximilian exclaimed. "It is of paramount importance that we document every facet of the process of core formation."

Zeke tried to calm his mentor down by bringing up logical arguments, such as the point that it was Sunday night and that his sister was likely in bed by now. Maximilian didn't seem convinced, his excitement for the discovery still undiminished.

"But, Maximilian," Zeke pressed. "I also have classes tomorrow morning. I can't just drop everything and leave now."

Finally, this seemed to calm his mentor down. Zeke decided to strike while the iron was hot, promising Maximilian that they could visit his sister next weekend, and in the meantime, they could look around the capital for willing participants to test the meditation technique on.

"That sounds reasonable," Maximilian said, his expression softening. "We'll plan to leave next weekend and in the meantime, we can start gathering test subjects here at the capital."

Zeke breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that his mentor had come around to his point of view. He knew that the discovery was important, but he also knew that he needed to balance his research with his responsibilities as a student.

"Alright, Maximilian," Zeke said, feeling grateful for his mentor's understanding. "I'll write a letter to my parents, telling them that I will be back for another visit next weekend. In the meantime, I'll write a notice at the adventurers guild asking for willing participants in the research."

"No," Maximilian said, clapping a hand on Zeke's shoulder. "This discovery has the potential to change everything. We must handle it with care and caution. I will arrange for some trustworthy participants myself, we must make sure that we keep this as discrete as possible until we are ready to release our findings. There are many people who would get in the way of our research the moment they get wind of what we are working on."

Zeke nodded, feeling a weight of responsibility and excitement as he considered the importance of their research. But he was puzzled by the thought of those who might stand in their way. "Why would anyone try to impede our research?" he asked his mentor. "Surely, the technique would be beneficial for all?"

Maximilian's expression became strained at Zeke's question. For a moment, it seemed as though he might lash out in frustration. However, he quickly regained his composure and let out a deep sigh. "You are correct, Zeke," he said, "the technique would benefit everyone equally. But there is a powerful faction within the empire that is not at all interested in equal opportunities for all. I am sure you, of all people, can deduce the rest."

Zeke pondered Maximilian's words, feeling foolish for not realizing the answer sooner. It became clear to him that the noble families must already have a secret method to guarantee their offspring have a magic core. Although he couldn't imagine how they were accomplishing it, he was convinced that the method was not accessible to the public. This realization only fueled Zeke's excitement for the project even more. He was passionate about the idea of bringing a measure of equality and fairness to the world.

He went to bed with a content feeling in his stomach. Today really had been a great day for him.

The next morning, he went to the combat field and the first thing he did was use his [Analyze] spell on anybody in range. He was shocked by what he discovered, but not as shocked as he was when he finally used the spell on Leo.

[Results of Analyze]

First name: Leonard.
Mage name: None.
Last name: None.
Age: 15.
Gender: Male.
Height: 1.72m.
Strength: 13 Constitution: 14
Agility: 14 Intelligence: 18

Fire magic
 (Greater affinity), Rank: Mage, Engraved spell: [Inner Fire].

Earth magic (Greater affinity), Rank: Mage, Engraved spell: [Earthen Armor].

Fire Magic:

[Inner Fire] Passive

This spell allows the caster to always retain a strong will in battle. He will not be slowed down by pain or injuries. This spell also provides protection against Mind Magic.

[Fire Ball] Active This spell allows the caster to create a ball of fire that can be thrown at a target. The spell can be used to ignite flammable materials or burn enemies. The spell can be cast quickly and is useful in both long-range and close-range combat.
[Fire Lance] Active This spell allows the caster to create a spear-like projectile made of fire that can be shot at a target. The spell can be cast quickly and can be used for both long-range and close-range combat. The fire lance is also quite versatile, as it can be used to pierce through solid objects, burn through materials and cause severe burns on living things.
[Flame Cannon] Active This spell allows the caster to release a devastating blast of flame in an area in front of them. The effectiveness of this spell diminishes fast with distance.


Earth magic:

[Earthen Armor] Active This spell allows the caster to cover their body in a layer of earth, creating a protective barrier that can absorb and deflect attacks.
[Earth Manipulation] Active This spell allows the caster to control the surrounding earth freely. This spell offers extreme flexibility in exchange for lowered efficiency.
[Earth Spike] Active This spell allows the caster to summon blunt earth pillars from the ground to impact his opponents.


Leo's stats were not even close to his own. How was it possible that he kept losing against Leo with such a huge stat advantage? He had to do more research into this.

He couldn't shake the feeling of confusion and frustration that had settled in his mind upon this discovery. Was his system not working properly, after all? Was it working properly, but the numbers were meaningless? Questions upon questions, and not a single answer was forthcoming.

Zeke had always believed that he had similar stats to the other students, but it seemed that this was not the case. He needed to understand why he was losing even with such an advantage, and how he could improve.

