Trinity of Magic [Progression Fantasy]

B2 – Chapter 15: The Terror of the Geistreich Family

"This will be your last week of combat classes," the instructor announced, his voice stern and commanding. "At the end of this week, there is only one month remaining before the end-of-the-year exam. The exam will be held in a tournament style, and your results in the tournament will decide your ranking. There won't be any practical or theoretical exams anymore."

A murmur of excitement ran through the class, but the instructor raised his hand for silence. "First-year students, listen closely. In recommend that you take this seriously! The bottom 25% in the rankings will have to repeat the year."

The class fell silent, the weight of the instructor's words sinking in.

"Classes will not be held during the last month to allow you to train on your own and keep your techniques a secret for the tournament. If you have struggled to win fights in class, I highly recommend that you put in extra effort to develop a secret weapon before the tournament begins. Utilize the remaining time wisely to give yourself the best chance for success."

Zeke was determined to gain as much combat experience as possible before the end of the year exam. He knew that it was impossible to develop his new fighting style during this last week of combat classes, even if he invested all his time in doing so. So, he decided to focus on improving his overall battle experience and combat sense by fighting as many people as possible.

Zeke was completely devoted to his training, and he pushed himself to his absolute limits every single day. He engaged in combat with students from all levels of skill, including the most skilled in his grade, as well as the least skilled. Over time, Zeke came to understand that each battle was a valuable opportunity for growth. He meticulously documented the strengths and weaknesses of his opponents and utilized this information to refine and perfect his own techniques.

As Zeke stepped into the fighting ring to face one of the top Earth Magic students, he felt a sense of unease wash over him. He knew that this would be a tough fight, and he had to be at the top of his game if he wanted to come out on top. The student was focusing on endurance, and Zeke found himself struggling to break through his defenses. He tried everything he could think of, but nothing seemed to work. As the fight dragged on, Zeke realized that only his strongest ability would even have a chance of putting a dent in his opponents [Earthen Armor].

With a deep breath, Zeke summoned his [Blood Whip] spell. Zeke was prepared for a long-drawn-out fight, as he had come to expect when fighting a formidable Earth Mage. He planned to create distance with his first couple attacks, trying to keep the moving mountain of earth out of arms reach. To his surprise, his very first hit cut a solid chunk out of the earthen shell surrounding the student. The Boy's eyes widened in surprise, and Zeke could see the panic begin to set in. Regaining his composure first, Zeke capitalized on this surprising turn of events and with a couple more swings, the student was forced to surrender.

Zeke almost didn't believe his eyes as he watched the dejected form of his opponent leave the arena. He had not expected his spell to have such a powerful effect. On his way to the exit of the arena, he saw Leo, who had been spectating, walk over. The other boy had also just finished a fight and roughly shoved his sweat-covered, dirty blonde mane into a ponytail behind his head as he approached Zeke.

"Nice work, Zeke," Leo said, clapping him on the back. "I've never seen anyone take down Sebastian with such ease. You're getting stronger every day."

Zeke couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at Leo's words.

"That spell of yours," Leo began, "can cut through pretty much anything, you know that?"

Zeke nodded, still in shock from the power of his spell. He had been surprised by the amount of damage his spell had caused to the defenses of the Earth Mage, and he couldn't help but wonder why.

As he thought about it, a realization dawned on him. "I think that is because of my blood," he began, "It is permanently soaked in my mana, and it gets stronger and stronger over time."

"If only your supply was not so limited, you would be a real terror," Leo joked before walking away, waving over his head.

Zeke couldn't help but chuckle at Leo's comment, but the truth of it hit him hard. He had always known that his blood magic had a limited supply, he had long since realized just how much of a hindrance that could be in battle.

Zeke wandered the training ground, in search of his next opponent, but he had remained deep in thought as he aimlessly walked around. He had just realized that the shorter range and limited supply of his blood magic came with the upside that his attacks were absolutely devastating when they landed. He had not realized before that the destructive potential of his spell was that much above average, and the thought of being able to do it consistently was a powerful motivator. Zeke was already thinking about ways to improve on the shortcomings of his spell as he waved over his next opponent, a shy girl that was skilled in water magic.

As he stepped into the fighting ring, Zeke was well aware that he had to be strategic with his [Blood whip] for now. He couldn't just recklessly use it without a plan. He needed to conserve it, and use it at the right moment, to take out the opponents he could not win against otherwise. Over the next few days, Zeke got better and better at pacing himself in the use of his limited blood supply. The improved proficiency in the usage of whips also boosted his strength by a substantial margin.

As the week of combat classes came to an end, Zeke had his final fight against Leo.

"This is going to be your last chance before the tournament, show me what you've got, Zeke!" Leo said, before launching a barrage of [Fire lance] spells at Zeke.

Zeke had a hard time staying in the fight as Leo used his fire magic from the start. He bobbed and weaved, trying to avoid as much damage as he could, but he soon realized that he would succumb to the damage before Leo would run out of mana if this continued.

Knowing he had to change his approach, Zeke increased the power in his legs as much as possible using his [Perfect Body Control], he could actually feel the tendons in his legs strain under the pressure. He followed that up by using his [Air Step] space magic a few times in quick succession to approach Leo from the air. But Leo was quick to react, casting his [Earthen Armor] and summoning several [Stone Pillars] to cut off Zeke's route of advancement.

With no other options left, Zeke summoned his two [Blood Whips] and used one to swing around Leo's most recently erected pillar. With the other whip, he began to tear into Leo's armor, hoping to end the battle before the other students could recover.