Zeke spent the rest of the day deep in thought, staying out of the way in class. He kept observing all of Leo's battles that day, searching for any clues that might explain how Leo could be so dominant in all his battles, even in close combat, despite his stats being the way they were. He asked for advice from his classmates, but none of them could give him any answers. All he could hear were people repeatedly telling him that Leo was just a genius at combat. Zeke was getting sick of this reply, he did not understand how most people thought of that as a satisfactory explanation. Leo was a genius at combat, that much was obvious to anyone, but what did that mean? Zeke already knew that the secret to his strong performance was not something physical, otherwise he would have been able to observe it. He was aware that he needed to dig deeper, that there was something missing, and he was determined to uncover the truth.

He was resolved to spend the next few mornings taking a step back from fighting, instead he would focus on studying his classmates and experimenting with his new spell, seeking out any information that might shed light on this situation. Zeke was certain that if he could figure out the formula that determined the true strength of a combatant, that he could then use that knowledge to improve his own fighting abilities.

Zeke returned from class, still deep in thought, to find a surprising scene. The yard around the house was filled with unfamiliar faces, with children playing and people chatting and drinking. Perplexed, Zeke made his way inside, only to find the house filled with even more strangers. After searching through the crowded rooms, Zeke finally spotted Maximilian, surrounded by a group of children.

Deeply confused, Zeke approached Maximilian and asked what was happening. The older man simply grinned mischievously and gestured for Zeke to follow him into his study. It was there that Zeke finally received an explanation for the bizarre gathering.

"I've invited all of my employees in the capital to bring their families over for an afternoon barbecue party," Maximilian said.

Zeke didn't immediately understand the purpose of this, as he was still thinking about something else. But after focusing on the current situation fully, he suddenly realized. "It's all a cover for our experiments!" Zeke exclaimed.

Maximilian nodded, a twinkle in his eye. "Exactly. We can use this opportunity to gather more participants for our meditation research, without drawing too much attention to ourselves. And the best part is, we can do it in a relaxed and enjoyable setting. I thought it would be a win-win situation."

Zeke couldn't help but be impressed by Maximilian's cunning. "That's brilliant," he said, feeling a sense of excitement.

"I thought you'd think so," Maximilian said with a chuckle. "Now, let's get back to the party and start recruiting some participants. We have work to do."

Zeke followed Maximilian out of the study, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. He couldn't wait to see what they would discover through their research and how it would help the people around them.

Contrary to Zeke's expectation, it was extremely easy to convince the parents to let their children be part of the experiments. The parents seemed to have a lot of trust in Maximilian, and when he told them that there was a high chance that their children could develop a magic core, and that the only thing he would ask the kids to do was meditate, there wasn't a single one amongst them with kids at the appropriate age that didn't agree immediately. Maximilian also only granted this chance to his most trusted employees who had been with him the longest. Not only would those people's loyalty be guaranteed, it was also a nice way of saying thank you for their years of dedicated service. What better reward than to give their children a chance in life that they themselves never had.

Zeke couldn't believe his luck, as he had expected it would be a lot harder to convince the parents to participate in the experiments. Maximilian had a way with people, and his reputation as a respected mage and fair employer seemed to precede him.

Maximilian had set up a meditation tent in his study, and the children were taking turns sitting in there and practicing the technique according to Zeke's instructions. Zeke watched as they closed their eyes and focused their minds, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the effectiveness of his own invention. He had the children try out different variations to his technique. Zeke and Maximilian had agreed to do this in order to find out ways to improve upon the original technique, and with the number of participants, he quickly learned what worked and what didn't. He realized once again how absolutely monumental the ability to observe and record every part of the process was.

As the day progressed, Zeke could see the results of his technique firsthand. Several of the children had begun to show signs of developing a magic core, and their parents were overjoyed. It was only the very first signs that the technique might work for them, but that didn't diminish the parent's enthusiasm in the slightest. Zeke knew that this was only the beginning, and that there was still much work to be done, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

He turned to Maximilian and said, "I never thought that we would be able to find this many willing participants of the right age for our experiments. The chance of a magic core is a powerful draw for common people, it seems."

Maximilian smiled and nodded, "Indeed it is, my boy, and this is only the beginning of our journey. With this technique, we may be able to change the way magic is taught and bring it to the masses. By the time we finally reveal our findings to the mages' guild, the nobles will have no more chance to stop the research from being made public."

"I can't wait!" Zeke exclaimed, his mind racing with possibilities. "Helping so many people achieve their dreams with our research sounds almost too good to be true."

"We'll continue tomorrow, then," Maximilian said, smiling. "I'll send word to my employees to bring their children over for the experiments again. I'll set up some kind of program for them to follow to not draw any suspicions. We'll see what results we can get and go from there."

Zeke nodded, his whole body was tingling at this new sense of purpose. He couldn't wait to see what the future held and how he could make a difference in the world of magic.

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