The fight only increased in intensity as Zeke started to use both of his whips to do dismantle Leo's defensive spell as possible. Zeke was slashing and whipping in a frenzy, only to be surprised by Leo suddenly charging at him. The other boy had cast off his [Earthen Armor] and was charging straight at Zeke. The two were only separated by a few scant meters already. Zeke tried to use his whips to intercept his charging opponent, but his still lacking proficiency with the weapons at close range, as well as Leo's beast-like combat instincts, saw him flailing ineffectively instead of landing a single blow.

Leo used the recoil of a [Flame Lance] to close the last meters of distance between them, and with a graceful spin of his body, drew his saber and held it against Zeke's throat. Zeke was stunned by this display, and Leo had a wide smile on his face.

Leo retracted his saber slowly, giving Zeke one last challenging smirk before walking away, but not before calling out to Zeke over his shoulders, "I am looking forward to your performance in the tournament."

Zeke was left standing with his mouth agape, trying to come to terms with the unexpected turn of events. Despite the shock, he was extremely satisfied with the battle. He had given it his all, and it just wasn't enough this time. As he made his way back home later that day, Zeke couldn't help but replay the fight in his mind, analyzing where he had gone wrong and what he could have done differently.

He knew that if he wanted to have a chance at winning against Leo at the tournament, he needed to improve his skills and learn new spells. He made a vow to himself that their next fight would turn out differently. With his goals clearly laid out, all he had to do was get started, and he knew just the person to help him with that - Maximilian.

Zeke arrived at the mansion in the woods that he had called his home for the past months and went to find his mentor. He knew where to start his search, as the old man was most often in his study at this time as of late. As he entered the room, Zeke found the expected scene of his mentor writing at his desk, and he couldn't help but be awestruck by the precision and focus with which Maximilian approached his work. The older man sat at his desk with a straight posture, surrounded by papers and journals, his quill moving swiftly across the page as he recorded the latest findings of their meditation research.

Zeke approached quietly, not wanting to disturb the old man's concentration. He couldn't help but admire the way Maximilian approached each problem with a structured and methodical mindset. It was something that Zeke knew he needed to emulate if he wanted to make the most of his own research and training.

As he read over the notes and hypothesis that Maximilian had written, Zeke felt a renewed sense of determination. He was aware that if he reached a similar level of focus and dedication, he could achieve anything he set his mind to.

Zeke cleared his throat, catching Maximilian's attention. "Zeke, my boy," the old man greeted with a smile. "What brings you here so early?"

"Teacher," Zeke began, his voice filled with uncertainty. "I have decided on my combat style. I have analyzed the most successful fighting styles in my class and determined a good combination of concepts to focus on from that data. I want to focus on mobility with my spatial affinity, control with my mind affinity, and offense with my blood affinity. Those three concepts put together with my fast regeneration, natural endurance and the quick decision-making from my increased intelligence would make for an effective style, i think."

Maximilian's eyes lit up with interest as he listened to Zeke's plan. "That's a sound strategy," he said, nodding in approval. "But remember, a combat style is not something that can be chosen in a day. It takes time and practice to hone your abilities and truly master a style. You also don't want to be so simplistic in your views of your affinities, but I guess this will give you a good position to develop from."

Zeke nodded, understanding that this limited view of his affinities was the result of his inexperience. He knew that this was only the beginning of a long journey, but he was excited to get started. "I understand, teacher. I will train tirelessly to perfect my style."

Maximilian smiled, proud of his student's dedication. "I have no doubt that you will. But remember, a true warrior must also possess a sharp mind and a strong spirit. The physical and magical aspect of combat are only two pieces of the puzzle."

"Old man," Zeke began, "Do you have a lot of experience fighting alongside or against space and Mind Mages?"

Maximilian's face twisted into a sour expression at the mention of Mind Mages, but he didn't start his explanation by talking about them. "Space mages are not usually used for direct combat, but in a supporting role," he said, "But those with a dual affinity can be a real terror in combat."

"There are two dominant battle styles for Space Mages," Maximilian began his explanation, "Most of them focus on extreme range combat and reposition immediately if they are threatened. Or they focus on extremely close ranges, not giving you any chance to create any distance by using their space magic to stay on top of you at all times."

Zeke listened intently as Maximilian spoke, his mind whirring with possibilities. He was already trying to come up with ways he could incorporate this new knowledge into his own fighting style, when Maximilian continued with his explanation of Mind Magic. "The only well known Mind Mages on the continent are the Geistreichs."

Zeke listened intently as Maximilian spoke, a sense of unease creeping over him as he heard the tone Maximilian used when talking about Mind Mages. "The Geistreichs, eh?" he asked, his voice tight. "I've heard rumors of their powers, but never anything concrete."

Maximilian nodded gravely. "Yes, they are a force to be reckoned with. Their Mind Magic is unparalleled, able to bend the wills of even the strongest warriors with ease. In war, they seek to break the minds of their opponents, leaving nothing but a shell of a person behind. It is a tactic that has earned them a reputation as ruthless and feared by many."

Zeke shuddered at the thought. "But how do you fight against such power?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Maximilian's expression turned grim. "It is not easy, my boy. The only way to stand a chance is to strike them down before they have the chance to use their magic on you.

Zeke sat in silence, contemplating the weight of Maximilian's words. "So, in a battle against a Mind Mage from the Geistreich family, the only chance of victory is to kill them before they can break my will?" Zeke asked, his voice a mixture of dread and curiosity.

Maximilian nodded solemnly. "Exactly. Their Mind Magic is unparalleled, and once they have control of your mind, there is no coming back from it. It is a fate worse than death, to be nothing more than a puppet under their control."

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